
Thesis: Work of a nursery for service dogs in a correctional colony in the city of Yoshkar-Ola. Breeds of dogs for protection Buy an angry dog ​​for protection

In Israel there is a special prison for dogs. Both purebred and stray dogs end up behind bars - everyone who broke the law was tried and found guilty.

Some dogs are corrected in 10 days, while others remain in government homes for life. In captivity, four-legged animals are always happy to see their owners, who bring them parcels - tasty meat and bones.

Channel One's own correspondent in Israel, Alexey Fokin, met the prisoners of this unusual prison.

Zone. Although without barbed wire and observation towers. Dog owners know this place in the north of Tel Aviv well. High-profile cases of Israeli pit bulls and Rottweilers in recent months have ended in the same way - in a maximum security facility.

Almost everything is like in humans. Four-legged criminals come here only by special court decision. If someone was seriously frightened or, God forbid, bitten. They just place the guilty ones exclusively one at a time. Each has its own separate chamber, feeder and bed.

Visits with loved ones are also allowed. Although they have broken the law, they still remain favorites. The owners bring delicious food - meat and sweets... The prison authorities do not object - the prisoners' special rations are not very varied. Walking is also allowed. Not for fighting dogs. The guards say it's too dangerous. However, long-term exemplary behavior can even earn an amnesty.

Israel Oltzman, head of the isolation ward for dogs: “Isolation periods vary. But the minimum is 10 days. If after that we do not notice any aggressiveness, we allow the owners to take the dog. But only if there is nothing serious about their pet.”

Malicious hooligans who are smaller in size have a chance of going free, as they say, with clear conscience. With fighting breeds everything is much more complicated. This is not the first time that Tom the pit bull has been in prison. An experienced repeat offender. The last arrest was back in October. For the attempt, or rather the biting, of a resident of Tel Aviv. This is unlikely to be forgiven. The owners refused him - they themselves are afraid. So Tom faces life imprisonment.

Moshe Israel, detention center supervisor: “He already has a dozen criminal cases. At first, the owner was only fined. It didn’t help. He had to go to jail. But he doesn’t want to improve. I don’t even risk opening the door when I feed him.”

Looking into those eyes behind bars, I can’t believe that such a creature could harm someone. But for some reason they should sit, not the owners.

Avi Ledder, a resident of Tel Aviv: “It all depends on the owner. If the owner is aggressive, the dog will be the same. It’s like a mirror. And the owners must be responsible for the behavior of the pets.”

Even those who honestly performed their duties have to sit. Huge Louis had to use his fangs and paws when a thief climbed into the window of his master's house. Valor did not save the dog from punishment.

Israel Oltzman, head of the dog detention center: “Because the criminal had to be treated medical care, the dog came to us. That's how it's supposed to be by law."

Now both the thief and the dog are sitting. Guilty or not, he will never return to his owners. He will be sent to military service for the rest of his life. Guard secret objects. The military will know everything about the dog's past electronic chip, inserted under the withers. And you can decide for yourself based on the dog’s character - who should be in reconnaissance, who should be in security.

First channel

Security dogs increasingly began to appear not only in private homes and businesses, but also in city apartments. They are famous not only for their suspicion of strangers, but also for their devotion to their owner, physically developed body, good character, and obedience. Therefore, there will be no problems with training them and keeping them at home with children. Guard breeds dogs are created to protect the owner, the home, so they are capable of getting into fights not only with other animals, but also with people.

It is important that the dog strictly follows your commands and is controllable. Interestingly, shepherds (German or Belgian) are considered the best guard dogs. They are medium-sized, versatile, good with children and quick to learn.

Most watchdogs are known for their reserved, kind and peaceful nature. They are attached to their owner, but become aggressive and suspicious when in contact with an attacker.

Giant guard dogs


  • unpretentious in living conditions, easily tolerates cold;
  • not aggressive.


  • wool requires care.

  • Height – up to 70 cm
  • Weight – 50 kg

There are a number of breeds, the breeding of which is aimed exclusively at performing security and guard duty and to play the role of bodyguards. As a rule, all representatives of this category are represented by service breeds and belong to the working subgroup “Breeds of dogs for protection”. A guard dog is a profession for representatives of several breeds with special working qualities that meet this category.

As a rule, these are dogs that are easy to control and easy to train. In addition, a valuable quality for a guard dog is the ability to independently assess the current situation and make a decision to attack.

Dogs for guard purposes begin to be trained from puppyhood. Close attention must be paid to the puppy's parents, especially their working qualities. Educational process is extremely related to the conditions in which the future guard will be kept. Limiting all contact with outsiders is one aspect of successful parenting. Various breeds of shepherd dogs are considered the best guards, with the German Shepherd being the generally recognized leader.

The most left for consideration main question: Where will the guard dog service take place? This is where the principle of choosing a puppy for these purposes lies.

To protect open areas, it is preferable to use large and powerful dogs with a sufficient degree of aggression. These include Central Asian and Caucasian Shepherd dogs. They tend to live outdoors. They are not psychologically dependent on the owner, they make their own decisions and work reliably in pairs.

