
Types and age of appearance of moles in children. When do moles appear in newborns What do birthmarks appear in children

The birth of a long-awaited baby is a joyful event for every family. But often even the first glance at their child causes anxiety in parents. The reason for this can be a variety of birthmarks and formations that appear on the skin of crumbs.

What is it?

It is worth saying that doctors call birthmarks in newborns in different ways, but most often hemangiomas. These are certain spots on the skin of the child. However, children are born with them very rarely. Most often they occur during the first weeks of a baby's life. The sizes of formations can also differ. They range from very tiny dots to quite extensive skin lesions.

At-risk groups

Doctors have identified three main categories of children who are more prone to hemangiomas than others.

  1. Girls. It has been statistically proven that girls are 4 times more likely to be born with similar phenomena.
  2. Light-skinned children.
  3. Premature babies.


Why can a birthmark appear in a newborn? The reasons are in the defeat of the arteries, veins and capillaries of the baby. Unfortunately, this mechanism has not yet been reliably and fully studied by specialists. However, doctors today identify two main reasons for the occurrence:

  1. Genetic embryonic failure. When there was a violation in the work of some capillaries, veins, arteries that feed the placenta.
  2. Another cause of birthmarks in newborns is excessive production of vascular endothelial growth factor. In this case, a layer of cells forms around the blood vessels - an outgrowth.

Also, experts say that birthmarks can form due to the following phenomena:

  1. Fluctuations in the level of certain hormones of the mother during the bearing of crumbs.
  2. They occur as a result of infections of the genitourinary system.
  3. They can occur as a result of exposure to a woman's body of harmful factors: radiation, toxic substances, etc.

However, all reasons are more assumptions than statements. It is also worth mentioning that in the first 3-6 months, birthmarks can develop, grow, change color. However, after this time, they most often begin to disappear. If this does not happen, do not despair. Hemangiomas can disappear from the body of the crumbs in a few years. In some cases, they must be disposed of (if the stain interferes with the organs of vision or breathing of the crumbs). In addition, it is important for parents to know that such spots do not harm the baby at all. They do not hurt, do not itch, do not interfere with the growth and development of the crumbs. Their only drawback is that they do not look very aesthetically pleasing.

"People's" reasons

Some women believe that birthmarks in newborns may be the result of certain actions or actions of the mother. So, people say that if a woman is afraid of something, a mark will remain on the body of the child. Grandmothers also say that while carrying a baby, mom can’t darn anything, otherwise the baby will be born “with a patch”. Prophets do not recommend that a woman touch black animals with her hands during pregnancy - dogs, cats, chickens. It is believed that all this can lead to the fact that a newborn baby will have a mark on the body - a birthmark. Believe it or not - everyone's business. In any case, this is only conjecture and conjecture of people.


According to scientists, birthmarks in newborns can be of two main types:

  1. Nevi, or age spots. In everyday life, they are simply called moles.
  2. Angiomas, i.e., vascular spots.

Since the first type of birthmarks almost never causes concern to parents, I would like to pay more attention to angiomas. They, in turn, are also divided into two subspecies:

  1. Hemangiomas. They develop from blood vessels that are located in the dermis - the outer layer of the skin. It is hemangiomas that are mostly congenital, and they are usually called "birthmarks".
  2. Lymphangiomas. These same spots are formed from the cells of the lymphatic vessels. Most often formed during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus. They usually appear in the third year of a baby's life.

View 1. Strawberry hemangioma

Birthmarks in newborns are divided into several main types. At the very beginning, I want to talk about strawberry hemangioma. It is a reddish convex formation. It occurs in no more than 6% of newborn babies, manifests itself soon after the birth of the crumbs (3-4 weeks). It can be placed almost anywhere on the body.

View 2. Cavernous hemangioma

Doctors also call it cavernous. This is a loose formation that has a reddish or bluish tint. It occurs according to the principle of strawberry hemangioma - in the first 18 weeks of a baby's life. After that, the process goes into decline, the speck dries out and disappears.

View 3. Wine stains

In medicine, this is called capillary angiodysplasia. This is the so-called wine, or red, birthmark. The newborn will not have any bulges on the body, it is somewhat similar to just reddening of the skin. May be dark red or purple. With age, such spots can increase in size, change shape and color. Most often formed on the face or head.

These are the most common types of birthmarks in newborns. However, there are still a huge number of them. Especially given all the subspecies of nevi and lymphangiomas.

Severe cases

Unfortunately, in 2% of cases, newborns have hemangiomatosis. This is a disease when the baby's body is covered with many birthmarks. In addition, they can also be on the internal organs, significantly complicating the baby's blood flow. Such spots can greatly interfere with the life of the crumbs, growing and forming tumors. However, hemangiomatosis is not a sentence. If observed and treated by a good experienced doctor, the child will be all right, the problem can be dealt with. In this case, the baby may need studies such as biopsy, tomography and ultrasound.

About the dangers

How dangerous are birthmarks in newborns? Their significance for the life of the crumbs is small. So, they most often do not bring any inconvenience to the baby. Their advantage is that they do not have any manifestations - itching, pain. Their only downside is their appearance. However, it should be said that all types of hemangiomas (with the exception of port-wine stains) completely disappear from the child's body by about 10 years. Otherwise, they can be easily removed using modern techniques. But still there is one "but". Once in 700 thousand cases, such a benign formation can develop into a malignant one. This is especially true of nevi, which can transform into melanomas. But it is possible to get rid of them in the early stages. Therefore, parents should strictly monitor all the formations on the baby's body, turning to the doctor in case of the slightest suspicion.

