
Four levels of consciousness. Determining your level of consciousness according to David Hawkins 4 levels of human consciousness in psychology

Evolution of consciousness and levels of human development. David Hawkins.

1. Introduction. Briefly: what kind of lecture is this, what will I talk about and what is the value?

The fact is that at the last seminars Kovalev S.V. brought a completely new model of levels of consciousness, which, like the last puzzle, fit perfectly into the harmonious model of the 4 levels of human development.

This model, and like many others, was modestly borrowed from the American psychiatrist David Hawkins, now he is a world-famous spiritual teacher who has experienced enlightenment.

This is a brilliant work, a model that really opens your eyes to so many things.

Without modesty, this model is magnificent, it is simple, understandable and very visual.

In addition, this model has excellent practical applications in everyday life and in psychotherapy.

We will look at all this here in this videocast.

I guarantee that viewing this material and applying it even in small ways is guaranteed to increase your level of consciousness.

2. Model of the levels of development and evolution of human consciousness.

Let's first define the terminology. Attractor, from the word attract - to attract, this is a kind of field, one might say, an egregor, which is, as it were, a field of consciousness at the moment.

Level of consciousness should never be confused with intelligence, IQ or emotional intelligence. The level of consciousness is determined by the attractor to which consciousness strives.

I will not first present a model of 4 levels of development (adaptation, socialization, existentialization, transpersonalization):

Here I present a map of the evolution of consciousness according to the 4 levels of development.

Explanation: Levels of consciousness are given on a logarithmic scale ranging from 1 to 1000. 1 denotes existence as such (bacteria), and 1000 is the highest level of development of consciousness in the physical body (Jesus, Buddha, Krishna).

The term “logarithmic” means that the transition to each new level allows you to open completely new horizons, realities that are several orders of magnitude higher than the previous ones.

Let's go into detail:

ILevel, Adaptation.

The following attractors are subject to this:

Level shame, shame, humiliation has a level of consciousness of only 20 points;

Next level guilt, reproaches, self-punishment, accusations, masochism. 30 points.

Apathy, despair, sadness, dim world, helplessness, heaviness. 50 points.

Grief, sadness, loss, longing, regret. 75 points.

If we generalize this level, then it can be called “destruction and self-rejection.”

This is where the level of adaptation ends and we move on to the level of socialization.

IILevel, Socialization.

Fear, anxiety, worry, fear. Level 100.

Desires, thirst, envy, needs, instincts, desires, addictions – 125 points.

Anger, hatred, dissatisfaction of desires, rage - 150 points.

Pride, contempt, emergency – 175 points.

This level of consciousness ends the level of socialization. It may seem strange, but it is these attractors that allow a person to successfully fit into society, the social framework, work, achieve success, and have material wealth.

But beyond the level of pride lies a dangerous turn - if you do not go further, to higher levels of consciousness, then there is a chance of falling from pride into shame and disgrace.

In general, a level up to 200 is a predatory, destructive level of consciousness. 80% of all humanity lives at a level of consciousness below 200, this is the OT position of life, i.e. run away from fear, problems. Survival. Physical survival, emotional pleasures, personal gain, identification with the ego and body, survival instincts.

The transition to level 200 and above is a kind of quantum leap. As I said above, this scale is logarithmic and means that even a small increase in consciousness of 10-20 points is accompanied by serious insights and rethinking.

Level up to 200 is destruction. After 200 is creation and real strength.

There is also a very important and interesting study in Hawkins’ book.

Amazingly, when you jump over 200 points, your physiology changes!

A person under 200 first perceives something, then reacts emotionally, and then the intellect turns on! Those. a person first hits, yells, fights, hides, and so on - and then explains to himself why he did this.

A person of strength, level above 200, perceives something, then the information enters the intellect, and only then the method of emotional reaction is chosen.

Or more:

Subjectively, only 15% considered themselves happy at a level of up to 200, but by the level of consciousness of 200-300 this proportion increases to 60%!

Indicator evaluation Up to 200 Above 200
Subjective feeling of happiness 15% 60%
Unemployment 50% 8%
Poverty 22% 1,5%
Crime 50% 9%

The apparent energetic force of animal origin must be replaced by Divine Power.

