
Interactive teaching methods as a means of improving the quality of students' knowledge of the Russian language. Teaching with passion

1. Introduction. Raising love for the native language.
2. Ways to improve the quality of knowledge junior schoolchildren on Russian language.
a) Three moments in my work.
b) System of memos and algorithms.
c) The value of working on mistakes.
3. Conclusion.

Russian language... How many concepts are contained in these two words!

The richness of the Russian language lies in the inexhaustible vocabulary, sonority and melodiousness of the phonetic system, in the expressiveness of grammatical means. In the Russian language, “capacious” and “smart”, there is a harmonious syntactic architecture, and the music of words, and verbal painting,” wrote S. Marshak.

I myself love my language very much, I know it well, but as a teacher, I like to prepare for Russian language lessons and conduct them. But over the years of work in primary school I realized that Russian language classes do not always arouse interest among students.

Some kids find it boring. The unwillingness to study Russian breeds illiteracy. How to arouse children's interest in classes, how to improve writing literacy? Raising love for the native language, for native speech is one of the tasks of school education. Already in the lower grades, it is necessary to reveal to the students the truly magical properties of the language, to let them feel its beauty and strength, to show the accuracy of the Russian word. All this gives children a sense of pride in their language. The success of learning depends on whether they have an interest in what they are studying, the joy of learning new things, surprise from contact with the language. So we must look for methods of work that will help all the guys to master certain knowledge, skills and abilities, and in such a way that the weak do not lag behind, and the strong do not stop in their development, but move forward.

Based on my personal observations and techniques from the methodological literature, I want to highlight 3 points:

  1. All knowledge must be given by the teacher and reproduced by students in a strictly defined system.

Those who studied at the institute are familiar with such a state when, after a good thorough preparation for exams, all the material fits into the head, as it were, on the shelves. And answering this or that question, you can easily choose necessary material from common system knowledge. Moreover, such assimilation is possible only on the condition that the questions for the exam are drawn up in a certain system, when each subsequent topic follows from the previous one.

Let's turn to the book "The World of Childhood. Junior student:
“Knowledge should be well systematized. There is a very figurative comparison with a library: if a huge number of books are piled up in disorder, then it will become impossible to use such a library, but if books are distributed on shelves corresponding to different sections of knowledge, then a small library with a small number of books can be of great help in work. . The same thing happens with memory. You can’t fill your memory with meaningless reading, memorizing any material in a row. Knowledge acquired in this way is not very effective. Therefore, when organizing memorization, it is important to develop in students not just the desire to memorize material in a certain system ... A plan, a diagram is like a framework for the subsequent reproduction of material ... each part of the reproduced text must be connected with all the others, not violate the semantic whole.

  1. In his work, the teacher should rely not on the auditory, but on the visual memory of the student, which is better developed in most people.

Very often, the process of mastering knowledge is as follows: the teacher explains the new material, the children listen, memorize, then learn to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. That is, the work goes according to the following scheme: listen, remember, reproduce! But not every student can follow the course of the teacher's reasoning, not everyone can memorize these reasoning by ear, and, of course, not everyone can reproduce everything correctly.
It is much more useful to act according to a different scheme: listen and look; understand the content, reproduce using a plan, diagram, drawing, table, memo.

  1. The third point follows from the first two conditions: the teacher can be of great help system of memos and algorithms which, with constant use, help to bring knowledge into a certain system.

With repeated use of the memo and the algorithm, the child visually remembers the course of reasoning, the necessary data, and can independently perform certain tasks, using the memo less and less. Only some children need more time for this, others less. It is very important, in my opinion, to inspire weak students with the following thought: "If you forgot, it's okay, look at the memo, remember the reasoning or the necessary data and continue to complete the task."

Let us turn to the words of V. Shatalov, a teacher who managed to achieve very high results in teaching all his students:

“And now I’ll name, perhaps, our main principle: to remove the feeling of fear from the soul of a child, to make him relaxed, free, to instill confidence in his strength, to see in him a full-fledged, creative, serious person ...

Everything that is based on the suppression of personality and bare administration is irrevocably leaving our school. This is the requirement of the time.

