
Threadlifting is a real opportunity to stop time. What is threadlifting with mesothreads? Threadlifting with mesothreads

Along with many skin tightening methods, cosmetologists actively use threadlifting or tissue reinforcement with mesothreads. This is a quick way to rejuvenate the face and body without spending a lot of time on the rehabilitation period. In addition, immediately after the procedure, you can see the result and evaluate it.

What is threadlifting?

For several years, cosmetologists and doctors have been developing the most suitable threads for the procedure, as well as improving it. In fact, mesothread is dioxanone, a suture material that has been used in medicine for a very long time, and only recently they found a way to use it in cosmetology, and I must say, very successfully.

This method of skin rejuvenation came to us from Korea and very quickly became one of the most popular in beauty salons. After all, the effects are comparable to plastic surgery, however, threadlifting takes place within 1 hour and only a special needle, mesothreads and a local anesthetic are used for this.

Mesothreads lift sagging skin, stimulate collagen production.

Now the threadlifting procedure is carried out as follows: using an ultrathin needle, the doctor inserts it into the area requiring intervention. Then he pulls out the needle, while the thread remains in the tissues.

Especially for this procedure, flexible needles are made of medical steel and threads are used, which after 6-8 months disintegrate in the tissues and turn into water and carbon dioxide. The thickness of the threads is 0.3 mm, so they are not noticeable under the skin, but at the same time create a frame from the collagen that supports it.

What to expect from this procedure?

First, wrinkles will smooth out and become less noticeable. Secondly, the contour of the face will be corrected and become smoother. Thirdly, the skin will become elastic, and the defects existing on it before the procedure will be eliminated. Obviously, it makes sense to go through this procedure for those who want to get rid of the above.

A significant advantage is that mesothreads can be used not only on the face, but also on the stomach and décolleté. This will not affect the result in any way - in any part of the body it will be at its best. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that, in general, the effectiveness of the procedure remains up to 2 years, despite the fact that the threads will resolve in 6-8 months. This is due to the fact that new collagen fibers are formed around the threads, which maintain the elasticity of the skin.

Mesothreads for the face - pros and cons

Among the main advantages of threadlifting are:

  1. The procedure lasts about 30 minutes and the effect becomes apparent in the near future;
  2. The procedure is painless and does not require a rehabilitation period;
  3. Due to the fact that blood circulation at the injection sites of mesothreads increases, the appearance of the skin improves;
  4. The threads used are fully compatible with body tissues and are not rejected by the body, and also do not cause allergic reactions;
  5. Threadlifting can be successfully combined with other popular cosmetic procedures such as contouring, peeling, botulinum therapy, mesotherapy and plasma therapy.

Cons of entering mesothreads:

  • the appearance of hematomas;
  • after the installation of mesothreads, within a few days, there is discomfort, soreness, indication in the areas where they were installed;
  • the appearance of tubercles at the injection site of the threads.

Threadlifting - indications and contraindications

Indications for the procedure:
  • Clear nasolabial folds;
  • Drooping edges of the eyebrows;
  • Sagging tissues on the abdomen, legs, buttocks and arms;
  • Creases next to the auricle;
  • Vertical wrinkles on the forehead;
  • Horizontal and purse-string frontal wrinkles;
  • Gravitational ptosis of the eyebrows and chin;
  • Folds of skin on the chest, neck and chin.
  • Infectious diseases of a different nature;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Inflammatory processes in places where threadlifting is planned;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Violation of blood clotting.

Mesothreads - possible risks and complications

The main risks are associated with the professionalism of the doctor who does the threadlifting procedure. Firstly, a specialist must have a certificate, but this does not guarantee the fact that he will do everything right. When choosing a clinic and a doctor, always pay attention to his experience as well as the reviews of those who have already undergone this procedure with him.

Another equally important aspect is the use of high-quality, certified mesothreads. In Russia, these are products of trademarks Lead Fine Lift from Korea and Beaute`Lift V Line from Japan . If you are offered mesothreads of other brands, it is better not to risk it.

Among the main risks of threadlifting is if during the procedure the needle moves at least half a millimeter, then there is a possibility that after removing it, the skin may turn into an accordion and this defect will be very difficult to correct. Therefore, once again, remember that the experience and professionalism of the doctor is very important.

Complications after mesothreads are also small subcutaneous tubercles. These formations usually resolve and disappear, but only after six months.

