
therapeutic profile. General issues

Therapeutic care- type of specialized medical care provided in diseases of the internal organs. Is the most common type Treatment and preventive care population.

In the structure of morbidity, mortality and causes of disability, patients therapeutic profile make up about 30%. Therapeutic patients make up 40-50% of people visiting outpatient clinics and the same number among patients who receive help at home . In rendering T. the item distinguish the following stages: out-patient and polyclinic, stationary and rehabilitation treatment. City and district polyclinics (see. Polyclinic ), outpatient clinics (see Ambulatory , Rural medical station ), medical units (see Medical unit ) are the main institutions providing outpatient care to patients with a therapeutic profile.

The territory served by an outpatient clinic is divided into medical areas with a certain number of people, each of which is assigned to a local general practitioner.

At the enterprises of industry, construction and transport, serviced by medical units or territorial polyclinics, shop medical sites are organized, where shop therapists provide T. p.

The district physician-therapist provides in the polyclinic and at home qualified medical treatment to the population of the assigned area. The functions of the general practitioner of the territorial (workshop) area - see. Medical site .

In addition to the district (shop) general practitioner, outpatient and polyclinic therapy is provided by therapeutic specialists: a cardiologist, rheumatologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, pulmonologist, nephrologist, allergist, hematologist, etc. Specialists of the therapeutic profile provide advisory assistance to district general practitioners , and also recommend the treatment that the patient will receive in the future under the supervision of a local (shop) general practitioner. With exacerbations, as well as with complex and rare diseases various specialists in the therapeutic profile provide fully active monitoring of the patient for a certain period.

The distribution of persons in need of constant dispensary observation between the district (shop) general practitioner and other therapeutic specialists is carried out according to the principle that patients with the most complex pathology should be under dispensary observation by "narrow" specialists.

In order to improve the outpatient stage of T. p., other forms of its organization are being introduced into the practice of health care (the creation of complex obstetric-therapeutic-pediatric teams, the organization of day hospitals, and others).

Stationary therapy is provided in district, district, city and republican (without regional division) hospitals (see. Hospital ), as well as in stationary departments of medical and sanitary units, dispensaries, in clinics of medical educational and research institutes. For these purposes, both general therapeutic and highly specialized therapeutic departments are deployed in them: cardiology, endocrinology,

rheumatological, pulmonological, gastroenterological, nephrological, occupational pathological and others.

To provide T. p. at the stage of rehabilitation treatment, departments of rehabilitation treatment have been deployed in polyclinics and hospitals, where assistance is provided to therapeutic patients who have undergone acute diseases(pneumonia, etc.).

Specialist therapists are trained through the system of internship, clinical residency (see. Clinical residency ), as well as on the cycles of general and thematic improvement of institutes and faculties for the improvement of doctors (see. ).

The coordination of the activities of health care institutions to provide T. to the population is carried out by the chief therapists of the health authorities of the respective territories (see. Chief Specialist ). Chief therapists develop and carry out activities in their jurisdictions aimed at preventing therapeutic diseases, identifying their early stages, improving the efficiency and quality of medical care for patients in outpatient and polyclinic and stationary conditions,

introduction into practice of the latest methods of diagnosis and treatment of patients. Freelance chief specialists in narrow specialties of a therapeutic profile (chief freelance endocrinologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, etc.) are also appointed in health authorities at all levels.

Patient route instruction

Patient with chronic forms diseases in primary health care organizations, which is registered at the dispensary, is observed in the average medical worker(CMP). The CMP examines the patient, assigns him research within the proposed standard.

As soon as the results of the research are ready, it is re-examined by the RMC. In the absence of deviations from the norm of the results of the study, a survey is conducted. If the patient does not show complaints indicating the progression of the disease, then a conversation is held with him about compliance healthy lifestyle life.

In the case when the results of the study have deviations, or the results of the study are within the normal range, but when questioning the CMP, signs of progression are revealed, the patient is referred to the doctor general practice(VOP). The GP conducts a survey, determines the degree of progression, and if signs of progression are detected, determines further tactics for managing a patient with chronic forms of diseases: sends him to a hospital, corrects treatment. In the absence of signs of progression, treatment is corrected and observed on an outpatient basis. If positive dynamics is observed against the background of ongoing therapy, then as the course of treatment is completed, work is carried out to maintain a healthy lifestyle, the tactics of subsequent management are signed, and the patient is sent for further dispensary observation.

As necessary, the GP appoints an additional examination and consultation of narrow specialists. After the additional research necessary to determine the patient's condition is examined by a specialized specialist. The profile specialist assesses the patient's condition and determines further management tactics: sends him to inpatient treatment or, after making corrections to the patient's treatment, sends him to the GP for further dispensary observation. At positive dynamics of the ongoing treatment, the GP conducts further dispensary observation, in the absence of positive dynamics, the GP refers the patient for inpatient treatment in specialized department. After discharge from the hospital, the patient again turns to the GP, who determines the plan for further dispensary observation and transfers the patient's data to the SMR for further dispensary examination.

The GP conducts a permanent individual work with patients of childbearing age who are registered at the dispensary, on pregnancy planning, taking into account the course of the disease and the pharmacotherapy received.

Therapeutic profile

Direction of activity - diagnostics and treatment multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases of the nervous system.


At present, as a result of reorganization, 5 Interdistrict Departments of Multiple Sclerosis (IDMS) have been established in Moscow, which are divided according to the territorial basis. In particular, MORS at GBUZ "City Clinical Hospital No. 24 DZM" serves patients on compulsory medical insurance policy attached to medical organizations in the following administrative districts Moscow: SZAO; CAO; SEAD.

To get an initial consultation at the MORS at the GBUZ "City Clinical Hospital No. 24 DZM" on compulsory medical insurance, you must have the following documents:

1. Referral (form 057 / y-04) to the MORS at the GBUZ "City Clinical Hospital No. 24 DZM" from the clinic to which you are assigned. The direction must be appropriately issued: must have a number; seal and stamp medical organization that issued the direction.

2. Extract from outpatient card(form 027y) (preferably, if available).

3. Passport.

4. CHI policy.

5. Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS).

6.Copies of discharge epicrises from hospitals (preferably, if available).

7. MRI images and a copy of the description of the images (preferably, if available).




Head of the Department of Multiple Sclerosis
Popova Ekaterina Valerievna


MMA them. I.M. Sechenov

Specialty: medicine

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Specialist Certificate: Neurology Confirmed: 20.03.2015

Specialists of the highest medical level MORS
Boyko Alexey Nikolaevich
Davydovskaya Maria Vafaevna
Zolotova Svetlana Nikolaevna


Basic education: higher medical education

GOU VPO Russian State medical University Roszdrav

Specialty: medicine

Specialist certificate: Neurology Issued: 12/14/2012

Khachanova Natalia Valerievna
Sharanova Svetlana Nikolaevna


Basic education: higher medical education

Moscow Medical Dental Institute

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