School lessons are precious hours of quiet reflection and calm creative search for young people. The school is a source of inspired child labor, preparing young citizens for a big, difficult, but such a wonderful life, in which no one can burden a person with such high demands as he burdens himself.

So, in my opinion, the system of memos and algorithms is one of the ways to improve the quality of teaching Russian to younger students.

Unfortunately, this issue is very little covered in the methodological literature. I would like to see these memos and algorithms clearly formulated, compiled in a certain sequence, so that they are convenient to use. It would be very good to have them on the main topics as an appendix to Russian language textbooks, which would facilitate the work of both the teacher and the students.

To study any topic, I prepare 3 points:
a) a reminder;
b) an algorithm for explaining the studied spelling;
c) how to fix the error

For example, when studying the topic “Spelling of combinations of ZhI-SHI”:

  1. A memo is issued:

ZhI and SHI
Write with the vowel I

Such memos are written clearly and colorfully (my parents usually help me with this), then, when studying the topic, they are hung out on the “Learn to Learn” stand and are on it, if necessary, until the end of the study of the topic.

  1. An algorithm for spelling explanation is being developed.

While commenting, the student says: “Kids, in combination SHI I will write the vowel I, because I know the rule: ZhI and SHI write with I.

The algorithm can be reduced as the topic is studied. For example, in this case it is not always necessary to pronounce the rule.

  1. Another memo "How to fix the error" is being issued


The correct organization of work on mistakes is also one of the ways to improve the quality of teaching the Russian language. Without work on the mistakes, the meaning of the teacher's many hours of work on checking notebooks is generally lost.

I teach children to consciously do work on mistakes. So that the student does not miss a single mistake in the work, after the proven work in the fields I put as many “birds” as there are spelling errors. The student, having received a notebook, knows that on all lines with “birds”, he must complete the work on the mistakes strictly according to the memo. In the class there is a stand "Work on bugs", which is divided into two parts:

What rule was wrong
- how to fix the error.

Each spelling is indicated by a specific number.

  1. Skip, replace, rearrange letters.
  2. Letter of proposals.
  3. Words from the dictionary.
  4. Hyphenation.
  5. Spelling words with b.
  6. Zhi-shi, cha-scha, chu-shu.
  7. Unstressed vowels in the root.
  8. Paired voiced and deaf consonants in the root.

After checking the work on the mistakes, if the student did not determine the rule on which he made a mistake and incorrectly corrected the mistake, I put the spelling number /№1/ in the margins. In the subsequent work on the mistakes, the student redoes the wrong one, having previously turned to the memo on the stand, the children remember the numbers of spellings and can do without memos, there are 20 spellings on the “Work on mistakes” stand.

Some memos and algorithms probably require additions, changes, clarifications. The system of working with them will be improved in the future, but even now we can say that such a system has helped both me, the teacher, and the students.

And although it cannot be said that thanks to the system of memos and algorithms, all problems have been solved and everything has become easy and simple in the learning process, some problems, at least in part, have been solved, namely:


I. Requirements for student speech

Any student statement in oral and written form (detailed answer to a certain topic, report, review of a friend’s answer, etc.) should be assessed taking into account:

2) logical construction;

3) speech design.

Students must be able to:

Create a statement on a topic, respecting its boundaries;

Select the most significant facts and information to reveal the topic and main idea of ​​the statement;

Present the material logically and consistently (establish causal relationships between facts and phenomena, make the necessary generalizations and conclusions);

Correctly and accurately use linguistic means to formulate an utterance;

Build statements in a certain style (scientific, journalistic, colloquial, etc.) depending on the purpose and situation of communication (at a lesson, conference, meeting, excursion, etc.);

Answer loudly enough, clearly, observing logical stresses, pauses, correct intonation, pronunciation rules;

Prepare any written statement in compliance with spelling and punctuation standards, cleanly and accurately.

Student speech should be expressive, which is achieved by a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structure, the appropriate use of emotionally colored words.

For speech culture Students are also important skills such as the ability to listen and understand the speech of the teacher and comrades, to be attentive to the statements of others, the ability to raise a question, to take part in the discussion of the problem.

Students should be able to read fluently, expressively, meaningfully..