Reviews after threadlifting

In general, the reviews of those who underwent the threadlifting procedure are positive. Most noted the fact that the lifting effect is visible almost immediately, and in the course of 2-4 weeks it noticeably increases. Bruises and bumps appear far from everyone, it depends more on the individual characteristics of the skin than on the professionalism of the doctor. The tightening effect is said to last between eight and 18 months. Here are some of the reviews from the web:

Nina, 40 years old:

“My husband, from whom I have never heard a single compliment (well, that’s the way he is, admires silently), suddenly told me that I’ve freshened up a lot!) and began to look great. The whole evening climbed to kiss) "

Maria, 36 years old:

“Today I made mesothreads. The procedure was quick and painless. I liked that the face immediately tightened. The beautician gave me local anesthesia. They said that bruises appear - I don’t have them. Only 10 threads were used. My husband saw the change right away.

Alla, 41 years old

“Wrinkles and blue circles under the eyes have become much less noticeable, and when smiling too. I did it unexpectedly, I didn’t plan it, but I’m very pleased with the result.”

Mesothreads - before and after photos

In general, reinforcement with mesothreads is safe and gives a good result. The main thing in this procedure is to entrust yourself to a highly qualified specialist who can really help you look more attractive, and not harm you. But still, it is worth noting that despite the high efficiency, threadlifting will not replace a surgical facelift, so you should not expect the impossible from this procedure.

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Girls want to look young and attractive at any age, maintain smooth skin without a single sign of aging, without wrinkles, with a clear facial contour and a beautiful swan neck. This will help cosmetic procedures. A good effect is demonstrated by a non-surgical facelift, which is called thread lifting with mesothreads.

Threadlifting with mesothreads: what is it?

The technology is relevant for the fair sex of different ages. The technique first appeared in Korea. Local craftsmen took the technique of acupuncture as a basis. According to experts in acupuncture, there are 14 energy flows in the human body. The state of stress, diseases of different body systems, bad habits, unhealthy diet, poor environmental situation, as well as other negative sources of energy take these channels. To open the channels and make the energy flows circulate, very thin threads are used - mesothreads or “miracle threads”.

Many women claim that the effect after the procedure is visible immediately. However, experts assure that the reason for this is not only the introduction of mesothreads.

  • This technology allows you to start the productive production of elastin and collagen in tissue cells, which form the structure of the skin integument.
  • Collagen fibers envelop the threads, creating a natural frame and promoting rejuvenation with a lifting effect.
  • The procedure allows you to get rid of pigmentation, make the skin supple and smooth.

Threadlifting is considered one of the most progressive ways of rejuvenation. For its implementation, very thin threads made of polydioxanone fibers coated with polyglycolic acid are used. The average thickness of the mesothread is approximately 0.1-0.3 mm, depending on the type of element. Mesothreads are inserted under the skin using seamless aesthetic technology. The mechanism allows you to create a strong frame structure of tissues.

Threadlifting with 3D mesothreads: varieties of mesothreads

Mesothreads are actively used not only for facial rejuvenation, but also for thread lifting of the body. The following types are currently in use:

  1. Mesothreads MONO, TWIN, SCREW. The elements are necessary in order to quickly form a skin frame while stimulating the active production of collagen. As already mentioned, it is formed around the material. This type of mesothreads is used for various areas of the face - forehead, eyelids, chin, cheeks. They are thin and comfortable to use.
  2. Spiral mesothreads. Their peculiarity is that they are directed to certain locations on the face, or areas of the body. When installed, they stretch and fix into a reverse shape after. Necessary in order to carry out lifting of the chin and nasolabial folds, décolleté, eyebrows.
  3. Mesothreads NOSE. A separate type of mesothreads, which is used to change the shape of the nose. This technique is called non-surgical rhinoplasty.
  4. Needle mesothreads 3D. They are used to tighten the skin during gravitational aging. The threads are fixed in the required places, after which the skin no longer moves.
  5. Mesothreads COG. This special type of mesothreads is equipped with specialized notches. A good option for creating a clear oval face. The elements are installed in a given place and quickly contribute to the lifting effect. The advantages of the presented type of mesothreads are in enhanced action.
  6. A great alternative to surgical lifting is 4D mesothreads. These are innovative "miracle threads" that have become a new answer to aging. Demonstrate a very powerful effect of rejuvenation. Their difference is in the increased thickness, as well as the presence of notches. At one time, they are able to pull up a significant amount of tissue and securely hold it in a given position.

Regardless of the type of thread, threadlifting technology will be similar. Elements are arranged under the epithelial layer. For each case, the direction and depth are selected. The specialist manually creates a frame of the face. It models the patient's face, straightening wrinkles, improving the skin from a structural point of view, tightening sagging.

This method of facelift is considered the most comfortable and harmless. The period of long rehabilitation is excluded, the first results will be noticeable after 3 days. Over time, the mesothreads break down into components: carbon dioxide and water, and later the decay products are excreted from the body. The collagen skeleton, which remains in the location of the mesothreads, continues to support the skin of the face effectively, giving it elasticity and firmness.

