
Horoscope for March April month Sagittarius. Health horoscope and energy background

In April 2019, Sagittarians will feel a lack of time. They will simultaneously solve issues related to professional activities, everyday life, personal life and children. A busy schedule will lead to fatigue, emotional and physical exhaustion. Despite this, they will overcome all the difficulties that will fall in their way. Support in such situations will be a close family member or loved one. Don't forget to thank you for your help.

By the end of the month the situation will stabilize. This will help restore peace of mind and a surge of strength.

Sagittarius woman. For women of this sign, April will be an emotional period. A violent manifestation of feelings will cause both joyful events and experiences. These ladies will doubt the correctness of the decisions made. The horoscope advises not to waste time thinking. Get active.

This month, such women will successfully resolve old conflicts with friends and family members. They will expand their social circle. New acquaintances will not let you get bored.

Sagittarius man. Men of this sign will reconsider their surroundings. Enemies and ill-wishers will hide under the masks of friends. In a difficult moment, they will show their true face.

Such men will give themselves completely to work and will fight for promotion. When they achieve the desired position, they will not brag about their achievements, but will focus on professional duties.

love horoscope

In April, Sagittarians will become emotional and sentimental. Failures and victories on the love front will cause a storm of feelings. However, the horoscope advises not to succumb to impulsiveness.

Free representatives of this zodiac sign will go headlong into professional activities. However, among partners and colleagues, they may meet a person for whom sympathy will arise.

Those who are in a relationship will feel the tension in communicating with a loved one. Partners will begin to move away from each other. It will be difficult for them to reach a mutual opinion.

business horoscope

April 2019 will be a fruitful and active time for Sagittarians professionally. They will be lucky in the implementation of their ideas. In business, it is advisable to observe consistency and prudence.

Employees this month will face competition among colleagues. Several employees will apply for promotion at once. Thanks to patience and perseverance, representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to show their professionalism and take the desired vacancy.

Managers will have to work hard to keep favorable atmosphere in the work team. It is necessary to listen to the needs and requests of subordinates. This will build credibility and trust.

Financial horoscope

In April, the financial situation of Sagittarius will improve. All undertakings will bring financial benefits. An increase in income will give a sense of self-satisfaction and inspire new achievements. The stars recommend not entering into contracts related to the sale or purchase of real estate. They will turn out to be unprofitable and turn into losses.

Health Horoscope

In April 2019, Sagittarians will be prone to injury due to increased activity and activities. Bruises and cuts will become a familiar situation for them. Take precautions at home and at work. Do not exceed the speed limit while driving a car and do not lose vigilance in public transport.

Nervous strain and stress will cause an increase in appetite. Problem eating and overindulgence in sweets will lead to a set excess weight. Control the amount and calorie content of food consumed. Recognize difficulties and try to overcome them. From negative emotions help to get rid of creative activities and sports.

Release fears and doubts

In April, fears and doubts will hinder achievements. Put aside your insecurities. Your inner potential and perseverance will help you overcome difficulties and achieve success.

Make a plan of action

To avoid wasting time and effort, make a clear action plan for the month. Complete tasks sequentially, moving from one item to another. This tactic will avoid unnecessary fuss and save resources.

Horoscope for April 2018 for the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Sagittarius! Remember that in April 2018 every detail is important to you. Try not to overestimate your strength and stay away from all sorts of adventures.

Work, career, business

In the period from April 1 to April 15, Mercury moves backwards, which means that all important matters and decisions will require and additional information and careful scrutiny. It is not a fact that everything will be done at once, so do not rush and postpone important decisions until the third decade of April. Sagittarius entrepreneurs and leaders will continue activities related to the expansion of the business, and will spend a lot of money on them. A lot of fuss, contacts and all sorts of acquaintances are expected, but people you meet between April 1 and 15 are unlikely to be useful to you. But old contacts can be renewed, and they will bring undoubted benefits. For all professional matters the best time- the third decade of April. During this period, things that did not work out in the first half of the month will begin to take on real shape, and you will finally be able to start full-fledged and active work.