II. Forms of organization of written control of students' knowledge

The main types of class and home written work of students are educational work, which include:

Russian language exercises,

Plans of articles of textbooks,




Written answers to questions, etc.

In the Russian language and literature are held current and final written examinations.

Current control work have the purpose of checking the assimilation of the studied and tested program material; their content and frequency are determined by the teacher, taking into account the degree of complexity of the material being studied, as well as the characteristics of students in each class. To conduct current tests, the teacher can assign the entire lesson or only part of it.

Final control work is carried out:

After studying the most significant topics of the program,

At the end of the semester,

At the end of the semester.


The timing of the final examinations in order to prevent overload of students is determined by the school-wide schedule compiled by school leaders in agreement with teachers.

ü In one working day, only one written final control work should be given in the class.

ü When planning tests in each class, it is necessary to provide for their even distribution throughout the quarter, avoiding the accumulation of written tests by the end of the quarter, half year.

The main method for checking the spelling and punctuation literacy of students is control dictation . This is a stating method that is used at the control stage.

The dictation, which aims to test the preparation of students on a particular topic, should include the main spelling or punctograms of this topic, as well as ensure the identification of the strength of previously acquired skills. The final dictations, held at the end of the quarter and year, check the preparation of students, as a rule, on all topics studied.

The text of the control dictation should include:

a) spelling and punctuation semantic segments studied in the topic, the assimilation of which is currently being tested (2-3 cases);

b) the main and most important orthograms and punctuation semantic segments from among those previously studied (1-3 cases).

The following is considered optimal. correlation of spelling and punctuation rules in the text of the control dictation:


Number of words

Number of spellings

The number of punctuation semantic segments

With the help of a control dictation checked:

Dictation time

What is checked

1.Start school year(as a result of repeating what was learned in the previous class)

1. The degree of fading spelling skills.

2. Strength in spelling skills

2. End of the topic

1. Assimilation of spelling and punctuation rules studied in this topic

2. Mastering the spelling and punctuation rules studied in the previous topic (all, if there are no more than three, or the main ones)

3. Mastering the basic and most important spelling and punctuation rules studied in previous topics

3.End of the year

(according to the results of the final repetition)

1. Mastering the basic spelling and punctuation rules that students met in this class.

2. Mastering the basic and most important spelling and punctuation norms that were studied during the school year

The control work may consist of a dictation and an additional(phonetic, lexical, orthographic, grammatical, etc.) tasks.

Control vocabulary dictation checks the assimilation of words with unverifiable and most difficult spellings. It can consist of the following number of words:

Note: until the end of the first quarter (in the 5th grade - until the end of the first half of the year), the amount of text recommended for the previous class is retained.

The main ways to check the level of speech training of students are essays and presentations .






When compiling data guidelines the following sources were used:

    Baranov, M.T. Verification and evaluation of spelling and punctuation literacy / M.T. Baranov. - M., 1989.

    Bulletin of Education 2003, no. 8, p. 43-46. Department letter general education Ministry of Education of Russia: About holding written exam in the Russian language and literature in the form of a presentation with a creative task in the XI grades of educational institutions Russian Federation in the 2002/03 academic year.

    GOST R ISO 10011-2-93.

    Ivleva, V.N. Directions of work of language teachers at the present stage of school development / V.N. Ivlev. - M., 2004.

    Ivchenkov, P.F. Educational presentation. 5-9 grades. / P.F. Ivchenkov. – M.: Enlightenment, 1995.

    Public Education, 2002, No. 5, p. 76-81.

    Assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the Russian language: Sat. articles / Comp. IN AND. Kapinos, T.A. Kostyaeva - M., 1986 and subsequent editions

    Appendix No. 3 "Programs of the eight-year and secondary school for the 1986/87 academic year" Russian language ": methodical letter "On uniform requirements for oral and written speech of students" - M. 1987. S. 41-44.

    Programs for general education educational institutions"Russian language". - M., 1998. S. 36-42.

    Programs for educational institutions: Russian language. 5 - 9 cells, 10 - 11 cells. / Comp. E.I. Kharitonov. - M., 2009. S. 207 - 220.

