
I'll die soon Nekrasov theme. Analysis of Nekrasov’s poem “I will soon die, a pitiful inheritance perception

Dedicated to an unknown friend who sent me the poem “It Can’t Be”

I'll die soon. Pathetic inheritance
O homeland! I'll leave it to you.
I spent my childhood under the yoke of fate
And youth is in a painful struggle.
A short storm strengthens us,
Although we are instantly embarrassed by her,
But long - settles forever
There is a habit of timid silence in the soul.
I've had years of depressing impressions
They left an indelible mark.
How little free inspiration I knew,
O homeland! your sad poet!
What obstacles did you encounter in passing?
With your gloomy muse on the way?..

And consider my little work a credit!

I didn’t trade the lira, but it happened
When inexorable fate threatened,
The lyre made an incorrect sound
My hand... I've been lonely for a long time;
At first I walked with my friendly family,
But where are they, my friends, now?
Some parted with me long ago,
I myself locked the door in front of others;
Those suffered a cruel lot,
And they have already passed the earthly limit...
Because I was left alone
That I had no support in anyone,
What am I, losing friends every year,
I met more and more enemies on the way -
For a drop of blood shared with the people,
Forgive me, O Motherland! sorry!

I was called to sing of your suffering,
Amazing people with patience!
And throw at least a single ray of consciousness
On the path that God leads you,
But, loving life, to its momentary benefits
Chained by habit and environment,
I walked towards the goal with a hesitant step,
I didn't sacrifice myself for her,
And my song flew by without a trace,
And it didn’t reach the people,
One love had time to tell in her
To you, my dear side!
Because I, growing callous every year,
I knew how to save her in my soul,
For a drop of blood shared with the people,
My fault, O homeland! sorry!.. 1

1 Published according to Article 1873, vol. II, part 4, p. 228–230.
First published and included in the collected works: St. 1869, part 4, p. 224–226, dated: “1867” (reprinted: St. 1873, vol. II, part 4).
Autograph with full text not found. A sheet of typesetting manuscript with the last ten verses (39–48) - GBL, f. 195, item 7591. Manuscript in ink, without editing, the edition coincides with the printed one. The text is crossed out, surrounded by a frame, and in the left margin is marked: “Clean.” Below the text is the date: “26–27 February.” At the top there is a heading and a note, probably for the typesetter of the edition of St. 1869, part 4: “To an unknown friend. Skip to page 224.” On the rest of the page and on the back is the autograph of the poem “More Three.”

In 1866, Nekrasov received a letter with a poetic appeal to him, caused by false rumors about the poet and signed: “Unknown friend” (kept in the collection of M. M. Gin; under the text of the note in Nekrasov’s hand: “Received on March 3, 1866”):

Can't be
(to N. A. Nekrasov)
They tell me: your wonderful voice is a lie;
You seduce with feigned tears
And with a word you attract the crowd only to goodness,
And you yourself, like a snake, laugh at the crowd.
But their speeches cannot convince me:
Your look told me something else involuntarily.
It would be bitter and painful for me to believe them...
Can't be!

They tell me that you are harsh at heart,
That only in your words there are feelings of fire,
That you are cruel, that your verse is all love,
And the heart is cold as stone!
But why should we love the whole world more?
I want to read your poems?
And in them is deception, and not a living soul?..
Can't be!

But if the terrible verdict is right?..
Tell me, our genius, our pride,
Does it really promise posterity a stern gaze?
Is there a cup of damnation for your business here?
Is it possible for the crowd to be sarcastic at you?
When all your light marvels at your glory,
And we have no right to say rumors to their face -
Can't be!?

Tell me, tell me, is it really a stigma of shame?
Have you put it over your life?
I will accept your words then
And I will part with my faith.
But no! And they can’t destroy it!
Looking into your eyes with silent excitement,
I repeat with deep conviction:
Can't be!

