
What is a medical circulatory enhancer. Purification of blood and blood vessels, increased blood circulation

Vascular changes or circulatory disorders - a fairly common problem of modern mankind. Stress, poor nutrition, insufficient vitamins, lack of time for rest, sedentary lifestyle, smoking and other bad habits - all this leads to the development of serious disorders in our body.

A number of signs can indicate a violation of blood circulation:

  • frequent headaches (migraines),
  • dizziness,
  • memory impairment,
  • nosebleeds,
  • pain in the region of the heart,
  • blurred vision,
  • swings blood pressure,
  • vegetovascular dystonia,
  • numbness, cold extremities,
  • a feeling of suffocation,
  • varicose veins veins,
  • haemorrhoids.

Headache and dizziness are the main symptoms of circulatory disorders in the brain

To prevent and correct these symptoms, drugs are used to improve blood circulation.

These drugs can be divided into several categories depending on the factor causing the changes.

Medicines that improve brain microcirculation

They can be divided into three types.

Substances that promote vasodilation. Depending on the impact, they are:

  • neurotropic vasodilators - dilate blood vessels, affecting the central nervous system(Dihydroergotoxin);
  • myotropic vasodilators - increase the lumen of blood vessels, due to the relaxation of muscle fibers (Cavinton, Vincamine, Nimotop, Eufillin);
  • angioprotective - restoration of the elasticity of the vessel wall (Parmidin).

Cavinton dilates the vessels of the brain, increases blood flow and improves the supply of oxygen to neurons

Drugs that improve blood flow and regulate its coagulability. They differ in their properties:

  • anti-aggregation properties - prevent platelets from sticking together (Kurantil, Acetylsalicylic acid);
  • anticoagulant - prevent excessive blood clotting (Heparin, Warfarin);
  • low molecular weight dextrans - ability data medicinal substances linger in the bloodstream, due to its low molecular weight, helps to normalize blood pressure and restore the volume of circulating blood (Reopoliglyukin).

Means aimed at lowering the level of lipids in the blood. Prevention of the formation of cholesterol plaques (Lovastatin).

Drugs that improve nutrition and metabolic processes in the brain

  • Medicines, the action of which is aimed at the regulation of oxygen consumption in the blood as the prevention of hypoxia, ischemia, etc. (Actovegin, Glycine).
  • Antioxidants are substances that neutralize the effects of free radicals, normalize the work of cells (Tocopherol, Aevit).

Actovegin renders complex action on metabolic processes in tissues

Means that accelerate metabolic processes in the brain, by accelerating the transmission nerve impulses from one cell to another (Cerebrolysin).

Means that combine the first two groups

All medical preparations are divided into the following groups:

  • synthetic - the composition of this type of drugs includes various chemicals;
  • biological medicines plant origin(Vinca alkaloids, Ginkgo biloba);
  • combined - mixed, containing both biological and synthetic, and components that enhance the effect of the former. This group also includes dietary supplements (biologically active substances), which are not drugs, but are widely used in medicine in combination with other chemicals.

Vasobral - a complex vasodilator drug

Vascular drugs to improve blood circulation should not be taken without a prescription from the attending physician, since taking data medicines, in an inaccurate dosage, can lead to negative consequences.

In addition to tablet preparations, suppositories and solutions for injections, there are preparations local action that improve venous circulation (in the form of gels, ointments, creams). Their goals are aimed at eliminating the manifestations of congestion, such as varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

These funds can be divided into several types:

  • The first includes substances that strengthen the walls of a blood vessel, increase their elasticity and strength, and also prevent their permeability - phlebotonics (Troxerutin, Troxevasin).
  • The second type includes substances based on heparin, which improve the movement of blood through the vessels. They thin the blood, prevent sticking and accumulation of blood cells, reducing the risk of thrombosis and hematomas (Heparin ointment, Hepatrombin).
  • Another variety is herbal ointments, the composition may include extracts horse chestnut, ginkgo biloba, calendula, menthol, etc. (Cycloven, Normoven, Dr. Tais ointment - venen gel).

The choice of drugs for local application wide enough. Before use, it is advisable to consult a doctor. But if this problem caught you on the road, for example, and there is no such possibility, you need to pay attention to the composition of the remedy you have chosen to exclude allergic reactions on the components of the ointment.