Getting rid of the problem

A birthmark in a newborn in some cases can interfere with the normal existence of the crumbs. Therefore, the doctor may recommend removing the hemangioma. The same can be done if the stain is ugly and negatively affects the appearance of the child. What can the doctor recommend in this case:

  1. Surgical intervention.
  2. Getting rid of the problem with cold (cryotherapy, cryodestruction, freezing).
  3. Getting rid of the problem with the help of high temperature (electrocoagulation).
  4. Hormone therapy.
  5. laser therapy.

However, it should be said that not every birthmark in a newborn can be removed, even if you want to. And any of the above procedures has its indications and contraindications. Therefore, only a doctor can give an appointment for their use.

What should parents do if they find birthmarks in newborns? Their meaning does not need to be sought in the action of higher or otherworldly forces. And it is best to treat such a phenomenon as calmly as possible, but at the same time seriously. What can you recommend to parents whose children have special marks?

  1. When the spot has just appeared, it is best to redraw it through tracing paper. So it will be easier to observe it - how it changes shape.
  2. You also need to watch for color changes.
  3. Birthmarks should not be allowed to be irradiated with ultraviolet light. So they can develop into malignant tumors.
  4. If the birthmark is convex, care must be taken to ensure that it does not give in too much to friction on clothing. It is necessary to carefully monitor the integrity of its surface.


Many parents become very worried when their children have moles. These worries are very often unjustified, since these formations are benign. Appeared moles or nevi require only careful attitude and constant monitoring. But sometimes there is a risk of their malignant degeneration, which is often indicated by many characteristic symptoms.

When do moles most often appear?

At what age do moles appear in children, what factors affect this? Some of their varieties can be found even in a newborn baby or in infants. But this phenomenon is very rare. On the body or on the face of an infant, only a few pigment spots can be found, which are usually mild. The appearance of most moles occurs during the period of hormonal changes in the body.

Doctors distinguish several time intervals, which are characterized by the development of nevi:

  • the neonatal period and early childhood (from 6 to 24 months);
  • the second phase, when nevi may appear, falls on a period of 5 to 6 years;
  • many moles on the body are found during puberty - from 10-12 years.

Reasons for the development of skin defects

Moles in newborns appear due to a genetic predisposition. It has been established that birthmarks are usually found in parents and their children in the same places. Other external and internal factors also influence the development of nevi.

Hormonal changes in a child's body that occur during adolescence lead to increased production of skin pigment. This provokes the appearance of numerous moles on different parts of the body, which is quite normal and does not require intervention. After several years, when the level of hormones normalizes, new nevi are no longer able to appear.

Also, the active growth of these formations on the skin is often provoked by the negative effects of sunlight. People with fair skin are especially prone to this effect. Recent studies have confirmed the fact that the development of a large number of birthmarks is more likely in premature babies. Also, nevi are more often formed in girls than in boys, but this has not been fully proven.

Some doctors are of the opinion that the formation of moles in a child occurs after traumatization of the skin. Insect bites, the negative impact of viral infections - all this can trigger the development of nevi.

Symptoms of nevi

A mole appears on the area of ​​the skin where a large number of melanocytes accumulate. These are specific cells capable of producing melanin in significant quantities - a kind of skin pigment that gives it a characteristic color. A feature of melanocytes is that they are present in the body of every person. Therefore, if moles appear in a child of any age, there is no reason for concern.

Symptoms of nevi, which are benign formations:

  • The mole has the correct shape and clear boundaries.
  • The normal color is from light beige (flesh) to almost black or even red.
  • The nevus should be flat or protrude slightly above the skin surface.
  • With age, moles in a child grow. This is a completely normal process that does not require medical intervention.
  • If moles on the face or body do not exceed 1.5 mm, there is no cause for concern. Large nevi require careful monitoring, as they are prone to injury, which can trigger the development of oncology.
  • A reliable sign of a benign nevus is the presence of hair on its surface.

Varieties of moles

The following types of moles are most often found in children:

  • Borderline nevi. They are small nodules (diameter from a few millimeters to centimeters) of the correct shape, painted in a dark color. They protrude above the skin and are not accompanied by painful sensations.
  • Intradermal moles. They can look like spots on the skin, as well as folded formations protruding above the surface (in appearance they resemble blackberries). Color - from flesh to red or black.
  • mixed form. These are dense nevi that have a spherical shape. Their size is about 1 cm, color is dark.
  • congenital nevi. They form during fetal development, when ordinary skin cells are converted into melanin..

What moles are dangerous

If parents notice the symptoms listed below in their child, they should consult a doctor. Signs may indicate the possibility of developing malignant processes. Most often it is:

  • The appearance of pronounced asymmetry or fuzzy (blurred or jagged) edges of the mole.
  • If a child has a lot of moles, and they have a heterogeneous color, this is a reason to see a doctor.
  • When the diameter of the nevus exceeds 6 mm, it must be shown to the doctor. The large size or excessive growth of education is considered a pathology and requires constant medical supervision.
  • If during a certain period any characteristics of birthmarks (shape, color, size) change too intensively, they must be shown to a specialist for additional examination.

