
What awaits the twin monkeys in the year. Monkey - Libra

The Monkey's horoscope for 2017 advises being more enterprising and resourceful so that this year does not pass without a trace. Do you want variety in your work and personal life? Then do your best to contribute it. The Rooster will give the Monkey a lot of chances for success, you just need to take advantage of them in time. Less fuss and hesitation, then you will achieve everything you dreamed of in 2017. Be wary of competitors and those who badmouth you behind your back. Alas, even the Rooster himself will compete with the Monkey, so she cannot do without a sense of humor and diligence in her work. The Monkey's horoscope for 2017 warns that difficulties await you in the spring and autumn, so pull yourself together and don't panic ahead of time. The Monkey's career will go uphill if he gets involved in creativity, trade and investment. In the summer and winter of 2017, you need to communicate more with friends and family. As for health, the Monkey is as strong as steel and as resilient as an Asian horse.

Work, career and money for the Monkey in 2017

In 2017, the Monkey is no stranger to cunning and cunning, so she will either argue and swear with her colleagues, or make peace and cooperate. In the spring, you may be offered such a favorable position that you will immediately write a letter of resignation from your previous job. Even if there are many people who want to “sit on” the Monkey, he will not miss his chance. The main thing is to use your talent and experience, and everything else will come easily and quickly. Moreover, in 2017 your inner voice will tell you with whom to be friends and with whom to work in the same team. The horoscope for the Monkey for 2017 recommends holding back your personal desires and ambitions, otherwise your business partners will instantly break their contract with you. In the fall, the Monkey will want money, fame and honor, but everything will not come so quickly and in large quantities. If you rush from one place to another, deceive people and be a hypocrite, you will remain out of work. Your finances will be in order in 2017 if you don’t let them go to waste.

Monkey love horoscope for 2017

In 2017, the Monkey will be so wise and crafty that he can easily combine his personal life and work. You don't even have to ask for time off, take time off, or talk to your boss to go on a date. There will be many romantic meetings, but the most stormy romance in 2017 for the Monkey will happen at work. A colleague has liked you for a long time, and you only now paid attention to him. And, this is fortunately!

After all, you have so much in common, and most importantly, your interests and professional affairs are now joint. The Monkey's horoscope for 2017 advises being less materialistic and practical. After all, love does not accept such “rules of the game.” The Monkey will have to face rivals in love, but this will only spur and encourage her. You need to fight for real feelings, as the horoscope says.

Monkey family horoscope for 2017

A monkey who has a family will not sit still for a single day. You and your spouse and children will travel and have fun all year round. In 2017, the Monkey will visit all his relatives, even living abroad. Are you afraid to fly on an airplane? The Rooster will support and calm the Monkey. The horoscope for the Monkey for 2017 recommends not to forget about work. Otherwise, how much money will you live on, educate your children and maintain your household? In the spring you will have to work on your plot, and in the fall you will have to harvest the crops. In winter, the Monkey will have to care for a sick relative. If you need wise advice in difficult moments, call your friends. A person you have known since youth will help you cope with money problems in 2017. The main thing is that the Monkey does not forget about everyday issues, otherwise the conflict with her spouse will be protracted.

Monkey health horoscope for 2017

If in 2017 the Monkey starts too low, then by December he will feel without the strength or desire to celebrate anything. Your health is not ironclad, so take good care of it. Don't forget about rest, diet and rational use of energy. In 2017, we need to pay more attention to spiritual development. Much will depend on the Monkey’s mood. By the way, the health status of loved ones. To take your mind off sad thoughts, find an interesting hobby and go to the circus more often. The Monkey horoscope for 2017 does not recommend exhausting yourself with exercises in the gym. Whether it’s a matter of taking a steam bath, soaking up the sun, or going to the pool. In 2017, the Monkey will even start playing checkers and chess to cope with time pressure. If you add not only fruits to your diet, but also nuts, chocolate and yogurt, then in winter you will not be afraid of any colds.

Water Monkey horoscope for 2017

If in 2017 the Water Monkey makes friends with the Rooster, then she can count on support and wise advice. The main thing is to calmly take critical comments from people around you. The horoscope for 2017 predicts new and unforgettable acquaintances for the Water Monkey that will change their outlook on life. Although, there will be a lot of secrecy and aloofness on her part. It is advisable to take on work that does not require much responsibility. Otherwise, there will be many unexpected situations.

