
Alice is a short name. Alice in relationships with the opposite sex

Full name:

Similar names: Alice, Alison, Alis, Alix, Alisi, Alicia, Ailis, Elish, Eli

Church name: -

Meaning: noble

The meaning of the name Alice - interpretation

The name Alice first appeared in France in the middle of the 12th century, and became widespread in England at the turn of the 19th century. Many girls in royal families were called Alice. There is a version that this name is Latin and literally means “wings.” If we interpret its meaning in the English manner, Alice is translated as “a person of noble birth.” IN Orthodox calendar this name does not exist. Today, many girls who grew up reading Lewis Carroll's book "Alice in Wonderland" call their daughters this way.

Name Alice in other languages

Astrology of the name Alice

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

Despite her calm character, little Alice’s strong-willed inclinations become noticeable in early childhood. If she is surrounded by friends who have an insufficiently stable psyche, a quiet-looking girl can easily suppress them.

But this feature does not prevent her from always remaining a faithful friend and comrade, ready to help in Hard time. In friendship, Alice does not pay attention to gender - her soul is open to both boys and girls.

Many adults associate the baby with the heroine of a famous fairy tale, so she is invariably everyone’s favorite. A child with this name is spoiled by attention.

Alice is an example of femininity and charm. In her youth, a seductive coquette awakens within her, fraught with a mystery that crowds of fans strive to unravel. At first glance, it is difficult to understand what is on the mind of a pretty girl.

She thinks synthetically, paying attention to details. When problems arise, he does not strive to delve into their essence, considering any life obstacle in his path very superficially. Moral principles young Alice's feelings are unstable and can change if it benefits her. The girl tries to live to the fullest and does not miss available opportunities.

Despite a large number of fans, owners of this name get married late. It is important for them to first experience the delights of life in all its manifestations and only then plunge into the routine of family household duties.

Adult Alice is often contradictory in her judgments, but despite this, her opinion is usually fair. If she decides something, then she will not change the chosen tactics of action, and in case of failure, she will not regret what she did.

A woman with this name prefers to stay in the shadows and not stand out from other representatives of the fair sex. But such a desire does not prevent her from remaining a person with a pronounced individuality.

Alice loves comfort and is considered a thrifty, clean, pragmatic and principled person. She is not inclined to envy other people's successes and can be sentimental. In behavior adult woman You can often notice the features of the naive girl from Lewis Carroll's fairy tale.

Alice's character

From an early age, Alice is an active, optimistic child. This positive trait remains her constant companion until her old age. Alice's kindness and responsiveness deserve admiration.

She belongs to the category of those rare people who are always ready to help. Thanks to this property, Alice easily manages to turn enemies into friends. The owner of this name loves communication, knows how to carry on a conversation without causing irritation in the interlocutor. She quickly forgets the harm done to her and is able to forgive the offender.

Alya, as her family and close friends sometimes affectionately call her, combines many positive qualities, but there is also a fly in the ointment in the barrel of honey.

TO negative traits The character of this woman can be attributed to her dreaminess. She loves, like the heroine of Lewis Carroll's famous fairy tale, to be mentally transported to another reality. In her youth, a girl lives with dreams, which she makes no effort to realize.

Alice does not have enough persistence to make her plans come true. The owner of the name can remain in the illusory world of her fantasies throughout her life. The sensitive nature of this young lady is the reason for her touchiness.

Alice's fate

Alice's fate is going well thanks to her hard work and desire to always finish the job she starts. People around her admire and sympathize with a woman with this name, so she is not subject to negative influence from the outside. Alice is an efficient employee and a good friend, deservedly respected.

Confidence in her abilities, an objective view of many things allow her to successfully overcome many obstacles in life. life path. The owner of a fairy-tale name always tries to hide her inner experiences; in the company of strangers, her behavior is characterized by restraint.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

If Alice is passionate about building a career, her personal life immediately fades into the background. This woman approaches her choice of profession responsibly and gives preference creative work. Good specialists The name Alice can be found among journalists, fashion designers, philologists, and architects.

These women do not like to work under subordination; they have tense relationships with their superiors. Alice herself, in the role of the boss, is a stern, principled, demanding person. She is lucky in solving financial issues. She does not like to waste money, so she usually does not experience serious financial problems. If desired, Alice can easily succeed in running any business.

Marriage and family

Alice is in no hurry to tie the knot. This is due to her love for freedom and independence, which are difficult to part with. The passion for intrigue and love adventures is often the cause of disappointment. Numerous unsuccessful novels often discourage these women from wanting to get married as soon as possible.