Diagnostic methods

If a suspicious birthmark is detected in a child, it is necessary to consult a doctor who conducts a comprehensive examination to establish an accurate diagnosis. It includes:

  • visual inspection. The doctor evaluates the appearance of education, its size, shape and color.
  • Dermatoscopy. A special tool is used that allows you to examine the birthmark under multiple magnification. In this way, it is very easy to determine the signs of the onset of malignant degeneration of the nevus.
  • Digital dermatoscopy. A very accurate research method that allows you to get a picture showing a mole magnified a hundred or a thousand times.

Treatment of moles in children

To remove moles in children, a laser is mainly used. Such an intervention is performed in the presence of strict indications, when there is a risk of developing malignant processes. It is not advisable to remove birthmarks in children only for aesthetic reasons.. Doctors recommend waiting a few years, as scarring can form after the laser.

There are other indications for surgery:

  • birthmark injury;
  • bleeding, itching, or the appearance of oozing fluid from the surface of the nevus;
  • peeling of a birthmark;
  • a sharp increase in the size of the nevus.

To prevent malignant degeneration of moles, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. It is necessary to limit the stay of children in direct sunlight in the period from 11 to 16 hours.
  2. In summer, in hot weather, it is advisable to apply sunscreen to exposed areas of the body, which prevent the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin.
  3. In the hot season, it is necessary to dress the child in a Panama hat or cap. It is also recommended to protect all exposed parts of the body with light clothing.
  4. While on the beach, children are recommended to be seated under an umbrella or in another place where there is shade.
  5. In the presence of any alarming symptoms that may indicate a high risk of developing malignant processes, it is urgent to consult a dermatologist for advice.
  6. It is very important to avoid injury to birthmarks. In case of damage, apply a sterile bandage to the problem area and immediately consult a doctor. Treatment of the site of damage with antiseptics is strictly prohibited.

Treatment of nevi in ​​children with folk remedies is not recommended, since there is a high risk of injuring a mole or an area of ​​\u200b\u200bhealthy skin.

When moles appear on a clean child's body, parents may become worried, because harmless spots tend to degenerate into malignant tumors. Fear is also caused by the fact that the baby can accidentally scratch or injure the nevus.

Therefore, with the appearance of moles in children, many questions arise - what was the impetus for their formation, how dangerous they are, and whether it is worth getting rid of them in childhood or is it better to postpone them for the period of growing up.

Why do young children get moles?

Moles and age spots on the baby's body are formed from melanocytes. These pigment cells are present in the body of every person, regardless of age. The place of their localization is the space between the outer and inner layers of the epidermis. Thus, the presence of pigment cells is not a deviation, it is normal for childhood.

The photo shows nevi that can pop out on the body of a child. Most often they are small in size and stand out in a light brown color. It is impossible to feel them with your finger.

If such moles have formed in multiple quantities, you should not worry. But formations with a diameter of more than 1.5 cm with fuzzy edges and uneven tonality require a consultation with a pediatrician or dermatologist. Altered nevi are dangerous for possible rebirth, so it is important to take timely measures to prevent or remove the problem focus.

It happens that a mole disappears on its own and suddenly. If a small pale spot has taken its place, the child should be shown to the doctor. Such an unexpected behavior of a nevus can signal the onset of the development of a skin disease.

When to expect the appearance of moles?

Pigment cells fill a small organism in the process of intrauterine development. Scientists say that the appearance of nevi is possible immediately at the time of birth. But these are such rare cases that it is not worth focusing on them. But by about 4 years old, babies themselves can already notice specific spots on their bodies.

If a child has a lot of moles in the transition period, these changes on the body are identified with a change in the hormonal balance of a teenager. Over the course of several years, formations can form very actively. In the 3rd decade, there are already many moles on the human body, then the process slows down.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally when moles appear in children. The mechanism of their development depends on a particular organism, and only attentive parents can know exactly at what stage of the life path a particular element appeared in a baby.

In general, the process of formation of nevi depends on several factors:

  1. frequency of sun exposure;
  2. stage of active development of the child;
  3. hereditary predisposition.

Why do moles appear in a child? Genetics is one of the main reasons that determine the age of appearance of nevi. Doctors believe that if a person has moles in adulthood, then in the children of this individual they will also form late. Dermatologists say the same about the multiplicity of formations. The more moles the parents have, the more they will be on the body of the child.

Medical statistics have registered an early age of the appearance of moles - 1 - 2 years old. Such babies are already taken to country and beach holidays, where they are exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Short-term street walks with exposure to the child's body of sunlight can cause the formation of new nevi.

Moles in the smallest: is it worth sounding the alarm?

All moles in newborns are classified as follows:

  • border nevi - nodules with clear boundaries, the color of which is not only brown and black, but also dark purple. The elements rise above the skin and do not cause pain when pressed. Hair does not grow on the surface of such moles, which distinguishes them from other types. The diametrical size of the borderline nevi varies from a few millimeters to 1 cm. Occasionally they grow up to 5 cm. The danger lies in the possible malignancy.
  • Intradermal moles in infants are referred to by specialists as ordinary birthmarks and their shape is indicated. It can be either a spot spread on the skin surface and having a diameter of several millimeters, or a large folded formation, similar in appearance to a blackberry. In some children, an intradermal nevus has a characteristic stalk. Its color can be red, black, pale brown or natural flesh.
  • Complex, it is also a mixed form - a transitional type between the above described species. A dense neoplasm of a spherical or dome-shaped shape is characterized by dark brown, dark red and black color and is about 1 cm in diameter. Complex nevi differ from epidermal moles by the presence of hairs. They have a minimal risk of transformation into melanoma, but they still require increased attention.
  • Congenital nevi are a common phenomenon. Doctors associate their formation with a violation of the mechanism for the transformation of cells that were originally the skin of the embryo into melanin. A congenital mole catches the eye immediately and attracts the attention of doctors even in the hospital. The danger of malignancy of such a birthmark is determined by its position relative to the epidermal layers.