Wood Monkey horoscope for 2017

The eastern horoscope for 2017 advises the Wood Monkey to worry less and worry less about failures. Anything is possible in life, so keep your peace of mind! To implement your plans, you will need to look for associates and reliable partners yourself. The Wood Monkey will come across flattering and selfish people, so in 2017 you need to be extremely careful with your finances. But in the summer, rapid progress and success in new endeavors are expected.

Fire Monkey horoscope for 2017

The horoscope for 2017 advises the Fire Monkey not to go against his own desires and to cling to any opportunity to demonstrate his talents. You are full of charm and determination, so do not be timid in the face of difficulties! In 2017, the Fire Monkey needs to devote more time to work, rather than entertainment and carnal pleasures. Risks, fraud and adventures should be excluded so as not to lose vigilance and not be left penniless.

Earth Monkey horoscope for 2017

In 2017, the Earth Monkey will open his own business and become a successful entrepreneur. Only this will require considerable funds, as well as the support of influential people. It is necessary to find a part-time job to strengthen your financial situation in 2017. The impulsiveness and incontinence of the Earth Monkey can play a cruel joke, especially when communicating with a loved one. On the contrary, you need to become more compliant and calm so as not to lose those who are truly dear to you.

Metal Monkey horoscope for 2017

In 2017, the Metal Monkey expects job prospects and fateful meetings. Everything will work out wonderfully with finances if you find a business not only to your liking, but with a good salary. It is possible that the Metal Monkey will be offered a worthy position or mutually beneficial cooperation. Surprises in your personal life will give you confidence and optimism, and will also allow you to make a clear plan for the future.

Eastern horoscope for 2017 for other zodiac signs:

Monkeys are cheerful and lively people, and if in your year you were carefree jumping on the branches, then with the coming to power of the Fire Rooster, little will change in your life. The only thing the owner of 2017 will ask from the frivolous Monkeys is to add a little planning to life. Monkeys know what they want, but your desires change every minute - today you feel comfortable in the boss’s chair, and tomorrow you are ready to rush to the North Pole with an expedition. The cockerel gives the go-ahead - do whatever you want, the main thing is that you enjoy it, and the caring bird will turn on the green light at any moment.

In the love sphere, everything will work out perfectly for hyperactive Monkeys. Fans will put up with your eccentricity, and Lonely Monkeys will finally choose the right partner for themselves. In 2017, family Monkeys can have fun eating bananas and running through vines - the Rooster will do everything to ensure that peace and grace reign in your friendly family. Some Monkeys will meet storks - children born to Monkeys in the year of the Red Fire Rooster will be amazing personalities, and the owner of the year will make sure that your children are happy.

No one can fool the Cunning Monkeys, and there is nothing strange in the fact that everything will work out just fine in the financial sphere. A crisis? - what is this, the Monkeys ask in surprise and go to count the pleasantly rustling pieces of paper. You have never even heard of the word “Bankruptcy”; you probably think that this is some kind of exotic animal. The Cockerel advises the mischievous creatures to think about savings - of course, it is much more pleasant to spend and spend without thinking about tomorrow, but a couple of millions can be put aside. Many Monkeys will be able to join the ranks of the rich - yes, yes, you are exactly what is missing in the village for the oligarchs.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Fire Monkey

Years of birth: 1956 and 2016.

The Fire Monkeys will not notice the change of power - well, just think, the Red Monkey reigned, and now the Red Cockerel sits on the throne. In principle, the owner of the year did not intend to radically change the life of the Fire creatures. Unless the chairs will be wider and more comfortable, and Monkey suits will be bought not in stores, but ordered from fashionable tailors. Monkeys are excellent leaders, and Fire Monkeys are born to occupy important positions. It is unlikely that the local mayor will start begging you to take his place, but the Monkeys will be able to enter the highest echelons of power.

Charming Fire Monkeys will be delighted with the pleasant changes in the love sphere - there are a lot of fans, choose, I don’t want, and you will be called on dates every day. The Cockerel will allow free Fire creatures to have fun and have fun, but for family Monkeys the scenario is completely different. For some, it’s time to think about moving to a more suitable home, and for many Monkeys it would be nice to start renovating and turn their fantasies into reality. In 2017, your children will surprise you with their success - encourage your children, and look, by the end of the year you will have nowhere to put cups and hang certificates.

