
Mysterious artifacts. Historical artifacts, which are the oldest things of their kind in existence. The most mysterious objects

Modern archeology is rather cool about many finds. The scientific community can understand: well, how to trust information about another artifact that allegedly connects people with aliens? Fortunately, there are special technologies that can distinguish the original from the fake. Nevertheless, a number of archaeological finds, dubious from the point of view of logic, easily pass any checks, including radiocarbon analysis - and this confuses scientists. Here are 10 of the most mysterious artifacts of the past, each of which has already managed to acquire a whole bunch of speculation.

The Piri Reis map is one of the most significant world maps ever found. Ottoman admiral Piri Reis created the map in 1513 - and it appears that parts of it may have been used by Christopher Columbus himself. The map was discovered in 1929 and became an international sensation.

Padilla stone head

This giant stone head, which was found by Dr. Oscar Padilla in 1950, has been almost forgotten by history. The researcher believed that the head belongs to the ancient Olmec culture, which flourished in 1400 and 400 BC. Unfortunately, Padilla managed to bring only a photograph of the find: returning to the place with a new expedition, the archaeologist found only the ruined remains of the artifact.

Baghdad Battery

Batteries found during excavations near Baghdad consist of three parts - a ceramic pot, a metal tube and a metal rod. Scientists believe that the pot was filled with some kind of electrolyte solution capable of generating electricity between the metal inserts.

Giant stone balls of Costa Rica

In the 1930s, United Fruit Company workers discovered hundreds of stone spheres in one of the new banana plantations in Costa Rica. The orbs ranged in size from huge to tiny, and were eventually recognized as stone sculptures from the lost Diquis culture.

Inca plane

The Inca civilization is often associated with some alien cultures - they say, the Indians themselves could never achieve such a level of development. Some confirmation of this dubious theory can, if desired, be found in the discovered artifacts. For example, these planes. In 1997, a couple of German designers created models of similar aircraft - and they flew.

Phaistos Disc

The Phaistos disc was discovered in 1908 by the Italian archaeologist Pernier. The scientist found a clay disc in Crete and dated it to 1700 BC. The Phaistos disc is filled with strange symbols that add up to 61 words. Generally speaking, most of the scientific community does not recognize Pernier's find as real, but no one can provide evidence of a fake either.

Lizard people Al Ubaid

Were the first people on Earth reptiles? In the early 1900s, these lizard figurines were discovered in Iraq - the area was considered the place of residence of the ancient Sumerians. The figurines depict lizards as gods, and one of the sculptures depicts a lizard breastfeeding a human baby.

Kensington Runestone

In 1898, a Swedish immigrant discovered an ancient tablet in Minnesota - a man was simply cutting down trees on his property. Experts have dated the artifact to 1362. It is believed that at that time there was not a single European in North America.

Mayan artifacts

The Mexican government published, relatively recently, information about a shocking find in one of the pyramids. Images discovered by scientists show flying saucers, aliens and contact of priests with extraterrestrial intelligence. Naturally, all this can only be a gigantic hoax, however, the initial dating of the drawings suggests otherwise.

Enigmalith Williams

The find of amateur archaeologist John Williams still excites the international scientific community. In 1998, Williams discovered a strange rock that had an electrical outlet built into it, similar to modern designs. The easiest way would be to recognize the artifact as false - only radiocarbon analysis shows that the enigmalite is more than a thousand years old.

What is impossible to talk about, what should be silent about?

Forbidden archeology - relics of past eras that do not fit into the worldview of modern people, but not because we - the people of the 21st century - will not be able to comprehend them, but in order not to change the history that has already been rewritten once, which took away the greatness from our ancestors .

However, sometimes strange finds are also silent because historians simply do not know how to explain the found artifact, for example, a microchip fused into a stone that is several hundred million years old. And instead of making such a significant fact of the find a sensation, and the relic itself - to the public, and make every effort to clarify the fate of the artifact, they are silent about the found object, and accounting archaeologists are not recommended to further study the “incomprehensible” object.

It is the material objects that archaeologists find that “put a spoke in the wheels” of the dogmas of historians, because no one has been seriously considering non-material ones for a long time, classifying ancient history as mythology, and presenting mythology as a literary genre recommended for reading by lovers of fables. In the absence of ancient books that have been destroyed at all times as sources of “dangerous knowledge”, when nothing can be confirmed or refuted for certain based on ancient manuscripts, any fact can be manipulated. And only thanks to artifacts it becomes clear that the Earth has a different history of the development of intelligent life than the one we are taught.

(unfortunately,due to low quality and lack of photos on the networkthere is no way to post a picture for each artifact, therefore, we recommend that you delve into this topic on your own)

Dorchester riddle of history - the oldest vessel from Mount Meeting House (USA, Massachusetts)

In 1852, in the town of Dorchester, during the production of demolition work, a bell-shaped vessel made of metal alloy was removed from the rock of Mount Meeting House along with fragments of stone. Presumably, by the color of the vessel, it was determined that it was made of an alloy of silver with other chemical elements. Beautiful intricate inlay and engraving in the form of a wreath, a vine and a pattern of a bouquet consisting of six inflorescences was made of pure silver, and was the finest work of a skilled craftsman.

The Dorchester vessel was located in sandstone at a depth of no more than 5 meters from the surface in the Roxbury rock, the origin of which geologists attribute to the Precambrian era (cryptozoic) - the period in which the Earth lived about 600,000,000 years ago.

An artifact that does not fit into history - an "old" bolt

This find fell into the hands of researchers by accident - an expedition with the telling name "Kosmopoisk" was looking for fragments of a meteorite in the fields of the Kaluga region, and found a completely local, earthly object - a stone from which a part of a part that had long frozen in it looked like a bolt (coil ).

With the most careful study of the find by serious scientists from a number of leading research institutes in the country, it was reliably found out only that the stone into which the bolt was poured has an age of origin of more than 300,000,000 years ago. The obvious fact was also voiced - the bolt had been in the body of the stone for a long time, perhaps when the substance of the cobblestone was soft. This means that at the time when, according to the official version of history, the first reptiles appeared on Earth, such a technical thing as a bolt got into the ground, which became the basis of the stone.

A relic that refutes the theory of the origin of man on Earth

The human skull, devoid of superciliary ridges, has become a mysterious Siberian find. Archaeologists place its origin at 250,000,000 years old. The absence of brow ridges indicates that this is a humanoid skull, it has nothing to do with ancient primates. But according to official history, only the genus Homo, from which modern man descended, appeared on Earth 2,500,000 years ago.

And this is not an isolated case of finding an unusual skull. Skulls of various shapes, large, with an elongated or rounded occiput, are continually found during excavations, undermining the theory of human origin and evolution with their appearance.

Other important finds are connected with this part of the human skeleton. Images of craniotomy operations that researchers find in ancient manuscripts or carved on stones indicate that the brain of ancient man was not small, like that of a primate. It turns out that knowledge about complex surgical manipulations with the human body arose at a time when, according to the official chronology, there was no Homo sapiens on Earth either.

Footprints and shoes from the Mesozoic era - an interesting imprint of the past

Not far from the city of Carlson (USA, Nevada), during archaeological excavations, footprints were found - clear prints of the soles of well-made shoes. At first, archaeologists were surprised by the fact that shoe prints are several times larger than the size of a modern human foot. But after they carefully examined the site of this find, the size of the footprint was not important compared to its age. It turned out that time left an imperishable imprint of a boot from the Carboniferous period of the planet's development. It was in this archaeological layer of the Earth that traces were found.

Of the same ancient origin, about 250,000,000 years ago, were footprints found in California. A whole chain of prints was found there, left one after the other, with a step of about two meters, a foot, the size of which is about 50 centimeters. If we compare the proportions of a person with a reference point for a similar leg size, it turns out that a person 4 meters tall from the ground was walking there.

Similar footprints 50 centimeters long were also found on the territory of our country, in the Crimea. There, traces were left on the rocky rocks of the mountains.

Amazing Historical Finds in Mines Around the World

The finds that ordinary miners make while doing their daily work of mining amaze archaeologists - they are jealous that they did not find such relics.

As it turned out, coal is not only a fuel, but also a material on which and in which ancient traces are perfectly preserved. Among those found on pieces of coal of various sizes: an inscription in an incomprehensible language, a footprint of a shoe with clearly visible stitches of a seam connecting parts of a thing, and even bronze coins that fell into the coal seam long before the era when, according to official history, a person learned to process metal and mint money from it. But these finds are insignificant in size compared to the one that was discovered in a mine in Oklahoma (USA): where the miners found a whole wall made up of cubes with a face of 30 centimeters, with perfectly drawn edges of the figure.

The fossil beds in which all of the above artifacts were found are classified as deposits, the age of which is from 5 to 250 million years.

3D map of the Earth from a Cretaceous cartographer

The Southern Urals, a storehouse of artifacts, gave the world an amazing find: a three-dimensional map of the area 70 million years old. The map has been perfectly preserved due to the fact that it was made on dolomite stone, combined with elements of glass and ceramics. Six whole huge and heavy dolomite slabs, covered with signs, were found by the researchers of the expedition led by Alexander Chuvyrov near Mount Chandur, but there is historical evidence that there were hundreds of them.

Everything about this find is amazing. First of all, a material that is not found in such a compound on our planet. A homogeneous dolomite slab, which is not found anywhere else today, was covered with a layer of glass fused to the stone by an unknown chemical method. The diopside glass, which allegedly began to be produced towards the end of the last century, skillfully depicted the relief of the planet, which was characteristic of the Earth in the Cretaceous period, that is, about 120 million years ago. But, to the amazement of archaeologists, in addition to valleys, mountains and rivers, an interconnected chain of canals and dams was drawn on the map, that is, a hydraulic system of several tens of thousands of kilometers.

But even stranger is the fact that the slabs are sized so that it is most convenient to use them for people who are at least three meters tall. However, this fact was not so sensational for the find as the correlation of the size of the plates with astronomical values: for example, if you lay out this map from the plates along the equator, you will need exactly 365 fragments. And some signs of the map, which were able to decipher, indicate that their compilers are familiar with the physical information about our planet, that is, they know, for example, its axis of inclination and angle of rotation.

Encyclopedia of Knowledge on Dr. Cabrera's Oval Stones

Dr. Cabrera, a citizen of Peru, became famous throughout the world for having collected a huge amount, approximately 12,000, of stones with drawings of ancient people. However, unlike the well-known primitive rock art, these images were, in a way, an encyclopedia of knowledge. The stones of different sizes depicted people and scenes from their lives, animals, maps and much more in such branches of knowledge as ethnography, biology, geography. Along with hunting scenes for various types of dinosaurs, there were paintings that clearly depicted the process of performing a surgical operation to transplant human organs.

The place of discovery was the suburb of the small settlement of Ika, after which the stones got their name. Ica stones have been studied for a long time, but are still among the mysteries of archeology, because they cannot be entered into the history of the origin of mankind.

What distinguishes the find from other surviving images of antiquity is that the man on the stones of Dr. Cabrera is depicted with a very large head. If now the head to the body of a person correlates as 1/7 part, then in the drawings from Ica, it is 1/3 or 1/4. Scientists suggest that these were not our ancestors, but similar to our human civilization - a civilization of intelligent humanoid beings.

Unsupportable and impracticable megaliths of antiquity

Ancient structures made of huge, perfectly processed stone blocks are found everywhere on our planet. Megaliths were assembled from parts weighing several tons each. In some masonry plates, the connection is such that even a thin knife blade cannot be inserted between them. A number of structures are geographically located in places where the material from which they are assembled is not nearby.

It turns out that the ancient builders knew several secrets at once, which in the present can be associated with magical knowledge. For example, in order to give a block of stone such an ideal shape, you need to be able to soften the rock and sculpt the required figure from it, and in order to then move the finished multi-ton block into masonry, you need to be able to change the gravity of the part of the future structure, moving the “brick” to where the builder needs it.

Some buildings of antiquity are so grandiose for modern times that even in our present there are no such cranes or other devices that could raise parts of the building to the height necessary from the ground in order to place a heavy block in masonry. For example, in Puri, in India, there is a local temple, the roof of which is made of a stone block weighing 20 tons. Other structures are so monumental that it is impossible to imagine how many material and labor resources they can be implemented in modern times.

Note that with their majesty, some structures are amazing not only for their size, but also for the fact that they are built in relation to certain laws of nature, for example, they are oriented to the movement of the Moon and the Sun, like the Pyramids, or designed to observe many celestial bodies, like Stonehenge . Other stone buildings, for example, the labyrinth on the Solovetsky Islands, are structures whose purpose remains a mystery.

Calligraphic "notches" on boulders and drawings of unknown purpose, as well as "magic" stones

Like megaliths, stones on which ancient writings or images with an incomprehensible purpose have been preserved can be found everywhere. A variety of elements served as a material for such messages from the past, such as trapped lava and marble, which were subjected to original preparatory processing before becoming the basis for applying signs and drawings.

For example, huge stones are found on the territory of Russia, which depict hieroglyphs that cannot be deciphered, or clearly recognizable figures of animals that still exist on earth, or images of God's creatures that no longer inhabit the planet. Finds are not rare in the form of perfectly polished slabs, on which lines are inscribed, the content of which is still incomprehensible.