The author of the poem was the poetess and translator O. P. Markova-Pavlova (1832–1896) (see: Klochkova L. P. About the author of the poem “It cannot be.” - Nekr. collection, II, pp. 501–507) . Nekrasov’s first response to the poem was the sketch “What would you want from me,” written by the poet on a piece of notebook paper with a poem by O. P. Pavlova (see: Gin M. M. The problem of duty to the people in the poetry of N. A. Nekrasov. - RL, 1961, No. 2, pp. 55–56).
“I will die soon. A pitiful inheritance...", written almost a year later, is addressed not only to the "Unknown Friend", but also to all those who attacked the poet with accusations of apostasy in connection with the madrigal to Muravyov (see commentary on the poem "The enemy rejoices, is silent in bewilderment... " - present ed., vol. II, pp. 429–430, and “Bear Hunt” - above, p. 393 (. In content and strength of lyrical feeling it is close to the poems “A Knight for an Hour” (1862) and “ Why are you tearing me apart..." (1867).
Preparing a new edition of his poems before his death, Nekrasov made a note to this work: “Not an imaginary friend, but definitely unknown to me. Somewhere in the papers you will find this play, excellent in verse. It should be placed in a note” (Art. 1879, vol. IV, p. LXXIII).
According to K.I. Chukovsky, Yu.N. Tynyanov believed that the commented work reflected Beranger’s poem “Adieu,” known to the Russian reader from translations by V.S. Kurochkin and M.L. Mikhailov. Translated by A. A. Fet, it was published in Nekrasov’s Sovremennik (1858, No. 1, p. 38). However, there are no serious grounds for this rapprochement, since Beranger lacks the motive of guilt that underlies Nekrasov’s poem.
The poem was met with hostility by critics (see reviews by M. A. Antonovich in the magazine “Cosmos”, 1869, No. 4, pp. 35–36; N. N. Strakhov in the magazine “Zarya”, 1869, No. 5, p. 164 –167; S. S. Pashkova in the magazine “Delo”, 1875, no. 2, pp. 13–14, 1878, no. 3, pp. 311–312) and evoked sympathetic poetic responses (see: “N.A. Nekrasov" - N, 1877, No. 5; "About N. A. Nekrasov" by Y. P. Polonsky - placed in the section “Poems of 1870–1875” in the edition: Polonsky, collected poems. 5 vols., vol. II. St. Petersburg, 1896, p. 71).
The collection of the Ukrainian poet P. Grabovsky (Archive of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR) contains a notebook with poems by exiled revolutionaries heading to Siberia. Among them is a poem by an unknown poet “In Memory of Nekrasov,” dating back to 1888–1889. The author quotes Nekrasov’s lines: “For a drop of blood shared with the people, My sins, O Motherland! Sorry! - and continues:
Don’t ask, friend of the people, for forgiveness of sins
You washed them away with your tears for the people's sorrow,
You showed it in our dear poems
And he taught me to love and suffer... to die

(RL, 1961, No. 2, p. 202).
In 1912, V.I. Lenin, in his article “Another Campaign for Democracy,” used “I will die soon. A pathetic legacy..." in a polemic with the liberal Cadets, "grabbing Nekrasov's coattails": "Nekrasov, due to personal weakness, sinned with notes of liberal servility, but he himself bitterly mourned his "sins" and publicly repented of them "Wrong sound" - that's what he called Nekrasov himself, his liberal-servile sins” (Lenin V.I. Poln. sobr. soch., vol. 22. Ed. 5th. M., 1961, p. 84).

Those suffered a cruel lot... - Obviously, an allusion to N. G. Chernyshevsky (Nekr. collection, II, p. 97).

in the poem I WILL DIE SOON. A PATHETIC LEGACY... no audio recordings yet...