Threadlifting with mesothreads: reviews, indications for use

Aesthetic facelift by installing mesothreads is recommended in case of:

  1. The presence of wrinkles in the area between the eyebrows.
  2. Face with the effect of hanging eyebrows.
  3. Pronounced wrinkles in the nasolabial region, in the chin area.
  4. Fine lines of wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, around the mouth area.
  5. Hanging folds under the ears.
  6. Various defects, deformation of the skin that occurs in the case of plastic surgery. Mesothreads will be an effective solution for asymmetry.
  7. Dropping corners of the mouth.
  8. Sagging of the skin in the face and neck, décolleté, shoulders, abdomen, legs.

According to reviews, threadlifting using 3D mesothreads is considered a productive alternative plastic surgery technique for skin tightening. Many patients note that the face has become 4-5 years younger, and the skin has become elastic and elastic within a short period of time. As a positive effect, an improvement in the oval of the face is also noted.

Traditionally, reviews are left by older female representatives from 40 years old, however, there are patients aged 25-35 years. They say that they noticed an excellent effect of the procedure. This is due to the fact that their body is still able to produce natural elastin and collagen. According to patients' reviews, the result is noticeable within 2 years, and the use of complex hardware techniques that promote rejuvenation prolongs this period. Mesotherapy, lpg-massage are called as recommended hardware techniques.

Threadlifting with 3D mesothreads: photos before and after, the positive aspects of the procedure

Having studied the photos before and after the procedure, you can see the positive aspects of this technique. Evaluate them visually, and also analyze the positive aspects to understand why the method is so popular:

  • Absence of aggressive surgical interventions with high efficiency. One procedure allows you to eliminate significant problems. Not only wrinkles are removed, but also age spots, the oval of the face is leveled. The effect is simply amazing, as you can see by looking at the photos before and after the therapy.
  • Minimal areas of the skin are injured.
  • The procedure has no consequences, the minimum recovery period. There are no bruises, injection marks, swelling.
  • With a competent approach of a specialist, rehabilitation will take only one and a half to two hours.
  • The minimum percentage of allergic reactions of the body to materials.
  • During the procedure, local anesthesia is used, which is completely harmless to the human body.
  • Mesothreads do not adversely affect the natural facial expressions. They contribute to the accelerated microcirculation of useful elements in the tissues.
  • The absence of consequences in the form of scars and scars.
  • Mesothreads are very thin threads that will not be visible even through fair skin.
  • The procedure is carried out in a short time, within one hour.

An objective question arises: are there any complications after using this technique? Most cosmetologists assure that there will be no consequences and complications. However, much will depend on the skill level of the specialist, as well as on the quality of the input materials. Give preference to cosmetologists who are fluent in technology.

Collaborate with salons that have good reviews and have an impeccable reputation. Do not forget to check not only the reliability of the salon, but also the qualifications of the cosmetologist himself. Arriving at the appointment, be sure to ask for a document on qualifications.

Prices for threadlifting with mesothreads

The cost of the procedure will depend on the area of ​​the treated surface, the type of mesothreads used, their number, and the need for additional services. On average, the price varies from 800 to 5600 rubles per piece.

Threadlifting is a modern cosmetic rejuvenation of the face and body with the help of the thinnest mesothreads that are implanted under the skin. This procedure allows you to model and correct the contours of the face and body without surgery.

Threadlifting combined the effect of mesotherapy and lifting - the two main cosmetic procedures of aesthetic medicine: mesotherapy and lifting. For the first time this method of tightening began to be mastered in South Korea, and now it is popular all over the world.

Mesotherapy was also used by Hippocrates for the treatment of joints, introducing cactus needles under the skin. In its modern form, this method has become known since 1950 thanks to the Frenchman Michel Pistor, who began to administer the drug locally to treat various diseases. And since 1987, mesotherapy has found its application in cosmetology, helping to solve many skin problems.

Active substances, the composition of which is chosen by the doctor, are injected with needles into the problem area, and they work from the inside. This is how acne, age spots, oily skin, rosacea, cellulite, hair loss are treated.

Mesothread is a special system that consists of a thin flexible needle and the thread itself made of a self-absorbable material. After six months, mesothreads decompose into carbon dioxide and water, which are not harmful to the body.

Lifting is a variety of facelift methods that remove defects and age-related changes. The effect of rejuvenation can be achieved by various cosmetic procedures: lifting creams, massage, RG-lifting, ultrasound, acupuncture, photorejuvenation, laser resurfacing, mesotherapy. Or through plastic surgery.

