
Entertaining experiments in biology: interesting about the unusual. Amazing experiments with plants Cool experiments in biology

How to create a model of a blood cell with your own hands? Entertaining experiments in biology will certainly interest the child if, during work, the children are given the opportunity to do what they love most.

For example, many kids love it - it's easy to use while learning.

Other toddlers love to experiment and mess with - and this can also be included in the developmental activity. The main thing is to build children's education in such a way that their interest in classes only grows each time, and the knowledge base expands and deepens.

Biology for children in general is always very interesting, because it is directly related to what excites every kid: with plants, animals, and even with him. Many aspects of the structure of our body amaze even adults, and for children, even the elementary basics of anatomy are beyond reality. Therefore, it is better to make the learning process as clear as possible, use the simplest, most familiar objects, trying to explain complex things as simply as possible.

One of the topics that will interest any crumb is the composition of a drop of blood. All the kids saw blood when they damaged the skin. Many children are very afraid of her appearance: she is bright, her appearance is almost always associated with pain. As you know, most of all we are afraid of what we do not know. Therefore, perhaps, having studied the structure of blood, having learned where its red color comes from and what functions it performs, the baby will become calmer about small scratches and cuts.

So, for the lesson will come in handy:

  • A clear container (such as a glass jar) and small cups, bowls, and spoons.
  • Red balls (glass decorative balls, large beads, red beans - whatever you can find).
  • White small balls and larger oval white objects (white beans, beads, white lentils, remnants).
  • Water.
  • Sheet for drawing.
  • Pencils, felt-tip pens, paints and a brush - what the kid likes to draw the most.

We create a blood sample in a glass jar: we pour small white and red balls into it and several larger oval white objects. We explain to the child that:

Water is plasma, the liquid part of the blood in which its cells move.

Red balls are erythrocytes, they contain a red protein that helps carry oxygen to all the cells of our body.

White small balls are platelets. They create a kind of cork when a blood vessel is damaged.

White large objects are leukocytes, they serve by protecting our body from harmful invaders (bacteria and viruses).

We explain how a general blood test is carried out, for which a drop is taken from a finger: we collect a random number of balls in a spoon (this will be the same test drop of blood), pour it into a cup. We count how many impromptu erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets came across. We explain that if there are few red blood cells, it means that a person has anemia, you need to undergo treatment. And if there are a lot of leukocytes, it means that “enemies invaded” the body, you need to help him fight them.

We scatter our blood cells into a large container with a flat bottom, put various objects there - we depict the mechanism of an inflammatory cellular reaction. We allow the child to play with this material, depict the invasion of an infectious agent and the action of phagocyte cells.

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We have a lot of things in our kitchen with which you can make interesting experiments for children. Well, for myself, to be honest, to make a couple of discoveries from the category of “how I didn’t notice this before.”

website chose 9 experiments that will delight children and raise many new questions in them.

1. Lava lamp

Need: Salt, water, a glass of vegetable oil, a few food colors, a large transparent glass or glass jar.

Experience: Fill a glass 2/3 with water, pour vegetable oil into the water. The oil will float on the surface. Add food coloring to water and oil. Then slowly add 1 teaspoon of salt.

Explanation: Oil is lighter than water, so it floats on the surface, but salt is heavier than oil, so when you add salt to a glass, the oil and salt begin to sink to the bottom. As the salt breaks down, it releases oil particles and they rise to the surface. Food coloring will help make the experience more visual and spectacular.

2. Personal rainbow

Need: A container filled with water (bath, basin), flashlight, mirror, sheet of white paper.

Experience: Pour water into the container and put a mirror on the bottom. We direct the light of a flashlight to the mirror. The reflected light must be caught on paper, on which a rainbow should appear.

Explanation: The beam of light consists of several colors; when it passes through the water, it decomposes into its component parts - in the form of a rainbow.

3. Volcano

Need: Tray, sand, plastic bottle, food coloring, soda, vinegar.

Experience: A small volcano should be molded around a small plastic bottle made of clay or sand - for entourage. To cause an eruption, you should pour two tablespoons of soda into the bottle, pour in a quarter cup of warm water, add a little food coloring, and finally pour in a quarter cup of vinegar.

Explanation: When baking soda and vinegar come into contact, a violent reaction begins with the release of water, salt and carbon dioxide. Gas bubbles and push the contents out.

4. Grow crystals

Need: Salt, water, wire.

Experience: To get crystals, you need to prepare a supersaturated salt solution - one in which when a new portion is added, the salt does not dissolve. In this case, you need to keep the solution warm. To make the process go better, it is desirable that the water be distilled. When the solution is ready, it must be poured into a new container to get rid of the debris that is always in the salt. Further, a wire with a small loop at the end can be lowered into the solution. Put the jar in a warm place so that the liquid cools more slowly. After a few days, beautiful salt crystals will grow on the wire. If you get the hang of it, you can grow fairly large crystals or patterned crafts on twisted wire.

Explanation: As the water cools, the solubility of the salt decreases, and it begins to precipitate and settle on the walls of the vessel and on your wire.

5. Dancing coin

Need: A bottle, a coin that can be used to cover the neck of a bottle, water.

Experience: An empty unclosed bottle should be put in the freezer for a few minutes. Moisten a coin with water and cover the bottle taken out of the freezer with it. After a few seconds, the coin will begin to bounce and, hitting the neck of the bottle, make sounds similar to clicks.

Explanation: The coin is lifted by air, which has compressed in the freezer and occupied a smaller volume, and now has heated up and began to expand.

6. Colored milk

Need: Whole milk, food coloring, liquid detergent, cotton buds, plate.

Experience: Pour milk into a plate, add a few drops of dyes. Then you need to take a cotton swab, dip it in detergent and touch the wand to the very center of the plate with milk. The milk will move and the colors will mix.