And a completely extraordinary fact against the background of these recorded information is the information that in one of the Indian villages, in the town of Shivapur, near the local temple, there are two stones that can rise in the air under certain circumstances. Despite the fact that the boulders weigh 55 and 41 kilograms, if 11 people touch the largest of them with their fingers, and 9 people touch the other, and all together these people utter a certain phrase in the same key, the stones will rise to a height of two meters from the ground and several seconds hanging in the air.

The era in which metallurgy began to spread on earth, when people began to make tools and weapons for hunting from iron, has borders roughly established by scientists from 1200 BC to 340 AD. e. and is called the Iron Age. Knowing this, it is difficult not to be surprised by all the finds described below: iron, gold, titanium, tungsten, etc., in a word, metal.

Metal in ancient galvanic cells

A find that can be called the oldest electric battery. Ceramic vases were found in Iraq, in which there were copper cylinders, and in them - iron rods. From the alloy of tin and lead, on the edges of the copper cylinders, scientists determined that this device is nothing more than a galvanic cell.

After conducting an experiment, pouring a solution of copper sulfate into a vessel, the researchers received an electric current. The age of the find is approximately 4,000 years ago, and it does not allow galvanic cells to be included in the official theory of how mankind mastered the use of iron cells.

Stainless 16th century iron "Pillar of Indra"

And even if the finds are not so old, but have an age of origin of about 16 centuries, for example, like the "Pillar of Indra", there are many mysteries in their appearance and existence on our planet. The mentioned pillar is one of the mysterious sights of India. The structure of pure iron has been standing near Delhi in Shimaikhalori for 1600 years and does not rust.

Would you say that there is no secret if a metal pole is 99.5% iron? Of course, but imagine that not a single metallurgical enterprise of our time can now cast a 7.5 meter pole with a cross section of 48 centimeters and a percentage of iron content of 99.5 without applying special efforts and means. Why was it that the ancient people who lived in those places in 376-415 were able to do this?

They also, in a way incomprehensible to today's experts, put inscriptions on the pillar that tell us that the "Pillar of Indra" was erected during the reign of Chandragupta, on the occasion of the victory over the Asian peoples. This ancient memorial is still a Mecca for people who believe in miraculous healings, as well as a place for constant scientific observations and discussions that do not give a single answer to the question about the essence of the pillar.

Chain of precious metal in a piece of coal three hundred million years old

Some of the archaeological mysteries that have been found pose questions to humanity not about how this or that unusual thing was created. This interest fades into the background before the mystery of how the object got to where it was found now. If a person used iron mainly for domestic purposes, then gold has a special history. This metal has been used to make jewelry since antiquity. But the question is - from what antiquity?

So, for example, in 1891, while collecting coal in her barn, in the town of Morisonville, Illinois, a lady named Kelp put too much fuel in a bucket. To use coal in business, she decided to split it. From the impact, a piece of coal split in half and a golden chain sagged between its two halves, the ends going into each of the formed parts. A piece of jewelry weighing 12 grams in a piece of coal that was formed in this area 300,000,000 years ago? Try to find a logical explanation for this artifact.

Unique metal alloys that are not found on the planet in a similar form

But sometimes scientists have no less questions than some man-made metal artifacts, but ordinary-looking stones. In fact, they are not stones at all, but a rare alloy of metals. For example, one such stone was found near Chernigov in the 19th century. Modern scientists have studied it and found that it is an alloy of tungsten and titanium. At one time, it was planned to use it in the technology of creating the so-called "invisible aircraft", but the idea was abandoned because the composition of these elements did not have sufficient plasticity. But, when it was still thought to be used, tungsten and titanium were artificially combined into a similar alloy, because in this form it is not found anywhere on earth, and the technology for its production is incredibly energy-consuming. Here is such an unusual Chernihiv metal "pebble".

However, why only Chernigov, when ingots of alloys are found here and there, which, when checked, turn out to be a combination of elements that are not found in nature in such a composition, but at the same time an alloy known to people, for example, according to aircraft manufacturing technologies.

Mysterious "Salzburg" hexagon made of pure iron

How do historians deal with the above "challenges" of archeology? Do you think they are trying to write the finds into the chronicles of human life on earth? At best, pundits shrug their shoulders, at worst - for unknown reasons, "evidence" that exposes scientific dogmas about the past of earthlings is lost. Well, or the history of a mysterious archaeological find can be reduced to the fact that objects that inexplicably found themselves on our planet are assigned the status of "meteorites".

So, for example, it was with the "Salzburg papallepiped". This is a metal hexagon with two convex and four concave faces. The lines of the object are such that it is impossible to even imagine that the object is miraculous. However, the hexagon, which consisted of pure iron, was “written off” as meteorites, although it was found in Salzburg in 1885 in a piece of brown tertiary coal. And we do not even try to shed light on the history of its appearance.

All of the above cases, as well as many other documented facts, speak only of one thing: at a time when, according to official history, a person only came to the idea of ​​using stone tools, and in some cases did not exist at all as a species, on earth, who - he has already cast high-strength metal, forged iron, used alloys to create electric batteries, etc. etc. Impressive? Undoubtedly! The only pity is that it is impossible to find a reasonable explanation for the mysterious archaeological finds.

The world is full of strange and mysterious artifacts. Some are almost certainly hoaxes, while others involve real stories. In our review of 10 real-life artifacts, the origin of which scientists cannot explain even today.

1. Sumerian king list

During excavations in Iraq on the territory of ancient Sumer was found manuscript, which lists all the kings of this state. The researchers initially thought that this was an ordinary historical document, but then it turned out that many of the kings are mythological characters. Some rulers who should have been included in the list were missing from it. Others were credited with incredibly long reigns or mythical events associated with them, such as the Sumerian version of the Great Flood and the exploits of Gilgamesh.

2. Codex Gigas (or "Devil's Bible")

The most famous is the ancient manuscript "Code Gigas", better known as " devil's bible". Only 2 people can lift this book, made of 160 skins. Legend has it that the Codex Gigas was written by a monk who, after being sentenced to death, according to which the monk was to be walled up alive, made a deal with the devil. With the help The devil's monk wrote the book in one night (moreover, the devil wrote a self-portrait. Strangely enough, the handwriting in the book is surprisingly clear and the same, as if it was really written within a short period of time. However, scientists believe that such a work would take from 5 years (if written without interruption) to 30. The manuscript contains seemingly incongruous texts: the complete Latin Vulgate Bible, the Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius ​​Josephus, the collection of medical works of Hippocrates and Theophilus, the Chronicles of Bohemia by Cosmas of Prague, "Etymological Encyclopedia" by Isidore of Seville, exorcism rites, magic formulas and an illustration of the heavenly city.

3. Easter Island writing

Almost everyone knows about the famous statues of Easter Island, but there are other artifacts associated with this place, the mystery of which has not yet been solved. 24 wooden carved tablets were found that contain a system of symbols. These symbols are called rongorongo", and they are considered an ancient proto-writing form. To date, they have not been able to decipher.

Typically, archaeologists argue that religion, the building of temples, and the development of complex rituals are a by-product of human settlement. This belief was shaken by a discovery in the Urfa plain in southeastern Turkey. Göbekli Tepe temple. Its ruins may be the oldest organized place of worship known to man. The ruins of Göbekli Tepe date back to 9500 BC, meaning the temple was built 5000 years before Stonehenge.

In regions that were once in the sphere of influence of the Roman Empire - from Wales to the Mediterranean Sea - small strange objects are found that have been named " dodecahedrons". They are hollow stone or bronze objects, 4-12 centimeters in diameter with 12 flat pentagonal faces and holes of various sizes on each side. Small handles protrude from each corner. Twenty-seven theories have been put forward as to what it is, but none of which could not be proven.

Around 6,000 mysterious artifacts have been found in rivers and marshes across Ireland, which have come to be known as the Fulachtai Fia. In the UK, where they are also found, they are called " Burnt mounds". Fulacht fiadh - a mound of soil and stone in the shape of a horseshoe, in the center of which a trough filled with water is dug. Fulachtai Fia, as a rule, are found singly, but sometimes in groups of 2-6. At the same time, there is always a source of water nearby. Why they were built remains a mystery.

7. Big Zayatsky Labyrinth, Russia

Bolshoy Zayatsky Island, which is part of the Solovetsky archipelago in northern Russia, hides another mystery. Back in 3000 BC. not only villages and places of worship were built here, but also irrigation systems. But the most mysterious objects on the island - spiral labyrinths, the largest of which has a diameter of 24 meters. The structures are built from two rows of boulders overgrown with vegetation. What they were used for is unknown.

8. Witch bottles, Europe and the USA

In 2014, archaeologists excavating the site of an ancient battle in Nottinghamshire made a strange discovery: they found a 15-centimeter " witch bottle". Similar vessels were used in Europe and America for black witchcraft in the 1600s - 1700s. They were usually made of ceramic or glass. In total, about 200 such objects were found, and they often contained the remains of needles, nails, nails , hair, and even urine.Witch bottles are believed to have been used to protect the wearer from evil spells and the harmful effects of witches.

9 Ubaid Lizard Figurines, Iraq

Strange things are found in Iraq Ubaid figurines. They depict lizard-like and snake-like people in various poses. All figurines have abnormally elongated heads and almond-shaped eyes. Many of these figurines are found in human burials and are therefore believed to mark some form of status.

10 Rat King

Several museums around the world contain strange once-living exhibits of a legendary beast from the Middle Ages called " rat king". The rat king is formed when several rats intertwine or grow together with their tails. As a result, a kind of "nest" of rats appears, the muzzles of which are directed outward, and in the center a knot of tails. The largest of these artifacts contains 32 rats. Today, such mummified objects are found, but not a single living such anomaly has been found.

Scientists sometimes work on solving many global problems of mankind for decades. We have collected - from medicine to space. Perhaps these solutions will become the technologies of the future.

Artifacts antiquities

The Bible says that God created Adam and Eve only a few thousand years ago, but from the point of view of science, this is nothing more than a fairy tale, because humanity has several million years of existence, and civilization - several thousand. But is it possible that mainstream science is as wrong as the Bible? All over the world, many strange fossil objects have been found that defy classification, and go far beyond the chronological framework of the generally accepted theory of human existence on our planet.
These are objects of artificial origin, which are usually found in undisturbed rock layers, known to scientists as NIO– . Such finds primarily raise the question of their origin as a result of human activity in ancient times.

Candlestick from Dorchester

A hammer

A certain Mrs. Emme Khan in the month of June of the last century, 1934, in the vicinity of the town of London, in the state of Texas, in the nearby rocks, in a crevice, discovered a hammer ingrown into limestone rock. In a piece of which he is kept to this day

The working part of the hammer, 15 cm long and 3 cm in diameter, is made of such a pure iron alloy that astonishes modern scientists and consists of iron, chlorine, and sulfur in proportions of 96.6%, 2.6% and 0.74%, respectively. Other impurities in the composition of this product, which was investigated by scientists from the Ohio Institute of Metallurgy in Columbus, could not be found. The wooden handle of the hammer literally grew into a piece of rock 140 million years old, and the handle also petrified, and turned into coal inside, which indicates the same age as the piece of rock in which it is located. Scientists who declared this artifact a fake and a hoax during further research by various scientific centers and the famous Battele Laboratory (USA) admitted that the situation is much more complicated than the initial assumptions.

Another find of a hammer in a piece of coal. So, in December 1852, an unusual iron tool was discovered in a piece of coal mined near Glasgow. A certain John Buchanan presented this find to the Society of Scottish Antiquities and accompanied it with affidavits given under oath by five workers involved in the discovery. D. Buchanan was discouraged by the discovery in such ancient layers of a tool that undoubtedly came out of human hands. Society members suggested thatartifact represents a part of the drill, which remained in the depths during the production of previous surveys. But artifact was inside a piece of coal and until it was smashed, nothing betrayed its presence in it, that is, there was no well, and, as it turned out later, no one was drilling in this area. The current owners kept scientists away from the find, but geologist Glen Kuban had enough of a superficial inspection. The hammer turned out to be a common tool of 19th-century miners, and the wood of the handle was not petrified. A hammer hitting a stone is easy to explain: some minerals easily dissolve and harden again. If the object was thrust into the crevice of the rock and forgotten, it could well be "soldered" into it.

gold chain

On July 11, 1891, the provincial American newspaper The Morrisonville Times published an article that read: “On Tuesday morning, Mrs. S.W. Culp made public one amazing find. When she broke it for kindling, she found in it a small gold chain, 25 centimeters long, of ancient and bizarre workmanship. split almost in the middle, and since the chain was located in it in the form of a circle and its two ends were next to each other, then when the piece split, its middle was freed, and the two ends remained fixed in the corner ... It is made of 8-carat gold and weighed 192 grams. Finding a gold chain is, of course, an event. But the gold chain found in the piece is a sensation. Why? Yes, because it was formed on Earth about 300 million years ago! That is, when, according to all scientific data, there was not only a reasonable person on the planet, but even ape-like hominids. Who made this chain?


