
What does the name Thekla mean - meaning of the name, interpretation, origin, compatibility, characteristics, translation. The meaning of the female name Thekla

What does the name Thekla mean?
This name is usually translated directly into Russian as “the glory of God.”

Origin of the name Thekla:
The name Thekla is clearly of Greek origin. This name, one might say, left a significant mark in the history of mankind. The first holy martyr Thekla truly had the support of the omnipotent God, which subsequently gave her the opportunity many times to avoid simply inevitable death. And living like this for many years, Thekla has always actively preached the word of God.

Character conveyed by the name Thekla:
Fekla is very often distinguished by excessive isolation and a certain caution, but it’s almost impossible to get her angry. She is always firmly convinced that a person can achieve peace and complete satisfaction only in the only case, if he is guaranteed to respect himself and will definitely believe in his own strength. And of course, it is only outwardly that Fekla always seems calm and completely indifferent, but behind the hidden indifference, the most passionate nature often lurks.

Most driving force In this life, for Thekla, first of all, love is. But it is precisely in her personal life that Fekla rarely manages to harmoniously combine all the romantic and so on. sexual relations, these two different aspects will constantly be in some kind of opposition for her.

For her, first of all, the success of her husband will be very important, and the support of her relatives in absolutely all her endeavors and even the somewhat accommodating attitude of close friends towards her.

In addition, in her home, Thekla will not always be able to create the necessary comfort or relaxed atmosphere, and in matters of raising her own children, she adheres to extraordinary severity. However, nevertheless, she is still a very good housewife and loving mother. She is always very hospitable, and she receives numerous guests on a huge scale, so that after the reception they always need some considerable time to simply come to their senses.

But some psychological feature Fekla is often short-tempered, incredibly willful, and even excessively impressionable. And sometimes, in moments of particular anger, it even happens that Fyokla becomes simply uncontrollable, and, of course, at this moment it would be better to always be away from her.

Thekla also has strong will, and she simply will not allow anyone to dictate anything to herself. In addition, the owner of this name is often characterized by a practical and unusually sharp mind, she is often mocking. So, believe me, it’s better not to get caught in her tongue at a difficult moment.

The name Fekla attracts many parents who want to name their daughter this way due to its romantic sound and good compatibility with Russian surnames. But when calling your beloved child with this ancient name, you should remember that it gives its owners complex character and difficult fate.

Origin and meaning of the name Thekla

The name came to us from Ancient Greece. Its original form is Theoklia, Thekla. It is still preserved in this form in many European countries and is considered quite popular. Translated from Greek it means “God’s glory” or “woman glorifying God.” Nowadays you hardly see the name Tekla in Russia, but girls are called Thekla.

It came to our lands from Byzantium and became widely known thanks to the First Martyr Thekla, a student of the Holy Apostle Paul.

In Rus' it took root in the form of the female full name Thekla.

Astrological and esoteric characteristics of the name:

  • Zodiac sign - Libra.
  • Planet - Venus.
  • Suitable color is yellow.
  • The talisman stone is opal.
  • The tree is maple.
  • Day of the week is Friday.
  • lucky number — 1.

Church name days - June 19, June 22, September 1, September 19, October 7, December 3, December 10, December 23.

Childhood years

Already from early childhood, she seems serious beyond her years. For this reason, many of her peers avoid her, not daring to be friends.

She is calm, but capricious and willful. He has a sharp mind, unconventional thinking and irony, which surprises parents and teachers.

She loves to dream and is too attached to her fantasies, which can interfere with communication and study. She experiences irritation towards those who try to distract her from her fantasy world and return her to harsh reality.

Thekla in her youth

In adolescence, she becomes a complex and contradictory girl. The meaning of the name Thekla begins to manifest itself in her as a desire for leadership, a desire to fully express herself.

This girl is reserved, makes an impression snow queen and shows coldness towards young people who have shown her sympathy. He values ​​the company of spiritual and intellectual young men and despises narrow-minded, down-to-earth youth.

She is principled and mocking, and does not allow herself to be commanded. Outwardly, she is as calm and unperturbed as in childhood, but behind the apparent indifference lies a hot and emotional nature.

Adult woman

Adult Thekla is far-sighted, bright, strong. She keeps herself apart and independent. Doesn't like to be in the thick of noisy events. The meaning of the name Thekla awarded her with extraordinary charisma.

She installs it herself moral principles and strictly follows them. She knows how to be tactful and diplomatic, but if she doesn’t like a person, she behaves harshly with him, expressing her opinion without choosing words. In society she manifests herself as a woman with a masculine character.

She is more tolerant with friends, but under certain circumstances she can be quick-tempered and intractable.

Possessor female name Thekla is very secretive. Those close to her can never guess what is in her soul. She considers showing feelings a weakness. If someone still manages to get her emotional, then her anger is terrible and uncontrollable.