Financially, the first half of April 2018 is a bustling time for Sagittarius. Money will go in all possible directions, and in one case it is connected with work, and in the other - with personal life. However, no crisis is foreseen - a good amount will come in mid-April, and another one towards the end of the month, so that in the end the financial balance will be maintained.

Love, family

In April 2018, many representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign will devote most of their time to their personal lives. In families, many problems and worries can be associated with children. What will happen in each case, predict in general forecast difficult, but one thing is clear - a decent amount will go to the needs of children. The lovers face a number of trials, their relationship is constantly changing, and now, having exchanged mutual reproaches, they part. And after a few days - again peace and love. Be careful - with each such quarrel, the degree of relations decreases, and gradually this can lead to separation. The stars give advice: do not give in to emotions that may lead you in the wrong direction, and do not touch on topics that may contain pitfalls. Only such a position will allow you to safely survive a very difficult period from April 1 to April 15.


In April 2018, the energy potential of the Sagittarius sign is low, but serious illnesses still not expected. However, do not indulge your weaknesses, otherwise you will end this month with a couple of three extra pounds, and also with a serious hole in the budget. This recommendation is especially relevant for those who like to drink and have fun, as there will be plenty of parties, birthdays and other festive events in April.

In April 2018, Sagittarius, under the beneficial influence of planetary aspects, will experience a surge of energy and strength, and will also become more self-confident. In the professional field, new prospects will open up, most likely, you will spend a lot of time away from home. Sagittarius businessmen will have trips and trips, various meetings, meetings, negotiations, the search for new partners and clients. And those who work under someone else will have a great chance to demonstrate their positive traits and professionalism and take a step towards career advancement. Perhaps you will be asked to lead a large-scale project or take on a complex task. Don't be afraid of responsibility. This is your stellar time, make every effort, give your best, and success is guaranteed to you. Let's take a closer look at Sagittarius. In family matters, Sagittarius will want to make sure of the reliability and loyalty of their partner, they will spend more time with him, share their plans and secrets, counting on understanding and support. And you will definitely get them.

Horoscope for April 2018 for women Sagittarius

You will become very determined. Inwardly, there will be a feeling that you are driven by some kind of invisible force. This will allow you to take risks to try yourself in cases that previously caused you fear and doubt. And you will be in this state for the whole month. However, you, too, can be unsettled. Criticism from outside and disbelief of loved ones in your success will hit your self-esteem hard, thereby plunging you into some confusion. Don't let others doubt you, otherwise long time you will have to stagnate in the same place. Don't think about changing your career right now. You are a universal worker and a professional in your field, and your time will come. And trying to start changing something, you will only slow down the process of your career ascent. One of the most better ways deal with stress is shopping. And that's the kind of pastime you should take note of. By walking slowly through the shops, you can organize your thoughts and balance your nervous system. But meetings with girlfriends are best minimized. Otherwise, your talkativeness may turn against you.

Horoscope for April 2018 - work and business

Mercury during this month will also be in the 5th house of your zodiac circle. But in the first half of April 2018, it will move regressively. And this can bring you a lot of problems. So the horoscope says that you can make a fairly close acquaintance with a not very decent person who will spread rumors behind your back that discredit your reputation. Or you will be drawn into a frivolous, bohemian lifestyle, gain bad habits, addicted to gambling. Of course, it is unlikely that all this will happen in two weeks, but nevertheless, the horoscope warns that you need to be especially careful in your relationships during this period. Toward the end of the month, you may change jobs or decide to acquire some other profession, for which you will have to undergo special training. In April 2018, Sagittarius will have to be patient and consistently bring any work started to the end. The retrograde movement of Mercury until April 15 recommends refraining from hasty decisions and stubbornly strive for the intended goals. Restrain your pronounced entrepreneurial spirit and desire to argue with others. Once again, do not be too lazy to check the documents that you sign and the information you work with, as errors are not ruled out.

