
Land plot for the family of a disabled child. How can a disabled person get a plot of land for free? Rules for providing land plots to disabled people

Russia is social state who show concern for financially unstable segments of the population.

Citizens with disabilities and families involved in education are precisely included in the preferential category, which can count, for example, on the provision of a land plot for individual construction or gardening. Some areas make significant discounts, while others even practice allocating plots free of charge.

Legislative aspect of the issue

Despite the fact that Russian legislation has undergone many changes, currently people with priority rights to receive a plot of land have. Citizens included in this category are not required to be personally present during the auction. The property is transferred for use on the basis of a concluded lease agreement or for individual residential construction.

Land plot a disabled person (regardless of the group) is provided in accordance with federal laws developed to ensure social protection for this category of citizens. Government regulations allow you to receive an allotment not only disabled persons, but also those involved in raising a disabled child.

The main advantages are described in Federal Law No. 181 “On social protection disabled people", dated November 24, 1995. In accordance with this document, the state obliges the regional authorities to, as a matter of priority, allocate land to citizens with disabilities that can be used for the following purposes:

Entry into force federal program guarantees that the property interests of every socially vulnerable citizen will be respected. The regional administration has the right not only to distribute lands allocated by the government, but also to provide subsidized assistance in accordance with issued local acts and orders.

Conditions of receipt

A disabled person has the right to receive in an extraordinary mannerland plot, but provided that it is free, that is, it is not owned by a third party. Even a disabled person who already owns land can take advantage of this right.

Registration of undocumented boundaries of the future property of a citizen with health limitations falls on the shoulders of administration. The negative response of the local authorities should be recorded in writing in order to later be used as an attachment to the application to the court.

Selection order

The state protects the rights of people with psychological or physiological disabilities.

It also guarantees the allocation of land plots. You can exercise your right only once in a lifetime. The exception is the following situation: the land plot no longer exists or cannot be used for its intended purpose. The reason for this should be factors beyond the control of the disabled person, for example, a landslide, earthquake, flood, etc. The loss of real estate must be documented.

At the legislative level, strict monitoring is carried out of the fact that citizens with disabilities are provided with only free land plots that are not encumbered by the rights of third parties.

A disabled person who owns a plot of land, but has not had time to exercise his right, can calmly turn to the state for the provision of a plot.

Despite the fact that a person who, as a result of the transfer, has been assigned any disability group may, out of turn, become the owner of an immovable land plot, this transfer cannot be called gratuitous. The reason lies in the fact that municipal property cannot be given away indefinitely.

Thus, in accordance with legislative requirements, a local government or executive authority is obliged to allocate land to a disabled person that is not subject to encumbrances and restrictions.

Current legislation requires that the transferred the territory had a clearly defined border, but the absence of one cannot become a reason for refusing a citizen with any health limitations. That is, obtaining this territory is not prohibited; simply surveying and registration of the land plot with cadastral registration must be carried out by the municipal authorities.

To obtain a property, a disabled person must contact the authorities with a package of documents and a corresponding application.

If the provision of a land plot to a disabled child was made in accordance with lease agreement, and not into your own possession, then the construction of a residential building must be completed within 3 years. Ignoring these requirements leads to seizure of the allotment. The disadvantage of the procedure is that the child with limited health will never be able to exercise his right again.

Every region may set its own limit on the area of ​​land allocated to a citizen with a restriction of some kind.

But we must not forget about minimally established sizes allocated property;

  1. State or municipal significance:
    • 0.04 hectares if you plan to maintain a garden or vegetable garden;
    • 0.15 hectares, if a citizen plans to devote himself to animal breeding;
  2. Regional significance:
    • 0.12 hectares, if we are talking about gardening and building a summer house;
    • 0.15 hectares if you plan to garden and raise livestock;
    • 0.15 hectares are also allocated for private farming;
    • 0.10 hectares is enough to build your own housing.

Novosibirsk, for example, allocates 0.06 hectares in accordance with its target program.

Registration procedure

A family raising a disabled child has the right to receive housing, in accordance with the state of health and other circumstances worthy of attention. A citizen who is physically or psychologically disabled can become either the owner of a premises on the basis of a social tenancy agreement or its full owner.

Presence of severe form chronic disease(information on the full list can be obtained from the Government Decree) allows you to count on receiving living space exceeding established standards, but not more than 2 times.