In the financial sphere, the Fire Monkeys have a complete idyll. You have the gift of feeling money a mile away, sometimes, the Monkeys only need to make a wish, and the Rooster is already carrying a chest full of bucks in his beak. But when handling money, it is advisable for Monkeys to be prudent and not spend it on parties with new friends who have appeared out of nowhere. Monetary success can turn the heads of Monkeys - you won’t even notice the scammers who are comfortably nestled on your Fiery neck. Complain to the Rooster - he will create such a hurricane with his wings that the dishonest guys will fly without looking back to the ends of the earth.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Water Monkey

Years of birth: 1952 and 1992.

In their personal lives, it will be more difficult for amorous Monkeys - you are ready to give your heart to every fan, try to be more picky. It is advisable for free Water Monkeys to look for a soul mate not where you are used to - the chosen one definitely does not hang out in nightclubs. Take a closer look at your friends - suddenly there is a suitable person among them. The Year of the Rooster is good for starting a family - Water Monkeys will look great in wedding dresses. For those Water guys who have a stamp in their passport, Cockerel has prepared a date with storks - hurry up, there are a lot of packages with babies, but they are sorted out instantly.

Water Monkeys love a comfortable life, but you are indifferent to money - as much as you have is enough. However, the Fire Cockerel will not stand aside - the Water guys will receive many lucrative contracts, and in 2017 you will definitely not have to vegetate on one salary. Some of the Water creatures will even become rich - why not celebrate this luck by going on vacation, at your own expense, because you can afford such luxury. Many Monkeys will learn to plan a budget; of course, you are unlikely to spend money on a mansion in the Moscow region, but you will be able to buy a dacha with a bathhouse.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Wood Monkey

Year of birth: 2004.

Wooden Monkeys do not chase fame, and in the year of the Rooster you don’t need this - recognition and success themselves will follow you on your heels. The Fire Cockerel will bring good luck in the professional sphere. Monkeys only need to decide on their activities. Want to try on a businessman's suit? - for God's sake, the tailors are already lined up with their centimeters, and are ready to sew a chic outfit to order. Do you dream of becoming famous in creative circles? - Yes, all poets and prose writers are writing new works in a panic, fearing that you will overshadow them with your talents.

The love sphere in the year of the Rooster will delight the Wood Monkeys. You are unusually sensual and gentle by nature - admirers will take these subtleties into account and will court you delicately and unobtrusively. The life of free Wood Monkeys will be full of romance, you will want flowers and confessions, love and compliments. Many of the single Monkeys will even think about marriage - there is nothing that could stop you. Family Wooden creatures in 2017 are ready to perform feats for the sake of their households - you will begin to organize special events and fun trips every week, and your relatives will appreciate your efforts.

What kind of shishi are we going to organize weddings and trips for? - the Wood Monkeys will ask excitedly. Do not be sad, the Fire Rooster knows his business, and believe me, he will not leave you without his care. Green rustling rain is unlikely to fall on your Wooden Heads, but the financial returns will be quite good. Wooden Monkeys are restrained in spending - you can easily save a decent amount of money, which you can spend on whatever you want. A house is a house, a fur coat is a fur coat, or maybe both, and there will be enough left over for a carriage with bananas.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Earth Monkey

Year of birth: 1968.

Earth Monkeys are hard-working people and, despite their frivolous attitude to life, are capable of achieving unprecedented success. The Fire Rooster will not watch from afar, he will definitely perch on the nearest fence, and will periodically crow, warning about competitors. Earth Monkeys are friendly, and you have plenty of friends - friends will deal with enemies in no time. In the professional sphere, Earth creatures will be lucky all year. Some Earth guys will change jobs, and many Monkeys will discover their talents as businessmen.

The personal life of Earth Monkeys in 2017 will be romantic and very interesting. Single Earth children will feel the desire to change their lives - Cockerel will now and then hold castings among fans, and is about to announce the winners. Don’t forget to invite the Fire Bird to the wedding - the Rooster will arrange everything to the highest standard. It’s time for the family Earth Monkeys to prepare for an important event - the storks are about to swoop in and will vie with each other to offer babies. The Cockerel is a family creature, and will help the Earth Monkeys improve relationships with their household - communication with relatives will be warm and harmonious.