April 2018 for Sagittarius is the time to get rid of everything superfluous, including unviable plans and ideas. Do not lose heart if now you have to be stricter about your career and business aspirations. It may well be that now is not the time for them. In a word, there is a small revision. Sagittarius-entrepreneurs and leaders will continue activities related to the expansion of the business, and will spend a lot of money on them. A lot of fuss, contacts and all sorts of acquaintances are expected, but people you meet between April 1 and 15 are unlikely to be useful to you. But old contacts can be renewed, and they will bring undoubted benefits. For all professional matters, the best time for Sagittarius is the third decade of April 2018. During this period, what did not work out in the first half of the month will begin to take on real shape, and you will finally be able to start full-fledged and active work.

Horoscope April 2018 Sagittarius - money

Although the situation with your income in April 2018 remains not very stable, a noticeable improvement is already clearly visible here. As the horoscope for April 2018 predicts, Sagittarius should not be lazy, and then he will be able to complete a fairly large-scale project that will bring good profit. In addition, the stars promise that in April you will receive money from another rather unexpected source. This may be winning the lottery or receiving an inheritance. And all thanks to Venus, which in April 2018 will occupy the 6th house of your horoscope - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork and health. By the way, some representatives of this sign can make an interesting acquaintance, thanks to which their business at work will go especially well. That's just not necessary to use personal relationships solely for selfish purposes. Sooner or later, but it always ends rather unpleasantly. Lonely representatives of the sign can quite unexpectedly enter into a legal marriage this month. In any case, the horoscope promises Sagittarius a fateful meeting. As for those who are already in a relationship or married, a wonderful period awaits them, full of mutual love and harmony.

Horoscope for April 2018 for men Sagittarius

Only full concentration will help you cope with the things that have piled on you. But given the nature of the character, it will be difficult to do this. You can try to use special techniques, thanks to which you will stop being distracted by related affairs and constant conversations with colleagues. Meeting with old friends will help to cheer you up. Moreover, during a relaxed conversation, you can let go of all the accumulated negativity and hear for yourself important tips which will definitely come in handy when you go to the intended goal. So do not look for far-fetched excuses to once again sit at home. In April, you can experience an energy and fantasy surge. And this state of the body must be taken advantage of. Maybe you will be able to complete the construction of a country house or ennoble a site that has never been touched before. Be sure to arrange a few unloading days. The habit of arranging plentiful dinners for yourself will begin to make itself felt this month. So the deterioration of general well-being and digestive problems will be difficult to avoid.

Horoscope for April 2018 - health

In April 2018, your energy potential is low, but serious illnesses are still not expected. For those Sagittarians who decide to get in shape, it will be difficult to follow a diet these days. However, do not indulge your weaknesses, otherwise you will end this month with a couple of extra pounds, as well as with a serious hole in the budget. This recommendation is especially relevant for those who like to drink and have fun, since in April 2018 Sagittarius will have plenty of parties, birthdays and other festive events. April 2018 for Sagittarius - time to give up bad habits. Do not overload the liver during this time. Favorable time for physical activity aimed at strengthening muscles and modeling the figure Effective bath procedures and other activities using high temperature, something hot, repeat what you did last month. When choosing face care products, refrain from experimenting. Mars in April 2018 will still be conveniently located in the 2nd house of your personal horoscope. And this means that your main activity will be aimed at making money and strengthening financial situation. According to the horoscope of Sagittarius, April 2018 is the time when the risk of injury increases. Therefore, try to postpone some extreme sports for a while, even if they bring you pleasure. In general, as the horoscope promises, your health will remain good. Most importantly, do not forget to dress according to the weather and do not succumb to the deception of the spring sun.

Auspicious days according to the horoscope for April 2018 Sagittarius

Horoscope for April 2018, Sagittarius In April, Sagittarius will be subject to numerous doubts. Did you understand what the boss said correctly? Have you chosen the correct model of the refrigerator? If there are not two answers, but more, it will simply torment you. You would be very happy to give the opportunity to choose to someone else, and you yourself - obeyed. But this does not mean at all that you are not going to take the initiative or be in the first roles. How are you going! It's just that going forward is always calmer if someone is covering from behind. So you expect to arrange yourself so that someone is there. There are chances for this, however, you will only be covered for a while. So do not really count on it, because the patrons, for all their interest, may well turn away from you. But in April, Sagittarius will be praised, admired and rewarded. Even if you do not do anything outstanding, they recognize that you are absolutely brilliant at solving current issues. not excluded pleasant surprises and fortunate circumstances. auspicious days – 4, 12, 18, 21, 25, 29. bad days – 8, 10, 16, 22, 24, 27.

