
50 vitally important. Life goals - the more the better

It is customary to say about some people - he is purposeful, he will definitely achieve his goal. But how did it happen that some people have goals, while others’ lives are more like a meaningless existence? In fact, the purpose of life and human destiny is a philosophical question. Many great sages sought answers to this question, and everyone had their own view on this question. Let’s try to figure out what the role of purpose is in a person’s life, and what goals and values ​​are considered to be the main ones.

The main goal of human life

First, let's figure out what the goal is? At its core, it is a desire or motive. The goal can be conscious or unconscious. For example, the desire to travel to distant countries is a completely conscious goal. However, in a moment of danger, we may instinctively strive to perform some action in order to avoid this danger. Such a goal is unconscious. When talking about a person’s life goals, we will mean the first option, that is, only those motives that we are aware of.

The main goals in a person’s life are a set that ultimately should lead to the realization of the main goal. In other words, any of our goals consists of small subgoals. But how to determine what is the main goal in a person’s life? There is a special algorithm to find it:

  1. Think of any current goal that you are pursuing at this point in your life and is considered extremely important.
  2. Find the motive that gave rise to this current goal. Those. the answer to the question why you have this goal.
  3. If you were able to find a motive that preceded the birth of this goal, then go again to point 2 and check the motive itself in the same way.
  4. If your motive does not have any subgoal, then it is the main goal in your life.

The main goals in a person’s life are a combination. There are always several of them. And many of them are born thanks to our basic needs: food, nourishment, sleep, recognition, love, etc. This desire for happiness, prosperity, social recognition, and gaining faith in oneself and in God is usually called the meaning of a person’s life. Let's consider the main goals that almost every person pursues.

List of human life goals

You probably won't see anything new on this list. The life of each of us is filled with such goals, since their importance specifically for each of us cannot be overestimated.

Life needs can be completely individual. And each of us can continue this list ourselves. Only one thing remains common - the goal of a person’s life is to achieve all the key needs that arise in the process of his existence.

Motivation, planning, goal setting - these words have firmly entered the lexicon modern man oriented to success. It has long been no secret that planning the future helps you live the present, gives life shape and meaning, trains your will, and allows you to live the way you want, and not someone else. To effectively plan your life, life coaches recommend setting not just one goal, but several specific goals, and the more, the better. Very useful to have long list goals, grouped by timing, priorities and aspects of life.

Common idea about 50 is vital important purposes a person is a win-win the following reasons: Firstly, 50 targets is enough to cover a long period of time. Secondly, fifty is not such a large number, so goals become accessible, realistic, and do not subjugate your entire life. A list of, say, 300 goals would be more difficult to implement psychologically: such a number of goals would one day simply hang over the psyche as an unfulfilled burden. Fifty is quite possible to achieve, and even allocate a year of active life for each goal.

Here is an example of a list of goals divided into life areas.


  1. Treat all teeth
  2. Quit smoking
  3. Buy a gym membership
  4. Get rid of fear of heights
  5. Get up at 6am every day

Friends and surroundings

  1. Go out once a week
  2. Make a personal birthday calendar for friends and their children
  3. Meet people who share your hobby
  4. Send all long-scheduled emails
  5. Arrange a meeting of classmates

Family and relationships

  1. Go on a romantic vacation with your wife/husband without children
  2. Call grandma
  3. Make a family photo session with children as a souvenir
  4. Get a dog
  5. Gather several generations of the family for a family holiday

Career and business

  1. Get a raise
  2. Find a source of additional income
  3. Increase the number of customers by 50 percent.
  4. Delegate some powers to employees
  5. Take a refresher course in your field

Finance and well-being

  1. Double your annual income
  2. Pay off debts
  3. Reduce spending on unnecessary things
  4. Reach a net income level of 5 million rubles per year
  5. Create an additional passive source of income

Personal growth

  1. Learn French
  2. Quit smoking
  3. Get a car license
  4. Master new directions in your work
  5. Study new sales literature


  1. Take a calligraphy course
  2. Take up dancing
  3. Get back into shape on the violin
  4. To write a book
  5. Learn new exotic recipes


  1. Be honest with yourself
  2. Read Plato's dialogues
  3. Get acquainted with the postulates and differences of world religions
  4. Understand your purpose
  5. Go on a pilgrimage


  1. Visit Machu Picchu
  2. Go to the Rembrandt exhibition
  3. Visit friends abroad
  4. Swim in the Volga
  5. Ride an elephant


  1. Forgive the offenders
  2. Learn to live in the “mode of being”
  3. To mature
  4. Stop fooling yourself
  5. Be happy

Be happy,

Your Mitravat

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There have been cases when having a goal saved people’s lives, when everything seemed to be lost... but not the goal. We have collected and tried to collect examples of goals in a person’s life. Read, bookmark and come back to re-read and comprehend, re-evaluate.

