
Body transmutation. For those who don't know

The definition of what transmutation is in the occult sense can be formulated as follows: transmutationit is the transition from one state of being to another through fire. A correct understanding of this is based on some postulates, of which there are four main ones. These postulates are better expressed in the words of the Ancient Commentary, which puts them in such a way that they become understandable to those who have eyes to see, but remain mysterious to those who are not ready or inclined to misuse the knowledge gained for selfish purposes. These phrases are as follows:

I. He who transfers the life of the Father into the lower three seeks the mediation of the fire hidden in the heart of the Mother. He works with the Agnichaitans [*] who hide, burn and in this way produce the necessary moisture.

II. He who transfers life from the lower three to the finished fourth seeks the mediation of the fire hidden in the heart of Brahma. He works with the forces of Agnishwatta, which emanate, unite and in this way produce the necessary heat.

III. He who transfers life into the gathering fifth seeks the mediation of the fire hidden in the heart of Vishnu. He works with the forces of the Agnisuryans who shine, liberate the essence and in this way produce the necessary radiation.

IV. First moisture, slow and enveloping; then heating with ever-increasing heat and fiery intensity; then the force that squeezes, directs and concentrates. This is how radiation, isolation, mutation, change of form occurs. Finally, liberation, the exodus of the volatile essence and the removal of the remainder back into the original substance.

He who meditates on these formulas, and also meditates on the method and process described, will gain a general idea of ​​the evolutionary process of transmutation, and this will benefit him more than the formulas by which the devas transmute various minerals.

He must understand what transmutation is and what is the secret art (now lost with the Lost Word) of Alchemy. Esoterically speaking, transmutation is the way in which force is transmuted or converted into energy. It is (for the student) about the transmutation, transformation or growth of personal power into egoic energy.

Transmutation is the change and redirection of the energies of the mind, emotions and physical nature so that they can contribute to the opening of the Self, and not just the development of the physical and bodily nature.

For example, we are told that we have five basic instincts that we share with all animals. When used for selfish personal purposes, they enhance the bodily life, strengthen the form or material nature, and thereby serve to further conceal the Self or spiritual man. They must be transformed into their highest correspondences, for each animal instinct has its own spiritual prototype. The instinct of self-preservation must eventually be supplanted by the consciousness of immortality, and a person "living forever in Eternity" will walk the Earth, fulfilling his destiny. That instinct which impels the lower self to assert itself on the path forward and upward will eventually be transformed into the dominion of the higher or spiritual self. The self-affirmation of the small, or lower, “I” will give way to the affirmation of the higher “I”. Sex, which is the animal instinct that powerfully governs all animal forms, will give way to a higher attraction, and in its noblest aspect will bring about the conscious attraction and union of the soul and its bearer; and the herd instinct will be transformed into group consciousness. The fifth instinct, namely the desire for exploration and the satisfaction of curiosity, which characterizes all minds on a high and low level, will give way to intuitive perception and comprehension; thus the great work will be completed, and the spiritual man will become the master of his creation, the human being, and will exalt all his attributes and aspects.

Transmutation is a topic that has attracted the attention of scientists and alchemists from the earliest epochs. Of course, the force that changes through the application of heat is known to all, but the key to this secret, or the secret of the systemic formula, is prudently hidden from any investigators and is gradually revealed only after the Second Initiation. This subject is so grandiose that it can only be discussed in the most general terms. The attention of the public is naturally focused on the transmutation of metals into gold in order to alleviate the plight of the poor. Scientists are looking for a universal solvent that would decompose matter into its original substance, release energy and allow the seeker to build for himself (from the original basis) the desired forms. The alchemists seek the Philosopher's Stone, that potent transmuting agent that will unravel the mystery and give the chemist mastery over the elemental forces working in and through matter. Believers, especially Christians, recognize the psychic quality of this transmuting power, and in the sacred books they often mention the soul, which is tested seven times in fire. All these scientists and researchers recognize the same great truth, each from their own limited point of view, but the whole does not fit into one point of view, but only in their totality.

  1. Transfiguration - that stage of the Path of Initiations, at which the third initiation is taken and the personality is illuminated by the light of the soul pouring out with all its strength, and the three personal vehicles are completely transcended and become only forms through which spiritual love is shed into the world of people for the purpose of saving creation.
  2. Transformation - an evolutionary process on the Path of Discipleship, during which the disciple transforms his lower tripartite "appearance", or personality, and begins to display the divine "quality". His physical body obeys the commands of the mind, which, through the medium of the soul, becomes responsive to the higher mind. The emotional nature becomes the receiver of buddhi or intuition, and after the third initiation it disappears altogether and the buddhic vehicle becomes the main instrument of sensitivity. In due time, the mind also transforms due to the impressions transmitted from the higher mind, which tries to carry out the volitional nature of the Monad.
  3. Transmutation - a process in which the lower is absorbed by the higher, the force is transmuted into energy, the energy of the three lower centers is transferred to the three upper centers (head, heart, throat) and which later allows the initiate to concentrate all energies in the three control centers of the head. The process of transmutation takes place under the circumstances of daily life experience, the magnetic effect of soul contact and the inevitable operation of evolution itself.

These three spiritualizing processes are well known, theoretically at least, to all spiritual aspirants, and reflect the intention and effective soul-personality interaction. They run parallel to the construction of the antahkarana, like alignment, which plays an important role in the process of transmutation.

Conscious manipulation of lights

It is obvious that the whole process of transmutation, as we see it at the present time, is connected with two types of fire, which reached a high stage of perfection in the previous solar system:

  • a) The fire of the atom in its dual aspect - internal and radiant;
  • b) Fires of the mind.

It is with them that transmutation takes place from the human point of view, while the third one - the fire of the Spirit - is not taken into account at this stage.

Conscious manipulation of the fires is the prerogative of a person who has reached a certain point in evolution; the subconscious desire to master this technique naturally led the alchemists to attempt transmutation in the mineral kingdom. Few of the students of the past understood the global reason behind their desire, and also that the transmutation of base metals into gold was just a preliminary symbol - a visual, allegorical, concrete step. The whole theme of transmutation is covered by the work of the Hierarchy in all its three departments on this planet, and we can get some idea of ​​this activity if we study it from a hierarchical point of view, while understanding the work that promotes the evolutionary process. It is the work of transferring life from one stage of atomic existence to another, consisting of three separate steps, which can be seen and traced by higher clairvoyance from the higher planes. These steps or stages are:

fiery stage - the period of connection, fusion, burning, through which all atoms pass during the destruction of the form.

Dissolution stage where form dissipates and substance dissolves, the atom becomes its essential duality.

sublimation stage, which concerns mainly the essential quality of atoms and the release of their essence in order to later take on a new form.

This idea can be expressed by such concepts as radioactivity, pralaic dissolution, and essential volatility. These three stages are present in every transmutation process without exception. In the Old Commentary they are occultly expressed thus:

“Fiery lives burn in the womb of the Mother.
The fiery center expands to the periphery of the circle, and dispersion and pralaic calm follow.
The Son returns to the Father, and the Mother remains in a state of rest.

This transmutation process is carried out by the Masters together with the great Devas, and each department can be considered to deal with one of three stages:

  • The department of the Mahachohan and its five divisions keep the fiery lives burning.
  • The Department of Manu is concerned with the creation of "pass-not-rings," or those forms that contain burning lives.
  • The Bodhisattva department deals with the return of the Son to the Father.

In the Department of the Mahachohan, the following secondary divisions can be distinguished:

  • The Seventh and Fifth Rays are concerned with the return of the Son to the Father, and are chiefly concerned with the outpouring of energizing force when it is necessary to transfer the life of the Son from the old form to the new, from one kingdom of nature to another along the Path of Return.
  • The third and sixth rays contribute to the burning of fiery lives.
  • The fourth Ray unites in atomic form the two fires.

A careful study of the activities of these units shows how close the cooperation between the various groups is, how interconnected their work is. The work of the Hierarchy can always be described in terms of alchemy, and the activity of its members is associated with a triple transmutation. This work is done by them consciously and hasten their own liberation.