This story began in the summer of 1977 in the freezer of the Scientific Research Institute of the Arctic and Antarctic in what was then Leningrad. The Institute was located in those days in an old palace on the Fontanka embankment. We, employees of the Hydrometeorological Institute, worked there on a joint topic. The freezer was not empty - it contained samples of deep-sea ice taken during deep drilling of the Antarctic glacier. Experts determined that the age of the ice is 20,000 years, based on scientific data: 20,000 years old was a wooden chip that was found in one of the pieces of ice and determined its age by radiocarbon dating. Among the samples selected for the study, we were most interested in one: some kind of filamentous inclusions were visible in it. The ice, of course, had melted by that time, and several hairs about two centimeters long and as thick as a human hair appeared in the field of view of the microscope. At a hundredfold magnification, they appeared as pieces of metal wire (?) of a golden hue, with almost no elasticity. All the hairs were the same length and had even ends, as if they were carefully cut. With strong squeezing with steel tweezers, dents appeared on the hairs - like on soft metal. Then we conducted a chemical analysis of the hairs, using a set of acids - hydrochloric, sulfuric, nitric and acetic. The golden hair withstood these tests, and we had no doubts: it was golden! Several years passed, and the Commission on Anomalous Phenomena under the State Committee for Hydrometeorology began to work actively. At one of its meetings, I told about my discovery. The chairman of the committee, academician E. K. Fedorov (by the way, the famous Papaninian) became interested in the find and handed it over to his friend, who headed the Institute of Crystallography of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The institute analyzed the hairs and recognized their material as ... an alloy of gold and silver (!). In 1984, a message flashed in the press that American researchers had also found thin golden hairs in the Antarctic ice.

Iron cup from the Oklahoma coal mine.

On January 10, 1949, Robert Nordling sent Franz L. Marsh of Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan, a photograph of an iron cup. Nordling wrote: "I visited my friend's museum in northern Missouri. Among various curiosities, he had the iron cup shown in the accompanying photograph." This cup was exhibited in a private museum with the following testimony from Frank D. Kenwood of Sulfur Spring, Arkansas, taken November 27, 1948: I somehow came across a hard big one that was too big to use, so I smashed it with a sledgehammer, and an iron mug fell from the center of the piece, leaving an imprint of the same shape on it." Jim Stull (stable worker) witnessed me break a piece and saw the mug fall out of it. I traced the origin of the coal and determined that it came from the Wilburton Mines in Oklahoma." According to Robert O. Fay of the Oklahoma Geological Survey, the Upleburton coal is about 312 million years old. In 1966, Marsh sent a photograph of the cup and a letter relating to it to Wilbert H. Rush, professor of biology at Concordia College in Ann Arbor, Mich. Marsh wrote: “I have enclosed letters and a photograph sent 17 years ago. When, a year or two later, I became interested in this "mug" (a size that can be determined by comparison with the seat of the chair on which it lay), I learned that this friend of Nordling had died, and the collection of his museum had gone somewhere. Nordling did not know anything about the location of this iron cup. It is unlikely that the most nimble detective could find it ... If this cup is really what they assure, then it is really quite important. "It is regrettable that evidence, such as this iron cup, is often lost, as it passes from hand to the hands of people who do not fully understand their significance.

Two mysterious cylinders

In 1993, Philip Reef was the owner of another amazing find. While tunneling in the mountains of California, two mysterious Cylinders were discovered, they resemble the so-called Egyptian pharaohs' cylinders. They consist half of platinum, half of an unknown metal. If they are heated, for example, to 50C, then they retain this temperature for several hours, regardless of the ambient temperature. Then they cool almost instantly to air temperature. If an electric current is passed through them, they change color from silver to black, and then again acquire their original color. Undoubtedly, the cylinders contain other secrets that have yet to be discovered. According to radiocarbon analysis, the age of these artifacts about 25 million years old.


In 1871, William Dubois, an associate of the Smithsonian Institution, reported several man-made objects found at considerable depths in Lawn Ridge, Illinois. One of these items was a round copper plate that looked like a coin. The depth from which the object was raised was 35 meters, and the age of the layers was 200-400 thousand years. Then, in addition to the “coin”, while drilling in the Whiteside area at a depth of 36.6 meters, workers found “a large copper ring, or rim, similar to those still used in ship spars, as well as something resembling a hook.” The "coin" was an "almost circular rectangle" with roughly depicted figures and inscriptions on both sides. Dubois could not determine the language of the inscriptions. By their appearance artifact this one was different from any known coin. Dubois concluded that the "coin" was made mechanically. Noting its uniform thickness over the entire area, he expressed the opinion that it "passed through a mechanism similar to a rolling mill, and if the ancient Indians had such a device, then it must be of prehistoric origin." Dubois also claims that the pointed edge of the "coin" indicates that it was cut with either metal scissors or a coinage. From the foregoing, the conclusion suggests itself that there was a civilization in North America at least 200 thousand years ago. According to the generally accepted opinion, creatures intelligent enough to make and use coins (Homo sapiens sapiens) appeared on Earth no earlier than 100 thousand years ago, and the first metal coins entered circulation in Asia Minor in the 8th century BC.

Tartarian tablets

-Three small clay tablets, covered with drawings and geometric signs, surprisingly similar to the writing signs of Mesopotamia, were found at the base of the excavation, laid on an ancient cult-religious object near the village of Terteria, not even marked on all maps of Romania. Luck fell on the lot of the archaeologist N. Vlas. This happens once every hundred years, and many newspapers of the world in that year, 1961, reported on the sensational discovery of the Romanian archaeologist: after all, the found tablets turned out to be almost 100 years older than the “Sumerian ones”. Using the radiocarbon method, which gives extremely accurate absolute dating, the age of the tablets was determined - over 6500 years, which corresponded to the early stage of the Vinca culture (Safronov, 1989) Who were the Vinchans? What language did they speak? There was only one way to find out - to make the Vinchans themselves speak, i.e. read the Terterian tablets. Preference was given to a round tablet, the linear signs of which, unlike the signs of the other two rectangular tablets, were written out very clearly and precisely, which excluded their double interpretation when comparing the signs. Many things prompted such a comparison, and in particular, the observation of the archaeologist V. Titov on the connection between the writing of Vinca and the writing of ancient Crete. And Cretan writing, in turn, was an integral part of a single Proto-Slavic writing. There was a good opportunity to once again make sure that the signs of Proto-Slavic writing were voiced correctly. The “Summary table of signs of Proto-Slavic writing” had already been compiled and all 143 signs were voiced. That is, each sign had its own, strictly defined phonetic meaning. Therefore, the deciphering of the Terterian inscription was practically reduced to reading it, since each Terterian sign found its graphic analogue among the signs of Proto-Slavic writing. Taking advantage of this circumstance, the signs of the Terterian tablet, similar in graphic terms to the signs of the Proto-Slavic writing, were assigned the phonetic meanings of the latter and ... Slavic speech began to flow. As a result, the final reading of the Terterian inscription took on the following form: YOU HAVE A SHIELD OF GUILTY WHETHER DARZHI OB. And the almost literal translation into modern language sounded like lines of sublime poetry: THE CHILD WILL TAKE YOUR SINS - SPARING HIM, KEEP (him) Away. Wise words. And this Slavic wisdom is more than 6.5 thousand years old!

Ancient airplane model

December 12, 1903 in the town of Kitty Hawk (North Carolina), the Wright brothers made the first ever long-term controlled flight on a self-propelled aircraft. But was the feeling of flying familiar to a person before, hundreds or even thousands of years ago? Some researchers are confident in the existence of data confirming this fact, but knowledge of this - alas! - have been lost. Material evidence of flights in antiquity presented mysterious artifacts South America and Egypt, as well as Egyptian rock paintings. The first example of such objects was the so-called Colombian golden airplane. It dates back to 500 BC. e. and refers to the Tolima culture, whose representatives inhabited the highlands of Colombia in 200-1000. n. e. Archaeologists traditionally consider the discovered drawings to be images of animals and insects, however, some of their elements may be associated with the technology of creating aircraft. These include, in particular: the deltoid wing and the high vertical plane of the tail. Another example is a pendant made of tombac (an alloy of gold and copper in a ratio of 30:70), stylized as a flying fish. It belongs to the Kalima culture, which occupied territories in southwestern Colombia (200 BC - 600 AD). A picture of this pendant is in Erich von Däniken's book "Gold of the Gods", published in 1972. The author believed that the find is an image of an aircraft used by unearthly space aliens. Although the figurine, according to archaeologists, was a stylized image of a flying fish, some features (in particular, the outline of the tail) have no analogues in nature. A few more gold objects were made by representatives of the Sinu culture, who lived on the coast of Colombia in 300-1550. and famous for their jewelry art. They wore objects about 5 cm long around their necks like pendants on a chain. In 1954, the Colombian government sent part of the Sinu products, along with a collection of other valuable artifacts, to an exhibition in the United States. 15 years later, a modern reproduction of one of the artifacts was provided for research by cryptozoologist Ivan T. Sanderson. He came to the conclusion that the subject has no analogues in the animal world. The forewings are triangular with smooth edges differ, for example, from the wings of animals and insects. Sanderson believed that they were more of a mechanical than biological origin, and even went further in his reasoning, suggesting that the object was a model of a high-speed apparatus that existed at least 1000 years ago. The appearance of a plane-like artifact prompted Dr. Arthur Poisley to conduct an experiment in a wind tunnel at the Institute of Aeronautics in New York, with positive results: the object could actually fly. In August 1996, a copy of one of the gold The 16:1 model was launched into the sky by three German engineers Algund Enb, Peter Belting and Konrad Lebbers. From the results of the study, they concluded that artifact more like a modern shuttle or a Concorde supersonic airliner than an insect. It is worth taking note of another small message that recently flashed in the press: a very similar golden "bird" was supposedly found by archaeologists during excavations of the ancient Indian city of Mohenjo-Daro... Another model resembling a small plane was found in the city of Saqqara in Egypt. Egyptologists consider it a hawk with spread wings and date it to the 4th - 3rd centuries. BC e. She was most likely found in 1898 in the tomb of Pa di Imena in the northern part of Saqqara. The object, made from sycamore, is 14.2 cm long with a wingspan of 18.3 cm and weighs about 39 g. The hieroglyphs on the tail of the bird read: “Offering to Amun,” and the god Amun in ancient Egypt was usually associated with rain. The ancient model was kept in the Cairo Museum until 1969, until it was noticed by anatomy professor Khalil Messikha, who noticed that it resembled a modern aircraft or glider and, unlike the images of other birds in the museum, this object lacks legs and feathers . According to Messich, the exhibit has a number of aerodynamic characteristics. After his brother, a flight engineer by profession, created a flying model out of balsa wood, Dr Messich's belief that the Saqqara bird was a scale model of an ancient glider was strengthened. Messicha studied the find of archaeologists for a long time and carefully, and over time, after consulting with experts in the field of aviation, he confidently stated: "This is not a bird, but a miniature model of a glider!" In this regard, the UNESCO Bulletin wrote: "If the hypothesis of Dr. Messicha is confirmed, it will mean that the ancient Egyptians knew the laws of flight!"

It is no secret that the Egyptian civilization gave rise to and carried away with it a lot of inventions. Why not assume that the creators of the wonders of the world - monumental pyramids and colossi - could fly through the air, converting wind energy or using some other lifting force ...

The frescoes on the ceiling of the temple of the New Kingdom era, located near Cairo, are also amazing. The signs engraved on the stone are very reminiscent of the outlines of current civil and military vehicles. There is also a helicopter (1), and a submarine, and a glider, and an airship (2). True, some researchers argue that the latter is not an airship, but what we used to call UFOs.

Medicine in the ancient world

A recent discovery made in 2009 by American archaeologists is staggering, according to the National Geographic magazine's rating of amazing finds. A skull was found in the excavation, the teeth of which are inlaid with precious stones, this is evidence that the skill of dentists of the ancient world was at a fantastic level.

Ships of ancient aliens

Over the past decades, paleoufologists have discovered many interesting finds that give reason to believe that alien creatures visited our Earth in the distant past. New arguments in favor of this assumption were recently discovered by the Indian researcher Regret Ayer from the city of Bangalore. Initially, he even, most likely, did not represent the true value of the material that fell into his hands. Ayer's plans included proving that it was in India that for the first time a motor apparatus that was heavier than air rose into the air.

The news was also a sensation that a clay plate and some strange tome contained a message that the engines of this airplane were powered by solar energy. The aircraft itself, depicted on the plate, surprisingly resembles modern liners. The only difference was that the wings of the ancient aircraft were shorter than those that we see today in modern aircraft, and they were located closer to the tail compartment.