The appearance of mesothreads

More recently, gold, platinum and polypropylene threads were used for lifting procedures. Now biodegradable (absorbable) thinnest (0.3 mm) threads of a high degree of elasticity based on polymeric materials have appeared.

When implanted, they do not cause rejection and allergic reactions. The basis for synthetic fibers are polydioxanone, polylactic acid, caprolac. Mesothreads coated with polyglycolic acid are perfectly combined with the tissues of the human body, and after 6 months they are completely absorbed. The positive effect of the procedure is observed for 2 years.

Types of mesothreads

There are several types of mesothreads:

  • Linear- these are straight smooth threads 25-90 cm long. They are used to lift the neck, eyelids, nasolabial folds. Good for sensitive skin. These are the most budgetary threads that quickly dissolve.
  • Spiral or universal in the form of an elastic spiral. They are used to tighten the chin, décolleté, around the eyes, nasolabial folds, arms, abdomen. Often used in combination with other types of threads. Standard size 50-60 mm.
  • Needle- have microscopic multidirectional notches. The most durable threads, retain their shape well. They are often used to correct the most mobile parts of the face.
  • Mesothreads-pigtails have a high holding capacity. They consist of two intertwined fibers. Especially effective for cheeks, neck, chest, nasolabial folds, chin.

Types of mesothreads for threadlifting

liquid monofilament is a biogel made from zinc chloride and hyaluronic acid. Getting under the skin, it penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and, like all foreign particles, causes the formation of dense tissue. The skin shrinks and a lifting effect appears. These threads are the result of the latest developments of scientists in the field of cosmetology. Biogel corrects the oval of the face, hips and abdomen, eyes, lips.

When reinforcing, threads of Korean or Russian production are used. Each type of thread has its own characteristics and advantages. An experienced specialist will definitely advise which mesothreads to give preference to in each individual case to obtain the best result.

Indications for threadlifting

Threadlifting with mesothreads is such an elimination of signs of aging that has a three-dimensional effect. The advanced rejuvenation technique is recommended for people aged 30 to 50 who want firm, fresh skin. Ideal for patients with the first signs of wilting.

Deep wrinkles and folds cannot be removed by this method, but you can tighten the skin and correct such age-related changes:

  • saggy skin;
  • drooping of the tips of the lips and eyebrows;
  • hanging eyelids;
  • change in the oval of the face;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • wrinkles on the face;
  • loose skin on the body.

The procedure is excellent for patients with the first signs of aging who have medium skin thickness. To eliminate sagging thick skin on full faces, individual methods are needed.


Threadlift refers to seamless aesthetic operations. Although this injures the tissues, it has minor consequences. Reinforcement with mesothreads, performed professionally, does not cause any discomfort to patients.

But due to the individual characteristics of the body, there are contraindications for such a procedure:

  • infectious diseases;
  • oncology;
  • low blood clotting;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • mental and neurotic disorders;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

To avoid undesirable consequences, patients must provide the doctor with comprehensive information about their state of health.

Differences from thread lifting

Threadlift and thread lift procedures have much in common, but there are also significant differences. If gold threads are used for thread lifting, and the price depends on the size of problem areas, then in thread lifting, the calculation depends on the number and type of mesothreads.

The positive effect of thread lifting lasts up to 5 years, but this procedure causes a lot of pain. Reinforcement with mesothreads is practically painless and less traumatic, but the positive result lasts only up to 2 years.

Do you need preparation

Before the procedure, you should follow simple recommendations:

  • for a week do not take antihistamines, aspirin, preparations containing aloe Vera;
  • do not visit the sauna, solarium for seven days;
  • two hours before the procedure, exclude heavy physical exertion, alcohol, smoking;
  • do not wash with warm water immediately before the procedure.

How threadlifting is done

Threadlifting with mesothreads is such an injection reinforcement, when a frame structure is created under the skin from threads with the thinnest needles. The result is a striking rejuvenation effect on par with the results of plastic surgery.

This procedure also has the following names: 3D mesothreads or three-dimensional lifting and these terms are not erroneous. It is used to tighten sagging skin in almost all parts of the face and body.

When a doctor prescribes thread lifting with mesothreads, he necessarily takes into account the requirements of the client, his physical condition, skin type, face shape. The decision on the choice of technique, the number of threads and the manufacturer depends on this.

The procedure is performed in the following order:

  • cleansing and disinfection of the skin;
  • application anesthesia;
  • marking lines on problem areas;
  • slow precise insertion of thin needles with 3D mesothreads;
  • needles are removed, but the threads remain ;;
  • the use of healing and soothing agents.

Flexible thin needles (cannulas) for injections are made of a special steel alloy. Such needles can be inserted under the skin along with the thread in any direction to the desired depth, they do not injure the tissue. The fixed threads form a frame that holds the skin in a certain position.