Alice has inflated demands on her life partner. The person who will be next to her must have the best masculine qualities. When choosing a spouse, she does not pursue material gain. The priority is sincere feelings and mutual assistance in difficult times.

Alice usually gets married in adulthood - she will not risk erasing her youth with a sudden marriage. There are always a lot of guests in her house. If the owner of this name lives with her mother-in-law, women do not have disagreements on domestic issues.

Sex and love

Bearers of a beautiful, romantic name are passionate and temperamental people. They prefer variety in intimate relationships and strive to meet new feelings that give vivid emotions. Many Alices are prone to cheating - a stable and measured family life seems boring to them.

When choosing a sexual partner, Alya places strict demands on his external characteristics. Only attractive, charismatic men can end up in her bed. Women with this name are amorous, love to attract the attention of the opposite sex, but do not rush into a new relationship without looking back.

Aleksey, Vladimir, Oleg, Andrey or Arthur are suitable as a life partner and partner for intimate relationships for Alice. Her man should not be given a reason for jealousy - this greatly hurts the romantic nature and can cause a break in the relationship.


Alice has been unknown since childhood serious problems with health. She is growing up as an active child with excellent immunity. With age wellness needs to be supported, but Alya often forgets about this.

She can limit her night sleep, eating improperly, not observing the optimal work and rest regime, which gradually leads to problems that have a negative impact on general state body. In adulthood, Alice’s genitals are susceptible to diseases; her vegetative system requires increased attention. nervous system. Subject to compliance proper diet and rest regime, women with this name are able to live to a ripe old age.

Interests and hobbies

Alice is interested in art. It can be seen at an art exhibition, in a new production in the theater. For her, the cost of a ticket does not matter if she wants to attend a concert of her favorite artist or musical group.

It’s hard to imagine the leisure time of a romantic woman living in a dream world without a good book. Alice prefers to alternate periods of solitude with active pastime in the company of friends. Traveling remains her passion throughout her life from her youth to her old age.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Alice has a strong personality and grace, she loves comfort, handsome men and in general everything is beautiful. She is endowed with a sense of self-esteem, however, she does not try to in any way infringe on a man’s pride, but, on the contrary, helps a man reveal his virtues. Alice surrounds herself interesting men, but chooses as a husband someone who occupies a strong position in life and is able to give her material well-being, although the sexuality of her future spouse is important to her. She has a fairly strong erotic libido, she likes to have sex for a long time, and, unlike many other women, she is little interested in the environment.

Paying first attention to a man’s appearance, she subsequently values ​​his intelligence, strength, life and sexual experience. But in choosing a partner, she is still guided by his external data: beauty is Alice’s weakness. Unfortunately, she is often punished for this, because a masculine appearance may hide fading sexual potential. It is very important for her that her partner brings her into a state of strong sexual

excitement, otherwise intimacy sometimes she finds it unpleasant. Alice is able to break off a connection with a man with whom she does not experience full sensual pleasure, but at the same time she does not become his enemy, but maintains quite warm friendly relations.

It’s easy to communicate with her, she creates a feeling of psychological comfort. In life, Alice rarely manages to be a leader, and she tries to realize her desire for dominance in intimate relationships. With great reluctance, she agrees to give up primacy in bed to a man; she does this only out of fear of losing him. In her family life, Alice is hampered by her love for unlimited freedom and independence. “Winter” Alice is sexy, amorous, capable of adultery, but does not lose her head.

According to Higir

Alice is a charming girl and, despite some laziness, is everyone's favorite. She looks like her father. These are flexible and pragmatic people, they are very clean, thrifty, and do not like to throw money away. Disgusted.

For some reason, they come across husbands with difficult characters, and Alice has to make a lot of efforts to ensure that there is peace in the family. They usually have one child, most often a son.

“Winter” - with a contradictory character; persistent to the point of stubbornness, principled, but fair. They are decisive in their actions and do not regret what they have done. In the team they are more friends with male colleagues, but they try to stay in the shadows, not standing out in any way. They do their job calmly and make sure to complete it.

“Summer” ones are softer, they are sentimental and completely devoid of feelings of envy. They get married late, but with their mother-in-law they manage to find mutual language, and often they live with her. They are hospitable and know how to welcome and entertain guests well. They love beautiful antique dishes.