What can be said about the procedure for providing a plot of land to a family that has assumed the responsibility of raising disabled child? It differs little from the general requirements!

Should be adhered to next sequence:

If the result does not live up to expectations, then you need to get it in writing in order to later use it when drawing up a statement of claim.

The speed of queue progression is influenced by various factors, including the amount of area allocated for distribution. The applicant is notified that he has waited his precious time and, if he agrees with the proposed option, then he can proceed to registering the property.

Negative answer may be justified by one of the following reasons:

  • the applicant is not entitled to a free plot of land;
  • the above-described right has been exercised previously;
  • the citizen took an irresponsible approach to collecting documents;
  • the information provided is not true;
  • the collected data is incomplete;
  • The municipality does not have land plots suitable for transferring for free use to citizens.

List of required documentation

Providing a disabled person with a land plot free of charge involves preparation following documents:

The administration is obliged to review the submitted papers and make a decision within 2 weeks.

About the right of children with disabilities health for free receipt of land plots, see the following video:

Gentlemen theorists! Don't attack the ladies, which I completely agree with.

Not all disabled people are given plots of land! The judicial prospect of obtaining it is very small.

The most important thing from the article below "And by law
Moscow region " »
the property of citizens who are disabled has not been established.”

And the disabled person was left without a plot(from the magazine “Homestead Farming” No. 4, April 2009)
A citizen, let's call him Michal Mikhalych, decided to acquire a plot of land.
He didn’t care what kind of plot it would be - garden, country or for
running a private farm. Because he thought: how
a disabled person of the second group, and also who has a child - a disabled person with
childhood, they will certainly give him a plot. After all, there are no benefits for the disabled
I don't think I canceled it. In Article 17 of the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in Russian Federation" written: " ... for disabled people
and families containing disabled people are given the right to
priority receipt of land plots for individual
housing construction, farming and dacha farming and
In general, Michal Mikhalych went to the district administration and submitted an application.
Imagine his surprise when he was refused. Michal Mikhalych
was so sure that local officials refused him illegally that
resolutely went to the city court and filed a claim against the district
administration to provide him with a plot of land.
The representative of the district administration, naturally, did not recognize the claim. Like,
there are no more free plots of land in the area for running a subsidiary and
dacha farming. Everything was distributed. And buy such a plot in another area
The Moscow region, at the expense of the local budget, they also cannot -
there is no money allocated for this. In addition, the representative explained that
The current legislation does not impose on local authorities
self-government obligation to provide land plots in
property is free.
To the joy of Michal Mikhalych, the city court took his side and satisfied
claim. Namely: obliged the municipal district to allocate to the plaintiff
land plot for farming and dacha farming and
gardening. And the judicial panel for civil cases of Moscow
regional court as a cassation instance, where they appealed
representatives of the municipality, the decision of the city court was left unchanged. But
Michal Mikhalych celebrated the victory early. The municipality decided to fight
disabled until the end and filed a supervisory complaint. And the presidium of the Moscow Regional Court agreed with her. Why?
It turns out that the benefit provided for by the law on social protection of persons with disabilities
formulated in such a way that it really does not give anything. Provisions of others
legislative acts essentially cancel this benefit.
Thus, the procedure for providing citizens with land plots for purposes not
related to construction, regulated by Article 34 of the Land Code
RF. In accordance with paragraphs 2, 3 of this article, citizens interested
in the provision or transfer of land plots into ownership or
lease from lands located in state or municipal
property, submit an application to the relevant executive body
state authority or local government.
And paragraph 3 of Article 34 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation provides that in
the application must define the purpose of using the land plot,
its intended size and location, the claimed right to
land. That is, Michal Mikhalych should have clearly indicated in his statement
where is that piece of land that he would like
get. Our legislators are very humane! Disabled person of the second group,
it turns out that it was necessary to scour the entire area in search of free land and
then indicate exactly this place in the application. But he, you see, didn’t indicate.
But the local government body, which has complete
information on this matter, based on the same article, the Land Code is not obliged
provide evidence of the presence or absence of all free
land plots for various purposes available on
territory of the municipal district.
In addition, the disabled Michal Mikhalych expected to receive for himself and
a disabled child was given ownership free of charge from childhood
(where does a disabled person get his savings?), and this is in the Moscow region,
It turns out it's impossible. More precisely, the Land Code of the Russian Federation provides such an opportunity
admits, but the final word belongs to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. And by law
Moscow region " On the regulation of land relations in the Moscow region»
possibility and norm free provision land plots in
the property of citizens who are disabled has not been established.
This is where the end of Michal Mikhalych’s dreams of acquiring a dacha came to an end. Apparently fresh air and carrots from the garden are harmful to disabled people...