Explanation: Detergent reacts with fat molecules in milk and sets them in motion. That is why skimmed milk is not suitable for the experiment.

7. Fireproof bill

Need: Ten-rouble note, tongs, matches or lighter, salt, 50% alcohol solution (1/2 part alcohol to 1/2 part water).

Experience: Add a pinch of salt to the alcohol solution, immerse the bill in the solution so that it is completely saturated. Remove the bill from the solution with tongs and allow excess liquid to drain. Set fire to a bill and watch it burn without burning.

Explanation: As a result of the combustion of ethyl alcohol, water, carbon dioxide and heat (energy) are formed. When you set fire to a bill, alcohol burns. The temperature at which it burns is not enough to evaporate the water that the paper bill is soaked in. As a result, all the alcohol burns out, the flame goes out, and the slightly damp ten remains intact.

Experience #1

Do plants need heat?

Target: identify the heat needs of the plant.

in winter, branches are brought in, put in two vases with water. One vase is left on the windowsill, the second is placed behind the frame, then the buds open.

Experience #2

"Bulbs and Light"

Target: identify the plant's need for sunlight, generalize ideas about the importance of favorable conditions for plant growth.

Observation sequence:before observation, it is necessary to germinate 3 bulbs: 2 in the dark, one in the light. After a few days, when the difference is obvious, invite the children to look at the bulbs and establish how they differ from each other in color and shape of the leaves: yellow and twisted leaves for those bulbs that sprouted in the dark.

The second observation is made when the bulb with yellow leaves straightens and turns green. Then expose the third bulb to the light. When the state of the third bulb also changes, the following observation is made, at which the results of the experiment are discussed. The teacher helps the children to generalize the idea of ​​the meaning of favorable conditions.

Experience #3

"Can a plant breathe?"

Target. Reveal the plant's need for air, respiration. Understand how the process of respiration occurs in plants.

Materials. Houseplant, cocktail tubes, vaseline, magnifying glass.

Process. An adult asks if plants breathe, how to prove that they breathe. Children determine, based on knowledge about the process of breathing in humans, when breathing, air must enter the plant and leave it. Inhale and exhale through the tube. Then the opening of the tube is covered with petroleum jelly. Children try to breathe through a tube and conclude that Vaseline does not let air through. It is hypothesized that plants have very small holes in their leaves through which they breathe. To check this, lubricate one or both sides of the leaf with petroleum jelly, observe the leaves daily for a week.

Results. The leaves “breathe” with their underside, because those leaves that were smeared with Vaseline from the underside died.

Experience No. 4

Do plants have respiratory organs?

Target. Determine that all parts of the plant are involved in respiration.

Materials. A transparent container with water, a leaf on a long petiole or stalk, a cocktail tube, a magnifying glass.

Process. An adult offers to find out if air passes through the leaves into the plant. Suggestions are made about how to detect air: children examine the cut of the stem through a magnifying glass (there are holes), immerse the stem in water (observe the release of bubbles from the stem). An adult with children conducts the experiment “Through the leaf” in the following sequence: a) pour water into a bottle, leaving it 2-3 cm unfilled;

b) insert the leaf into the bottle so that the tip of the stem is immersed in water; tightly cover the opening of the bottle with plasticine, like a cork; c) here they make holes for the straw and insert it so that the tip does not reach the water, fix the straw with plasticine; d) standing in front of a mirror, suck the air out of the bottle. Air bubbles begin to emerge from the submerged end of the stem.

Results. Air passes through the leaf into the stem, as the release of air bubbles into the water is visible.

Experience No. 5

"Do roots need air?"

Target. Identifies the cause of the plant's need for loosening; prove that the plant breathes by all parts.

Materials. A container with water, the soil is compacted and loose, two transparent containers with bean sprouts, a spray bottle, vegetable oil, two identical plants in pots.

Process. Children find out why one plant grows better than another. Consider, determine that in one pot the soil is dense, in the other - loose. Why dense soil is worse. They prove it by immersing identical lumps in water (water passes worse, there is little air, since fewer air bubbles are released from dense earth). They clarify whether the roots need air: for this, three identical bean sprouts are placed in transparent containers with water. In one container, using a spray gun, air is injected to the roots, the second is left unchanged, in the third - a thin layer of vegetable oil is poured onto the surface of the water, which prevents the passage of air to the roots. Observe the changes in the seedlings (it grows well in the first container, worse in the second, in the third - the plant dies).

Results. Air is necessary for the roots, sketch the results. Plants need loose soil to grow, so that the roots have access to air.

Experience No. 6

What does the plant secrete?

Target. Establish that the plant releases oxygen. Understand the need for respiration for plants.

Materials. A large glass container with an airtight lid, a plant stem in water or a small pot with a plant, a splinter, matches.

Process. An adult invites children to find out why it is so pleasant to breathe in the forest. Children assume that plants release oxygen for human respiration. The assumption is proved by experience: a pot with a plant (or a cutting) is placed inside a high transparent container with a sealed lid. Put in a warm, bright place (if the plant gives oxygen, there should be more of it in the jar). After 1-2 days, the adult asks the children how to find out if oxygen has accumulated in the jar (oxygen burns). Watch for a bright flash of the flame of a splinter brought into the container immediately after removing the lid.

Results. Plants release oxygen.

Experience No. 7

"Do all leaves have food?"

Target. Determine the presence of plant nutrition in the leaves.

Materials. Boiling water, begonia leaf (the reverse side is painted burgundy), white container.

Process. An adult suggests finding out if there is nutrition in leaves that are not painted green (in begonias, the reverse side of the leaf is painted burgundy). Children assume that there is no food in this sheet. An adult offers children to place a sheet in boiling water, after 5 - 7 minutes to examine it, draw the result.

