
Money in the air is an interesting idea. Money out of thin air - ideas

Money out of thin air is the dream of each of us, isn’t it? While we are racking our brains over how to earn money for a decent old age, others are already fully enjoying the fruits of their genius.


So, I present to your attention the TOP ten ideas that answer the question: “How to make money out of thin air?”

Actually - air in the cans

In Russia, the sales patent belongs to businessman Sergei Luchnikov. On each can he indicates the expiration date and the city where the air was taken from: St. Petersburg, Moscow, etc. The idea of ​​selling air is not new; bottles of oxygen have been sold in Japan for a long time. The kit includes an inhalation device. According to buyers, every breath of clean air in a polluted city brings true happiness to those who breathe it.

Cafe opening

Sergei Luchnikov went further and opened a cafe. What made it unusual and incredibly popular was the fact that the temperature in the room is always below zero. In real frost conditions, the appetite is excellent; renting a special suit against the cold is a considerable expense for visitors. Money out of thin air!

Chain of exchanges

“How to make money out of thin air?” — Canadian money changer Kyle McDonald once thought. An ordinary red paper clip became the beginning of an unusual path to wealth. The ultimate goal of young lazy Kyle, who did not strive for anything until he was twenty-five, was his own home. I will briefly describe the chain of exchanges, the main idea of ​​which is that the previous thing should cost less than the one that will replace it. So: a paper clip - a wooden handle - an exclusive door handle - a camping stove - an electric generator - a snowmobile - a truck - a contract from a recording studio - an evening with Alice Cooper - a snow globe with the inscription Kiss - a role in a Hollywood film - a dream house.

Land in banks

Irish craftsmen decided to sell their native land in small portions, the main contingent being people far from their homeland. Other savvy comrades began to sell land from “special places”: Paris Hilton’s cottage, land from the gardens of Queen Elizabeth herself, a handful of soil that Oprah Winfrey walked on. The list can be endless.

Stock game

Frau Motz from a small German town now knows how to make money out of thin air and makes a fortune playing on the stock exchange. As Motz herself claims, all she does is just act at random. However, her income level is growing every day, since in addition to the game itself, she gives paid consultations by phone. Where did it all start? One day Frau discovered that her overly stingy husband had left her behind. significant amount shares of various large companies. Instead of selling them, the 76-year-old grandmother decided to make money on the stock exchange. Now she is eighty-six, she is rich, drives a car and buys clothes from world-famous couturiers every week. But she doesn’t even have a computer!

Thanks for the article, very informative! The latest ideas generally illustrate the flexibility of the human mind.

I read about similar sites, but how do you need to promote a site so that they pay $1 for 1 pixel?

As for my ideas, after some thought, the idea came up to create machines with unusual aromas that have a special effect. For example, the aroma of lily of the valley, the aroma of strawberries, the aroma of coffee, etc. Of course, such a machine needs to be installed in a place where there is a large crowd of people.

Yes, you can make a lot of money from human stupidity, incredible, but true. I can’t imagine how people fall for something like this. Only I did not understand the scheme of the 5th and 6th points.

svx, sounds good, I’m talking about your idea with machine guns. Tell us in more detail how they should work and what each scent is for? I mean, what exactly is the Business Idea?)

Kira, in the fifth paragraph we're talking about that the grandmother, having generally no resources, manages to earn money on the stock exchange - money out of thin air. In the interview, she does not talk about who taught her how to make money on the stock exchange. But her income is such that she ended up in the media. And regarding the sixth point, Alex Dew has been offering companies to buy banner space from him for quite some time. Of course, many people refused him, until there were people who found the idea so unusual that they went ahead and bought a square from him. And then things started to get better.

So her husband left her shares in large companies. Well, there are people who can sell anything, I wonder how they agreed for that kind of money.

Yes, nowadays people come up with anything, sell stars from the sky and all sorts of things, you can’t believe that they are going for it, you probably really need to try everything, something will work out.

Kira, technically, you are, of course, right - shares became the basis of her business. But many of us would simply sell them after receiving a certain fixed amount. Her personal resources included a telephone and enthusiasm, which paid off many times over. Here we are talking more about ingenuity and hard work than about inheritance.

Eva, well, technically they would be similar to machine guns with fresh air, but they would also provide the opportunity to smell a certain smell over time. For example, the smell of coffee in itself gives pleasure and invigorates. Or the smell of fresh meadow grass - imagine how relevant this would be in a polluted metropolis? Those. they would satisfy human needs for natural sensations, and also, perhaps, would have a certain positive effect, because smells also have an effect on the activity of the nervous system.

