
Restoration of the respiratory system. Ecology of human existence Violation of the drainage function of the body

At the very beginning of this part, we identified four main strategic tasks that need to be solved in the process of cleansing the lungs in order to restore their Lost physiological purity and health. Now it’s the turn to decide how and by what means the tasks will be solved.
So, let's start in order.

1. Restoring the protective barriers of the upper respiratory tract

To restore the protective mechanisms of the upper respiratory tract, it is advisable to use water extracts that enhance the formation and secretion of a protective secret from MPC (medicinal plant materials) containing essential oils and phytoncides: an infusion of birch buds, poplar, wild rosemary grass, heather, oregano, mint, lemon balm, thyme, eucalyptus leaves, sage, etc.; decoctions of rhizomes of calamus, rhizomes with elecampane roots, fruits of coriander, thyme, fennel, onion juice, garlic, honey and propolis can also be used.
To enhance the secretion of the resulting secret, you can use the juices of Kalanchoe, aloe and beets. They are diluted in boiled water 10-20 times and instilled with one drop in each nostril. They have a slight irritant effect and increase sneezing, contributing to the secretion.

2. Restoration of the drainage function of the bronchi

The drainage function of the bronchi is restored:
a) expectorant plants that provide sputum discharge - calamus, marshmallow, anise, veronica, elecampane, du
shitsa, mullein, coltsfoot, lungwort, primrose, cyanosis, licorice, thermopsis, thyme, violet, etc.;
b) mucolytics, i.e., having the ability to dissolve mucus - marshmallow, wild rosemary, valerian, veronica, sweet clover, hyssop, istod, flax, Icelandic moss, pine buds, etc.

3. Infection control

The success of antimicrobial therapy is determined by the correct choice of agents to which the causative agent of an infectious disease is sensitive. Wherein:
a) combined, i.e. joint, use of medicinal plants with antimicrobial and antiviral properties is necessary;
b) combination of plants with various active substances, which not only allows to achieve a bactericidal effect, but also prevents the emergence of strains resistant (resistant) to herbal medicine;
c) for oral administration, it is advisable to use collections and rinses, a constant alternation of various groups of antimicrobial active substances that have been identified in calamus, geraniums, oregano, cinquefoil erectus, onions, raspberries (leaves), lemon balm, sage, garlic, eucalyptus.

4. Correction of anti-infective immunity

This direction is preferable to implement with the help of the following groups of medicinal plants:
a) interferon stimulators: coltsfoot, plantain, Icelandic cetraria;
b) alveolar phagocytic activity activators: mountain arnica, astragalus, borage, volodushka, stinging nettle;
c) local immunity stimulants: anise, arnica, shift, highlander bird, birch, sage, etc.
It should be noted that along the entire path of restoring the normal functioning of the respiratory system, it is necessary to constantly and purposefully use anti-inflammatory and antihypoxic agents of plant origin: linden leaves, calendula and chamomile flowers, string grass, horsetail, sage, etc.
From the first day of cleansing, it is also necessary to use highly effective vitamin complexes, since they contain enzymes and trace elements that significantly increase the bioavailability of vitamins. At the same time, medicinal plants rich in vitamins, which include lingonberries, cranberries, strawberries, blackberries, red mountain ash, sea buckthorn, dandelion leaves, nettles, primroses, should be added to the main collection or taken additionally in the form of tea.
Considering that effective cleansing is impossible without an increased water load, it is necessary to increase the amount of drinking up to 2.5-3 liters per day, unless, of course, there are contraindications from the cardiovascular and urinary systems.
And in conclusion of this chapter, I want to remind you once again that many diseases are much easier to prevent than to cure, therefore it is advisable to gradually increase the resistance of the respiratory organs to colds and infections by generally hardening the body and, if there is enough willpower and sanity, to refuse or at least stop abuse alcohol and tobacco. Both habits are closely related to breathing. After all, in addition to the general harmful effect on the body, causing deep dysfunctions of the nervous system and many other organs, alcohol has a detrimental effect directly on the tissue of the lungs and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, because through them it and its oxidation products, aldehydes and ketones, are excreted from the body. This, by the way, explains the characteristic disgusting smell from the mouth after drinking alcoholic beverages.
As for smoking, its harmful effect on the respiratory organs is perhaps even worse than alcohol, since, among other things, tobacco smoke inhibits the production of surfactant and thereby increases the surface tension of the alveoli. Because of this, the smoker, compared to non-smokers, has to make greater efforts to inhale.
But we have already talked about the dangers of smoking. Now it's time to talk about the main thing.


At the very beginning of this part, we identified four main strategic tasks that need to be solved in the process of cleansing the lungs in order to restore their Lost physiological purity and health. Now it’s the turn to decide how and by what means the tasks will be solved.
So, let's start in order.

1. Restoring the protective barriers of the upper respiratory tract

To restore the protective mechanisms of the upper respiratory tract, it is advisable to use water extracts that enhance the formation and secretion of a protective secret from MPC (medicinal plant materials) containing essential oils and phytoncides: an infusion of birch buds, poplar, wild rosemary grass, heather, oregano, mint, lemon balm, thyme, eucalyptus leaves, sage, etc.; decoctions of rhizomes of calamus, rhizomes with elecampane roots, fruits of coriander, thyme, fennel, onion juice, garlic, honey and propolis can also be used.
To enhance the secretion of the resulting secret, you can use the juices of Kalanchoe, aloe and beets. They are diluted in boiled water 10-20 times and instilled with one drop in each nostril. They have a slight irritant effect and increase sneezing, contributing to the secretion.

2. Restoration of the drainage function of the bronchi

The drainage function of the bronchi is restored:
a) expectorant plants that provide sputum discharge - calamus, marshmallow, anise, veronica, elecampane, du
shitsa, mullein, coltsfoot, lungwort, primrose, cyanosis, licorice, thermopsis, thyme, violet, etc.;
b) mucolytics, i.e., having the ability to dissolve mucus - marshmallow, wild rosemary, valerian, veronica, sweet clover, hyssop, istod, flax, Icelandic moss, pine buds, etc.

3. Infection control

The success of antimicrobial therapy is determined by the correct choice of agents to which the causative agent of an infectious disease is sensitive. Wherein:
a) combined, i.e. joint, use of medicinal plants with antimicrobial and antiviral properties is necessary;
b) combination of plants with various active substances, which not only allows to achieve a bactericidal effect, but also prevents the emergence of strains resistant (resistant) to herbal medicine;
c) for oral administration, it is advisable to use collections and rinses, a constant alternation of various groups of antimicrobial active substances that have been identified in calamus, geraniums, oregano, cinquefoil erectus, onions, raspberries (leaves), lemon balm, sage, garlic, eucalyptus.