The entire process is carried out on the basis of the Federal Law, which deals with the protection of people with disabilities.

More specifically, it is in Art. 17 of the above-mentioned law states that disabled people, as well as their children, have preferential conditions for priority receipt of land plots.

We talked about the grounds and conditions for receiving a plot of land free of charge from the state in.

Obtaining land plots for disabled people of 1-3 disability groups

You can receive land on preferential terms for various purposes, in particular:

  • for building a summer house;
  • for gardening;
  • for individual housing construction;
  • for running private household plots (personal subsidiary farming);
  • for the construction of auxiliary premises.

IMPORTANT! One of the common misconceptions is that obtaining land for the first and, for example, the second disability group is different. But fortunately, this is not the case.

Disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 have the right to receive benefits, and the process of obtaining land for each group is absolutely no different.

But nevertheless, here too it could not be done without one important nuance. A claimant to land must have what is called a “permanent” disability. This is a 100% guarantee land allotment.

If the disability is not permanent, then when you apply to the local authority to obtain land, there is a possibility that you will be refused, since the decision is made depending on the situation.

The law defines a clear list of those who can qualify for preferential conditions:

  1. a family with a child with disabilities;
  2. in the absence of parents and the presence of guardians, they also have legal grounds for receiving benefits;
  3. citizens with disabilities;
  4. trusted representative of citizens with disabilities.

Also, the law establishes clear requirements regarding land allotment:

  • it must be registered in the cadastral register;
  • have a separation.

Reference: Demarcation is a range of works aimed at establishing clear boundaries of a site;

This, of course, is quite expensive, but there is no need to worry, because bringing the site into proper shape is the task of the local authority, so these services are provided free of charge.

Pay attention! By receiving a plot of land on preferential terms, we mean receiving it without an auction, i.e., much cheaper. There is no talk about it.

But you shouldn’t despair, sometimes land plots are provided free of charge, but in rare cases at the discretion of the local authority.

Often, citizens with disabilities apply to participate in the auction.

Since participation requires the payment of a deposit, in such a situation the benefit ceases to apply and participation in the auction takes place on an equal basis with others.

Worth knowing! Submitting an application is the most important part of obtaining a land plot. To avoid unnecessary problems, treat this procedure as carefully and responsibly as possible.

Read more about the procedure for providing a land plot to people with disabilities and the application for receipt, and full list preferential categories that can apply for a land plot can be found.

How to get land for a disabled person, watch the video:


To obtain a land plot for adults

To obtain land allotment for minors

  1. Contact your local authority with an application and a package of documents.

    The application must contain:

    • disability group;
    • address of the desired land plot;
    • the purpose for which the land is to be allocated.

    A package of documents consisting of:

    • medical examination reports;
    • original birth certificate.
  2. Wait two weeks for a decision from the local government on the allocation of land.
  3. In case of a positive decision, register ownership within 30 days.

You can find out more about how to get a plot of land for a disabled child.

This article examines the receipt of a land plot by a disabled person of categories 1, 2, 3. In the materials of our experts you can also find out about other benefits for the provision of land, for example, for and or. You will also find useful information on how to join and how to find out your place on the list.

Refusal to provide a land plot

Often there is a refusal from the local government. The main reasons for this may be:

  • repeated acquisition of land (i.e. if you have already used this opportunity);
  • if you completed the application incorrectly or provided an incomplete one.

If you disagree with a local authority's decision, you have the right to take legal action against them. But this also does not guarantee that you will still be given a plot of land.

Here are several options for the further course of events:

  1. the court may rule in your favor if you contacted the local authority due to terrible veins. conditions;
  2. the court may rule that you will be limited in the choice of plot put up for auction;
  3. the court may rule entirely in your favor.

Most likely, legal proceedings will help you obtain land, but not always.

The basis for starting legal proceedings is a written refusal to provide a land plot.

Also keep in mind that to obtain land it is not necessary to have no other real estate. You can own an apartment or a plot of land and still have the right to land.

This is how the process of providing land ownership for people with disabilities belonging to the first, second, and third disability groups takes place.