Alice's profession: doctors, architects, artists, designers, philologists, journalists.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: Diminutive form of the Old Germanic name Adelaide, "Noble" (from the Germanic roots adal, "noble", and heid, "estate")

Name energy and character: The first thing you notice is that the name Alice is quite spicy. Perhaps even too much. This property of the Russian sound of a name was noticed a long time ago and it is not for nothing that the image appeared in fairy tales sly fox Alice. However, this absolutely does not mean that Alice will certainly grow up to be cunning and sneaky, not at all, because this is only a predisposition, a certain direction, and, as we know, any direction has two directly opposite ends. Rather, the opposite outcome is even more likely, because in this case the hint is too noticeable, and according to the law that action is equal to reaction, Alice can grow up to be a painfully honest and principled person.

Be that as it may, however, another manifestation of the energy of the name is a penchant for wit, which makes Alice a cheerful and sociable person, and at the same time helps to protect herself from anyone’s attacks. At the same time, Alice’s pride is usually quite developed; it is possible that ambitious dreams of a career will somewhat distract her from her personal life, and then it will be quite difficult for her to get married. In addition, most bearers of this name are characterized by daydreaming and a penchant for fantasies, which is largely due to the image of Alice, who came straight from Lewis Carroll’s fairy tale to Wonderland. Of course, this fairy tale is familiar to many from childhood, but not everyone, like Alice, had a good reason to identify themselves with the main character. However, it is unlikely that this daydreaming can completely tear her away from real life, since a sense of humor always helps Alice return from heaven to earth.

Undoubtedly, she is attracted to everything unusual, everyday affairs and worries usually do not arouse enthusiasm in Alice, so you probably shouldn’t expect her to throw herself headlong into household chores, but if she’s lucky with interesting work, then behind her she may well forget about everything else. Although she will try to maintain the economy, as, albeit not the main, but still part of her life, at the proper level.

Secrets of communication: To mortally insult Alice, it is often enough to simply doubt her honesty, and she will most likely react to the conflict with irony, and maybe even mockery. To make your relationship with Alice more trusting, try dreaming a little with her.

The name's trace in history:

Alice in Wonderland

“Alice in Wonderland”, “Alice Through the Looking Glass” - these books by the English writer Lewis Carroll, beloved by children of many generations, are full of mysteries and surprises. Not only is the plot literally turned upside down in them, but even such seemingly obvious things as the name of the author or the personality of the heroine, it turns out, also have their second bottom. After all, the author’s name was actually Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, and behind the image of the fairy-tale Alice he invented, there is a real girl, an acquaintance of the writer, Alice Pleasence Liddell.

It was she, while riding a boat one day with her sisters and Mr. Dodgson, who suddenly asked him to come up with a fairy tale in which there would be more exciting adventures and the most incredible nonsense. And he could not refuse her, starting to tell a story, the main character of which, “by coincidence,” also turned out to be a girl named Alice, whose character was so similar to her. It's hard to believe, but this was the first literary experience of Lewis Carroll, who, before turning into a storyteller, led a completely different life - a pedantic mathematics professor.

What is the secret of the popularity of a little girl’s adventures in a world whose rules do not obey the laws we are used to? It is unlikely that their author, like a real juggler, plays with words, making “Alice” literally untranslatable into foreign language. Lewis Carroll himself was sure that the main thing in his book was its heroine with her amazingly pure and bright view of the world.

“How did I see you, Alice, in my imagination? - he wrote, addressing either the fairy-tale Alice or her real prototype. - First of all, I saw you as loving and tender; tender as a doe and loving as a dog (I apologize for the comparison, but I don’t know love on earth that is more beautiful and purer). And also - polite: polite and friendly with everyone, with big and small, with the powerful and funny, with kings and worms... And also - gullible, ready to believe in the most incredible fable. And finally, desperately curious and cheerful, as you can only be in childhood, when the whole world is new and beautiful.”

And so it happened that the almost fictional girl Alice ended up in the magical Wonderland of the most fabulous and incomprehensible miracle.

1. Personality: Quiet women

2. Main features: will - sociability - activity - intelligence

3.Color: yellow

4. Totem plant: heather

5. Totem animal: carp

6. Sign: Pisces.

7. Type. Don't judge them by their name, even if their totem is carp. These people are capable of completing the most difficult and overwhelming task. As a rule, these are women

extra-class, arousing sympathy among people around.

8. Psyche. Rather, they are people of action. It’s easier for them to do something than to talk about it. They have a masculine way of leading and ruling. Objective and self-confident.

9. Will. She has been very strong since childhood. There must be people around them with a balanced psyche, otherwise they will completely suppress them.

10. Excitability. You will find true friends in these women. They know how to make friends with both men and women.

11. Reaction speed. They light up easily, but always act with calculation. They love to contradict and say “no.”

12. Field of activity. These women always carry out their plans. The most important thing for them is to choose a profession. They choose a job where they need to give orders, even if it involves risk. If they become interested in art, they will definitely become sculptors or painters. In any case, they manage to deceive others.

