
An omen bat crawled in. Bat - signs

Since ancient times, among many peoples, the bat in mythological stories has been a messenger of darkness, a witchcraft animal. You can associate many signs with them, both good and disturbing. The worst omen is when a bat flew into the house. These animals live in dark secluded corners, sleep during the day, and fly out to hunt at night. They take animal blood for food and that is why they are treated this way: rodents are considered vampires.

Slavic signs

For the Slavs, a bat in the house is a bad omen:

  • promises bad events, disasters for the family living in this dwelling;
  • the presence of a rodent in an apartment marks the arrival of misfortunes and losses;
  • Under no circumstances should you kill a bat, this is a very bad sign;
  • the corpse of a killed animal promises the death of one of the household members;
  • if a bat not only flew into the house, but also attacked a person, then this is a completely bad omen: it is believed that this person will soon die;
  • in the case when a bat flew into a house, immediately flew out, and described three circles above the house, this promises the imminent death of one of the three inhabitants;
  • the corpse of a pipistrelle bat indoors does not bode well - it is necessary to take it as far as possible and bury it after reading the prayer three times;
  • according to one of the beliefs, if a mouse did not fly into the apartment, but hit the glass, then a heavy downpour will soon begin;
  • If this animal flashes over your head, it means that the weather will be excellent in the coming days.

Signs of different countries of the world

In the Ancient Babylonian kingdom it was believed that the souls of dead magicians and witches flew to earth in the guise of bats. It was also believed that if a woman who could not conceive sprinkled the blood of a predator under her pillow, she could become pregnant. TO entrance doors a bat was often attached with nails in the hope that the dwelling would be safe from evil spirits. And by obtaining the right eye of an animal, one could receive the gift of being invisible. According to other signs, after a person falls asleep, his soul leaves the body and flies around the world in the form of a bat, and returns back in the morning. This is how the nocturnal lifestyle of animals was explained.

When a bat flies into an apartment, its appearance does not always spell trouble. These animals choose only environmentally friendly places for their nests, so if such neighbors have settled under your balcony, you can be glad that you live in a good area. In essence, not a single animal will wander into an apartment or house in which negative energy is concentrated, and these flyers are no exception.

Some peoples have never associated animals with bad events and evil spirits, but on the contrary, they considered them protection from magical influence. In the Middle Ages, amulets and amulets were made from bat bones that protected against evil eye, damage, dark forces. Many people wore talismans made from their bones to attract good luck. In this regard, people may perceive the appearance of a bat in an apartment as a sign of well-being. And you can still find their images on some houses in Europe.

Chinese race and rodents

In China, if a mouse flies into your home, it promises wealth and fame. There, these animals are considered a symbol of money and longevity. In some homes, paintings with images of mice are deliberately hung to attract good luck. The Chinese are not at all worried when flyers settle near their homes. Five bats symbolize the benefits that the gods bestow on people:

  • strong body;
  • harmony of the soul;
  • wealth;
  • opportunity to be realized in life.

If a guest flew into the room when there was only one person there, then all the good things that she brought on her wings were intended specifically for him. Among the Scots, the animal is considered a messenger from the lord of hell. Sometimes his appearance in the apartment is associated with a witch’s curse, which he brings into the home on his wings.

The Mayan tribes considered bats to be otherworldly creatures. If a mouse flew into a home, the omen was interpreted as a sign of a quick recovery for the patient. It was believed that even blood-sucking species were capable of reviving life. Judaism perceives bats as a symbol of evil spirits and idolatry. Bats of red and white are considered protectors from dark forces. If such an animal flies into your house, it can cleanse the energy of the room and drive away evil spirits.

If a mouse flew into the house and a girl saw it first, then this promises a quick marriage for her. For the head of the family, the appearance of a mouse can mean a good, profitable business. For the housewife, seeing a rodent means the appearance of a rival. When a predator flies into a house, it always foreshadows a revolution in people's lives, for good or bad.

