
What do you need for a trip to the sanatorium? Sanatorium-resort treatment: who is entitled to it for free, how to get it

Like most megacities in the world, Moscow is an aging city. Three million of its residents, or one in four, are pensioners. And since life expectancy in the city is growing - in the last seven years alone it has increased from 73 to 77 years - there will soon be even more elderly people. This forces city authorities to seriously think about helping them when their only source of income becomes a pension. What is actually being done about this, besides increasing the size cash payments from the capital's budget? There was a conversation about this at the “Business Breakfast” in the newspaper’s editorial office with the Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population Vladimir Petrosyan.

Vladimir Petrosyan: To pensioners who long road not possible, the “Sanatorium at home” will come. Photo: Sergey Mikheev

Pay for the first or second

Vladimir Arshakovich! It's getting close to summer. And even for a Moscow pension - we know that its minimum amount has increased to 17,500 rubles since January 1, 2018, you won’t go far on vacation. Muscovites complain that it is difficult to get a free ticket. Many don’t even submit applications because they don’t believe that their turn will come in the foreseeable future...What can we tell them this year?

Vladimir Petrosyan: There really is a problem. Federal powers to provide sanatorium and resort treatment to Moscow were transferred in 2009. At that time, the social insurance fund purchased only 64 thousand vouchers for Muscovites. Over the past time, the capital's budget has doubled their purchases - up to 122 thousand last year. But this is not enough, since 426 thousand people are registered. This causes natural discontent among Muscovites. Therefore, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin made an unprecedented decision - to allocate an additional 3.5 billion rubles for these purposes. This allows the city to increase the purchase of vouchers by another 122 thousand. A total of 250 thousand of them will be purchased. That is, this year we will provide rest and treatment to more than half of those on the waiting list.

Moscow will pay

Will the city pay for the vouchers for veterans in full or partially?

Vladimir Petrosyan: Moscow bears 100% of the costs for spa treatment to all beneficiaries - both federal and regional. These include WWII veterans, combat veterans, disabled people, home front workers, labor veterans, rehabilitated persons, non-working pensioners, citizens affected by terrorist attacks, and honorary donors. Pays for the budget and round trip travel for all types of transport. What is more convenient to travel is up to Muscovites to decide for themselves.

You said that labor veterans have the right to a free trip, but there are also working people among them. But the social welfare departments say that vouchers are provided only to unemployed people, including labor veterans...

Vladimir Petrosyan: Yes, it is true - only non-working pensioners enjoy this right.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War have the right to a trip. But it’s unlikely they’re going anywhere anymore. After all, the youngest participants in that war are over 90... Those who cannot go, can get the cost of the trip in money?

Vladimir Petrosyan: We fully provide all the front-line soldiers, home front workers, and Leningrad siege survivors who are able to go with vouchers. For example, in 2017, 2.8 thousand people went to sanatoriums. For those who need treatment but cannot travel, the “Sanatorium at Home” comes to you. Doctors conduct examinations, prescribe and perform physical procedures. 5 thousand veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War became participants in this program. This year, the “Sanatorium at Home” program will include another 1,000 people. But compensation for non-use of a voucher is not provided for by law.

The purchase of tickets is already underway. Where will Muscovites go to relax?

Vladimir Petrosyan: We will buy the most tickets - 91 thousand - to the Black Sea coast - to Crimea, Sochi, Anapa and Gelendzhik. Central Russia is also popular among Muscovites - we will buy 59 thousand there, another 22 thousand - to the Caucasus Mineral Waters - in Pyatigorsk, Essentuki and Nalchik, 28 thousand - in the Moscow region and others.

Many veterans are people with limited mobility. It is difficult for them to climb steep stairs; walking in a stroller in the park requires adapted paths. Are Russian sanatoriums ready for twice as many Muscovites with limited mobility to come to them?

Vladimir Petrosyan: No more than 10-15% of sanatoriums are 100% ready. Therefore, we work individually with each of them. We talk about what kind of medical base is where, whether the staff is trained, how accessible the environment is. Then we also personally discuss the details with the veterans, choosing who can do what. I think that from year to year there will be more adapted sanatoriums. The Russian government is now working to improve their base - the Prime Minister has given instructions.

Age. net

There is a lot of talk in the capital about the active longevity program. What is it?

Vladimir Petrosyan: There is no program as such yet, we are still working on it. 24.7% of our population are pensioners, almost 3 million people. Every year, experts warn, there will be more of them. But we don’t want Muscovites to spend their entire old age at home on their beds. This means we need to help Muscovites maintain an active lifestyle for as long as possible. Personally, I believe that from the age of 45 it is necessary to prepare a person for the fact that ten years later his life will radically change. And if necessary, change his profession in advance, and we must provide him with the conditions for retraining and retraining. This is on the one hand, but on the other hand, it is necessary to teach pensioners healthy image life, create conditions for them to play sports.