IIILevel, Supersocial, existentialization.

Courage, courage, readiness, ability to overcome difficulties – 200.

Neutrality, permission to live the way you want and others to live the way they want – 250.

Readiness, optimism, – 310.

Adoption, forgiveness, emotional calm, refusal to change the world – 350.

To summarize, this level can be called this: taking responsibility for one’s life, understanding that problems are given to us as a way to grow, abandoning the position of a victim and looking for those to blame, leaving emotional manipulations in a position Above them (not to be confused with pride) , while unemotional acceptance.

If at a level up to 200 negative emotions dominate, then at a level from 200 to 350 positive emotions dominate.

IVLevel, Postsocial, transpersonalization.

Intelligence, comprehension, intelligence, level of Nobel laureates, cold – 400.

Love. Absolute – 500.

Joy, goodness, ecstasy, compassion – 540.

Harmony, ecstasy – 600.

At this stage, it is already quite difficult to describe these states intelligibly in words. If the mind can still be somehow indicated that this is the level of, for example, Einstein, then when moving to level 500 (which Enstein did not do), absolute love arises, i.e. a shift from the assemblage point from the mind to the heart. This is a level of absolute happiness associated with the release of endorphins (not adrenaline, as in levels up to 200). Next come the levels of enlightenment and healing.

Often near death experiences allow people to experience energy levels around 600.

Only 0.4% of all people are at level 540.

Above this there are already levels of awareness of Divinity, God Consciousness, understanding of one’s true essence.

There are currently six people on the planet who are at level 600 or above.

Action at level 600 and above perceived as slow, stretched out in time and space. Everything around is alive, shining and continuously flowing, unfolding in a completely controlled evolutionary dance.

Important clarification: a person is, as it were, “spread out” across these levels; there is no such individual who would always be at level 1 or under the influence of only one attractor.

Firstly, a person can be divided into areas of life - health, love and sex, money, work, relationships.

Secondly, a person can sometimes rise to high levels of consciousness, but if he is under the influence of lower ones, they will sooner or later “pull him back” from there (maybe for a long time, but maybe not for a long time).

3. Practical application in life and psychotherapy.

The most beautiful feature of mixing this model with the system of psychotherapy is that using the tools of psychotherapy you can raise your level of consciousness quite quickly (according to the same data given in Hawkins’ books, the level of consciousness of an ordinary average person in ordinary life increases by only 5 points! )


The fact is that Hawkins warns that subjects using the kinesiological method must have a level of consciousness greater than level 200, otherwise the answers may not be believable!

For self-assessment, you can use the O-ring test.

The thumb and middle fingers of one hand are connected into a ring, and the index finger of the other hand is used to open them.

The critical point is level 200. Everything above 200 causes the muscle to tense and resist, everything below causes it to relax.

What can we check?

  • Past and present.
  • People, politicians, leaders, spiritual teachers.
  • Music.
  • Films, performances.
  • Books.
  • Social movements.
  • Countries.
  • Thoughts, ideas.
  • Your state of health.

For example, something that received a score of less than 200:

  • News and television.
  • Stopham.
  • Men's movement.
  • Ku Klux Klan
  • Hitler
  • Stalin

Application in psychotherapy.

These O-ring tests are certainly effective, but they are unlikely to help cure your neurosis (even if you read the New Testament and listen to Bach every day).

Therefore, we can work with the level of adaptation on this model, taking the undesirable state to be where you constantly fall, into what state. At the same time, lay it out according to the same Mercedes-SK model.

And for the desired state take the level of the third reality– courage, willingness, acceptance, neutrality, with a detailed description of the same.

4. Important conclusions and principles.

The level of consciousness of people increased slowly. At the time of Buddha's birth, the collective consciousness of all humanity was at 90. It then rose to 100 at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ and over the next two millennia slowly developed to 190; it remained at this level for many centuries, until the end of the 1980s. Then in the late 1980s, it suddenly rose from 190 to 204-205, where it remained until November 2003, when it suddenly rose again to its present level of 207. Currently, the consciousness of approximately 78% of all humanity is below the 200 level.

Even famous professors and doctors of science can be at a level below 200.