    Program and methodical materials: Russian language. 5-9 grades / Comp. L.M. Rybchenkov. - 4th ed., revised. and additional - M., 2001

    Russian language. Content of education: Collection of legal documents and teaching materials./ Comp. T.B.Vasilyeva, I.N.Ivanova. - M., 2007

Norms for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities

students in Russian

Increasing demands on the upbringing of young people, the formation of a sense of responsibility, organization and discipline in them require a decisive eradication of the manifestation of formalism in assessing students' knowledge, overcoming percentage mania.

An objective, correct and timely assessment of the knowledge, skills and abilities of students is of great educational importance. It helps to increase the responsibility of schoolchildren for the quality of education, the observance of educational, labor, social discipline, develops students' exactingness towards themselves, their correct self-esteem, honesty, truthfulness, while the manifestation of liberalism, overestimation and underestimation of the assessment of students' knowledge give rise to their dissatisfaction, contribute to education self-conceit, arrogance, lead to a reassessment of their capabilities, the formation of a dependent psychology in some schoolchildren, a consumer attitude to life.

In order to overcome formalism, liberalism and percentage mania, it is necessary to analyze their depth and strength when assessing knowledge, to check the ability of schoolchildren to freely and quite consciously apply the theoretical material being studied in solving specific educational and practical problems, and strictly follow the established standards.

The "Assessment Standards..." are designed to provide the same requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the Russian language. They establish:

1) unified criteria for assessing various aspects of proficiency in oral and written forms of the Russian language (criteria for assessing spelling and punctuation literacy, the language design of a coherent statement, the content of the statement);

2) uniform standards for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities;

3) the volume of various types of control work;

4) the number of marks for different kinds control work.

Students are required only for those skills and abilities that they have worked or are working on at the time of the test. At the lessons of the Russian language are checked:

1) knowledge of the received information about the language;

2) spelling and punctuation skills;

3) speech skills.

I. Evaluation of students' oral responses

Oral questioning is one of the main ways to take into account students' knowledge of the Russian language. A student's detailed answer should be a coherent, logically consistent message on a specific topic, showing his ability to apply definitions, rules in specific cases.

When evaluating a student's response, the following criteria should be followed:

1) completeness and correctness of the answer;

2) the degree of awareness, understanding of what has been studied;

3) language design of the answer.





1) fully presents the studied material, gives the correct definition of language concepts;

2) reveals an understanding of the material, can substantiate his judgments, apply knowledge in practice, give the necessary examples not only from the textbook, but also independently compiled;

3) presents the material consistently and correctly in terms of the norms of the literary language.


The student gives an answer that meets the same requirements as for grade "5", but makes 1-2 mistakes, which he corrects himself,

and 1-2 shortcomings in the sequence and language of the presentation.


The student discovers knowledge and understanding of the main provisions of this topic, but:

1) presents the material incompletely and allows inaccuracies in the definition of concepts or the formulation of rules;

2) does not know how to substantiate his judgments in sufficient depth and convincingly and give his own examples;

3) presents the material inconsistently and makes mistakes in the language of the presentation.


The student reveals ignorance of most of the relevant section of the material being studied, makes mistakes in the formulation of definitions and rules that distort their meaning, randomly and uncertainly presents the material. A score of "2" indicates such shortcomings in the preparation of the student, which are a serious obstacle to the successful mastery of subsequent material.


The student reveals complete ignorance or misunderstanding of the material.

The mark (“5”, “4”, “3”) can be given not only for a one-time answer, but also for the sum of the answers given by the student during the lesson (a lesson score is displayed).

II. Evaluation of dictations

Dictation is one of the main forms of checking spelling and punctuation literacy.

For dictations, it is advisable to use coherent texts that must meet the standards of the modern literary language, be accessible in content to students in this class.

The dictation, which aims to test the preparation of students on a particular topic, should include the main spelling or punctograms of this topic, as well as ensure the identification of the strength of previously acquired skills.

Final dictations , held at the end of the quarter and year, check the preparation of students, as a rule, on all topics studied.