Giant nevi of the congenital type in newborns are very rare. Girls develop them more often than boys. Moles grow with the child's body and stabilize in size as the person grows older.

Video: moles and warts on children's skin.

Exciting for parents is a mole on the head of a child. You should not worry about her education, because she does not pose a danger until she is injured and does not change.

But if in doubt, it is better to consult a pediatrician or dermatologist. After examining the mole, they will be able to predict its behavior and give recommendations on caring for the baby's head.

When does a child get moles? What to do if the mole in a child is red or growing?

According to the old saying, a child who has many moles is sure to be happy. Many believe that the location and number of these spots on the body can be used to judge the future of a person and his character.

However, moles that appear in children are often a cause of concern for parents. It is worth saying that the excitement about whether these marks are safe is really not without meaning.

Moles in newborns

Many are convinced that we had spots on our body even when we were born. But it's not. Very few babies are born with them.

When does a child get moles? These spots, which develop from nevus cells, are transmitted genetically. Moles can be congenital. They are popularly called birthmarks. Such a mole in a child grows with him. And this phenomenon is natural.

The question of when a child has moles may sound incorrect. Nevi in ​​newborns can be clearly visible. It is not excluded the presence on the body of the baby and barely visible spots. At first, it's just a lighter area of ​​the skin.

It can be seen with the naked eye. Over time, the spots become dark in color. Parents see that moles have appeared on the child's body. Relate to this phenomenon in different ways. There are people who are proud of their gender marks, they are looking forward to the appearance of the same spot in their baby.

Causes of a nevus

Why does a child have moles? There are several reasons for this. First of all, moles in children arise due to a genetic predisposition. For example, one of the parents has the same dark spot located in almost the same place on the body. It is impossible to get rid of this phenomenon. Even if the mole does not decorate the baby, you should not do an operation to remove it. The likelihood of recurrence of the nevus is high.

When a child develops moles, one can speculate about the hormonal cause of this phenomenon. However, this usually does not occur during infancy.

One of the reasons for the appearance of moles is ultraviolet rays. But the baby is usually not worn to sunbathe on the beach. That is why the rays cannot have a detrimental effect.

Who is most likely to have birthmarks at birth?

With a high degree of coincidence, it is possible to predict the presence of a congenital nevus in an infant in advance. Most often, birthmarks at birth are observed in the following cases:
- in light-skinned children;
- in girls (4-5 times more often than in boys);
- in premature babies.

Nevuses in a child

When do moles appear in children? This process is individual. It depends on the maturation of the child, the time of his exposure to the sun, as well as on genetics.

In the event that the first moles of a father or mother appeared late, then it is probably not too early for them to appear in their child. If a child has a lot of moles, then, most likely, his parents also have a large number of these marks.

Precautionary measures

In order for the child to be protected from the formation of new moles, it should be protected from exposure to sunlight. In no case should you let the baby burn in the sun. In the summer season, a panama must be worn on the child’s head, and exposed skin areas are protected by light clothing. Precautions must be taken before leaving the house. To prevent the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on the baby's skin, apply sunscreen. In the event that you took the child to the beach, it should be kept in the shade under an umbrella.

When does a child get moles? According to statistics, the first nevi can occur in babies as early as one or two years. At this age, children travel with their parents to the country. They are being taken to the beach. At the same time, even a short stay in the sun, just a couple of hours, becomes a sufficient condition for the appearance of a mole on the body. For the occurrence of a nevus, daily walks in the park or on the street are enough. The UV rays will do the trick.

Do you need expert advice?

If parents are afraid of moles that have appeared in a child, then you should contact a pediatrician or a dermatologist. The doctor will examine the neoplasms and determine whether they pose a danger to the health of the baby. It is worth saying that malignant spots in infancy are extremely rare. However, it is important to monitor how a child's mole grows, develops, and how it manifests itself. You should also pay attention to the baby's reaction to this neoplasm, because nevi occur in those areas of the skin where immune defense is significantly reduced, which causes a change in their color and size. At the same time, the likelihood of inflammatory processes and even the degeneration of birthmarks is high. Given this fact, we can talk about the potential danger of even the most inconspicuous nevi. However, parents should not panic in advance. The likelihood that the baby's moles will begin to be reborn is extremely small. This does not depend on the number of newly formed spots, or on whether they were present on the body of the newborn when he was born or not.

Types of moles

In medical practice, there is a certain classification of nevi. There are moles vascular and ordinary. The first have certain differences in their structure. They are made up of many blood vessels. These are red moles in children. At the same time, their color can have a different tint range - from pink to bright red. The appearance of such nevi can also be different. Red moles can be both convex and flat. They are benign but are usually removed due to their unsightly appearance.