Teacher carries out transmutation in the three worlds, doing this process mainly on eighteen subplanes - this great field of human evolution, spending life through the dense physical body of the Logos. Chohans The sixth initiations work in the fourth and third ethers of the logoic etheric body (on the Buddhic and Atmic planes) and, facilitating the passage of the life of the Spirit from form to form in these worlds, help the transmutation of units from the spiritual realm to the monadic. Those who are at even higher levels - The Buddhas and Their Companions of the First and Third Rays- contribute to the transfer of life to the subatomic and atomic subplanes of the Cosmic physical plan. Everything that has been said applies to all hierarchical efforts in all schemes and on all globes, since the striving is one and universal. In any case, control, achieved consciously and independently, precedes the acquisition of the ability to transmutate. Initiates learn to transmute and direct the transition of life from the animal to the human kingdom after the Third Initiation, and in the earlier stages of the initiation they are given the formulas that govern the lesser devas and ensure the union of the second and third kingdoms; they work with these formulas under protection and supervision.

intellectually developed person could participate in this synthesizing work and engage in the transmutation of metals, since the ratio between his intellectual development and the development of the mineral elements and builders whom he could control is the same as the ratio between the levels of consciousness of the workers of the Hierarchy and those whom they help with their work in the above cases. However, as a result of the catastrophic development of events in the time of Atlantis and the subsequent temporary (until karma is settled) delay in spiritual evolution, this art was lost, or rather this knowledge was hidden until the moment when the race developed to such a stage that the physical the body will become pure enough to withstand the forces with which it comes into contact, and to emerge from the process of chemical transmutation not only enriched with knowledge and experience, but also internally strengthened.

Over time, a person gradually improves in four directions:

  1. He will regain the knowledge and power acquired during the time of Atlantis.
  2. He will create bodies capable of withstanding the influence of the lower fire elementals active in the mineral kingdom.
  3. Will understand the inner meaning of radioactivity, or the release of energy inherent in all elements, all chemical atoms, as well as all true minerals.
  4. He will reduce the formulas of our chemists and scientists to SOUND, and will not formulate them on paper with the help of experiments. In this statement is given (for those who are ready to receive) the most illuminating hint that is possible at the present time.

It may seem that I have not given too much information about the conscious manipulation of the lights. This is due to the inability of the student to grasp the esoteric essence of the foregoing. Conscious transmutation is only possible when a person has transmuted the elements of his own vehicles; only then can he be entrusted with the secrets of divine alchemy.

When, with the help of the latent internal fires of the matter of his own shells, he has transmuted the chemical and mineral atoms of these shells, only then is he in a position to safely - thanks to the likeness of substance - help the work of mineral transmutation of the first level. Only when he (by means of the radiating fires of the sheaths) transmutes what in his organism corresponds to the vegetable kingdom, will he be able to perform the alchemical work of the second level. Only when the fires of the mind begin to dominate in him can he work with the transmutation processes of the third level, or assist in the transfer of life into animal forms. Only when the inner Self or Ego in the causal body takes control of his tripartite personality is he occultly allowed to be a fourth-level alchemist and work on the transmutation of the animal monad into the human kingdom, using all the vast knowledge that is contained in this idea.

The problem of a clear explanation of the topic of transmutation exists, since this topic is very extensive, and also due to the fact that the magician or alchemist in the process of transmutation works with the deva entity through the management of the lesser Builders in cooperation with b about more Devas. Therefore, in order to ensure clarity of thought and certainty of proposals regarding this topic, I would like first of all to set out some postulates that must be carefully assimilated when examining questions of transmutation. There are five of them, and they refer specifically to the implementation of the transmuting process...

The third group of these devas are governed in a very definite way by the Manu department and the Great Devas associated with this department on our planet. As a result of their activity in certain cycles, the entire surface of the Earth is changed by volcanic eruptions. Continents rise and fall, volcanoes rise or fall, and thus the world is cleansed by fire. In their own department, these Agnichaitans are engaged in the building of mineral forms through the medium of fire. They are the alchemists of the lower zones, and through contact with them and knowledge of the "words" by which they can be controlled, future learned alchemists (I use this expression to contrast them with the idealistic alchemists of the past) will work with minerals and lives, embodied in all mineral forms.

The secret of the transmutation of base metals into gold will be discovered at a time when gold will no longer be the standard of value and therefore its free production will not lead to a catastrophe, and when scientists will work with the aspect of life, with the positive electrical life, and not with the substance or aspect forms.

In form, the atom rotates on its own axis, follows its own circulation, and lives its own inner life. It refers to his primary awareness. In time he becomes magnetically aware of the attractive nature of that which surrounds him on all sides, and becomes conscious of the form that envelops him. Such is his secondary awareness, but it still refers to what we, for lack of a better term, may call matter. An atom, therefore, interacts with other atoms.

Later, the form atom becomes aware that it not only rotates on its own axis, but also orbits around a larger center of force within a larger form. This is third kind awareness, which is caused by a magnetic attraction felt from the greater center and causes in the atom that pull that makes it move, participating in certain special cycles. This awareness, in the esoteric sense, refers to the substance or true form within the objective form.

Finally, the attraction of the greater center becomes so powerful that the positive life within the atom (whatever type of atom and whatever kingdom it may be) feels the force of the central energy, which causes the atom, together with other atoms, to perform its function. This energy penetrates the ring-pass-not without evoking a response from the so-called electronic or negative lives of the atomic periphery, but evoking a response from the essential, positive nucleus of the atom. This is explained by the fact that the essential life of any atom, its highest positive aspect, is always of the same nature as the larger life that attracts it to itself. When this pull begins to be felt strongly enough, the atomic cycle is completed, the dense form disintegrates, the true form dissipates, and the central life is released to find its greater magnetic focus.

Enough has been stated here to give the student room for thought, but more may be added. In the potentially radioactive qualities of the four kingdoms in nature, which concern us most, there is an interesting analogy with the functions of the four planetary schemes that form (in their totality) the logoic quaternary. To a lesser extent, this applies to the four chains that form the planetary quaternary. All of them must become radioactive, all their principles must be transmuted, and the forms for which they are responsible must be transcended.

When the subject of radiation is more fully understood, it will become clear that it demonstrates yet another example of the unity of all life and provides convincing evidence of the synthetic nature of the entire evolutionary process. Whichever example we take, the same thing radiates from every kingdom in nature. A radioactive human being is the same in nature (differing only in scale and conscious response) as a radioactive mineral; in any case what radiates is the central positive life, the electrical spark, or whatever is its counterpart. In the solar system there are, therefore, seven correspondences, seven radiant types or seven classes of entities, demonstrating the ability to transcend their ordinary movement and be transported in the course of evolution into some larger sphere. This is:

  • 1. The mineral monad of the mineral kingdom, or the central positive nucleus in all atoms and elements.
  • 2. Monad of the vegetable kingdom, or the central positive life of every plant.
  • 3. The monad of the animal kingdom, or the positive life of each animal species.
  • 4. Human Monads, myriads of their groups.
  • 5. A monad of any particular type or form.
  • 6. Planetary Monad, the sum of all lives in the planetary scheme.
  • 7. Solar Monad, or the sum of all lives in the solar system.

If these facts are kept in mind and reflected upon, one may come to a certain understanding of the part played by the devas in transmutation. The place that fire occupies in this process is especially important in this case, since it clearly reveals the difference in the methods of both schools.

In the transmutation process carried out by the Brotherhood, the inner fire that animates an atom, a form, or a person is stimulated, kindled and intensified until it (thanks to its own inner power) burns its shells and radiates from its “ring- transgress not. It is interesting to observe during the final Initiations, when the causal body is destroyed by fire. The inner fire burns everything and the electrical fire is released. Thus the true alchemist in the future will in any case endeavor to stimulate the radioactivity of the element or atom with which he is working, and will concentrate his attention on positive core. By raising his vibration, his activity, or positivity, he will achieve the desired goal. Teachers do the same, activating the human spirit, without touching its "deva" aspect at all. The same basic rule will apply to both mineral and man.