A breed endowed with a menacing bark and a specific appearance is perfect for working as a watchman. Rottweilers, Briards and South Russian Shepherds are used to guard objects. IN Lately people increasingly began to give preference to the Tibetan mastiff, a professional guard from the times of ancient Chinese monks, for its menacing appearance and gigantic size.

The selection of dog breeds for human protection is quite scrupulous. In this matter, a number of factors and preferences from the protected object itself must be taken into account. Working-bred Dobermans, German Shepherds, Giant Schnauzers, Malinois and French Bouviers are excellent human guardians.

To guard premises, large and medium-sized short-haired dogs of classic Western breeds, such as the American Bulldog or Staffordshire Terrier, are used.

Representatives of the breed

    The Australian Shepherd was developed in the United States in the 1800s by crossing the Pyrenean Shepherd with various collie breeds (Border Collies, Collies, and Smithfield Collies).
    27,000 –30,000 rub.

    See the article Central Asian Shepherd Dog.
    The average price for puppies is 19,234 rubles.

    The American Akita is an offshoot of the Akita Inu breed, and the American traces its origins to the ancient Akita Inu dogs.
    From 700 to 100 US dollars.

    The White Swiss Shepherd appeared in Switzerland only in the early 70s. The first representative of this breed in Switzerland was an American male named Lobo, born on March 5, 1966. The descendants of this male were listed in the Swiss Stud Book (LOS). On
    10,000 -15,000 rubles.

    This is a breed service dogs, can also be used as a hunting and security guard.

    Nowadays, well-trained Neapolitan Mastiff puppies are successfully used both for personal protection and for property protection. Thanks to his physical characteristics, he can easily drive away an unwanted visitor from his “domains”.
    20-60 thousand rubles

    The German Shepherd is one of the most popular breeds worldwide. In addition, it is also one of the oldest dogs domesticated by humans. The ancestor of the breed is considered to be a male named Horand von Grafrath.
    300-800 US dollars

    Herding dog, guard dog, rescue dog, drug and explosives detection, sport dog, companion dog.
    15-70 thousand rubles.

Have you decided to buy a guard dog? What will she do?

This is not an idle question. Many people, when getting a dog for protection, have many misconceptions about the legal basis of protection, the possibilities of actually countering attacks on their property, themselves, their family and real opportunities guard dogs.

Many people have the idea that a good guard dog, at the command of the owner, pounces on the intruder, he falls flat on the ground face down, hands behind his head, and the dog, with a sense of accomplishment, sits next to him and waits for a medal. This misconception was facilitated by many years of propaganda of breed No. 1 - the German Shepherd in cinema, literature, and now on the Internet. In fact, this propaganda further misled the population and distracted people from optimally organizing the protection of their homes with the help of dogs.

First of all, it should be noted that the German Shepherd, like the Eastern European, is a working dog (see breed standards). Many people, upon hearing this statement from us, simply freeze in bewilderment. They don’t understand that these are two big differences. Some begin to give examples that they or someone else had a German Shepherd who was an excellent guard. We don't argue. Let's just make an analogy. A man comes to the store household appliances and says: “I need to grind coffee beans.” The seller offers him a powerful, reliable and inexpensive coffee grinder. The buyer objects: - No, I want to buy a meat grinder or food processor to grind coffee beans.

Of course, if you work hard and make some design changes, you can grind coffee with a meat grinder. If you have money, if you want, then instead of a coffee grinder for 500 rubles. you can buy a food processor for 10,000 rubles. Perhaps its functions include grinding coffee. You can use a KAMAZ to taxi along the city streets or transport bricks and boards in a Zhiguli. But these are not optimal solutions to a simple problem.

E If the task is to organize security with a dog, then the simplest solution is to take a puppy- Caucasian or Central Asian Shepherd. Betterthan these breeds do not exist in nature.

Many people are starting to argue that they are powerful, dangerous, etc. dogs and they can’t handle them. And here a blatant misconception appears. People believe that they cannot cope with representatives of the ancient aboriginal dog breeds, which for centuries lived in large multi-structured families and provided their protection. And with the German Shepherd, bred in totalitarian militaristic Germany for the army, prisons and camps over a period of just over a hundred years, or with the East European Shepherd, bred in Stalin's paramilitary kennels for the Soviet army and Soviet camps over 60-70 years, an inexperienced dog breeder can cope easily. Many people think that they can send their dog to a “school” and within 2-3 months the instructors will put into it a “program” of protection actions. Or are you ready to pay for longer training for tens of thousands of rubles per month??? Can you imagine how many options criminals can take to encroach on your property, housing, and life??? Can you write down, at least approximately, a scenario of counteractions that can be taken??? I assure you - there can be hundreds of options for illegal actions, in terms of time, number of participants, tools, weapons, Vehicle etc. Not a single instructor, not a single service dog can prepare for optimal counteraction in an unpredictable situation. Therefore, you need to decide - What is security with a dog?