Results. The leaf turns green, and the water changes color, therefore, there is nutrition in the leaf.

Experience No. 8

"In the Light and in the Dark"

Target. Determine the environmental factors necessary for the growth and development of plants.

Materials. Onions, a box made of durable cardboard, two containers with earth.

Process. An adult offers to find out by growing onions whether light is needed for plant life. Close part of the bow with a cap made of thick dark cardboard. Sketch the result of the experiment after 7 - 10 days (the onion under the cap has become light). Remove the cap.

Results. After 7 - 10 days, the result is again sketched (the onion turned green in the light - which means food has formed in it).

Experience No. 9



Materials. A cardboard box with a lid and partitions inside in the form of a labyrinth: a potato tuber in one corner, a hole in the opposite.

Process. A tuber is placed in a box, closed it, put in a warm, but not hot place, with a hole towards the light source. Open the box after the emergence of potato sprouts from the hole. Consider, noting their directions, color (sprouts are pale, white, twisted in search of light in one direction). Leaving the box open, continue to observe the change in color and direction of the sprouts for a week (the sprouts are now stretching in different directions, they have turned green).

Results. A lot of light - the plant is good, it is green; little light - the plant is bad.

Experience No. 10

What is needed to feed a plant?

Target. Set how the plant seeks light.

Materials. Indoor plants with hard leaves (ficus, sansevier), adhesive plaster.

Process. An adult offers the children a riddle letter: what will happen if light does not fall on part of the sheet (part of the sheet will be lighter). Children's assumptions are tested by experience; part of the leaf is sealed with a plaster, the plant is placed to a light source for a week. After a week, the patch is removed.

Results. Without light, plant nutrition is not formed.

Experience No. 11

"What are the roots for?"

Target. Prove that the root of the plant absorbs water; clarify the function of plant roots; establish the relationship between the structure and functions of a plant.

Materials. A stalk of a geranium or balsam with roots, a container with water, closed with a lid with a slot for the stalk.

Process. Children look at cuttings of balsam or geranium with roots, find out why the roots are needed for the plant (the roots fix the plants in the ground), whether they take water. An experiment is carried out: the plant is placed in a transparent container, the water level is noted, the container is tightly closed with a lid with a slot for the cutting. Determine what happened to the water after a few days.

Results. There is less water because the roots of the cuttings absorb water.

Experience No. 12

"How to see the movement of water through the roots?"

Target. Prove that the root of the plant absorbs water, clarify the function of the roots of the plant, establish the relationship between structure and function.

Materials. Balsam stem with roots, water with food coloring.

Process. Children examine geranium or balsam cuttings with roots, clarify the functions of the roots (they strengthen the plant in the soil, take moisture from it). And what else can roots take from the ground? Children's ideas are discussed. Consider food dry dye - "nutrition", add it to the water, stir. Find out what should happen if the roots can take not only water (the spine should turn a different color). After a few days, the children draw the results of the experiment in the form of a diary of observations. They specify what will happen to the plant if substances harmful to it are found in the ground (the plant will die, taking harmful substances with water).

Results. The root of the plant absorbs, along with water, other substances in the soil.

Experience No. 13

"How does the sun affect the plant"

Target. Determine the need for sunlight for plant growth. How does the sun affect the plant.

Stroke: 1) Plant onions in a container. Put in the sun, under a cap and in the shade. What will happen to the plants?

2) Remove the cap from the plants. What bow? Why light? Put in the sun, the onion will turn green in a few days.

3) A bow in the shade stretches towards the sun, it stretches in the direction where the sun is. Why?

Conclusion: Plants need sunlight to grow and maintain their green color, as sunlight accumulates chlorophytum, which gives green color to plants and for nutrition.

Experience No. 14

"How Water Gets to Leaves"

Target: to show by experience how water moves through a plant.

Stroke: Cut chamomile is placed in water, tinted with ink or paint. After a few days, cut the stem and see that it is stained. Split the stem lengthwise and check to what height the tinted water rose during the experiment. The longer the plant stays in the dye, the higher the colored water will rise.

Experience No. 15

Plants' need for water

Target: to form children's ideas about the importance of water for the life and growth of plants.

Stroke: Choose one flower from the bouquet, you need to leave it without water. After a while, compare a flower left without water and flowers in a vase with water: how do they differ? Why did this happen?

Conclusion: Plants need water, without it they die.

Experience No. 16

"Show sap flow in the stem of a plant."

2 jars of yogurt, water, ink or food coloring, plant (clove, narcissus, celery sprigs, parsley). Pour the ink into the jar. Dip the stems of the plant in a jar and wait. After 12 hours, the result will be visible. Conclusion: Colored water rises along the stem thanks to thin tubules. This is why plant stems turn blue.

Helpful Hints

Children are always trying to find out something new every day and they always have a lot of questions.

They can explain some phenomena, or you can show how this or that thing, this or that phenomenon works.

In these experiments, children not only learn something new, but also learn create differentcrafts with which they can play further.

1. Experiments for children: lemon volcano

You will need:

2 lemons (for 1 volcano)

Baking soda

Food coloring or watercolors

Dishwashing liquid

Wooden stick or spoon (optional)

1. Cut off the bottom of the lemon so it can be placed on a flat surface.

2. On the reverse side, cut a piece of lemon as shown in the image.

* You can cut half a lemon and make an open volcano.

3. Take the second lemon, cut it in half and squeeze the juice out of it into a cup. This will be the backup lemon juice.

4. Place the first lemon (with the part cut out) on the tray and spoon "remember" the lemon inside to squeeze out some of the juice. It is important that the juice is inside the lemon.