The process carried out by the Dark Brotherhood is completely reversed. It focuses its attention on the form, tries to loosen and break that form, or combination of atoms, in order to release the central electrical life. They achieve this result by external means, using the destructive nature of the substance itself (the deva essence). They burn and destroy the material shell, trying to capture the volatile essence released during the decay of the form. This interferes with the evolutionary plan of the life thus liberated, delays the attainment of its goal, disturbs a certain course of development, and puts all the factors involved in a difficult position. A barrier is placed before life (or essence), the devas work destructively without taking part in the implementation of the Plan, and the Black Magician is in danger under the Law of Karma and due to the materialization of his own substance due to affinity with the Third aspect. Black magic of this kind creeps into all religions, through the method of destroying form by external means, and not by liberating life through inner development and preparation. This method creates the vices of Hatha Yoga in India and similar methods practiced in some religious and occult orders in the West. They all work with matter on some plane in the three worlds, and for the sake of good they do evil; both control the devas and attempt to achieve specific goals through the manipulation of form matter. The Hierarchy works with the soul within the form and creates intelligent, self-generated, enduring results. Whenever attention is focused on form and not on Spirit, there is a tendency to worship the devas, to associate with them and to Black magic, since the form consists of deva-substance on all planes.

Symptoms of quantum transition,

transmutation and ascension

At the moment, information about the so-called

Quantum Transition of the Planet (the process of purification-

transmutation-resurrection-ascension), brought,

one way or another, to almost every person.

Another question is who wanted to hear and understand, and who did not. The time has come for an immediate choice, because training program is getting tougher.

Recently, a global and deep transformation of physical bodies has already begun for many - as a result of the unfolding of the body matrix of the New Man, the Man of the New Epoch, and its "imposition" on the physical body.

This process took place before, but under conditions of softer energies of the Earth, but only from those who consciously improved and cognized themselves, their souls, learned to cognize the Laws of the Universe more and more deeply and live according to them, voluntarily and consciously cleansed their bodies of negative emotions , thoughts, actions, learned to Love and Accept the world and people as they are.

This process of transformation is now taking place in a much higher vibrational environment than before and has begun on a massive scale. And depending on the level of consciousness at which a person is located, and the purity of his bodies (both dense and subtle), the first serious stage of transformation for someone goes quite gently (or even outwardly unnoticeable), while for someone it is rather difficult and hard.

This process is greatly facilitated and accelerated by engaging in any spiritual, energetic, psychophysical, meditative practices, both ancient and modern.

Stages and stages of transmutation changes:

Stage 1 - Transmutation Transformation of the physical body:

A) purification of the physical body;

B) cleansing of organs;

C) regularity of food intake and intervals between meals;

D) vegetarianism;

D) getting rid of internal fats;

E) hardening.

The flows of the Fiery Transmuting Energy, acting on the physical body at the first stage, will exert their influence on organs and systems that have deviations, performing recovery processes.

The physical body must go through three stages of Transmutational Transformation before changing the code (both changing the physical and revealing the multidimensional, quantum DNA):

I stage - restorative (purification-resurrection);

Stage II - chemically transforming (transmutation);

III stage - replacement of the Code (resurrection-ascension).

With regard to the order of passage by various organs and systems

Transmutation, then the following stages of deployment will occur

Matrices of the New Man in the Physical Body.

The first stage of the manifestation of the matrix on the physical body consists in the transformation (transmutation) of the hormonal system, structures of the brain

Brain and nervous system, down to the subatomic level. perestroika

The hormonal and nervous systems will be accompanied by periodic pains in the area of ​​the endocrine glands and the corresponding chakras (head, throat, heart, lower back, solar plexus, lower abdomen).

Restructuring of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, hematopoiesis.

Restructuring of the digestive and excretory systems.

Reorganization of the respiratory system.

Restructuring of the heart (deep transformation).

Restructuring of the skeletal system.

The end of the restructuring of the physical body, which can be superimposed

The following stages are accompanied by a cure for physical illnesses.

In addition, a person notices that he ceases to be exposed to negative

Environmental influences, ceases to respond to environmental

Pollution, climatic factors, pathogens, etc.

The body begins to rejuvenate.

One aspect of physical transformation is Electrical

Transformation (evolution) associated with a change in electrical,

conducting system of the body. Human beings have many

electromagnetic nature. The electromagnetic force is one of the most

Significant basic forces of nature in relation to the life form of man.

It has an important effect on the physical, emotional, mental and

Astral levels of the soul. In addition, the changes will affect, in particular,

Quantity, structure and role of water, change in the movement of currents and

Charge distributions, structure and other characteristics of the field and

Body energy.

In many ways, the electrical evolution of the human body belongs to the 2nd stage of transmutation:

1. Reducing the amount of water in the body by 20% is a symptom

Crystallization of water in the body, accompanied by a decrease

Emotionality, crystallization of the body.

2. Electrical phenomena - changing relationships with electrical

Processes, devices, fields, phantom sensations, problems, change

The nature of interaction with electronic equipment, computers.

3. New sexuality, waves of sexual energy as a result

Anchoring the Spirit in the body, penetration of sexual energy, energy

Kundalini in all manifestations of life.

Stage 2 - Transmutation Transformation of the Spiritual-Energy Structure:

1. Raising the spiritual level, changing the world outlook;

2. Change in energy structure - energy cleansing,

Cleansing of energy channels, cleansing of energy centers;

3. Changing the code part that affects the Immortal Self, holding (forming, centering) the aura.

Stage 3 - Assimilation in new states of the Transmutational Transformation with the transition to the New Evolutionary Stage

As for this stage, for the majority of the inhabitants of the Earth it is not yet relevant and there is still little detailed information on it. Determine the achievement of this stage, i.e. already completed transition to new vibrations, you can use the test to determine the presence in the vibrations of the 5th density. If you no longer have any thoughts of fear, no illness, no dissonance or disharmony in your personal life, you have stopped aging, and you are no longer affected by the environment, then you have reached the 5th density vibrational state...

Another test to determine how to check the correspondence of the frequency of the physical body with the frequencies and radiations of the Earth at the moment:

If you tolerate the discharged pressure and ozonized air of highlands well, or do not burn and feel good being under the rays of the sun at noon, your body will resonate with the ascension process of the planet.

Signs of the stages of the transmutation process

1. Opening of the centers, their ignition:

Emotional vulnerability, hypersensitivity.

Increased physical sensitivity, feeling pain from sensations.

Insatiable appetite, especially for boiled food.

Loss of interest in material things.

2. Ignition of the centers, organs, the whole body:

Feeling like after a sunburn, the skin peels off, bleeds from cuts, abrasions.

Irritation after clothing, especially synthetics.

Decreased appetite, preference for fruits, dairy products.

Severe headaches.

Decreased appetite (up to the ability for prolonged fasting).

3. Elimination of chronic diseases, transmutation and transformation of organs:

Feeling someone else's intervention.

Skin itching as if the stitches are healing.


4. Cell transmutation:

Stage 1

Reducing the amount of food to a minimum.

Symptoms of influenza (persistent runny nose, cough, headaches).

Neurological symptoms (paralysis, paresis, impaired coordination of movements).

Sudden inflammation in the heat.

Tuberculosis (rapid form).

Stage 2

Unusual sensations in the bones.

The head buzzes, stirs up, vomiting.

Increased body temperature in the heat, herpes.

Rapid changes in symptoms.

5. Create a new body

A condition similar to pregnancy, signs of toxicosis (headaches, dizziness, unstable stools, etc.).

Deep fire in the body (a rise or feeling of a rise in temperature).

Decrease in body temperature up to 35 degrees. celsius.

Hard protruding clot above the umbilicus.

Increase and further decrease in body weight.

Separate signs, symptoms of Transmutation, Ascension to higher planes and their meaning

1. Growing feelings that everything a person does is of little value to him. He sees how other people are completely absorbed in the game of duality - the possession of material goods and the pursuit of human happiness: family, career, respect in society, fame, finally. And this duality pushes us to search for ourselves and the meaning of the existence of life.

2. Feeling one's helplessness before the incomprehensibility of the truth. A person understands that the further he goes in his search, the more he becomes confused. Whatever he tried on this road, and whatever he experienced in altered states of consciousness. Ups to the higher spheres, where he felt unity with the whole universe, are replaced by falls and depression.