Control dictation

For control dictations, one should select such texts in which the spelling and punctograms studied in this topic would be represented by at least 2-3 cases. Of the previously studied spellings and punctograms, the main ones are included: they should be represented by 1-3 cases. In general, the number of spelling and punctograms to be checked should not exceed the ratio presented in this table.


Text volume

(number of words)

Number of spellings

Number of punctograms

Number of words with unchecked and difficult to check spellings



no more than 5 words



no more than 7 words



no more than 7 words



no more than 10 words



no more than 10 words

The text of the control dictations can include only those newly studied spellings that have been sufficiently fixed (at least in two or three previous lessons).

Until the end of the first quarter (and in the 5th grade - until the end of the first half of the year), the amount of text recommended for the previous grade is preserved.

When evaluating the dictation are corrected, but don't teachtyuyutsya spelling and punctuation errors:

To not rude errors include:

    in the transfer of words;

    to the rules that not included in the school curriculum

    on the not yet explored regulations;

    in words with unverifiable writings on which special work has not been carried out;

    misspellings, misspellings that distort the sound image of a word, for example: "murmurs"(instead of works),"dulpo"(instead of hollow), "meme"(instead of Earth).

    in exceptions to the rules;

    in writing a capital letter in compound proper names;

    in cases of separate and merged writing not with adjectives and participles acting as a predicate;

    in writing s and and after prefixes;

    in cases of difficult distinction not and neither

(Wherehe just didn't apply! Wherever he goessaid, no one could give him an answer. Neitherwho else is not ...; none other than; nothing elsenot...; nothing but and etc.);

    in proper names non-Russian


    in cases where one punctuation mark is replaced by another;

    in the omission of one of the combined punctuation marks or in violation of their sequence.

It is also necessary to take into account repeatability and uniformity errors. If the mistake is repeated in the same word or in the root of words with the same root, then it is considered as one mistake.

same type Errors per rule are counted if the selection conditions correct spelling enclosed in grammatical (in the army, in a grove; prick, fight) and phonetic (pie,cricket) features of this word.

Not considered the same errors on such a rule, in which, in order to find out the correct spelling of one word, it is required to choose another (reference) word or its form (waterwater, mouthmouth, sadbe sadcuttingsharp).

The first three errors of the same type are counted asone error, each subsequent similar errorcounted as independent. If in one unverifiable word 2 or more errors are made, then all of them are considered as one error.

The concept of similar errors does not apply to punctuation errors..

If there are more than 5 amendments(correcting incorrect spelling to correct) the score is reduced by one point. Excellentrating is not set in the presence of 3 correctny and more. The dictation is evaluated with one mark.



spelling / punctuation errors

Additional tasks

(phonetic, lexical, orthographic, grammatical)


0/0; or 0/1 (non-rough); or 1/0 (non-rough)

all tasks completed correctly


2/2 ; or 1/3 ; or 0/4 ;

3/0 (if any of them are of the same type)

done right

at least ¾ tasks


4/4 ; or 3/5 ; or 0/7 ;

in grade 5 allowed: 5/4;

6/6 (if have Xia errors are of the same type and not gross)

done right

at least half of the assignments


up to 7/7; or 6/8; or 5/9; or 8/6

not done

more than half of the tasks


no task completed

With some variability in the number of errors taken into account when grading a dictation, one should take into account the limit, the excess of which does not allow this grade to be set. Such a limit is

for a score of "4" - 2 spelling errors,

for grade "3" - 4 spelling errors (for grade 4 - 5 spelling errors),

for a score of "2" - 7 spelling errors.

AT complex control work , consisting of a dictation and an additional task, two grades are given for each type of work. Spelling and punctuation errors made during the performance of additional tasks are taken into account when deriving a grade for the dictation.

Control vocabulary dictation checks the assimilation of words with unchecked and difficult to check spelling. When evaluating the control vocabulary dictation, it is recommended to be guided by the following:





Evaluation criteria

control vocabulary dictation




no mistakes




1-2 mistakes




3-4 mistakes




5-7 mistakes




with more errors

III. Evaluation of essays and presentations

Essays and presentations are the main forms of testing the ability to correctly and consistently express thoughts, the level of speech training of students.