5. Add food coloring or watercolor to the inside of the lemon, but do not stir.

6. Pour dishwashing liquid inside the lemon.

7. Add a full tablespoon of baking soda to the lemon. The reaction will start. With a stick or spoon, you can stir everything inside the lemon - the volcano will begin to foam.

8. To make the reaction last longer, you can gradually add more soda, dyes, soap and reserve lemon juice.

2. Home experiments for children: electric eels from chewing worms

You will need:

2 glasses

small capacity

4-6 chewable worms

3 tablespoons of baking soda

1/2 spoon of vinegar

1 cup water

Scissors, kitchen or clerical knife.

1. With scissors or a knife, cut lengthwise (just lengthwise - this will not be easy, but be patient) of each worm into 4 (or more) parts.

* The smaller the piece, the better.

* If scissors don't want to cut properly, try washing them with soap and water.

2. Mix water and baking soda in a glass.

3. Add pieces of worms to the solution of water and soda and stir.

4. Leave the worms in the solution for 10-15 minutes.

5. Using a fork, transfer the worm pieces to a small plate.

6. Pour half a spoon of vinegar into an empty glass and start putting worms in it one by one.

* The experiment can be repeated if the worms are washed with plain water. After a few attempts, your worms will begin to dissolve, and then you will have to cut a new batch.

3. Experiments and experiments: a rainbow on paper or how light is reflected on a flat surface

You will need:

bowl of water

Clear nail polish

Small pieces of black paper.

1. Add 1-2 drops of clear nail polish to a bowl of water. See how the varnish disperses through the water.

2. Quickly (after 10 seconds) dip a piece of black paper into the bowl. Take it out and let it dry on a paper towel.

3. After the paper has dried (it happens quickly) start turning the paper and look at the rainbow that is displayed on it.

* To better see the rainbow on paper, look at it under the sun's rays.

4. Experiments at home: a rain cloud in a jar

When small drops of water accumulate in a cloud, they become heavier and heavier. As a result, they will reach such a weight that they can no longer remain in the air and will begin to fall to the ground - this is how rain appears.

This phenomenon can be shown to children with simple materials.

You will need:

Shaving foam

Food coloring.

1. Fill the jar with water.

2. Apply shaving foam on top - it will be a cloud.

3. Let the child begin to drip food coloring onto the "cloud" until it starts to "rain" - drops of food coloring begin to fall to the bottom of the jar.

During the experiment, explain this phenomenon to the child.

You will need:

warm water

Sunflower oil

4 food coloring

1. Fill the jar 3/4 full with warm water.

2. Take a bowl and mix 3-4 tablespoons of oil and a few drops of food coloring in it. In this example, 1 drop of each of 4 dyes was used - red, yellow, blue and green.

3. Stir the dyes and oil with a fork.

4. Carefully pour the mixture into a jar of warm water.

5. Watch what happens - the food coloring will begin to slowly sink through the oil into the water, after which each drop will begin to disperse and mix with other drops.

* Food coloring dissolves in water, but not in oil, because. The density of oil is less than water (which is why it "floats" on water). A drop of dye is heavier than oil, so it will begin to sink until it reaches the water, where it begins to disperse and look like a small firework.

6. Interesting experiences: ina bowl in which colors merge

You will need:

- a printout of the wheel (or you can cut out your own wheel and draw all the colors of the rainbow on it)

Elastic band or thick thread

Glue stick


A skewer or screwdriver (to make holes in the paper wheel).

1. Choose and print the two templates you want to use.

2. Take a piece of cardboard and use a glue stick to glue one template to the cardboard.

3. Cut out the glued circle from the cardboard.

4. Glue the second template to the back of the cardboard circle.

5. Use a skewer or screwdriver to make two holes in the circle.

6. Pass the thread through the holes and tie the ends into a knot.

Now you can spin your spinning top and watch how the colors merge on the circles.

7. Experiments for children at home: jellyfish in a jar

You will need:

Small transparent plastic bag

Transparent plastic bottle

Food coloring


1. Lay the plastic bag on a flat surface and smooth it out.

2. Cut off the bottom and handles of the bag.

3. Cut the bag lengthwise on the right and left so that you have two sheets of polyethylene. You will need one sheet.

4. Find the center of the plastic sheet and fold it like a ball to make a jellyfish head. Tie the thread around the "neck" of the jellyfish, but not too tight - you need to leave a small hole through which to pour water into the head of the jellyfish.

5. There is a head, now let's move on to the tentacles. Make cuts in the sheet - from the bottom to the head. You need about 8-10 tentacles.

6. Cut each tentacle into 3-4 smaller pieces.

7. Pour some water into the jellyfish's head, leaving room for air so the jellyfish can "float" in the bottle.

8. Fill the bottle with water and put your jellyfish in it.

9. Drop a couple of drops of blue or green food coloring.

* Close the lid tightly so that water does not spill out.

* Have the children turn the bottle over and watch the jellyfish swim in it.

8. Chemical experiments: magic crystals in a glass

You will need:

Glass cup or bowl

plastic bowl

1 cup Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) - used in bath salts

1 cup hot water

Food coloring.

1. Pour Epsom salt into a bowl and add hot water. You can add a couple of drops of food coloring to the bowl.

2. Stir the contents of the bowl for 1-2 minutes. Most of the salt granules should dissolve.

3. Pour the solution into a glass or glass and place it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Don't worry, the solution isn't hot enough to crack the glass.

4. After freezing, move the solution to the main compartment of the refrigerator, preferably on the top shelf and leave overnight.

The growth of crystals will be noticeable only after a few hours, but it is better to wait out the night.

This is what the crystals look like the next day. Remember that crystals are very fragile. If you touch them, they are most likely to break or crumble immediately.