3. Stress - it feels like you are under the pressure of high energies like in a double boiler. You are going through a process of adjusting to the higher vibrations and also old beliefs and habits are starting to be pushed out. A variety of processes are literally seething inside you.

4. Dizziness, "spatiality", absent-mindedness, incoordination, feeling of disorientation, especially during the full moon and during solar flares, not knowing where you are, loss of sensation

Location. You are no longer in the third dimension as you have begun to move into higher realms.

5. Ringing in the ears - a violation of the relationship, the balance of male and female energy .. "Hearing" sounds or a sequence of high-frequency sounds. This may be accompanied by pressure in one ear or both.


6. Headaches - expansion of energy against the background of limiting beliefs, limitations of the mind. Headaches can also signal the transformation of the brain at the energy and material levels. May manifest as non-localized pressure inside the head or pressure that rolls in waves. Heaviness and pain in the back of the head, crown of the head, between the eyebrows is possible - this is the "pressure" of the third eye and other, new chakras.

7. Unusual (sacred) pains in different parts of the body, wandering pains, burning sensation, temporary numbness of the extremities, incomprehensible pains in the spine, neuralgia, rheumatic pains, nerve cramps, polyneuritis, pain in the solar plexus, nausea, vomiting - you are cleansed and releasing old blocked energy vibrating at third dimensional frequencies while you are already at a higher vibration. Pain is a symptom of the dissolution of old wrong directions of creative energy, as well as cell membranes and the formation of new ones. Unusual neuralgias can have the character of epidemics.

8. Weakness in the limbs, general weakness, swelling of the limbs, lips, nose - lack of energy during intense transmutation.

9. You will have days of incredible fatigue, causeless depression, irritability, inexplicable fear, tearfulness. Your body becomes less dense and undergoes intense restructuring. And this

Helplessness in front of the unknown makes a person de-energized. One day, a feeling of indifference to one's fate comes; all desires disappear, one of the last is attachment to the spiritual path.

10. Fatigue (night sleep up to 12 hours a day), a state of depression, de-energization, periods of deep sleep, chronic fatigue syndrome (lack of energy), vampirism (especially among loved ones). You take a break from everything that has accumulated and go through the process of integration, preparing at the same time for the next phase. These are signs of growth that requires a lot of energy. This is the state of searching, throwing,

Quest, loss of interest in the material. The outer world may not be in tune with you as a new being of higher vibrations. You don't feel good in it. In addition, you continue to release low frequency and dark energies and you "see through" them.

11. Feeling of incomprehensible, periodically appearing swelling, swelling of the body, vagueness of its volumes. There is a process of creating a new body, moving perception to more subtle planes.

12. Heartburn or chest tightness. Your Galactic Heart is Revealing!

13. Clenching of the jaws, gnashing of teeth - a strong resistance of the personality to its mission, its connection with the Higher Self.

14. Strange electrical sensations in the body, energy shocks, pulsations, tingling, expansion, light, vibration of the body, waves, itching (especially during the full moon) - the disintegration of non-crystalline tissues.

The energetic jolts you feel physically may even cause your body to move upward. Loss of attention and focus for a long period of time - a change in the electrical structure of the body.

15. Sleep disturbances, awakening at 2 am and staying awake until 4 am. You are visited by such rich dreams that you cannot sleep for too long without a break. "Ordinary" people spend more time on the earthly plane, and right now you are evolving very quickly, adapting to new cycles of space.

16. Vivid, dynamic dreams, sometimes with scenes of violence - you are freed from the burden of so many past lives at the level of low vibrations. And gradually your dreams will improve and already now many people are talking about the beautiful dreams they have. Some even dream while awake.

17. Loss of sense of time. You can miss meetings or the right turn on the highway, be late, forget what day it is - this is also a process of adapting to new cycles.

18. A kind of memory loss, memory lapses, a short-term blackout of consciousness - remember well recent events and very vaguely your more distant past. You are not only in one dimension anymore, but you are constantly moving back and forth between dimensions (this is also part of the transition). In addition, your past is part of an obsolete old that is gone forever. To be here and now is the way of the New World.

19. Loss of one's identity, periodic "falling out" of life, a feeling of unwillingness to do something (passivity, laziness, doing nothing), which causes irritation of the active part of others.

You are trying to lean on the old self, but it no longer exists. You no longer know who you see in the mirror! You are freed from your old traits and now embody more Light, revealing your simpler and more refined Divine essence. Are you okay! You are at rest, a kind of "reboot" of your system. Your body knows what it needs. Also, as you begin to achieve higher goals, "doing" and "achieving" will become less important to you, as the new energies will encourage you to take action, create, take care of yourself.

20. Sudden desire to free up more space. You may want to get rid of your personal "treasures", feel the need to clean up everything old and redundant, give away your possessions and throw away furniture.

21. Feeling "out of the body." Sometimes it will seem that you are not even talking, but someone else. This is our natural survival defense mechanism when we are under a lot of stress, feel

Injured and out of control. Your body is going through so many changes right now and you may not really want to be in it at this time. This is a kind of way to make the transition easier for yourself, but it will not last long and will soon pass.

22. You "see" and "hear" some strange things, you can see through the veil, psychic abilities increase, the level of consciousness rises. Your vision may appear to be choppy and unsteady. Then you will feel that you need glasses, then some other whim will appear. Sometimes you are certain that you "saw" someone or something out of the corner of your eye. Your ability to "see" develops. As you transition, you will experience different dimensions according to your "setup".

23. Hypersensitivity to everything that surrounds you. You will find it difficult to bear noisy gatherings of people, noisy and loud music, certain foods, TV, other people's voices, especially negative vibrations, crowds. You will quickly get tired and overexcited from everything around you. You are attuning to new worlds, so all this will gradually pass. Know that you are moving an enormous amount of energy.

24. You will become unbearable low vibrations of the third dimension, which you will pick up in conversations, relationships, social structures, some types of healing, etc. You will literally

Become "bad" from them. You have already moved to a higher vibration and your energies are no longer in tune with such low frequency factors. In particular, old, familiar medicines, therapies, especially physical therapy, will have an unexpected effect on you.

25. Increased emotional sensitivity, mood swings and "mania", emotional ups and downs, frequent tears. Our emotions are a way to let go of old problems, and now we are freeing ourselves from a lot.

26. Return of old habits that you think you have completely got rid of. Try not to judge yourself for it. To fully "ascend" you must come to terms with your old habits.

27. Loss of desire to eat, change in appetite and weight, change in diet (preference for live food, cravings for fatty foods, cravings for salty foods, cravings for proteins, watermelons, pineapples, grapes). Your body

Adjusts to a new, higher state. In addition, some part of yourself does not want to exist in this body anymore.

28. There may be a need to "snack" often, which is associated with periods of a sharp drop in blood sugar levels. There may be weight gain, as you will need a huge amount

Fuels to sustain the Ascension process. Weight gain is a reaction to an excess of toxins (see next paragraph) released during purification, transmutation, to an excess of new energies, in addition, 2 additional organs appear for processing toxins the size of a liver in the diaphragm area, which leads to a change in the shape of the body - like in Buddhas, pharaohs, pregnant women. The diaphragm descends, the size of the heart increases, the thymus grows, the chest expands, which is especially

Noticeably in women, fat appears on the neck, shoulders, which is associated with the opening of new chakras. Weight gain when it is impossible to reduce it by any means is one of the typical symptoms.

29. Increased salt intake, swelling - the formation of new crystalline cells.

30. You will be completely unable to do some things. When you try to do ordinary things, this routine will be absolutely unbearable for you. The reason is the same as above.

31. Change of priorities in a career or relationship. Often this happens when there are no "logical" reasons for this, but you feel the urge to change.

32. Sudden disappearance from your life of friends, certain activities, and even a change of job and place of residence. You have already gone beyond who you used to be, and all these people and your old environment no longer match your new vibrations. Your plans can suddenly change at full speed and go in a completely different direction. - Your soul balances your energy. Usually you feel that going in a new direction is just GREAT because your soul understands more than you. It knocks you out of the "rut" of the usual decisions and vibrations.