Peripheral circulation - blood flow in small arteries, arterioles, capillaries, postcapillary venules, arteriovenular anastomoses, venules and small veins. As a result of structural or functional disorders, the following circulatory disorders may occur in them:

1) Arterial hyperemia - an increase in tissue filling arterial blood. It is manifested by redness, warming of the skin over the site of the lesion. Develops with action chemical substances, toxins, products of inflammation, with fever, with allergies.
2) Venous hyperemia - an increase in blood supply to an organ or tissue as a result of obstructed outflow of blood through the veins. Manifested by cyanosis of tissues. Causes: compression of the veins or their blockage, weakening of the heart muscle, difficulty in blood flow in the pulmonary circulation.
3) Ischemia - limited or complete violation arterial blood supply. Causes: compression, blockage or spasm of the arteries. Manifested by pain due to the accumulation in conditions of reduced oxygen supply to the tissues of incompletely oxidized metabolic products - inflammatory mediators.
4) Stasis - slowing down and stopping the blood flow in the capillaries, small arteries and veins. Reasons: high or low temperatures, poisoning with poisons, high concentrations of salt, turpentine, mustard oil, toxins of microorganisms.
5) Thrombosis - the formation of blood clots, consisting of its elements and preventing normal blood flow. Manifested by swelling and cyanosis of the tissues.
6) Embolism - blockage of blood vessels foreign bodies(microorganisms, fat droplets) or gases.

To clinical forms peripheral circulation disorders include obliterating endarteritis, thrombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis, thromboembolism pulmonary artery, chronic disorders cerebral circulation, varicose disease lower extremities, eye diseases ischemic origin, Raynaud's disease.
Complaints presented by patients are varied. You should contact a specialist if:

Disturbed by pain in the legs at the end of the day, when walking or standing for a long time; swelling and cyanosis of the lower extremities;
- there are headaches, tinnitus, hearing loss, sleep disturbances, memory disorders, unsteadiness when walking, numbness in an arm or leg, speech disorders, swallowing disorders;
- there is chilliness of the hands, pain in the fingers during exercise, whitening of the hands during cooling;
- there is a decrease in visual acuity or loss of visual fields.

Means for improving peripheral circulation

Drugs that improve peripheral circulation include:
1) Preparations that improve microcirculation. Angioprotectors. Normalize the permeability of capillaries, improve metabolic processes in the walls of blood vessels. Curantyl (dipyridomol), persanthin, trental, flexital, vasonite, radomin, pentoxifylline, doxychem.
2) Preparations of low molecular weight dextran. The drugs attract additional volumes of blood from the intercellular space into the bloodstream. Improve blood flow. Rheomacrodex, reopoliglyukin.
3) Prostaglandin E1 preparations. Improve blood flow, microcirculation, elasticity of red blood cells. Increase the anticoagulant activity of the blood. Expands blood vessels, providing a decrease in peripheral vascular resistance and blood pressure. Vasaprostan.
4) Calcium channel blockers. They improve the microcirculation of cerebral vessels, have a cerebroprotective effect. They are mainly used for cerebrovascular accidents. Cordafen, cordaflex, nimotop, stugeron, cinnarizine, adalat, arifon, grindeke, brainal, diacordin, cordipin, cortiazem, logimax, lacipil, nafadil, nemotan, nifecard, stamlo, foridon, cinedil, cinnasan, plendil, norvax.
5) Myotropic antispasmodics. Drugs in this group are able to dilate blood vessels, increasing cerebral blood flow. They show high efficiency in spasms of cerebral vessels. In case of vascular damage by atherosclerosis, they are less effective. The disadvantages of drugs (except Cavinton) include the phenomenon of stealing - the expansion of predominantly intact vessels with a decrease in blood flow through the starving areas of the brain.
The drugs of this group have the ability to dilate blood vessels, increasing cerebral blood flow. As a rule, they are highly effective in spasms of cerebral vessels, but with the development of sclerotic processes, the ability of cerebral vessels to relax decreases and, consequently, the effectiveness of the action of vasodilators also decreases.
funds. In addition, these drugs can cause the phenomenon of intracerebral "stealing" (absent in Cavinton), when, under the influence of vasodilators, there is a preferential expansion of intact vessels and a redistribution of blood flow in favor of healthy areas of the brain.
No-shpa, no-shpa forte, drotaverine, halidor, cavinton, midokalm, nikospan, spazmol, eufillin.
6) Phytopreparations. Preparations from natural raw materials. Unlike synthetic drugs, the effect of this group develops more slowly, therapeutic effect provides a combination of compounds. Effective in diseases of the cerebral vessels and obliterating diseases lower limbs. Bilobil, tanakan
7) Bioflavonoids. They have the ability to improve blood flow by increasing the elasticity of red blood cells. Normalize capillary blood flow. Venoruton, troxevasin, antioxidant.
8) Ganglioblockers. Expand arterioles, venules, small veins, due to which a decrease in blood pressure is achieved. Contribute to the redistribution of blood in the vessels of the lower extremities. Dimecolin, camphonium, pahikarpin, pentamin, pyrilene, temekhin,
9) Alpha blockers. They cause vasodilation of the skin, kidneys, intestines, especially arterioles and precapillaries, reducing their total resistance, improving blood supply to peripheral tissues. Sermion, nilogrine, prazosin, pyrroxane, phentolamine.
10) Dopamine receptor stimulants. The vasodilating effect is carried out by stimulating dopamine receptors, which are also found in the vessels of the lower extremities. Increases blood flow in the vessels of the lower extremities. Pronoran.