Thekla, born in summer or spring, has a more tolerant character than those born in autumn or winter.

The meaning of the name Thekla also affects her health, which mainly depends on her psycho-emotional state. She suffers from overwork and frequent insomnia. In adulthood, diseases of the stomach and joints begin to manifest themselves.

Love and relationships

The meaning and origin of the name Thekla left their mark on the sphere of feelings of its representative.

IN love relationships they manifested themselves in the form of increased demands on the partner. It is difficult for her to harmonize sensuality and sexual relationships with her romantic nature. In this regard, she is often dissatisfied with her relationship with her partner.

By nature, she is a loner and can live calmly without emotional attachments. Love in her concept is something quickly passing and optional. She has weak sexuality and chooses the same partners for herself.

Family and marriage

She gets married for purely practical reasons. He believes that it is easier to live in society this way. She chooses as her husband a calm and intelligent man who knows how to approach her and has the patience to endure her authoritarian personality type.

She tries to give her children a good upbringing and education. She loves them very much, although outwardly she is strict and cold with them, believing that excessive expression of feelings can spoil them.

She does housework quickly and only because that’s what a woman should do. The kitchen also interests her little. Most of all he likes to take care of himself.

Best compatibility with men named Gerasim, Matvey, Aristarchus and Pavel.

Career and finance

Thanks to his analytical mind, logic and organizational skills, he can successfully find his calling in science, medicine or law, but rarely chooses this field of activity.

He has a great passion for writing and literature in general, and therefore becomes a journalist, screenwriter, museum or library worker.

At work, she is always collected, organized and responsible. The meaning of the name Thekla endowed her ward with iron discipline and exceptional honesty.

This woman has no craving for money and luxury. She is rarely rich and knows how to be content with what she has. She was used to receiving confidence from life without any frills and never suffered about it.

The meaning of the name Thekla depending on the zodiac sign

Also, Thekla’s character and fate are influenced by her astrological sign:

  • Thekla-Aries is ambitious and purposeful. Likes to tell the truth face to face. He is interested in exact sciences and often becomes a good mathematician.
  • Taurus - never compromises and does not listen to advice. What she needs in life is a lighter approach to little things.
  • Gemini is one of the softest Thekles in character. Sociable, patient and sweet.
  • Cancer is naive and reserved. He suffers from his shyness. Likes to be taken care of strong man.
  • Leo - this Thekla has increased and painful pride. She tries to look good and spends a lot of time taking care of herself.
  • Virgo is reasonable and calm. Internally I am very vulnerable. Likes to travel to famous places.
  • Libra is tactful and delicate. He understands people well and has many reliable friends.
  • Scorpio - Thekla with the most difficult character. He is harsh in communication and believes that he knows everything better than anyone else.
  • Sagittarius is trusting and frivolous. She can contact those she doesn’t know well and be deceived by them.
  • Capricorn - does not admit lies, is straightforward and open. Has many different hobbies.
  • Aquarius - can find an approach to any person. She is reserved and always makes a favorable impression.
  • Pisces is dreamy and romantic. Constantly in the world of dreams and fantasies.

The best thing is the name will do to a girl born under the signs of Aries or Libra. These zodiac constellations will have the most positive impact on her destiny.

Short form of the name Thekla. Fenya, Feklusha, Feklushka, Feklunya, Fenyusha, Fenyukha, Teklina, Te, Theo, Thea, Fe, Tetsya, Tea, Tek, Teka.
Synonyms for the name Thekla. Thekla, Tekla, Theoclea, Theoklia, Theoklia, Tekla, Vekla.
Origin of the name Thekla. The name Thekla is Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Thekla is of Greek origin and means “glory of God.” In Europe this name is pronounced and written as Tekla, Teklya. This is one of those rare female names from which it was derived male name– Thekl, mentioned in Orthodox calendar. Brief appeal Thea is also used in relation to Teresa.

The dates of the Orthodox name days of Thekla are June 19, June 22, September 1, September 19, October 7, December 3, December 10, December 23. The remaining dates indicated are the Catholic name days of Tekla.

Still waters run deep. This is exactly what can be said about the owner of the name Thekla. Beneath the external calm and shyness lies a complex, unpredictable character. This is a very intelligent girl with an inquisitive mind, critical and analytical thinking.

At first glance, Thekla may seem somewhat eccentric. Security, stability and comfort in communication are very important for her, she has an anxious character, she quickly gets tired of the everyday routine, but getting her out of calm state very difficult. The ability to calmly look at many things and not rush headlong into adventures is one of Thekla’s character traits.