Cryptologists - experts in ancient writings, as well as philologists, joined the study of this find. Upon closer examination of the old artifacts it turned out that the entry in the folio dates back to more ancient times than previously thought. The source reported that chroniclers from generation to generation passed on to each other the legend of an aircraft that appeared near modern Bombay over a thousand years ago. Therefore, in the temple where the tome was discovered, a clay tablet with a description of the heavenly miracle and its drawing was also kept. The abbot of the temple gave the scientists an exact copy of this tablet, only made of wood and painted using the rongo-rongo technique. The famous navigator Thor Heyerdahl suggested that these tablets, first made on the land of South America, sailed together with ancient navigators to India and China for several years. The majority of Western scientists expressed the opinion that the tablets appeared in all parts of our planet almost simultaneously and were a kind of farewell message addressed by space aliens to native earthlings. Perhaps these were images of aircraft on which the inhabitants of other planets visited the Earth. The discovery in Bagalore confirms the above in some way. The decoding of the notes in the tome most likely indicates that the ancient aircraft was indeed an airplane and was intended not for interplanetary travel, but for movement in the earth's atmosphere. Ancient India left a lot of handwritten evidence, the authenticity of which is beyond doubt. Many of them have not yet been translated from Sanskrit. There are references that King Ashoka founded the "Secret Society of Nine Unknowns" - famous Indian scientists. He kept their inventions secret because he was afraid. It was said that Ashoka owns the "world weapon", therefore his authority was so great. "Nine Unknowns" has presented developments in nine books, one of which is called "The Secret of Gravity". Historians could not study it because it is kept in a Tibetan temple as an inviolable artifact. Recently, a Chinese scholar was able to send several sheets of the book to a group of linguists who translated them. One of the researchers, Dr. Ruth Reine, claims that this is a guide to building an interplanetary ship. The anti-gravitational force that set the mechanism in motion is the individual force of a person, the one that yogis use in their practice. Now this phenomenon is called levitation. The book contains "simple" advice: "how to become lighter, heavier or ... invisible." Scientists would not take the work seriously - fairy tales, they say. Except for one detail. The book contains the dates of all space achievements of the last XX century, describes the launch of the first satellite and the landing of astronauts on the moon. Therefore, interest in it is great both in scientific and military circles. This caused a new wave of popularity for Indian texts. In the "Ramayana" they found a detailed description of the journey to the moon, made by the Indians on the ship "Astra". According to various ancient written sources, flights for people were then the rule rather than the exception. The ships consisted of two interconnected discs, like flying saucers, They flew with "wind speed" and "melodious sound". Among the descriptions there are four types of apparatus, all either in the form of a saucer or cylindrical, similar to cigars. Under the picture of each model there is an instruction manual and a manual in case of a non-standard situation: non-flying weather, a flock of birds. The manuscripts of the Ancient East contain a lot of information about aircraft in India one and a half thousand years before the birth of Christ! We are talking about vimanas - "roaring flying carriages with people inside." The roar, most likely, was emitted by a jet engine. The vehicles were built of "smooth, shiny metal" and could travel thousands of miles by landing and taking off vertically, floating smoothly in the sky or hovering in the manner of airships. They left a fiery trail behind them, like the tail of a comet. Scientists estimate the power of the machine at about 80 thousand horsepower. Regarding resources: somewhere the operation of an internal combustion engine is described, somewhere - the use of a “yellowish-white liquid” (gasoline?), somewhere there are indications of a jet engine. Hitler and his associates, fascinated by esotericism, became interested in Indian texts. In the 30s, the Nazis sent more than one expedition to India and Tibet for sacred knowledge. About whether they managed to learn technical skills, history is silent.

Finds in Crete.

The Indian discovery was followed by another. Regular excavations on the island of Crete in recent years do not often present new surprises to archaeologists. However, at the end of last year, archaeologists removed a large fragment of some object from a layer of clay, which also depicts an apparatus that looks surprisingly reminiscent of a modern heavy helicopter. The find was investigated in the most thorough manner. It differs from the known rongo-rongo tablets, but is made in a similar technique. There is no doubt about the following: artifact extracted from such a depth that this cultural layer can correspond to a time lagging behind ours by one and a half to two thousand years. Thus, supporters of the "alien theory" at the end of last year and the beginning of this year were able to excite the entire scientific world.

Baghdad Battery

While excavating south of Baghdad, German archaeologist Dr. Wilhelm Koenig discovered electrochemical batteries that are more than two thousand years old! The central elements were copper cylinders with an iron rod, and the cylinders were soldered with a lead-tin alloy, which is still used today. Engineer Gray made an absolute copy of such a battery, and, amazingly, it worked for a long time, being presented to visitors at the exhibition of technical experiments in Munich! Koenig reviewed the exhibits of the Baghdad Museum of Antiquities. He was surprised by silver-plated copper vases dating back to 2500 BC. e. As König suggested, the silver on the vases was electrolytically applied. Scientists from academic science declare that these objects cannot possibly be batteries, although they resemble them, simply because electricity was not even discovered in the era to which these gizmos belong. However, they still cannot explain what these gizmos served then. It is obvious that these scientists have become victims of their narrow specialization; otherwise they would know that already in the sacred text of Hinduism "Kumbhadbave Agastyamuni", which refers to the 5th millennium BC. e., a detailed description of a certain apparatus called "mitra" is offered. The device, which without any doubt can be called a battery-generator of light. This text even describes how to combine several such devices with each other so that the resulting apparatus gives light of extraordinary brightness. Theologians who know about this text have given no importance to this passage, and archaeologists and historians for the most part are not interested in scriptures.

pharaoh's dagger

Tutankhamun's tomb was built 1360 BC in the Egyptian Valley of the Kings. In November 1926, archaeologists began to study the mummy of Tutankhamun. They began by cutting open the cover of this mummy. Then they began to unroll the tarred bandages. Amazingly, under each layer of bandages were gold, copper and bronze items, mostly jewelry. And suddenly, under one of the last layers, there was the greatest jewel - a steel dagger received by the pharaoh as a gift from the king of the Hittites from Asia Minor. And in this case, being in a tarred environment, devoid of moisture and air, a dagger made of steel managed to live a long century - about three and a half thousand years, without being corroded. All these finds confirm the idea that iron was in use among the most ancient peoples along with copper and bronze. In fact, archaeologists are aware of objects consisting of almost 90% iron, created long before the Bronze Age. A famous example is the dagger found in the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen, who lived in the 14th century BC. Analysis of the chemical composition showed that in this iron dagger the main impurity is nickel - a direct indication of the meteorite origin of the material. Even then, blacksmiths found and used iron of natural origin. Of course, they quickly appreciated his superiority. The Hittites and Sumerians confirmed this cosmic connection, calling iron "fire from heaven." The Egyptian name for this metal is "strike of heavenly lightning", the Assyrian - "heavenly metal".

Round clay tablet

A round clay tablet from the British Museum, believed to be from the underground library of Assurbanipal in Nineveh. Found in the 19th century, in Iraq during excavations. She is at least 3500 years old. Computer analysis confirms the correspondence to the Mesopotamian sky of that time. The lines emanating from the center define eight star sectors of 45 degrees each. Sectors include constellations depicted along with the names of the stars and their accompanying symbols.

Phaistos Disc

Luigi Pernier The disk was found by the Italian archaeological expedition Federico Halberra on the evening of July 3, 1908, during excavations of the ancient city of Festus, located near Agia Triada on the south coast of Crete. The palace complex, most likely, was partially destroyed as a result of an earthquake caused by a volcanic eruption on the island of Santorini (circa 1628 BC) and affecting a large part of the Mediterranean. The artifact was discovered by archaeologist Luigi Pernier in the cultural layer of one of the outbuildings (room No. apparently, a temple vault) of building No. 101 during the opening of the first palace. The disk was in the main cell of a hiding place hidden in the floor of the room under a layer of plaster. The contents of the secret cells did not differ in variety - there was ash, black soil, as well as a large number of burnt bull bones. In the northern part of the main cell, in the same cultural layer, a broken Linear A PH-1 tablet was found a few inches southeast of the disc. Reale Accademia dei Lincei. At the same time, Pernier participated in the Second Congress of Italian Scientists on Scientific Progress, where the findings of the expedition were presented to the scientific community in Italy. Perhaps, sooner or later, the laurel crown, which this mysterious round piece of clay promised to its decoder, will be laid on by one of the “artisans” of the glorious “workshop” of researchers. Perhaps, in the secret of these spirals covered with drawings, this new labyrinth of the island of Minos will penetrate and, like the new Theseus, some ingenious lover will find a way out of it. But maybe it is destined by fate to remain for centuries a dumb and mysterious monument of that world, which is finding it harder and harder to hide its secrets? (Ernst Doblhofer) At present, there is probably no chance of completely deciphering the writing of the Phaistos disc. There are objective reasons for this: the disc is the only monument of the system of writing presented by him (the supposed second monument - the ax from Arkalohori - is too short); the disc text is too short for a sufficient number of statistical studies; neither the disk itself nor the circumstances of its discovery provide any indication of the content of the text; the disk belongs to such an early period that there is no indisputable data on Cretan proper names or glosses from other sources that, with a certain degree of probability, could be found on the disk. A new impetus in the study of the written language of the disk, apparently, can only be the discovery of its other monuments. Some researchers have shown that after the discovery of at least one more such disk with a different message, provided that it does not contain a large number of new characters, decryption will become possible. Translation of the inscriptions of the Phaistos disk is considered impossible

Translation of the Phaistos Disc according to Grinevich

Translation of the text of the Phaistos disc (literal)

Side A


Side B


Translation of the text of the Phaistos Disc (modern)

Side A

The sorrows of the past cannot be counted, but the sorrows of the present are bitterer. In a new place you will feel them. Together. What else has the Lord sent you? place in the world of God. Don't count past feuds. Place in the world of God that the Lord has sent you, surround with close rows. Protect it day and night: not a place - a will. Raise for his power. Her children are still alive, knowing whose they are in this world of God.

Side B

We will live again. There will be service to God. Everything will be in the past - forget who we are. Where you will be, children will be, fields will be, a wonderful life - let's forget who we are. There are children - there are bonds - let's forget who we are. What to count, Lord! LYNX enchants the eyes. You can't get away from it, you can't heal. Not once will we hear: whose will you be, lynxes, what honors for you, helmets in curls; talking about you. Do not eat yet, we will be Her, in this world of God. The content of the text of the Phaistos disc is extremely clear: the tribe (people) of the "lynxes" was forced to leave their former land - "Rysiyuniya", where much suffering and grief fell to their lot. The "lynxes" found a new land in Crete. The author of the text calls to protect this land: to protect it, to take care of its power and strength. An inescapable melancholy, from which there is no escape, no cure, fills the text when the author reminisces about "The Lynx". It has already been noted above that the Minoans, they are the Trypillians-Pelasgians, the ancestors of the Etruscans, were a Slavic tribe. To this we can now add that the true, undistorted self-name of this tribe was "Lynx", and the "lynxes" are representatives of this tribe. This totem of our distant ancestors, in my opinion, quite confidently confirms the version that they came to Crete from the north, i.e. from Trypillia.

Spheres from Klerksdorp

Clearly of artificial origin, polished to a shine metal balls and notched ellipsoids, which, since 1982, have been found by miners in the Andastone mine in South Africa, look unique. Dozens or even hundreds of them have been found, and their age is dated to a time interval of 2.0 - 2.8 billion years. Four of these balls were acquired by the British Museum, where an amazing discovery was made. Geologist Professor Peter Crawford says: “There is no doubt that the balls and ellipses are of artificial origin. It remains to be guessed about their purpose. "Something like that. Unfortunately, there is no such specialist yet. There is something else. Each ball , each ellipse is exposed in a thin-walled glass container with a bottom, equipped with a recess for stability, and a mechanical scale showing the location in space. I emphasize that we didn’t watch the exhibits on purpose. Just watched. Even these primitive measures allow us to assert that each of our artifact rotates around its axis in 128 days. For other spherical, natural or artificial, objects exhibited nearby, nothing of the kind was noticed. But the mysteries of the Andastone mine do not end there. There, in small cavities, they find a certain substance, very similar to glass wool. If part of this "glass wool" is removed from the cavity, then a new one grows. If pure oxygen is supplied to it under pressure, then it flares up with a bright flame. A very strange phenomenon.

The Dropa Stones

In 1938, the archaeological expedition of Dr. Chi Pu Tei (the Bayan-Kara-Ula mountains on the border of China and Tibet) made a stunning discovery in the caves.
At the highest level of the mountains, the expedition discovered a series of caves that looked more like a honeycomb of a giant beehive. As it turned out, the caves were a kind of cemetery. The walls of the caves were decorated with drawings of people with elongated heads along with images of the sun, moon, and stars. Archaeologists have opened the graves and found the remains of ancient creatures. The skeletons were a little over one meter, with disproportionately large skulls. Unusual stone discs about 30 cm in diameter and 8 mm thick were also found in the graves, with a hole in the center like vinyl records. From the center of the disk to the edge there was a spiral path with small hieroglyphs. During the Cultural Revolution in China, the unusual skeletons disappeared, and of the 716 discs, nearly all were destroyed or lost. Fortunately, a key was found for the inscriptions on the remaining discs. In 1962, Tsum Um Nui, a professor at the Beijing Academy of Sciences, made a partial translation of the hieroglyphic writing of the stone discs. When other scientists got acquainted with the translation, a ban was imposed on its publication. However, after many years the translation was published. The texts written on the surface of the discs state that a foreign spaceship was shipwrecked in the Bayan-Kara-Ula region 12,000 years ago. Alien beings called themselves Dropa. The Dropa were unable to repair their ship, which forced them to adapt to conditions on Earth. However, the locals hunted down and killed most of the aliens. Aggression, according to the translator, could be caused by the fact that Dropa was not the first time on earth and not always in peace. The consequence of Tsum Um Nui's publications was his departure from the Peking Academy. Dropa stones were disappearing all over the world. However, this story does not fit into the communist ideology and the scientist has to immigrate to Japan. This story would have ended if in the 60s it had not been published in the Soviet magazine Sputnik, after this significant event, the Drop stones received worldwide publicity. Throughout the 60s and 70s, this story went around the newspapers of the world and gradually began to acquire various details. Moreover, information appeared that these discs were handed over by the Chinese side to scientists from the USSR, who studied them and found some useful properties. In 1968, V. Zaitsev studied the Dropa stones. A Russian scientist conducted research on disks... When checking disks with an oscilloscope, an amazing vibrational rhythm was recorded. As if the discs were electrically charged or acted as electrical conductors. V. Zaitsev always pointed out the sources. He also pointed them out in the story about the disks. This was done most fully in the article "Voices of distant millennia", published in the journal "Neman" in 1966. Then, they forgot about it for a while, until an Austrian engineer accidentally photographed in one of the local museums discs that looked like Dropa stones. After the publication of these photos, the director of this Chinese museum and the discs themselves magically disappeared. Here is such an interesting story, but if you start from the facts, it will no longer be so interesting, because not only there are no discs themselves, there is absolutely no information about the Chinese scientists Tsum Um Nue and Chi Pu Tee, there is no information about the Soviet scientists who studied these discs, nothing at all. Of course, there is a lot of unknown in our world and Dropa stones could well be such, but so far they exist only in the form of Palaroid photographs of stones that may have been Dropa stones. Sources: 1. - Dubious archaeological discoveries 2. - Dropa Stones 3. - Through the pages of the book by L. Burmistrova and V. Moroz.

