
It's already evening. Dew glistens on the nettles


  • The poem consists of 4 stanzas (16 lines in total).
  • Poem size: two-beat dolnik.
  • Foot: multisyllabic with deletion on different syllables.
  • 1st stanza (4 lines-quatrain). Rhymes: dew-nettle-road-willow
  • 2nd stanza (4 lines-quatrain). Rhymes: big-roof-nightingale-hear(rhyme ABAB-cross).
  • 3rd stanza (4 lines, quatrain). Rhymes: heat-stoves-standing-candles(rhyme ABAB-cross).
  • 4th stanza (4 lines, quatrain). Rhymes: river-edge-knocking-with-a-clapper(rhyme AABA-parallel and cross).

Syntactic means: “It’s already evening. Dew glistens on the nettles..."- parcellation, “Somewhere in the distance I hear the song of a nightingale...”- inversion.

Trails: epithets "big", "dead"; comparison (3 stanzas with 2 comparisons “like the stove in winter”, "like big candles").

Image of the lyrical hero: the lyrical hero observes, contemplates the beauty of nature (his “small” Motherland); there is no tragedy or strain.

Plot: There is no dynamic and clear plot; the poem describes the nature and feelings of the lyrical hero.

Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin wrote this poem at the age of 15 (at home, in the village of Konstantinovo); being already an accomplished poet, he did not immediately agree to include his early works in collections, as he considered them a “test of the pen.” The work “It’s already evening...” is one of these poems.

In Yesenin’s poetry there are two dominant themes that are closely intertwined with each other - the theme of nature and the Motherland. Describing nature, the poet describes his Fatherland in specific images and natural phenomena. Yesenin was convinced that any living being is no lower and no less significant than a person, therefore standing birches should be regarded not as trees, but as living beings. The poet wants to convey to us all the harmony of the landscape he observes. S.A. Yesenin himself believed that nature is the only absolutely perfect place. For contrast this characteristic feature can be compared with the position of V.V. Mayakovsky, who found harmony in the city.

In the works of Sergei Yesenin there are no realities of peasant life, like N.A. Nekrasov, despite the fact that Yesenin himself was from a peasant family and from 1914 to 1918 was a representative of the new peasant poets. That is why in this poem “It’s already evening” everything that happens is romanticized and idealized. S.A. Yesenin lacks the typical thinking of a peasant. He sees more, deeper, more poetically.

The nightingale in this work also deserves special attention. "Somewhere", "in the distance"- these words were not chosen by chance. From the very beginning of writing poems, the poet identified the distance with the “big” world, with those places where he had not yet been able to visit. And this very distance beckons him, intrigues him like a flowing song.

When reading this work, it is necessary to take into account that the poet was not religious, his works are full of folk poetic motifs (for example, the lines “And the birches stand like big candles...”). In the poem, the lyrical hero sees everything alive: willow, birch, nightingale, even dew glistening on nettles. The only dead and soulless object seems to be a beater, deliberately highlighted with the appropriate epithet. Because of all the “liveness” of nature, the lyrical hero does not feel lonely, he merges with it. This experience of S.A. Yesenin differs from the “natural cosmos” of M.Yu. Lermontov, who sees only emptiness and feels alone in the whole world.

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In Sergei Yesenin's poem "It's already evening. Dew..." the author takes the place of an observer. Moving away from the noise and bustle, he remains alone with nature. Even a roadside willow makes him happy, like a faithful comrade lending his shoulder.

A calm tone, undisguised sincere joy from what he saw around him, and sincerity fill every stanza of the work.
The author accepts any phenomenon environment just the way it is. Expressing thoughts in simple terms, accessible language, makes the text easy to understand. Without exaggeration, without vivid emotional phrases, he realistically describes his native places.

The evening time of the summer month is accompanied by the usual signs characteristic of this time of year: the appearance of dew on the nettles, the trill of a nightingale. It is they who inspire the poet, cause peace and tranquility in the soul. He “feels good and warm, like by the stove in winter.” Such sensations can only arise under the influence of a feeling of merging with nature while visiting familiar spaces. This can be understood by people endowed with special sensitivity to the phenomena of the surrounding world, observant people, connoisseurs of the Russian landscape.

The rare sounds that the author mentions in the poem suggest what time of day it is. They create the atmosphere of a fading summer day: the singing of a bird, the sound of a beater in the distance. The rest of the space is silent. The repeated use of the consonant sounds S, Ш speaks of subtle evening rustles characteristic of this time.

The lyrical hero does not feel lonely. He feels the presence of the moon appearing in the sky, which he perceives as part of nature. And everything that surrounds people and the person himself represents a single whole. Birches are perceived by him as younger brothers. Next to them, the author finds harmony and pleasure, turning from an observer into a piece of nature.