In any case, it is better to set transition goals beyond 200. Transition levels beyond 400 – 500 will require enormous work on yourself. At the same time, after 200, a person has an inner Spirit, a readiness to solve his problems.

If you were at level 20-50 (shame, apathy, grief, etc.) and were able to move to levels 100-150(aggression, desires, anger), then this is an indicator of growth! One way or another, despite the negative emotions still present, these attractors are stronger in their strength, but at the same time, you cannot fall into the trap, because you can live your whole life on these attractors.

Using a practical example, we express it this way: a young guy suffers from an incredible feeling of guilt before his mother (for everything and about everything), while at the same time he is in apathy and grief. As he works through it, he begins to hate his mother, reject her, blame her for all sins, but at the same time, he begins to live independently, even cruelly breaking off all contacts with her.

Next comes the stage of acceptance, otherwise this may return back to this circle of shame-shame-apathy. Acceptance of the mother, neutrality, understanding of the purpose of life, that he needed a mother in his life, allow such a very seriously change the quality of life and increase the level of consciousness.

Also, the understanding that there is no punishing mother who tyranns him, there is an image of a mother in his head, which he invented for himself and lives with it.

This allows us to move to the level of readiness and neutrality.

You need to be careful when setting goals and desired results.– they like to mix goals at the level of desires and pride with achievements in life on the social plane. But, as you understand, this is a position of weakness; a person will not feel a noticeable leap in development. Although it is permissible for a person to climb out of the very bottom to these levels, but only in order to go further.

The path to Buddha lies through Freud. Wilbur.

Try to surround yourself with highly attractors, to reach up (books, music, people around, etc.). In addition, what you listen to, read and who you communicate with can indicate your current level of consciousness.

With the introduction of levels of consciousness, such concepts as intelligence, IQ, emotional intelligence, memory, vitality, muscle tone, internal dialogue, charisma, etc. simply fade away. Attempts to act piecemeal on one’s supposed abilities at the previous level of consciousness lead to overload and even greater frustration. On the contrary, people with a high level of consciousness have memory, intelligence, physical body, etc., easily and simply maintained at very high levels.

It seems weakly that without psychotherapy or other practices, You can raise your level of consciousness. Listening to classical music, reading great books, acquiring truths, and practicing martial arts will certainly lift you up, but you will fall down. The same applies to various types of moves to other countries. Of course, in Europe the average level of consciousness is higher than in Russia or Africa, but there will be no qualitative transition from this.

The same applies to companies, corporations, firms. Where the leading attractor is strength, for example the level of neutrality (we are not talking about the level of love - few people are capable of this) - success awaits there. Even if a “competitor” takes and copies the entire sales scheme, he will not get the same result if he is guided by fear or pride.

All methods applicable at a level less than 200, used “for good”, only aggravate the situation. War for peace is nonsense. Restoring justice through revenge exacerbates misperceptions.

As I said, the level of consciousness of humanity is now about 207, but at the same time 80% of all people are less than 200. The fact is that people who have ultra-high levels of consciousness - more than 500-600-700 - balance this balance; each individual enlightened person can maintain up to several million (!) people.

The only way to help yourself and this world is to raise your level of consciousness.

If you feel problems with self-identification of your place in life and cannot find mutual understanding with the people around you, then most likely you have a blocked Anahat chakra, corresponding to the fourth level of consciousness and the karmic body. Let us immediately note that the Anahata chakra is of particular importance, since it is the connecting center of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual activity of a person. In other words, the Anahata chakra represents the “heart” of the entire chakra system, on the development of which our need for harmony, as well as the ability to tolerate and compassion depends.

What does the fourth level of consciousness consist of?

The fourth level of consciousness begins to develop at approximately 13 years of age, after the previous levels of consciousness development have already been completed. It includes the ability to perceive reality, have compassion, care for others, forgive and not hold grudges, as well as accept and love not only yourself, but also the people around you with all their positive and negative qualities. In addition, the karmic body and Anahata chakra contain the experience of the Soul, consisting of karmic experiences, abilities and qualities developed in past lives.

An open and balanced Anahat chakra allows us to feel inner harmony, give, give and receive love, throw off the “protective” mask and be strong enough to show our gentleness.

