
Trezubov orthopedic dentistry download pdf. Trezubov, Shcherbakov, Mishnev, Fadeev - Orthopedic dentistry (faculty course): Textbook

Name: Orthopedic dentistry- Propaedeutics and the basics of a private course.

The textbook complies with the program of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation in orthopedic dentistry, contains issues of propaedeutics and the basics of a private course in the specialty and is intended for students of dental faculties of medical universities, interns and clinical residents.

The propaedeutic course of orthopedic dentistry provides a brief anatomical and physiological outline of the masticatory-speech apparatus, general and special methods examination of the patient (diagnosis), assessment of the resulting signs of the disease (symptomatology or semiotics), clinical materials science, as well as laboratory technology (technology of prostheses and various orthopedic devices).

Dental prosthetics deals with the diagnosis, prevention and replacement of defects in teeth and dentition resulting from any pathology.
Maxillofacial orthopedics and traumatology studies the diagnosis, prevention, prosthetics, and correction of jaw and facial deformities resulting from injury, disease, and various operations.

Orthodontics is a section of orthopedic dentistry that deals with the study, prevention and treatment of persistent anomalies of the teeth, dentition and other organs of the masticatory-speech apparatus.

Table of contents
Introduction to the specialty. 8
The main parts of the chewing-speech apparatus. 15
Organ, dental system, apparatus. 15
Jaws and alveolar parts, temporomandibular joint. 16
Top gel. 16
Bottom gel. 19
Temporomandibular joint. 20
Muscles, muscle strength, chewing pressure. 21
Chewing muscles. 21
Mimige muscles. 24
Chewing pressure. 26
Teeth and dentition (dental arches). 26
Structure and functions of periodontium. 42
Features of the structure of the dental system. 46
Occlusal surface of the dentition. 46
Occlusion, articulation. 47
Bite. Types of bite. 49
Normal (orthognathic) occlusion. 50
Transitional (borderline) forms of occlusion. 52
Abnormal bites. 52
Features of the structure of the oral mucosa that are of practical importance. 55
Functions of the chewing-speech apparatus. 58
Biomechanics of the lower jaw. 58
Vertical movements of the lower gel. 60
Sagittal movements of the inferior gel. 60
Transversal movements of the lower gel. 62
Chewing and swallowing. 64
Sound production, speech, breathing. 67
symptom, syndrome, pathological condition, disease, nosological form. 71
Methods of examining a patient in an orthopedic dental clinic. 73
Clinical methods of examination. 73
Questioning the patient (history). 73
External examination of the patient. 76
Examination of the temporomandibular joints and masticatory muscles. 79
Oral examination. 81
Study of diagnostic jaw models. 88
Paraclinical examination methods. 96
Instrumental examination methods. 96
X-ray examination methods. 106
Laboratory examination methods. 113
Classification of diseases of the masticatory-speech apparatus. 115
Diagnosis and prognosis. 123
Medical history ( outpatient card). 126
Organization of the work of an orthopedic clinic. 127
Workplace of an orthopedist-dentist. 129
Equipment and instruments for clinical treatment of patients. 132
Dental unit. 132
Tips, their varieties. 136
Cutting instruments in orthopedic dentistry. 140
Preclinical training class.
Basic orthopedic dental procedures,
practiced in the preclinical course. 144
Defects of tooth crowns. 163
Partial loss of teeth. 165
Deformations of the occlusal surface of the dentition. 169
Increased tooth wear. 176
Traumatic occlusion. 180
Complete loss of teeth. 184
Dental anomalies. 195
Anomalies in jaw size. 195
Anomalies in the position of the jaws in the skull. 200
Anomalies in the relationship of the dentition (arches). 204
Anomalies in the shape and size of the dentition (arches). 216
Anomalies of individual teeth. 219
Injuries, congenital and acquired defects and facial deformities. 225
Parafunctions of the masticatory muscles. 232
Diseases of the temporomandibular joint. 233
Deforming arthrosis (osteoarthrosis). 233
Musculo-articular dysfunctions of the TMJ. 234
Habitual dislocations and subluxations of the TMJ. 236
Doctor's appointment culture. 238
Psychomedicinal preparation of patients. 245
Manifestations of anxiety in patients. 245
Justification of the need psychological correction and psychomedicinal preparation of patients. 249
The place of differentiated psychological preparation of patients during an appointment with an enemy dentist. 250
Clinical and pharmacological characteristics and differentiated use psychotropic drugs in dental patients. 258
Pain management at an orthopedic dental appointment. 261
Asepsis, antiseptics and disinfection. 263
Treatment planning and objectives. 268
Preliminary treatment before prosthetics. 270
Health measures in the oral cavity before prosthetics for the patient. 270
Special preparation of the oral cavity for prosthetics. 274
Replacement of tooth crown defects. 281
Prosthetics with inlays. 281
Prosthetics with veneers. 291
Prosthetics with artificial crowns. 294
Treatment for partial tooth loss. 308
Prosthetics with bridges. 308
Prosthetics with partial removable dentures. 317
Clinical techniques for prosthetics with gastig removable dentures. 331
Treatment for increased abrasion teeth. 338
Orthopedic treatment of traumatic occlusion. 342
Elimination of deformations of the occlusal surface of the dentition. 350
Prosthetics for complete loss of teeth. 353
Correction of dental anomalies. 364
Boundaries of orthodontic therapy. 364
Methods for treating anomalies. Orthodontic equipment. 367
Tissue changes in the masticatory-speech apparatus with orthodontic treatment anomalies. 386
Hardware-surgical and surgical methods eliminating anomalies. 390
Treatment of various dental anomalies. 395
Treatment of abnormalities in jaw size. 395
Treatment of abnormalities in the position of the jaws in the skull. 398
Treatment of anomalies in the relationship of the dental arches. 403
Treatment for abnormalities in the shape and size of the dentition, narrowing of the jaws and dentition. 411
Treatment for anomalies of individual teeth. 413
Treatment for abnormal tooth position. 414
Elimination of the consequences of injuries, congenital and acquired
defects, facial deformities. 417
Classification of orthopedic devices. 417
Orthopedic treatment of jaw fractures. 419
Prosthetics for the consequences of jaw trauma. 425
Prosthetics after jaw resection. 428
Prosthetics for facial defects (ectoprostheses). 438
Treatment of parafunctions of masticatory muscles and diseases of the temporomandibular joint. 443
Pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy in orthopedic dentistry. 451
Emergency orthopedic dental care. 453
Instructions for patients on the care and use of prostheses. 467
Alphabetical index of basic definitions, concepts and terms. 472