13. Intuition. There is something hidden, unknown, shrouded in mystery, which makes others guess at their identity,

14. Intelligence. They have a synthetic type of thinking. However, you need to make sure that these girls do not grab at the top, but delve into the essence of the problem.

15. Receptivity. Good, but without overlap. They are characterized by restraint and do not like to put their feelings on display.

16. Morality. The morality of these women does not keep up with their actions, like the quartermaster's train with the army. If it is beneficial for them, they can change their moral principles.

17. Health. It seems to them that they have horse health, so they do not spare themselves, sleep little, eat irrationally, and work too much. Minor ailments can make their life difficult. Weak points: autonomic nervous system, genitals.

18. Sexuality. Women with this type of character feel a strong attraction and strive to live life to the fullest. Their sexuality is all together: delicacy, pleasure, spiritual sex, happiness and unhappiness.

19. Activity. They are active and try to make a career in professions that are classified as male.

20. Sociability. They are incomparable housewives, excellent cooks and know how to entertain guests, skillfully and intelligently use advantageous acquaintances to their advantage. They treat their family with great love, but are still independent by nature.

21. Conclusion. These individuals have too strong a character for a woman. Such “quiet” women contain secret strength and power...

Sweet, gentle and curious dreamer. This extraordinary child is often everyone's favorite. This is precisely the meaning of the name Alice in childhood. Energetic and sociable, she attracts people like a magnet who later become her friends.

Often looks like her father. She attaches great importance to communication with family, touches, kisses, and words of approval. She is the favorite granddaughter of her grandparents.

A little lazy. Performs housework quickly, carelessly and with obvious reluctance. The girl studies in approximately the same way. Does not like to do homework or study independently. Indifferent to sports, Olympics and all kinds of competitions. Lessons in theater arts, drawing, and weaving can be interesting for a girl, to which the girl will attach great importance and will always find time for them.

Constant dreamer. Most of the time is spent daydreaming, which makes it difficult to focus on real life and determine your own goals and priorities. In company she is cheerful, easy-going and pleasant to talk to. He has strong ideas about friendship, endowing it with almost ideal meanings; because of this, he is often disappointed in those around him.

In young years, the meaning of the name Alice for a child is revealed in different ways and mostly depends on the upbringing and close environment of the baby. A young lady, like a sponge, is saturated with the emotions that are in the air, so when the “weather at home” is favorable, the baby radiates joy and self-confidence.

At this age, a girl begins to look more realistically at the world without stopping to fantasize. The young ladies are ripening specific goals and plans in life, the achievement of which the girl attaches great importance to.

The girl watches herself very closely, is too clean and fastidious. He does not like physical contact with unfamiliar people, preferring to be at arm's length with everyone, which is the ideal “comfort zone” for a young lady.

She always dresses fashionably and can easily experiment with styles without getting stuck on one look. Has an innate taste and feeling of beauty. She pays great attention to the opportunity to stand out from the crowd and show her individuality.

He takes a thorough approach to solving problems and issues that have arisen, trying to bring everything to the end. He has enviable calm in emotionally unstable situations and can get out of the most vile situation with dignity.


The young lady gets married quite late, which means a serious approach to choosing a life partner. Some of the qualities of a man that are especially valued by a woman are a sense of duty to his family, the ability to provide the household with everything they need, and pronounced leadership qualities.

She often connects her fate with a man who has a difficult character and spends his whole life trying to establish contact with him.

In sex, the meaning of the name Alice for a girl reveals its owner as a bright and emotional person, timidly going into experiments and love games. To begin with, the chosen one should win the woman’s trust, and only after that she will completely open up and surprise the man with her knowledge of sex.


In a family, a woman does not try to lead; on the contrary, the interpretation of the name reveals the girl as a person who completely trusts her husband.

The girl is a useless housewife, which means a disdainful attitude towards order and the responsibilities of a wife and mother. He does everything in a hurry, so there is always some chaos at home. She loves to cook, but gets tired of these responsibilities very quickly.

She loves children and prefers to spend most of her time with her children, paying great attention to their development and worldview.

Business and career

The professions of a doctor, psychologist, actress, theater critic, journalist, tour guide, historian, fashion designer, designer, artist, sculptor are suitable for a woman. He does not strive to occupy high positions, which means he has no career ambitions. He feels comfortable only when he does what he loves.