Analysis of the poem It's already evening. Rosa... Yesenina

Sergei Alexandrovich went through a difficult path in life. As a child, he was treated with the utmost severity; his grandfather was in charge of his upbringing. The person is very strict and demanding. From an early age he taught Yesenin how to ride a horse, how to swim, and how to do hard village work. This did not stop the young writer from being creative. He began writing from childhood, and many works from Yesenin’s youth were published after the poet’s death. Yesenin’s grandmother supported him in his endeavors; she believed in him and always guided him.

Sergei Alexandrovich writes that he is standing leaning against a willow tree and watching the sunset. He writes about how beautiful it is in the village in the evening, that the nightingale is singing and dew is slowly beginning to gather on the nettles. The sun was replaced by a large, full, bright moon, which illuminated the roof of the writer’s house. In the evenings, the village has its own atmosphere that enchants you.

The poem describes the summer season, when the long nights are warm. Yesenin describes birch trees in the form of candles, which exude warmth and comfort, as if you were in a house near a large Russian stove. The beauty of Russian nature, where there are birches and a river behind which Yesenin sees a watchman, all this is described with love and tenderness.

Sergei Alexandrovich loved his native land very much and always described it in his works with a certain sadness and sadness, because he could not often travel to his village. He likes to be here and spend a lot of time walking through the endless fields and blue mirror rivers and lakes. Having grown up, Yesenin really missed his serene childhood, where he spent all his free time walking around rural areas and inspired by the Russian beauty of nature, wrote his poems.

Until his death, Yesenin remembered his village and wanted to return to the past. Walk through the fields that were dear and important to him, and end up in his home, where his grandmother lit the stove on long winter evenings. Yesenin never managed to get to the village before his death.

Picture for the poem It's already evening. Dew…

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Genre, direction and size

The poem belongs to landscape lyrics. Sergei Alexandrovich paints us an image of nature, conveys its mood and impulses. The rhyme in the poem is cross and not constant. Towards the end of the work, a mixture of cross rhyme and parallel rhyme appears.

The size of the poem cannot be attributed to the standard sizes for us, for example, dactyl, iambic, trochee, etc. “It’s already evening” is written with a two-beat dolmer. The rhyme skips several stressed syllables. Double-stressed due to the number of stresses in the line.

Images and symbols

The hero in this verse is Yesenin himself. He stands near the willow, watching the landscape. Evening, the moon is shining, the nightingale is singing. He enjoys the warmth accumulated during the day. The author conveys his mood very accurately. The hero is calm and good. Reading this poem, you feel that nature is in harmony with the soul and thoughts of the poet.

A dead beater, a sleepy watchman - all this expresses the peace and quiet that appears with the onset of night in the village. They emphasize the contrast with living nature, which seems to have woken up at night from nap. Dew, nightingale, trees, moon give the poem life. They are an image of that very revived nature, while people sleep. The lyrical hero also participates in this celebration of nature and living creatures.

Themes and mood

The main theme is nature. The author accurately and beautifully describes to us a calm and beautiful evening. There are no turning events, no complex actions - this is the beauty of the poem. This piece can be compared to a mug chamomile tea late in the evening - it is so peaceful and warm.

This text also traces the theme of the village, which is a cross-cutting theme in Yesenin’s work. He sees and feels the beauty of the village, its modest and shy charm, which is revealed only under the cover of night, when the bustle of people does not blur the impression of the splendor of forests, fields and meadows.


The main idea of ​​the poem “It’s already evening” is to show how good a person can feel from ordinary things. Every summer or spring evening is similar to one another, but sometimes there are moments when you just stop and realize that you really feel pleasant and good about the world around you. Nature lives, you live. In this work, Sergei Alexandrovich captured exactly the kind of moment that happens to each of us, we just have to stop and notice it.

The point is to express your feelings through rhyme and words. The pleasant sensations from such an evening warm the soul. Yesenin immortalized this moment in his lines. This poem is pleasant to read while being in nature. It captivates from the first words.

Means of artistic expression

The poem contains epithets: sleepy watchman, dead beater, large candles. The text also contains several comparisons: “It’s nice and warm, like near a stove in winter,” “and the birches stand like big candles.”

Syntactic means of expression: inversion (Somewhere in the distance I hear the song of a nightingale), parcellation (It’s already evening. The dew glistens on the nettles).

The text is quite simple, it does not contain any complex structures or diagrams. Written musically and easily.

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The earliest works of S. Yesenin, written by him at a young age in the village of Konstantinovo, are little known to readers and fans of his work. The poet himself did not like to display them, considering them pampering.