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Trezubov V.N., Shcherbakov A.S., Mishnev L.M., Fadeev R.A.

Textbook for medical students

SPb: FOLIANT Publishing House LLC. 2010. - 656 p. (8th ed.)

ISBN 978-5-93929-195-8

djvu 12.9 MB

language Russian quality - good: scanned pages

Trezubov Vladimir Nikolaevich- Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry and Materials Science with a Course in Orthodontics, St. Petersburg State University medical university them. acad. I. P. Pavlova. He is the author of more than 500 scientific and educational publications. Pedagogical experience of more than 37 years, of which 20 years as head of the department.
Shcherbakov Anatoly Sergeevich- Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry of Tver State medical academy. He is the author of over 160 scientific and educational publications. Teaching experience over 40 years. of which 22 years as head of the department.
Mishnev Leonid Mikhailovich- Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry and Materials Science with a Course in Orthodontics at St. Petersburg State Medical University. acad. I. P. Pavlova. He is the author of over 90 scientific and educational publications. Teaching experience over 25 years.
Fadeev Roman Alexandrovich- Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Dentistry childhood St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I. P. Pavlova, Rector and Head of the Department of Orthodontics, St. Petersburg Institute of Dentistry, Professor of the Department of Dentistry, Novgorod State University. Yaroslav the Wise. He is the author of over 150 scientific and educational publications. Methodical experience 18 years.