Compositions and presentations in grades 5-9 are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the section of the program "Development of coherent speech skills". With the help of essays and presentations, they check:

1) the ability to reveal the topic;

2) ability to use language tools according to style, theme and task


3) compliance with language norms and spelling rules.


Approximate amount of text for detailed presentation

Approximate volume



100 - 150 words

0.5 - 1 page


150 - 200 words

1 - 1.5 pages


200 - 250 words

1.5 - 2 pages


250 – 350 words

2 - 3 pages


350 - 450 words

3 - 4 pages

Volume of texts final control detailspresentations in grades 8 and 9, it can be increased by 50 words due to the fact that preparatory work is not carried out at such lessons.

The teacher should treat the indicated volume of essays as an exemplary one, since the volume of a student's essay depends on many circumstances, in particular, on the style and genre of the essay, the nature of the topic and intention, the pace of the students' writing, and their general development.

Any essay and presentation is evaluated by two marks: the first is put behind content and reChevoe decoration, the second literacy, i.e. for compliance with spelling, punctuation and language norms. Both grades are considered grades in the Russian language, except when work is being carried out that tests students' knowledge of literature. In this case, the first mark (for content and speech) counts as the Literature mark. The content of the essay and presentation is evaluated according to the following criteria:

    compliance of the student's work with the topic and the main idea;

    completeness of the disclosure of the topic; the correctness of the factual material;

    presentation sequence.

When evaluating the speech design of essays and presentations, the following is taken into account:

    variety of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech;

    stylistic unity and expressiveness of speech;

    the number of speech errors.

Literacy is assessed by the number of mistakes made by the student - spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Main evaluation criteria creative work

(composition, presentation)


(0 lack of content0 speech defect)


0 orff. err.–0 item osh. -0 gr.osh.


2. There are no actual errors.

4. The work is distinguished by the richness of the dictionary, the variety

syntactic constructions used,

accuracy of word usage.

5. Achieved stylistic unity and expressiveness of the text.

1 lack of content and- 1 - 2 speech defects


1 – 0 – 0

or 0 - 1 - 0

or 0 - 0 - 1


3. Available minor violations consistency in the presentation of thoughts.

4. The lexical and grammatical structure of speech is quite diverse.

5. The style of work is distinguished by unity and sufficient expressiveness.

In general, work is allowed:

2 defect in contentzhania- 3-4 speech defects


2 – 2 – 0

or 1 - 3 - 0

or 0 - 4 - 2


1. The work allowed significant deviations from the topic.

2. The work is reliable in the main, but there are some factual inaccuracies in it.

3. Separate violations of the sequence of presentation are allowed.

4. The vocabulary is poor and the syntactic constructions used are monotonous, incorrect word usage occurs.

5. The style of work is not uniform, speech is not expressive enough.

In general, work is allowed:

4 defect in contentzhania- 5 speech defects


4 – 4 – 0

or 3 - 5 - 0

or 0 - 7 - 4

in the 6th grade: 5 - 4 - 4


1. The work does not correspond to the topic.

2. There are many factual inaccuracies.

3. The sequence of presentation of thoughts in all parts of the work is broken, there is no connection between them, cases of incorrect word usage are frequent.

4. The dictionary is extremely poor, the work is written in short sentences of the same type with a weak connection between them, there are frequent cases of incorrect word usage.

5. Stylistic unity of the text is broken.

In general, the work allowed:

6 lack of content- before 7 speech defects


7 – 7 – 0

or 6 - 8 - 0

or 5 - 9 - 0

or 8 - 6 - 0

as well as 7 grammatical errors


AT work allowed:

7 lack of content - 8 speech defects

there are more

7 – 7 – 7


1. When evaluating an essay, it is necessary to take into account the independence, originality of the idea of ​​the student's essay, the level of its compositional and speech design. The presence of an original idea, its good implementation allow you to increase the first mark for the essay by one point.

    If the volume of the essay is one and a half to two times more than specified in these "Norms ...", then when evaluating the work, one should proceed from the standards increased for the mark " 4 » for one,

and for the mark 3 » into two units. For example, when assessing literacy 4 » is set at

3 spelling, 2 punctuation and 2 grammatical errors

or at ratios: 2– 3– 2; 2– 2– 3;

« 3 » is set at the ratios: 6– 4– 4; 4–6–4; 4–4–6.