4. Correction of anti-infective immunity

This direction is preferable to implement with the help of the following groups of medicinal plants:
a) interferon stimulators: coltsfoot, plantain, Icelandic cetraria;
b) alveolar phagocytic activity activators: mountain arnica, astragalus, borage, volodushka, stinging nettle;
c) local immunity stimulants: anise, arnica, shift, highlander bird, birch, sage, etc.
It should be noted that along the entire path of restoring the normal functioning of the respiratory system, it is necessary to constantly and purposefully use anti-inflammatory and antihypoxic agents of plant origin: linden leaves, calendula and chamomile flowers, string grass, horsetail, sage, etc.
From the first day of cleansing, it is also necessary to use highly effective vitamin complexes, since they contain enzymes and trace elements that significantly increase the bioavailability of vitamins. At the same time, medicinal plants rich in vitamins, which include lingonberries, cranberries, strawberries, blackberries, red mountain ash, sea buckthorn, dandelion leaves, nettles, primroses, should be added to the main collection or taken additionally in the form of tea.
Considering that effective cleansing is impossible without an increased water load, it is necessary to increase the amount of drinking up to 2.5-3 liters per day, unless, of course, there are contraindications from the cardiovascular and urinary systems.
And in conclusion of this chapter, I want to remind you once again that many diseases are much easier to prevent than to cure, therefore it is advisable to gradually increase the resistance of the respiratory organs to colds and infections by generally hardening the body and, if there is enough willpower and sanity, to refuse or at least stop abuse alcohol and tobacco. Both habits are closely related to breathing. After all, in addition to the general harmful effect on the body, causing deep dysfunctions of the nervous system and many other organs, alcohol has a detrimental effect directly on the tissue of the lungs and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, because through them it and its oxidation products, aldehydes and ketones, are excreted from the body. This, by the way, explains the characteristic disgusting smell from the mouth after drinking alcoholic beverages.
As for smoking, its harmful effect on the respiratory organs is perhaps even worse than alcohol, since, among other things, tobacco smoke inhibits the production of surfactant and thereby increases the surface tension of the alveoli. Because of this, the smoker, compared to non-smokers, has to make greater efforts to inhale.
But we have already talked about the dangers of smoking. Now it's time to talk about the main thing.


Colds of the upper respiratory tract are the most common diseases of the respiratory system. As a rule, we don’t take a cold very seriously because of its everyday life, they don’t even consider it a disease, and therefore, starting from an early age, having caught a cold, they behave incorrectly. And this sometimes turns into oh what serious complications not only for the lungs and heart, but also for other body systems.
The causative agents of colds of the upper respiratory tract - more than 90% - viruses that enter the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx with inhaled air. However, the disease begins to develop only when the viruses take root and begin to multiply. The mucosa itself has a fairly strong protective ability, if only it is moist and well supplied with blood. But with a weakening of the general resistance to disease, inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nasopharynx, larynx and trachea can begin, which is usually accompanied by an increase in temperature.
At a high temperature, unfortunately, very early and in very large quantities, we are in a hurry to take potent antipyretics. In fact, panic is in vain, since fever is a sign of good body resistance and, as it were, reflects the joyful circumstance that the infection-fighting mechanism has started to work.
It is known that the optimal temperature for the fruitful life of viruses lies between 36 ° C and 37 "C, while a temperature close to 39 ° C, completely depriving them of the ability to reproduce, prevents their spread. It is easy to figure out that by lowering the temperature of our body, we we only improve the conditions for the existence and reproduction of viruses.
This process is very indicative on the example of children. Their body temperature very quickly reaches 38 ° C without any visible signs of illness. A worried mother is waiting for urgent help from a doctor. In this situation, when fever is the only symptom, antipyretic drugs are prescribed, which immediately block the body's healing reaction in the form of fever. And although the child no longer "burns like fire", but after this, it would seem, recovery, for some reason, first a runny nose and sore throat, and then, possibly, inflammation of the trachea with a many-week cough.
If you do not suppress the fever, then the infection is likely to decline very quickly, and it will not come to painful inflammation and complications at all.
An additional reaction of the inflamed mucous membrane, manifested in the form of a runny nose, mucus, cough and sputum, serves to eliminate harmful pathogens and inflammation products. So it is a great misconception to unnecessarily seek to eliminate these cleansing secretions by:
- drops from the common cold based on synthetic drugs that cause vasoconstriction of the nasal mucosa and a decrease in mucus secretion;
- means that suppress cough, and with it coughing up sputum;
- antibiotics, which are not at all effective against a viral infection, but lower the body's resistance and also cause dysbacteriosis.

Although in some cases these remedies are able to suppress the symptoms (and even then not all and not always!), For the most part they do not have a therapeutic effect, on the contrary, they suppress the internal desire for self-treatment: fever and the protective reaction of the mucous membrane. Due to this, serious complications often arise with such a seemingly frivolous disease as a cold. Inflammation of the mucosa eventually becomes chronic, and the infection settles forever in "badly ventilated" and insufficiently supplied with blood cavities, and it is not surprising that in the nasal paranasal sinuses, in the middle ear, in the depths of the bronchial system, with each "cold", inflammation again aggravates, disrupting the respiratory system and weakening the already weak overall resistance of the body.
Therefore, with flu and colds, as well as during an epidemic, it is best to take the following herbal medicines for preventive purposes.
1.Rose hip. Crush dry berries. 5 tablespoons of berries per 1 liter of cold water. Put on fire, boil for 10 minutes. Insist, wrapped, 8-10 hours, strain. Drink in the morning 1/2-1 glass every 2-3 hours during the day. Drink with honey, jam, sugar.
Can be brewed thicker. It is advisable not to eat anything on this day. After each dose, rinse your mouth with warm water, otherwise ascorbic acid corrodes your teeth. With the flu, it is advisable to drink rose hips during the week, gradually reducing the number of doses.
2.Lingonberry ordinary. In folk medicine, lingonberries in the form of fruit drinks are used for influenza. For colds, they also drink an infusion of leaves. Pour a tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 2 tablespoons 4-5 times a day.
Apply lingonberries in the collection.
Lingonberry (leaf) - 1 part
Strawberries (leaf) - 1 part
Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of water, bring to a boil. Add honey to the decoction (to taste) and drink hot in a glass 3-4 times a day for colds.
3.Viburnum ordinary. A decoction of fruits with honey gives a good effect on colds with severe headaches, coughing and loss of voice; also useful for hypertension, heart disease (pour a glass of fruit with 1 liter of hot water, boil for 10 minutes, strain, add 3 tablespoons of honey. Drink 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day at regular intervals).
A decoction of flowers is used as an expectorant and diaphoretic, for which 1 tablespoon of flowers is brewed with a glass of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. Drink a tablespoon 3 times a day.
4. Potato. Make inhalations. Potatoes or potato skins are placed in a pot of water, boiled until cooked and inhaled for 10-15 minutes over the pot, covered with a towel.
5. Sowing radish. For colds, juice with honey is used. Cut a recess in the radish, fill it with honey and cover with a piece of radish on top, leave for 4 hours in a warm place, drain the resulting juice and take a tablespoon, children - a teaspoon 3 times a day.
6. Three-part series. 2 tablespoons pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, filter and
take orally 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening to provide a diaphoretic and diuretic effect for colds.
For flu and colds it is also recommended to use the following collections of medicinal plants for internal use (in grams).
Gathering 1
Initial letter (grass) - 20.0
Chamomile - 20.0
Sage - 20.0
Grind everything and mix well. 1 tablespoon of the mixture with a top of 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 30-40 minutes, strain. At night, drink 2-3 cups of hot infusion with honey. Drink as tea throughout the day. If you have a cold with a headache, then add mint - 10 g to the main collection. If you have a cold with chills, then add black elderberry flowers - 10 g to the main collection.
Gathering 2
Linden (flowers) - 50.0
Kalina (fruits) - 50.0
Gathering 3
Peppermint (leaf) - 30.0
Black elderberry (flowers) - 30.0
Linden (flowers) - 30.0
2 tablespoons of the mixture in 2 cups of boiling water. Boil for 5-10 minutes, strain. Drink hot at night for 1-2 cups. It is used for rheumatism, flu and colds.
Gathering 4
Linden (flowers) - 50.0
Black elderberry (flowers) - 50.0
2 tablespoons of the mixture in a glass of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes, strain. Drink hot in one go for flu and colds.
For colds, to increase sweating, fees are used:
Gathering 5
Elderberry (flowers) - 20.0
Linden (flowers) - 20.0
Mullein (flowers) - 20.0
Blackthorn (flowers) - 20.0
Willow (bark) - 20.0
Gathering 6
Elderberry (flowers) - 50.0