Well, yes, you’re right about that, grandma’s great, at that age you can spin money out of thin air like that, not everyone can do that. It follows from this that you can make money from everything. What seems absurd to some people brings huge profits out of nowhere to others. You need to somehow change your thinking or something if something doesn’t work out.

Kira, I think you really need to think original and have heuristic thinking here. And also brainstorm more often, ask questions, set conditional tasks with limited resources, and also be interested in how others came to success.

svx, “and also be interested in how others came to success” - you’re spot on! I have a dream, or rather, it used to be a dream, but now it is a real goal. And I'm always looking for people who have managed to do what I want. You can come up with something ingenious and unconventional and make a fortune from it, but at the same time you can also move towards other goals. There are 24 hours in a day!

The topic of how to make money out of thin air is very interesting. I'm simply amazed how people come up with such ideas. I've always envied creatives who can make a fortune in an unusual way. It’s one thing to give birth to an idea, but to bring it to its logical conclusion and earn millions is generally super cool.

Kira, let's ignore this idea, it's not money out of thin air. You better tell me how stupid you have to be to spend money on invisible banners and help make a man out of thin air a million dollars, in my opinion this is absurd, only Americans can engage in such idiocy.

I don’t understand this either, it looks more like some kind of scam than making money, although a scam is also money from the air. This probably makes sense; I don’t see any other explanation for how they could agree to this.

Yes, of course it's cool. I'll see how you can install the camera on an area of ​​a couple of gigaras in an open field. Even if we manage to do all this, the camera will usually only stand for a day at most, and then it will simply be taken to the market. And this will not be profit out of thin air, but losses out of thin air.

Yuran123, fair point. But I still think that we are talking about the site small sizes. And about the territory that is protected.

Well, there are some “Buts” here too. On a small plot near the house, you won’t earn much money, just pennies, and you need to leave something for yourself to snack on. We have a small plot of 15 acres in the country, so this land is only enough for us to eat ourselves, and not to sell.

Rich people claim that poverty is a consequence of laziness, and if you start acting and use your imagination, you can make something out of thin air without having a business. Today, there are a huge number of ways that will help cope with this task, and everyone can use them, the main thing is to have a goal.

How to make money out of thin air?

If you don’t have start-up capital to make an investment, don’t be upset, because there are ways that generate income without using start-up capital.

Ideas to make money out of thin air:

  1. If there is an area in which you are well versed, then you can conduct trainings or take up tutoring. There are quite a lot of directions: languages, photography, products self made etc.
  2. If you speak well and can remember a lot of information, then plan and conduct tourist tours. You can start with the nearest memorable places, and then expand your horizons.
  3. For those with “golden hands”, a job like “husband for an hour” is suitable. In addition, you can make various handmade products, for example, forged or wooden things.

How to make money out of thin air - banking schemes

Today, many schemes have been developed that will help you bypass the pitfalls and make money on the bank, because deposits are money out of thin air. Numerous financial institutions offer different schemes deposits, but we will act outside the box and try to make money on a credit card. To attract customers, banks offer grace periods for using loan funds, that is, there is a specific period of time for which no interest is charged. It is important to repay the amount in full at the end of the month. On average this value is 50 days.

The essence of the scheme is that a person uses exclusively a credit card to pay for various services. You must first call the bank and refuse any paid services, for example, sending messages, deductions to the account, etc. It is also recommended to block the ability to withdraw funds from an ATM so as not to pay money for cashing out. At this time, your own funds and monthly income should be in use. To do this, go to the bank, preferably the same one where you ordered the credit card, and put the funds on deposit. Choose a deposit with the ability to withdraw some money and top up the amount at any time. During the grace period, use only a credit card, then withdraw the required part of the money from the deposit, pay it off and start the new month over again.

Now about the main thing, let’s figure out how much you can count on. If a family spends, for example, 50 thousand rubles per month, and the deposit has a rate of 10%, then the monthly income will be 685 rubles.

Well, who among us doesn’t want to have a lot of money? But few people are ready to work hard for this in order to make a fortune for themselves; many are more interested in the question of how to make money out of thin air? If it's not illegal, then why not.

In fact, history knows many cases when a person literally created impressive capital out of thin air. Thanks to development modern technologies, making money becomes even easier, and you don’t have to invest. You can also rise from level ground.

Easy money - how does it work?

Before looking for ideas, you should turn to the experience of past years. Of course, it’s worth saying right away that luck smiles on those who do not sit still, but are constantly on the move.

To make money literally “out of thin air”, you still need a creative approach.