Astronomical tables from Malta (Siberia)

The oldest known calendar. A complex system of spirals and recesses made on the plate allows you to count days, the movement of the sun and moon, etc. The age of all this is about 15,000 thousand years BC. e. The tablet is exhibited in the Hermitage. The most extensive and thorough work on the study of the ornament of the plate in order to identify a semantically significant record was done by archaeologist V.E. Larichev, who, together with the artist V.I. Zhalkovsky and the architect V.I. Sazonov, carried out a thorough reconstruction of all the smallest details of the ancient find. In this case, specially designed devices were used, which made it possible to determine the position of each sign of the plate and their outlines along the contour with an accuracy of fractions of a millimeter in the projection. The result of V.E. Larichev painstakingly analyzed the truly impressive results, thanks to which the Malta plate appears in a completely new quality: "All this looks like elements of an extremely flexible, skillfully designed, combinatorial calendar system in structure ... The most impressive structural part of this system is the seven supporting, truly "golden numbers "(11, 14, 45, 54, 57 + 1, 62 + 1, 242 + 1 + 1). Having singled them out, the Paleolithic man was able to extremely capaciously and economically codify his astronomical knowledge accumulated over millennia of observing the sky. Therefore, the Malta "plate "should, with due assessment, be perceived as a counting calendar-astronomical table and, possibly, a tool, and in a purely informational (for example, for training) plan - as a kind of astronomical, arithmetic-geometrical and mythological "treatise", the oldest in the world. "

Of greatest interest are the following combinations of reference numbers: The central spiral, together with the small spirals on the right side, allows you to count the days of the solar year: 243+62+45+14 = 365. The central spiral with small spirals on the left side corresponds to the number of days of the lunar year: 243+57+54 = 354. The serpentine wavy figure at the bottom of the plate contains 11 holes corresponding to the difference between the solar and lunar years. A three-time pass through all the elements of the plate allows you to count a 4-year cycle, which has an integer number of days, which is equivalent to the presence of leap years in the modern calendar: 243+62+45+14+11+54+58) x 3 = 1461 = 365.24 x 4. Various combinations of the reference numbers of the peripheral spirals make it possible to track the cycles of changing position relative to the Sun (the so-called synodic periods) of the main planets. The unit of reference in this case is the lunar synodic month, i.e. the period of the change of phases of the moon, which is 29.53 days. The system of numbers, encoded in the peripheral patterns of the plate, makes it possible to associate an integer number of lunar synodic months with an integer number of synodic periods of the observed planets. Thus, if we agree with the argumentation and conclusions of V.E. Larichev, it must be admitted that already 20 thousand years ago, a Paleolithic man not only could count, but also knew how to build rather complex computational models that made it possible to track a number of real astronomical processes! But the most daring in the hypothesis of V.E. Larichev is the assumption that the Malta plate could also be used to predict eclipses: "... The spiral ornament of the Malta plate forms a composition where the central part can be assessed as a draconian record of saros, and the entire peripheral, left and right, as a synodic record. It must be assumed that the calculation of time in terms of draconian and synodic months was carried out along the holes of the corresponding spirals in parallel. This made it possible to capture the moment the Moon passed through the ecliptic and its phase at the same time, and therefore determine the moment of the eclipse ... "And indeed, 242 draconian months (the interval 27.2122 days after which the Moon returns to the same node of its orbit) exactly correspond to the saros period: 242 x 27.21 = 6585.35 days = 18.61 tropical years. The same result is obtained by counting the synodic months according to the peripheral elements of the pattern: (54+57+63+45+4) x 29.53 = 6585.35 days = 18.61 tropical years. The probability of a random coincidence of such numbers is negligible. Consequently, there is nothing left but to recognize the possibility of the conscious implementation of these relationships by the creators of the Malta plate! In order to appreciate the boldness of such an assumption, it is necessary to recall that the discovery of eclipse cycles is traditionally attributed to the times of antiquity. At the same time, the repetition of eclipses is sometimes associated with the so-called 19-year Metonic cycle. The essence of this pattern is the repetition of the phases of the moon every 19 years on the same days of the solar year. And since lunar and solar eclipses can occur, respectively, only on the new moon and full moon, the dates of eclipses can also be repeated in the same way. This is explained by the fact that 19 tropical years (6939.60 days) are almost exactly equal to 235 synodic months (6939.69 days). It is believed that the 19-year recurrence of celestial phenomena, which makes it possible to harmonize the lunar and solar calendars, was discovered in 433 BC. e. Greek astronomer Meton. However, it should be noted that the Metonic cycle corresponds only very approximately to the present cycle of eclipses, and therefore the coincidence of eclipse dates after 19 years stops after two repetitions. The true cycle of eclipses, called saros, is 18 years 11.3 days and is determined by the fact that after 223 synodic months (6585.32 days) the Sun, Moon and nodes of the lunar orbit (points of intersection of the visible path of the Moon with the ecliptic) return exactly to the same positions relative to each other. According to legend, Babylonian astronomers discovered the saros and were able to predict eclipses as early as the beginning of the 7th century BC. BC e. , but "a careful reading of the clay tables shows that before 500 BC they had not yet succeeded. By this time, lunar eclipses had learned to predict based on the fact that the Moon can only be eclipsed when it is full and to that is on the ecliptic. It is believed that the first reliably recorded use of knowledge about saros is the prediction of an eclipse of the Sun in 585 BC. e. Thales of Miletus, made after he observed a total solar eclipse in 603 BC. e. There are also suggestions that the periods of eclipses were quite well known already in the 3rd millennium BC. e. both in ancient China and in Europe. But these assumptions are based on isolated facts: in the first case, on the mention of an unsuccessful attempt to predict an eclipse in one of the ancient Chinese manuscripts, and in the second, on the interpretation of 56 Aubrey holes in Stonehenge as a computing tool for a three-fold count of the cycle of 18.61 years. Therefore, it is natural to recognize the skepticism observed so far towards such assumptions both among archaeologists and among many other scientists. Against this background, the identification of V.E. Larichev's quantitative expression of saros on the Malta plate seems almost fantastic. The author himself is well aware of this: “In order to assess the significance of such a fact for the history of natural sciences and determine the true status of the Paleolithic man of Malta, it is enough to note that the establishment of the duration of saros by ancient Babylonian astronomers and priests in the 6th century BC is considered one of the greatest discoveries of antiquity. But the more grandiose are the achievements of the Paleolithic astronomer of Siberia, who, 20 thousand years before the priests of Mesopotamia, the Nile and the Yellow River, also established the duration of other calendar-astronomical cycles that determine the patterns of a possible eclipse. So, the most striking conclusion of V.E. Larichev is the statement about the use of a plate for counting periods of 486 (that is how many holes in total there are all elements of the plate) tropical years. This huge time interval corresponds to an integer number of large saros (9), as well as an integer number of synodic (6011) and draconian (6523) months. "To appreciate, the knowledge of the Paleolithic man of Malta of this magnificent cycle, close to half of the tropical millennium, in which the incomparable (due to their fractionation) calendar-astronomical values ​​of the tropical year (365.242 days), synodic (29.5306 days) and draconian (27.2122 days) months, suffice it to recall: the famous 600-year cycle of the mythical biblical patriarchs, known in the history of astronomy as the Great Year of the "antediluvian era", the outstanding astronomer Jean Dominique Cassini called in the 18th century the most beautiful of all cyclic calendar periods, The director of the Paris Astronomical Observatory saw the special convenience of using the 600-year period in the fact that the number of days in it (210 146) is an integer not only of solar years, but also of synodic months (7421) ... The great year of the patriarchs fixed the moment of return Sun and Moon to the same points in space where the luminaries were 600 years ago, accurate to a few minutes. The results of deciphering the sign system of the Malta plate show that the Great Year of the Paleolithic man of Siberia, lasting 486 years, is even more beautiful than the Great Year of the Patriarchs. The Malta priest knew the duration of all the main calendar periods with greater accuracy than the mythical patriarchs of the Middle East and biblical times ... The accuracy of the "combination of the incompatible" by the Paleolithic astronomers of Malta exceeds the accuracy of the same by the mythical patriarchs almost twice! This means that the main astronomical periods were determined by the priests of the Malta culture with essentially ideal accuracy, and a nine-fold passage through the years of the great saros allowed them to confidently detect the return of the Sun and Moon to the same point in space where the day and night luminaries were, almost half a millennium ago " .

Antikythera mechanism

- a mechanical device discovered in 1902 on an ancient shipwreck near the Greek island of Antikythera. Dated to around 100 BC. e. (perhaps before 150 BC). The mechanism contained a large number of bronze
gears in a wooden case, on which dials with arrows were placed and, according to reconstruction, was used to calculate the movement of celestial bodies. Other devices of similar complexity are unknown in Hellenistic culture. It uses a differential gear, which was previously thought not to have been invented before the 16th century, and the level of miniaturization and complexity is comparable to mechanical watches of the 18th century.

Discovery history

In 1901, a sunken ancient Roman ship was discovered in the Aegean Sea between the Greek island of Crete and the Peloponnese peninsula near the island of Antikythera at a depth of 43-60 meters. Sponge divers brought to the surface a bronze statue of a young man and many other artifacts. In 1902, archaeologist Valerios Stais discovered several bronze gears fixed in pieces of limestone among the objects raised. Artifact remained unexplored until 1951, when the English historian of science Derek J. de Solla Price became interested in it and for the first time determined that the mechanism was a unique ancient mechanical computing device. Coins found at the find site artifact already in the 70s of the XX century, the famous French explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, gave the first approximate date of manufacture of the find - 85 BC. e.


Price conducted an X-ray study of the mechanism and built its scheme. In 1959, he published a detailed description of the device in Scientific American. The complete scheme of the device was built only in 1971 and contained 32 gears. A gear system with a gear ratio of 254:19 was used to simulate the motion of the Sun and Moon relative to the fixed stars. The ratio is chosen on the basis of the Metonic cycle: 254 sidereal months (the period of revolution of the Moon relative to the fixed stars) with great accuracy equals 19 tropical years or 254-19=235 synodic months (the period of the phases of the Moon). The position of the Sun and Moon was displayed on the dial from one side of the movement. With the help of differential transmission, the difference between the positions of the Sun and the Moon, which corresponds to the phases of the Moon, was calculated. She was displayed on a different dial. British watchmaker John Gleave built a working replica of the mechanism according to this scheme. In 2002, Michael Wright, a mechanical specialist at the London Science Museum, proposed his reconstruction. He argues that the mechanism could simulate the movement of not only the Sun and Moon, but also the five planets known in antiquity - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Which was proven On June 6, 2006, it was announced that thanks to the new X-ray technique, about 95% of the inscriptions contained in the mechanism (about 2000 Greek characters) could be read. With the new inscriptions, evidence was obtained that the mechanism could calculate the motion configurations of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn (which were previously noted in the Michael Wright hypothesis). In 2008, a global report on the results of the international project "Antikythera Mechanism Research Project" was announced in Athens. Based on 82 fragments of the mechanism (using X-Tek Systems X-ray equipment and special programs from HP Labs), it was confirmed that the device can perform addition, subtraction and division operations. It was possible to show that the mechanism was able to take into account the ellipticity of the Moon's orbit using a sinusoidal correction (the first anomaly of Hipparchus' lunar theory) - for this, a gear with a displaced center of rotation was used. The number of bronze gears in the reconstructed model has been increased to 37 (actually 30 survived). The mechanism had a double-sided execution - the second side was used to predict solar and lunar eclipses. The approximate date for the manufacture of the mechanism has been moved away from the previously determined one and is 100-150 years BC. e.