Thekla is always in a hurry, even if she works slowly. Her activity can change cyclically, then she leads the lifestyle of a wise, focused ant, then she is ready to jump and carefree enjoy life, like a grasshopper. This girl is sociable, mobile, active. Most likely, she will follow the chosen path with aplomb, clearly imagining the entire path that she has to go through, and at the same time she will be confident that she will masterfully cope with all the problems.

IN childhood It's best to keep a closer eye on Thekla to make sure she doesn't spend too much time daydreaming, spending time alone, immersed in her books. She needs support to develop sociability, acquire communication skills and express her creative side. Thekla feels how different she is from other young girls her age, partly due to her interests and problems being different from them, and therefore feels left out, which can easily lead her to withdraw.

Relaxation and outlet are vital to her well-being. The owner of this name values ​​long moments spent in quiet reflection as much as she takes communication seriously, cheerfully enjoying the delights that this world has to offer her. Half-introverted, half-extroverted, she can be both carefree and playful, but she can also reveal depth and mystery. Both seemingly contradictory sides of her personality are necessary for her happiness and development. Changes in mood can be very quick; from a joker, Thekla immediately becomes serious and thoughtful.

Thekla in to a greater extent loves to do only what is related to her interests. She may be tempted by professions that require thought and contemplation ( scientific research) or related to ultra-modern culture and fashion (journalism). She could be equally interested in teaching, creativity, or professions that require manual labor.

IN family life Thekla shows herself to be a good, hospitable hostess. It is important for her that everything goes well not only with her, but also with her friends and relatives. Thekla will not dance to someone else’s tune, so most often she will be the head of the family, although she will listen to the opinion of her beloved husband.

Thekla's name day

Thekla celebrates name day on January 18, March 26, June 19, June 22, August 19, September 1, September 3, September 19, September 23, October 7, October 15, December 3, December 10, December 23.

Famous people named Thekla

  • Thekla of Iconium, First Martyr Thekla ((30s of the 1st century) early Christian saint)
  • Fyokla Tolstaya ((born 1971) pseudonym, real name - Anna Tolstaya; Russian journalist, presenter of radio programs ("Echo of Moscow", "Mayak", "Silver Rain") and television)
  • Fyokla Bobrovskaya ((1883-2001) Belarusian centenarian, the oldest resident of her country)
  • Fyokla Deberkina ((1912-1990) Soviet worker, Hero of Socialist Labor, worked as a beet maker)
  • Fyokla Bezzubova ((1880-1966) Erzya folk storyteller. The first recordings of her works (folk, her own composition) were made by an expedition of the Research Institute of Mordovian Culture in 1936. And in 1939 she already had a collection “Folk Songs”. A total of 10 were published collections, both in Russian and in Mordovian language. In 1940, she was awarded the title of People's Singer of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.)
  • Tekla Simone Gelsomina Roethen ((born 1975) Dutch actress, starred in the films “Everybody’s Famous!”, “Twins”, “Highlander: The Source”, “Lie Down in Bruges”, “The American” and others)
  • Tekla Valentinovich, also called “Thekla Ignatievna” ((1801-1873) a Pole, the daughter of a Vilnius nobleman, was the wife of Prince Platon Zubov - Princess Zubova, and later became Countess Shuvalova. Despite her low origins, she was accepted by the high society of St. Petersburg, her home was one of the most fashionable in the capital, where all high society gathered.)
  • Tekla Trapsho ((1873-1944) Polish theater actress, also acted in films and appeared on radio)
  • Tecla Afanasie-Marinescu-Borcenea ((born 1960) Romanian kayak rower, was a member of the Romanian national team in the 80s of the twentieth century. Winner of Olympic gold in 1984 (Los Angeles), twice stood on the podium of the world championships, winner of many regattas national and international significance.)

It would seem, what name could be more Russian than the name Thekla?

However, there is also a secret hidden here: it turns out that in ancient times the Slavs did not have the sound “f” and the corresponding letter in their speech. And all names in which “f” is present are borrowings from the Greek language that came to Rus' along with the Christian faith.

If the origin of this name is beyond doubt, then what is its meaning? According to the generally accepted version, when translated into Russian, its meaning is expressed in two words: “the glory of God.” Since this name is inextricably linked with Christianity, it is in both the Catholic and Orthodox naming books; in Orthodoxy, Thekla’s name day falls on June (19th) and October (7th).

Fekla how full name also involves a number of abbreviations and diminutive addresses to the owner of the name. She can be called Fenya and Fenyusha, Feklusha and Feklushka, Fekluney and Fenyushka.

Not every parent will decide to name their daughter Thekla today, but having made such a decision, they are unlikely to regret it. Why? To understand this, let's try to understand what advantages this name has, what properties it endows its owners with:

  • Whose character does little Fenya inherit?
  • What abilities does he show? adult woman at work and at home?
  • How is her communication with others structured?
  • How are the relationships in Thekla’s family different?