In this article, we examined the most important aspects that need to be taken into account so that obtaining an allotment does not cause the slightest difficulty and takes place in the fastest possible time period.

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The right to receive free land plots for disabled people for individual construction is intended to improve their living conditions.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:

It's fast and FOR FREE!

For citizens with disabilities, the state constantly comes up with special programs that offer great simplification of their lives.

These proposals include the opportunity for people with disabilities to better conditions in which they live. They can obtain a free plot of land and build housing on it.

Key Aspects

You can obtain a plot of land through an auction. But citizens with disabilities have a benefit - they have the right to priority registration of a plot of land for disabled people.

That is, citizens with disabilities may not participate in the auction, but receive a plot automatically, but only if another person with disabilities does not apply for this plot.

There is a misconception that this benefit is intended for disabled people of the first group, and other citizens with disabilities cannot use this right.

But this is not so - plots of land can be obtained by disabled people of all 3 groups, as well as families with disabled children.

Citizens with disabilities can receive plots of land for the following purposes:

  • farming;
  • construction of a summer house or house;
  • arrangement of a garden and/or vegetable garden;
  • construction of a garage.

Necessary concepts

Disability is a condition of a person in which there are obstacles or restrictions in the activities of a person with physical, mental, sensory or mental disabilities.

Benefits are certain advantages additional rights, absolute or partial exemption from the fulfillment of certain rules, obligations, or simplification of the conditions for their fulfillment.

Who is eligible to apply

The recipient of this state assistance is a citizen who has any disability group. It doesn't matter what group it is or the reason why it was acquired.

Recipients of this assistance may also be persons raising disabled children. But they can claim the plot in the interests of the children.

A land plot is issued only once, so you won’t be able to get it a second time. An exception may be a situation when a plot of land is destroyed or becomes unsuitable for housing construction due to various unpredictable events, which may include a landslide or earthquake.

For the second application, a person with disabilities must document the fact that the plot of land can no longer be used for the construction of a private building.

Legislative framework

The procedure for registering ownership of land plots for citizens with disabilities is regulated by Federal Law No. 181 “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” dated November 24, 1995.

According to this law, people with disabilities can register a plot of land for various purposes out of turn on preferential terms - free of charge or at a reduced cost.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 901 “On providing benefits to disabled people and families with disabled children to provide them with living quarters, payment for housing and utilities” states that the conditions for registering land allotments for disabled people are regulated by regional laws.

Rules for providing land plots to disabled people

The rules for issuing land plots to disabled people are as follows:

  • Citizens who have any degree of disability, as well as citizens who have disabled children, have the right to free plots of land;
  • they must be registered with the administration in accordance with the need to improve their living conditions;
  • the decision regarding the provision of a plot of land is adopted only by local authorities, for which special plots of land are allocated, and first the plot is given for rent, then within three years the construction of housing must begin on it, which allows a disabled person to register ownership of the plot;
  • An essential condition is that the family of a citizen with a disability must really need a plot of land that is used to build housing, so they must ensure the presence of unacceptable living conditions.

Design features

The procedure for registering a plot of land as a property is considered simple. To do this, perform the following actions:

  • a full range of documents is being prepared that is needed to obtain a plot;
  • documents are sent to the administration office, where all sent documents are analyzed;
  • then they are sent to a special commission for analysis;
  • to confirm the data contained in these documents, the commission can send requests to various government agencies;
  • based on the information received, a decision is made regarding the provision of a land plot to a disabled person;
  • if it is positive, then the disabled person receives papers on the basis of which he can begin construction on a certain land.

Documents should be submitted to the local administration, and certain regions offer the possibility of completing this procedure electronically.

The possibility of submitting documents at a distance is important especially for people with disabilities, because it is often difficult for them to get to different institutions.

You can contact the social security center so that an employee of this institution comes to the applicant to collect documentation and write an application, then they are sent to a special commission for consideration.

Disabled people do not need to pay a state fee for purchasing this service; this is due to the fact that persons are beneficiaries.

It is necessary to understand that the land is in the possession of regional authorities. Therefore, in regions there may be certain local laws that introduce specifics to land law.

This often leads to a large number of different consequences. Nowhere is it stipulated that the land registration process is free of charge. Therefore, the price of a plot of land is also determined by local authorities.