The influence of the Anahata chakra on human life

The main signs of insufficient development of the Anahata chakra are depression, reluctance to live, negative perception of reality, lack of love for oneself and others, intolerance, resentment, inability to express feelings and see the source of suffering in oneself, loneliness and reluctance to build trusting relationships, acute perception of the injustice of the world and bright -expressed intolerance to the actions of people and processes in the world. On the physical level, problems with the development of the Anahata chakra can manifest themselves in depression, masochism, diseases of the chest, lungs and cardiovascular system.

The development and purification of the karmic body and Anahata chakra depends entirely on our willingness to change and find the causes of suffering in ourselves. At the same time, it is important to understand that it is impossible to change the karmic body, since this level represents the qualities of the Soul acquired through one’s own experience. By developing the Anahata chakra, a person simply acquires a new quality of the Soul and acquires new experience.

“It is impossible to solve a problem at the same level at which it arose. We need to rise above this problem by rising to the next level.”

Albert Einstein

The material below is based on research we conducted over four years of working with completely different people and with ourselves. The purpose of this analysis is to make life easier for everyone who is looking for ways to change their lives and does not intend to stop searching.

We sincerely believe in your strength and wisdom! In the sincerity of your dreams and the ability to reflect. Let our experience shorten your path to happiness, and let mistakes save you from “rocks” on the road of life.

The world is like a game. Over the course of our lives, we pass through a level that we were previously unable to pass. And either we pass it, or we don’t pass it, and are born again in the same world, under similar conditions. We learn to play at this level of life. This means accepting all the rules of this Level and choosing to go through it easily, playfully. If we don’t pass, we are born again and again.

All levels have different tasks. At each new level there is more energy of life force, and, therefore, more opportunities to realize your desires and dreams.

Read also: ? “It is impossible to solve a problem at the same level at which it arose. We need to rise above this problem by rising to the next level.”

Sometimes during life we ​​break out and move into a new World, to a new level of consciousness. This means, to a new standard of living.

If you have fully accepted the rules of the game of the previous level, learned what is necessary at the previous level, if you have come out of painful situations with love, your life will be harmonious. You will live easily and master the next level of consciousness - learn to live at a new level.

Each level is full of love, each World is full of love, only at each level Love looks different. For example, at the first level, Love manifests itself in the form of struggle, illness, and suffering.

Wise Souls strive to be born on the first level (even despite the possibility of getting stuck). After all, there is a huge resource here. Emotions of the first level, if you love and accept them. Because it is the fuel that will help in the ascension process. And a person will be able to make a quantum leap.

Being at the first three levels of consciousness, a person cannot feel what a person feels at higher levels

In an effort to live like the “rich and famous,” a person imitates the rich and more successful. And he begins to copy the actions and actions, to introduce the habits of the rich. But he does not know that everything that the rich man does easily, without even thinking, is created by his condition and is done from another state of consciousness.

Read also: , about why it is necessary to heal masculine energy, about moving to a new level of realization, and the balance of yin and yang.

And that is why it is difficult for the poor to do what the rich do easily. And where the rich make a minimum of effort, the poor make a lot of effort to achieve what they want.

People from the fourth level of consciousness and higher perceive the World differently

It is full of opportunities for them, there is more joy and love and, as a result, more money.

Many people now unconsciously strive for a state of love and unity, thereby creating the prerequisites for a quantum transition of consciousness. Now it is becoming really possible to jump through several levels and live from the heart.

Three years ago, completely confused at the SEEKER level, we realized that we were simply marking time; in several years we had made little progress materially, and even vice versa...

And the first thing we did was stop SEEKING THE REASONS FOR EVERYTHING)))

And they discovered their METHOD OF TRANSITION, which they called: TECHNOLOGY OF FIGURE CREATION.

This helped us move quickly to the PERSONAL level: living from the heart, attracting the desired well-being by doing what we like.

Consciousness is PRIMARY and influences the outside world. It, like a magnet, attracts circumstances and objects, people and even thoughts.

We invite you to take it to the next level. With us your journey will become shorter! Well, the choice, as always, is yours!

We invite you to the first TOT online school. This is an annual project where ALL courses, trainings, workshops, master classes created by Acquiring Mastery over 3 years are open!