The duration of the procedure is from 30 to 60 minutes. The duration depends on the reinforcement and the number of mesothreads. For a positive result, the accuracy of the protocol of the procedure is important. And the doctor must have a license to conduct a cosmetic procedure.

How is the threadlifting procedure of the face with mesothreads:

Terms and features of rehabilitation

Threadlifting with mesothreads is a non-surgical gentle intervention in the skin structure, which rarely has complications. Patients generally tolerate it well. But after any cosmetic rejuvenation procedure, as well as after a surgical one, rehabilitation is needed.

The recovery period lasts 1-2 weeks, and a person can return home almost immediately after installing the threads.

At the manipulation sites, slight tingling, discomfort, slight swelling and bruising may appear. They can be quickly removed with the help of special preparations. Needle punctures heal quickly, as do minor pains. When the installation of mesothreads is carried out by experienced doctors, the skin is minimally injured.

Possible Complications

During threadlifting, thin polished needles and threads do not harm the skin. Their poor-quality installation can ruin the result.

With excessive tightening, mild wrinkles may appear. Usually they straighten out after 10-14 days, or you have to consult a doctor to correct the consequences.

If the filament is installed close to the surface, seals may appear in the places where the filament is installed.

The negligence of medical staff who have not done a drug tolerance test can lead to hematomas and edema. And the presence of skin infections, which the client kept silent, threatens with an abscess.

When contacting a reliable clinic, where highly qualified specialists work, high-tech materials are used, protocols for performing procedures are strictly observed, and any risks of complications are excluded.

So that the mesothreads do not move under the skin, and the body gets used to being in the tissues of a foreign body, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  • do not disturb the area where the lifting was carried out;
  • monitor facial expressions, do not perform heavy physical exercises;
  • avoid direct sunlight for a month;
  • do not get involved in alcohol, coffee, spicy, smoked and salty foods, especially the first three days;

Skin care after the procedure

In order for the rejuvenation procedure to be successful and the recovery to end quickly, cosmetologists advise following certain rules for gentle face and body care. In the first three days, injection sites should be treated with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine.

Wash your face with purified water, use tonics and lotions with active oxygen. For makeup, it is better to choose high-quality cosmetics with UV protection.

Efficiency of the method: results before and after surgery on the face, forehead, lips, abdomen

Threadlifting with mesothreads is such an effective rejuvenation:

The procedure ensures the elimination of wrinkles on the face, when the first positive changes in appearance become visible very quickly, as soon as the hematomas dissolve, swelling and redness disappear. After 1.5-2 months, you can admire the final result.

Wrinkles on the forehead and "crow's feet" around the eyes are smoothed out after reinforcement. You can get rid of bags under the eyes, giving the face a tired, painful look. Mesothreads inserted into the lower eyelids will become a supporting frame within 2 years.

The blurred oval of the face and chin, sagging skin on the neck give out age, and the tightening of these areas with mesothreads noticeably rejuvenates the appearance. The contours of the face and chin acquire a clear shape, and the skin becomes fresh and elastic.

Many women dream of a beautiful breast, and a lift with mesothreads can significantly improve its shape. The implantation of threads into the skin of the breast will delay age-related changes by 2-3 years.

The method of lip correction using mesothreads quickly gives a noticeable effect for a long time due to the formation of collagen fibers. Lips become clearly defined and expressive, purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip are eliminated. The introduction of a biorevitalizant makes their color rich and fresh, which miraculously reflects on a smile.

The formation of new collagen restores the old shape of the face and body, restores youthfulness to the skin. The full effect of the 3D lifting appears within six months after the procedure, and the result lasts up to two years. Stitching the abdomen, arms and thighs with threads allows you to remove age-related changes in the early stages.

Threadlifting allows you to get rid of many age-related imperfections in one session. Problem areas after a three-dimensional lifting look very natural, facial expressions are not disturbed, and the skin is not stretched. The patient does not feel the threads under the skin at all.

Procedures such as contouring, mesotherapy with nutritional cocktails, plasmolifting can enhance the effect of threadlifting. They can be used already a month after reinforcement.

The cost of the procedure in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

Threadlifting with mesothreads is a good alternative to plastic surgery and expensive gold thread reinforcement. Of course, this cosmetic procedure is also expensive, but it is quite affordable.

Price is not always a quality indicator. When choosing a clinic or salon, it is better to first carefully study the information about the services and qualifications of employees, and find out customer reviews.

A cosmetologist at a consultation examines the condition of the patient's skin, determines the complexity of the work. After that, he chooses the type of threads, their number and calculates the cost of the procedure.

The cost of one mesothread of different types determines the total cost of the cosmetic procedure.