36. Desire to return Home, as if everything is OVER and you are no longer here. We return to our Source. It's really OVER (but many of us stay to create the New World). In addition, our old plans that prompted us to come here have already been fulfilled.

37. Feeling that you are going crazy or that you are developing some kind of mental illness, a short-term mental disorder. You may also feel like you are unable to concentrate in the way you are used to. You are going through a multi-dimensional experience and a powerful opening very quickly. Now you have a lot of things available, but you are not used to it. Your awareness has grown a lot, the barriers have gone. This will all pass and in the end you will feel as much at home as you have never felt before, because Home is now here.

38. Anxiety and even panic, concern. Your ego is losing ground and is afraid. In addition, your entire system is overloaded. Something is happening to you that you don't understand. you also lose

Behavioral patterns that you have developed in the world of the third dimension for survival. This can make you feel vulnerable and powerless. This too will pass and in the end you will feel a lot of love, confidence and unity.

39. Spiritual Death or fleeting thoughts of suicide. Remember that in this way you are simply trying to give a three-dimensional explanation of what is happening to you.

40. You create what feels like your worst nightmare. Your soul puts you in conditions of "stretching", in the direction of forming those properties that you lack, and, conversely, in the direction of "muting" those aspects that you have in abundance. Just balancing your energies. Finding your way to inner peace in such conditions is the test that you yourself have prepared for yourself. This is YOUR journey and your soul would not have organized it if you were not prepared. You are the person who must find his way, and you will find it.

Spontaneously for no apparent reason, almost every month and can exceed 41 ° C within 5-10 minutes. The temperature burns all the toxins in the body, all fears, and most importantly, a person stops clinging to life, he doesn’t care anymore.

44. Lowering the temperature to 35 degrees. C, cold, cold burning plasma around the body (blue, purple) - the second stage of cleansing after the stage of increasing the temperature. At this time, the physical body is practically not felt, even when a person lifts weights. The desire to take earthly food disappears, it becomes tasteless and alien. A transparent purity manifests itself in consciousness, as in a mountain lake during a calm. At this moment there is no fear, no love, no feelings at all, much less self-pity. A person begins to feel like an empty, transparent vessel, and all his quiet emotions are just reflections of the outside world on its walls.

According to the Knowledge Centers about Transmutation.

The followers of Agni Yoga tell about the forthcoming birth of the Sixth Human Race.

The Simferopol Center of Knowledge about Transmutation and Fiery Transformation is engaged in the research of transmutation processes. Surely you feel the wind of the Great Change breaking into our lives? Economic, political, spiritual and moral crisis - these are all signals of the same disease, signs of the outgoing century. Our Iron Age is being replaced by the Golden Age, or the Age of Light. “But where is this Age of Light,” the bewildered reader may ask, “when life gets worse and worse? The answer is simple. The darkness before dawn is especially black. That is why our eyes are shown all the convulsions of darkness, reluctantly leaving our planet. Well, her time is over. The time has come to shed Light on our planet and all its inhabitants. This is a cosmic regularity, which is called the change of World Cycles, or Evolution. Evolution is the movement of all living things from simple to more and more complex, perfect.

This movement is in a spiral. Golden, Silver, Bronze, Iron Age - one turn of the spiral. Then again: Golden, Silver, Bronze, Iron Age - another round of the spiral of evolution, but at a higher level. And so - to the infinity of the development of all living things, including man. We have already come to this planet more than once to improve our soul, to develop our spiritual qualities.

When the Earth was first settled - it was a very, very long time ago - our ancestors came in the form of the first people, or the First Human Race. They were beings of ethereal form, devoid of the density we are accustomed to. Approximately the same was the next, the Second Race. Then came the Lemurians - the Third Human Race. And, finally, the Fourth - the Atlanteans. We already belong to the Fifth Race, and the entire life cycle of mankind is divided into seven Races, which successively replace each other. Beginning with the Third, Lemurian Race. People already possessed dense bodies. Perfection, qualitative change of the dense body proceeded gradually, from Race to Race. All this happened over many millions of years. And according to the Cosmic Law of Reincarnation, we lived in the bodies of representatives of the most diverse human races, in different ages and on different continents.

Unfortunately, the development of mankind and the change of civilizations does not occur without universal cataclysms. Having reached a high level of development, but violating the main Cosmic Laws, a civilization inevitably comes to its decline and then perishes. This happened with the Lemurian race and its main continent - Lemuria. So it happened with the subsequent Race of the Atlanteans and its mainland - Atlantis. The knowledge and skills possessed by the Third and Fourth Races were directed not to the Common Good, not to Evolution, but in the opposite direction to the goals of Evolution. Their knowledge began to serve not Light, but darkness, not Good, but evil. A similar situation is observed now with us, in our Fifth Race. We, like our predecessors, are on the verge of death. If humanity does not change in the very near future, then global catastrophes cannot be avoided.

The complexity, but also the uniqueness, of our time lies in the fact that the most perfect people of the Fifth Race must make the transition to the Sixth - already the God-human Race, more perfect, having much greater capabilities compared to the previous ones. Why such mercy? - a perfectly justified question may arise. It seems that they did not go far from the Lemurians and Atlanteans in their mistakes and delusions, creating destruction everywhere, bringing chaos into the One Harmony of the World. But this is not a mercy bestowed from heaven. This is an evolutionary necessity, a cosmic pattern. And the right to enter the Golden Age, becoming a representative of the Sixth Race, is not given to everyone, but only to those who deserve this right.

The Sixth God-Man Race will differ from the modern Fifth Race precisely in its God-human qualities. A person will be endowed with many abilities that are unusual for us now, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, rapid movement in space, flying in the air, walking on water, feeding on the pure energy of the Cosmos, access to the riches of the spirit accumulated over all past incarnations. But the main thing is an open loving Heart capable of doing only good deeds for the benefit of Evolution, personal and universal. Such a representative of the New Race will be truly a worthy co-creator of the Great Creator of our Universe. Anyone can enter these narrow gates leading to the world of the Golden Age if he sincerely desires and believes in it. And only true knowledge gives rise to faith. Knowledge is now simply scattered in generous handfuls, but only an open, expanded consciousness is able to perceive it and apply it in the practice of one's life.

Nothing fancy is needed to enter the New Age. It is only necessary to observe the Cosmic Laws, according to which the entire Universe lives, including the planet Earth. First of all, this is the Law of Karma, or the Law of Cause and Effect ("What you sow, you will reap", "As it comes around, so it will respond"), the Law of Cosmic Love, the Law of Sacrifice, the Law of Commensurability and many others. But even this is no longer enough.

In order to become a representative of the Race of God-men, one must also go through the Fiery Baptism or purification by the Spatial Fire. And for this you need to be as clean as possible bodily and spiritually. Then Fire will be a boon, and not an all-devouring monster.

If you are ready to accept it, then it brings with it only the joy of purification and the light of renewal. So what is this Fiery Baptism that must be passed before we can step onto the next evolutionary step? Why is Baptism fiery? Is it something terrible? And is it about the fire that we deal with in everyday life? Does the Fiery Baptism mean that the whole world will be engulfed in a universal fire in which only the chosen ones will survive?

Let's start with the concept of fire. Fire, like a fine substance, permeates all living things - from a star in the sky to a stone on the ground. All nature has a fiery basis. Even water contains fire, which has long been called "the sun in the dark." Fire is contained in celestial bodies, it is in animals, plants and, of course, in people. In another way, it is also called psychic energy. Fire is a much deeper and more complex phenomenon than is commonly believed. There are many different types and levels of fire. Since our planet Earth is a cosmic body, the fire that exists on it can also rightfully be called cosmic. So, cosmic fire is not only those of its forms that are familiar to us. This is not only the fire on which we cook porridge and which we can observe with our own eyes. There is also fire, which dwells in the atmosphere and above. And this is no longer physical fire, but the fire of the Subtle World, invisible to ordinary sight. This invisible fire consists of elements, natural spirits - the elements of water, air, earth, fire.