Brew 1 tablespoon of chopped raw materials with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes, strain. Infusion drink hot 2-3 cups daily.
Gathering 7
Elderberry (flowers) - 20.0
Chamomile (flowers) - 20.0
Linden (flowers) - 20.0
Peppermint (leaf) - 20.0
Brew 1 tablespoon of chopped raw materials with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes, strain. Infusion drink hot 2-3 cups daily.
Collection 8
Elderberry (flowers) - 20.0
Linden (flowers) - 20.0
Willow (bark) - 30.0
Peony (flowers) - 10.0
Licorice (root) - 10.0

2 tablespoons of chopped collection brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Infusion to drink warm during the day.
In folk medicine, in the treatment of colds, herbal infusions are used not only inside, but also use hot foot baths, mustard plasters, jars, compresses, as well as rinses and inhalations.
Oil with eucalyptus is instilled into the nostrils (5 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day). It is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of dry crushed eucalyptus leaves are boiled in 200 g of olive or sunflower oil over low heat for 10 minutes. Then the contents are filtered through gauze and used as needed.
The use of onion and garlic is useful in many diseases. Rub the onion or garlic on a fine grater and inhale the vapors for 10-15 minutes 2 times a day for 10-15 days.
With a prophylactic purpose during an influenza epidemic, an infusion of garlic is effective: 2-3 cloves of garlic are finely chopped, pour 30-50 g of boiling water; insist for 1-2 hours, instill 2-3 drops into the nose in each nostril (for adults and children). The infusion is changed after 2 days. Finely chopped garlic in gauze bags can be tied to a crib. Calamus root is chewed to prevent influenza.


Treatment of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis

One of the first and most effective methods of combating diseases of the upper respiratory tract is rinsing the mouth and throat with an infusion or decoction of one of the types of medicinal raw materials.
For this purpose, plants or preparations are used that have antimicrobial, emollient, astringent effects: eucalyptus, calendula, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, oregano, horsetail, etc. in the form of a warm infusion, which is prepared as follows: 4 tablespoons of chopped raw materials for 0.5 l of boiling water, leave for 15-30 minutes, heat up, strain through cheesecloth. If there are roots in the collection, you can prepare a decoction - pour 2 tablespoons with 2 cups of cold water, bring to a boil over low heat, boil for 5-15 minutes, cool, drain, strain through gauze, squeeze out the sediment. Gargle your throat and mouth at least three times a day (preferably before and after meals - 6-7 times a day).
Below are the medicinal fees used for rinsing (in grams).
Collection 9
Common oak (bark) - 50.0
Oregano (herb) - 40.0
Marshmallow medicinal root - 10.0
Gathering 10
Linden heart-shaped (flowers) - 40.0
Chamomile (flowers) - 60.0
Collection 11
Salvia officinalis (leaf) - 25.0
St. John's wort (grass) - 25.0
Black elderberry (flowers) - 25.0
Common oak (bark) - 25.0
Collection 12

Peppermint (leaf) - 30.0
Chamomile officinalis (flowers) - 30.0

Collection 13
Anise ordinary (fruits) - 5.0
Mullein sceptre (corollas) - 10.0

Collection 14
Salvia officinalis (leaf) - 35.0
Marshmallow officinalis (leaf) - 30.0
Black elderberry (flowers) - 35.0
Gathering 15
Fennel ordinary (fruits) - 5.0

Common oak (bark) - 15.0

Collection 16
Common raspberry (leaf) - 20.0
Salvia officinalis (leaf) - 30.0


With laryngitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis the following dosages are recommended (in grams).
Collection 17
Eucalyptus twig (leaf) - 20.0
Calendula (flowers) - 15.0
Salvia officinalis (leaf) - 15.0
Chamomile (flowers) - 10.0

Linden heart-shaped (flowers) - 10.0

For rinsing the throat with laryngitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis.
Collection 18