Since diseases based on impaired peripheral blood flow lead without timely treatment to disability, self-treatment is contraindicated.

1. How does the Palwick-Fit device work?
With the help of special sensors, the device RECORDS microsignals from working muscles (electromyogram, EMG), measures muscle effort, displays it on the monitor screen and controls the course of the training.

2. Is it possible to increase muscle strength pelvic floor another way?
An increase in muscle strength, their tone, cannot be achieved by any other means than training. Look at the athletes. Do they sit in comfortable chairs with electrical muscle stimulators? No, they are constantly running, lifting weights, that is, they train to make their muscles strong and voluminous. Palwick-Fit allows patients to do the same: "pump up" the muscles of the pelvic floor and restore them nervous regulation.

3. Is it possible to train the pelvic floor muscles without the Palwick-Fit device?
The muscles of the pelvic floor, unlike other muscles in our body, are not subject to conscious control (tension by will). These muscles are involved in the reflex reactions of urination, defecation, and sexual reflexes. We do not feel the work of these muscles. Therefore, in order to learn how to intensively strain the muscles of the pelvic floor, visual control over their work is necessary. This is exactly what Palwick-Fit does. The sensor registers microsignals from the muscles and they are displayed on the computer screen in an understandable form. This is the only way to effectively train the pelvic floor muscles.

4. What are the differences in the effects of using the Palwick-Fit device and drugs such as Viagra for sexual dysfunction in men?
Preparations of the sildenafil group (Viagra, etc.) effectively, but for a limited time, increase blood flow to the penis and, thereby, increase erection for the duration of the drug. But for many men, the outflow of blood from the cavernous bodies is too large, so the erection is defective, and cannot be compensated pharmacologically, in principle. "Palvik-Fit" enhances the work of the muscles that control the outflow of blood from the cavernous bodies. These muscles restore the ability to compress the efferent veins, thereby solving the problem of erection in the long term. In addition, "Palvik-Fit" restores the nervous regulation of the ejaculation reflex, which has not yet been effectively treated pharmacologically. "Palvik-Fit" has no contraindications, and is able to significantly enhance the effect of drugs such as "Viagra".

5. Does "Pelvic-Fit" help with diseases prostate?
Yes, it helps. Prostatitis and prostate adenoma are treated pharmacologically. However, this treatment is hampered venous congestion and lymphoedema. "Palvik-Fit" solves this problem much more effectively than any other means and methods. The device repeatedly increases blood flow in the prostate gland, which is the main factor in increasing efficiency drug therapy. At the same time, "Palvik-Fit" solves the problem of restoring sexual functions, impaired pathological processes in the prostate.

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I offer you, not only for acquaintance, but also for active implementation, four exercises against congestion in the pelvic area and the entire genitourinary system.