It's been 41 years now. Since the first edition of our textbook, it has been the main teaching aid for students, teachers of dental faculties, students of medical schools and colleges. It is widely used by dentists and dental technicians.
We believe that its popularity is due to the availability of presentation in literary Russian without jargon, technicalisms and vulgarisms, which fill the vocabulary of dentists and dental technicians. In addition, the textbook is characterized by a clinical and nosological principle of presentation of the material.
Most of the chapters in this edition of the textbook have been radically revised, and some have been written anew. The structure of the textbook as a whole has been preserved, while the special terminology has been clarified. The book contains a large amount of material from the pen of the Honored Scientist of Russia, Professor Evgeniy Ivanovich Gavrilov, an outstanding figure in Russian dentistry. But the most important thing is that the textbook is built on the concept of this wonderful methodologist. In the Western style, this book, now in its eighth edition, could quite rightly be called “Gavrilov’s Textbook of Orthopedic Dentistry.”
The textbook sets out the faculty course of the specialty, which involves a description of the classic clinical picture, course and treatment of major dental diseases.
In addition to the title authors, Doctor of Medical Sciences S. B. Fishchev and Candidate of Medical Sciences V. V. Trezuboe took part in writing the sections “Functions of the masticatory-speech apparatus”, “Orthodontics” and “Clinical techniques for inlay prosthetics”.

Preface (4)
Introduction (5)
Brief outline of the development of prosthetic dentistry (7)
1. Applied anatomy and physiology of the masticatory-speech apparatus (19)
2. Examination of a patient in an orthopedic dentistry clinic (70)
3. Preliminary treatment before prosthetics (96)
4. Clinical materials science (108)

5. Clinical picture and prosthetics for defects in dental crowns (143)
6. Clinical picture and preparation for prosthetics with partial loss of teeth (185)
7. Orthopedic treatment of patients with partial loss of teeth using bridges (216)
8. Prosthetics for patients with partial loss of teeth using removable replacement devices (252)
9. Clinical picture and orthopedic treatment for increased tooth wear (326)
10. Wedge-shaped dental defects (335)
11. Orthopedic treatment for periodontal diseases (341)
12. Clinical picture and prosthetics for complete loss of teeth (374)
13. Orthodontics (451)
14. Maxillofacial orthopedics and traumatology (585)
15. Prevention in orthopedic dentistry (646)
References (649)

Name: Orthopedic dentistry. 5th edition
Shcherbakov A.S., Gavrilov E.I., Trezubov V.N., Zhulev E.N.
Year of publication: 1998
Size: 5.55 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian

Practical guide“Orthopedic Dentistry”, ed., Shcherbakova A.S., et al., examines issues of propaedeutics in orthopedics (examination of the patient, physiology and anatomy of the dental system, impression, its characteristics, materials for impression); treatment of periodontal pathology; clinical picture of adentia and its prosthetics; treatment of wedge-shaped tooth defects; clinical picture of defects in tooth crowns, their partial loss, as well as their specialized treatment; the methods of prosthetics with bridges and removable dentures are outlined. Issues of maxillofacial orthopedics and orthodontics are also discussed. For dental students, orthopedic dentists, orthodontists.

Name: Occlusal splints
Khvatova V.A., Chikunov S.O.
Year of publication: 2010
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Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The practical guide “Occlusal splints,” edited by V.A. Khvatova, et al., discusses the use of this type of splint in orthopedic dental practice. The types and characteristics are outlined... Download the book for free

Name: Application of thermoplastic materials in dentistry
Tregubov I.D., Mikhailenko L.V., Boldyreva R.I., Maglakelidze V.V., Tregubov S.I.
Year of publication: 2007
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Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description:“The Use of Thermoplastic Materials in Dentistry,” ed., Tregubova I.D., et al., examines the use of thermoplastic materials in orthopedic dentistry. Chemical chemicals are described... Download the book for free

Name: Dental engineering in dentistry
Smirnov B.A., Shcherbakov A.S.
Year of publication: 2002
Size: 8.03 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: The practical guide “Dental Engineering in Dentistry”, edited by Smirnov B.A., et al., examines the anatomical and physiological features of the masticatory apparatus. Its biomechanics are described. Izlo... Download the book for free