9. Experiments for children (video): soap cube

10. Chemical experiments for children (video): how to make a lava lamp with your own hands

DO teacher

MOU DO "Center for Children's Creativity"

Practical guide "Amazing experiments with plants"

Nadym: MOU DO "Center for Children's Creativity", 2014, 30p.

Editorial Council:

Deputy Director for Educational Work, MOU DOD

" Center of children's creativity"

Chairman of the expert commission, teacher of chemistry of the highest qualification category of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 9 in Nadym"

Biology teacher of the highest qualification category of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 9 in Nadym"

The practical guide presents experiments with plants that can be used in classes with students of primary and secondary school age to learn about the world around them.

This practical guide can be used by teachers of additional education, primary school teachers, students and their parents when studying the flora in the classroom and after school hours.


1. Experiments to identify the conditions for plant growth: .......... 7

1. 1. Effect of light on the growth and development of plants.

1. 2. Influence of temperature on the growth and development of plants.

Methodology: take two identical cuttings of indoor plants, place them in water. One to put in a closet, the other to leave in the light. After 7-10 days, compare the cuttings (pay attention to the intensity of leaf color and the presence of roots); draw a conclusion.

Experience #2:

Equipment: two coleus plants.

Methodology: place one coleus plant in a dark corner of the classroom and another in a sunlit window. After 1.5 - 2 weeks, compare the color intensity of the leaves; Describe the effect of light on leaf color.

Why? In order for photosynthesis to take place, plants need sunlight. Chlorophyll is a green pigment essential for photosynthesis. When there is no sun, the supply of chlorophyll molecules is depleted and not replenished. Because of this, the plant turns pale and sooner or later dies.

Influence of light orientation on the growth and development of plants.

Target: study the phototropism of plants.

Equipment: home plant (coleus, balsam).

Methodology: put the plant by the window for three days. Rotate the plant 180 degrees and leave it three more.

Findings: the leaves of the plant turn towards the window. Turning around, the plant changes the direction of the leaves, but after three days they again turn towards the light.

Why? Plants contain a substance called auxin, which promotes cell elongation. The accumulation of auxin occurs on the dark side of the stem. Excess auxin causes cells on the dark side to grow longer, causing stems to grow towards the light, a process called phototropism. Photo means light, and tropism means movement.

1.2. The influence of temperature on the growth and development of plants

Aqua protection of plants from low temperatures.

Target: show how water protects plants from low temperatures.

Equipment: two thermometers, aluminum foil, paper napkins, two saucers, refrigerator.

Methodology: roll the foil into a thermometer case. Insert each thermometer into such a pencil case so that its end remains outside. Wrap each pencil case in a paper towel. Wet one of the wrapped pencil cases with water. Make sure that water does not get inside the canister. Put thermometers on saucers and put them in the freezer. After two minutes, compare the thermometer readings. Monitor thermometer readings every two minutes for ten minutes.

Findings: the thermometer, which is in a pencil case wrapped in a wet napkin, shows a higher temperature.

Why? Freezing of water in a wet napkin is called a phase transformation, and thermal energy also changes, due to which heat is either released or absorbed. As can be seen from the readings of thermometers, the heat generated heats the surrounding space. Thus, the plant can be protected from low temperatures by watering them with water. However, this method is not suitable when the frost continues long enough or when the temperature drops below the freezing point of water.

Effect of temperature on the timing of seed germination.

Target: show how temperature affects seed germination.

Equipment: seeds of heat-loving crops (beans, tomatoes, sunflowers) and those not demanding on heat (peas, wheat, rye, oats); 6-8 transparent plastic boxes with lids, glass jars or Petri dishes - vegetable; gauze or filter paper, newsprint for making lids for glass jars, thread or rubber rings, a thermometer.

Methodology: 10-20 seeds of any heat-loving plant species, such as tomatoes, are placed in 3-4 plants on wet gauze or filter paper. 10-20 seeds are placed in other 3-4 plants

plants that do not require heat, such as peas. The amount of water in the plants for one plant should be the same. Water should not completely cover the seeds. The growers are covered with lids (for jars, the lids are made of two layers of newsprint). Germination of seeds is carried out at different temperatures: 25-30°C, 18-20°C (in a thermostat or in a room greenhouse, near a battery or stove), 10-12°C (between frames, outdoors), 2-6°C (in the refrigerator, cellar). After 3-4 days, we compare the results. We draw a conclusion.

Effect of low temperature on plant development.

Target: identify the need for indoor plants for warmth.

Equipment: houseplant leaf.

Methodology: take out a leaf of a houseplant in the cold. Compare this leaf with the leaves of this plant. Make a conclusion.

Influence of temperature change on the growth and development of plants.


Equipment: two plastic glasses with water, two willow branches.

Methodology: put two willow branches in jars of water: one on a window illuminated by the sun, the other between the window frames. Every 2-3 days to compare plants, then draw a conclusion.

Effect of temperature on the rate of plant development.

Target: identify the plant's need for heat.

Equipment: any two identical indoor plants.

Methodology: growing identical plants in the classroom on a warm southern window and on a cold northern one. Compare plants after 2-3 weeks. Make a conclusion.

1.3. Influence of humidity on the growth and development of plants.

Study of transpiration in plants.

Target: show how a plant loses moisture through evaporation.

Equipment: potted plant, plastic bag, adhesive tape.

Methodology: place the bag over the plant and securely attach it to the stem with duct tape. Place the plant in the sun for 2-3 hours. See how the package has become from the inside.

Findings: water droplets are visible on the inner surface of the bag and it seems that the bag is filled with fog.

Why? The plant absorbs water from the soil through its roots. Water goes along the stems, from where about 9/10 of the water evaporates through the stomata. Some trees evaporate up to 7 tons of water per day. Stomata are affected by temperature and humidity. The loss of moisture by plants through the stomata is called transpiration.