As for the financial sphere, Earth Monkeys can breathe freely - you will say your firm no to loans and debts! There will be debts, but in a different sense - people who want to borrow money will come to you, don’t refuse, all the capital will return to your wallets with good interest. Many Earth Monkeys can dream of a new apartment overlooking the sea, or a luxury car that can accommodate a friendly family. The Rooster will fulfill most of the wishes of the Earth Monkeys - it costs him nothing to make your life happier.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Metal Monkey

Year of birth: 1980.

Metal Monkeys are strong guys, and while others are looking for ways out of the crisis, you are already sitting in a new chair and giving instructions. The Cockerel appreciates the Metal Monkeys' ability to get out of any situation, but advises them to be more careful in their new position. The competitors didn't run away, they just changed color. In 2017, some Metal Monkeys will have a powerful patron - don’t look for a catch, you’re just amazing creatures, and it’s a pleasure to help you. And the Cockerel strewn your path with red and golden feathers, so feel free to stomp towards good luck.

In the love sphere, the Metal Monkeys are not expecting any special changes, but the Fire Rooster has prepared a few surprises. Free Monkeys may be preparing to meet a new love, which may lead you to the wedding palace. And there the storks are just a stone's throw away - look at the sky, there they are flying away, obviously not for rain, but for a happy event. Family Monkeys will be wise in the year of the Rooster - relatives will reach out to you for advice, so try to listen carefully to your beloved relatives. Marriage partners in 2017 will learn to please the Metal Monkeys - you will bathe in love and tenderness.

In the financial sphere, everything is fine, but Metal Monkeys should be patient. The Fire Cockerel has not forgotten about you, he just first decided to help those who are in more need. Your chests of riches have long been signed and are about to depart on a special flight. The perseverance and tenacity of Metal creatures will certainly lead you to material profit - here you will find deals, contracts, and all sorts of lucrative offers. In 2017, risk is welcomed, but Metal Monkeys don’t have to talk about it - you were born for adventures, and you can smell the smell of money a thousand kilometers away.

Horoscope for other eastern zodiac signs:

The dexterity and intelligence possessed by representatives of this sign will allow them to easily overcome difficult obstacles. Despite the fact that the Monkey loves to play with fire, the Rooster will be favorable to it.

In 2017, many unpleasant and offensive situations await you - but you will confidently sit in the saddle of life and control your destiny. Even dismissal and separation from a loved one will not extinguish the spark of optimism in the soul of the Monkeys.

In March, according to 2017 horoscope for Monkey, an event will happen that can radically change the worldview of such people, and for the better. As the saying goes, “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” It is in this spirit that you need to perceive failures and try not to lose your fighting spirit.

Horoscope for Monkey women

Women born in the year of the Monkey will begin to skillfully use their natural charm. It will be easy for them to conquer a man and make him “dance to their tune.” In the professional sphere, these ladies will experience upswings and universal recognition. They will become friends with all employees, and their superiors will begin to respect them even more.

Excessive temper, which is inherent in Monkeys, can significantly damage relationships with friends and acquaintances. Try to drown out anger even at the time of its inception.

Horoscope for the Monkey man

Throughout 2017, you will not be alone. Every day promises you new acquaintances and useful meetings. The stars advise you not to close yourself off during such meetings, but try to establish close contact.

Probably, during the period under review, you will meet your soulmate, although at first you will not understand that it is her. The wedding that the Monkeys will play in the near future, according to, promises a long family life. In the professional field, you should work hard to achieve rain of money.

Love horoscope 2017 for Monkeys

Considering the love sphere in 2017, we can conclude that Monkeys will not have enough courage to approach their loved one and make an appointment with him. Family Monkeys need to become a little more serious so that their significant other can count on them in difficult times. If you do not change, then quarrels and conflicts will become frequent guests in your home.

It will go to those married Monkeys who have been married for more than 5 years. You may want to cheat on your partner or even break up with them. Binges, drunken parties, fleeting connections - all this awaits the Monkeys in 2017.

Only those individuals who can finally decide what is more important to them in life—binges or happiness—can cope with this situation.

Career horoscope

It is unlikely that career is the most important thing for Monkeys. They will not become careerists and will not follow the lead of their superiors. For the sake of a warm and financial place, you will not want to change your principles, so you are not threatened with special ups in the professional sphere.

However, already in the first half of the year, the Monkeys will begin to show the skill of diplomacy, they will be able to come to an agreement with anyone, and even conclude a profitable deal.