The second type of moles, which are classified as ordinary, is characterized by a smooth surface of the neoplasms. Such nevi have a color from light brown to black. Often they appear in the first years of a baby's life. In relation to the skin, such moles can be both convex and flat. Hair growing from the place where the nevus is located is considered a good sign. Excitement should be caused by birthmarks that have arisen on the feet or on the palms. The problem is that they are very easy to damage.

Varieties of vascular moles

These nevi should be noted separately. They are classified into the following types:

- salmon-colored birthmarks or, as they are also called, “stork bites”;
- flaming nevi, or port-wine stains.

Hemangiomas do not appear immediately. After the birth of the baby, it may take two to three weeks or even six to twelve months when such a nevus becomes noticeable. It can appear anywhere on the body. At the same time, its size is rapidly increasing. However, after the baby is one and a half years old, such a speck usually turns pale and acquires a flesh color. In almost all children, hemangiomas disappear by the age of ten.

Most often in children there is a "stork bite". These nevi appear, as a rule, in the back of the head, on the eyelids or on the bridge of the nose. At the same time, such neoplasms look like a large pink spot or a cluster of small spots.

A flaming nevus may develop on the face or scalp. It increases in size as the child grows. With age, this spot does not disappear. It cannot be removed. With a flaming nevus, a course of treatment is recommended, which can be carried out using laser therapy.

In the event that such a stain cannot be treated, you can try to remove it or mask it using cosmetics. It is impossible to hide such a nevus under a tan. It will still acquire a darker color than the skin. Birthmarks should be carefully protected from sunlight.

Removal of nevi in ​​children

Inspection of moles in patients should be performed by a qualified specialist. In this case, you can contact a dermatologist or oncologist. It is strictly forbidden to remove moles in beauty parlors, especially in children. Specialists of good clinics will help to get rid of nevi painlessly and without a trace.

There is a laser to remove moles. The radio wave method will help to remove them. The nevus can simply be cut out with a scalpel. Doctors consider the latter method to be the most reliable, safe and effective. And this despite outwardly frightening actions.

The laser method seems to be the easiest. However, after it, a burn may remain on the skin of the child. That is why before the procedure it is worth weighing all the pros and cons of existing methods and discuss them with your doctor. After the operation, the baby will require serious care and supervision by a doctor.

Indications for the removal of nevi in ​​both adults and children should be very serious. For aesthetic purposes, such operations are extremely rare, since the consequences can be very serious. That is why, before removing a mole, you should see if it is injured by clothes or skin folds, or maybe it is on a thin leg and is about to come off. It is best if such nevi are eliminated in a timely manner.

Moles in newborns.

Many are sure that moles are spots on our body with which we were born. However, is this really true? In fact, quite a few children are born with moles on their bodies. Moles got their name rather for a different reason. First of all, moles, or nevi, are transmitted genetically through parents. Hence the name "moles". In the people, moles that a child had at birth are called birthmarks. Such spots really appear with the birth of the child and grow with the growth of the newborn.

It may not be correct to ask when newborns have moles. The fact is that birthmarks on the body of a newborn can be noticeable, or they can be barely visible. At first, they are a bright spot that is difficult to see with the naked eye. Over time, the spot becomes darker, and you understand that your child has a "birth mark", a sign of "breed". By the way, many parents are proud of their birthmarks, which are passed down from generation to generation, so the appearance of a pedigree of a mole in a child is eagerly awaited.

Many are interested in the question of why moles appear in children.

  1. Genetics. First of all, it's all about the genetic predisposition to this, for example, dad or more likely mom has the same mole in the same place or nearby. Nothing can be done about it. But it happens that children have moles that do not decorate in any way, but they should not be removed while the child is very small, because. the nevus may reappear and the operation will have to be repeated.
  2. Hormones. It is also a common cause of moles in children, but is extremely rare in infancy.
  3. UV rays. Newborns do not sunbathe and do not go to the beach with their parents, so this option is also excluded.

In addition, you can independently understand in advance with a high probability of coincidence that the child will have a birthmark at birth. The fact is that most often with nevi are born:

  • white children,
  • Girls (about 4-5 times more likely than boys)
  • Premature babies.

Moles in children.

Most often, the first nevi appear in childhood. But when moles appear in children, only parents know who remember every centimeter of the child's body. It cannot be specifically said that moles in children appear strictly at 3 years old or at 5 years old - everything is individual and depends on several factors:

  • child maturation,
  • Stay in the sun
  • Genetics.

A genetic predisposition cannot be ruled out, so if the first moles appeared in the parents late, then the child will certainly not acquire moles early, and if the parents have a lot of moles, then the baby will have a lot of moles.

Attention! To protect your child from the appearance of new moles, try to protect him from sun exposure, especially from burning. In summer, the baby should wear clothes covering open areas of the skin (not warm), panama. Always put sunscreen on your child's skin before leaving the house, and at the beach, make sure that he plays in the shade, for example, under a beach umbrella.

So at what age do moles appear? According to statistics, the first moles in children appear as early as 1-2 years. By this age, children are taken with them to the country house or to the beach for a couple of hours, but this is already enough for the mole to appear. Enough and daily walks along the street and the park, because. ultraviolet rays cause the appearance of new nevi.

If you are afraid that a child has moles, contact a pediatrician or immediately a dermatologist who will examine the child and neoplasms and be able to tell you if there is a danger from moles on the body. However, malignant moles in a child are extremely rare, but still watch how the mole develops and grows, how it manifests itself and how the child reacts to it.