Russian legislation does not provide for protection, defense, and even more so an attack on another person (even for the purposes of security or self-defense) with the help of a dog. Therefore, the use and even training of a dog for these purposes by a private person is illegal. If your dog bites a person who you think is a criminal, this will be causing bodily harm to the person. You will be held accountable for this in court. Most likely, the bitten person will not have time to steal anything or injure anyone and will claim that he came in to ask for a drink of water or was “looking for the entrance to the library.” And if it turns out that you specifically trained the dog to attack a person, then this will be an aggravating circumstance and the application of a more serious article - Deliberate, intentional harm to human health! And this is clearly a criminal matter. And you will not be the victim, but the accused. And as long as the litigation continues, your territory and your family will be vulnerable.

The Weapons Law stipulates how and when a person can use them for self-defense. And then, the use of weapons is very problematic, if only because, according to Russian law, they must be stored in a safe, unloaded. And it can be used in cases of obvious threat. And even when applied precisely in such cases, as a rule, it results in long legal battles and often real or suspended sentences against the person defending himself. The use of dogs for security and defense is not provided for by law at all.

Therefore, before buying a puppy, you still need to think carefully - as an adult, what will he do?

1. A guard dog is first and foremost security alarm. The peculiarities of the guard dog’s sense organs, the peculiarities of its physiology and psyche allow it to be at work 24 hours a day, in any weather, throughout its life. Not in an enclosure at all! And in a protected area. Even if it’s on a chain or, better yet, on a block. A guard dog must have a spectrum sound signals, levels, types of barking, with the help of which she notifies the owner about what is happening in the territory. To choose the degree of response, the dog must recognize the situation and adequately identify it. The level of these signals should be clear to the owner and prompt him to react to these signals. Just look out the window, make sure that a cyclist is passing by, calmly go out to the gate to meet friends, or put all the necessary means on alert if there are any fears of increased danger. Unreasonable barking and inadequate response to surrounding events and phenomena disorient the owner, reduce his vigilance and ultimately can be used by intruders.

Oddly enough, not only the big Caucasian and Central Asian shepherd dogs, but also Spitz dogs, even the smallest of them - the Pomeranian miniature spitz, do an excellent job of this security function. And no wonder. After all, they are also guard dogs!

2. A guard dog, with its appearance, its barking, its behavior, prevents intruders from entering the territory. She meets people who have reason to come into contact with the owner, all strangers, friends, people who come on business and other visitors at the border of the territory (at the gate, at the gate...) and warns the owner. Gives him the opportunity to prepare for the meeting of “guests”. It prevents unexpected and unprepared meetings at the doorstep, in the house or around the corner (with a crowbar on the head). The dog will eliminate unnecessary penetration into all “holes”, both people and other animals. And for this, she needs access to at least the boundaries of the site (or the border of the most likely penetration into the site). And of course, the authoritative appearance and “serious, businesslike” behavior of Caucasian and Central Asian shepherd dogs is most suitable for this function.

3. If illegal actions occur on the territory, an encroachment on the owner’s property, his family and himself, the guard dog distracts, attracts the attention of intruders, takes the blow, thereby giving the owner the opportunity to take legal countermeasures - use self-defense weapons (get it out of the safe, charge it, make it ready for use), use means of communication (call the police or reinforcements), use means of recording (video recorders, cameras, cameras, voice recorders...). If it is necessary to use a weapon of self-defense, the dog makes it possible to “decompose” the targets, allows the owner to use several types of weapons, operate them depending on the situation, reload them, and will not allow attackers to take the weapon away from the owner.

A guard dog should not detain anyone. This cannot and should not be done by a person, the owner of a dog. Only authorized persons have the right to do this special bodies and their representatives.

But a dog can (and this is natural) bite vulnerable parts of the body (tendons, wrists, legs, buttocks...) of an attacker, causing damage to him, reducing his combat effectiveness and aggressive activity. At the same time, it must maintain its combat effectiveness and track all possible opponents. Recoiling after inflicting bites is not a manifestation of the cowardice of a guard dog, but is self-preservation, preparation for a new attack.

This is precisely the main task of a guard dog.

The Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd dog performs all these actions perfectly, even without training. special training. Although, special training is not superfluous for any dog. Wide range security qualities, high degree independence, a variety of schemes to counter “strangers”, the ability to work alone, coordinated in a group of fellow tribesmen or with a person - this is a genetically specified program of guard dogs (Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs). If they live and are raised in an adequate family, by adequate owners. But those imprisoned in an enclosure do not bark for days like “ZeKs”. From puppyhood, the owner should assume that his pet will soon have to show his protective qualities. And therefore he must prepare the dog physically, morally and mentally for this. If a dog shows signs of cowardice, uncertainty, and caution towards strangers, then this must be monitored and corrected in a timely manner. You especially need to pay attention to this from 4-5 months. and up to 1.5 years. On your own, with the help of a specialist, in individual work with the dog, while working on the site, with the defendants and other dogs. A sufficient degree of freedom, a broad outlook (literally and figuratively), socialization of the dog, high activity, promoting the development of physical strength, speed and coordination of movements, various contacts with other dogs (play or combat sparring) and by different people(under the control of the owner) + good, kind relationships with all family members, clear specific requirements for maintaining order, understanding of basic commands - sufficient reasons to be sure that the dog is in good condition critical situation will not disappoint the owner.