However, there will also be individuals who will want to leave their homes in order to go in search of something more interesting. This risk may turn out to be completely justified - a change of profession will benefit not only you, but also your family.

Finance horoscope

People born under this star will not change their attitude towards money in 2017. They will still easily lend money and make thoughtless purchases and investments. It is worth noting that even a person you know who borrows a large sum of money may not repay it within the agreed time frame, thereby provoking you into a conflict. In addition, Monkeys will want to get “easy” money by going to the nearest gaming club.

It is worth noting that Fortune will clearly not be on your side in 2017. You won't get big wins; on the contrary, the stars see huge financial losses. However, already in the middle of the year you will discover the unexpected skill of a realtor, which will help you make a profitable deal with the purchase or sale of real estate.

Health horoscope

There are no vicissitudes of fate in 2017, so in this regard, the Monkeys can be calm. Meanwhile, you yourself will provoke your body to develop various diseases. Think about the future and try to change your behavior: start eating right and eradicate bad habits.

Remember, even if nothing is bothering you at the moment, this does not mean that the body is working at full capacity. The situation will worsen with the onset of spring - chronic diseases may worsen, and there is also a risk of contracting HIV infection.

Zodiac sign horoscope for Monkeys

Monkey - Aries

If you were born in the year of the Monkey, you know that you are the favorite of luck. But in the approaching Year of the Rooster, several unpleasant opponents await you - frivolity and carelessness. These qualities can push Aries to commit an ugly act, which will subsequently lead to the fact that close people will stop communicating with them. Think first, speak later - this is your main principle in 2017.

Monkey - Taurus

If you are a risk-taker, then in 2017 the Rooster will support you in all matters. If you want to move, make up your mind, because a new place will make your life more interesting and add many useful people to it. Slowness in endeavors is not the best tactic that Taurus should adhere to. In your case, it is better to do first and think later.

Monkey - Gemini

The coming 2017 will be ideal for gaining new knowledge, a second education or new skills. The acquired skills will allow Gemini to apply for a highly paid position or even change their job to a more respectable and profitable one. The main thing is not to sit still, grab any offer that comes to you.

Monkey - Cancer

From the very beginning, a wave of change will burst into your life, but despite this, it will bring good luck and prosperity. Even if the situation seems unacceptable to Cancers, they should try to perceive it as a test that will strengthen their spirit and train endurance. On the personal front, a new addition to the family is expected for those who have long desired this.

Monkey - Leo

In 2017, Leos will exude incredible charm and charm. People around you will not be able to resist you, and people of the opposite sex will begin to pay excessive attention. However, do not abuse this attitude, because all these people really act on good principles. Fate will give you many ways to have fun in the coming year, which you will certainly take advantage of.

Monkey - Virgo

The coming year of the Fire Rooster will bring Virgos many pleasant surprises in the career field - you will have a chance to get a prestigious position or meet profitable people. However, do not focus on work; pay attention to your family, in particular your children. At the end of the year, it is possible to meet a friendly married couple.

Monkey - Libra

With the advent of 2017, Libra will stop thinking about material things and switch to spiritual food. You will probably have new goals, to achieve which you will make every effort. Every endeavor will be crowned with success and can bring financial benefits. Do not waste time on your development, because in the period under review this is really important for you.

Monkey - Scorpio

will give Scorpios an incredible feeling of freedom. Your favorite business will finally begin to bring in noticeable income and now you can stop spending time at work from morning to night. You may want to buy a car or buy a larger living space. As for personal life, a loved one will always be there and lend a “shoulder” when required.

Monkey - Sagittarius

Stop disowning the outside world. Be more sociable, and then the new year will bring a lot of gifts and surprises that you will like. The stars suggest that in 2017 Sagittarius will meet a pleasant person. It is he who will change their habits and make them love themselves and others. Love will hover around Sagittarius every day, bringing pleasure and moral satisfaction.

Monkey - Capricorn

Capricorns often suffer from frivolity and carelessness. With the advent of 2017, you will have to reconsider your behavior somewhat so as not to get into unpleasant situations because of it. It is better now to build a reliable place where you would be welcome and expected with news every day. Married Capricorns will finally pay attention to their soulmate and understand that she is more valuable than anyone else in the world.