Nekrasov's work is one of the most notable milestones in Russian literature of the 19th century. At that time, the problem of abolishing slavery in the country and changing serfdom was especially pressing. Nekrasov was the first in literature to speak to the people on vernacular, he tried to attract public attention to the problems of the peasantry, to point out the humiliation that most of the Russian people experience under the existing order. “I dedicated the lyre to my people,” Nekrasov would later write, and this phrase best characterizes his work.
Poem “I will die soon. A pitiful legacy...” is one of Nekrasov’s later works.
In it he sums up his creative activity, evaluates what he has done. The famous literary critic Yu. N. Tynyanov believed that Nekrasov’s poem was inspired by Beranger’s poem “Adieu” (“Farewell”), known to the Russian reader in translations by V. S. Kurochkin and M. L. Mikhailov. Whether this is true or not, Nekrasov created an original work in which he spoke specifically about Russia and about his own creativity.
In its form, the poem is a poetic testament, which, however, often turns into a confession, since the author speaks not about the material, but about the spiritual heritage that remains after him.
The poem is divided into three parts, each of which represents a separate compositional whole. They are united by the fact that at the end of each of them the author asks for forgiveness from his homeland.
In the first part, the lyrical hero complains that his creative heritage is “pathetic”, that he “knew little free inspiration.” But he explains this by saying that he spent his childhood “under fatal oppression,” and “his youth in a painful struggle.” “Years of depressing impressions left an indelible mark on him,” and he encountered many obstacles on his way. However, despite the fact that he ordinary person, with his weaknesses and shortcomings, the lyrical hero asks for forgiveness for what he probably could have done much more. He considers his merit to be “a drop of blood shared with the people” and “the little work” that he nevertheless did for the common good. “A drop of blood common to the people” will be repeated as a refrain in all three parts.
In the second part, the poet raises such an important problem as the independence of poetic inspiration. The age-old question of how one should treat those in power, how to earn a living, has always been the subject of discussion in literature. Pushkin’s famous “Inspiration is not for sale, but you can sell a manuscript” is reinterpreted by Nekrasov in a different way. His “manuscripts” were always readily published by magazines; he was perhaps the most popular poet of our time. However, Nekrasov is primarily interested in how truthful he was in his works. He admits that he was sometimes mistaken, but still it was not a deliberate act of selfishness:
I didn’t trade the lira, but it happened
When inexorable fate threatened,
The lyre made an incorrect sound
My hand...
However, the poet explains this by the difficulties that he had to encounter on his life’s path. Most of his life he was lonely, constantly losing friends, “had no support in anyone,” “he met more and more enemies along the way.” The part ends with the refrain:
For a drop of blood shared with the people,
Forgive me, O Motherland! sorry!..
In the third part, Nekrasov talks about the central, cross-cutting idea of ​​his work:
I was called to sing of your suffering,
Amazing people with patience!
The poet considers his goal to be that he had to “reach out” to the consciousness of the common people and “throw at least a single ray” on the path that God leads them. However, at the same time, he admits that he loved life too much with its “momentary blessings”, was chained to it by “habit and environment”, moved towards the goal with a “hesitant step” and did not sacrifice himself for this goal. Therefore, the “song” did not reach the people, having flown “without a trace.” It reflected only the love for his native country, which the poet kept in his soul throughout his life.
The poem raises a traditional theme for Russian literature about the purpose of the poet and poetry. Nevertheless, it differs significantly from the theme of the “prophet”, which dates back to Pushkin. The fact is that the poet’s appearance is always dual. On the one hand, this is an inspired oracle, which should “burn the hearts of people with its verb,” thereby fulfilling its high destiny, but on the other hand, it is an ordinary person who should live not among the heights, but among people not endowed with a poetic gift (and sometimes and no gift at all). And this is the most difficult test - not to succumb to temptation, not to exchange the gold of talent “for coppers.” The prophet is strong and powerful, he is filled with the will of God. But this is the ideal image. Man is weak, sinful and susceptible to temptation. Therefore in real life It is unlikely that anyone will be found who has not committed actions for which he would subsequently be ashamed. Nekrasov’s poem belongs specifically to the person. His lyrical hero is not a prophet, but a man who tries uneven life path carry out the mission assigned to him by fate. This mission is difficult, a person stumbles, falls along the way, part of what he was supposed to convey spills over and goes to waste. And it is for this that Nekrasov asks for forgiveness from his native country and its people.
So, in the poem “I will die soon. A pitiful inheritance...” expressed his ideas about the purpose of the poet and poetry. He shed new light on this traditional topic for Russian literature. Having constructed the work as
a poetic testament and introducing elements of confession into it, he was able to show the dual nature of the poet - on the one hand, a prophet, and on the other, an ordinary person with his weaknesses and shortcomings. This added additional drama to the traditional theme and introduced a new emotional element into it.
Nekrasov’s work had a huge influence on the development of Russian literature, giving rise to an entire school of poetry.

Trying to save Sovremennik from the closure that threatened it, Nekrasov read at the English Club a poetic message to Muravyov-Hangman, on whom the fate of the magazine depended. The poet’s deepest feelings associated with this act were reflected in these poems.

“I’ll die soon...” is one of the works of Nekrasov’s so-called “repentant” lyrics: the poet punishes himself for the fact that, in order to protect himself from police and censorship persecution, he sometimes flattered government officials. Passionate self-accusation testified to the depth of the poet's progressive convictions. Quoting them, V.I. Lenin wrote: “Nekrasov, due to the same personal weakness, sinned with notes of liberal servility, but he himself bitterly mourned his “sins” and publicly repented of them.”.
Nekrasov in his poem asked that his homeland forgive him for everything. But we hear no crying or sobbing. The poet's courageous voice sounds in it. He is determined to fight internally and does not absolve himself of accusations, but also shows the reason that forced him to take such a humiliating and immoral step: society.