Origin of the name Alice

There are two versions that explain the origin of the name Alice. According to the first and most probable hypothesis, the place where the naming originated is considered to be Ancient Germany. Alice, whose name is considered a shortened form of the name Adelaide, which, in turn, came from the ancient German name Adelhey. This word consists of two stems, “adal” and “heid”, which mean “noble, noble” and “image, appearance”, respectively, therefore the secret of the name Alice is revealed as a person of “noble origin” or “noble class”.

Second and less probable is the opinion that female name Alice is a historically modified Greek name for Callistus, the etymological translation of which is “truth.”

Characteristics of the name Alice

In general, the characteristics of the name Alice have predominantly positive character traits. Since there are pros and cons to almost all names, it is worth highlighting the main ones.

Little Alisochka combines many contradictory character traits that will develop and be shaped in accordance with her upbringing. In addition to gentleness, frugality and cleanliness, there is cunning and a certain laziness in the sweet person, which should be paid considerable attention to.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone – jade, chrysolite, tourmaline.
  • Name days - February 5, June 12, December 16.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Aquarius.
  • Patron planet - Uranus.
  • Color – orange, green, purple.
  • Favorable plant – rose, barberry.

Famous people

  • Alice Jane Milano (1972) – American actress, singer. Known for her role as one of the Halliwell sisters, Phoebe, in the television series Charmed.
  • Alisa Grebenshchikova (1978) is a Russian theater and film actress, daughter of rock musician Boris Grebenshchikov. Raises a son.
  • Alyson Hannigan (1974) - American actress, famous for her role as Willow Rosenberg, friend main character television series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". She is married to the actor who played the mentor in the same series, Alexis Denisof, and has two children.

Different languages

IN English language the translation of the name Alisa is slightly different from the Russian version - Alice (Alice), Alicia (Elisha), Alison, Allison, Allyson, Alyson (Alison). On German, the name is translated Alice (Alice), Alix (Alix), Alisa (Alice), into French -Alice (Alice), Alix (Alix), diminutive form Alison (Alison), Licette (Lisette). Spanish the name sounds Alicia (Alicia), the diminutive form of Alicita (Alicita), Lili (Lily), Licha (Licha), in Italian - Alice (Alice), in Polish - Alicja (Alicia),

Alice is one of the most beautiful female names, which we associate with childhood, comfort and serenity.

As we grow up, we change. Associations also change. If you ask yourself how we see Alice today, this name will probably evoke a pleasant echo. A sweet, gentle, very interesting girl appears. As a child, she was probably called a princess. Looking ahead, we can say that this name was indeed chosen for many princesses. They often did not occupy the royal throne, but successfully coped with their role as the most charming and attractive.

What is the secret of our heroine? She will not reveal all her secrets, but much will become clear if you learn something about the secrets of the origin and meaning of the name Alice. Let's start lifting the veil right now.

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind when you mention Alice is the same girl who visited Wonderland. It is interesting that it was after the publication of Lewis Carroll's fairy tale that the name began to spread among all people. And before that, only rich princesses at court were called this way. In our country, of course, Alisa Selezneva, a charming and smart girl from the cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet,” also played her role.

Be that as it may, the roots of this name are ancient Germanic. The origin is associated with the word adel, which means “noble”, “noble”. Yes, this girl really has a lot of representative stuff in her. blue bloods. She knows her worth and already as a child demonstrates to adults that even if she is a doll, she is the most expensive.

It is interesting that there are exactly three diminutive forms of this name. She can sometimes be called Aliska, Ala or Alya. Although hardly any of these words will suit the charming Alice - after all, full form The name sounds very beautiful and to some extent even piquant.

Foreign analogues of the name Alice

Of course, what is beautiful name found in almost all European languages. By the way, even Japan has its own analogue. As for other countries, we can meet Alice almost everywhere:

  1. In the UK and USA her name is Alice.
  2. In France - Adelaide.
  3. In Germany - Alice with emphasis on the last syllable (Alice).
  4. In the Czech Republic - Alicia (spelled the same way).
  5. In Italy - Alichi.

In a word, by choosing the name Alice for a girl, you instantly become a participant in a real cultural tradition that unites the countries of the Old World.