At a higher level of the universe, there is a fire of an even more subtle and perfect quality, from which the light, luminous bodies of cosmic beings are woven. At the next heights of the universe, there is an even more perfect Fire - Light, which permeates the higher essences of the Cosmos, possessing a superhuman mind. Fire can be both a blessing and a disaster. But mankind knew him and loved him always. Since ancient times, it worshiped this element: they treated with fire, and celebrated with fire, and fought with fire ... Knowledge about Fire was given to mankind more than once throughout history. Buddha, Zoroaster, Christ... They all spoke about Fire, warned about Fire. Zoroaster - about fiery immunity, about three varieties of fire; Fire that speaks, Fire that consumes, and Fire that consumes. Both Buddha and Christ are about Fiery Purification. The Coming Epoch is the Epoch of Fire. And a person must become fire-oriented and fiery-sounding in order to sound in unison with it, in order to become the ruler of this element and a fiery co-creator. In this is the infinity of cosmic creativity.

The time of the Fiery Cycle is coming, which is approved by the Will of the Creator of the Universe. Fiery cyclicity - the law approaching the Earth Fire - regularity. The Baptism by Fire, expected at the change of human Races, is the scorching of our bodies and souls by these higher forms of Fire. The purer the person, the more blissful the Fire will be for him. And vice versa. After

Fiery Baptism will be followed by a transformation in the body and spirit of the true, Fiery Transfiguration. That is, we will not die, but we will change. Each of us will give birth to himself and will finally see what he is like. All deeds of past incarnations, all age-old spiritual accumulations - everything will be weighed in a single moment on the bowl of evolutionary scales. And the world will appear either in essence already a God-man, or a low-conscious, weak, diabolical creature who will have to purify himself in suffering.

This will be the Judgment of God, which has long been foretold to mankind. This is not a fairy tale, reader, and not space fiction. This is our reality. And the Spatial Fire is already on, although it is still in a sparing training mode. Yes, not everyone feels it. But sensitive people already feel it, accept it and assimilate it. As a result of its impact, transmutation occurs, that is, a qualitative transformation of the body and subtle energy structures, which will allow an evolutionary leap into the New Race.

There are people living among us who are undergoing accelerated transmutation, that is, they accept Fire in an enhanced mode. There are few of them, they are allocated in a special group. They are the firstborn, and all the others will follow. The bulk of humanity still does not feel anything. Although, for sure, he vaguely guesses about something and even suspects something. There are people who are switching or have already almost switched to feeding on the pure energy of the Cosmos - prano-eating.

Transformation of the body during the transition.

The program for the transition to the Fourth Dimension has already been embedded in the Central Crystal of the Earth, i.e. the matrix of the planet (its space-time continuum) has been changed. The fourth dimension is based on a different frequency response compared to the wavelength of the third (our) dimension. Therefore, the transition to another dimension is associated with the reconfiguration of the main processes (physical, chemical, biological, etc.) to a different wavelength, at which the distance between the nucleus and electrons in each cell changes. Man continues to live on his planet (we have nowhere to run, science has not yet found a place where you can "fly" to escape). Therefore, let us calmly accept those processes that must inevitably occur. Yes, it can be a little uncomfortable.

But, when you know, you understand that an amazing new paradigm of life is ahead, then you should try to study and accept this process - "turning a caterpillar into a butterfly." Many ailments are not diseases (flu, colds), although the symptoms are similar. There is a restructuring, a transmutation of the body and physiology. Now many are "in a cocoon".

Here are some symptoms of body transformation you may feel:


In ascension, the body grows like a growing child who sleeps more. The same thing happens in the process of ascension. Mankind believes that 6 or 8 hours of sleep is enough, and if there is a need for 9 or 12 hours, then something is wrong. A night's sleep can be up to 12 hours as the bodies require it due to biological growth and restructuring. Therefore, those making the ascension are advised to give their body what it needs, including more sleep than before entering the path of ascension. On weekends, you may need to spend the whole day in a state of drowsiness. The more you sleep, the faster and more imperceptibly for health the restructuring processes will take place.

In our modern civilization, there is a medical diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which is actually a symptom of ascension. When the body raises its vibration, it needs more "chi" (energy) to maintain consciousness in a given day, week, month. If you have not learned how to get chi into shape, the result is a constant feeling of tiredness.

Another great way to combat chronic fatigue is the art of Tai Chi or Yoga. These arts, which were directly related to the ascension techniques of the distant past, teach how to gather energy and direct it in the body through certain stretches and/or movements. They are an excellent method of supporting your desire to ascend and relieving the symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Leisurely walks in nature and rhythmic breathing, swimming in reservoirs, grounding practices are useful.

Running, strenuous exercise, and lifting heavy weights to exhaustion cause muscle tissue to tear, exacerbating aging and body breakdown. I recommend you not a heavy load, but an easy walk or swim, which makes it possible to restore your contact with nature and its elements. Many of you live in cities, but even in the most densely populated places there are parks and squares where you can make contact with Mother Earth. I recommend that you come to such places, either to the ocean, rivers, lakes, mountains, to communicate with the natural kingdoms. Communication with Mother Earth will fill you with energy again.

In today's civilization, your employees, friends, and family take and take and take. They take energy from the ascensioners to fuel their creative efforts and developments, while the ascending being generates chi for their own ascension. Intention: "I intend to stop giving away my chi energy and to be free from any karma and contracts that cause me to relate to others in this way." Since the removal of karma occurs layer by layer during ascension, the daily expression of this intention will remove the stereotypes of the current day from your field. You must again and again, every day, week and month, express the intention to ascend and be free from all contracts and mature karma. Each day brings a new layer, a new level, and this is true of planetary ascension as well.

Sharp and dull pains.

With the change of each part of the bodily form, the old cellular structure dissolves, giving way to a new, crystalline one. For those who are especially sensitive, this can cause considerable discomfort until enough of the form is transmuted, allowing the new vibration to take root in the overall structure of the renewing body. Bodily pains will be directly related to those areas of the etheric body in which there are blocks or stagnation. Walking and moving the kundalini helps to move blocks and relieve pain.

When the form is sufficiently raised to the new vibration, constant pain is a thing of the past. Until then, you are encouraged to use any herbs, homeopathic remedies, aromatherapy, acupuncture, mud, mineral and salt baths, or massage that is needed to relieve pain. Know that this is all temporary and the body is simply preparing to hold the higher vibration "light" and thought form.

Viruses and Ascension.

As cells transmute during ascension, viruses that may have remained latent throughout your life may emerge to be cleared out. Sometimes these viruses can also cause a short-term minor manifestation of the corresponding disease. I ask you not to panic when this happens, and to understand that everything will pass once the current ascension phase that caused the specific manifestation of the disease is completely overcome.

At this time, I recommend that you support your immune system by consuming colloidal silver and gold, which kill viruses and bacteria in the body. Colloidal silver can be instilled into the eyes, ears, and nose, or inhaled to deal with infections that may occur there as a result of ascension. There are many herbs with antiviral and antibacterial properties that are beneficial to consume, among them Echinacea and Golden Seal.

Sometimes, when the virus enters the nervous system, it can cause the affected nerve to swell as a symptom of a pinched nerve. We repeat that this is a sign of ascension, which will pass in time. In addition, in some, the nervous system spontaneously ignites, which, according to signs, is similar to involuntary muscle contractions. Certain herbs may be helpful for these symptoms at this time, including Valerian Root, Oregano, Hops.

Night Sweats and Flushes of Heat.

Often during sleep, your consciousness does not restrict the movement of the kundalini, causing you to sweat at night. Sometimes the kundalini breaks out during the day, causing a feeling of hot flashes. Both are the result of the burning of karma, which is necessary at a particular moment. Know that this is a sign of ascension, don't be afraid or worry.

The plant world, whose life is based on the processes of photosynthesis, will most easily adapt to the changed chemical composition of the atmosphere. Plants under the influence of photon energy will become larger and expand the range of nutrients needed by a person, and which a person can program with his expanded consciousness to suit his needs. In general, nutrition (in the usual sense of the word) will lose its meaning over time, since under new conditions the exchange of energies will be easier, and a person will learn to simply<включаться>to places of power, balancing their energy, vital state with the surrounding nature.