In order to increase the aesthetic impact on the reader and emphasize the splendor of the language, the author uses figurative means of the trail. The epithets “timid silence”, “oppressive impressions”, “indelible mark”, “tireless fate”, “untrue sound” help to understand the feelings of repentance and state of mind.

The polyunion present in the poem conveys state of mind the author, gives smoothness to what is happening. With their help, we see how hard, bitter, and sad Nikolai Alekseevich’s soul is.

Cross rhyme gives the poem the greatest expressiveness and melody.

Numerous interjections help convey the hero’s state of mind and emphasize the splendor of the language.

The poem “I will die soon...” is dedicated to an unknown friend who sent the poem “It can’t be.” This friend was the poetess O.V. Martynova (Pavlova). In her poem, she rejected the slanderous accusations of insincerity that Nekrasov was repeatedly subjected to from his literary enemies. Assessing Nekrasov’s creative path, I can note from myself that I did not notice his thirst for personal gain. In my opinion, he strived for only one thing: to save Sovremennik.

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Works of the national poet N.A. Nekrasov is one of the most strongly influential on the formation of Russian literature and the self-awareness of the serf-dominated masses in this world. Having devoted himself to creativity for the people and for the people, he is remembered by many as an empathetic poet. understanding human suffering. His poetry has a certain charm, a precise atmosphere of our country, which few could describe so skillfully and accurately...

Poem “I will die soon. A pitiful inheritance..." was written in 1867, not long before the poet’s death, and is the final one, a kind of last one, summing up the final line.

This is a confession, a cry from the soul, full of bitterness and repentance, but also a kind of spiritual self-irony, kind, and causing a slight smile.

The mood of despondency and loneliness is set by harsh and caustic metaphors and epithets.

The poet's gaze is directed to the long past...

He remembers what sometimes warmed his heart, and sadly, such warm memories are negligible. At the end of the road, he is abandoned by those who were dear to him, and by those who never accepted him...

He is suffering. realizing that in his life he has managed only a small fraction of what he would like to do, and tries to confess and repent, although it is not easy for him to talk about it.

His suffering lies in his difference from other poets, his uniqueness and non-classical style. His lyrical song is full of regrets inspired by his imminent death about his unfulfilled duty not only to himself, but to the entire Russian people:

And it didn’t reach the people...

However, no matter how sad his farewell song may sound, there are also good, bright notes in it.

He speaks words of love addressed to the Motherland, surging feelings overwhelm the lyrical hero, he asks for forgiveness for deeds perfect and imperfect. He regrets the “pathetic legacy” he left behind and laments the impossibility of calming the turbulent and uncontrollable processes that are corrupting his native country.

The author mercilessly punishes himself, accusing himself of incomplete sacrifice and devotion, but still asks for forgiveness. And it seems to me that he significantly downplays his role in Russian classical literature. Nekrasov made a remarkable contribution to the well of lyrical riches of Russia, devoting himself to the fight against the people's oppressors, upholding moral patriotic ideals, devotion and true love for the motherland.

“I will die soon. A pathetic legacy..." N. Nekrasov

“I will die soon. A pathetic legacy..." Nikolai Nekrasov

Dedicated to the unknown
friend who sent me a message
opening "It can't be"

I'll die soon. Pathetic inheritance
O homeland! I'll leave it to you.
I spent my childhood under the yoke of fate
And youth is in a painful struggle.
A short storm strengthens us,
Although we are instantly embarrassed by her,
But long - settles forever
There is a habit of timid silence in the soul.
I've had years of depressing impressions
They left an indelible mark.
How little free inspiration I knew,
O homeland! your sad poet!
What obstacles did you encounter in passing?
With his sullen muse on the way.
And consider my little work a credit!

When inexorable fate threatened,
My hand. I've been lonely for a long time;
At first I walked with my friendly family,
But where are they, my friends, now?
Some parted with me long ago,
I myself locked the door in front of others;
Those suffered a cruel lot,
And they have already passed the earthly limit...
Because I was left alone
That I had no support in anyone,
What am I, losing friends every year,
I met more and more enemies on the way -
For a drop of blood shared with the people,
Forgive me, O Motherland! sorry!