Monkey - Aquarius

Money will stick to Aquarians throughout 2017. Naturally, they will not begin to fall from heaven, but will become the fruit of hard work and communication skills. Astrologers recommend not to refuse interesting projects that are offered to you. Aquarius will like this kind of work and will allow them to make good money. If you want to open your own business, do not give up this idea. Income will start knocking on doors a short time after the start.

Monkey - Pisces

Throughout the year, the Rooster will test the patience of Pisces, constantly giving them options to think about. For example, you will be offered two jobs at once, and you will have to choose between them. Pisces must take into account that the well-being of the family will depend on their choice. Try not to make hasty decisions, consult with friends, think carefully about each proposal and only then say the final answer.

Video horoscope

In 2017, Monkeys can safely begin the most risky undertakings - the symbol of the year promises them the successful completion of any project. Agile and curious Monkeys ride their luck, easily jumping from branch to branch. The entrepreneurial spirit of this sign makes the symbol of 2017 treat the Monkey with due sympathy. However, the stars advise her to curb her usual inconsistency and inconstancy - only organization and perseverance will help the Monkey realize all the chances given by the new year.

This time will become a significant period in life for active Monkeys. You will be able to find the strength and energy to organize many projects and events, you will become the soul of the company and the favorite of your superiors. The main thing is to be able to concentrate on really important matters. Think about the opportunity to open your own business, change your profession or place of work, get additional education or take on a new career height.

  • Years of the Monkey: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028.
  • Personal qualities: frivolity, activity, curiosity, enterprise, charm, sociability, dexterity, adventurism.
  • Best professions: actor, entrepreneur, account manager, salesman, banker, web developer, astrologer, stock trader.

Forecast for the Monkey for 2017 Rooster

An ambitious Monkey will be able to easily apply the accumulated experience to achieve the planned results. The Fire Rooster promises to develop your ability to intuitively sense changes in the wind. If you are able to show insight and foresight, you will collect a full basket of annual bonuses. Do not forget that they will not crumble like ripe fruit without due effort - the branch will have to be shaken thoroughly.

Astrologers warn that sometimes the Monkey should moderate the speed with which it realizes its desires. Not all of them are worthy. 2017 will promote contemplation, so stop often and evaluate the prospects of your activities. You will be able to receive the maximum number of prizes, but sometimes it is worth considering whether they all have the same value and importance for you.

In 2017, the Monkey will achieve success even in risky projects

The heavenly bodies warn the Monkey about the danger of unjustified risks. Moderate your excitement, otherwise you risk losing more than you gain. Don't try to embrace the immensity - then the Rooster will help you build a reliable foundation for subsequent years. In addition, in 2017, representatives of the Monkey sign must be prepared for a stubborn struggle for personal happiness.

You are too accustomed to the attention of the opposite sex and consider universal adoration to be the natural state of affairs. Astrologers recommend that you learn to distinguish between ostentatious affection and real sincerity. Be prepared for the Fire Rooster to weed out a certain number of people from your life. Don't be sad, this is getting rid of completely unnecessary ballast and a great chance to make new acquaintances.

Overall, this is a year of change for you, so take advantage of this opportunity and open up new horizons for yourself. If you have long wanted to change your country of residence, feel free to realize this dream. The year is perfect for starting life from scratch.

Love and relationships

The Fire Rooster promises family Monkeys a complete idyll. Enjoy happiness and peace, and don’t even think about being capricious. The stars recommend understanding that the best is the enemy of the good. Don't demand the impossible from your partner. Your desire to receive a star from heaven will lead to conflicts and disappointments. The Rooster will try to instill tolerance and selflessness in the Monkey - qualities that are completely new for representatives of this sign. Take this chance to become wiser.

Elderly relatives will require increased attention from you. With all the activity and fullness of your life, still try and find time to pamper them with your visits. Plan several family evenings a week, go shopping or to the dacha together. Do not deny your parents the pleasure of spending time with you - they will be able to thank you with useful advice and home cooking.

Spend more time with your family - it will pay off handsomely!

The monkey will be focused on getting attention from the object of his adoration. Free representatives of this sign will be able to choose the most worthy partner for themselves. However, prepare for a long siege - you won’t be able to get what you want in a swoop. If you demonstrate your best qualities and manage to overcome your shortcomings, you will have a happy period of life with your loved one.