Nutrition and diet.

One of the features of ascension is the removal of toxic substances from the body.

I recommend that you consume any "living" food that contains chi and life forces. Live foods are fresh and freshly cooked foods, not canned, frozen, or packaged foods for long-term storage. The fresher the food, the more ascension chi your form will receive from it.

Craving for fatty foods.

When the form is rebuilt into a crystalline cellular structure, each cell receives a new lipid or fatty membrane, the basis of which is cholesterol. This fatty shell holds a higher vibration or frequency than the former proteinaceous cell wall. Cravings for high-fat foods are a natural manifestation of ascension, and we encourage you to indulge in this. At the same time, I advise eating raw foods, and if possible, not processed at all.

Puffiness and cravings for salt.

The crystalline cell contains more salt or sodium chloride than the old cell structure. As a result, at certain stages of ascension, you are strongly drawn to salt. As this salt goes into action, it will not cause high blood pressure or heart disease upon ascension. Potassium chloride is released at the same level as salt is absorbed. This often creates a situation where you are swollen, which is directly related to the chlorine/potassium imbalance. I advise you not to use diuretics at this time, but to drink plenty of water to flush potassium out of the system, and take a 45-minute bitter salt bath every night to flush excess potassium through the skin.

Craving for proteins.

The crystal structure also causes a change in amino acid chains. Some chains require the consumption of certain proteins not found in vegetables. During such periods, I advise you to eat some fresh fish, chicken or meat several times a week. Some digestive tracts find it difficult to digest denser meats, in which case fish is recommended. We advise you to eat freshly cooked meat, but not canned, frozen or cured. Fresh meat is full of energy, as well as nutrients necessary for the realization of a certain stage in the initial initiations. Eating a small amount of protein will make it easier to keep the soul grounding in shape and thus serve to maintain your energy level.

Body detoxification (forms).

During ascension, the body is constantly being cleansed and what is no longer needed is being removed from it, as well as the formation of a new structure that is paving the bridge to the united consciousness. Most of the excreted toxins are excreted through the sweat glands and pores of the skin, or through the kidneys, liver and digestive tract.

If you have a weak kidney, liver, or digestive tract, these stereotypes are practiced earlier in the initiation process to allow these organs to be strengthened and assist in the detoxification process. To help the body, flushing of the system may be necessary, which will allow these organs to activate their cleansing function. For flushing the kidneys and liver, there are many remedies and herbs that can be used to support these organs, and we recommend that ascenders use them when their inner guidance directs them.

One of the easiest methods to cleanse these 3 organs at the same time is to eat a watermelon every week for 6 weeks. If there are no watermelons, they can be replaced with an equal amount of grapes. Both grapes and watermelons dissolve fats accumulated in the liver and kidney ducts and gently cleanse the digestive tract, acting as a laxative in many cases. Some will need several months of this treatment, and I advise ascenders to use muscle testing or dowsing to determine the specific needs of their incarnation.

In addition, some fruits, such as papayas and pineapples, contain digestive enzymes that help break down old, dense cellular structures. I recommend that you eat fresh fruits and drink freshly squeezed juices instead of canned or bottled ones. These conditions are temporary, you just have to pay attention to what the body needs.

To purify the body, cleansing of the intestines and getting rid of smoking, which greatly pollutes the etheric body, are obligatory.

When a certain area of ​​the body is far behind in vibration and yet surrounded by higher frequency cells that have already been converted to crystalline, the divergence in vibration increases the rate of disintegration of the non-crystalline structure(!). Over time, and if you do not pay any attention to the presence of this kind of dissonance, the disintegrating structure will become malignant.

If the problem is big enough, it can have a devastating effect on the entire form. Therefore, ascension is a subtle task, and in advancing on the path, ascending initiates must facilitate the simultaneous ascension of all areas of form. No part can be left low in vibration for too long without creating more of a problem, which is known as sickness. Perhaps in this connection, initiates will become more aware of their problem areas and will periodically address them with conscious concentration and intent during meditation to ensure that each part of the form is reborn sufficiently to support the continuous ascent of the whole (the entire forms).

Some lightworkers who need to lift form from within are still using devices or medicines. Beloved ones, the whole purpose of ascension is that the initiate learns to inwardly (from within) create all that is needed. Sometimes, for a short time, the ascendant needs external ingredients or plants. However, the body must learn to create what it needs, and this ability is carried by the regenerative and self-sustaining form. If you are a God and Goddess in form, then you can change the form as you need, and this does not require you to do anything outside of yourself.

“When in ancient times they spoke of purgatory and fiery hell, then, of course, they meant transmutation and Karma.”

Agni Yoga.
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Rebirth, transformation, renewal or fiery transmutation of consciousness is possible only with open Centers.

"Joy is a special wisdom," said Christ.

Everyone who is burning with the desire to embark on the path of spiritual self-improvement needs to pay special attention to the “strange occult law”, which invariably begins to operate when a person touches the Light and sincerely desires the rebirth of his consciousness. Here is how Helena Ivanovna Roerich spoke about this law to her respondent in one of her letters, citing an example from the third volume of the Secret Doctrine:
“I will also give you from the notes of H. P. Bl. page, it is called “Caution”: “There is a strange law in the occult, which has been confirmed over thousands of years of experience. So also during all the years that have elapsed since the beginning of the existence of Theos. In general, this law was invariably confirmed in each case. As soon as one enters the path of the "probationer", certain occult effects begin to appear. And the first of these is the bringing out of everything that has been dormant in a person so far: his shortcomings, habits, qualities or hidden desires, good, bad or indifferent.

“For example, if a person, due to atavism or a karmic inheritance, is vain or sensual, or arrogant, then all these vices will inevitably come to light in him, even if until now he has managed to successfully hide and suppress them. They will come out uncontrollably, and he will have to fight them a hundred times harder than before before he can eradicate such tendencies in himself.
“On the other hand, if he is kind, generous, chaste and temperate, or if he has any virtues that are latent or dormant in him, they will manifest themselves with the same force as everything else.”

In the realm of the occult, this is an immutable law.
“His action is the brighter, the more serious and sincere desire expressed by the candidate, and the deeper he felt the reality and significance of the obligation he had assumed.”
“The ancient occult axiom “know thyself” should be familiar to every student. But few people understood the true meaning of this wise saying of the Delphic oracle ... "

I cite this to show you how often the so-called disciples and followers of the Teaching begin to reveal traits that were definitely not characteristic of them before. Verily, touching the Source of Light is a touchstone for everyone.”

And in one of her letters, Elena Ivanovna warns all irresponsible "so-called students":

“I am afraid that my instructions will not please someone, I have reason to think so. But as it is said - “The Teaching is not sugared pine nuts, not silver spillikins, but a severe crucifixion of selfhood and an intense transformation of the lowest qualities into the finest fires. Sugar nuts may be appropriate on the eve of the first step, but the Teaching knows only the harsh and beautiful flowers of selflessness. Whoever needs sugar nuts, it is better not to touch the fiery food prepared for those who walk in self-sacrifice.”


Therefore, today, everyone who wants to accept the feat of selflessness and not build rosy illusions needs to realize that the rebirth of consciousness is associated with the opening of Centers and only a ready spirit can withstand the terrible stress of the body that accompanies such improvement of consciousness.
As a mother, who gives life, undergoes terrible torments, giving a new life, so a person, when opening the Centers, experiences a terrible strain of the organism, on the verge of the “last hour”. Namely, being reborn and not only symbolically, but also experiencing severe physical suffering and pain, a person begins a new life, opening up a new opportunity for understanding the spirit.

We know of cases when responsible, kind, intelligent, beautiful and honest followers departed from the Teaching and began to experience a “rebirth of consciousness” due to fear of pain, being in complete ignorance of the ongoing changes in their consciousness and physical body.