Horoscope for April 2018 for Sagittarius - love

In April 2018, home and family will play a special role in your life. The care and love of close people will create a feeling of a reliable rear. In relations with a marriage partner, if there were some disagreements, then by the end of April 2018 everything will be forgotten. Remember the main thing that unites you. Spend more time with your children, devote weekends to joint activities. Find what you like, and then you will feel a new surge of strength. Try to reduce spending on empty entertainment and do not get carried away with gifts to children, because these days they are able to thoughtlessly part with money. At the end of April 2018, Sagittarius may have a romantic acquaintance, which will begin with an insignificant conversation or business communication. You may be united by common interests and a close field of activity. Relationships will develop naturally and easily, but may be short-lived. You need to answer the question for yourself whether you are ready to experience sincere affection for someone or would prefer to remain a person free of all obligations. In love - only with faith in miracles. Otherwise, you may be disappointed. Temporarily, of course. Thanks to your optimism, your loved one will know all the delights family life, and you do not regret for him pleasant and regular lessons on this topic. And soon you will achieve significant positive results. In April 2018, Sagittarians in love face a series of trials, their relationship is constantly changing, and now, having exchanged mutual reproaches, they part. And after a few days - again peace and love. Be careful - with each such quarrel, the degree of relations decreases, and gradually this can lead to separation. The stars give advice: do not give in to emotions that may lead you in the wrong direction, and do not touch on topics that may contain pitfalls. Only such a position will allow you to safely survive a very difficult period from April 1 to April 15. In April 2018, Sagittarius may have disagreements with a child that will seriously disturb you. Take your time, do not act in haste, no matter what your child has done.

If last month the work was in your first place and did not let you breathe easy, then in April 2018 you will be able to relax a little. And to do, finally, the device of his personal life. Moreover, as the horoscope promises, the situation begins to noticeably change for the better.

The main tasks of the month of the sign Sagittarius

This spring month, the Sun will be in the 5th house of your horoscope - the area of ​​​​pleasure, entertainment, play, sex and children. No wonder that in April 2018 Sagittarians will be full of life and optimism, look at the world with pleasure, strive for adventure, and this will apply to all areas of their lives. But, of course, especially - personal. In April, you will look everywhere for love, without it yours further development and even existence itself will seem meaningless. The Sagittarius horoscope for April 2018 warns that some representatives of the sign may part with their partner, the relationship with which will no longer suit them. Others, on the contrary, will plunge headlong into the whirlpool of love adventures, preferring to replace quality with quantity. But in the pursuit of entertainment and love, one should not forget about work. There will be a lot of it this month too. And the horoscope believes that the further success of your career will depend only on your diligence.

Horoscope for April 2018 Sagittarius: studies, business and contacts

Mercury during this month will also be in the 5th house of your zodiac circle. But in the first half of April 2018, it will move regressively. And this can bring you a lot of problems. So the horoscope says that you can make a fairly close acquaintance with a not very decent person who will spread rumors behind your back that discredit your reputation. Or you will be drawn into a frivolous, bohemian lifestyle, acquire bad habits, become addicted to gambling. Of course, it is unlikely that all this will happen in two weeks, but nevertheless, the horoscope warns that you need to be especially careful in your relationships during this period. Toward the end of the month, you may change jobs or decide to acquire some other profession, for which you will have to undergo special training.

Love and money of the Sagittarius sign in April 2018

Although the situation with your income in April 2018 remains not very stable, a noticeable improvement is already clearly visible here. As the horoscope for April 2018 predicts, Sagittarius should not be lazy, and then he will be able to complete a fairly large-scale project that will bring good profit. In addition, the stars promise that in April you will receive money from another rather unexpected source. This may be winning the lottery or receiving an inheritance.