Creativity always helps to realize oneself, as history clearly shows:

  1. The first position belongs to an American who presented one of the easy, and, most importantly, monetary ideas. It consisted in the fact that he placed an advertisement in the newspaper with the following content: “For just 1 dollar I will reveal the secret to quickly getting rich”. Millions of people sent him $1 each wanting an idea like this. But everything turned out to be much simpler. This American simply played on the gullibility of citizens, and it is quite difficult to call such an idea a deception. Ultimately, the enterprising businessman revealed the secret of the essence of the issue. But in modern days such an idea may work, but if it does, then one cannot expect direct global income, since modern humanity is not as trusting as before. Although it is precisely on this idea that the sales of miracle pills, as well as other unnecessary nonsense, are based;
  2. many people know how to make money from their hobby. But it’s worth saying right away that this will require investment and time for promotion. On average, it will take six months to promote your “brand” and gain regular customers. By the way, today it has become very fashionable to purchase hand-made products;
  3. One of the ideas for getting money out of thin air is children's hobbies. Many in childhood had diverse collections that can become more expensive over time, for example, stamps or coins. There is a well-known story about how one American collected documents and signatures from childhood. famous personalities. When the time came, he sold everything for a fabulous sum, instantly becoming rich. In fact, if you delve deeper into this topic, you may be extremely surprised at what things collectors are willing to pay a lot of money for: New Year's toys, porcelain dolls, etc.;
  4. One of the successful schemes for making money out of thin air is the creation of video games. But it still requires experience and certain knowledge. The main thing here is to interest the user, but if the creator likes the game, then why shouldn’t the consumer like it.

All these ways of making money are not new, and they are quite easy to come by. But it was already noted above that Lady Luck loves creative people, which means you need to come up with something new.

For the lazy, you can pay attention to the following ideas:

  1. abroad, students earn their living by offering their faces as advertising platforms. This option is not suitable for complex youth. In this case, the face is covered with an advertising design, and young man you need to wear it all day or more, depending on how long the contract will be drawn up. Bald heads can also be included in this category of earnings. Just as young people use their faces as advertising banners, so balding men use their baldness;
  2. there is another way to do it "money out of thin air", without any investment. True, it is not air that is used here, but space. If you look on the Internet, you can find companies that sell stars. And there are people who buy them, because in exchange for their money an appropriate certificate of ownership is issued. Moreover, if desired, the company can even assign it the name of the “owner”;
  3. There are also those who managed to make money at the end of the world. There are people who easily panic, and in such a state it is practically impossible to think soberly. There were craftsmen who managed to sell "survival kits" consisting of “necessary” things. In addition, space in bunkers or other protective structures was also sold on this basis. And again, no investments or efforts were needed to collect a tidy sum. The human factor did everything itself;
  4. how to do "money out of thin air"? The answer is simple - sell it. This topic was relevant in China, since a large concentration of factories there led to major air pollution. This is precisely what one of the residents of China took advantage of by placing an advertisement in the newspaper about the sale pure oxygen. Not only did such an idea bring him good capital, he also became famous throughout the world. A number of companies that sell foreign air from those places where a person would like to visit work according to a similar scheme.

If you have ideas in your head, then you shouldn’t be afraid to implement them.

How to make money as an intermediary?

If you look from the perspective of activity and laziness, then laziness is not always so bad. Sometimes it is precisely because a person is lazy and does not want to work hard that ideas are born in his head. brilliant ideas. And here the main thing is to present them correctly, which means that activity will still be needed.

Without investments, you can earn money by acting as an intermediary in this or that business. It’s worth noting right away that not all areas require any specific skills.

Therefore, for lovers of easy money, you should pay attention to the following opportunities:

  1. real estate. In this area, you can start with the summer seasons. At resorts, housing is always rented out, and its owners pay intermediaries who bring residents to them. Therefore, initially this could be an excellent part-time job, and then you can try to organize your own rental business;
  2. household items. Here you can act as an intermediary among friends or, by monitoring sites, find sellers and potential buyers. You can charge a certain fee for your services or work on a percentage basis;
  3. You can also make quick money on clothes. Here you need to follow a similar method with selling household appliances. You can also place an advertisement stating that assistance is provided in choosing clothes. In our country, this idea is poorly developed, but abroad there are many such “helpers” and they are very popular. This service is called a shopping consultant. By the way, if you become a regular customer of certain stores and take your friends there, then it is quite possible that in addition to a discount, you can also receive a percentage for such a unique advertisement;
  4. recommendations. Some companies and travel agencies pay people to praise their products and services. The same goes for some restaurants. This method of generating income came to us from abroad. Very often, tour guides engage in this type of income, skillfully praising shops, benches and cafes, where 70% of tourists agree to visit;
  5. Internet. For the sake of fairness, it is still worth saying that the World Wide Web is ambiguous. If you don’t have extra money to invest in your online business, then you should pay attention to affiliate programs. There is a similar principle with mediation. By the way, one thing that can be said about the Internet is that many people earn their living through blogging. But you can’t say that this is easy work, because you need to know what topic to raise so that people are interested. For gamers, you can channel all your energy into gaming tournaments, where sometimes the prize pool is quite impressive. True, it’s difficult to call this a stable income. But you have to start somewhere.