Amazing people with patience!
On the path that God leads you,
But, loving life, to its momentary benefits
Chained by habit and environment,
I walked towards the goal with a hesitant step,
I didn't sacrifice myself for her,
And my song flew by without a trace,
And it didn’t reach the people,
To you, my dear side!
I knew how to save her in my soul,
For a drop of blood shared with the people,
My fault, O homeland! I'm sorry.

Analysis of Nekrasov’s poem “I will die soon. A pathetic legacy..."

The work “I will die soon. A pitiful inheritance..." written in 1867. Nekrasov dedicated it to an “unknown friend” who sent the poet a poem of his own composition entitled “It Can’t Be.” In it, the anonymous person protested against rumors designed to discredit Nikolai Alekseevich. Who decided to support Nekrasov, but at the same time chose to keep his name secret? According to literary scholars, the author of “It Can’t Be” is Olga Petrovna Martynova, a writer of the 50-90s of the 19th century. The woman worked under several pseudonyms - Olga P. Pavlova Olga, Pavlova O. P-a Olga. Researchers learned from the diary of the writer’s mother, Olga Vasilievna Martynova, that the dedication to Nikolai Alekseevich belongs to her pen. The date of creation of “It Can’t Be” is also indicated there: February 6, 1866. Olga Petrovna was fascinated by Nekrasov’s work. In addition, from her mother’s diary it becomes clear that the woman personally knew the famous writer.

“I will die soon. A pitiful inheritance..." - summing up life's results. The poem is usually attributed to the so-called repentant lyrics of Nekrasov. Among her most famous examples are “A Knight for an Hour”, “In Memory of Dobrolyubov”, “For this I deeply despise myself...”. Main topic poems - an attempt to overcome internal discord. It often seemed to Nikolai Alekseevich that he did not fully correspond to the high ideal of a man and a poet. “I will die soon. A pitiful inheritance...” is a confessional poem filled with mental pain, repentance, and mental anguish. In it, the poet talks about his homeland, people, friends, creativity.

The first part of the work is a story about the childhood and youth of the lyrical hero. Nekrasov talks about the revolutionary sentiments that reigned in an enlightened society. The poet compares them to a storm. According to Nikolai Alekseevich, if it does not last long, it can strengthen the fighters. But in Russia the confrontation with the authorities has dragged on. People are used to being silent. This situation gave rise to depressing impressions on the lyrical hero, which left an indelible mark on his soul. The second part contains discussions on the topic of not always correct use lira. According to the lyrical hero, sometimes she made the wrong sounds. Most likely, Nekrasov means those poems that he wrote not so much at the behest of the Muse, but so that the Sovremennik magazine, published by him, could stay afloat. Also in the second part, the lyrical hero talks about his total loneliness. Many friends are irretrievably lost. There are more and more enemies. In conclusion, the lyrical hero laments that he has not done enough for the Russian people through creativity.

In each part, Nekrasov repeats the line: “For a drop of blood shared with the people...”. With its help, he emphasizes his small, but still kinship with ordinary people- workers, peasants. In addition, throughout the entire poem the lyrical hero turns to his homeland and asks for her forgiveness.

Artistic analysis of the poem by N.A. Nekrasova “I will die soon. A pathetic legacy..."