Chamomile (flowers) - 10.0

Scotch pine (buds) - 15.0
Elecampane high (roots) - 20.0

For the preparation of an inhalation mixture for laryngitis,
tracheitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis.
Collection 19
Chamomile officinalis (flowers) - 25.0
Sage (leaf) - 25.0
A teaspoon in a glass of boiling water, brew, strain, gargle with sore throat and laryngitis.
Gathering 20
Raspberry (leaf) - 20.0
Malva forest (leaf) - 20.0
Coltsfoot (leaf) - 25.0
Sage (leaf) - 30.0
3 teaspoons of the collection pour a glass of boiling water, insist. Gargle with laryngitis and pharyngitis.
Collection 21
Fennel (fruits) - 5.0
Potentilla erect (rhizome) - 15.0
Marshmallow officinalis (root) - 15.0
Oak (bark) -10.0
Sage (leaf) - 15.0
Insist a teaspoon of the mixture on a glass of cold water for 5 hours, boil and cool. Apply to gargle.
Collection 22
Chamomile - 30.0
Eucalyptus - 30.0
Calendula officinalis (flowers) - 30.0
Grind everything and mix well. 1 tablespoon of the mixture per 1.5 cups of boiling water. Boil for 2 minutes, wrapped, insist 30 minutes, strain. Rinse 2 times a day, morning and evening, divide the solution in half. Start rinsing with a solution at 26 ° C, gradually decreasing by 1 ° C per day, up to 16 ° C. Then rinse for a month at 15-16 ° C with this solution. This gargle allows you to remove the inflammation of the throat and harden it.
Gathering 23
Fennel ordinary (fruits) - 10.0
Peppermint (leaf) - 30.0
Chamomile officinalis (flowers) - 30.0
Salvia officinalis (leaf) - 30.0
Take as a warm infusion of 1/3 cup for rinsing with laryngitis and sore throat.
Gathering 24
Eucalyptus (leaf) - 20.0
Flax (seed) - 10.0
Chamomile (flowers) - 20.0
Linden (flowers) - 20.0
Gathering 25
Oregano (grass) - 10.0
Chamomile (flowers) - 20.0
Sage (herb) - 10.0
Mallow (root, leaf, flowers) - 20.0
1 tablespoon of the mixture is poured with boiling water in a porcelain dish (200 ml). Then, after insisting under a porcelain saucer for 30 minutes, drain and gargle with warm infusion 4-5 times a day, with laryngitis and sore throat. Swallow the last portions slowly.
Collection 26
Black elderberry (flowers) - 20.0
Sage (herb) - 20.0
Marshmallow (root, leaf, flowers) - 20.0
Sweet clover (grass with flowers) - 10.0
1 tablespoon of the mixture is poured with boiling water in a porcelain dish (200 ml). Then, after insisting under a porcelain saucer for 30 minutes, drain and gargle with warm infusion 4-5 times a day for laryngitis and sore throat. Swallow the last portions slowly.
Collection 27
St. John's wort (grass with flowers) - 20.0
Flax (seed) - 10.0
Calendula (flowers) - 20.0
Chamomile (flowers) - 20.0
1 tablespoon of the mixture is poured with boiling water in a porcelain dish (200 ml). Then, after insisting under a porcelain saucer for 30 minutes, drain and gargle with warm infusion 4-5 times a day. Swallow the last portions slowly.


With tracheobronchitis, chronic bronchitis, acute, dry bronchitis and bronchospasm it is recommended to use the following collections of medicinal plants (in grams).
Collection 28
Anise (fruits) - 10.0

Mullein (flowers) - 10.0
Mallow forest (flowers) - 20.0
Thyme (flowers) - 20.0
Licorice naked (root) - 50.0
Insist a tablespoon of the mixture on a glass of cold water, after 2 hours bring to a boil and boil for 5-6 minutes on low heat, strain after cooling. Drink 1/4 cup of warm broth 4 times a day for coughing, tracheo-bronchitis, bronchitis.
Collection 29
Common coltsfoot (leaf) - 10.0

Field horsetail (grass) - 30.0
Spring primrose (flowers) - 40.0
Take warm infusion or decoction of 1/3-1/4 cup for coughing, tracheobronchitis, chronic bronchitis, acute dry bronchitis.
Gathering 30

Licorice naked (root) - 30.0

Take in the form of a warm infusion of 1/3-1/4 cup, before meals 3 times a day for coughing, tracheobronchitis, chronic bronchitis, acute bronchitis.
Collection 31
Marsh wild rosemary (grass) - 10.0
Mother and stepmother (leaf) - 10.0

Chamomile (flowers) - 10.0
Primrose spring (grass and roots) - 10.0

Marshmallow officinalis (roots) - 20.0
Licorice naked (roots) - 10.0
Take 1/3 cup as an infusion or decoction 3 times a day after meals for dry bronchitis.
Collection 32
Marshmallow officinalis (root) - 40.0
Licorice (root) - 25.0
Common coltsfoot (leaf) - 20.0
Fennel ordinary (fruits) - 15.0
Take as a warm infusion or decoction 1/3-1/4 cup 3-5 times a day for acute and chronic bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia.
Collection 33
Melilot officinalis (herb) - 5.0
Common thyme (herb) - 10.0
Fennel ordinary (fruits) - 10.0
Peppermint (leaf) - 10.0
Large plantain (leaf) - 15.0
Common coltsfoot (leaf) - 20.0
Take a warm decoction or infusion of 1/3-1/4 cup a day for coughing, tracheobronchitis, chronic bronchitis, acute dry bronchitis.
Collection 34
Elecampane high (roots) - 10.0
Anise ordinary (fruits) - 10.0
Pine (buds) - 15.0
Calendula (flowers) - 10.0

Peppermint (herb) - 10.0
Coltsfoot (grass) - 10.0
Violet tricolor (grass) - 10.0
Eucalyptus twig (leaf) - 15.0
Take in the form of an infusion or decoction of 1/3-1/4 cup 3 times a day after meals with wet bronchitis.
Gathering 35
Salvia officinalis (herb) - 20.0
Common thyme (herb) - 15.0
Camomile (flowers) - 15.0
Anise ordinary (fruits) - 15.0
Mother and stepmother (leaf) - 10.0

Take as an infusion, 1/3-1/4 cup 3-4 times a day after meals for bronchiolitis.
Collection 36
Licorice naked (roots) - 15.0
Blue cyanosis (roots) - 15.0
Chamomile (flowers) - 20.0
Valerian officinalis (roots) - 10.0
Motherwort five-lobed (grass) - 10.0
Peppermint (herb) - 20.0

Take as an infusion 1/3-1/4 cup 3-5 times a day
after eating with bronchospasm.

For pleurisy and pneumonia it is recommended to take the following collections of medicinal plants (in grams). Collection 37
Coltsfoot (leaf) - 5.0 Black elderberry (flowers) - 5.0 Asparagus (grass) - 5.0
Brew this mixture with a glass of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 1 hour, strain. Drink as tea 3 times a day. It is used for inflammation of the lungs, severe bronchitis and pleurisy.
Collection 38
Ledum (grass) - 40.0
Birch (buds) - 10.0
Oregano (grass) - 20.0
Stinging nettle (leaf) - 10.0
Grind everything, mix well; 2 tablespoons of the mixture per 500 ml of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals. It is used for chronic bronchitis.