Everything is arranged by topic and conveniently sorted into faculties. Twelve new master classes, support, answers, a discount program for school participants - everything for your transition to a new level of life.

1. Ordinary mind. This level of consciousness corresponds to the spontaneity of human intellectual behavior. A person with an ordinary level of consciousness usually reacts to all thoughts that arise. When solving any problem, he discards a new thought that appears that does not fit into his stereotypes and submits to traditional thinking.

Unfortunately, most people work in this mode. People usually cannot keep up with the flow of information, think stereotypically, and are characterized by spontaneity of behavior, which naturally leads to stressful situations and the emergence of various neuroses. It is advisable to get rid of all this.

Our task is to move to the second level of consciousness, which we call the enlightened mind.

2. Enlightened Mind. What is an enlightened mind? This is the level of consciousness, upon rising to which a person reaches what we call a state of insight and creative inspiration. Entering this state is not easy, but people who know how to manage it, who know how to enter it, receive a gigantic amount in terms of increasing the productivity of their intellectual work. Restrictions are lifted, a path is opened, which we call the channel of intuitive perception, due to the inclusion of the right hemisphere, which is responsible for intuition, in the work (in parallel with the left hemisphere).

We hope that today you have approached the realization of the state of insight, and have learned to modulate this state by disconnecting from external stimuli and completely concentrating on your own sensations. It is in this state that one can realize one’s creative potential, one’s deepest self.

3. Intuitive Mind. We must say that rising to the level of the intuitive mind is extremely difficult and is accessible to few. What is the intuitive mind? Let's try to touch upon the understanding of the mechanism of intuition. After all, if there is a channel of intuitive perception, it must lead somewhere. Outstanding scientist V.I. Vernadsky (1863–1945) with his works substantiated the doctrine of the biosphere and its evolution, the powerful impact on the human environment and the transformation of the modern biosphere into the noosphere (sphere of the mind).

Modern scientists have confirmed and developed Vernadsky's teachings. Thus, Academician M.A. Markov, speaking at the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1982, said that the information field of the Earth is layered and structurally resembles a “matryoshka doll”, with each layer connected hierarchically with higher layers, up to the Absolute, and is, in addition to a bank of information, also a regulatory principle in the destinies of people and humanity. Developing this idea, we can say that each person, to the extent of his intellectual and, above all, spiritual development, has close contact with the information field of his level.

Leningrad physicist A. Martynov in his book “The Confessed Path. philosophical studies" (M., 1989) writes that "..any elementary volume of space contains information about the entire space: accordingly, reading this information will allow one to obtain information... In this case, the intuitive channel of human thinking is used as a coherent source. Reading information of the required property is ensured, as it were, by a tuning circuit, its filter properties, whose weighting function is formed by the level of knowledge, external conditions and the ability for associative thinking, implying correlation decoding in conditions of interference from discrete thinking, or more simply, mind wandering.”

Modern scientist V.V. Nalimov in his book “The Probabilistic Model of Language” notes that we prescribe a continuous (continuous) character to thinking, and a discrete (discontinuous) character to language. First of all, this applies to the facts of creative insight associated with going beyond the boundaries of logical thinking, but the comprehension of new ideas occurs at the logical level.

Let's turn to Fig. 9 “Anatomical structure of memory”, which shows that the left hemisphere is responsible for verbal (logical) thinking; the right - for non-verbal (intuitive) thinking.

Left hemisphere - conscious brain activity (10%); right hemisphere - subconscious brain activity (90%).

Deep, continuous (continuous) thinking is the intuitive thinking of a person, and the intuitive component of each person is at the same time a component of the information field of the planet, its noosphere (sphere of the mind).

What happens at the stage of higher development - at the level of intuitive consciousness? At the stage of harmonization of the conscious and subconscious, when you begin to live in harmony with yourself, even your timid desires will begin to materialize on their own. Naturally, any information will be available to you; the people you need will come to you themselves. But here it is important to have purity of thoughts, not to turn your capabilities into a demonstration.

The next, fourth level of consciousness is the supermind.

4. Supermind, Supermind (or Cosmic Consciousness), what it is?

In order to somehow approach the understanding of the fourth level of consciousness - supermind, we will give a very simple example, which is set out in many philosophical textbooks, about how we can look at the world around us differently and perceive it.