This issue was recently discussed at a meeting of the Moscow Public Chamber. In particular, it was said that today many people already perceive retirement primarily as a time of new opportunities. The children have grown up, your career has been made, you can already do what you didn’t have enough time for throughout your life. It is not for nothing that the Silver University, where there are more than 30 master classes, seminars and trainings, many cultural and health programs for 2,600 places, received 14,600 applications. So, should there be more places where a person can develop his previously unclaimed talents and abilities?

Vladimir Petrosyan: Agree. For example, in social service centers, 3 thousand pensioners are trained in computer literacy every year, and even more people want to. What exactly needs to be done to ensure that life after 55-60 blossoms for people with new colors? More than 10 thousand interesting ideas and proposals came from Muscovites during a crowdsourcing project called “Active Longevity.”

And when will the “Active Longevity” program appear in Moscow?

Vladimir Petrosyan: There is no doubt: it will definitely appear this year.

Creotherapy and exercises help veterans improve their health in sanatoriums. gyms, salt cave and many other types of treatment. Photo: Victor Vasenin/Pavel Smertin/TASS


An application for a voucher can be submitted to any My Documents center. Submit a medical certificate form 070/у04, work book, Russian passport, document certifying the right to benefits, and pension certificate. If something is missing, it doesn’t matter - the MFC specialist will himself request the missing document on interdepartmental interaction.

Help "RG"

A sanatorium-resort voucher is provided to veterans in Moscow for 18 days at the rate of 1,198 rubles per day. Its cost is fully covered by the city budget, as well as the trip to the sanatorium and back by any type of transport - train, bus or plane. The Moscow government allocated 7 billion rubles for these purposes in 2018.

Benefits for sanatorium and resort treatment are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation as a measure of additional medical social assistance to the population. Subsidies for preferential stay in a sanatorium are awarded to certain groups of citizens recognized as needing sanatorium-resort treatment for medical reasons.

Fundamental legal framework, which establishes the procedure for providing this type of subsidy, is:

  • Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 29, 2004 No. 328 “On approval of the procedure for providing the kit social services separate categories citizens."

Who prescribes spa treatment and how?

Issue discounted vouchers to the sanatorium - an application process. That is, the person himself must express his desire and request a voucher. Sometimes the attending physician independently recommends sanatorium treatment, but this is not a necessary or sufficient condition.

In order to receive a subsidized voucher to a sanatorium, the applicant must simultaneously meet two requirements:

  • Belonged to the group of persons entitled to such a subsidy by law;
  • Had medical indications.

Many people mistake such subsidies for a free vacation package. In fact, benefits for spa treatment are directly related to the applicant’s health status. To receive a subsidy you must obtain certificate 070/U-04. The doctor issues it if he comes to the conclusion that staying in the sanatorium is really necessary. In addition, no earlier than 2 months before departure to the resort, the applicant must receive a resort card. It is issued by the same doctor who issued certificate 070/U-04.

It is important to remember that form 070/U-04 has deadline validity – 6 months. After this period, the certificate will need to be issued again.

You must bring the following documents with you to the sanatorium:

Categories of citizens entitled to receive free vouchers to sanatoriums

Russian legislation distinguishes two types of persons entitled to health resort subsidies. The following have the right to visit a medical sanatorium free of charge once a year:

  • Disabled people and WWII participants;
  • Combat veterans;
  • Disabled people of 1-3 degrees and disabled children;
  • Residents besieged Leningrad(you must have an award badge);
  • Home front workers during the Second World War;
  • Victims of radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster.
  • Family members of deceased disabled people and WWII veterans.

Along with the right to receive a free referral to a sanatorium, these persons have the right to:

  • Free travel to the sanatorium by ground transport. A coupon for purchasing a discount ticket is issued at the FSS office along with the voucher. In regions where travel by land is not possible, the FSS also pays for air tickets.
  • For disabled people of group 1 and disabled children, the law provides the right to take one accompanying person with them free of charge.

In addition to the above social groups Russian legislation also provides for:

  • Benefits for military pensioners in sanatoriums spa treatment;
  • Benefits for pensioners for sanatorium treatment;
  • Benefits for sanatorium treatment labor veterans;
  • Benefits for reserve officers for sanatorium and resort treatment;

It is important to remember that the sanatorium does not provide the necessary medicines except for those that will be issued at the institution itself. All necessary medications must be obtained according to existing prescriptions in advance at your place of residence.