These exercises are priceless for both men and women!!!

“Do these exercises yourself every morning.

And when there is a wife, teach her.

Thanks to them, she will never know what is inflammatory diseases pelvic organs,” the chiropractor told me back in the mid-1990s.

  • 1st exercise - in addition to increasing blood flow in the pelvis and perineum, it strengthens the muscles of the thighs and buttocks
  • 2nd - done immediately without a break after the "Horseman", strengthens the abdominal press, strengthening it along the entire length of the rectus muscle and helps to create elastic buttocks (due to the tension of the gluteal muscles - see exercise)
  • 3rd exercise - helps to strengthen the erector muscles of the back
  • 4th - contains elements of self-massage of important areas! In addition, due to a powerful increase in blood flow in the genitourinary region, men and women will have pleasant bonuses in love exercises!
  • I.p. - legs are spaced two shoulder widths apart, hands in front of the chest in a wrestling grip or as in the photo (video). Let's look ahead. Breathing is calm and prolonged
  • Slowly, pause after inhalation- gradually increasing efforts, we begin to pull our hands in different directions, trying to break the grip (however, we don’t need to tear anything, we perform a simple isometric tension without movement), at the same time we squat down to a position where the hips become parallel to the floor
  • We remain in this position for 20-30 seconds to start. After each inhalation, we make comfortable breath holdings, after exhalation we do not hold
  • We try to breathe evenly and calmly, gradually bringing the time spent in the “Horseman” position to 60-90 seconds
  • We look forward, keep our back straight (posture - as if you are on a horse, hence the name of the exercise)
  • On a delay after the next breath, slowly return to the starting position and exhale
  • After being in the “Horseman” position, a powerful rush of blood to the corresponding zones is provided. Immediately, WITHOUT A BREAK, while our entire pelvic area is gorgeously warmed up due to the rush of blood, we proceed to the second exercise.

Exercise 2. Boat

  • I remind you that we do it without a break, immediately after the “Horseman”, while the pelvic area is powerfully heated
  • I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body, legs straightened together (a pose in which soldiers dream of guarding 🙂).
  • At the same time, raise straight legs above the floor (15-30 degrees from the floor), stretch your socks forward, raise your shoulders and thoracic region spine.
  • We look at the toes of the legs, raise our hands and hold them in a position pointing with straightened palms towards the legs.
  • Now STRETCH the muscles of the buttocks- as if we are squeezing a coin with our buttocks (this is the most main point in the exercise) and in this position we hold until ... 2-3 minutes
  • Naturally, we bring the time of our “boat” to the indicated 3 minutes gradually, starting at least from 20-30 seconds
  • While in this position, try to breathe calmly and evenly.
  • After being in the pose for the right time (with the tension of the buttocks !!!), we lower ourselves to the floor and relax
  • After a short rest, we proceed to the 3rd exercise.

Exercise 3. Superman

  • I.p. - lying on your stomach, arms extended forward. You can put a pillow under the pelvis (you can do it just on a tourist rug)
  • While inhaling, we slowly and smoothly raise our legs (you can slightly bend at the knees) and arms (stretched forward and slightly to the sides)
  • We look in front of us and a little to the floor, do not throw our head back, but do not bend too much. Neck in a neutral-comfortable position
  • The first option is to stay in this position for 10 seconds, then slowly sink to the floor, but touch it only with the hands and feet, without relaxing the whole body, and immediately repeat the rise again with a delay. Do 10 times
  • The second option is to raise your arms and legs and stay in this position for 60-90 seconds (Fedor Emelianenko does “superman” in static for 5-7 minutes)

Exercise 4. Walking on the buttocks

  • Sit on the floor. Straighten your legs. Clench your hands into fists, bend at the elbows and raise them slightly above chest level.
  • “Step” forward with your right buttock along with a straight right leg.
  • Then the left buttock "goes" forward.
  • How much to walk? 20-50 meters!!! Just don’t start from 50 meters, otherwise there will be ridiculous injuries, as in the old joke: “Only ears reached the battery”
  • You can walk on the floor 1 meter forward, 1 meter back if there is not enough space.
  • Exercise is one of the best for increasing blood flow in the pelvic area, it is also an excellent prevention of hemorrhoids, etc. diseases