Name: Cable-stayed dentures
Ryakhovsky A.N.
Year of publication: 2003
Size: 33.23 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description:“Cable-stayed dentures,” edited by A.N. Ryakhovsky, examines the basics and stages of cable-stayed dentures. Set out traditional methods prosthetics; the methods of cable-stayed systems and splinting are described... Download the book for free

Name: Accurate impression
Ryakhovsky A.N., Muradov M.A.
Year of publication: 2006
Size: 23.28 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: The practical guide “Accurate impression”, edited by Ryakhovsky A.N., et al., examines the methodology for selecting the optimal impression material and its use in clinical practice by a dentist. Prev...Download the book for free

Name: Manufacturing of metal-ceramic structures: A practical atlas
Moroz A.B.
Year of publication: 2007
Size: 30.17 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description:“Manufacture of metal-ceramic structures: A practical atlas,” edited by Moroz A.B., examines the production of metal-ceramic prostheses. The stages of implementation of these structures are described. Description... Download the book for free

Name: Impression materials in dentistry
Ibragimov T.I., Tsalikova N.A.
Year of publication: 2007
Size: 1.75 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: Practical guide “Impression materials in dentistry”, edited by Ibragimova T.I., et al., examines the methodology for choosing the optimal impression material and its use in clinical practice with... Download the book for free

Name: Functional and instrumental research methods in orthopedic dentistry
Lebedenko I.Yu., Ibragimov T.I., Ryakhovsky A.N.
Year of publication: 2003
Size: 65.77 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The educational manual “Functional and instrumental research methods in orthopedic dentistry”, edited by Lebedenko I.Yu., et al., examines diagnostic issues in dental practice. Izlo...

Name: Orthopedic dentistry.

For 34 years now, since the first edition of our textbook, it has been the main teaching aid for students, teachers of dental faculties, students of medical schools and colleges. It is widely used by dentists and dental technicians.
We believe that its popularity is due to the availability of presentation in literary Russian without jargon, technicalisms and vulgarisms, which fill the vocabulary of dentists and dental technicians. In addition, the textbook is characterized by the clinical and nosological nature of the presentation of the material.

Most of the chapters in this edition of the textbook have been radically revised, and some have been written anew. The structure of the textbook as a whole has been preserved, while the special terminology has been clarified.
When preparing a new edition of the textbook, associate professor L. M. Mishpev (St. Petersburg) was included among the title authors, who took an active part in updating it.
As a result, the team of authors who created the textbook “Orthopedic Dentistry (Propaedeutics and Basics of a Private Course)” /St. Petersburg, 2001/, united again to write the 6th edition of the faculty course of the specialty. The latter involves a description of the classic clinical picture, course and treatment of major dental diseases.
In addition, Candidate of Medicine took part in writing the sections “Functions of the masticatory-speech apparatus” and “Orthodontics”. Sciences S. B. Fishchev and Dr. med. Sciences R. A. Fadeev. Doctor E. G. Ulyanova helped in the design of the textbook. The authors express deep gratitude to all of them.

Brief outline of the development of orthopedic dentistry
1. Applied anatomy and physiology of the masticatory-speech apparatus
2. Examination of a patient in an orthopedic dentistry clinic
3. Preliminary treatment before prosthetics
4. Clinical materials science
5. Clinical picture and prosthetics for defects in dental crowns
6. Clinical picture and preparation for prosthetics with partial loss of teeth
7. Prosthetics for patients with partial loss of teeth using bridges
8. Prosthetics for patients with partial loss of teeth using removable dentures
9. Clinical picture and orthopedic treatment for increased tooth burnability
10. Wedge-shaped dental defects
11. Orthopedic treatment for periodontal diseases
12. Clinical picture and prosthetics for complete loss of teeth
13. Orthodontics
14. Maxillofacial orthopedics and traumatology.
15. Diseases of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), parafunctions
masticatory muscles and their treatment.