Certain categories of citizens

Military pensioners and reserve officers

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2011 No. 333 “On the procedure for sanatorium and resort provision in the Armed Forces Russian Federation“established the procedure and grounds for providing health resort treatment to military personnel.

Benefits for military pensioners for sanatorium and resort treatment are also provided to members of their families. The preferential voucher is issued by the decision of the Department of Sanatorium and Resort Treatment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. To receive a subsidy, a military pensioner must submit an application directly to the Main Military Medical Directorate of the RF Ministry of Defense or to the administration of the sanatorium. The application must be accompanied by a certificate in form 070/U-04 confirming the presence medical indications.

Benefits for reserve officers for sanatorium and resort treatment are provided according to a similar scheme, provided that the service period of the transferred officer in preferential terms is at least 20 years.

Pensioners and labor veterans

Under the same conditions as veterans of the Second World War and military conflicts, the following are provided:

  • Benefits for pensioners for sanatorium and resort treatment;
  • Benefits for sanatorium treatment for labor veterans.

Vouchers are issued by the FSS department on the basis of an application and certificate 070/U-04. Detailed Process Obtaining free vouchers to the sanatorium is covered at the beginning of the article.

Russian legislation distinguishes large number so-called preferential categories citizens. They have the right to receive various types state aid. These include the provision of free vouchers to medical and health institutions, available to pensioners, large and low-income families of labor veterans, etc.

Rules for allocating preferential vouchers

The procedure for issuing preferential vouchers to sanatoriums is carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the laws, namely:

  • 178-FZ “On state social assistance”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health No. 328.

There are some rules for providing the described measure of social support from the state.

  1. Sanatorium-resort treatment is fully paid for from state budget regional level.
  2. To register in the queue to receive it, citizens are required to provide documentary evidence of their right to benefits.
  3. Receiving a referral to a sanatorium is possible only with the direction of the attending doctor.

IMPORTANT! Since the vouchers are issued to the beneficiary himself, after using them he is obliged to provide confirmation of the fact of use by him. This requirement was introduced to prevent sales, gifts and exchange of travel documents.

What institutions can you go to for health improvement?

Since the described measure of assistance is provided at the state level, vouchers are provided only to those institutions that have the appropriate agreement. You should not count on obtaining referrals to any private institutions.

Vouchers are issued to holiday homes under the following conditions:

  • an agreement must be concluded with the institution;
  • the sanatorium must be located within the territory of our state (the specific location in the region does not matter);
  • issued travel documents are not always directed to an institution located in the region of residence of the beneficiary;
  • persons who are military pensioners, or are somehow connected with the RF Armed Forces, can receive vouchers for treatment only in departmental sanatorium and health institutions.

IMPORTANT! The difference between departmental sanatoriums and state ones is that the former are financed by the Ministry of Defense.

Who is entitled to free trips to the sanatorium?

List of persons who are entitled to receive free holidays in medical and health institutions:

  • persons who took part in the Second World War;
  • citizens with incapacity for work due to the presence of any disability group (including childhood disabilities);
  • military personnel (including reserves) who have the status of combat veterans;
  • persons who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • citizens on pensions;
  • persons working in hazardous industries with technical features of work that have a negative impact on the condition of the human body.

They can count on receiving vouchers under certain conditions and after providing documents confirming their right to this benefit.

Terms of service

Discount vouchers are issued no more than once a year according to the relevant medical direction. If a citizen does not want to use his right to preference, then he can receive monetary compensation along with it. Its size may vary in different regions of the country. The opportunity to receive the described benefit is available only to those citizens who do not maintain official labor activity and are supported by the state.

IMPORTANT! A beneficiary can receive a trip only under one preference. This means that if he has the right to receive it on two grounds, then he will only be able to use one.

How to get a ticket to a sanatorium for a pensioner for free

First of all, citizens should register in the preferential queue to receive a voucher to the sanatorium. This procedure is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Collection of the required documentation package.
  2. Submitting an application.
  3. Awaiting its review.
  4. Delivering a verdict.

If the submitted application has been reviewed and approved, the citizen receives a referral for vacation or compensation (at his choice).

Visiting a doctor to get a voucher is mandatory procedure. At the doctor's appointment, a certificate is issued indicating the need for sanatorium-resort treatment. The document is drawn up according to the universal form 070/u-04.

Queue for vouchers

It is necessary to understand that registration in the queue does not imply immediate receipt of benefits. The citizen will be informed when it is his turn to receive the benefit. You can find out the current position in the general order of priority on the official website of the FSS.