Clay statuette

In 1889, in Nampa, Idaho, an elaborately made small clay figurine depicting a man was found (Fig. 6.4). retrieved while drilling a well from a depth of 300 feet (90 meters). Here is what G. F. Wright wrote in 1912: “According to the progress report, before reaching the seam in which the figurine was found, the drillers passed about fifteen feet of soil, then a layer of basalt of about the same thickness, and after it - several alternating layers of clay and quicksand ... When the depth of the well reached about three hundred feet, the sand pump began to produce many clay balls covered with a dense layer of iron oxide; some of them did not exceed two inches (5 cm) in diameter. In the lower part of this layer, signs of an underground layer of soil with a small amount of humus appeared. It was from this depth of three hundred and twenty feet (97.5 meters) that the figurine was recovered. A few feet below the sandy rock has already gone. Here is how Wright describes: “It was made of the same substance as the clay balls mentioned, about an inch and a half (3.8 cm) high, and depicted with amazing perfection the figure of a person ... The figure was clearly female, and its forms where the work was completed, would honor the most famous masters of classical art. “I showed the find to Professor F.W. Putnarn,” Wright continues, “and he immediately drew attention to the iron deposits on the surface of the figurine, indicating its rather ancient origin. Red spots of anhydrous iron oxide were located in hard-to-reach places in such a way that it was difficult to suspect a forgery Returning to the site in 1890, I made a comparative study of the iron oxide stains on the figurine and similar stains on clay balls, which were still found in the rock heaps extracted from the borehole, and came to the conclusion that they were almost identical. evidence, along with more than convincing evidence from the original discoverer of the figurine, confirmed by Mr. G. M. Cumming of Boston, put an end to all doubts about the authenticity of the relic.To this, it should be added that the found was generally consistent with other material evidence of the existence of ancient man, found under adjournment lava flows in different parts of the Pacific coast". A letter received in response to our letter to the United States Geological Survey stated that clay beds at depths greater than 300 feet "appear to belong to the Glenn's Ferry Formation of the Upper Idaho Group, which is generally Plio-Pleistocene in age." The basalt that covers the Glenn's Ferry Formation from above is considered to be Middle Pleistocene. Apart from Homo sapiens sapiens, no other humanoid creature is known to have ever made the likes of Nampa. Consequently, people of the modern type inhabited America at the turn of the Pliocene and Pleistocene, i.e. about 2 million years ago. The Nampa figurine is a very strong argument against evolutionary views, which was noted as early as 1919 by W. Holmes of the Smithsonian Institution in the Handbook of Aboriginal American Antiquities. He wrote: “According to Emmons, the formation in question belongs to the Upper Tertiary or Lower Quaternary period. The discovery of a masterfully executed figurine depicting a person in such ancient deposits is so incredible that doubts about its authenticity inevitably arise. It is interesting to note that the age of this - assuming it is authentic - corresponds to that of a proto-human whose bones Dubois recovered in 1892 from the Upper Tertiary or Lower Quaternary formations of the island of Java."

Creator card

The find, made by scientists of Bashkiria, contradicts traditional ideas about the history of mankind. A relief map of the Ural region is applied to a stone slab, which is approximately 120 million years old. It may seem incredible. Scientists of the Bashkir State University have found irrefutable evidence of the existence of an ancient highly developed civilization. We are talking about a huge stone slab found in 1999 with an image of the area made by an unknown method. This is a real relief map. The military has something like this. Hydraulic structures are marked on the stone map: a system of canals with a length of 12 thousand kilometers, dams, powerful dams. Not far from the canals, diamond-shaped platforms are marked, the purpose of which is not clear. There are inscriptions on the map. Lots of inscriptions. At first they thought it was an ancient Chinese language. It turned out not. The inscriptions, made in a hieroglyphic-syllabic language of unknown origin, are not yet readable... "The more I learn, the better I understand that I know nothing," admits Alexander Chuvyrov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor at the Bashkir State University. It was Chuvyrov who made the sensational discovery. Back in 1995, a professor and his graduate student from China, Huang Hong, decided to study the possible migration of the peoples of Ancient China to the modern territory of Siberia and the Urals. In one of the expeditions in Bashkiria, several rock inscriptions made in ancient Chinese were discovered, which confirmed the guess about Chinese settlers. The inscriptions were readable. They mainly contained information about trade transactions, registration of marriages and deaths. However, in the process of scientific research in the archives of the Governor-General of Ufa, notes dated to the end of the 18th century were found. They spoke about two hundred unusual white stone slabs, allegedly located near the village of Chandar, Nurimanov district. The idea arose that these plates could also be related to Chinese settlers. Alexander Chuvyrov also found in the archives a mention that in the 17th-18th centuries the expeditions of Russian scientists who explored the Urals recorded that they examined 200 white plates with signs and patterns, and at the beginning of the 20th century, archaeologist A.V. Schmidt also saw six white slabs on the territory of Bashkiria. This prompted the scientist to start searching. In 1998, having formed a team of his acquaintances and students, Chuvyrov set to work. Having hired a helicopter, the first expedition flew around the places where the plates could supposedly be. But, despite all efforts, it was not possible to find ancient plates then. Desperate, Chuvyrov even thought that the existence of stone slabs was nothing more than a beautiful legend. Luck came unexpectedly. During one of the visits to the village Chandar Chuvyrov was approached by the former chairman of the local village council, Vladimir Krainov, in whose father's house, by the way, archaeologist Schmidt stayed: "Are you looking for some kind of slabs? I have a strange slab in my yard." “At first I didn’t take this information seriously,” says Chuvyrov, “however, I decided to go take a look. I remember exactly that day - July 21, 1999. There was a slab under the porch of the house, and some notches were applied to it. Get this The stove was clearly beyond the power of the two of us, and I rushed to Ufa for help. A week later, work began to boil in Chandara. Having dug up the slab, the searchers were amazed at its size: height - 148 centimeters, width - 106, thickness - 16. Its weight was in no way less than a ton. The owner of the house in a few hours made special rollers from wood, with the help of which the slab was rolled out of the pit. The find was named "Dashkin Stone" in honor of Alexander Chuvyrov's granddaughter, who was born the day before, and was transported to the university for research. They cleared the earth and... they didn't believe their eyes. "At first glance, - says Chuvyrov, - I realized that this is not just a piece of stone, but a real map, and besides, not simple, but voluminous. Yes, you can see for yourself."
"How did you manage to identify the area? At first, we did not even think that the map could be so ancient. Fortunately, for many millions of years, changes in the relief of modern Bashkiria are not of a global nature. The easily recognizable Ufa Upland, and the Ufa Canyon is the most important point of our evidence, as we have carried out geological surveys and found its footprint where it should be, according to the ancient map.The displacement of the canyon was due to tectonic plates moving in from the east.A group of Russian and Chinese specialists working in the field of cartography, physics, mathematics, geology, geography, chemistry and the ancient Chinese language, it was possible to accurately establish that a three-dimensional map of the Ural region with the Belaya, Ufimka, Sutolka rivers was applied to the plate, - Alexander Chuvyrov shows the lines on the stone to Itogi correspondents. - On the map, look, clearly the Ufa canyon is visible - a break in the earth's crust, stretching from Ufa to Sterlitamak. The first moment the Urshak River flows through the former canyon. Here it is." The image on the surface of the plate is a map on a scale of 1: 1.1 km.

Alexander Chuvyrov, as a physicist, is used to trusting only facts and research results. These are the facts today. It was possible to establish the geological composition of the plate. As it turned out, it consists of three layers. The basis - 14 centimeters - represents the strongest dolomite. The second layer - perhaps the most interesting - one would like to say "made" of diopside glass. The technology of its processing is unknown to science. Actually, the image is applied to this layer. The third layer of 2 mm is calcium porcelain, which protects the card from external influences. "I would like to emphasize, - says Professor Chuvyrov, - that the relief on the slab was by no means cut by hand by some ancient stonemason. It is simply impossible. It is obvious that the stone was mechanically processed." An analysis of the radiographs confirmed that the slab is of artificial origin and was created using some precise mechanisms. At first, scientists assumed that the ancient plate could be of Chinese origin. Misleading vertical inscriptions on the map. As you know, vertical writing was used in ancient Chinese until the 3rd century. Professor Chuvyrov, in order to test this assumption, flew to China, where, not without difficulty, he obtained permission to visit the imperial library. In the 40 minutes allotted to him by the curators to view rare books, he became convinced that the samples of vertical writing on a stone slab do not resemble any of the variants of ancient Chinese writing. The meeting with colleagues from Hunan University finally buried the version of the "Chinese trace". Scientists concluded that the porcelain that is part of the plate was never used in China. Also, attempts to decipher the inscriptions did not give anything, but it was possible to establish the nature of the letter - hieroglyphic-syllabic. True, Chuvyrov claims the following: "It seems to me that I was able to decipher one icon on the map. It indicates the latitude of modern Ufa." As the slab of riddles was studied, it only increased. The map clearly shows the region's gigantic irrigation system, a marvel of engineering. In addition to rivers, two systems of canals 500 meters wide, 12 dams 300-500 meters wide, up to 10 kilometers long and 3 kilometers deep each are depicted. Dams made it possible to turn water in one direction or another, and more than a quadrillion cubic meters of earth were moved to create them. Compared to them, the Volga-Don Canal on the modern terrain may seem like a scratch. As a physicist, Alexander Chuvyrov believes that in modern conditions humanity is able to build only a small part of what is shown on the map. According to the map, the bed of the Belaya River was originally artificial. It was very difficult to determine at least the approximate age of the plate. Carried out alternately radiocarbon analysis and scanning of the layers with a uranium chronometer led to conflicting results and did not bring clarity to the question of the age of the plate. When examining the stone, two shells were found on its surface. One of them, Navicopsina munitus of the Gyrodeidae family, is about 50 million years old, and the second, Ecculiomphalus princeps of the Ecculiomphalinae subfamily, is 120 million years old. It is this age that has been adopted so far as a working version. "Perhaps, the map was created just at the time when the Earth's magnetic pole was in the modern region of Franz Josef Land, and it was just about 120 million years ago," Professor Chuvyrov believes. "What appeared before us is beyond the traditional perception of mankind and takes a long time to get used to.We, too, got used to our miracle.At first, we thought that the stone was somewhere around 3000 years old.Gradually, this age moved away until we identified the shells interspersed in the slab to indicate some objects "And who can guarantee that the shell was embedded in the layer of the slab while still alive? Maybe the map maker used a fossil find? And if so, then the age of the slab may be older." What could be the purpose of the giant map? And here begins, perhaps, the most interesting. Materials about the Bashkir find have already been studied at the Center for Historical Cartography in the US state of Wisconsin. The Americans were amazed. In their opinion, such a three-dimensional map has only one purpose - navigation - and can be compiled exclusively by the method of aerospace photography. Moreover, right now in the United States, work is underway on a project to create such a three-dimensional map of the world. And it is planned to complete these works only by 2010! The fact is that when compiling three-dimensional maps, it is necessary to process a huge array of numbers. “Try to map at least one mountain,” says Chuvyrov, “you will go crazy! The technology for compiling such a map requires super powerful computers and aerospace surveys from shuttles. Who then created the map? Chuvyrov himself, speaking of unknown cartographers, is cautious : "I don't like it when they start talking about some kind of aliens, aliens. Let's just call the person who made the map the creator." Most likely, those who lived and built then flew - there are no roads on the map. Or use the waterways. There is also an assumption that the authors of the ancient map did not live here, but prepared a place for future settlement by draining the land. This can be said with a high degree of certainty, but, of course, nothing can be said unambiguously. Why not assume that the authors of the map could be people of some pre-existing civilization? The latest research on the "Creator's Card" brings sensation after sensation. Scientists have no doubt that the plate found in Chandar is only a small fragment of a large map of the Earth. There is an opinion that there were 348 fragments in total. It is possible that other fragments of the map may be nearby. In the vicinity of Chandar, scientists took more than 400 samples of the earth and found out that most likely the map was entirely located in the gorge of the Falcon Mountain. However, during the ice age, it was torn apart. If the "mosaic" can be re-assembled, then, according to scientists, the size of the stone map should be approximately 340 by 340 meters. Once again immersed in the study of archival materials, Chuvyrov was already able to roughly determine the location of the four fragments. One can hide under a rural house in Chandar, another - in the same village under the house of the former merchant Khasanov, the third - under one of the village baths, the fourth - under the support of the bridge of the local narrow-gauge railway. In the meantime, Bashkir scientists do not waste time and try, as they say, to stake out a plot. They send information about the find to the largest scientific centers of the planet, made a presentation at several international congresses on the topic: "Map of hydraulic structures of unknown civilizations of the Southern Urals." What the Bashkir scientists found has no analogues on earth. True, with one exception. When the research was in full swing, a small pebble fell on the table to Professor Chuvyrov - chalcedony, on which the same relief was applied as on the slab found. Perhaps someone who saw the plate decided to copy the relief. However, who did it and why is also a big mystery. Story artifact "Dashkin's stone" continues...