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S.-Pb.: IKF "Foliant", 1998. - 576 p. (5th edition)
Preface by the authors
Almost 30 years have passed since the publication of the first edition of our textbook (1968), a period quite sufficient for the reader to evaluate the quality of the book. It soon became clear that it became the main textbook on the theory of orthopedics for both students and teachers of dental faculties. The textbook is not offended by the attention of practicing orthopedic dentists. This convinced us that the principle of construction of the textbook, its theoretical level and methodological foundations selected
Right. They are known to be the following:
1. The clinical nature of the presentation of the textbook material, a departure from the technical bias in the study of the subject, which is difficult in orthopedic dentistry.
2. The textbook reflects the modern level of science provided for by the program, and even gets ahead of itself a little, based on the situation - what is not included in the program today will become an urgent necessity tomorrow.
3. Availability of presentation in good Russian without the unnecessary use of technical terms and jargon expressions that are so common in orthopedic dentistry. Therefore, the textbook is easy to read and accepted by students.
During the preparation of the previous edition of the textbook, the team of authors was expanded. Thus, the title authors included Professor V.N. Trezubov (St. Petersburg) and Professor E.N. Zhulev (Nizhny Novgorod). Most of the textbook's chapters have been radically revised, and some have been written anew. The structure of the textbook has generally been preserved, but the content of some chapters has changed in accordance with new data from the science and practice of orthopedic dentistry. Particular attention is paid to the psychological preparation of patients for prosthetics, the aesthetics of prosthetics, as well as the reactions of the prosthetic bed to the effects of prostheses. Some terms have been clarified, new classification abnormalities of the jaws, dental arches and individual teeth.
The book is dedicated to the blessed memory of the outstanding Russian dentist, condemned scientist of Russia, Professor Evgeniy Ivanovich Gavrilov, teacher and mentor of the other authors.
Brief outline of the development of orthopedic dentistry
Anatomy and physiology of the dental system
Examination of a patient in an orthopedic dentistry clinic
Impressions and impression materials, requirements for impression materials
Clinical picture and prosthetics for defects in dental crowns
Clinical picture and preparation for prosthetics with partial loss of teeth
Prosthetics for dental defects using bridges
Prosthetics for patients with partial loss of teeth using removable dentures
Clinical picture and orthopedic treatment for increased tooth burnability
Wedge-shaped tooth defects
Orthopedic treatment of periodontal diseases
Clinical picture and prosthetics for complete loss of teeth
Maxillofacial orthopedics

See also

Zhulev E.N. Metal-ceramic dentures

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M.: Medical Information Agency LLC, 2008. - 160 p. ISBN 5-89481-586-X The manual consists of 11 chapters devoted to the etiology, clinical picture, diagnosis and orthopedic treatment of patients with congenital and acquired defects of the maxillofacial region. The issues of providing orthopedic care after maxillofacial trauma, as well as in the process of rehabilitation treatment after surgical interventions, bone grafting and soft tissue grafting...

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Smirnov B.A., Shcherbakov A.S. Dental engineering in dentistry Educational and methodological manual

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M.: ANMI, 2002. - 460 p. The manual provides information on the anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the masticatory apparatus. The purely professional intricacies of the work of a dental technician and new technologies in dentistry are described. The benefit corresponds curriculum in specialty 0408 “Orthopedic and preventive dentistry” for students medical colleges and schools, can also be recommended to students of dental faculties of medical...

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Textbook manual for medical universities / V. N. Trezubov, L. M. Mishnev, M. M. Solovyov, O. A. Krasnoslobodtseva; edited by V. N. Trezubova. - 2nd ed., add. and processed - St. Petersburg: SpetsLit, 2006. - 144 p. Tutorial is devoted to the issues of equipping a dentist’s workplace with equipment, devices and tools. The book corresponds to the program of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on dentistry. The manual is designed for dental students...

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Textbook for medical universities / Ed. prof. V. N. Trezubova. - St. Petersburg: SpetsLit, 2003. - 367 p.: ill. The textbook complies with the program of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on orthopedic dentistry, contains issues of technology of modern preventive and therapeutic devices (including prostheses) and is intended for students of dental faculties of medical universities, interns and clinical residents. Authors of the post...