Expectorant fees

Expectorant, antitussive and bronchodilatory properties have the following collections of medicinal herbs (in grams).
Collection 39
Marshmallow officinalis (root) - 20.0
Oregano (tea) - 10.0
Infusion. In small sips in a warm form, 1/2 cup 2-3 hours after eating.
Gathering 40
Mother and stepmother (leaf) - 20.0
Large plantain (leaf) - 20.0

Violet tricolor (grass) - 20.0
Infusion. Take small sips in a warm form for 1/4 cup 2-3 hours after eating.
Collection 41
Licorice naked (root) - 20.0

Salvia officinalis (leaf) - 20.0
Infusion. In small sips in a warm form, 1/3 cup 2-3 hours after eating.
Collection 42
Marshmallow officinalis (root) - 40.0
Licorice naked (root) - 15.0
Mother and stepmother (leaf) - 20.0
Fennel ordinary (fruits) - 10.0

Gathering 43
Marshmallow officinalis (root) - 50.0
Infusion. In small sips in a warm form, 1/3 cup after a meal.
Gathering 44
Mother and stepmother (leaf) - 20.0
Field horsetail (grass) - 30.0
Primrose (root, grass) - 40.0
Infusion. In small sips in a warm form, 1 glass for 4-5 receptions.
Gathering 45

Large plantain (leaf) - 30.0
Mother and stepmother (leaf) - 30.0
Infusion. In small sips in a warm form, 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
Collection 46
Marsh wild rosemary (grass) - 20.0
Creeping thyme (herb) - 20.0
Mother and stepmother (leaf) - 10.0
Licorice naked (roots) - 20.0
Marshmallow officinalis (root) - 20.0
Infusion. In small sips in a warm form, 1/3 cup 3-5 times a day after meals.
Collection 47
Creeping thyme (herb) - 40.0
Mother and stepmother (leaf) - 40.0

Infusion. In small sips in a warm form, 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.
Collection 48
Marshmallow officinalis (roots) - 40.0
Licorice naked (roots) - 30.0
Elecampane high (roots) - 30.0
Infusion. Sip while warm, 1/2 cup every 3 hours.
Collection 49
Primrose spring (root, grass) - 50.0
St. John's wort (grass) - 50.0
Infusion. In small sips in a warm form, 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day on an empty stomach and before meals.
The combination of emollient, expectorant, antimicrobial, diaphoretic, sedative and restorative effects can be achieved by using complex collections of medicinal plants (in grams).
Gathering 50
Marshmallow officinalis (root) - 20.0
White birch (buds) - 10.0
Black elderberry (flowers) - 10.0
Elecampane high (rhizome) - 10.0
St. John's wort (grass) - 70.0
Common raspberry (leaf, berries) - 20.0
Peppermint (leaf) - 20.0
Scotch pine (buds) - 20.0
Infusion. Put 4 tablespoons of the collection in a thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse for 2-3 hours, preferably overnight. Inside for 3-4 receptions warm or hot.
Gathering 51
Anise ordinary (fruits) - 10.0
Elecampane high (rhizome) - 5.0
Stinging nettle (grass) - 10.0
Linden heart-shaped (flowers) - 15.0
Mother and stepmother (leaf) - 20.0
Camomile (flowers) - 10.0
Fennel ordinary (fruits) - 10.0
Violet tricolor (grass) - 20.0

The application and use of the collection is the same as that of collection 50.
Gathering 52
Air (root) - 10.0
White birch (buds) - 20.0
Oregano (grass) - 30.0
Valerian officinalis (rhizome) - 10.0
Viburnum ordinary (leaf) - 20.0
Flax seed (seed) - 20.0
Common yarrow (grass) - 20.0
Garden dill (fruits) - 20.0
The application of the charge is the same as the charge 51.
After a course of treatment with fees 50-52 for 3-8 days and, if necessary, further treatment, the dose is reduced from 1 liter to 0.5 liters per day and the infusion is taken for another 2 weeks.
In the resolution phase we can recommend the next collection.
Gathering 53
Primrose spring (grass) - 20.0
Oregano (grass) - 20.0
Mother and stepmother (leaf) - 20.0
Common raspberry (fruits) - 20.0
Linden heart-shaped (flowers) - 20.0


With bronchial asthma, whooping cough and chronic pneumonia the following collections of medicinal plants are recommended (in grams).
Gathering 54
Anise ordinary (fruits) - 30.0
Fennel ordinary (fruits) - 30.0
Flax (seed) - 20.0

Gathering 55
Marsh wild rosemary (grass) - 10.0
Mother and stepmother (leaf) - 10.0
Violet tricolor (grass) - 10.0
Chamomile (flowers) - 10.0
Calendula officinalis (flowers) - 10.0
Licorice smooth (roots) - 10.0
Elecampane high (root) - 10.0
Anise ordinary (fruits) - 10.0
Peppermint (herb) - 10.0
Plantain large (leaf) - 10.0
Take 1/3-1/4 cup of infusion 3 times a day after meals for bronchial asthma and asthmatic bronchitis.
Gathering 56
Licorice naked (roots) - 10.0
Three-part sequence (grass) - 10.0
Aralia Manchurian (roots) - 10.0
Field horsetail (grass) - 10.0
Rosehip cinnamon (fruits) - 10.0
Sand immortelle (flowers) - 10.0
Elecampane high (roots) - 10.0
Alder gray (seeds) - 10.0
Dandelion officinalis (roots) - 10.0
Burdock (roots) - 10.0
Use as an infusion of 1/3-1/4 cup 3 times a day after meals as a desensitizing agent.
Gathering 57
Common thyme (herb) - 20.0
Common coltsfoot (grass) - 20.0
Violet tricolor (grass) - 20.0
Elecampane high (root) - 20.0
Anise ordinary (fruits) - 20g
Apply as a warm infusion of 1/3 -1/4 cup 3 times a day for bronchial asthma, infectious diseases of the bronchi.
Gathering 58
Anise ordinary (fruits) - 20.0
Fennel ordinary (fruits) - 20.0
Common thyme (herb) - 20.0
Licorice naked (root) - 20.0
Scotch pine, (buds) - 20.0
Apply as a warm infusion of 1/3-1/4 cup 3 times a day for bronchial asthma, whooping cough, infectious diseases of the bronchi.
Gathering 59
Marshmallow officinalis (roots) - 50.0
Common thyme (herb) - 50.0
Apply as an infusion of 1/3-1/4 cup 3 times a day for bronchial asthma, whooping cough, infectious diseases of the bronchi.
Gathering 60
Scotch pine (buds) - 40.0
Large plantain (leaf) - 30.0
Common coltsfoot (leaf) - 30.0
Apply as a warm infusion of 1/3-1/4 cup 3 times a day for bronchial asthma, whooping cough, infectious diseases of the bronchi.
Collection 61
Elecampane high (roots) - 10.0
Anise ordinary (fruits) - 10.0
Pine (buds) - 10.0
Calendula (flowers) - 10.0
Salvia officinalis (leaf) - 10.0
Mother and stepmother (leaf) - 10.0
St. John's wort (grass) - 10.0
Plantain large (leaf) - 10.0
Peppermint (herb) - 10.0
Eucalyptus (leaf) - 10.0
Take 1/3-1/4 cup of infusion 3 times a day after meals for chronic pneumonia or bronchiectasis.
Gathering 62
Ledum (grass) - 25.0
Small stinging nettle (leaf) - 15.0
Finely chop everything, mix. Brew this mixture with 1 liter of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 3 hours, strain. Take half a glass 5-6 times a day. It is used for bronchial asthma, colds, rheumatism, cough. People believe that after two weeks of taking this composition, the onset of asthma disappears. For whooping cough, children take a teaspoon 3-5 times a day.
Gathering 63
Ephedra (herb) - 10.0
Camomile (flowers) - 50.0
Birch (buds) - 15.0
Ledum (grass) - 50.0
Grind everything, mix well, insist 2 tablespoons of the mixture per 500 g of boiling water, wrap it for 5-6 hours, strain. Take half a glass 3 times a day before meals, in a warm form. It is used for asthmatic bronchitis.
Gathering 64
Elderberry (flowers) - 10.0
Young willow (bark) - 10.0
Mother and stepmother (leaf) - 10.0
Anise (fruits) - 20.0
Rosehip (fruits) - 20.0
Boil 4 teaspoons of chopped collection for a few minutes and strain after cooling. Drink a decoction for 1 day in 3 divided doses for bronchial asthma, bronchitis and bronchoestasia.