The concept of goal and its significance

There is a law of constant dynamics. It extends to all spheres of human life. And on target. A goal is the result that a person strives to obtain in the end at the end of all his actions. The realization of one goal gives rise to another. And if you have a prestigious job, a huge house in which a loving family is waiting for you, then this is not the limit of your dreams. Do not stop. Continue and achieve them no matter what. And the success that you have already achieved will help you in realizing your next plans.

Purpose and its types

Setting life goals is the most important step on the way to success. It is not necessary to stop at one task and try to implement it. In theory, there are several types of goals in life. Depending on the sphere of society, there are three categories:

  1. Higher goals. They are focused on the person and his environment. Responsible for personal development and helping society.
  2. Basic goals. Aimed at self-realization of the individual and his relationship with other people.
  3. Supporting goals. These include all material things of a person, be it a car, a house or a vacation trip.

Based on these three categories, a person realizes himself and... If at least one target category is missing, he will no longer be happy and successful. That’s why it’s so important to have several goals at the same time in order to develop in all directions.

Formulate your goals correctly. Clearly formulated goals in a person’s life provide 60% of the success of achieving them. It is better to immediately indicate an approximate time frame. Otherwise, the goal of your whole life may remain an unattainable dream.

How to set a goal correctly

Every person faces difficulties in achieving their goals based on inaccurate formulation. What goals in a person’s life can be cited as an example?

  • Have an apartment, a house, a dacha.
  • Relax by the sea.
  • Start a family.
  • Provide parents with a good old age.

All the above goals in to a greater extent, one way or another, are a person's dream. He wants this, perhaps with all his heart. But the question arises: when are his goals realized and what does he do for this?

In order to achieve the desired result, you need to set yourself a clear and precise task. It should fit into one phrase. A clear example The correct setting of goals in a person’s life are the following formulations:

  • Have an apartment (house, dacha) at the age of 30.
  • Lose 10 kg by September.
  • Go to the sea in the first month of summer.
  • Create a happy and strong family.
  • Take your parents into your home and provide them with a good old age.

From the above goals we can conclude that almost all of them have a certain time period. Based on this, a person can plan his time to implement his plans; develop a daily action plan. And then he will see the full picture of what needs to be done and undertaken in order for the goal in life to be achieved.

How to achieve your goal faster

The more energy you have, the faster you achieve your goal. But a special kind of energy is required - mental. This is the energy that allows you to think, experience emotions and generally build your reality (you know that thoughts are material, right?). The problem for the average person is that the mental sphere is very polluted. How? Different negative emotions(fears, hatred, resentment, jealousy, anxiety, etc.), psychological complexes, limiting beliefs, emotional trauma and other mental rubbish. And this rubbish gives rise to internal conflicts and contradictions that interfere with achieving the goal.

By getting rid of mental trash, you get rid of subconscious contradictions and increase the power of thought. At the same time, the purity of thinking increases, which definitely accelerates the realization of the goal. Freeing yourself from such a burden makes life happier and easier, which in itself is main value for any person. The fastest tool for clearing mental space is the Turbo-Suslik system. The advantage of this system is that it uses subconscious resources that are usually idle. Those. Your subconscious mind does most of the work in the background while you go about your business. And all you need to do is read it ready-made instructions. Simple, fast and, as practice shows (most importantly), effective. .

Top 100 main goals in a person's life

As an example, we can cite the following goals in life, from the list of which every person will find what he wants:

Personal goals

  1. Achieve some success in your activities.
  2. Stop drinking alcohol; smoke cigarettes.
  3. Expand your circle of acquaintances around the world; make friends.
  4. Master several foreign languages ​​perfectly.
  5. Stop eating meat and meat products.
  6. Wake up at 6 am every day.
  7. Read at least one book a month.
  8. Go on a trip around the world.
  9. To write a book.