What to do if a bat flies into your house

From time immemorial, people have been superstitious and afraid of what they know little about, and besides, the animals look quite scary. This is why our ancestors were so afraid of these mice, although many of them do not even feed on blood, but are insectivores. If a rodent flew into a house, it was very rare, because their nests are mainly located in places inaccessible to humans. This is where all the negative superstitions come from.

First of all, if an uninvited guest comes to your apartment, you need to remember that this is a wild animal, no matter what kind of little mouse it is, it is much more frightened than you. You need to try to drive the bat out the window. The presence of such an animal in the house does pose a certain danger, because it can be a carrier of many diseases, such as rabies, Ebola and Marbuga viruses, so you should immediately exclude children and pets from contact with it. If a bat flies into the room, you need to wait until it sits on the wall, and then carefully, wearing gloves, pick it up or put it in a box and take it away from the house.

We all know that in Russian culture a bat symbolizes a supporter of dark forces. For some reason, we associate bats with something supernatural and incomprehensible, so signs with this animal have an unpleasant color and promise bad news. Bats are bound and therefore considered servants of the devil.

The most famous signs

You cannot bring a bat home - this promises the death of one of the inhabitants. If the animal appears, expect bad news. If the animal flies around the house three times, it will soon die. Seeing a bat late in the evening means good weather; if the animal hits a building, expect rain. All sources indicate that this animal cannot be killed - otherwise you will shorten your own life.

What does the sign “A bat has flown in” mean in Russian culture? This happens quite often, so if an animal flies into the house, it’s a bad sign. And if a mouse attacks a person, it promises great misfortune, even death.

But in other countries, bats are much more popular. For example, in China, signs associated with the bat symbolize a source of inexhaustible wealth. If you have at least an image of this animal in your home, you will have a constantly growing income. In China, you can often find such illustrations on clothes, dishes and other items. A very popular symbol is five bats, which represent longevity, wealth, natural death, health and chaste love. Red bats are believed to ward off evil demons.

Sign “Bat in the house” and energy

It is known that for their habitat these animals choose only the most ecological and favorable places with good energy. In ancient times, the animal was considered the incarnation of God and was even a popular totem animal. And in the Middle Ages, many ladies constantly carried a bat bone with them - a talisman that brings good luck and prevents damage. There are known cases when a bat was doused with boiling water, and the broth was brought to sick people for recovery. Some people even today dry bat wings and hang them in their homes or carry them with them.

Signs " Bat in the apartment” may say not about superstitions, but about the fact that the animal simply could have gotten lost. If a bat flies into your apartment, do not panic. Most likely, the animal was simply mistaken. The fact is that bats see very poorly, especially during the day, but this compensates for the presence of good hearing. During their first flights, little mice often make mistakes and fly into the wrong place. What to do in this situation? Take a blanket or newspaper in your hands and guide the animal with gentle movements towards the window. The animal will catch this vibration and fly out on its own. Perhaps the sign “Seeing a bat” is just a sign and no more.

Signs for the home

It has long been proven that the more you believe in omens, the more often they will come true. This confirms the theory about positive thinking, which makes our lives much happier. Everyone has seen the cartoon about the little mermaid. Surely many will remember a small animal that was considered a harbinger of misfortune, but in reality was a harmless and cute creature. Therefore, when you see a bat, you should not panic and wait for bad events. After analyzing the experience of many people, you can understand that the Sign “A mouse in the apartment” does not at all mean the appearance of troubles and misfortunes. After visiting overnight guests, many note an improvement in their affairs, which completely refutes the myth of a bad omen.

There are many superstitions and legends associated with the night flyer. It was the bat that Count Dracula turned into in the famous Gothic novel by Bram Stoker. These mysterious animals sleep during the day and hunt at night. Many signs classify meeting these animals as bad signs. Some signs associate bats with good omens. So, if a bat flew into the house, what is it for?

Positive interpretations

For most people, meeting a bat in an apartment or house is negative in itself. The first reaction is fear, the second is thinking about how to drive it away. But, do not rush to despair and panic due to the fact that such a visit is often associated with misfortunes or even imminent death.