Such different "children's" moles ...

In children, it is rare to find moles that we are used to seeing. But still, congenital birthmarks are those that appeared immediately after birth or appeared in the first 2-3 months of a baby's life.

Moles can be:

  1. Vascular,
  2. Not vascular or normal.

Vascular moles are called moles, which consist of many blood vessels. The color of these moles varies from pink to bright red. Vascular nevi can be both flat and convex. These moles are benign, but they are removed not for fear of melanoma, but because of their appearance.

Non-vascular moles have a smooth surface, appear in the first years of a child's life, and may be light brown to black in color. Such moles can be either flat or convex, often hair growing from a mole is considered a good sign. It is worth worrying about moles on the palms or feet, because. such nevi are extremely easy to damage.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the vascular moles in a child. Pay attention to whether there are pinkish-red or bluish spots on the child's body with a slight swelling in diameter? If there is, you should consult a doctor. Vascular nevi are:

  • hemangiomas,
  • Stork bites or salmon birthmarks
  • Wine stain or flaming nevus.

Hemangioma may not be seen immediately, because. for the first time it appears only after 2-3 weeks or even 6-12 months after the birth of the baby. Appears anywhere and can grow rapidly, although after 1-1.5 years it tends to fade and become flesh-colored. In most children, hemangioma resolves by the age of 10.

As the old Russian sign says, if there are a lot of moles on a person’s body, he will certainly have to live happily ever after. Whether this is so or not - we will not argue - everyone has the right to their opinion and to believe in a better future: their own or their child - there are signs for that. But about when moles appear in children, what they are, what they can mean from the point of view of doctors, and indeed, what a mole is, we will try to figure it out in more detail.

Mole - what is it?

"Mole" is a word of Latin origin from "nevus" (naevus). If you look at the concept of a mole in some medical reference book, then this word familiar to everyone will mean a congenital or acquired malformation of the skin, that is, a benign tumor. This happens because at some certain point in life, the cells of the body located in the upper hairy part of the skin begin to accumulate melanin pigment (the substance that is responsible for the color of the skin and hair) and overflow with it so much that they themselves become melanocytes (pigment cells of the body). ). Places of accumulation of these melanocytes are called moles. Moles can vary in shape, size, and even color. There are a lot of types and classifications of moles, but we will miss this.

Moles can be located absolutely anywhere on the human skin: in the scalp, in the bikini area, in the mouth, on the tongue. By color, moles can be dark and light brown, black, red, sometimes even blue. The life cycle of any mole is as follows: basically, initially it appears as a small flat spot, which over time can increase, change in color or grow slightly upward above the skin. The shape and appearance of a mole depends on how many cells melanocytes a person has and on how deep they are located in the layer of the skin. So, if a person has these pigment cells located in the epidermis - that is, in the uppermost layer - his mole will be flat. If melanocytes are a little deeper, in the dermis - moles take on a convex shape. Moreover, the deeper melanocytes and the more of them, the higher and darker the mole will be.

Absolutely every person has moles: some are born with them, in others they become noticeable in childhood, and in others they appear already in adulthood. When moles appear in children, why they appear in adults, how they develop and change is a question that requires a more detailed study of this topic.

When do moles appear?

If we are talking specifically about moles, and not about birthmarks with which children are born, then babies at birth do not have moles, as such. Although they, of course, have dot pigment spots, which are so small that in infancy and infancy of our children, we simply do not notice them. These pigment spots begin to appear with age, darken and transform into the same moles that are familiar to us in question. The most optimal and common age when moles appear in children is considered to be approximately the period from six months to 2 years. Very noticeable moles appear at 5-6 years. They are also actively manifested in the transitional age - 12-13 years. So, by the age of 25, a person has 80% of all moles that he may ever have. The remaining 20% ​​may appear at a different age for other reasons.

What provokes the appearance of moles?

The appearance of moles in children, their shape, color, size and number, primarily depends on the heredity of the child. In addition, the appearance of all kinds of moles is also provoked by external factors - of course, unfavorable ones, which, first of all, include ordinary ultraviolet rays. That is, the simplest explanation for the appearance of moles in humans is the influence of sunlight. Excessive passion for tanning and going to the solarium directly affects their number. In addition, the appearance of moles is provoked by hormones. So, moles in large numbers appear on the human body during puberty. In women, this often happens at the time of pregnancy, and in older people - with a disease of the endocrine system. For the same reasons, old moles can change, grow, and sometimes even disappear without a trace.

In addition to these explanations, some scientists call another completely different reason when moles appear in children, however, in adults too. They claim that many moles appear only on those areas of human skin where the immune defense is most weakened. By this they also explain the reason for any modifications of moles, and their possible degeneration. In this case, even the smallest mole is a potentially dangerous phenomenon that can mean the onset of an oncological disease. Therefore, it is very important to observe moles throughout life, first of all, for any changes in them. However, when moles appear in children, this does not mean at all that they will definitely develop into malignant tumors and skin cancers in the future. This worst-case scenario is considered quite rare, but, unfortunately, possible, therefore requiring control and, if necessary, the rapid intervention of specialists.

Often, parents notice birthmarks or moles on the body of a newborn child. Sometimes these marks appear as the baby grows, they can have a different shape, color and size. What are the causes of stains, what danger is fraught with? Is it possible to get rid of them? We will try to answer these and related questions in detail.