Where to get it

To apply for the described preference, all citizens must contact the service department social protection at your registered address. You can submit your application in one of the following ways:

  • through personal contact;
  • through multifunctional centers;
  • by mail;
  • on the official state reference and information Internet resource State Services.

Persons who are military personnel receive travel documents from the Department of the Ministry of Defense in their city.

The application is considered on average for about 20-30 calendar days, after which a verdict is issued. If a positive decision is made, the pensioner is registered in the queue to receive a voucher.

Design rules

To complete an application for registration in the queue, the collection and provision of the following set of documentation is required:

  • passport or any other document capable of identifying the applicant;
  • certificate of a citizen receiving a pension;
  • any document confirming the right to receive benefits;
  • referral from the treating doctor.

For persons with disabilities, you will additionally need:

For the military, an additional document is a military ID.

As soon as the citizen’s turn comes, he will be able to pick up his ticket. You can use it at any time within the time limits indicated on the document. Immediately before departure you will need to obtain a medical certificate. In the sanatorium-medical institution itself, you will also need to present a passport, a mandatory health insurance and the ticket itself.

According to the order of the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation dated November 22, 2004 No. 256 “On the procedure for medical selection and referral of patients for sanatorium-resort treatment,” medical selection and referral for sanatorium-resort treatment of citizens is carried out by the attending physician and the head of the department or a medical commission (for citizens entitled to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services) of a treatment and preventive institution at the place of residence.

If there are indications and no contraindications for referral to sanatorium-resort treatment, the patient is issued a certificate to receive a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment" (form No. 070/u). Medical indications and contraindications for sanatorium-resort treatment are determined by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 05.05.2016 No. 281n “On approval of lists of medical indications and contraindications for sanatorium-resort treatment.” If the patient has diseases included in the list of medical indications for sanatorium-resort treatment of the child population, on the basis of a certificate for obtaining a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment (form No. 070/u), an application is made in the sanatorium-resort treatment monitoring subsystem of the Russian Ministry of Health.

In accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 29, 2009 No. 14-5/10/2-4265 “On sending children to sanatorium-resort treatment in health resort institutions“under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia”, children aged from 4 to 14 years inclusive are sent to sanatorium and resort institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, including those accompanied by a legal representative, from 15 to 18 years old unaccompanied, if necessary accompaniment is not due to medical indications. Children aged 2 years and older are sent to sanatorium-resort institutions with a psychoneurological profile, accompanied by a legal representative.

When contacting the Moscow City Health Department regarding referral of a child for sanatorium-resort treatment in a sanatorium under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the following documents must be provided:

  • application from the legal representative of a minor to send the child to a sanatorium-resort treatment;
  • statement from the legal representative of the minor regarding consent to the processing of personal data;
  • a copy of the passport of the legal representative of the minor with information on registration at the place of residence;
  • a copy of the child's birth certificate;
  • a copy of the compulsory health insurance policy;
  • a document confirming the child’s registration in the city of Moscow;
  • a copy of the certificate for obtaining a voucher for sanatorium treatment (form No. 070/u);
  • copy of SNILS (if available).

The following sanatoriums for children operate within the structure of Moscow city healthcare: general profile, bronchopulmonary, orthopedic, cardiorheumatological, nephrological and gastroenterological profiles. All sanatoriums provide for the stay of children throughout the year.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated November 22, 2004 No. 256 “On the procedure for medical selection and referral of patients for sanatorium and resort treatment,” medical selection and referral of patients in need of sanatorium and resort treatment are carried out by the attending physician and the head of the department. The presence of medical indications for sanatorium-resort treatment and the absence of contraindications for its implementation is within the competence of the attending physician and is determined in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 05.05.2016 No. 281n “On approval of lists of medical indications and contraindications for sanatorium-resort treatment.” The decision is made based on an analysis of the patient’s objective condition, the results of previous treatment (outpatient, inpatient), data from laboratory, functional, radiological and other studies. If there are indications and there are no contraindications for treatment, the following will be issued to the sanatorium: a voucher to the sanatorium; sanatorium-resort card for children (registration form N 076/u) and a certificate from a pediatrician or epidemiologist confirming no contact with patients infectious diseases(for those attending educational institutions, a certificate of no contact with patients with infectious diseases from educational institution(kindergartens, schools).

In addition, the following documents of the child must be submitted to the sanatorium: birth certificate and compulsory health insurance policy (it is advisable to provide a photocopy of these documents).

Considering individual characteristics child, as well as the profile (specialization) of the sanatorium; in some cases, the decision on the possibility of a child’s stay is decided by a commission at the sanatorium.