And all thanks to Venus, which in April 2018 will occupy the 6th house of your horoscope - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork and health. By the way, some representatives of this sign can make an interesting acquaintance, thanks to which their business at work will go especially well. That's just not necessary to use personal relationships solely for selfish purposes. Sooner or later, but it always ends rather unpleasantly. Lonely representatives of the sign can quite unexpectedly enter into a legal marriage this month. In any case, the horoscope promises Sagittarius a fateful meeting. As for those who are already in a relationship or married, a wonderful period awaits them, full of mutual love and harmony.

Horoscope for April 2018 Sagittarius: activity and health

Mars in April 2018 will still be conveniently located in the 2nd house of your personal horoscope. And this means that your main activity will be aimed at making money and strengthening your financial situation. According to the horoscope of Sagittarius, April 2018 is the time when the risk of injury increases. Therefore, try to postpone some extreme sports for a while, even if they bring you pleasure. In general, as the horoscope promises, your health will remain good. Most importantly, do not forget to dress according to the weather and do not succumb to the deception of the spring sun.

Women are like a magnet for the energy of stars and planets. Ladies are very sensitive to changes in the energy flows of the Universe, so the Women's Horoscope for April 2018 will help you find the right balance in life. It's no secret that women are more emotional than men. Emotions are born from thoughts and the environment, but sometimes they come from nowhere. At least that's what girls and women themselves think. The fair sex is very dependent on stellar energy and changes in the movement of the planets. In the article you will find a complete female horoscope for April 2018 for Sagittarius. The main changes in April are the weakening of the Sun from the 20th, the return of the "normal" Mercury and the fateful transition of Saturn into a state of retrograde on the 18th. So, see the years below.

Horoscope for women for April 2018 for Sagittarius

Get ready for the fact that your energy will overflow. And if you can't guide her in right direction, then you can be thrown from one extreme to another. And this is fraught with rash acts and annoying mistakes. You can boldly and openly declare your talents and abilities. This is the best time to show all your best qualities. Forget about excess modesty and your shyness. These qualities will only hinder you from carrying out your most ambitious plans. Decisiveness and confidence in your actions - that's what you need to rely on, taking every step. At the same time, you will notice an incredible emotional upsurge that will only push you forward. You are lucky to meet a very interesting people. And it certainly will not be a regular and ordinary meeting. The one who appears near you in April will be able to drastically affect your entire habitual life. But not everyone will be ready for such changes. Therefore, during this period, it is worth slowing down a little and even taking a pause somewhere in order to once again reflect on what is happening. Despite the surge of strength and unbridled energy, moments of strong apathy can roll over you. This will be due to the inability to immediately determine their desires and aspirations. If you don't get any return on your actions, you may experience deep frustration.

Women's horoscope for April 2018 Sagittarius

The Sun will be strong only until April 20. Then Aries will be replaced by Taurus, the Sun will lose its energy, so it will not be able to support you. But the retrograde Saturn will help form an opinion about the people around you. Together with the beginning of the retrograde movement of Pluto, this will mean that a period of search will come for you in love. If you are single, then April and the next few months will be ideal for looking for the man of your dreams. On April 15, Mercury's retrograde will disappear, so you will have to watch your words and emotions, as it will be highly likely that you will blurt out something superfluous. Productive month in the professional field. Thanks to hard work, responsibility and a sense of humor, many representatives of the sign will achieve career development. Financial position will improve, with family and friends no problems are foreseen.

Women's horoscope for April 2018 for Sagittarius

You will become very determined. Inwardly, there will be a feeling that some invisible force is driving you. This will allow you to take risks to try yourself in cases that previously caused you fear and doubt. And you will be in this state for the whole month. However, you, too, can be unsettled. Criticism from outside and disbelief of loved ones in your success will hit your self-esteem hard, thereby plunging you into some confusion. Don't let others doubt you, otherwise you'll be stuck in the same place for a long time. Don't think about changing your career right now. You are a universal worker and a professional in your field, and your time will come. And trying to start changing something, you will only slow down the process of your career ascent. Shopping is one of the best ways to deal with stress. And that's the kind of pastime you should take note of. Walking slowly through the shops, you can organize your thoughts and balance your nervous system. But meetings with girlfriends are best minimized. Otherwise, your talkativeness may turn against you.