Birthmarks are called so because they appear in the baby in the womb or during childbirth.

Causes of stains

Scientists have found that birthmarks are a collection of special cells called melanocytes on an area of ​​the skin. They may have an excessive presence of pigment, or not contain it at all. In the first case, the mark will be dark in color, in the second, it will have a shade lighter than the color of the tissues surrounding it. There are also varieties of spots of saturated burgundy, wine color, formed by a concentration of blood vessels - hemangiomas. All such formations on the body are called nevi by scientists.

Previously, people believed that moles and birthmarks are special marks that speak of the fate of a small person. In order to correctly "read" the future, they attached importance to the location of moles, their number. Large brown spots on the body of newborns, according to our great-grandmothers, arose in the place that a pregnant woman could touch during a fright. There is a belief that in no case should you grab the stomach in which the baby is growing up.

Today, there is also no unequivocal answer to the question of why birthmarks appear in newborns, where they come from in the process of growing a baby. The reasons for their occurrence are not fully understood. Scientists suggest that factors such as heredity, as well as skin color, matter. If one of the parents has a lot of moles, there is a chance that the son or daughter will also have them. In addition, moles and age spots often appear in premature babies, as well as in those children who have very fair skin.

If parents have a lot of moles, the risk of their appearance in a child is high.

Also, the risk of a nevus in a baby increases if his mother was exposed to toxic substances or hazardous radiation during his gestation. Of great importance is the balance of sex hormones in the body of a pregnant woman, as well as the presence of infections of the genitourinary system. Interestingly, nevi can be located on any part of the baby's body - on the abdomen, back, pope, head, leg, arm or fingers. Sometimes such formations interfere with normal life if they are located on the eyelid, in the eye, in the ear or in the mouth.

As we wrote above, there are quite a lot of varieties of birthmarks. They differ not only in color and shape, size, but also in density, relief. There are flat marks that do not rise above the surface of the epidermis, but are convex, with enlarged pores, covered with hair. Birthmarks in newborns and young children require special attention, in some cases, surgical intervention. Consider their most common types.

Dark pigment spots

Pigmented spots are an accumulation of melanocytes, which give the skin a color that is different from the main shade. Freckles and moles are also age spots, their appearance does not require any action from the parents. Most often, a baby at birth does not have moles, they appear as he grows. However, pigment spots are sometimes found in newborns and during the initial examination.

There is no need to get rid of freckles, they even give the child a special charm.

The pigmented area may resemble a coffee bean or cover a significant surface area of ​​the body.

If the size of the spot is large, and it does not affect the appearance of a small person in the best way, it is better to get rid of such a mark. There are various ways to remove pigmented areas - from discoloration to surgery.

According to some experts, almost all children are born with nevi, which may simply not be visible on the epidermis. With age, the nevus cells accumulate enough pigment to show up. We describe the most common options.

Epidermal and melanocytic nevi

Most often, dark-colored spots are melanocytic and linear nevi ( round and elongated, respectively). Very large dark spots are classified as giant nevi. The first two types usually do not require medical intervention, they have a favorable prognosis. As for the last type of nevus, consultation and observation with a dermatologist is necessarybecause there is a risk of transformation into malignant neoplasm.

"Coffee" birthmark

“Coffee” pigment spot is not dangerous and looks like a light brown flat formation with clear edges, ranging in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. It manifests itself more often not after the birth of the baby, but after a few months. If there are several large spots ( more than 5 mm in diameter), you should contact a dermatologist or pediatrician to assess their condition.

A coffee-colored spot may not appear immediately in a child.

Mongolian (Mongoloid) spot

This is an extensive gray or bluish formation, usually up to 10 cm in diameter, localized in the lumbosacral region. Most often, the prognosis is favorable, the spot disappears during the first years of a child's life. However, in some cases, there are problems in the structure of the spine and concomitant symptoms, so it is better to additionally consult at the doctor's .

Spots of red

Red, purple and pink spots are vascular formations, i.e. accumulation in one place of dilated blood vessels. Such formations can be both flat and convex, localized in different places - on the upper and lower extremities, abdomen and back, pope, as well as on the back of the neck and face (“favorite” locations are cheeks, nose, eyelids, forehead and bridge of the nose). Consider some types of vascular spots.

Simple nevus

Sometimes parents notice a spot on the back of the head, face or on the coccyx of the child, resembling a horseshoe or a triangle. Such a mark is not convex, it does not differ in structure from the surrounding tissues, its color is not bright, reddish. When the baby cries or strains for another reason, the horseshoe darkens and becomes more noticeable. During hours of relaxation, sleep, it is almost invisible. Over time, this stain disappears without leaving any traces behind. The prognosis is favorable.

Normally, a simple nevus is not a dangerous formation and passes on its own.


Hemangiomas are quite common in newborns. The color of this type of mole can range from bright purple to pale pink. Such nevi often have a reddish, burgundy or pink hue, which is due to the proximity to the surface of the skin of a large number of blood vessels. Hemangiomas can grow with the child, or they can remain unchanged for many years. They are also removed if the marks are located in traumatic places. Below we consider the main types of hemangiomas.

Berry (simple)

This type of marks in shape and color resembles a strawberry or strawberry. Most often, red spots in newborns appear on the head - on the cheek, under the hair, on the temple or neck. The conditional diameter of such a mark can vary from a few millimeters to 2-3 centimeters. The berry spot always rises above the surface of the epidermis. Despite the fact that at first these nevi tend to grow, with age they begin to turn pale and disappear.