For example, in China the animal is loved and revered, it is associated with quick profit and normalization cash flow in the house. If the owner of the house into which the bat flew is an entrepreneur, this promises an unprecedented increase in income and success in trade.

So, in China, not only are they not afraid of bats, but they also decorate their houses with images of them, buy figurines, and also buy curtains with images of animals.

What do other positive signs say about the animal’s visit to the house? If the bat was first discovered by a girl who is not married, the sign promises her a quick meeting with her soul mate or marriage if she already has a betrothed.

During the Middle Ages, it was believed that if a mouse flew to a sick person, he would very soon regain health and vitality.

In ancient times, bats were considered a kind of amulet against evil forces and witchcraft. According to legend, God Dionysus punished one of the Babylonian kings for his dissolute life by turning his own daughters into night flyers.

Also if a woman for a long time could not become a mother, she should have dripped the animal’s blood onto her pillow and rested on it for several nights. After which, the woman soon became pregnant.

Some ancient peoples used the animal as a talisman against evil spells in such a cruel way: they nailed it above the entrance to the house. It was believed that such a talisman would protect the house from evil spirits.

Also, the dried carcass of the animal was often used as an amulet to attract wealth and good luck.

Negative interpretations of a bat in the house

One of the most well-known interpretations of the sign about a bat is imminent death relative. This interpretation is very common in Russia; it is generally accepted that if an animal flies into the house, trouble should be expected.

Some believe that this interpretation originates from some external resemblance of the animal to images of evil spirits. Large eyes, a pointed nose and bat fangs evoke unpleasant associations with evil spirits.

Negative associations led to the fact that the bat was “associated” with bad omens. There are different options for answering the question: “Why did this happen and what does it portend?”:

According to legend, if a bat is found in a house, it promises a serious illness to one of the close relatives or to the owners themselves. A “mark” of an animal is considered a very bad sign if it craps on the owners of the house.

If the house into which the animal flew is located close to a mouse nest, do not worry that they will visit from time to time. This does not mean that troubles and misfortunes will soon come to your home. It’s just that, when they come into this world, baby bats must learn to fly and not go astray. During the training process, individuals can often get lost and fly into your windows.

According to popular belief, killing a bat in your home is not good. Previously, it was believed that if the owner killed an animal at home, he thereby reduced his life path. The bat should be carefully caught without breaking its limbs and released into the wild.

It is also known that after the owners drove away the animal, in order to neutralize bad omens, they had to visit the temple in the morning, pray and light a candle.

When the arrival of a bat is considered a sign of fate

If there comes a time when a person thinks that he sees a flying animal too often, there is no need to panic. Bats are the same inhabitants of the planet as we are, of course in a general sense, so they have their own habitat.

If you often observe animals and hear their squeaks, this means that their permanent place of residence is located nearby. These animals often choose areas near slaughterhouses because they are attracted by the smell.

Also, do not mystify the fact that the mice chose a specific yard or area. This does not mean that the entire territory is now cursed or has bad energy and it’s time to move. This state of affairs only means that the animals have enough food in such an area.

By the way, bats choose places with good energy, as well as environmentally friendly ones. Therefore, if such animals fly in the area, this is good sign, which means you breathe clean natural air, and not continuous exhaust gases and garbage.

If a mouse flew onto your balcony, but did not fly into your apartment, this is not considered a bad sign. This means that the individual has lost its way and mixed up the direction.

It is worth noting that in ancient times, some peoples considered the bat to be a healer. Her carcass was scalded with boiling water, and the liquid that drained was collected so that it could be given to a seriously ill person to drink. It was believed that such a peculiar decoction would give him strength to fight the disease.

Even today, some in the know carry a bat bone with them, it is believed that it attracts good luck and wealth. Some people dry the wings of the animal and place it in their home as a talisman against evil, damage and the evil eye.

There is also no need to despair if an animal crashes into the wall of your house or hits the glass. This behavior means a quick change in the weather.

If, nevertheless, it happened that an uninvited night guest entered the house - do not panic. Yes, in our country the animal is considered to be a harbinger of trouble and various misfortunes. But we must not forget about self-programming.