But it’s better not to rush into marriage in 2017. The Rooster insists that you first prepare a good material base. If you rush, the ship of your relationship will break on the rocks of everyday problems. In turn, Monkey parents should be more attentive to the psychological state of their offspring.

It is quite possible that your child will be faced with a burden of insoluble problems. Do not brush your child off, considering his experiences not worth attention. This way you will only aggravate the child’s moral trauma. Be patient even with those issues that seem insignificant to you - you have a chance to create truly trusting and warm relationships with the younger generation under the wing of the Rooster.


The Year of the Fire Rooster will present the Monkey with several unpleasant health-related surprises. The beginning of the year will be marked by a deterioration in liver function, so it is worth removing fatty foods from your diet at this time. Towards the middle of the year, the risk of inflammatory processes is high, especially in the pancreas. If you have already been diagnosed with pancreatitis, the stars strongly recommend refraining from heavy meals, since an exacerbation of the disease can bring a lot of unpleasant moments.

The stars warn the Monkey - do not resort to self-medication and forget about alternative medicine. In 2017, only conservative medication practices, adequate sleep and proper nutrition will benefit you. For active Monkeys who regularly play sports, astrologers recommend paying attention to the musculoskeletal system - in 2017 there is a danger of fractures and sprains. The best option would be moderate physical activity, such as running or race walking.

Stop drinking alcohol - a little more and it will become a problem

Analyze your diet. It is quite possible that the proportion of alcohol has long exceeded the permissible limits. Your love for strong drinks is about to develop into an addiction. There is no need to justify yourself by the need to relax after a hard day at work. At parties, give preference to a glass of wine if you absolutely cannot abstain.

When shopping in the supermarket, avoid the shelves with crackers and chips - your favorite treats can lead to bad consequences by the end of the year. As a preventative measure for chronic diseases, schedule a course of spa treatment. Timely prevention will postpone the risk of exacerbation for several years.

Work and career

The career field will require increased attention from the Monkey. The Rooster gives you good chances for advancement, so don’t neglect them. Please your bosses and boldly take on the most risky projects - no one can handle them better than you. The symbol of 2017 promises the Monkeys its support even in the most risky projects. However, it will require you to be attentive and able to competently weigh risk and benefit.

To achieve the best results you should work as a team

Pay attention to business partners - not all of them are clean. It is quite possible that part of the proceeds is appropriated by passing by the general cash register. An honest Rooster will allow you to expose the deceiver. In 2017, be more attentive to legal formalities - even when working with long-time clients. It is better for you to play it safe once again to avoid monetary losses and failure to meet contractual obligations.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, representatives of creative professions will enjoy special protection from the stars, so feel free to present your achievements to the public. Many of your works and creative ideas will bring not only moral satisfaction, but can also become a source of stable income and a lifelong endeavor.


A frivolous attitude towards money will not benefit the Monkey. You are too generous and wasteful, so even impressive sums of money easily slip out of your hands. Moderate your ardor - then the Rooster will help you get rich. Try to set aside a certain amount of money - at the end of the year, quite interesting projects may turn up for investment.

Save your money little by little - soon you will find where to invest it

There is a possibility that close friends or family will ask you for financial help. Do not refuse them - it is better to reduce funding for personal whims. This kind of self-discipline will only benefit you. The heavenly bodies do not recommend that Monkeys take bank loans - it will be very difficult to return the borrowed funds.

Let us note that 2017 prepared many challenges for the Monkey, but the lightness of character, quick wit and intelligence that representatives of this sign possess will help them cope. The New Year 2017 has prepared some offensive and unfair situations, but your clear position will help you not to lose your head and stay in your position. Monkeys are very optimistic, and therefore, even in the loss of work and family, they will be able to find a reason not to stop, but to move on.

Monkeys should pay special attention to the events that will happen to them in March, since one of them will change her worldview, but such a change, oddly enough, will be positive.

Monkeys are optimistic about everything, therefore, despite the obviously unsuccessful year as a whole, they will remain with their life positions and priorities. Despite the fact that 2017 will also present a test in family relationships, representatives of this sign will be able to pull themselves together and put everything in its place.

You should not rely on friends and acquaintances, since in 2017 you can expect anything from them, but not help. After a while, they will want to change the situation, but it will be very difficult for you to accept their apology. What awaits those born in the year of the Monkey: the horoscope for 2017 for men and women will help you understand this issue completely.