Influence of turgor pressure on plant development.

Target: demonstrate how plant stems wither due to changes in water pressure in the cell.

Equipment: withered celery root, glass, blue food coloring.

Methodology: ask an adult to cut off the middle of the stem. Fill the glass halfway with water and add dye enough to darken the water. Put a stalk of celery in this water and leave overnight.

Findings: celery leaves become bluish-greenish in color, and the stalk straightens, and becomes tight and dense.

Why? A fresh cut tells us that the celery cells have not closed and dried out. Water enters the xylems - the tubes through which it passes. These tubes run the entire length of the stem. Soon, water leaves the xylem and enters other cells. If the stem is gently bent, it will usually straighten out and return to its original position. This is because every cell in a plant is filled with water. The pressure of the water filling the cells makes them strong and makes the plant not easily bent. The plant wilts due to lack of water. Like a half-deflated balloon, its cells shrink, causing leaves and stems to droop. The pressure of water in the cells of a plant is called turgor pressure.

Effect of moisture on seed development.

Target: identify the dependence of plant growth and development on the presence of moisture.

Experience 1.

Equipment: two glasses with soil (dry and wet); seeds of beans, sweet peppers or other vegetable crops.

Methodology: sow seeds in moist and dry soil. Compare the result. Make a conclusion.

Experience 2.

Equipment: small seeds, polyethylene or plastic bag, braid.

Methodology: wet the sponge, place the seeds in the holes in the sponge. Keep the sponge in the bag. Hang the bag on the window and observe the germination of seeds. Draw conclusions based on the results obtained.

Experience 3.

Equipment: small seeds of grass or watercress, sponge.

Methodology: wet the sponge, roll it over the grass seeds, put it on a saucer, water moderately. Draw conclusions based on the results obtained.

1.4. Influence of soil composition on the growth and development of plants.

Influence of soil loosening on the growth and development of plants.

Target: find out the need for loosening the soil.

Equipment: any two indoor plants.

Methodology: take two plants, one growing in loose soil, the other in hard soil, water them. Within 2-3 weeks to conduct observations, on the basis of which to draw conclusions about the need for loosening.

The composition of the soil is a necessary condition for the growth and development of plants.

Target: find out that a certain soil composition is necessary for plant life.

Equipment: two flower pots, soil, sand, two cuttings of indoor plants.

Methodology: plant one plant in a container with earth, the other in a container with sand. Within 2-3 weeks to conduct observations, on the basis of which to draw conclusions about the dependence of plant growth on the composition of the soil.

2. Experiments on the study of life processes.

2.1. Nutrition.

Study of the process of self-regulation in plants.

Target: show how a plant can feed itself.

Equipment: large (4 liters) wide-mouth jar with a lid, a small plant in a pot.

Methodology: water the plant, put the pot with the whole plant in a jar. Close the jar tightly with a lid, put it in a bright place where the sun is. Do not open the jar for a month.

Findings: water droplets regularly appear on the inner surface of the jar, the flower continues to grow.

Why? Water droplets are moisture evaporated from the soil and the plant itself. Plants use the sugar and oxygen in their cells to produce carbon dioxide, water and energy. This is called the breath response. The plant uses carbon dioxide, water, chlorophyll and light energy to produce sugar, oxygen and energy from them. This process is called photosynthesis. Note that the products of the respiration reaction support the photosynthesis reaction and vice versa. This is how plants make their own food. However, once the nutrients in the soil run out, the plant will die.

Influence of seed nutrients on the growth and development of seedlings.

Target: show that the growth and development of seedlings occurs due to the reserve substances of the seed.

Equipment: seeds of peas or beans, wheat, rye, oats; chemical beakers or glass jars; filter paper, newsprint for covers.

Methodology: a glass or glass jar is lined with filter paper from the inside. Pour a little water on the bottom so that the filter paper is wet. Seeds, such as wheat, are placed between the walls of the glass (jar) and the filter paper at the same level. The glass (jar) is covered with a lid made of two layers of newsprint. Germination of seeds is carried out at a temperature of 20-22°C. The experiment can be done in several ways: using large and small wheat seeds; pre-sprouted pea or bean seeds (whole seed, with one cotyledon and with half a cotyledon). Draw conclusions based on the results of observations.

The effect of abundant watering on the surface layer of the soil.

Target: show how rain acts on the top layer of soil, washing away nutrients from it.

Equipment: soil, red tempera powder, teaspoon, funnel, glass jar, filter paper, glass, water.

Methodology: mix a quarter teaspoon of tempera (paint) with a quarter cup of earth. Insert a funnel with a filter (special chemical or blotting paper) into the jar. Pour soil with paint onto the filter. Pour about a quarter cup of water onto the soil. Explain the result.

2.2. Breath.

Study of the process of respiration in plant leaves.

Target: find out from which side of the leaf air enters the plant.

Equipment: flower in a pot, vaseline.

Methodology: Smear a thick layer of petroleum jelly on the surface of four leaves. Smear a thick layer of Vaseline on the undersides of the other four leaves. Watch the leaves daily for a week.

Findings: the leaves, on which the Vaseline was applied from below, withered, while the others were not affected.

Why? Holes on the lower surface of the leaves - stomata - serve to allow gases to enter the leaf and exit them. Vaseline closed the stomata, blocking access to the leaf for carbon dioxide, which is necessary for its life, and prevents excess oxygen from escaping from the leaf.

The study of the process of movement of water in the stems and leaves of plants.

Target: show that the leaves and stems of plants can behave like straws.

Equipment: glass bottle, ivy leaf on a stem, plasticine, pencil, straw, mirror.