If a person decides to try as an intermediary, then first he must, preferably thoroughly, study the area in which he will work. It is also worth setting a price for yourself, but first you should monitor the average cost of your services. In the future, as you gain experience, you can gradually increase the price for your services.

You don't have start-up capital, but want to start a business? It doesn’t matter - many people earn money without any investments, getting good money for original ideas. In this article we will tell you how to make money out of thin air in the literal sense of the word.

Operating principle

The easiest way to earn money without investment is to become an intermediary. It just seems that the mediation market is completely full. In fact, there are always many options for productive cooperation between the two parties. Take a look around - you will probably find something suitable.

The easiest way to make money out of thin air is through intermediary activities

A simple example - you work in a store that sells entrance and interior doors. Often, the store sells doors rather than installs them, so people have to hire third-party teams. Find a suitable team, recommend it to customers and get your percentage for it - here you have money out of the blue.

The second example is that your friend decided to sell an apartment, a car, or an ordinary wardrobe. Agree with him that you will find him clients, and he will “thank” you with a ruble. Place advertisements on the Internet, send them to free media - it won’t take you much time. Find a client and get a reward. If you don’t find it, you’ll lose a maximum of half an hour of your time.

Where can you earn money?

You can make money in almost any field where there is money. You don't even need any knowledge or skills - just look around. We'll give you a few ideas:

  1. Earning money from selling or renting real estate. Such earnings are real in almost all large or tourist cities. You can become an intermediary between the owner of an apartment/house and receive passive income by selecting clients via the Internet. Or maybe you work as a taxi driver, and you are often asked about renting real estate. Another option for earning money is to rent an apartment for a long time and rent it out daily. The difference in price is quite good - you can rent an apartment for a month for 10 thousand, and rent it out daily - 1000-2000 per day.
  2. Sale of household appliances and furniture. Very often, people, having bought a new TV or refrigerator, simply give away the old one for a chocolate bar and pickup. What's stopping you from taking an item and putting it up for sale? You can easily earn several thousand rubles by spending a minimum of time.
  3. Sales of clothing. Quite an interesting option for making money, which few people think of. Look in your closets - there are probably a whole bunch of clothes in there that you don't wear. Put it up for sale - you'll get money and free up space. Then ask your friends and colleagues if they have any extra clothes. This way you can organize a full-fledged store, selling unnecessary things via the Internet. Another option is consultations upon purchase. Many people will be happy to use your services when shopping. Tell them where they can buy quality items cheaper, select good options, help make a choice - and you will be thanked. You can also receive rewards from the owners of retail outlets by bringing new customers to them. The same services can be provided for almost all expensive items, not just clothes - people are always willing to pay for competent advice.
  4. Another recipe for making money out of thin air is providing recommendations for different places. This destination is well suited for tour guides and taxi drivers. You will recommend a cafe, restaurant, hotel or hostel to people, receiving a small reward from them.
  5. Network sales. Everything is simple here - you don’t need to go door to door offering goods. You will find people who are interested in it, and they will bring you profit. This is exactly how the network is built - the lower ones bring profit to the higher ones.
  6. Internet. This opens up a huge field of activity for intermediary - you can set up dropshipping of goods from China, sell various things at auctions, participate in affiliate programs and collect referral fees. Here you can advise people on various issues - all this brings good profit!

Think through your action plan and work schedule in advance

How to act correctly to make money

If you are engaged in intermediary activities, then you immediately need to warn the person with whom you are going to cooperate that you want to earn money. Tell him that you will help him sell his things for a certain percentage or amount. The point is that different people approach mediation differently. Some perceive such help with joy, since you solve their problems and save them from hassle. The latter believe that this is speculation, and only “hucksters” can engage in such things. Still others set the amount of remuneration themselves, while others do not even know how much to value an item and what to take for it. Therefore, discuss all the nuances in advance to avoid unpleasant situations and disagreements with potential clients.