With tuberculosis recommend the following remedies and treatments.
1.1 glass of alcohol (70°), 1 glass of honey, 1 tablespoon of birch buds. Insist for 9 days in a dark bottle. Shake every day. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
2. Linden honey - 1 kg 200 g. Aloe leaf (finely chopped) - 1 cup. Olive oil - 100 g. Birch buds - 25 g. Linden blossom - 10 g. Water - 2 cups.
Cooking method. Melt the honey in an enamel saucepan without letting it boil. Add aloe to honey and let it boil for 5-10 minutes over low heat. Separately, in 2 glasses of water, boil birch buds and linden blossom. Boil 3 minutes. Insist, wrapped, 15-20 minutes, strain, squeeze. When the honey has cooled, pour into it, after squeezing, a decoction of birch buds and linden flowers. Mix well. Pour the mixture into dark bottles, add as much olive oil to each bottle as the mixture turned out. Shake before use. Take one tablespoon three times a day. It is used for tuberculosis and lung diseases.
3. Insist on 0.5 liters of 70 "alcohol 4 stalks of aloe for 4 days. Drink 40 drops 3 times a day.
4. Take the stems and leaves of motherwort and the roots of common chicory. Brew these two herbs and drink like tea 3 times a day in a glass. After 9 weeks - a complete cure. The lungs will heal and clear of pus.
5. Lemon - 10 pcs., Egg - 6 pcs., Linden honey - 280 g, cognac - 3/4 cup. Cooking method: b eggs, whole and fresh, put in a jar (eggs must certainly be white, not yellow shell). Lemons are squeezed, and eggs are poured with their juice. The jar is placed in a cool, dry and dark place, but not a cold one. The jar is covered with gauze and wrapped in dark paper. Keep it until the egg shell dissolves (5-6 days). After this period, honey is heated to a state of fluidity, cooled and added to the general mixture. Then cognac is poured in. Pour the medicine into a dark bottle, store in a cool and dark place. Take 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon immediately after meals.
It should be remembered that 2-3 weeks after manufacture, the mixture deteriorates, so it must be thrown away and a new one prepared.

Part V

Diet therapy for respiratory diseases


As a rule, those suffering from diseases of the upper respiratory tract, in which inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx is noted, it is difficult and painful to swallow.
Therefore, food should not have a traumatic effect on one or another affected organ of the upper respiratory tract, whether it be tonsils, pharynx, soft palate, etc.
In dietology, mechanical, thermal and chemical sparing are distinguished.
The easiest way to ensure thermal sparing: food should not be very cold or very hot. Mechanical sparing of the upper respiratory organs is achieved by reducing the one-time volume of food, the degree of grinding, changing its consistency, the nature of the heat treatment (cooking, frying, etc.), as well as a greater or lesser content of dietary fiber and connective tissue in it. For the purpose of mechanical sparing, coarse food should be excluded from the diet - black bread, piece of meat, raw vegetables and fruits, crumbly cereals, fried foods. All food is cooked boiled or finely chopped.
Chemical sparing can be achieved by eliminating or reducing the content in the products of certain substances that irritate the chemoreceptors of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. These substances can provoke an exacerbation of an existing disease and have an adverse effect on organs weakened by the disease.
Chemical irritants include organic acids, which are found in the largest quantities in sorrel, spinach, lemons, cranberries; volatile essential oils from onion, garlic, dill, parsley, celery, radish, radish, horseradish, pepper, bay leaf; products of thermal decomposition of oil (acrolein); substances that accumulate in meat, fish, sausages during their smoking; antiseptics (benzoic, sulphurous, sorbic acids, borax, urotropin), which are used in the manufacture of canned food; salt, vinegar, hot spices, alcoholic beverages, strong tea, coffee, cocoa.
Thus, if chemical sparing is to be ensured, these foods are limited or eliminated from the diet, but not from herbal medicine treatments where they may be present.
As a rule, in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, influenza and SARS, in order to maintain the overall strength of the body, increase its resistance to infection and reduce intoxication in a feverish state or bed rest, diet No. 13 is prescribed (see Appendix 2).