How to get for 1 group

The main issue for registering a land plot for citizens with group 1 disabilities on a free basis is registration and collection necessary documents, which prove the status of a preferential category of citizens.

When applying for land, please include the following information:

  • the required location of a piece of land;
  • presence of a valid reason for obtaining land;
  • the necessary intended purpose of the land plot;
  • a request for the possibility of registering land without an auction on a free basis;
  • legal basis for using the land for your needs.

If you have evidence of difficult financial situation, then be sure to attach them. Analysis period necessary documents according to legislative requests, does not exceed 30 days. Typically, a response from the authorized body arrives within two weeks.

2 groups

Disabled people of the second group can hope to register land plots in the same way as representatives of the first and third groups.

The priority for the issuance of land plots is not divided into categories; citizens of the 1st disability group do not have advantages over citizens of other groups.

The procedure for registering a site for group 2 disabled people is as follows:

  • prepare medical papers certifying the assignment of a disability category;
  • submit an official appeal to the local government office arguing your position on the need to receive land free of charge;
  • receive a response from the authorized body;
  • upon approval of the application, collect documents for registration of rights to the site in Rosreestr.

3 groups

The legislation does not provide for separate requests for the issuance of free land allotments to citizens with disabilities of the third group.

To register a free plot of land for disabled people of group 3, follow the instructions:

  • make an application to the municipal government;
  • send the necessary personal data to the authorized organization;
  • send an officially issued medical report. commission about the presence of a disease, which was the reason for the registration of the applicant with group 3 disability.

What package of documents will be required to receive it free of charge?

To obtain a plot on preferential terms, you must collect the following documents:

  • application for land registration. It should indicate the site and its purpose. Also in this document it is necessary to write that the site should be provided free of charge on the basis of legislation;
  • applicant's passport;
  • ITU conclusion on assigning a degree of disability to a person;
  • certificate from the place of registration.

Allocation of an allotment for children with disabilities

Provision of land plots to families with disabled children is carried out in the following cases:

  • the child’s health was severely damaged, certain body functions were lost due to illness, a birth defect, or an acquired injury;
  • his activities were severely limited - he could not move, take care of himself, or communicate;
  • the child requires special social services. protection, which includes rehabilitation.

The family that is raising such a child must have many children. If it does not exist, then it will not be possible to register a plot of land for a child with disabilities for free; there is only an extraordinary purchase without an auction.

The procedure for obtaining a plot is no different from the process performed by an adult, but all actions are carried out by a child representative.

Adult citizens with disabilities or children with disabilities can receive a plot of land from the state.

To do this, you do not have to perform specific actions; the entire procedure can be carried out electronically, and you don’t even have to leave your home.

Rules for the provision of land are regulated by regional legislative acts. If problems arise in registering land, you can go to court or the prosecutor's office.

Video: social housing for disabled people


Current legislation does not provide for the free distribution of land plots to people with disabilities, but their acquisition as property or long-term lease at a reduced price. In this case, the applicant has predominantly the right to purchase - this means that he can receive land out of turn. Detailed Description the procedure for providing plots, their purpose - all this can be found in the material.

Federal legislation guarantees certain benefits for people with disabilities, including the right to be provided with land plots. First of all, this is what he says federal law № 181.

Article 17 states that people with disabilities have a priority right over other citizens to receive land (we are talking only about those plots that are owned by the state - at the federal or municipal level).

In this case, all possible purposes of use are specified:

  • (construction of your own home where you can live permanently, year-round);
  • personal farming, garden and vegetable garden;
  • dacha farming.

Therefore, the acquisition of land for commercial purposes is not permitted. This right can be exercised by both disabled people themselves and the families in which they live. It is important to understand that the law does not guarantee free land as such. It's about only about the priority right of a disabled person, i.e. land can be purchased for money, but without participating in auctions (in the 1st turn). Thus, although the price for the plot is lower, it is still provided not free of charge.

Who has the right to priority acquisition of land?

All disabled people enjoy this right, regardless of group (I, II and III). The group must be confirmed by an appropriate conclusion medical commission VTEK. The following also have the right:

  • parents of disabled children;
  • guardians of disabled people.

The applicant can personally participate in the preparation of the relevant documents or contact the local Administration through a legal representative. They can be parents (including adoptive ones), guardians, as well as persons who act on the basis of a notarized power of attorney.