Imagine a person lying on the beach with his head buried in the sand. He sees only grains of sand, focuses only on them, he cannot imagine the panorama of the world around him. This is the level of ordinary consciousness.

You just need to raise your head a little, rise above the sand, to see the panorama of the world around you. But this is only the first, although a very important step, which you and I successfully took while studying the “Satori” program.

But what exactly is superintelligence? Can we call people who have superintelligence (Cosmic Consciousness)? Yes we can. This is, first of all, V.I. Vernadsky, whom we have already talked about.

Another prime example of a person with superintelligence is K.E. Tsiolkovsky (1857–1935). A man who did not have a computer or any other computing means predicted a program for the development of the Cosmos, which is being carried out to this day strictly in chronological order.

How and why did a person who had only a slide rule at hand develop knowledge that humanity would confirm only decades later?

Into the history of K.E. Tsiolkovsky entered as the founder of rocket dynamics with his formula and work “Exploration of world spaces using jet instruments,” although the rocket was not an end in itself for him, but only a way to penetrate into the depths of Space. They tried to make him, as he himself said, “a one-sided technician.” He was also a thinker, the essence of whose work was to break out of the limits of earthly gravity and achieve the immortality of the human race through its settlement in the Universe. Take, for example, the titles of his works, which speak volumes: “Monism of the Universe”, “The Cause of the Cosmos”, “The Will of the Universe”, “Unknown Intelligent Forces”, “Creatures of Different Periods of Evolution”. Tsiolkovsky’s works, published in small editions using the author’s money, ended up in a closed fund, and only in 1986 did the Prioksky publishing house publish a collection of so-called science fiction works by Tsiolkovsky. The smallest unit in his thinking was the planet Earth. These are the categories a person who possessed Cosmic Consciousness thought in.

Other examples could be given, but this is not within the scope of our lesson. Let's move on to our Comprehensive Program for Human Intellectual Development. Is this level achievable for us? Here it is appropriate to refer to the book by V.D. Uspensky “The Key to the Mysteries of the World”, which states that the history of the development and emergence of Cosmic Consciousness in man is similar to the development of his other mental capabilities. These abilities first appear in individual, exceptional individuals, then become more common, then become available for development in everyone, and finally begin to belong to all people from birth. At the same time, rare, exceptional, genius abilities manifest themselves in a person in adulthood, sometimes even in old age.

Achieving the level of superintelligence is immeasurably difficult, but possible. Classes in our Comprehensive Program create an excellent opportunity for spiritual growth and self-knowledge.

Considering the third level of consciousness - the intuitive mind, you probably recorded this very important point for your further advancement: “each person, to the extent of his intellectual ... development, has close contact with the information field of his level.” By raising the level of our intelligence, we automatically connect to higher levels of the information field and actively influence this mechanism. Here, as elsewhere, feedback operates. You need to nourish your intellect, develop supermemorization, and there are two possible ways - eidetism and insight. As we have already said, eidetism can be used infrequently, since it is not an entirely safe and not entirely productive state: you need to recall an image in your memory, for example a page, and copy it, as it were, with a ray of inner vision. Another thing is insight - direct knowledge: a glance at the page can last for 2-3 seconds, but nevertheless the dominant of the page appears, as if direct knowledge of the situation described on the page. Such knowledge can arise in you even now, after completing the “Satori” program; it develops and consolidates at the third stage of the Ultra-Rapid Fast Reading Technique and is improved at the last stages as intelligence develops and grows.

Supermemorization - how to train it. By working on the “Satori” program, mastering the Memory Training Technique lesson by lesson, mastering the tools of memory training, you are very close to the possibility of actually achieving supermemorization. You need to consolidate what you have achieved by choosing the most effective exercises for yourself, guided by our recommendations, which we will give you in the subsequent sections of lesson 10 - the final lesson of the “Satori” program.

The topic of this article is the levels of human consciousness and how, with their help, we can overcome the limitations of our daily lives: find harmony and gain new knowledge by tuning into the higher spheres of existence.

Faith is the Key

The Heart is the Door

Light is the Way.