Signs, talismans, patrons

Along with the secrets of meaning and origin when choosing the name Alice, it is useful to know about the signs of fate that will help the girl throughout her life:

  1. The zodiac sign that favors her is serious, responsible. If a girl is also lucky enough to be born under this constellation, this can be considered a kind of symbol. This is a good sign in the sense that Alice will certainly be able to achieve a lot in life. Moreover, all her successes will be associated only with personal work and diligence. Capricorns are pragmatic, concrete and committed people. They are convinced that happiness does not shine in this life for lazy people. That is why among the representatives of this zodiac sign we practically do not meet naive dreamers with vague plans for a career and family. And our heroine has every chance of becoming a hardworking and successful girl.
  2. And the patronizing planet is in harmony with the constellation Capricorn. It's about O Saturn, which astrologers have long considered as a symbol of restrictions and the fight against obstacles. In fact, you shouldn't look at the picture in a dark light. In life, almost everything is in the hands of man, and the girl Alice hardly seriously believes in rock and destiny. She is not afraid to face challenges. Moreover, this lady is convinced that it is circumstances that shape willpower. Therefore, life without difficulties, having your head in the clouds is not at all the style of our heroine.
  3. Alice's lucky colors include two different shades - pink and dark brown. The latter personifies prudence, practicality and common sense. But pink, contrary to popular belief, is not the color of glamorous blondes. In the language of the symbol, it means fidelity, the spiritual purity of a person, his sentimental feelings.
  4. In the plant world he patronizes crocus. It symbolizes the joys of youth, spring feelings that may well come to a person at any time. After all, all ages are submissive to love. And among the trees, the elm brings good luck - a symbol of longevity and health.
  5. Brings good luck among animals cat. This one is familiar to everyone a pet takes on many images in different cultures. Basically it all comes down to wisdom, cunning, and the ability to make non-standard decisions. difficult situations. In her life, Alice will test this truth for herself more than once. Indeed, this lady can go beyond what is proposed and think, as they say, not like everyone else.
  6. And among the gem stones, it can become a talisman. This is a semi-precious stone of pleasant azure shades. It is associated with sincere friendship, pure human relationships. Lapis lazuli is also a symbol of knowledge and spiritual wisdom.


The character and destiny of a person is influenced by many more factors than we can imagine. In the case of Alice, it is believed that this is to a greater extent summer, bright name. And if you call a child born in the warm name of the year this way, it will be the most the best option. If a girl was born not in the summer, but in the spring, the name can affect the development of such qualities as shyness, tenderness and even emotional vulnerability. But for girls born in autumn, the following names are better suited: Sophia, Anna, Anastasia, Veronica, Lyudmila, Ulyana.

Name day

Alice has only three days a year when she can remember her heavenly patrons. But on the other hand, when there is very little of something, it only becomes more expensive. Our heroine can happily celebrate Angel Day in winter and summer - here are her three cherished dates:

  • January 22;
  • June 28;
  • December 29th.

The character and fate of Alice

The energy of the name Alice is closely related to its meaning. Indeed, the girl’s character reveals aristocratic manners, good manners, and natural politeness. At the same time, Alice will willingly stand up for her interests and, in general, does not need a patron.

This lady is very emotional, but as she grows up, she will certainly learn to restrain her feelings. And all because our heroine has innate ideas about what weakness is and what strength lies in. It is unthinkable for Alice to feel like a fragile, muslin young lady who cannot take a step without a man’s shoulder.

On the contrary, she herself can organize anyone, including becoming a kind of leader in a male company. It must be said that she loves to communicate with men and often prefers the company of guys to the company of women. And all because Alice loves to be the center of attention and, moreover, she loves to revolve among people of a strong, strong-willed nature.

Subsequently, all these qualities will greatly help her build a career, protect her family, and generally look for her place in the sun. But strength isn’t even the main thing here. The first violin in Alice's character is played by love of life, a firm conviction that everything will be fine. The reason for this is not naive dreams, but a concrete calculation. Alice won't take a step without a plan. She likes to calculate everything and make informed decisions that guarantee victory. That's why this lady will really achieve a lot.


Let's be honest: Alice is a stubborn girl. This manifests itself both in childhood and when she becomes an adult. But it was thanks to perseverance that Alice achieved everything that is on her track record. Indeed, on the one hand, one can be indignant at how wayward people can be. But on the other hand, this is exactly how we see a true leader, who has enough will to take obvious risks for the sake of big goal. Of course, those around you should keep in mind that you can’t argue with Alice, and this is unnecessary. Try to find a different approach to it - sometimes it’s enough just to look at the situation differently to understand: the box was just opening.

Alisa Brunovna Freindlikh, theater and film actress (still from the film " Love affair at work", director E. Ryazanov)

Alice in love and marriage: compatibility with male names

In the meaning of the name Alice, such a trait as perfectionism is clearly visible. This means that the girl constantly strives for ideal people, an ideal job, friends and, in general, some kind of ideal life. Of course, our heroine is smart enough to understand that real life it’s more complicated, and the world is far from perfect, and in some places it’s just bad. Which, however, does not prevent her from constantly striving for unattainable, but so cherished heights.