Conditions for allocation

Applicants may apply for land that is federally or municipally owned. The administration forms a queue of citizens who have the right to acquire land. Among them, people with disabilities receive priority rights, and within this category, distribution is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis. Land can be provided:

  • into ownership;
  • or for long-term rent.

In the second case, it is possible to privatize the land subsequently, having received the consent of the municipal government.

The allocation conditions are as follows:

  1. The site can only be provided for those purposes that were stated in advance. For example, the construction of a permanent residential building on land that is allocated for dacha farming is not allowed.
  2. The territory is provided to people with permanent disabilities. Medical examination takes place annually, so if the group is canceled as a result of the inspection, the citizen is deprived of benefits.
  3. If it is necessary to carry out the determination of the exact boundaries of the territory, separating it from the plots of neighbors, and also to install, the Administration will carry it out at its own expense. That is, the buyer (or tenant) receives “ready” land, and no additional documents are required.
  4. Representatives of the local Administration have the right to check the land even if the disabled person or his land has acquired ownership of it. For this purpose, a special commission is created, which visits the owner 3 years after the documents are prepared.
  5. If during this period it is discovered that the family is using the territory for another purpose, the plot may be confiscated. The corresponding decision is made only in court.
  6. If it is intended to use the territory for the construction of a house (individual housing construction), for this purpose the family must be recognized as in need of improved conditions. This is also done in the local Administration. One of the conditions is a small apartment area (less than 12 m2 per person) or recognition of the house where the family of a disabled person lives as unsafe.

Step-by-step instructions for obtaining land

To obtain land, you must contact the Administration of the municipality where you intend to purchase the land.

Step 1. Collecting documents

First of all, you need to collect a complete package of documents:

  • passport of a disabled person (for a child - birth certificate);
  • conclusion on recognition of disability and assignment of the appropriate group;
  • passport of the parent or guardian, if acting on behalf of the disabled person;
  • (available from your local passport office).

You can also provide additional documents that give you the right to receive benefits. For example, large family with 1 or more disabled children will have priority over other applicants.

Expert opinion

Salomatov Sergey

Real estate expert

If the territory is purchased or rented in order to build a permanent house on it, it is necessary to additionally provide a certificate stating that the family needs to improve their living conditions. To do this, you need to contact the Housing Department of the Administration in advance: the document takes at least 1 month to prepare.

Step 2. Contacting the Administration: sample application

These documents are submitted to the Administration, and an application is drawn up on the spot (in 2 identical original copies) according to the accepted template:

  1. The document is written addressed to the head of the Administration, and the applicant also indicates his full name, address and contact information.
  2. The text sets out a request for the allocation of a site; the address of its location and area is indicated. The basis for the request is stated.
  3. Next you need to describe the list of all attached documents.
  4. At the end they put the date, signature and transcript of the signature (last name, initials).

One copy is submitted to an employee of the municipal body, the second is marked with the transfer of documents. The review period begins from this date.

Step 3. Waiting and further actions

The waiting period is from 15 to 30 calendar days, in rare cases up to 2 months. The administration must provide a written response, which is sent by mail and delivered to the hands of the disabled person or his family. If a positive decision is made, the applicant immediately begins to prepare documents for the land plot. An agreement is signed with a representative of the Administration:

  • rent;
  • or purchase and sale.

Next, you need to register the right of ownership or right of lease in the Rosreestr branch. Documents for the plot, an agreement, and a passport of the owner of the land (or its tenant) are submitted there. Further actions will depend on how the territory is intended to be used. The simplest case is a private farm, summer cottage, gardening, because no additional documents will be required.

If a citizen intends to build a permanent house, he must first obtain permission for construction from the local Administration. A project is drawn up in advance (at your own expense), which can be done either independently or with the help of specialists from private licensed companies.

Expert opinion

Salomatov Sergey

Real estate expert

Acquiring ownership of a plot of land involves subsequently paying land taxes. The rate is 0.3% for plots used for personal farming, gardening, summer cottage farming and 1.5% in the case of the construction of a permanent house. The tax must be paid both on the territory owned by right of ownership and on leased land. may be established by local authorities; this possibility is not provided at the federal level. Therefore, a disabled person or his representative must obtain additional consultation at your district administration.

Step 4. What to do in case of refusal: judicial practice

Along with the obvious reasons for refusal (not all documents have been submitted, there are errors, inaccuracies, damage, etc.), there may be more compelling reasons.