Mysterious tungsten springs

The first data on these objects appeared in 1991, when, according to mineralogist Regina Akimova, a geological exploration expedition discovered small spiral-shaped details in sand samples examined for the presence of gold in the area of ​​​​the Naroda River. Subsequently, similar objects (as a rule, spiral ones) were repeatedly found in the Subpolar Urals in the area of ​​the Naroda, Kozhim and Balbanyu rivers, as well as in Tajikistan and Chukotka. Smaller objects are mainly composed of tungsten and molybdenum, larger ones are made of copper. The dating of these objects is very difficult due to the fact that most of the finds were made in alluvial deposits. The exception was the discovery of two spiral samples in 1995 in the wall of a quarry in the area of ​​the lower reaches of the Balbanyu River. An examination conducted by TsNIGRI employee E.V. Matveeva determined the age of the rocks in which the samples were found to be approximately 100,000 years (the horizon of occurrence is 6.5 m). Other examinations gave more vague results - from 20,000 to 318,000 years. Source A resident of the Tula region, Mikhail Efimovich KOSHMAN, although a pensioner, every summer goes with an artel to the gold mines on Chukotka. Quite legally, entering into an agreement with a company that has a license to mine gold in those places. Mikhail Efimovich likes this kind of work. Firstly, earnings are a good addition to pensions. Secondly, a former geologist who has worked in those parts for 21 years can no longer live without the North, where he is drawn like a magnet. But he did not come to our office to talk about the beauties of Chukotka. Mikhail Efimovich brought mysterious artifacts, which I discovered during the next trip. I repeat, a professional geologist, he could not explain their origin.

There are no fish here

We worked 150 kilometers from Bilibin (the capital of the gold-bearing region of Zolotaya Kolyma. - Ed.) at the Kochkarny site, - says Mikhail Efimovich. - This time we got a strange stream. I have been there before and always paid attention to the fact that there are no fish in it at all - the situation for Chukotka is absurd. And maybe for this, or maybe for another reason, reindeer herders never roam on it. But the situation for gold mining here is pretty standard. There are quartz veins in the hills, once heavily saturated with gold. For thousands of years, numerous streams washed out the precious metal from them. And the golden particles settled along the bottom along with silt and other debris that fell into the stream, for example, during a flood. Over time, the veins became poorer, and every year less precious sand got into the sedimentary material. As a result, in the stream, to get to the goldfish, you have to remove several layers of bottom sediments. And by how thick this layer will be, a specialist can easily determine how long it has been accumulating. In other words, how many years ago gold stopped coming here. The technology is simple: prospectors choose a suitable section of the stream and use a bulldozer to remove layer by layer, reaching the gold-bearing one. Then the bottom is washed away with a hydrogun, and then the process of washing the sand and separating precious metals from it is not much different from what is shown in films about the first gold diggers.

Ten thousand years underground

This time, a layer about 5.5 meters thick was removed. And this, according to Koshman, corresponds to the fact that it accumulated here from 10 to 40 thousand years, depending on changing natural conditions. Other geologists consulted by Komsomolskaya Pravda confirmed this. - The stream turned out to be rich, - Mikhail Efimovich continues, - our artel even exceeded the norm. But twice in a tray of golden sand I found strange springs. Imagine, they lay in a layer of sand that was brought here at least ten thousand years ago! And they were buried under more than a five-meter layer of silt and clay. There were five springs in total. Perfectly even, dull steel color. Each is a little over 1mm in diameter. Length - from 3 to 7 millimeters. Moreover, in appearance they were elements of some technical design.

But people have never lived here.

According to the terminology of ufologists, such things are the so-called "paleoartifacts". That is, objects of technogenic origin, discovered during excavations or in other situations in ancient layers of soil, where they could get much earlier than human civilization appeared. On this basis, many ufologists argue: either people are not the first intelligent inhabitants of the Earth, or aliens visited our planet. Among the finds there are many unusual things: here are all kinds of bolts, nuts, petrified cylinders, chains. There were also springs. But those of the few artifacts that reached the hands of scientists turned out to be the work of human hands. And almost always it was possible to understand how they ended up in the places of detection. We also decided to figure it out: what kind of springs did the prospector Koshman manage to wash. Rather, Mikhail Efimovich first tried to figure it out himself:- At first I thought it was part of a filament - for example, from a searchlight lamp. But in our artel, all the searchlights were intact. I carefully questioned everyone - it turned out that no one broke the lamps. Yes, and all people are experienced - they would not throw garbage into a stream where gold is washed. The second was the version that the springs got here from the upper reaches of the stream and in some unknown way fell five meters down. But later, in the management of the artel in Bilibino, I found out that no one had worked on our stream before. There are no residential areas near it. There were no Gulag camps in its vicinity and never. However, I checked these versions to clear my conscience, so that there were no doubts. I firmly believe that the springs fell into the stream a long time ago and have been lying there all this time. Mikhail Efimovich handed over several found springs to Komsomolskaya Pravda, and we asked specialists to examine them. "Obvious man-made": tungsten plus mercury I was the first to show the springs to the director of the Mineralogical Museum. Fersman, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Margarita NOVGORODOVA. The answer was categorical: "This is a clear technogen." And at her request, a senior researcher at the same museum, Vladimir KARPENKO, examined them using a CamScan-4 scanning electron microscope. Conclusion: more than 90 percent of the spring consists of tungsten. The rest is mercury. Tungsten and mercury. Everything seems to be clear. After all, mankind has long been using mercury-tungsten lamps. For example, these are used in spotlights. Similar lamps are still hanging on street lighting poles in many cities - they give more light than conventional ones of the same power. But the incandescent spirals in them are no different from those found in conventional lamps - they are made entirely of tungsten (mercury is added to the discharge flask to argon). But there are no tungsten-mercury spirals. Another mystery... Grooves with melted edges are visible on the spring. It doesn't look like a normal coil... Another analysis for us was made by the specialists of the State Scientific Center “Obninsk Research and Production Enterprise “Tekhnologiya”, where they are developing new materials for space, aviation and energy. Oleg KOMISSAR, Deputy General Director of the enterprise, Candidate of Technical Sciences, says: The incandescent spiral for an ordinary lamp differs from the spring discovered by Mikhail Koshman (above).- I am also sure that the unknown spring is made by a man. Moreover, according to the proportion of tungsten in the composition, it is clear that the purpose of the unknown spring is identical to the incandescent spiral of a light bulb. But the presence of mercury confuses We conducted a comparative analysis of the spiral of an ordinary light bulb and the Chukchi one. Morphologically, their surfaces are significantly different. In a conventional lamp, it is smooth. The wire diameter is about 35 micrometers. The wire in the spring of unknown origin has on the surface longitudinal "regular" grooves with melted edges, and its diameter is 100 micrometers. But it is not clear how these springs could get to a depth of 5.5 meters. I wonder if there were any other man-made finds there, for example, fragments of glass? Geologist Mikhail Koshman confidently answers this question:- Not. In addition to our team, two more were working on this site. After I discovered the springs, I warned both our workers and neighbors to report anything unusual to me. Alas, the venture was not successful. I would agree with the version that my springs are parts of some unusual lamp. But when in Bilibin (the center of gold mining in Chukotka. - Ed.) I talked about the find, many recalled that they had heard about something similar found in other places. Moreover, they are also remote from civilization, where there could not be any miracle lamps due to the banal lack of electricity. I will keep searching. I hope that next summer I will find something new in Chukotka. Andrey Moiseenko,

Aluminum artifact in Ayud, Romania

In 1974, just a mile from the Romanian city of Ayud, a team of workers was excavating on the banks of the Mures River. While excavating, they came across some fossils and a mysterious metal artifact. In addition to the fossilized mammoth bones, under a 10-meter layer of sand, the workers found a wedge-shaped aluminum object, which obviously had a man-made origin, since it did not look like an animal bone or a geological fossil. The strange find was transferred to the Museum of History in Transylvania, however, despite its unusualness, its comprehensive study took place only 20 years later. This happened in 1995, when the editors of a Romanian UFO magazine discovered the object in the museum's storage. The metal wedge weighs 2.8 kg and measures approximately 21x12.7x7 cm. Chemical analysis artifact in order to determine its composition was carried out in two laboratories - at the archaeological institute of Cluy-Napoca and in Lausanne, Switzerland. In both cases, the same conclusion was made: the object is mainly composed of aluminum (89%). The remaining 11% in various proportions are represented by other metals. Scientists were astounded by these results, because aluminum does not occur in nature in its pure form, and to create an alloy of this purity requires technologies that became available only in the middle of the 19th century. A thin outer oxidized layer covering the aluminum object helped determine its age - 400 years. However, the geological layer in which it was enclosed is believed to be 20,000 years old and originated during the Pleistocene era. Its chemical composition and artificial form have given rise to several hypotheses about its origin. While some scientists believe that this is part of a man-made tool, others believe that it could have been part of an ancient spaceship. An aeronautical engineer who studied the subject saw a resemblance between the Ayudite artifact and a smaller version of a space probe, like a lunar module or a Viking probe leg. According to this theory, the object, being part of an extraterrestrial spacecraft, could land in the river after a forced landing. So what is the true origin of the Ayud bloc? Was it a tool made by an ancient civilization that learned how to produce aluminum of considerable purity hundreds or even thousands of years before the rest of mankind? Or, as some believe, it was a part of an ancient spaceship. And was this ship man-made or extraterrestrial in origin? One way or another, analysis of its oxidized outer part and the geological layer in which it was found does not give a clear explanation of how such advanced technology could exist in such extreme antiquity.

Buildings from Mussanite

About 15 years ago, in the southern Primorye (Partizansky district), fragments of a building were found, made of material that cannot yet be obtained using modern technologies. When laying a logging road, the tractor cut off the tip of a small hill. Under the Quaternary sediments, there was some kind of building or construction of a small (no more than 1 m in height) size, consisting of structural parts of various sizes and shapes. What the structure looked like is unknown. The bulldozer driver behind the dump could not see anything and pulled apart the fragments of the structure by 10 meters, crushing it also with tracks. The details were collected by the geophysicist Yurkovets Valery Pavlovich. Here is his comment: “At first we thought that this was an object of rather archaeological interest, but, as it turned out 10 years later, we were mistaken. After 10 years, I made a mineralogical analysis of the sample. 5 mm with a thickness of 2-3 mm.The grains partially retained the crystallographic faceting.From the available literature on moissanite, I learned that obtaining crystalline moissanite in such quantities as to "build" something more than a piece of jewelry is still impossible.At the same time, a huge its amount is now produced by the industry in the form of micropowder - mainly as the hardest abrasive after diamond. It is not only the hardest mineral. But also the most acid-, heat-, alkali-resistant. Buran lining was made of moissanite tiles. Unique properties of moissanite are used in aerospace, nuclear, electronic and other supermodern changing industries. I have a sample of this building in a few kg. It consists of at least 70% CRYSTAL MOISSANITE. Getting moissanite in this form - in the form of crystals - was learned quite recently and this is a very expensive production. Each moissanite crystal is worth approximately 1/10 of the same size diamond. At the same time, growing a crystal with a thickness of more than 0.1 mm is possible only on special installations using temperatures above 2500 degrees. There is also a fragment of the base. A kind of concrete: calcite + crushed diatomaceous earth. On the surface of the base there are remains of paint - presumably based on lapis lazuli, which is not found in those places. The "concrete" is heavily weathered, in contrast to the paint and moissanite elements, which are almost eternal components. Moissanite parts of the construction bear on their surface traces of molding in some standard volumes. The parts themselves have ideal geometric shapes: cylinders, truncated cones, plates. Cylinders are containers. Moissanite parts can be molded only at temperatures above 2500 degrees. What were the forms then made of?.. I have only one fragment of the foundation. Whether there was brickwork is impossible to say. The mortar itself is visually indistinguishable from heavily weathered limestone. If not for the "interspersed" brick and quartz powder in the composition - a typical limestone. There are even leaching surfaces, like in caves. There is no such thing in the literature on moissanite either - about four years ago I decided to look into this issue, but I got even more deadlocked and put it off for better times. The only moissanite similar in description was found in the diamond pipes "Mir" and "Zarnitsa" in the amount of only 40 grains no larger than 1 mm in size. I have grains 3x5, 4x4 mm. The weight of grains is up to 20 mg (0.1 carat). Those. I even weighed them on my hunting scales. Mineralogists of VSEGEI (All-Russian Research Geological Institute named after A.P. Karpinsky) have never come across this kind of moissanite. I talked 4 years ago with a specialist from the Research Institute of Artificial Materials, but he also could not suggest anything intelligible. One thing is clear that these details were not obtained in the way that is currently used. Or in other constants, i.e. not on earth." The base of the "brand" - 13 x 18 cm (this detail is covered with a moissanite film - as if "doused" with amorphous moissanite). Brand base - 13.13 x 18.25 cm = 7.185 inches Bore - 9.13 cm = 3.594 inches T-wall thickness - 5.32 cm = 2.094 inches Cone rim width - 1.25 cm Cone base diameter - 14.6 cm Cone rim diameter - 11.59 cm
Cylinder seat depth - 1.70 cm
Cylinder seat diameter - 9.25 cm Cone height - 3.26 cm Plate thickness - 2.42 cm The thickness of another plate is 3.27 cm At the base (foundation) there are fragments of a "brick", probably sawn from diatomite, its dimensions are: 13.7 x 11.4 x 6.5 cm. These dimensions are made with a greater error, because "brick" is already heavily weathered. The edges are at least partially preserved on all sides. In relation to our brick - neither half nor two-thirds. The diatomite of the brick is crumbling, but there are fresh edges - where the "mortar" is repulsed. One of the components of the solution is also diatomaceous earth. A piece of mortar scratches the glass. There are no saw marks on the fresh edges, but there are traces of the shape - only now I paid attention to this. So the brick was cast. There are no burn marks. From the conclusion issued on December 18, 2001 by the VSEGEI Central Laboratory: "The presented sample consists of large fragments of moissanite cemented with a fine-grained mass. Moissanite is a dark blue mineral with a composition of SiC and a hardness of 9.5. In the sample, it is represented by fragments of grains, partially retaining the crystallographic faceting. In some cases, crystals in the form of thick hexagonal plates are clearly visible. The grain size reaches 2 mm. On one side of the sample, the surface is slightly ground, as a result of which the upper fragments of moissanite are limited to planes close to horizontal. On both sides, the sample has a surface covered with vitreous fused brown crusts, similar to volcanic glass with a refractive index of 1.505, but with high hardness (does not scratch with a needle). The cementing mass is represented by a fine-grained material with refractive indices ranging from 1.530 to 1.560. Presumably, this is a mixture of clay minerals; it is also possible that gypsum is also included in the composition of this cement. There is no carbonate component. Among the cement, moissanite is also present in fine grains ranging in size from 0.00 to 0.1 mm. The mineral in thin sections (phenocrysts) is represented by moissanite. In thin section N1, the number of its grains reaches 60-70% of the total area. In numerous grains up to 1-0.5 mm, irregular parts of a bizarre, rarely prismatic shape, with fused margins, sometimes with bay-like margins. More often it is densely colored in dark blue, often to opaque; in grains with a less dense color, its heterogeneity with noticeable pleochroism is noticeable. With a metallic sheen in reflected light, iridescent. Very high refractive index, high birefringence, pearly interference colors are clearly visible, sharp shagreen surface, no cleavage, direct extinction with respect to elongation, uniaxial. The main enclosing mass is fine pelitic, brownish, opaque.