That's why in this important issue, as a life partner, this lady makes the strictest demands, and of course, finding her will not be so easy. Although very exciting. Alice definitely won’t end up with gentlemen: she really is the most charming and attractive. Another thing is that she will keep her heart for a very long time.

This lady is convinced that she deserves the best. And such a thought does not arise on empty grounds. The girl takes herself very seriously, she always watches how she speaks, what she wears, and who she dates. Let's just say that for Alice there is no such thing as a trifle and an accident. That is why even the simplest untidiness or an unevenly spoken word from a companion can become a serious doubt for her whether it is worth meeting him further.

Of course, on the path to her feminine happiness, Alice will overcome all turns, because she is a persistent person and is definitely not afraid of difficulties. And in order to acquire additional guidelines for resolving such a delicate issue, it is better for her to find out with whom marriage is possible, what is compatibility with male names. The most likely chances of success are with such representatives of the stronger sex:

  • Rodion;
  • Paul;
  • Arkady;
  • David;
  • Alexei;
  • Eldar;

But relationships with these couples can go through some tests:

  • Vitaly;
  • Peter;
  • Yuri;
  • Semyon;
  • Konstantin;
  • Vladimir;
  • Stepan;
  • Ruslan;
  • Denis;
  • Hermann.

Alice's professions

It is very difficult to give any advice to such a purposeful, charismatic lady. It’s just that Alice herself knows what she wants from life. And even if today the path to the goal is not obvious, tomorrow she will in any case understand where to start and where to end.

A responsible approach to business allows a girl to realize her talents in a variety of areas. She loves creative professions, but without a clear basis and system of actions, Alice is unlikely to take up work. Order in everything, impeccable planning and implementation of plans - this is Alice’s formula for success.

Needless to say, with such qualities she can try herself in the most different areas: business, marketing, programming, teaching, psychology - the list is immensely long.

Famous Alices

About emperors statesmen, we know a lot. But about their wives - much less. Few people know, for example, that the last empress of Russia, the wife of Nicholas II, was Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt, who, after accepting Orthodoxy, acquired the name Alexandra Feodorovna. And everyone also knows Alisa Freindlich, Alisa Koonen, Cher and others.

The sweetest girl with clear plans for life and a heightened sense of responsibility. She achieved everything herself, and many victories await Alice ahead.

Alice - very popular name in modern culture. A guest from the future, a fox from a fairy tale about Pinocchio, a girl through the looking glass, “Oh, Alice, how could we meet and chat about everything”? Many parents choose him because of his sweetness... But what fate will they reward their daughter by deciding to name him Alechka?

  1. Old French version: from the name with Germanic roots Adelaide (“noble”).
  2. Latin. This theory claims that the name was created from the word “alis” - “wings”.
  3. An ancient Greek version according to which this name stands for “truth.”

Name options in other languages: Alice (English-speaking countries), Alicia or even Lola (Portugal), Aliki (Greece), Arisu (Japan), Liisa (Finland).

Shortened form of the name: Aliska, Alechka, Liska, Alya, Alka.

Character of a person with this name

  • Alice is a dreamer, often trying on the roles of other, brighter people. But at the same time, she does not go through life with rose-colored glasses, she understands well what kind of world she lives in at the moment and what she can really count on.
  • She is endowed strong feeling justice. Having done something, he will not regret it.
  • She loves new things and often follows cultural events. He tries to get to notable concerts and sensational theater premieres.

Her shortcomings: some indecisiveness, inability to demonstrate perseverance to the end. The girl is quite sensitive, which is why she is easily offended - fortunately, she is not one of those who accumulate grievances or experience them for too long. What can offend a girl the most? An undeserved accusation of lying, especially when thrown by a friend.

Alice's fate

Everyone loves these friendly and gentle girls, so life opens many doors for Alechka. At school, college and at work, the girl is surrounded by many loyal friends. If an enemy lurks among them, the girl’s slightly humorous and playful character will help to quickly cope with his tricks.

A bit of esotericism and astrology

  • Name color: pink or dark brown.
  • Planet: Saturn, Moon.
  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn. Aquarius is also considered important for a girl.
  • Talisman stone: lapis lazuli. Alice should also wear jewelry with,.
  • Mascot plants: elm and crocus.
  • Animal: cat.
  • Element: air.
  • Lucky number: 8.

Angel Day is not celebrated in the Orthodox calendar. At baptism little Alice may be given church name. In this case, name days will be celebrated: in February (18th), March (14th and 22nd), April (2nd), May (6th and 31st), June (26th), July (17th), September (30th), October (13), November (19), and of course, December (23).