Cavernous (cavernous)

This type of marks does not have clear boundaries, but they are noticeable due to their structure. A hemangioma contains many chambers filled with blood. This is a kind of accumulation of enlarged pores of a maroon, sometimes purple color, which rise above the surface of the skin.

Cavernous hemangioma can have a very bright shade (more in the article:)

Pressing on the mark can be painful, and its temperature is always slightly elevated. During the first six months of a baby's life, it grows rapidly, significantly increasing in size. Then its growth stops and the hemangioma disappears as quickly as it grew. However, in some cases, hemangiomas pose some danger and require specialist advice and surgical intervention (including those with extensive formation or complex localization, for example, on the eyelid).


The speck resembles a star with rays. Usually it can be seen on the face of the baby, sometimes on the neck. As a rule, in the center of such a formation, a red dot is noticeable, from which rays-vessels diverge in different directions. Typically, the capillaries have a miniature diameter, but during the growth of such an asterisk, they expand several times and become noticeable. This type of hemangiomas almost always disappears on its own without intervention.

Wine stain (fiery, flaming nevus)

This stain has a bright purple or burgundy color and resembles a wine trail or a pomegranate juice spill. The most frequent localization is the face, upper and lower limbs, back and abdomen. Most often, a child is born with him, some parents confuse such an education with a hematoma (bruise).

Often a wine stain is located on the baby's head

Only later, when the pigmented area does not resolve, mothers go for a consultation with a dermatologist. A wine stain will not go away on its own, it can grow, so it is sought to be removed at an early age with a laser. It is especially necessary to consult a doctor when localizing a flaming nevus in the eye area, since there is a connection between a nevus and increased eye pressure.

light spots

Anemic nevus

The appearance of an anemic nevus is due to the accumulation of underdeveloped vessels. In this regard, the color of the nevus is lighter than the surrounding tissues. Diagnosing this type of spots is quite difficult, since the white color of the epidermis can be a symptom of many diseases. If you rub a light spot, the skin around it will turn red, and this area will remain light and will be especially noticeable.

Nevus Jadassohn is also called a nevus of the sebaceous glands, and in most cases it is congenital. However, this skin defect can also appear in infancy, less often in preschool children. The spot looks like a round plaque with a shiny surface, the diameter of which can vary from 5 mm to 9 centimeters. The marking color is usually yellow or light brown. Most often, the nevus of the sebaceous glands appears in the scalp, sometimes it passes to the neck or temporal part. This neoplasm is desirable to be removed for prophylactic purposes, but this can be done in adolescence.

Jadassohn's nevus often occurs on the scalp

Delete or not?

If parents find a mark in a child, you should definitely consult with a specialist. The doctor will determine the type to which the neoplasm belongs and recommend what to do with the nevus. Sometimes it is enough just to observe the birthmark and monitor its size. Parents can regularly take a photo of a nevus or take an imprint at regular intervals. Then you can see the dynamics of its growth.

In some cases, doctors believe that the skin growth should be removed as soon as possible to avoid problems in the future. If the mark is located on the back, the back of the head, the arm, they try not to touch it, but if it is in another inconvenient place, they decide on removal. Often, these spots go away on their own, without the intervention of specialists.

When is it necessary to urgently see a doctor?

Some birthmarks are dangerous growths and need to be removed urgently. There are several situations that do not allow you to relax and require immediate medical attention:

  • in a child who is more than six months old, the birthmark began to increase in size;
  • the neoplasm is easy to touch and damage with clothes, a comb or while putting on shoes;
  • a birthmark in length or width has a size of 20 or more centimeters;
  • the mole is in the nose, on the eyelid, in the ear canal;
  • the mole is damaged, it bleeds, itches, itches;
  • the birthmark began to change - grow, darken or lighten, hairs began to fall out of it.

If the stain is easily touched or already damaged, you need to see a doctor.

Ways to get rid of moles and birthmarks

If you decide to get rid of a birthmark or mole, you should listen to the doctor's recommendations. There are several safe and quite simple ways to remove such neoplasms:

  • Injections of medicines directly into the stain, which stimulate the death of overgrown vessels or other tissues.
  • Cryotherapy is the freezing of warts or moles with the help of nitrogen. After a few days, the area where liquid nitrogen was applied heals and becomes covered with a crust, after which the crust disappears along with the neoplasm. With the help of cryotherapy, you can only get rid of small warts or moles (see also:).
  • Laser. With the help of a powerful beam of light, unwanted formations on the body can be removed painlessly and quickly. After the procedure, the healing process takes very little time, especially when compared with cryotherapy.
  • Radio waves. Sometimes the doctor recommends getting rid of the neoplasm using a device that acts on the mole with radio waves. First, the doctor will make an anesthetic injection, then remove the nevus. Healing after the procedure is fast, scars usually do not remain.
  • Removal with a scalpel. This method is quite traumatic, it is used in cases where the birthmark is large. Despite the fact that today there are more advanced methods of treatment, surgical excision remains a fairly popular procedure.

Finally, I would like to advise parents not to panic if the child has spots or moles on the body. You should definitely consult a doctor, but it is better to get an appointment with another specialist. In this case, it will be easier for parents to make the right decision and protect the child from possible problems in the future.