Stainless column in India

For many years, scientists have been puzzling over how such a column could have been created, why it has not rusted for so many centuries, and what explains its healing properties. The iron column that aroused such a long interest of scientists is located on the outskirts of Delhi, on the square in front of the Qutb Minar minaret. The inscription on the pillar, translated from Sanskrit, reads: "King Chandra, beautiful as the full moon, reached the highest power in this world and erected a column in honor of the god Vishnu in the 5th century." The mass of the column is approximately 6.8 tons, the diameter varies from 41.6 cm at the bottom to 30 cm at the top. It is amazing that the monolith is 99.72% iron, having only 0.28% impurities of phosphorus and copper, while the column has not rusted for one and a half thousand years. But India is a country of monsoon rains that pour from June to September. But the blue-black surface remained clean, although the color of the column differs up to the height of a person - the column is embraced and rubbed against by the pilgrims and tourists who have come. Legends say that these actions will bring happiness and healing to the afflicted. Iron of such purity is not so easy to obtain in our time, and how the Indians at that distant time managed to cast a column of such a size is also incomprehensible. There is a story about such a column in the work of the Central Asian scientist Biruni from 1048 AD. The author tells a story from an older chronicle. During the conquest of Kandahar by the Arabs, an iron pillar 70 cubits high, buried 30 cubits into the ground, was discovered. Local residents reported that one Tuba from Yemen, together with the Persians, captured their country. The Yemenis cast this pillar from their swords and said that they would remain on this land, after which they took possession of Sindh. The scientist himself did not believe that the warriors could do this with their weapons on the eve of the fight, therefore, he questions the existence of the pillar.

Theories of the appearance of the column

Scientists are still puzzling over how such a unique structure was built. The most improbable hypotheses were put forward. Some researchers even claimed that the column was the work of aliens. An eminent Indian scholar who is Chairman of India's National History Committee claims that the inscription on the pillar indicates the date the pillar was erected in Delhi, not the date it was actually made. That is, the column could have been made many centuries earlier. In X BC India was famous for its metallurgists and the secret of making excellent steel. Swords made by Indian craftsmen were also highly valued in the Mediterranean countries. However, this hypothesis does not answer the question of how metallurgists could cast a column of stainless iron weighing almost seven tons. One of the hypotheses is associated with the almost instantaneous destruction of the city of Mohenjo-Daro, belonging to the Harappan civilization, which flourished for about ten centuries, from the middle of the third millennium to the beginning of our era. Three and a half thousand years ago, the city died, and a natural disaster, an epidemic or an attack by enemies could not be the reason for this. The remains of people do not bear traces of violent death. There are no traces of water intrusion either. And the population of an entire city cannot die instantly from an epidemic. But the researchers found strange traces of destruction. Buildings in the epicenter are completely destroyed, to the periphery the consequences of destruction are reduced. Such traces are very similar to the consequences of a nuclear explosion. If we assume that even before the beginning of our era, people capable of creating an atomic bomb lived in the city, that for them the manufacture of some kind of iron column, albeit stainless and very large. Another hypothesis for the appearance of the column is associated with an iron meteorite that fell to Earth. Scientists say that a significant iron anomaly of meteorite origin is located at the bottom of the sea a few tens of kilometers from Bombay. It is believed that fifteen thousand years ago, a huge meteorite fell into this territory, which used to be a piece of land. People in those days considered meteorites sacred and decided to make columns out of it in honor of their gods. A total of three were made. Only two of them fell down a long time ago and were covered with earth from above, but the third, which so many scientists think about, was re-installed several times after the fall. The process of creating the column is described as follows: at a constant temperature of +25 ° C, humidity and pressure, in a hollow structure at the source of the Krishna River, south of the city of Pune (the voids have survived to this day), in special inclined forms that descended from the mound (truncated pyramid ) was growing the structure of the crystal lattice of iron. Some crystals, stones and other small-sized materials are now grown by this method. Special energy field devices at the ends of the columns contributed to the formation of the growth of the crystal column.

energy fields

The ability of the column, which has become a legend, to heal the sick is associated with the same energy fields. Some modern devices treat by exerting an energy effect on certain parts of the body. The column, on the other hand, affects the entire organism as a whole, when a person is in the field of its powerful energy radiation. An iron column in India is compared to an antenna for communication with space. Depending on what position a person takes, it will provide space communication or have a healing effect. Unfortunately, the impact lost its power as the column fell several times and could not be returned to the exact position. And the people who did this lost the necessary knowledge with each passing generation. So the stories about the miraculous power of the column, which attract the attention of tourists from all over the world to it, have some real basis. The properties of the column are associated with a powerful energy field that comes from below. The foundation of the column consists of two pyramids, as if standing one on top of the other, the first with the top up, the second with the top down. Above these pyramids there is an energy field cloud, similar to a candle flame, about 8 meters high and over 2 meters in diameter. Such a cloud can be observed, for example, at the top of a quartz crystal; it accumulates energy from the surrounding space, which then breaks out of its top, directed upwards, in the form of an energy field cloud. The unique properties of the metal from which the column is made are also associated with its location inside a powerful energy field. Scientists from London took samples of the metal to examine in their laboratory, and on the way the iron became covered with rust. The column has been standing almost unscathed for more than one and a half thousand years. There are cases when the central crosses on Orthodox churches did not succumb to rust. Five-domed temples with their peaks form a kind of pyramid, it is the location in the resulting energy field of the central cross that protects it. Also, simple metal corners, stuck by surveyors as a mark, do not rust if they are located in places with a strong energy field - on the tops of mountains, mounds or above energy-active zones on the plains. Inside the Delhi Iron Pillar, about three meters from its base, is another source of the energy field. It is a 4 cm square pressed from thin sheets of radioactive metals such as astatine and polonium. The inscriptions on the sheets, apparently, are sacred texts and messages to posterity. These sheets got inside the column through a specially made hole, which was then drowned out. It is possible that the data obtained will arouse even greater interest of scientists in the column. The latest instruments will be able to shed some more light on the mysteries of the famous column. Maybe then it will be possible to unravel all its secrets.


For more than a decade, archaeologists and geologists from all over the world have been trying to establish the origin of stone balls scattered around the world, from Franz Josef Land to New Zealand.

The largest number of spheres is in Costa Rica. There are about 300 of them there. The age of most of them is estimated at about 12 thousand years.

Scientists have found that most are made of solid lava rock, but there are also specimens made of sedimentary rock. subjected to heat treatment - heated and cooled many times, as a result of which the top layer became more pliable. Orbs have also been found in other countries of Central America, the USA, New Zealand, Romania, Kazakhstan, Brazil and Russia.

Many balloons were stolen, destroyed or blown up. Treasure hunters believed that gold could be hidden inside. Scientists also suggest that in Central America, balls could be placed in front of the house of noble people, thereby showing their status.

However, it is difficult to explain the purpose of the balls in Novaya Zemlya or Franz Josef Land.

The oldest book in Europe bound in red leather, and in excellent condition, is the Gospel of St. Cuthbert (also known as the Stonyhurst Gospel), which was written in Latin in the seventh century. Its fully digitized version is now available on the Internet. The book is a copy of the Gospel of John and was placed in the tomb of Saint Cuthbert over 1300 years ago. When the Vikings began to raid the northeast coast of England, the monastic community left the island of Lindisfarne, taking with them a coffin and a book, and settled in the city of Durham. The coffin was opened in 1104, and the Gospel passed from hand to hand for a long time until it got to the Jesuits.

2. The oldest official coin

Before states began issuing coins, early coin-like signs were minted by wealthy merchants and influential members of society. Most experts agree that the world's first coin is a third of a stater minted by the Lydian king Aliattes between 660 and 600 BC. On one side of the coin, the head of a roaring lion is depicted, and on the other side, a depressed double square. The coin was made from electrum, an alloy of silver and gold.

3. The oldest wooden structure

The oldest wooden buildings are located near the Buddhist temple Horyu-ji in the Japanese city of Ikaruga. Four buildings have survived intact to this day, although their construction began in 587 AD. (Asuka period) by order of Emperor Yomei, and his heirs completed the temple in 607. The original complex burned down in 670, but was reconstructed by 710. The building complex consists of a central five-story pagoda, a golden hall, an inner gate, and a wooden corridor that surrounds the central area.

4. The oldest image of a person

The Venus of Hole Fels is the world's oldest human figurine. Venus is 40,000 years old, about 6 cm tall, and carved from a mammoth tusk. The figurine has no head, but special emphasis is placed on the breasts, buttocks and vulva. Most likely, it served as an amulet or a symbol of fertility, which was worn as a pendant. Venus was excavated in 2008 in the caves of Hole Fels near the city of Ulm in southwestern Germany. By the way, these caves are a real storehouse of numerous finds related to the life of prehistoric people.

5. The most ancient musical instruments

In 2012, scientists discovered the oldest musical instruments in the world, 42-43 thousand years old. These ancient flute prototypes, carved from mammoth bone and bird bone, were found in the Geissenklosterle cave in the upper Danube, southern Germany. Based on the finds from this cave, it was concluded that people came to these lands 39-40 thousand years ago. Flutes could be used for leisure or religious rituals.

6. The most ancient cave paintings

Until 2014, the most ancient rock paintings were images of animals from the Late Paleolithic era (30-32 thousand years) found in the Chauvet cave in France. However, in September 2014, scientists discovered cave drawings on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, eastern Borneo, whose age is at least 40 thousand years. They depict local animals and handprints. One of the images, called Babirussa (a local species of pig), has been officially dated to at least 35,400 years old, making it the oldest example of fine art.

7. The oldest working mechanical clock

The world's oldest working mechanical clock is in Salisbury Cathedral in southern England. They were created in 1836 by order of Bishop Ergum and consist of a wheel and a gear system, which are attached to the bell of the cathedral with ropes. The clock strikes every hour. Another, older mechanical clock was put into service in Milan in 1335, but today it does not function.

8. The most ancient masks

The most ancient masks are considered to be a collection of Neolithic stone masks 9,000 years old, found on the territory of modern Israel. All masks were found in the Judean Desert and the Judean Hills and are currently on display at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. They are stylized faces (some of them look like skulls) with holes along the edges, apparently for wearing. However, these holes could also be used for hanging masks as decorative or ritual objects on pillars or altars. The researchers note that the carving of the masks is made so that they are quite comfortable to wear: for example, the eyes are cut out so that a person has a wide field of view.

9. The oldest example of abstract design

In 2007, archaeologists studying mollusk shells collected on the island of Java in Indonesia found embossed patterns and symmetrical holes on their surface. In 2014, a team of researchers confirmed that the shells were worked with some kind of tools, and the abstract patterns were clearly made by human hand. With the help of microscopes, it was found that they were carved using shark teeth. However, it is premature to call this evidence conclusive, at least until more such artifacts are found. Although now it is still the oldest scribbles on earth, made by an ancient abstract artist.

10. The most ancient working tools

The oldest working tools were discovered in the Ethiopian area of ​​Kada Gona, and their age varies between 2.5-2.6 million years. These are the oldest artifacts on Earth related to human activity. The tools consist of sharp-edged pieces of rock and were most likely used to separate meat from bones. Despite the fact that about 2600 samples of such tools were found, no human remains were found next to them, which casts doubt on the purpose of these artifacts. By the way, similar tools with an established age of 2.3-2.4 million years have been found in other parts of Africa.