As for the Catholic Church, it recognizes this name, since there is a Catholic Saint Alice (the patroness of paralyzed or sick people). Alice's Catholic name days are celebrated in January (9th and 22nd), June (15th) and December (16th, 29th).

How does it manifest itself in:

  • ...Career. Bright, she can choose a profession related to performances: musician, actress, and finally, politician. The profession of an artist, art critic, clothing designer, journalist (say, gossip column) is also perfect. But in order to succeed, she will have to “cut off” part of her optimism and instill in herself more determination.
  • ...Finance. If Alice starts earning a lot of money, it is extremely contraindicated for her to squander it. After the “white” days, the “black” ones will come, so it is very important to have time to accumulate a decent “cushion”.
  • ...Love. The girl loves to feel the attention of the opposite sex. In her youth, she can read novels, dreaming of eternal love. By nature she is amorous, a flirt, often surrounded by admirers. But one can truly fall in love only with strong man with a hot character, life with whom will not be boring.
  • ...To the family. A man who asks Alice to marry (and can persuade her to give up her career) will be amazed by her thriftiness and willingness to equip the family nest. Thanks to his sense of proportion and good taste, Alka's house always looks like it is from the picture. She becomes a non-conflict spouse. It is very important not to be jealous of her without reason - she may not be forgiven.
  • …Health. Innate energy gives Alice a lot of strength. She will live many years without illness if she does not overeat. Throughout life, a girl should stick to a healthy diet.

Compatibility with male names in relationships

A girl can create a happy marriage with: Adam, Andrey, Artamon, Alexey, Arthur, Vladimir, Vilen, Vladislav, Oleg, Stepan, Philip, Fedor.

Also, a family (with some nuances, but still long-lasting) can develop with: Eugene, Demid, Ippolit, Luchezar.

And she will divorce Boris, Valentin, Vitaly, Gennady, Denis, Igor, Konstantin, Ruslan, Sergei.

Famous bearers of the name

  1. Freundlich Alisa Brunovna (1934) - Soviet and Russian actress, star of the films “Office Romance”, “The Three Musketeers” and dozens of others.
  2. Alisa Agafonova and Alisa Dray are modern figure skaters.
  3. Alisa Krylova (1982) - Russian model, journalist, businesswoman.
  4. Alice Robert or Roberts (1906-1985) - film actress from Belgium.
  5. Alisa Kolosova (1987) - opera singer from Russia, sings in Vienna.

This name was also very popular among English nobility, they were often called princesses.

Name horoscope

  1. Aries. Hardworking and disciplined. Often prefers career to friendship and relationships. In society he knows how to present himself correctly when meeting people the right people. IN intimate life picky, not everyone will force her to change her business briefcase to a kitchen apron.
  2. Calf. Since childhood, she has not listened to her elders, which is why she desperately messes up, although she does not even admit to herself that she is wrong. A girl may have problems with her career, as well as with family life. Her husband can be a man with character who will subjugate her.
  3. Twins. She seems cheerful and open, but in fact she is very thoughtful, even distrustful. You can only start a family with a very loving, kind guy.
  4. Cancer. Soft, gentle, unable to defend herself, touchy. She really wants to be strong and even wears the mask of an “iron woman” for some time, but then she gets tired of it and closes herself in her “shell.” You can become happy with a guy who is a stone wall.
  5. A lion. Ambitious, often becomes a boss. In friendship it can be too harsh, it cuts the truth in the eyes, so that it does not have a hundred friends. Her husband must be even stronger, otherwise the marriage is doomed.
  6. Virgo. Loves art, smart, introvert - loves to be alone. She has friends - few, but loyal ones. The husband of Alechka the Virgin should be a sensitive romantic.
  7. Scales. Smart, delicate and non-conflicting (even with a grumpy mother-in-law she will be as good-natured as possible). Her husband should earn well and be the head of the house, and Alice will devote herself to housekeeping.
  8. Scorpion. Independent, calm and lonely. He doesn't trust people, so he doesn't bring friends closer to him. If you can make her trust you, she will love you.
  9. Sagittarius. The girl is like fireworks: cheerful, open, cheerful. Not serious, she doesn’t understand people, so she has a hundred friends (changing all the time). She also has many favorites.
  10. Capricorn. He lives for today, wants to do everything, loads himself to the maximum... And often does not have time. A career woman will be happy with an equally workaholic who will almost forcefully take her on vacation.
  11. Aquarius. Non-conflict and kind, like the cat Leopold. Carefree, loves parties. She will be happy with the king of parties, who will not lock her up.
  12. Fish. A dreamer who needs a pragmatic husband.