Signs are very dangerous for easily suggestible people, as they are able to invent and subconsciously follow an imaginary negative path. For example, a mouse flew into the house of such a person at night, scared him, he went online and found out that it had brought trouble to his house.

The suggestible woman or man begins to work himself up and constantly think about which side to expect this very trouble from. Of course, trouble will come sooner or later, because thoughts are material. via this link

Signs and beliefs associated with bats

Signs and beliefs associated with bats.

I am One of the night, a bat from an ancient family.

An unknown mouse hanging upside down on a tree.

I may be some rare breed of bird

From the realm of ultra, from the city of echoes, a hero?

No, I'm not a vampire, that's in the past...a larva for dinner,

(I'm on a diet), butterfly pate,

Fruit pulp is a supply of vitamins, colds...

Kh..., an eternal draft in these European caves!...Over the years

The understanding has come that I am not the only butterfly alive,

I am sending a request to other worlds - ultrasound...

But the echo is silent, the Great Mouse does not listen.

Where to put the membranes of winged hands???


If bats come out of their holes just after sunset and frolic in the sky, this portends clear and warm weather.

An old Scottish belief states that if a bat flies up and falls to the ground again, it means that the witching hour has come, when witches have power over all human beings, deprived of special protection. Of all the inhabitants of Britain, only the Scots saw some kind of connection between bats and people .

Here is another similar belief.

Modern residents of Tendo (Gold Coast) believe that the flocks of bats that leave the island every evening and rush to the mouth of the river are the souls of the dead who reside on the sacred island and every evening must visit the home of the good fetish Tano, who lives in the river of the same name. And the Wotjobaluk tribe in southeastern Australia believe that the life of a bat is connected to the life of a person, and if you kill a bat, then human life will also be shortened.

A similar superstition in Scotland and the north of England was associated with hares. It was believed that witches could turn into hares, and if the hare was wounded or killed, the witch would also be found killed or wounded.

In this way, many witches and sorcerers were caught in Britain. In Russia, “superstitious people carried [bats] ... in dried form in their bosoms, for the sake of health or happiness. Or they brewed it with boiling water and gave such water for healing to the sick, lying in gnetica or in a fever, for children.” In Eastern Siberia, after killing a bat, “they hang it on a thread from the ceiling and dry it for a long time; after that, they crush it into powder, which is mixed into the horse’s feed. Prevents spoilage.” Bats were called bats. It is believed that “bats are played to the bucket.

A bat flies into the house - to trouble.

Meetings with a bat are the most terrible signs - there is nothing worse than meeting these mice.

If a bat screams or squeaks while flying, expect failure.

If a person is attacked by a bat, death is already on the way.

To see a bat flapping its wings is to incur a terrible disease.

On the Isle of Man and in areas along the Welsh border, it was said that witches turned into bats and entered houses as such. E. M. Leather tells the story of a man from Whibley Marsh who saw "something like a bat" fly into his room. He hit her with a handkerchief, but when he began to look for the body, he found nothing. Subsequently, he said that from this sign he understood that it was a witch from among those who then lived in the area, because a real bat would certainly have died from such a blow. It is recorded as a Scottish belief that when a bat soars upward in flight and then descends sharply towards the ground, it means that the hour of the witches has come - the time when they have power over people who have no special protection against them.

Despite this connection with witches, the Manx population considers it very good luck if a bat falls on a person. Many women outside the island will doubt this due to the general belief that if a bat flies or falls on a woman’s head, it will certainly become entangled in her hair and will not get out until it is cut off. But this, it seems, is nothing more than superstition, not based on facts. Countryman magazine (Spring 1960) reports an experiment carried out in 1959 by the Earl of Cranbrook, with the kind help of three young women who allowed him to drop a bat into their hair. Used four bats various types, and in all cases this creature managed to free itself without difficulty, without causing any disorder in its hair.

In Oxfordshire it is considered an omen of death when a bat flies around the house three times. If bats appear in the early evening and fly around, as if playing, this means good weather.