Methodology: pour water into the bottle, leaving it 2-3 cm empty. Take a piece of plasticine and spread it around the stem closer to the leaf. Insert the stem into the neck of the bottle, immersing its tip in water and covering the neck with plasticine like a cork. With a pencil, make a hole in the plasticine for a straw, insert a straw into the hole so that its end does not reach the water. Fix the straw in the hole with plasticine. Take the bottle in your hand and stand in front of the mirror to see her reflection in it. Suck the air out of the bottle through a straw. If you have covered the neck well with plasticine, then it will not be easy.

Findings: air bubbles begin to emerge from the submerged end of the stem.

Why? The leaf has openings called stomata, from which microscopic tubes - xylems - go to the stem. When you sucked air out of the bottle through a straw, it penetrated the leaf through these holes - stomata and entered the bottle through the xylems. So the leaf and stem play the role of a straw. In plants, stomata and xylem are used to move water.

Studying the process of air exchange in plants.

Target: find out from which side of the leaf air enters the plant.

Equipment: flower in a pot, vaseline.

Methodology: Smear Vaseline on the top side of four leaves of a houseplant and the bottom surface of the other four leaves of the same plant. Keep an eye on it for a few days. Holes on the lower surface of the leaves - stomata - serve to allow gases to enter the leaf and exit them. Vaseline closed the stomata, blocking access to the leaf for the air necessary for its life.

2.3. Reproduction.

Plant propagation methods.

Target: show the variety of ways in which plants reproduce.

Experience 1.

Equipment: three pots of soil, two potatoes.

Methodology: hold 2 potatoes in a warm place until the eyes sprout 2 cm. Prepare a whole potato, a half and a part with one eye. Place them in different pots with soil. Follow up for several weeks. Draw a conclusion based on their results.

Experience 2.

Equipment: a container with soil, a shoot of tradescantia, water.

Methodology: put a sprig of tradescantia on the surface of a flower pot and sprinkle with soil; moisturize regularly. The experiment is best done in the spring. Follow up for 2-3 weeks. Draw a conclusion from the results.

Experience 3.

Equipment: sand pot, tops of carrots.

Methodology: in wet sand, plant the tops of the carrots cut down. Put on the light, water. Follow up for 3 weeks. Draw a conclusion from the results.

Effect of gravity on plant growth.

Target: find out how gravity affects plant growth.

Equipment: house plant, several books.

Methodology: place the plant pot on the books at an angle. During the week, observe the position of the stems and leaves.

Findings: stems and leaves rise to the top.

Why? The plant contains the so-called growth substance - auxin, which stimulates plant growth. Due to gravity, auxin is concentrated at the bottom of the stem. This part, where auxin has accumulated, grows more vigorously and the stem stretches upwards.

Effect of environment isolation on plant development.

Target: to observe the growth and development of a cactus in a closed vessel, to identify the influence of environmental conditions on the processes of development and growth.

Equipment: round flask, Petri dish. Cactus, paraffin, soil.

Methodology: place a cactus in the center of the Petri dish on moist soil, cover with a round flask, and mark its dimensions by hermetically sealing with paraffin. Observe the growth of a cactus in a closed vessel, draw a conclusion.

2.4. Growth and development.

The effect of nutrients on plant growth.

Target: follow the awakening of trees after winter, identify the need for nutrients for plant life (a branch dies in water after some time).

Equipment: vessel with water, willow branch.

Methodology: place a willow branch (in spring) in a vessel of water. Observe the development of the willow branch. Make a conclusion.

Study of the process of seed germination.

Target: show the children how the seeds germinate and the first roots appear.

Equipment: seeds, paper napkin, water, glass.

Methodology: wrap the inside of the glass with a damp paper towel. Place the seeds between the paper and the glass, pour water (2 cm) into the bottom of the glass. Monitor the emergence of seedlings.

3. Experiments with mushrooms.

3.1. Studying the process of mold formation.

Target: expand children's knowledge about the diversity of the living world.

Equipment: a piece of bread, two saucers, water.

Methodology: put soaked bread on a saucer, wait about an hour. Cover the bread with a second saucer. Add water drop by drop from time to time. The result is best observed under a microscope. A white fluff will appear on the bread, which after a while will turn black.

3 .2. Growing mold.

Target: grow a fungus called bread mold.

Equipment: a slice of bread, a plastic bag, a pipette.

Methodology: put the bread in a plastic bag, put 10 drops of water into the bag, close the bag. Put the bag in a dark place for 3-5 days, examine the bread through the plastic. After examining the bread, throw it away with the bag.

Findings: there is something black growing on the bread that looks like hair.

Why? Mold is a type of fungus. It is growing and spreading very fast. The mold produces tiny, hard-shelled cells called spores. Spores are much smaller than dust and can be airborne over long distances. There were already spores on the piece of bread when we put it in the bag. Moisture, heat and darkness create good conditions for mold to grow. Mold has good and bad qualities. Some types of mold spoil the taste and smell of food, but due to it, some foods taste very good. There is a lot of mold in certain types of cheeses, but at the same time they are very tasty. A greenish mold that grows on bread and oranges is used for a drug called penicillin.

3 .3. Cultivation of yeast fungi.

Target: see what effect a sugar solution has on yeast growth.

Equipment: a bag of dry yeast, sugar, a measuring cup (250 ml) or a tablespoon, a glass bottle (0.5 l.), a balloon (25 cm.).

Methodology: mix yeast and 1 gram sugar in a cup of warm water. Make sure the water is warm, not hot. Pour the solution into a bottle. Pour another cup of warm water into the bottle. Release the air from the balloon and put it on the neck of the bottle. Put the bottle in a dark, dry place for 3-4 days. Monitor the bottle daily.