Based on the fact that pneumonia is an acute infectious inflammatory disease of the lungs, manifested by a cough with sputum and fever, the main goal of diet therapy is to reduce the activity of the inflammatory process and reduce the degree of intoxication of the body.
In this case, you need a complete, high-calorie diet with a high content of free fluid. Frequent and fractional meals are recommended, including meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, fruit and vegetable juices, cranberry juice, fruits and berries, tea with lemon, milk, jelly, etc., while limiting salt and refined carbohydrates.
And since pneumonia is usually treated with antibiotics in our country, it should be taken into account, firstly, that the need for vitamins increases sharply, and, secondly, the same antibiotics can provoke the appearance of candidiasis - fungal infections in the oral cavity. From this it is quite clear that the diet should consist of foods with an increased amount of vitamins (especially groups B, C, P) and also include foods that have an antifungal effect, such as blueberries, oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits.
During the recovery period, the need for abundant drinking disappears, but the protein content in the diet should be increased.
In acute pneumonia in the febrile period, the basal metabolism increases. There is an intoxication of the human body with the products of the vital activity of microorganisms and tissue decay. The load on the cardiovascular system increases, as a result of which, in severe cases, circulatory failure may develop. Decreased performance of the digestive system.
Medical nutrition should contribute to the fastest resolution of the inflammatory process, detoxification of the body, increasing its immune properties, sparing the organs of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, as well as preventing possible negative effects of pharmacotherapy. The anti-inflammatory effect is provided by limiting the daily amount of carbohydrates (up to 200-250 g), salt (up to 6-7 g) and increasing the content of calcium salts in the diet.
In order to detoxify the body, the introduction of a sufficient amount of vitamins (especially ascorbic acid) and liquid (up to 2200-2500 ml) is indicated. Naturally, the use of such an amount of liquid is allowed only in the absence of cardiovascular and renal failure.
At the onset of the disease (in the acute febrile period), it is recommended to significantly reduce the total energy value of the diet to 6280-7536 kJ (1500-1800 kcal) by limiting, in addition to carbohydrates, also proteins - up to 50-60 g and fats - up to 30-40 g that, in combination with fractional (up to 6-7 times a day) food intake and the use of predominantly liquid and well-ground food, helps to spare the activity of the digestive organs.
In the acute period of the disease, in the presence of high body temperature in bed rest, diet No. 13 with mechanical and moderate chemical sparing is indicated.
During the recovery period, it is necessary to significantly increase the energy value of the daily diet to 10216-11750 kJ (2440-2810 kcal), mainly due to an increase in the content of proteins - up to 130-150 g, fats - up to 30-90 g and, to a lesser extent, carbohydrates - up to 300-350 g. Enrichment of the diet with protein replenishes its losses during the decay of lung tissue, stimulates reparative - recovery processes, production of antibodies and prevents leukopenia - a decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood due to the use of sulfanilamide drugs. It is allowed to increase the amount of salt up to 10-12 g. It is necessary for the production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach, which increases appetite. In this regard, if there is no hyperacid gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, the use of products that stimulate gastric secretion and external secretory activity of the pancreas (meat and fish broths, bread kvass, sauces, spices and seasonings, coffee, cocoa, fruit and vegetable juices, etc.). As you recover, the number of meals can be reduced to 4-5 times a day. To replace diet No. 13, it is appropriate to appoint diet No. 15, which can be used from the very beginning for mild acute pneumonia.


Bronchial asthma is a chronic relapsing disease that is manifested by attacks of suffocation due to spasm and swelling of the bronchi associated with allergization of the body. Based on this, the main goal of diet therapy is to reduce the patient's allergic mood, which is facilitated by the so-called hypoallergenic diets.
Of no small importance in bronchial asthma is also a complete and varied diet, which should include a sufficient amount of proteins, mainly animals (meat, fish, milk, lactic acid drinks, cottage cheese, cheese, etc.). However, it should be remembered that it is protein structures that most often cause allergic reactions that can provoke an attack. Allergens can be fish, crabs, caviar, eggs, sometimes meat.
Of course, there are a lot of food substances with allergenic properties and it is impossible to build a diet in such a way as to avoid their use, but it is necessary to beware of foods that have pronounced allergenic properties, and if one of them at least once caused any allergic symptoms - eczema, hives, an asthma attack, then in the future you need to exclude it from the diet.
With regard to fats, restrictions primarily apply to lamb, pork, beef and combined fat. Butter, sour cream, cream, vegetable oil can be used without restrictions both in kind and in dishes. It is necessary to somewhat limit carbohydrates, introducing more easily digestible ones into the diet, that is, you should eat more vegetables, fruits, berries, juices. It is necessary to limit the use of table salt, and when edema appears, which indicates a violation of blood circulation, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fluid you drink to 1-1.5 liters per day and include foods rich in calcium and potassium in the daily diet, since calcium salts have anti-inflammatory and antiallergic action. These products include primarily milk and various lactic acid drinks, cottage cheese, mild cheese, etc. Patients suffering from bronchial asthma should exclude foods containing a large amount of oxalic acid from the diet, since the latter promotes the excretion of calcium from the body. Sorrel, spinach, lettuce, cocoa and rutabaga contain large amounts of oxalic acid. It is also necessary to limit the use of products that increase the excitability of the central nervous system: strong tea, coffee, cocoa, rich broths, spicy snacks, spices, marinades, herring, etc.

Restoration of the drainage function of the bronchi

Restoration of the drainage function of the bronchi contributes to the rapid resorption of the inflammatory infiltrate in the lungs. For this purpose, expectorants and mucolytics are prescribed. These remedies are used when the cough becomes "wet". Potassium iodide solution (drink with alkaline solutions, borjomi, milk), marshmallow root, mukaltin, acetylcysteine, bromhexine (bisolvon) have a good effect. Particular importance is attached to bromhexine, which stimulates the production of surfactant, an important component of the local bronchopulmonary protection system. Proteolytic enzymes are also used to thin sputum and cleanse the bronchi.

In severe acute pneumonia, a sharp violation of the drainage function of the bronchi or abscess formation, sanitation bronchoscopy is performed with a 1% solution of dioxidine or a 1% solution of furagin. Such activities are performed in the intensive care unit or unit.

Normalization of the tone of the bronchial muscles

Often, in patients with acute pneumonia, pronounced bronchospasm is observed, which disrupts the ventilation function of the lungs, contributes to the development of hypoxemia, and delays the resorption of the inflammatory focus.

Bronchodilators are used to relieve bronchospasm. Eufimin is most often used intravenously, in candles, sometimes inside. In recent years, long-acting theophylline preparations have been widely used.

To stop an asthma attack, selective beta2-adrenergic receptor stimulants in the form of metered aerosols (berotek, ventolin, salbutamol, etc.) can also be used, some beta2-stimulants can also be used orally (alupent, etc.).

In a growing body age changes are mainly reduced to constant restructuring and growth of individual parts of the walls of the trachea and bronchi, and their differentiation occurs non-simultaneously and basically ends by 7 years (N. P. Bisenkov, 1955).

In the elderly age the processes of involution of the bronchial wall are revealed, consisting in atrophy, a decrease in the number of elastic and muscle fibers, calcification of cartilage. Such changes lead to a deterioration in the drainage function of the bronchi.

very characteristic sign in people older than 50 years, the distal trachea is shifted to the right by a sclerotic aortic arch, sometimes reaching a significant degree. The displacement of the trachea to the right can be combined with some narrowing of its lumen, which makes it difficult to examine the bronchi of the left lung during bronchoscopy.

Physiology of the bronchi. The tracheo-bronchial tree performs various functions. D. M. Zlydnikov (1959) considers the main functions of the bronchi to be ventilation, equatorial (drainage), secretory, speech, support, etc. Undoubtedly, the ventilation and drainage functions of the bronchi play a major role, the first being air conduction to the alveoli. is a direct appointment of the tracheobronchial system. The drainage function of the bronchi is a protective adaptation of the body developed in the process of evolution, which ensures the normal functioning of the broncho-pulmonary apparatus in various environmental conditions.