City The price of one linear mesothread The price of one spiral mesothread The price of one mesothread with notches The price of one thread with installation
Moscow 700-900 rub. 1400-2000 rub. 3000 rub. 800-2000 rub.
St. Petersburg 500-600 rub. 660-900 rub. 1200 rub. 600-1900 rub.
Sochi 700 rub. 750-900 rub. on request 600-1900 rub.
Novosibirsk 900-990 rub. 1000 rub. 1900 rub. 600-1900 rub.
Eagle 700-800 rub. 1300 rub. 2700 rub. 600-1900 rub.

The price of reinforcement of different zones varies from 10,000 rubles. up to 90000 rub. In many clinics there are discounts for clients (10-15%) under certain conditions.

Threadlifting with mesothreads is a new invention in the field of aesthetic medicine, proposed by South Korean scientists, based on the properties of the skin tissues of women in South Asia. As a rule, their skin is more sensitive and thin compared to the female half of the northern latitudes and Europe. What is the essence of such a procedure as threadlifting, what it is, will be discussed further.

The essence of the procedure

Threadlifting is the strengthening of skin tissues by introducing special mesothreads into the subcutaneous layers, which create a kind of framework that supports the skin and makes it more elastic and supple.

Threadlifting mesothreads are the thinnest threads made of absorbable material, which are made from polydioxane and polyglycolic acid. Also, these threads are called 3D mesothreads.

The threads are inserted under the skin with special needles of various lengths, from 25 to 60 mm, depending on the treated area. With the introduction of mesothreads, a supporting framework is formed for the tissues of the epidermis. The injected threads dissolve in 6-8 months.

The cosmetologist will tell you about the features, methodology and method of exposure to the procedure:

Implanted not only support the skin, forming a clear oval of the face or tightening sagging skin areas of other parts of the body, while they stimulate the production of collagen in the middle layers of the dermis. Gradually, within six months, collagen grows along these lines, that is, instead of a filamentous skeleton, a strong foundation of collagen fibers is formed. It is she who maintains the skin for another 1.5-2 years.

A distinctive feature of mesothreads is that they do not cause allergies and rejection, they are practically not felt and do not cause immobility of facial muscles. Threadlifting with mesothreads actively renews the skin of the face and body by increasing the elasticity of the skin fibers and tightening the sagging parts of the epidermis.

Threadlifting can be combined with other rejuvenation methods - mesotherapy, laser and RF lifting, Botox injections, peeling, etc. Together, they enhance mutual action and prevent signs of early aging of dermal cells.

Threadlifting technology with mesothreads

Threadlifting in its technology differs from the classic face and body lift with threads. The main difference is the threads used to create the skin frame. As noted above, mesothreads are adapted for the more delicate and sensitive skin of Asian women.

The main differences between mesothreads and classical ones used in bioreinforcement:

  1. To create a reliable foundation of mesothreads, more than Aptos threads are required. For example, to tighten sagging cabbage soup, you need about 30 pieces of mesothreads, and for the entire face and neck - up to 200 pieces; accordingly, the cost of the procedure is more expensive.
  2. Threadlifting is less painful, sometimes it is carried out without the use of anesthetics, only the frontal part is anesthetized with local gels.
  3. The rehabilitation period is only 7-10 days.
  4. 3D threads, in addition to the tightening effect, have a stimulating effect on the cells of the deep layers of the dermis, activating the synthesis of collagen and elastin, enhancing intercellular metabolism and blood circulation, rejuvenating the skin.
  5. The only drawback of mesothreads is that the effect lasts for 2 years, while with ordinary Aptos threads, the result lasts up to 5 years. This is due to the timing of thread resorption: 3D threads are removed from the body after 6-8 months, and Aptos-threads - after 1.5-2 years.
  6. After the introduction of mesothreads, there are no such undesirable consequences as itching and redness, displacement of the framework or their rejection, since they are made from a material based on polylactic acid, the most compatible with the human body.

The technology of threadlifting consists in the fact that 3D threads are injected with an injection needle under the skin along the contour line of the face. The needle is made of special flexible steel, which bends along the skin relief and does not cause injury.

Types of 3D mesothreads

Currently, in modern cosmetology, the following types of mesothreads are used when carrying out thread lifting of the face and body:

  1. Monofilaments (linear mesothreads). They are used to form a skin frame by stimulating the production of collagen, which grows around the threads. They are mainly used for bio-reinforcing parts of the face - forehead and upper eyelid, cheeks, chin, temporal part, etc.
  2. Spiral mesothreads. They are used for vector bio-reinforcement directed towards certain points on the face or body. They have the ability to return to the twisted position after stretching. Used for lifting eyebrows, nasolabial and chin folds, décolleté.
  3. Needle 3D threads. Used to tighten the skin during gravitational aging. They require fixation of mesothreads in the required place and prevent their displacement.
  4. Notched mesothreads are also used to correct the shape of the face (chin, cheeks, eyebrows, eyelids), to create a clear oval. They are fixed in a given place and create a lifting effect.