Since childhood, we have been familiar with the heartfelt poems of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. The civic pathos and high artistry of his works, deep insight into human life placed Nekrasov among the largest Russian writers of the nineteenth century.
The fate of the homeland, its victories and defeats, successes and life's difficulties have always worried the creative intelligentsia of Russia. The great poet Nekrasov is no exception to such people. And it is not surprising that the theme of love for one’s native land runs through the entire work of this poet.
It was very difficult for Nekrasov to see the suffering of other people, especially when it came to women and children. In my opinion, this poet is one of the ardent defenders of the disadvantaged and offended by life, he considers it his duty to tell the world about this.
Poem “I will die soon. A pitiful inheritance…” is the author’s reflection on what is the meaning of life and what he has already achieved. The theme of the poet and poetry is also very clearly visible in this work. Thinking about what will remain after death, the author comes to the conclusion how little he has done. But he is convinced of one thing: he never had to do what others expected of him, however, there were moments when the poet was forced to say something completely different, and even wrong:
I didn’t trade the lira, but it happened
When inexorable fate threatened,
The lyre made an incorrect sound
My hand...
The lyrical hero, first of all, considers his unity with the people to be his dignity. Reflecting on his own life, he comes to the conclusion that there was a lot of suffering and pain. At first he was surrounded by close and dear people, but fate decreed that some parted with the hero long ago, and he himself was forced to close the door to others: “those suffered a cruel lot, and those have already passed the earthly limit...” The lyrical hero is lonely and, perhaps, , I would like to fix everything, but now it is impossible.
In addition, this poem is an appeal to the homeland, the love for which is limitless. Only this feeling made the poet talk about the suffering of the Russian people:
I was called to sing of your suffering,
Amazing people with patience!
And throw at least a single ray of consciousness
On the path that God leads you...
But excessive cowardice and desire for momentary benefits made sincerity and desire to help their native land impossible. “And my song flew by without a trace, and it did not reach the people...” says the poet. He feels guilty before his homeland, before the years that have passed without a trace. Youth has passed and the strength to fight is running out. A lot of this energy was spent on battles that did not bring victories.
The poet feels that with each passing year his feelings are becoming poorer and poorer. He speaks with sadness about the indifference that arises in his soul. and only love for the Motherland makes a hero real:
Because I, growing callous every year,
I knew how to save her in my soul,
For a drop of blood shared with the people,
My fault, O homeland! I'm sorry.
Artistically, the poem is remarkable in that in the text the author very often uses vivid epithets: “fatal anger, painful struggle, timid silence, sad poet, gloomy Muse, hesitant step, cruel lot...” We see that this means of expression gives the text greater imagery.
In addition, the author uses personification and refers to the homeland as a living being, which once again indicates the author’s attitude towards it:
One love had time to tell in her
To you, my dear side!
The syntactic feature of this work is large number exclamatory sentences. In this case, they indicate an emotional upsurge and indicate the mood of the lyrical hero.
In my opinion, the autobiographical nature of the poem is indicated by reflections on his own life and the failures that befell the poet. Nekrasov is not only an exponent of the aspirations of the peasants, but also a subtle, soulful lyricist. For him, the theme of the poet and poetry, the theme of the homeland, the theme of the Russian people, the theme of the meaning of life are closely intertwined.
The poet’s poem is imbued with a bright feeling, despite the feeling of melancholy that the lyrical hero experiences, for he loves his homeland infinitely and becomes part of it. And his life is no longer conceivable outside of this amazing beauty.
In my opinion, the lyrics of this great Russian poet will never be forgotten, because in his poems he reflected those feelings and experiences that are characteristic and close to every person.

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“I will die soon. A pathetic legacy..." Nikolai Nekrasov

Dedicated to the unknown
friend who sent me a message
opening "It can't be"

I'll die soon. Pathetic inheritance
O homeland! I'll leave it to you.
I spent my childhood under the yoke of fate
And youth is in a painful struggle.
A short storm strengthens us,
Although we are instantly embarrassed by her,
But long - settles forever
There is a habit of timid silence in the soul.
I've had years of depressing impressions
They left an indelible mark.
How little free inspiration I knew,
O homeland! your sad poet!
What obstacles did you encounter in passing?
With your gloomy muse on the way?..

And consider my little work a credit!

I didn’t trade the lira, but it happened
When inexorable fate threatened,
The lyre made an incorrect sound
My hand... I've been lonely for a long time;
At first I walked with my friendly family,
But where are they, my friends, now?
Some parted with me long ago,
I myself locked the door in front of others;
Those suffered a cruel lot,
And they have already passed the earthly limit...
Because I was left alone
That I had no support in anyone,
What am I, losing friends every year,
I met more and more enemies on the way -
For a drop of blood shared with the people,
Forgive me, O Motherland! sorry!

I was called to sing of your suffering,
Amazing people with patience!
And throw at least a single ray of consciousness
On the path that God leads you,
But, loving life, to its momentary benefits
Chained by habit and environment,
I walked towards the goal with a hesitant step,
I didn't sacrifice myself for her,
And my song flew by without a trace,
And it didn’t reach the people,
One love had time to tell in her
To you, my dear side!
Because I, growing callous every year,
I knew how to save her in my soul,
For a drop of blood shared with the people,
My fault, O homeland! sorry!..

Analysis of Nekrasov’s poem “I will die soon. A pathetic legacy..."