When grading " 5 » Exceeding the volume of the essay is not taken into account.

    The first assessment (for content and speech) cannot be positive if the topic of the statement is not disclosed, although for other indicators it is written


    For evaluation essays and statements provisions on similar and non-rough errors, as well as corrections made by the student, given in the section "Evaluation of dictations".

IV. Evaluation of educational works

Educational work (various exercises and dictations of a non-control nature) are evaluated more strictly than control work.

When evaluating training work, the following are taken into account:

1) the degree of independence of the student;

2) learning stage;

3) scope of work;

4) clarity, accuracy, calligraphic correctness of writing.

If possible errors were prevented in the course of work, grades "5" and "4" are given only if the student did not make mistakes or made, but corrected the mistake. At the same time, the choice of one of the assessments with the same level of literacy and content is determined by the degree of accuracy of the recording, underlining and other design features, as well as the presence or absence of clerical errors. In a work exceeding the volume of dictations for a given class in terms of the number of words, 2 corrections of errors are also acceptable for a mark of “4”.

The first and second work, both classroom and homework, is checked when reinforcing a certain skill or skill, but may not be evaluated at the discretion of the teacher.

Independent work performed without preliminary analysis possible errors, are evaluated according to the standards for control work of the corresponding or similar type.

V. Derivation of final grades

A final grade is given for the academic quarter and academic year. It is unified and reflects in a generalized form all aspects of the student's preparation in the Russian language: the assimilation of theoretical material, mastery of skills, speech development, the level of spelling and punctuation literacy.

The final grade should not be derived mechanically, as an arithmetic mean of previous grades. The decisive factor in determining it should be considered the actual preparation of the student in all respects by the time this assessment was made. However, in order to stimulate serious attitude students for classes throughout the school year, when deriving final grades, it is necessary to take into account the results of their current academic performance.

When deriving the final grade, priority is given to grades that reflect the degree of proficiency in skills (spelling, punctuation, speech). Therefore, the final mark for literacy cannot be positive if during a quarter (year) most of the control dictations, essays, presentations for spelling, punctuation, speech literacy were rated with a score of "2" or "1".

Grading standards for oral answers and written work of students of grades 5-9 of non-Russian nationality studying in public schools according to programs and textbooks for Russian schools, may increase by 1-2 errors allowed for the corresponding assessment, or be assessed in accordance with the "Norms for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students of national (non-Russian) schools in the Russian language", approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

List of used literature:

    Gats I.Yu. Methodical notebook of a teacher of the Russian language. – M.: Bustard, 2003.

    Knowledge assessment standards,skills students In Russian: Secondary school programs. - M., 2001.

    Programs for educational institutions: Russian language. 5-9 cells, 10-11 cells. / compiled by E.I. Kharitonova. – 3rd ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2010.

Non-rough errors - not significant for the characteristics of literacy. When counting errors, two non-rough ones are counted as one.

Regulations on the standards for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the Russian language


1. About types of written works.

1.1. The main types of class and home written work of students are
educational work, which includes:

    Russian language exercises;

    plans for textbook articles;



    test work;

    written responses to questions, etc.

1.2. Current and final written control is carried out in the Russian language and literature
nye works.

Current control works are aimed at checking the assimilation of the studied and tested program material; their content and frequency are determined by the teacher, taking into account the degree of complexity of the material being studied, as well as the characteristics of students in each class. To conduct current tests, the teacher can assign the entire lesson or only part of it.

Final control or milestone work is carried out:

    after studying the most significant topics of the program;

    at the end of the academic quarter;

    at the end of the semester.

The timing of the final examinations in order to prevent overload of students is determined by the school-wide schedule drawn up by school leaders in agreement with teachers. In one working day, no more than two written final examinations should be given in the class. When planning tests in each class, it is necessary to provide for their even distribution throughout the quarter, avoiding the accumulation of written tests by the end of the quarter, half year.