Family goals

  1. Create a family.
  2. (-Ouch).
  3. Have children and raise them properly.
  4. Provide children with a good education.
  5. Celebrate your copper, silver and gold wedding with your spouse.
  6. See grandchildren.
  7. Organize holidays for the whole family.

Material goals

  1. Do not borrow money; on credit.
  2. Provide passive income.
  3. Open a bank deposit.
  4. Increase your savings annually.
  5. Put your savings into a piggy bank.
  6. Provide children with a substantial inheritance.
  7. Do charity work. Where to begin .
  8. To buy a car.
  9. Build your dream home.

Sports goals

Spiritual Goals

  1. Work on strengthening your will.
  2. Study books on world literature.
  3. Study books on personal development.
  4. Take a psychology course.
  5. Volunteer.
  6. Express sincere gratitude.
  7. Realize all your goals.
  8. Strengthen your faith.
  9. Help others for free.

Creative goals

  1. Learn to play the guitar.
  2. Publish a book.
  3. Draw a picture.
  4. Blog or Personal diary.
  5. Create something with your own hands.
  6. Open the site.
  7. Overcome stage and audience fear. How to cry out in public - .
  8. Learn to dance.
  9. Take cooking courses.

Other goals

  1. Organize a trip for parents abroad.
  2. Meet your idol in person.
  3. Seize the day.
  4. Organize a flash mob.
  5. Get additional education.
  6. Forgive everyone for any offense ever caused.
  7. Visit sacred land.
  8. Expand your circle of friends.
  9. Give up the Internet for a month.
  10. See the northern lights.
  11. Conquer your fear.
  12. Instill new healthy habits in yourself.

It doesn’t matter at all whether you choose goals from those already proposed or come up with your own. The main thing is to act and not retreat from anything. As the famous German poet I.V. said. Goethe:

“Give a man a purpose to live for, and he can survive in any situation.”

Each person has his own main goal in life to which he strives. Or even several goals. They can change throughout life: losing their importance, some are removed, and others, more relevant, appear in their place. How many of these goals should there be?