The work “I will die soon. A pitiful inheritance..." written in 1867. Nekrasov dedicated it to an “unknown friend” who sent the poet a poem of his own composition entitled “It Can’t Be.” In it, the anonymous person protested against rumors designed to discredit Nikolai Alekseevich. Who decided to support Nekrasov, but at the same time chose to keep his name secret? According to literary scholars, the author of “It Can’t Be” is Olga Petrovna Martynova, a writer of the 50-90s of the 19th century. The woman worked under several pseudonyms - Olga P., Pavlova Olga, Pavlova O., P-a Olga. Researchers learned from the diary of the writer’s mother, Olga Vasilievna Martynova, that the dedication to Nikolai Alekseevich belongs to her pen. The date of creation of “It Can’t Be” is also indicated there: February 6, 1866. Olga Petrovna was fascinated by Nekrasov’s work. In addition, from her mother’s diary it becomes clear that the woman personally knew the famous writer.

“I will die soon. A pitiful inheritance..." - summing up life's results. The poem is usually attributed to the so-called repentant lyrics of Nekrasov. Among her most famous examples are ““, ““, “For this reason I deeply despise myself...”. The main theme of the poems is an attempt to overcome internal discord. It often seemed to Nikolai Alekseevich that he did not fully correspond to the high ideal of a man and a poet. “I will die soon. A pitiful inheritance...” is a confessional poem filled with mental pain, repentance, and mental anguish. In it, the poet talks about his homeland, people, friends, creativity.

The first part of the work is a story about the childhood and youth of the lyrical hero. Nekrasov talks about the revolutionary sentiments that reigned in an enlightened society. The poet compares them to a storm. According to Nikolai Alekseevich, if it does not last long, it can strengthen the fighters. But in Russia the confrontation with the authorities has dragged on. People are used to being silent. This situation gave rise to depressing impressions on the lyrical hero, which left an indelible mark on his soul. The second part contains discussions on the topic of not always using the lyre correctly. According to the lyrical hero, sometimes she made the wrong sounds. Most likely, Nekrasov means those poems that he wrote not so much at the behest of the Muse, but so that the Sovremennik magazine, published by him, could stay afloat. Also in the second part, the lyrical hero talks about his total loneliness. Many friends are irretrievably lost. There are more and more enemies. In conclusion, the lyrical hero laments that he has not done enough for the Russian people through creativity.

Trying to save Sovremennik from the closure that threatened it, Nekrasov read at the English Club a poetic message to Muravyov-Hangman, on whom the fate of the magazine depended. The poet’s deepest feelings associated with this act were reflected in these poems.

“I will die soon...” is one of the works of Nekrasov’s so-called “repentant” lyrics: the poet punishes himself for the fact that, in order to protect himself from police and censorship persecution, he sometimes flattered government officials. Passionate self-accusation testified to the depth of the poet's progressive convictions. Quoting them, V.I. Lenin wrote: “Out of the same personal weakness, Nekrasov sinned with notes of liberal servility, but he himself bitterly mourned his “sins” and publicly repented of them.”

Nekrasov in his poem asked that his homeland forgive him for everything. But we hear no crying or sobbing. The poet's courageous voice sounds in it. He is determined to fight internally and does not absolve himself of accusations, but also shows the reason that forced him to take such a humiliating and immoral step: society.

In order to increase the aesthetic impact on the reader and emphasize the splendor of the language, the author uses figurative means of the trail. The epithets “timid silence”, “oppressive impressions”, “indelible mark”, “tireless fate”, “untrue sound” help to understand the feelings of repentance and state of mind.

The polyunion present in the poem conveys the author’s state of mind and gives smoothness to what is happening. With their help, we see how hard, bitter, and sad Nikolai Alekseevich’s soul is.

Because I was left alone
That I had no support in anyone,
What am I, losing friends every year,
I met more and more enemies along the way...

Cross rhyme gives the poem the greatest expressiveness and melody.

I will soon die a pathetic inheritance,
O homeland! I'll leave it to you.
I spent my childhood under the yoke of fate
And youth in a painful struggle.

Numerous interjections help convey the hero’s state of mind and emphasize the splendor of the language.

The poem “I will die soon...” is dedicated to an unknown friend who sent the poem “It can’t be.” This friend was the poetess O.V. Martynova (Pavlova). In her poem, she rejected the slanderous accusations of insincerity that Nekrasov was repeatedly subjected to from his literary enemies. Assessing Nekrasov’s creative path, I can note from myself that I did not notice his thirst for personal gain. In my opinion, he strived for only one thing: to save Sovremennik.