Tracheo-bronchial tree performs the function of an air duct between the external environment and the alveoli, in which gas exchange occurs. When air passes through the trachea and bronchi, it is warmed and moistened due to the secretion of the bronchial glands. Naturally, each violation of bronchial patency leads to the development of ventilation insufficiency. Particularly hard on the function of external respiration is a diffuse violation of the patency of the small bronchi, leading to the appearance of obstructive respiratory failure (see Chapter I), and after it, pulmonary heart failure.

Evidence of active participation bronchi in pulmonary ventilation are the physiological respiratory movements of the bronchi, which occur both as a result of contraction of the bronchial muscles, and as a result of the transmission of the respiratory movements of the chest wall and lungs to the bronchial tree. Among the most characteristic respiratory movements of the bronchi are expansion and narrowing, elongation and shortening, angular and torsional movements.

When inhaling the bronchi expanding, lengthen (the carina falls by 10-20 mm), the angles between them increase, and their external rotation occurs. When exhaling, reverse changes are observed. The question of the possibility of peristaltic movements of the bronchi in humans cannot be considered finally resolved.

In addition to respiratory movements, transmission pulsation is noticeable in the bronchi, more noticeable in areas of the tracheobronchial tree that are in direct contact with the heart and main vessels.

Decreased or increased respiratory and pulse mobility of the bronchi is an important sign of the pathological process in the bronchial tree, surrounding lung tissue or neighboring organs. So, the physiological movements of the bronchi completely disappear or are sharply limited in case of cancerous infiltration of the bronchial wall. Aortic arch aneurysms cause strong pulsation, especially noticeable in the left tracheobronchial angle.

Drainage function of the bronchi carried out due to the activity of the ciliated epithelium and the cough reflex. The cilia of the ciliated epithelium move continuously. Curving slowly like a swan's neck, they move back and then quickly straighten forward (Kassay). This continuous wave-like movement of the cilia, covered with a very thin layer of mucus, provides a constant flow of the latter towards the larynx and pharynx. Dust particles inhaled with air settle and float on the surface of ciliary waves, and the mucus layer carries dust particles through areas not covered by ciliated epithelium (vocal cords).

Arising from inflammatory processes metaplasia cylindrical ciliated epithelium into stratified squamous leads to a violation of the drainage function, stagnation of bronchial secretion, which is easily infected, which may be the cause of the development of secondary bronchiectasis.


At the very beginning of this part, we identified four main strategic tasks that need to be solved in the process of cleansing the lungs in order to restore their Lost physiological purity and health. Now it’s the turn to decide how and by what means the tasks will be solved.

So, let's start in order.

1. Restoring the protective barriers of the upper respiratory tract

To restore the protective mechanisms of the upper respiratory tract, it is advisable to use water extracts that enhance the formation and secretion of a protective secret from MPC (medicinal plant materials) containing essential oils and phytoncides: an infusion of birch buds, poplar, wild rosemary grass, heather, oregano, mint, lemon balm, thyme, eucalyptus leaves, sage, etc.; decoctions of calamus rhizomes, elecampane rhizomes with roots, coriander, thyme, fennel fruits, onion juice, garlic, honey and propolis can also be used.

To enhance the secretion of the resulting secret, you can use the juices of Kalanchoe, aloe and beets. They are diluted in boiled water 10-20 times and instilled with one drop in each nostril. They have a slight irritant effect and increase sneezing, contributing to the secretion.

2. Restoration of the drainage function of the bronchi

The drainage function of the bronchi is restored:
a) expectorant plants that provide sputum discharge - calamus, marshmallow, anise, veronica, elecampane, oregano, mullein, coltsfoot, lungwort, primrose, cyanosis, licorice, thermopsis, thyme, violet, etc .;
b) mucolytics, i.e., having the ability to dissolve mucus - marshmallow, wild rosemary, valerian, veronica, sweet clover, hyssop, istod, flax, Icelandic moss, pine buds, etc.

3. Infection control

The success of antimicrobial therapy is determined by the correct choice of agents to which the causative agent of an infectious disease is sensitive. Wherein:
a) combined, i.e. joint, use of medicinal plants with antimicrobial and antiviral properties is necessary;
b) combination of plants with various active substances, which not only allows to achieve a bactericidal effect, but also prevents the emergence of strains resistant (resistant) to herbal medicine;
c) for oral administration, it is advisable to use collections and rinses, a constant alternation of various groups of antimicrobial active substances that have been identified in calamus, geraniums, oregano, cinquefoil erectus, onions, raspberries (leaves), lemon balm, sage, garlic, eucalyptus.

4. Correction of anti-infective immunity

This direction is preferable to implement with the help of the following groups of medicinal plants:
a) interferon stimulators: coltsfoot, plantain, Icelandic cetraria;
b) alveolar phagocytic activity activators: mountain arnica, astragalus, borage, volodushka, stinging nettle;
c) local immunity stimulants: anise, arnica, shift, highlander bird, birch, sage, etc.

It should be noted that along the entire path of restoring the normal functioning of the respiratory system, it is necessary to constantly and purposefully use anti-inflammatory and antihypoxic agents of plant origin: linden leaves, calendula and chamomile flowers, string grass, horsetail, sage, etc.

From the first day of cleansing, it is also necessary to use highly effective vitamin complexes, since they contain enzymes and trace elements that significantly increase the bioavailability of vitamins. At the same time, medicinal plants rich in vitamins, which include lingonberries, cranberries, strawberries, blackberries, red mountain ash, sea buckthorn, dandelion leaves, nettles, primroses, should be added to the main collection or taken additionally in the form of tea.
Considering that effective cleansing is impossible without an increased water load, it is necessary to increase the amount of drinking up to 2.5-3 liters per day, unless, of course, there are contraindications from the cardiovascular and urinary systems.

And in conclusion of this chapter, I want to remind you once again that many diseases are much easier to prevent than to cure, therefore it is advisable to gradually increase the resistance of the respiratory organs to colds and infections by generally hardening the body and, if there is enough willpower and sanity, to refuse or at least stop abuse alcohol and tobacco. Both habits are closely related to breathing. After all, in addition to the general harmful effect on the body, causing deep dysfunctions of the nervous system and many other organs, alcohol has a detrimental effect directly on the tissue of the lungs and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, because through them it and its oxidation products, aldehydes and ketones, are excreted from the body. This, by the way, explains the characteristic disgusting smell from the mouth after drinking alcoholic beverages.

As for smoking, its harmful effect on the respiratory organs is perhaps even worse than alcohol, since, among other things, tobacco smoke inhibits the production of surfactant and thereby increases the surface tension of the alveoli. Because of this, the smoker, compared to non-smokers, has to make greater efforts to inhale.

But we have already talked about the dangers of smoking. Now it's time to talk about the main thing.