Poem “It’s already evening. Dew..." is an excellent example of landscape lyricism, the master of which was the great poet. With a keen sense of nature and its living breath, he perfectly conveyed his vision on paper. Devoid of plot, the poem essentially conveys the boy’s love for his native land. Its peaceful peace, coherence and harmony of the village way of life. The image of the stove makes it clear how much the poet valued family warmth and felt at peace in his home.

The work is written in double-beat and consists of 16 lines. Parallel and cross rhyme, epithet and comparison are used. Reading it, it becomes clear that the author is naturally talented. Despite the poet’s young age, only 15 years old, one can understand the level of his skill, his subtle nature. At the same time, due to the lack of spiritual experience, the verse is devoid of the tragic anguish inherent in late Yesenin. When reading, a feeling of peace and warmth arises. The image of a nightingale is not accidental; it is a symbol of a beautiful distance, an alluring hero with all the ardor inherent in carefree youth. A young boy stands under a willow tree in the evening and dreams of a wonderful future. When reading, you feel lightness and uplifting. The images are lively and bright. Artists note that Yesenin’s poems are easily transferred to canvas. Landscapes, when read, appear as if by themselves.

Unfortunately, the poet who left early did not leave behind a very large creative legacy. But each work is an example of the unique ability to love the Motherland deeply and sincerely, to admire its beauty with all my heart.

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“It’s already evening. Dew..." Yesenina S.A.

Composition :

  • The poem consists of 4 stanzas (16 lines in total).
  • Poem size: two-beat dolnik.
  • Foot: multisyllabic with deletion on different syllables.
  • 1st stanza (4 lines-quatrain). Rhymes: dew-nettle-road-willow
  • 2nd stanza (4 lines-quatrain). Rhymes: big-roof-nightingale-hear(rhyme ABAB-cross).
  • 3rd stanza (4 lines, quatrain). Rhymes: heat-stoves-standing-candles(rhyme ABAB-cross).
  • 4th stanza (4 lines, quatrain). Rhymes: river-edge-knocking-with-a-clapper(rhyme AABA-parallel and cross).

Syntactic means: “It’s already evening. Dew glistens on the nettles..."- parcellation, “Somewhere in the distance I hear the song of a nightingale...”- inversion.

Trails: epithets "big", "dead"; comparison (3 stanzas with 2 comparisons “like the stove in winter”,"like big candles").

Image of the lyrical hero: the lyrical hero observes, contemplates the beauty of nature (his “small” Motherland); there is no tragedy or strain.

Plot: There is no dynamic and clear plot; the poem describes the nature and feelings of the lyrical hero.

Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin wrote this poem at the age of 15 (at home, in the village of Konstantinovo); being already an accomplished poet, he did not immediately agree to include his early works in collections, as he considered them a “test of the pen.” The work “It’s already evening...” is one of these poems.

In Yesenin’s poetry there are two dominant themes that are closely intertwined with each other - the theme of nature and the Motherland. Describing nature, the poet describes his Fatherland in specific images and natural phenomena. Yesenin was convinced that any living being is no lower and no less significant than a person, therefore standing birches should be regarded not as trees, but as living beings. The poet wants to convey to us all the harmony of the landscape he observes. S.A. Yesenin himself believed that nature is the only absolutely perfect place. For contrast, this characteristic feature can be compared with the position of V.V. Mayakovsky, who found harmony in the city.

In the works of Sergei Yesenin there are no realities of peasant life, like N.A. Nekrasov, despite the fact that Yesenin himself was from a peasant family and from 1914 to 1918 was a representative of the new peasant poets. That is why in this poem “It’s already evening” everything that happens is romanticized and idealized. S.A. Yesenin lacks the typical thinking of a peasant. He sees more, deeper, more poetically.

The nightingale in this work also deserves special attention. "Somewhere", "in the distance"- these words were not chosen by chance. From the very beginning of writing poems, the poet identified the distance with the “big” world, with those places where he had not yet been able to visit. And this very distance beckons him, intrigues him like a flowing song.

When reading this work, it is necessary to take into account that the poet was not religious, his works are full of folk poetic motifs (for example, the lines “And the birches stand like big candles...”). In the poem, the lyrical hero sees everything alive: willow, birch, nightingale, even dew glistening on nettles. The only dead and soulless object seems to be a beater, deliberately highlighted with the appropriate epithet. Because of all the “liveness” of nature, the lyrical hero does not feel lonely, he merges with it. This experience of S.A. Yesenin differs from the “natural cosmos” of M.Yu. Lermontov, who sees only emptiness and feels alone in the whole world.