In the shamanic tradition in general and the practices of the Northern peoples in particular, there is a division of consciousness into four levels: superconsciousness, human consciousness, subconsciousness and unconsciousness.

Human consciousness (hereinafter referred to as consciousness) is our waking mind, our usual perception of the world, our intelligence, the ability to make decisions and analyze information coming from the external world, as well as the superconscious, subconscious and unconscious.

The unconscious is the source of unconscious, “animal” reflexes and instincts. These include feelings of fear and anger, the simplest desires and needs, as well as the corresponding instinctive actions and actions: fear gives rise to the “fight-or-flight” reaction; lack, the inability to eliminate the need, gives rise to anger and subsequent outbursts of anger.

The unconscious can be a source of skills and knowledge accumulated by the collective consciousness - the so-called “ancestral memory”.

The subconscious is a repository of information coming from the conscious mind. It is believed that the subconscious mind is not as developed as the conscious mind. He is compared to a child or a computer. It is often called a "hard drive" or a "database". It is assumed that it practically does not evaluate incoming information. The author of this article has the opinion that the subconscious mind still knows how to evaluate data, but prefers not to contradict the conscious mind.

After the signal from consciousness enters the subconscious, it undergoes processing. The subconscious begins to look for ways to translate what it wants into reality. It points us to specific ways to solve the problem that it finds in the process of this data processing. This can be an external path (for example, when a person finds a new job), and an internal one (an unexpected solution to emotional problems). Often the solution to a problem comes to us in the form of symbols and images: dreams, as well as signals from the outside world, which the subconscious tells us to pay attention to.

The subconscious is constantly in touch with the conscious mind and sends signals to it. This two-way connection can be represented as follows: first a thought appears, then it is sent to the subconscious for processing, and then the subconscious reminds us of this thought, expressing its suggestions for its implementation. We have the right to choose which direction to choose. A separate issue is the source from which the thought appears. This can be either the Upper source (supraconscious) or the Lower (unconscious).

The subconscious makes its guesses, but we need to make a decision using our consciousness. Or rather, awareness. Awareness is the ability to be “here-and-now”, the ability to maintain one’s presence at one of the levels. For example, at the level of subconsciousness.

Superconsciousness is the source of Higher knowledge and aspirations, inspiration and creativity. As well as healing and divination. Mention of it can hardly be found in the works of famous psychologists, meanwhile, the superconscious is the most important sphere of existence of human consciousness, without which we would be “just people.” But, thanks to the superconscious, a person can see the truth, dream, create, create new things and heal the old.

It also sends signals to the conscious mind in the form of dream images and external reality, but the wave of these signals is different from the wave of the subconscious. These are more subtle “threads” of knowledge that can be difficult for our minds to decipher and comprehend. However, the ability to perceive and understand such information is one of the main tasks of humanity. This will help us avoid many mistakes and take a path free from suffering - the path of Light.

This is the division of human consciousness into four levels. These four levels can be thought of as four worlds, but there is a deeper understanding of the Cosmic Worlds that exist inside and outside each person, the number of which is nine. These are the three Lower worlds, three Middle and three Higher ones, connected to each other and forming triangles-pyramids. These worlds are in constant interaction: both inside, between their trinity of worlds, and outside, between other planes of worlds.

There is an assumption that the Upper and Lower, as well as the Middle, planes are divided not into three, but into nine more worlds. Remember the concept from religious and esoteric teachings: “Nine Heavens”.

That is, only Heaven has nine plans. According to the law of correspondence, the other planes should have the same number: nine Lower worlds and nine Middle ones. Also, according to the principle of similarity, it is assumed that these nine dimensions are divided into nine more worlds. Thus, an infinite space with a great many worlds is created: an infinite Universe within an infinite Universe. And outside is the same Universe. And all this is the embodiment of the same Universe, reflected in numerous fragments of a single consciousness.

There are also Buddhist worlds, which are continents with the center - Mount Meru. This mountain also has several levels of Heaven and Underworld. Continents are the worlds of humans, animals and other creatures, located around a mountain and separated by water. The entrance to Mount Meru is through this Heart-water (see below).