Successful people claim that 50 human life goals is not the maximum. The longer your list of goals, the better you will be able to understand your true desires.
For example, John Goddard, at the age of fifteen, set himself not even 50 vital, main goals that he sought to achieve, but 127! For the uninitiated, information: we are talking about a researcher, anthropologist, traveler, holder of scientific degrees, Member of the Society of French Explorers, the Royal Geographical Society and the Archaeological Society, multiple record holder of the Guinness Book of Records. On his half-century anniversary, John celebrated 100 of the 127 goals he had set. One can only envy his rich life.
A happy person is called accomplished and successful. No one will call a loser happy - success is a component of happiness. To consider life successful, a person must achieve 50 of the most important life goals in old age. Summing up his life, a person compares what he dreamed of with what he achieved. But it happens that over the years it is difficult to remember many of your desires and goals, so it is difficult to make comparisons. This is why it is so important to write 50 most important goals in life on a piece of paper and periodically re-read the list. Another important aspect is to try to write down SMART goals. This means your goals should be five important criteria: specificity, measurability, relevance, achievability, time limitation.
Before making a list, you should understand what is priority and vital for a person. Air, drink, food, sleep - the 4 most important needs organic life. The second row comes health, housing, clothing, sex, recreation - necessary attributes of life, but secondary. It is impossible for a person to live without satisfying primary needs, and without satisfying secondary needs it is difficult. Therefore, if at least one link in this chain is destroyed, the person suffers physically - firstly, morally - secondly. He's unhappy. But even if all the vital needs of an individual are satisfied, his life cannot be called happy. This is such a paradox. Therefore, the 50 vitally important, priority goals of a person must necessarily include points, through the implementation of which the primary and secondary needs of a person would be satisfied.
Including goals such as “buying your own home” or “relaxing at sea”, “doing the necessary medical operation“or “heal and insert teeth”, “buy a fur coat” and “buy a car” may not be so important for complete happiness (why will be discussed below), but achieving them makes living on earth more comfortable for people. To satisfy these needs and achieve the goals listed above, an individual needs money. And, when selecting the 50 most important goals of a person, the list must include an item regarding financial condition individual. Examples of such goals:
find a high-paying job;
open your own business;
ensure that the business generates a net income of more than $10,000 per month, and the like.
Sample list of 50 goals
Spiritual self-improvement:
1. Read the collected works of J. London.
2. Complete English language courses.
3. Forgive grievances against parents and friends.
4. Stop being jealous.
5. Increase personal efficiency by 1.5 times.
6. Get rid of laziness and procrastination.
7. Write at least 1000 characters daily for your unfinished novel (personal blog).
8. Make peace with your sister (husband, mother, father).
9. Start writing a personal diary every day.
10. Attend church at least once a month.
Physical self-improvement:
1. Go to the gym 3 times a week.
2. Go to the sauna and pool weekly.
3. Do a set of exercises every morning;
4. Every evening, take walks for at least half an hour at a brisk pace.
5. Completely abandon the list of harmful products.
6. Once a quarter, organize a three-day cleansing hunger strike.
7. In three months, learn to do the splits.
8. In winter, go on a ski trip to the forest with your grandson (son, daughter, nephew).
9. Lose 4 kilograms.
10. Douse yourself with cold water in the morning.
Financial goals:
1. Increase monthly income to 100,000 rubles.
2. Raise the TIC of your website (blog) to 30 by the end of this year.
3. Go to the level of receiving passive income.
4. Learn to play on the stock exchange.
5. Learn how to make custom websites yourself.
6. Repay the bank loan ahead of schedule.
7. Entrust all housework to automatic machines in order to save time for earning money.
8. Save on pointless and harmful things: cigarettes, alcohol, sweets, chips, crackers.
9. Purchase all products from wholesale stores, except perishable ones.
10. Buy a summer house for growing fresh organic products.
Comfort and pleasure:
1. Buy a four-room apartment with all amenities.
2. Buy a Mazda RX-8 car.
3. Visit Italy and Spain.
4. Take a massage course.
5. Go on vacation at least 2 times a year.
6. Buy a fur coat made of ermine to the very toes.
7. Ride a live Indian elephant.
8. Jump with a parachute.
9. Go to a live concert of your favorite artist.
10. Meet with friends at least once a week.
1. Contribute monthly to Orphanage 10% profit for gifts for children.
2. Organize a New Year's performance for orphans with gifts using the local theater - finance it.
3. Do not pass by those asking for alms - be sure to give alms.
4. Help a shelter for homeless animals - donate money for food for dogs.
5. For the New Year, give all the kids at the entrance a small present.
6. On Elderly Day, give all pensioners a set of groceries.
7. Large family buy a computer.
8. Give unnecessary things to those in need.
9. Build a playground in the yard.
10. Help the financially talented girl Tanya go to the “Light up your star” competition in Moscow.
Demand as the main component of happiness
In addition, for complete happiness of an individual, something else is necessary. And this “something” is called recognition. Only when in demand does a person feel his importance, pleasure, and happiness. Each person has their own criteria for recognition. For some, a simple “thank you” for preparing dinner is enough. Others feel a feeling of complete happiness from the manifestations of tenderness of a sexual partner - this is recognition, the identification of an individual among all others.
For some, it is enough to bring sterile cleanliness to the house and hear words of admiration from their neighbors, while others need to see delight in the eyes of those they meet when they see their appearance, figure, outfit, hairstyle. For others, it is important to recognize them as excellent parents. For the fourth, recognition on a broader level is necessary. These fourth people do not limit the circle of people with whom they want to be recognized: relatives, loved ones, neighbors, fellow travelers, passers-by.
These are scientists, pioneers, major businessmen, creative people and a number of other professions. The most successful are people who receive recognition both from their loved ones, friends, children, neighbors, and from colleagues, fans, viewers, readers - a wider circle of people. It is important to add the appropriate items to the list of “50 goals in my life.” Examples of such goals could be:
find your soul mate to create a family, who (who) will be such and such, for whom I will feel respect, love (passion), feelings must be reciprocated;
help my son successfully finish school;
give to children higher education;
defend a thesis;
release your own collection of stories (disc of songs) or organize an exhibition of paintings.
Plot “Life Goals”:
Intermediate goals
Achieving global goals requires actions to help move forward. Therefore, you need to write intermediate goals related to advanced training, education, and acquisition of skills. And in the list of “50 human life goals,” examples of these could be:
read the collected works of Dostoevsky;
reading manuals for businessmen, authored by John Rockefeller (for example, “12 golden rules” of success);
studying the life stories and paths to success of major figures of science and culture;
studying foreign language;
obtaining a second education.
This list can be continued at your own discretion, based on the main goals.
To achieve the main goals, incentives are needed that occupy the position of intermediate goals. They are included in the list by designating; "50 intermediate life goals of a person." The list of these goals includes the following items:
go on a trip around the world;
buy a new laptop;
make repairs in the apartment;
update your wardrobe for the new season.
Some may write the items “to have facial plastic surgery” or “to perform abdominoplasty.” After all, for many, improving their appearance is a hidden desire, which they are sometimes ashamed of. But when compiling a list of motivating goals, you must definitely write down those that will give a person pleasure in life. These goals do not have important life needs, but without joy and pleasure a person languishes, he is bored with life, and the meaning of achieving his main goals is lost.
Charity is the most important human goal
Studying the path to success of John Rockefeller, everyone sees: he is a philanthropist. Donating a tenth of profits to charity is the main rule of his life. According to psychologists, helping people is useful and extremely pleasant. Therefore, in the “50 vital goals”, when compiling a list, you should include points relating to this aspect of life. By doing charity, a person enjoys receiving recognition.
Even doing good incognito, he is satisfied by seeing the fruits of his good deeds. Performing charitable acts should be on the list of vital goals. "50 charitable goals in life" in general list may have the items “build a shelter for abandoned animals”, “open kindergarten for disabled children”, “regularly provide financial assistance to an orphanage” and others.(c)