Little Fenichka behaves very seriously and “in an adult way”, because of this many other children look up to her and are a little afraid. Because of her seriousness and thoughtfulness, Fenya seems to give the impression to adults that she is older than her peers. Very often, Thekla inherits her father’s character and reacts to many situations in the same way as her dad.

In general, Fekla is a fairly calm child, but at the same time distinguished by a fair amount of independence and even willfulness. Anyone who wants to command her may have a very hard time. A lively mind, an ironic and at the same time accurate perception of the people and situations around her sometimes make not only Thekla’s parents, but also her school teachers surprised.

Of great importance in the life of Thekla as a teenager is the opportunity to find expression for the creativity that nature has endowed her with. She can dance, draw or play music - parents need to notice the girl’s inclinations in time and help develop them. For all her artistry, talents and emotionality, the owner of the name already in her youth knows how to control her emotional impulses well and express them quite calmly and restrainedly.

Success without routine

Thanks to her ability to control herself, Thekla can be very diplomatic. But, rather, she applies this quality to relatives and friends, as well as to those people whom she likes - but with them she can sometimes afford to be capricious. If a principled girl is not satisfied with something in the behavior or manners of a stranger, she will express everything she thinks about him.

Owners of the name Thekla are usually very confident in their own abilities, endowed with almost a steel will and determination. At the same time, it is very important for them to feel safe when communicating with others. This is the reason for some “closedness” of Thekla, who allows herself to be herself only in a narrow circle of relatives and friends.

Of great importance for Thekla is the ability not to get caught up in the daily routine, since she begins to feel tired very quickly from the abundance of everyday things. But even at this, she practically does not lose her mental balance, but tries to look at the situation calmly and balancedly. Adventurism is not at all in the character of this solid woman.

What does the name Thekla mean for the choice of profession by its bearer? The owner of the name is endowed with serious analytical skills, conscientiousness and hard work. Therefore, she can find application for her talents in almost any professional field.

Creative inclinations often take over, and then a woman can become a writer or journalist, choose the profession of an actress or director, fashion designer or graphic designer. However, her abilities can be used both in science and in legal practice.

Fekla is calm about money, but she manages to make good money. She can lead an almost ascetic lifestyle, but she will not allow herself to appear in society if she appearance does not comply with the accepted dress code. She knows what difficulties she may encounter in her professional field, and at the same time she knows how to overcome or get around them.

Love and romantic adventures are something that worries Thekla much less than professional fulfillment. She is a completely self-sufficient person, and loneliness for her is not a punishment, but a completely comfortable state. Nevertheless, Thekla is capable of falling in love with a strong and self-confident man - though not for long.

Fekla usually marries calm man with a good upbringing, who has already achieved certain successes in life. The success of her husband is often very important to a woman, and for this she is ready to leave her career. Fekla can be a very strict mother, but a very cordial and hospitable hostess. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

What does the name Thekla mean?
This name is usually translated directly into Russian as “the glory of God.”

Origin of the name Thekla:
The name Thekla is clearly of Greek origin. This name, one might say, left a significant mark in the history of mankind. The first holy martyr Thekla truly had the support of the omnipotent God, which subsequently gave her the opportunity many times to avoid simply inevitable death. And living like this for many years, Thekla always actively preached the word of God.

Character conveyed by the name Thekla:
Fekla is very often distinguished by excessive isolation and a certain caution, but it’s almost impossible to get her angry. She is always firmly convinced that a person can achieve peace and complete satisfaction only in the only case if he is guaranteed to respect himself and truly believes in his own strength. And of course, it is only outwardly that Fekla always seems calm and completely indifferent, but behind the hidden indifference, the most passionate nature often lurks.

The most driving force in this life for Thekla, first of all, is love. But it is in her personal life that Fekla rarely manages to harmoniously combine all romantic and sexual relationships; these two different aspects will constantly be in some kind of opposition for her.

For her, first of all, the success of her husband will be very important, and the support of her relatives in absolutely all her endeavors and even the somewhat accommodating attitude of close friends towards her.

In addition, in her home, Thekla will not always be able to create the necessary comfort or relaxed atmosphere, and in matters of raising her own children, she adheres to extraordinary severity. However, nevertheless, she is still a very good housewife and loving mother. She is always very hospitable, and she receives numerous guests on a huge scale, so that after the reception they always need some considerable time to simply come to their senses.

But some of Thekla’s psychological characteristics are often short temper, incredible willfulness, and even excessive impressionability. And sometimes, in moments of particular anger, it even happens that Fyokla becomes simply uncontrollable, and, of course, at this moment it would be better to always be away from her.

Thekla also has a strong will, and she simply will not allow anyone to dictate anything to herself. In addition, the owner of this name is often characterized by a practical and unusually sharp mind, she is often mocking. So, believe me, it’s better not to get caught in her tongue at a difficult moment.