Horoscope for Monkey women for 2017

The Monkey woman has a certain magnetism and attractiveness, so it will not be difficult for them to make a man fall in love with her. In 2017, men will agree with you on everything. The professional sphere for Monkeys promises them universal recognition, since they are very hardworking and their drive will be noticed by managers. And all employees will dream of friendship with you, because they know that they can rely on you in any matter.

However, in relation to your own acquaintances, you will be excessively demanding, which will worsen all your relationships. Astrologers recommend toning down your ardor and trying to find a common language with friends. Because they will come to your aid more than once.
Women who are in a family should pay attention to the general weather in the house, that is, they should devote more of themselves to their children and loved one, they are really looking forward to your support and advice. You can help them find a way out of difficult situations.

Horoscope for Monkey men for 2017

Monkey men will not have to suffer from loneliness this year, as 2017 will bring you new acquaintances. Astrologers recommend meeting every new acquaintance as openly as possible, since among them you will find a true friend for life. In addition, among new acquaintances you can find your soul mate. However, it will be very difficult for you to understand whether this is the right person and only by chance will you see that this is your destiny. This year, astrologers promise a wedding to Monkey men. And it is the alliance that was concluded in 2017 that will become very long and favorable for them.

In the professional sphere, men have to work hard and for a long time in order to be noticed and appreciated. At the end of 2017, some promotion at work is possible, but men have to work much more than the beautiful representatives of this sign. In addition, men are advised to give more attention to their lovers. The Monkey man in 2017 will take a slightly wrong path to achieving his goal, so astrologers recommend rethinking his priorities a little.

Love horoscope for Monkey for 2017

Oddly enough, 2017 will be a year of timidity for Monkeys, as it will be very difficult for them to approach their loved ones and tell them about their feelings. Those representatives who are already married should become much more serious, since their other half will want to find the support of an adult and responsible person, and not a clown. After your change, many difficulties and troubles in your life will fade into the background.

However, families who have been married for more than 5 years will succumb to quarrels and all sorts of conflicts. It will become difficult for them to find a common language with their soulmate, so even divorces are possible. The reason for such a responsible step is considered to be the constant spree and betrayal of the partner, which the Monkey can no longer tolerate. In order to somehow change the situation, Monkeys need to choose the right values ​​in life and put all their amorous affairs in order. It will be quite difficult to do this, since impulsiveness and a certain lack of self-confidence will constantly interfere with building strong relationships.

Career and money horoscope for Monkey for 2017

There is no need to talk about high positions in the professional environment in 2017 for Monkeys, since they are not careerists and not only will not change their habits this year, but will simply go with the flow of fate. Nevertheless, 2017 will give the Monkey a certain quality of diplomacy, which will allow them to agree on any issue only in favor of the wishes of the Monkey representatives. They will not go against the orders of their leaders, but they will perform all their duties efficiently.

Regarding the material environment, the Monkeys will continue to treat money very easily. This 2017, they will lend money even more easily, even knowing about the risks regarding the return of their own funds. In addition, representatives of this sign will want to get easy money; naturally, they will not win the lottery, and they will have to work, but risk is a noble cause. Real estate transactions and the purchase of large objects are considered the most profitable in 2017 for the Monkey. Despite the conflicts over the return of their own funds, they, as astrologers say, will not stop taking risks, because they are sure that sooner or later they will get what they want.

The Monkey's financial situation in 2017 is very stable, you will always be lucky, and you will succeed in all risky endeavors. However, at the end of the year, astrologers warn, serious losses are possible. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that you need to replenish your savings, since due to constant spending their nominal amount has decreased significantly.

Health horoscope for the Monkey for 2017

What will 2017 bring for the Monkey in terms of health? This year will be a reason to worry about your own health, as you will succumb to a variety of stresses, which will sooner or later result in a serious nervous breakdown.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to health indicators such as blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Since astrologers warn about some risks for this sign in 2017. It is also worth undergoing a preventive examination by a cardiologist, since the risks of heart attacks are very high.

Pay attention to your own daily routine, proper nutrition, exercise and just walking in general. Such preventive methods will help maintain health and prevent the occurrence of many diseases. Try to eat more vegetables and fruits in your diet, this will enrich your body with useful substances and become the basis for a great mood and fight against stress. In addition, you can consume more chocolate, this will improve brain function and increase the level of happiness hormones in the blood.