The Buddhist Wheel of Karma also has within it an image of several planes of existence of consciousness. It depicts the Lower worlds (the World of Hungry Spirits, the World of Hellish Torments), the Middle (Human, Animals) and the Higher (Warriors-Asuras and Gods). However, all these worlds are part of the cycle of human consciousness. The meaning of Buddhist teaching is to escape from the space of this cycle.

The truth is that we travel between these worlds every minute, every second of our lives. Thus, every person can divide his life into periods of joy and sorrow. In the same way, he can divide a week into successful and unsuccessful periods, then a day, an hour, a minute... Every second, every moment of human life is a constant journey between worlds.

Typically, our awareness travels between different levels, so we experience different emotions and feelings. However, we can, through an effort of will, stop our awareness in the middle. It is believed that the middle is the level of consciousness, but there is another level - the space between consciousness and superconsciousness. This is a space where you can find a state of altered consciousness, that is, connection with the Supreme Source. It is located in our Heart - a place where there is no place for judgment and analysis of phenomena. This is a place of calm and concentrated perception of reality. Through this space we can purposefully establish a connection with the superconscious to receive answers to our questions and guidance from Higher energies.

We choose what we feel and how we perceive ourselves, and this choice leads us to one of the worlds. But we must not forget that these worlds are real, just like ours. They exist not only inside each person, but also outside - as full-fledged habitats of living, thinking and feeling beings.

To travel between these worlds, you need to concentrate on a specific chakra, depending on which world you want to go to. Remember that the middle is in your Heart - there you must go beyond the mind of ordinary consciousness and move into a state of altered consciousness. That is, a consciousness open to new knowledge. States of connection with the Source.

To prepare for a change in consciousness, two methods have been used for centuries: Buddhist meditation and concentration on the sound of the beating of a shamanic drum. These two techniques are the best ways to gain control over your thoughts and come to your “middle”. That is, to find ourselves in the Middle World (according to the Wheel of Karma - the World of People), a state of calm, relaxation and concentration - in our Heart.

The main purpose of Buddhist meditation (in general, it is not purely Buddhist, but a common practice in Eastern teachings) and the use of the shamanic drum is to stop internal dialogue. It is internal dialogue that is the main negative factor for maintaining control over one’s awareness and integrity. It is he who prevents us from perceiving this world “as it is here-and-now” - that is, a sensitive and accurate perception of reality. Without distortion or exaggeration. No refraction.

Thus, first we must stop the flow of thoughts, that is, the internal dialogue, then move our awareness to the center, and then use it to enter a state of altered consciousness and travel between worlds, establishing a connection with the Source.

When we engage in internal dialogue, it is as if we are falling into a dream. We analyze what is happening, but we distance ourselves from it as if we were seeing a dream and commenting on it for ourselves. This interferes with the actual, conscious perception of the reality of the world. The world is real - this is not a dream that must be quickly experienced and forgotten, like a nightmare. Every moment of our earthly life is an invaluable experience that must be experienced with full awareness.

Of course, there is an exception: when we dialogue with ourselves, we may come to an unexpected discovery - to understand something that we could not manage. Discover the truth and get an answer to a question that there was no one else to ask. This is the merit of the analytical internal dialogue that a person conducts with himself when he cannot find like-minded people. This process is similar to meditative contemplation of the world, only translated into words and concepts, into remarks - a constant alternation of questions and answers. These are different phenomena. But their essence is the same - penetration into the secrets of reality and the search for Truth. This process is carried out with the help of the superconscious - that is, our ordinary consciousness enters into dialogue with the Higher spheres of essence.

Another thing is dialogue based on claims to other people and to the whole world, on anger and doubt. This is a destructive process, since the energy spent on it goes nowhere.

By stopping the internal dialogue, we will interrupt the flow of energy directed into the void, and we will be able to direct it to travel through the nine worlds of the Cosmic Tree Yggdrasil. This journey is carried out, as already mentioned, through our energy centers - chakras - along the Great Rainbow Bridge, which leads us to the Single Source and the path of Light. And the middle point of all that exists inside and outside us - our Heart - will help us reach this bridge.

The Tree of Peace, the Shamanic Cosmic Tree and the Buddhist Cosmos are all designations of the same phenomenon. However, it can be assumed that this is an approximate designation. Because we cannot even imagine how things really are.