Here is a description of the state of health, at the opening of the Heart Center, told by one of our friends, and he always went in for sports and never had a heart disease, and had never experienced anything like this before:

“The blood pressure was very high, 80/180, so strong tides and vibrations were felt in the temples, and an unusual noise and ringing was heard in the ears, drowning out all the usual sounds of life. In the chest, at the levels of the heart, severe pain, burning and burning were felt, as if the sternum was cut, and the heart was doused with gasoline and set on fire, but for some reason, despite the unbearable pain, it continued to work, feel and worry. This went on for two or three days. After this period, when the tension reached its limit, a clear thought came - to turn to the Teacher for help. I took out a photo of the Face of the Teacher (given by one very active woman - the organizer, who came from Europe) and prayed for help. In less than five minutes, the blood went to the legs, and an incredible relief came and the heart immediately felt relieved, and the pressure wave receded, this went on for several days, but the heart continued to burn and flutter, and the blood pressure fell, then rose. Several days passed, during which the pain gradually began to subside, and blood pressure returned to normal.

Later, I heard from him: "I live only thanks to the Teacher." Later, in the Teachings and Letters of Helena Roerich, I found many useful tips and instructions on how to live and what to do at such a time if there is a transmutation of consciousness based on the opening of the Center of the Heart, which must be experienced while maintaining restraint and calmness.
The opening of the Centers (of the Higher Consciousness) in a person, transmutation, etc., is a rebirth of consciousness and, mainly, a transformation of thinking, which can fundamentally change the life of an incarnated person towards Light, Beauty and Culture, everything depends on the strength of the aspiration of the student. Moreover, the rebirth of consciousness is possible only in the earthly world, therefore, when the spirit is in the Supermundane worlds, there comes an understanding of the need for incarnation in order to become more perfect, but the process of self-improvement requires not just a new incarnation, and fiery transmutation is not always required, most spirits come to the dense world at the behest of the Lords of Karma, in order to learn new lessons of life.

Only high spirits with a conscious will incarnate voluntarily in order to experience the next fiery opportunity for improvement, which can be called rebirth, transmutation, renewal, etc.

The High Spirit always himself and voluntarily desires a new incarnation, when karma gives rise to a new term, according to the Law of Terms, and at the same time one should firmly realize the occult law, which is described by E.P. Blavatsky in the third volume of the Secret Doctrine, in the chapter "Caution". But this is not all that is required for complete or partial transmutation, it is necessary to open the Chalice Center in order to awaken the memory of the heart (spirit) and give a new opportunity for understanding the spirit, and this process is possible only with the full or partial opening of the Centers.

An excerpt from the book "Space Legends of the East":

“What makes you come back to Earth? Cosmic law: just as hunger impels the hungry to food, so the law of incarnation directs the ready spirit to the time of its incarnation. There comes a moment when he begins to acutely feel the magnetic attraction to the earthly incarnation, for only the Earth is the crucible in which our energies are transmuted and new ones are renewed and accumulated.
A high spirit does not oppose the natural change of being, he rejoices at the opportunity to improve a new side of his life. It helps to find difficult tasks in order to experience a renewed consciousness on them. A lofty spirit aspires to a difficult path.
It is not easy to approach earthly spheres from the higher world. This diving can be compared to the work of a diver. Just as a diver must put on heavy armor to withstand the pressure of the ocean, so one going to Earth must surround himself with heavy flesh.
An experienced swimmer from a height rushes into the depths of the waters; returning to the surface, he feels joy and courage. So the conscious spirit plunges into the matter of the flesh in order to ascend again into the mountainous spheres. Experience makes such a test joyful.



Part 2.XII.5. Now about the timing. The law of karma and the law of timing are like two-faced Janus - one gives rise to the other. Karma bears the fruit of deeds and causes the term of manifestation.
Note that personal karma, group karma and cosmic karma must be combined, and then the term will be true. Often the development of personal karma pulls group karma along with it. Some spirits are controlled entirely by karma, that is, the knowledge of the spirit is minimal - then karma is the only possibility of evolution.

Part 3.IV.7. No clairvoyance equals knowledge of the spirit. Truth can come through this knowledge. Understanding the needs of the time goes only this way. Prophetic ecstasy bypasses the precision of time and place, but the knowledge of the spirit foresees the quality of the event. And the path of knowledge of the spirit blossoms without visible signs, but is based on the opening of the centers.
Among the priests, the knowledge of the spirit was considered the highest manifestation, because it could not be achieved by any bodily exercises, but was composed of layers of previous lives.

Therefore, caring for the knowledge of the spirit is expressed not by exercises, but only by improving the living conditions of the vessels that feed the nerves. The main attention should be paid to blood pressure, because when the nerves absorb the emanations of white balls, then the reverse polarization especially rises.

Infinity, part 2.

462. When in ancient times they spoke of purgatory and fiery hell, they naturally meant transmutation and Karma. After all, when the laws were laid down, they knew their essence! After all, the accuracy of knowledge was established by the manifestation of the Cosmic Magnet. The knowledge of Karma was established by the Luminaries. Purgatory was replaced by karmic striving. Purgatory followed in its present understanding as the legacy of the law of transmutation. The fiery hell followed the law revealed by Karma. Karma and transmutation are inseparable! One principle predetermines the other, and the tension of one causes the striving of the other. The creativeness of great attraction creates all cosmic principles. Only striving directed towards the manifestation of fire can give a formula of reality. Humanity in its thoughtlessness denies this mutual law. Karma and transmutation, verily, outline the evolution of the spirit. The space resounds with these laws. And only the law of the Cosmic Magnet directs the striving towards evolution. A sensitive ear will catch these harmonies.


The Law of Timing, generated by the Law of Karma, acts equally on all spirits, calling into action the term of a new incarnation, so that the spirit has a new opportunity for its next improvement.
Only high spirits with a conscious will can have a voluntary desire and readiness for a new incarnation in order to get a new opportunity, revive the memory of the heart and remember the past lessons learned for the next fiery transmutation of consciousness and a new understanding of the spirit.
Namely, only a high spirit can know all the dangers of fiery transmutation, therefore, again and again, it descends with joy into the dense world, does not fear and does not resist the earthly fiery purgatory by opening the Centers in order to experience again the “special wisdom” of a new renewed being.


“Yes, all dark corners must be illuminated and the rubbish of yesterday swept away, otherwise a better step cannot be built.
Do not complain about the severity of the instructions, I am writing with a heart full of desire to help and give you a new understanding. Sweet words only lull the mind and strengthen us in misunderstanding, but misunderstanding is stagnation and regression.
Give joy to the Master to see you burning to a new understanding of joyful ascent in severe self-examination.

Pain lies at the base of every supreme joy. "Pain precedes joy" - so let's remember.

Helena Roerich.

Repost by V. Serikov

Forces: My relatives and loved ones, I am Metatron, I am the Light and Love of God.

My dears, today I will begin to tell you about the transmutation of your bodies into light ones.

First, huge and incredibly beautiful changes will affect your physical body.

We have already told you many times about this, about changing your physical shell.

Your dense bodies are a multitude of tiny particles, atoms tightly closed together, as if magnetized close to each other by a very low vibration. From this it seems that they are very dense and do not let the Light through at all, as if it does not pass through them, but this is absolutely not the case, this is an illusion.

Your physical body actually consists of energy, of the smallest particles of Light, particles that have both a positive and a negative charge. They are magnetized to each other very strongly and thus create the density that you see.

What is changing within you?

Your bodies become completely different - .

We call them light only because, unlike your physical bodies, they begin to shine and shine more.

In fact, the chemical composition of your bodies is changing. This is a wide variety of internal changes and, first of all, your smallest particles, your atoms, change.

They change their energy composition, which means that the atom itself changes. It seems to be becoming less "magnetized" inside, rarefied, and therefore of higher vibrations. You will be filled with more Light.

The distance between your smallest particles inside will increase, even more inner space will appear for receiving the Light, which means raising vibrations. High and pure Light will be able to enter your bodies, organs, cells, atoms.

One might think that the bodies will become larger and increase in volume. In a way, yes, but not physically. The bodies will increase on a subtle level due to a new internal and external glow, a halo of Light that will come from you.

Your density will gradually "melt", disappear, and you will pass into a new light form, into a more subtle one.

Right now, all of you are going through an amazing and incredibly beautiful transmutation process, often reminding you of "the transformation of an earthly caterpillar into a heavenly butterfly."