Children, seeing a bat, often try to ward off trouble by singing or saying:

Mouse, mouse, fly away

Fly away from here,

Come again tomorrow

Mouse, mouse fly away,

Bat, fly to the sky,

I'll give you bread

I'll give you a sip of beer

A piece of wedding cake.


A bat falling on you is a sign of good luck.

Bringing a bat into the house is a sign of misfortune, a sign of death in the family.

A bat appearing at a wedding is a bad sign.

A bat flies around the house three times - a sign of death.

A bat flying out to “play” in the early evening is a sign of good weather.

A bat hitting a building is a sign of rain.

Seeing a bat during the day is unlucky.

Kill a bat - your life will be shorter.

Keeping a bat bone in your clothes brings good luck.

Keeping the right eye of a bat in your jacket pocket gives you invisibility.

Carrying a powdered bat heart with you will prevent a person from bleeding to death or stop a bullet.

Washing your face with the blood of a bat gives you the ability to see in the dark.

Adding a few drops of bat blood to someone's drink makes the person who drinks it more passionate.




Many people get scared if a bat flies into the house - signs, and appearance of this animal are quite frightening, however, first of all, one should take into account the situation in which this event occurred.

In the article:

If a bat flies into the house - signs of a negative nature

If a bat flies into the house, this is, according to our ancestors, not a good omen. This portends trouble in the house. Most likely, it will be associated with the death or serious illness of one of the relatives, close friends, or directly the residents of the house. It was considered a particularly bad omen if an animal not only flew into the house, but also attacked its owner.

It is forbidden to kill or harm an animal, this promises even bigger problems. Carefully, trying not to damage the mouse, you need to release it out the window or door. There is a superstition that whoever kills a night flyer shortens his own eyelid.

This sign does not make sense if your apartment is located near a habitable habitat of bats. In this case, from time to time they will accidentally fall into your windows, whether you want it or not. Young individuals who make mistakes during the first flights in their lives are especially likely to fly in. But if there are no such places near your home and mice rarely appear in general, it’s worth thinking about.

Despite the negative meaning of the sign, in the old days they used mice to predict the weather. When they hit the walls and windows, people expected rain. This is a completely reliable weather sign. Therefore, the meaning of the sign about a flying mouse can be interpreted this way: When it rains, they often try to hide somewhere, and often this turns out to be living quarters. In addition, the animal could follow insects that often fly into windows.

If you are still frightened by the negative meaning of the belief and you are a believer, go to church, light candles for the health of family members, friends and enemies.

A bat flew into the apartment - a sign with good meaning

In China they believe that if a bat flies into an apartment, it is a sign of money and good luck. Most likely, you will soon be able to significantly improve your financial situation.

Recommends having pictures of bats. They are believed to bring wealth. Therefore, a living creature is considered even greater luck, because it brings more monetary energy than its figurine or other image. This is why certain types of bats are now so popular as pets - for example, fruit bats do not cause too much discomfort and can be excellent companions.

In addition, these creatures never visit places with bad energy. Therefore, if a bat is in your house, this is a good omen. This means that there is no negativity in your home and only pleasant events await you.

Bat in the house - other signs

In the old days, it was believed that you should not bring a bat into the house. Children were forbidden to do this, even if the animal was injured and needed care. They used to believe that this would bring trouble to the house. But now you can often find such a pet as a bat in the house, and the signs of our ancestors do not at all prevent people from having such pets. It is noticed that there are no negative consequences There is no such thing as keeping such a pet.

If a bat flies into the air, this sign is unpleasant for those getting married. According to ancient beliefs, life together will either be unlucky or very short. They can be considered true if the mouse attacked the young or caused other harm. But its appearance at a wedding may be caused by the need to hunt or simply fly into its usual habitat.

If a bat deliberately flies around a building three times, disaster will happen to that building. Most often this predicts deaths, accidents, fires and similar unpleasant events.

In general, such signs about bats will help you not to get confused if this harmless animal flies into your house, and can also warn you against trouble and give you the opportunity to prepare for any troubles.