I’ve already heard that you need to set goals every year. And moreover, you need to set big goals and a lot. But for the first time in January of this year I set myself 50 goals. Or rather, the task was to set 50 goals. I honestly tried, but it still fell a little short.

I'm posting my goals here. I would be glad if this inspires you and makes your life more meaningful. At the end of the year, I will definitely share with you my results in achieving my goals.

Here I post the entire list without censorship))

My 50 goals that I will achieve in 2016 d

  1. Improve the quality of yourself and your life every day
  2. Do rituals (daily actions) that lead to the life I want.
  3. Lose weight by 5 kg.
  4. Change your daily routine: wake up and get up no later than 8.00 am during the dark season and no later than 6.00 am during the light season
  5. Form the habit of drinking a glass of water in the morning
  6. Form a habit - watch your diet
  7. Form a habit - do exercises every day - 15 minutes
  8. Form a new circle of acquaintances: develop friendships with 50 new people.
  9. Learn to drive a car
  10. Buy a car
  11. Conduct 48 free webinars
  12. Launch a year-long coaching program.
  13. Conduct 5 month coaching programs.
  14. Do 2 photo sessions: summer (outdoors) and indoors
  15. Write 3 books for networkers
  16. Buy a smartphone
  17. Register on Instagram
  18. Register in Periscoi and conduct 15-minute broadcasts there
  19. Conduct sales presentations 2 times a month to promote products for your network company
  20. Create a newsletter to attract customers to the product of a network company.
  21. Conduct a seminar for networkers in the summer
  22. Fly to St. Petersburg, to visit my daughter and on business.
  23. Fly to Moscow for an information business conference
  24. Fly to Moscow for a seminar on Internet marketing
  25. Buy a small house or land for building a house
  26. Travel around Crimea by car in summer or September.
  27. Watch 1 funny movie to get joy, positive emotions and energy.
  28. Read 50 new books
  29. Buy a new laptop and a large memory card
  30. On New Year 2016-2017 fly with your family to the island. Bali.
  31. Create a line of training courses for networkers
  32. Create a line of products for beginner information businessmen
  33. Distribute debts
  34. Sign 10,000 people from target audience to the database
  35. Expand your circle of friends in in social networks, on Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter, Instagram + something else
  36. Start learning English seriously
  37. Sew 3 dresses to order in the studio
  38. Plant and grow tomatoes, radishes and lettuce
  39. Fly to Lake Baikal to fish
  40. Fly to Kamchatka to visit friends
  41. Train 150 networkers in recruiting via the Internet. Help them achieve an income of 30,000 rubles or more via the Internet
  42. Sign up for annual coaching with a person who teaches online sales
  43. Close 3 new statuses in a network company
  44. Launch 4 sources of income
  45. Open a deposit account in a bank
  46. Think
  47. Think
  48. Think
  49. Think
  50. Think

Be happy and rich!

Sincerely, Elena Abramova.