Mechanism of action

So, in order to better understand what threadlifting is and what its effect on human skin is, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of the procedure. The threads are inserted into the subcutaneous layers at different depths and in different directions, creating a thread frame with a 3D effect - numerous wrinkles are straightened, the structure of the skin is improved, and sagging is lifted.

A special method of introducing mesothreads makes meso-thread lifting safe and convenient, not requiring a long period to restore damaged tissues. Results are visible after 3 days.

Pros and cons of thread lifting and types of mesothreads:

Over time, mesothreads break down into water and carbon dioxide. The elastin-collagen skeleton, formed instead of mesothreads, also effectively supports skin tissues, giving them firmness and elasticity.

To improve the effect of the procedure, fixing a long-term result, it is possible to use the following methods together:

  1. It is good to use fillers with hyaluronic acid to smooth out irregularities that have arisen after the introduction of mesothreads. Hyaluronate injection into the nasolabial region is usually required. As a result, you can get renewed skin without signs of aging.
  2. Lifting using radiofrequency waves, which can be used 30 days after threadlifting with mesothreads. RF radiation activates the regeneration of skin cells, strengthens the oval of the face, enhances the effect of mesothreads.
  3. Myostimulation, electroporation, fractional facial rejuvenation, cavitation, applied 3-4 weeks after meso-thread lifting performed in the abdomen, thighs or legs.

Indications and contraindications for the use of thread lifting procedures with 3D threads

  • wrinkles between the eyebrows;
  • "hanging" eyebrows;
  • deep, strongly pronounced folds in the naso-chin triangle;
  • wrinkled nets at the outer corners of the eyes and around the mouth;
  • skin folds under the auricles;
  • downturned corners of the mouth;
  • deformation and roughness of the skin after plastic surgery or removal of fatty layers;
  • loss of elasticity and sagging of the skin of the face and neck, décolleté, abdomen, legs and arms.

Expected result from mesothread lifting

Threadlifting with 3D threads is considered an alternative to plastic surgery to lift skin tissues. After taking the procedures, the appearance “looks younger” by 5-6 years, the epidermal tissues become elastic and elastic, the shape of the face improves.

The best effect can be obtained when carrying out thread lifting with mesothreads at the age of 25-40 years, when the body is still able to produce its own collagen and elastin. The result is stored up to 2 years. But the complex use of various anti-aging procedures (biorevitalization, mesotherapy, LPG massage, etc.) helps to prolong this period.

3D thread lifting also has a number of contraindications, namely:

  • the presence of various viral infections;
  • skin inflammatory pathologies;
  • oncological tumors;
  • cardiovascular pathologies (CHD, blood pressure, arrhythmia);
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • endocrine and mental diseases;
  • the presence of previously introduced bioimplants that have not yet resolved;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • susceptibility of the skin to keloid formations.

Possible side effects after the introduction of mesothreads:

  1. The occurrence of hematomas and bruises at the injection sites.
  2. If the threads are inserted incorrectly, the skin tightens in the form of an accordion. Correcting the defect is possible only with plastic surgery.
  3. The formation of seals at the points of entry of mesothreads due to incorrect insertion of the thread, when the thread in the subcutaneous layers does not straighten completely, but gathers into a lump. The dense formation will disappear when the threads are completely resolved. Otherwise, surgery is indicated.
  4. Circulatory disorders in the subcutaneous tissues and mimic functions of muscle tissues due to a violation of the direction of the introduction of mesothreads.
  5. Failure to obtain the expected result due to excessively wrinkled and saggy skin, loss of muscle tone. In this case, it is necessary to use biofillers with hyaluronic acid.

How the procedure is carried out, look at the video from the commentary of a professional cosmetologist:

Useful tips for those who decide to use the threadlifting method with mesothreads:

  1. The procedure should be carried out in specialized cosmetology salons by highly qualified specialists who know the technique of introducing mesothreads. This will avoid most of the undesirable consequences.
  2. When choosing a master, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with his personal portfolio, and not with photographs from the Internet.
  3. The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the individual properties of the skin. Young and well-groomed skin is better affected. Therefore, you should not particularly trust the assurances of the master about the miraculous transformation of an adult woman into a young girl. To obtain a visible result, it will be necessary to carry out additional procedures in the form of injections and hardware rejuvenation.