Findings: bubbles are constantly forming in the liquid. The balloon is partially inflated.

Why? Yeast are fungi. They do not have chlorophyll, as in other plants, and they cannot provide themselves with food. Like animals, yeast needs other food, like sugar, to maintain energy. Under the influence of yeast, sugar is converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide with the release of energy. The bubbles we saw are carbon dioxide. The same gas causes the dough in the oven to rise. Holes are visible in the finished bread due to the release of gas. Thanks in part to the alcohol fumes, freshly baked bread gives off a very pleasant smell.

4. Experiments with bacteria.

4.1. Effect of temperature on bacterial growth.

Target: Demonstrate the effect that temperature has on bacterial growth.

Equipment: milk, measuring cup (250 ml.), two 0.5 l each, refrigerator.

Methodology: pour a cup of milk into each jar

Close banks. Put one jar in the refrigerator and the other in a warm place. Check both cans daily for a week.

Findings: warm milk smells sour and contains dense white lumps. Cold milk still looks and smells quite edible.

Why? Heat promotes the development of bacteria that spoil food. Cold slows down the growth of bacteria, but sooner or later the milk in the refrigerator will spoil. When it's cold, bacteria still grow, albeit slowly.

5. Additional information for teachers on setting up a biological experiment.

1. Until February, it is better not to carry out experimental work that uses cuttings of indoor plants. During the polar night, the plants are in a state of relative dormancy, and either the rooting of the cuttings is very slow, or the cutting dies.

2. For experiments with onions, the bulbs should be selected according to the following criteria: they should be firm to the touch, the outer scales and the neck should be dry (rustling).

3. In experimental work, vegetable seeds that have been previously tested for germination should be used. Since seed germination deteriorates with each year of storage, not all seeds sown will sprout, as a result of which the experiment may not work.

6. Memo about conducting experiments.

Scientists observe the phenomenon, try to understand and explain it, and for this they conduct research and experiments. The purpose of this manual is to lead you up step by step in doing these kinds of experiments. You will learn how to determine the best way to solve your problems and find answers to questions that arise.

1. Purpose of the experiment: Why are we experimenting?

2. Equipment: a list of everything needed for the experiment.

3. Methodology: step-by-step instructions for conducting experiments.

4. Findings: a precise description of the expected result. You will be inspired by the result that met expectations, and if you make a mistake, then its causes are usually easily visible, and you can avoid them next time.

5. Why? The results of the experiment are explained to the reader unfamiliar with scientific terms in an accessible language.

When you conduct an experiment, first carefully read the instructions. Do not skip a single step, do not replace the required materials with others, and you will be rewarded.

Basic instructions.

2. COLLECT ALL MATERIALS REQUIRED. To ensure that the experiments you are conducting do not disappoint you and that they bring only pleasure, make sure that you have at hand everything you need to conduct them. When you have to stop and look for one or the other, this can disrupt the course of the experiment.

3. EXPERIMENT. Proceed gradually and very carefully, never get ahead of yourself or add anything of your own. The most important thing is your safety, so follow the instructions carefully. Then you can be sure that nothing unexpected will happen.

4. OBSERVE. If the results obtained do not match those described in the manual, carefully read the instructions and start the experiment again.

7. Instructions for the design by students of diaries of observations/experiments/.

To design the diaries of experiments, they usually use checkered notebooks or albums. The text is written on one side of the notebook or album.

The cover is designed with a photograph or a color illustration on the theme of the experience.

TITLE PAGE. At the top of the page, the place of the experiment / city, CTC, associations is indicated, in the middle of the sheet “Diary of experiments / observations /”. Below, on the right - supervisor /F. I.O., position /, start time of the experience. If the observation diary of one student, his data /F. I., class / are written immediately after the words "Diary of observations." If the experience was set by several students, then the list of the link is written on the back of the title page.

2 sheet. THEME OF EXPERIENCE, PURPOSE. In the middle is written the theme of the experience and the goal.

3 sheet. BIOLOGICAL DATA. A description of the species, variety under observation is given. Perhaps the description will take several pages of the diary.

4 sheet. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD. Most often, from the literature data, methodological manuals, the methodology for setting up and conducting this experiment or observation is fully described.

5 sheet. EXPERIMENTAL PLAN. Based on the methodology of the experiment, a plan is drawn up for all necessary work and observations. The dates are approximate, it can be in decades.

6 sheet. WORKING PROCESS. Describes the calendar process of work. All phenological observations during the experiment are also noted here. The scheme of the experiment with variants and repetitions, with exact dimensions, is described in detail and graphically depicted.

7 sheet. EXPERIENCE RESULTS. It summarizes the entire course of the experiment in the form of tables, diagrams, diagrams, graphs. The final results are indicated by harvest, measurements, weighing, etc.

8 sheet. FINDINGS. Based on the theme of the experience, the goal and results, certain conclusions are drawn from the experience or observations.

9 sheet. BIBLIOGRAPHY. The list is presented alphabetically: author, source name, place and year of publication.

8. Instructions for preparing a report on experiments.

1. The theme of experience.

2. Purpose of experience.

3. Experience plan.

4. Equipment.

5. Work progress (observation calendar)

b) what do I do?

c) what I see.

6. Photos at all stages of work.

7. Results.

8. Conclusions.


1. Practical work with plants. - M., "Experiments and Observations", 2007

2. Biological experiment at school. - M., "Enlightenment", 2009

3. 200 experiments. - M., "AST - PRESS", 2002

4. Methodology for setting up experiments with fruit, berry and flower-ornamental plants. - M., "Enlightenment", 2004

5. School of young naturalists. - M., "Children's literature", 2008

6. Educational and experimental work at the school site. - M., "Enlightenment", 2008