The main task of any cosmetic rejuvenation procedure is to give a woman a beautiful, young, elastic and toned face, and the choice of the appropriate technique depends on the individual characteristics of the skin, taking into account the available indications and contraindications.

Threadlifting with mesothreads- the latest method of strengthening and rejuvenating tissues. The procedure allows you to restore the volume and contours of the face with minimal medical intervention. Suitable for both women and men from 20 years of age.

Facelift involves the introduction into the skin of special mesothreads, around which new collagen fibers are formed, which act as a scaffold. As a result, flabbiness and sagging of the skin is eliminated.

What are mesothreads?

For facelift GMTClinic doctors use mesothreads long-term resorption - BeauteLiftVLine and LeadFineLift. Mesothreads for the face consist of a sterile hypoallergenic material - polydioxanone, which is used in surgery. Within 180-240 days, it completely decomposes into carbon dioxide and water. This starts the process of cell renewal, which improves the appearance of the skin.

There are various types of mesothreads, the choice of which depends on the task set for the beautician.

  • MONO (linear) - smooth universal threads up to 90 cm long. Suitable for reinforcing almost any part of the face and body: chin, neck, cheeks, lips, temples, forehead, eyelids, abdomen, buttocks and thighs.
  • SCREW (spiral) - spring threads to create a lifting effect. They stretch during installation and then return to their original shape, pulling up sagging tissues.
  • TWIN (pigtails) - mesothreads in the form of two intertwining fibers. They are installed in the muscle tissue and deep layers of the skin. Relevant for the areas of the chin, forehead, nasolabial fold, neck, cheeks and décolleté.
  • COG (needle) - this type of mesothreads has notches and is considered one of the most effective. They improve the contour of the chin, the line of the neck, the shape of the chest and abdomen.
  • ROSE (with thorns) - these mesothreads resemble a prickly rose stem. Spikes securely fix the skin and tighten sagging areas of the middle and lower parts of the face.

Threadlift Benefits 3d-mesothreads

  • An important feature threadlifting with mesothreads is that it is suitable for people with thin sensitive skin. Unlike gold and platinum threads, 3d- mesothreads absolutely invisible.
  • effect from suspenders 3d-mesothreads visible immediately after the procedure. Wherein facelift solves several problems: eliminates wrinkles, restores facial contours, corrects asymmetry, tightens the skin.
  • Threadlifting of the face with mesothreads relevant at any age, if the skin has a reduced tone.
  • Before the start of the session, the beautician applies an anesthetic cream to the skin. Then enters mesothreads using an ultra-thin needle - a cannula that does not leave marks on face.

Indications for threadlifting of the face and body

  • sagging (ptosis) of the skin in the chin and cheeks;
  • omission of the corners of the eyebrows and mouth;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • sagging skin in the arms, thighs, buttocks, abdomen;
  • loss of skin tone in the neck and décolleté.

Contraindications to 3D lifting with mesothreads

  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the installation area mesothreads;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tendency to scarring;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

How does a facelift with mesothreads work?

Threadlifting of the face with mesothreads consists of several stages. The cosmetologist collects information about the patient's health and determines the type of his skin. Depending on the tasks, selects the optimal type mesothreads for facelift. The procedure begins with make-up removal, antiseptic treatment of the skin and application of cream anesthesia.

With the help of a cannula - the thinnest needle - the beautician injects under the skin mesothreads according to a certain pattern.

The body instantly reacts to the appearance of a foreign body and produces collagen fibers. In the zone of passage mesothreads a reinforcing structure is formed that supports the soft tissues of problem areas faces. Beyond the effect lifting, introduction mesothreads stimulates the process of tissue renewal at the cellular level.

Within six months, polydioxanone is completely absorbed, and a beautiful and clear facial contour is maintained for 1.5-2 years!

Lift 3d-mesothreads helps to visually look younger by 5-7 years. Deep wrinkles and nasolabial folds are smoothed out. The oval of the face acquires a clear expressive shape. The line of a chin, cheekbones, a jaw improves. The skin becomes more dense and elastic.

At the GMTClinic branch Moscow procedure threadlifting conducted by experienced cosmetologists, dermatovenereologists, candidates of medical sciences. Installation cost mesothreads in Moscow determined by a specialist during an individual consultation and depends on their number and type.

Why choose GMTClinic?





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Price list

Name price, rub.
Lead Fine Lift
Mesothreads Lead Fine Lift (for 1 thread) up to 20 threads 1425
Mesothreads Lead Fine Lift (for 1 thread) from 20 to 60 threads 1200
Mesothreads Lead Fine Lift (for 1 thread) from 60 threads 975
Mesothreads Lead Fine Lift Screw (for 1 thread) 1725
Mesothreads Lead Fine Lift notched 4500