2. The number and purpose of student notebooks.

    To perform all types of educational work, students must have the following number of notebooks: in the Russian language: in grades 5-11 - two workbooks - one for writing presentations and essays (for speech development work), the second for tests. In a notebook for work on the development of speech, perform control presentations and essays, in notebooks for control work - control dictations, tests and other tests; in literature: in grades 5-11 - one workbook and a notebook for writing creative works.

    For tests in the Russian language and literature, special notebooks are allocated, which are kept at the school throughout the school year and given to students to work on mistakes in them.

In grades 5-11, in Russian language notebooks, the type of work is written and the line below - its name *. For example:


In the taiga

The same applies to the designation of short-term work performed in ordinary notebooks.

3. The order of keeping notebooks by students.

All entries in notebooks, students must comply with the following requirements:

    Write in neat, legible handwriting.

    Uniformly carry out the inscriptions on the cover of the notebook: indicate what the notebook is intended for (for work on the Russian language, for work on speech development). Notebook designs:

Notebook Notebook

for works for creative work

for the development of speech on literature

student 9 pupils 5

Ivanova Olga

    Respect the margins on the outside.

    Indicate the date of completion of the work. In Russian notebooks, the day and month are written in words in the form of the nominative case. For example:

September 10.

    Write on a separate line the title of the topic of the lesson, as well as the topics of written work (statements, essays and other works).

    Indicate the number of the exercise, indicate the type of work performed (plan, abstract, answers to questions, etc.), indicate where the work is performed (classroom or homework). For example:


Exercise 234

    Follow the red line.

    Do not skip a line between the date and the title, the name of the type of work and the title in notebooks in Russian.

Between the final line of the text of one written work and the date or title (type name) of the next work in Russian language notebooks, skip 2 lines (to separate one work from another and to grade the work).

3.9. Perform neat underlining, legend with a pencil or pen
Coy, if necessary - using a ruler.

Dot at the end of the type and title of the work is not put

3.10. Correct errors as follows: cross out an incorrectly written letter or punctuation mark with an oblique line; part of a word, word, sentence with a thin horizontal line; instead of the crossed out, inscribe the necessary letters, words, sentences, do not include incorrect spellings in brackets.

4. The procedure for checking written work by teachers.

4.1. Notebooks of students in which teaching class and homework in the Russian language is performed are checked:

    in the 5th grade and the 1st half of the 6th grade - after each lesson for all students;

    in the 2nd half of the 5th grade and 7-9th grades - after each lesson only for weak students, and for strong students - not all the work, but only the most significant in their importance, but in such a way that once a week notebooks of all students were checked;

    in grades 10-11 - after each lesson for weak students, the rest do not check all the work, but the most significant in their importance, but in such a way that once a month the teacher checks the notebooks of all students.

    Presentations and essays on the Russian language and literature, as well as all types of examinations in subjects, are checked for all students.

    Checking tests by teachers is carried out in the following terms:

    control dictations in grades 5-11 are checked and returned to students for the next lesson;

    presentations and essays in grades 5-11 are checked and returned to students no later than 10 days later.

4.4. In the work being checked, the teacher notes and corrects the mistakes made, guided by the following:

    when checking the notebooks and tests of students in grades 5-11 in the Russian language, the teacher only underlines and notes in the margins the mistake made, which the student himself corrects; in the notebooks of weak students, crosses out an incorrectly written letter or punctuation mark, instead of the crossed out one, inscribes the desired letter or punctuation mark;

    in the margins, the teacher indicates an error with a certain symbol(I - spelling mistake, V - punctuation);

    when checking presentations and essays in grades 5-11 (both control and training), not only spelling and punctuation errors are noted (and, if necessary, corrected), but also factual, logical, speech errors (speech errors are underlined by a wavy line) and grammatical; in the margins of the notebook, the teacher indicates factual errors with the sign F, logical errors with the sign L, speech errors with the sign P, grammatical errors with the sign G;

    underlining and correcting errors is done by the teacher only with red paste (red ink, red pencil);

    after checking the dictation, presentation or essay, the teacher counts and writes down the number of errors by type, the dictations indicate the number of spelling and punctuation errors. The presentations and essays indicate, in addition, the number of factual, logical, speech and grammatical errors;

    after counting the errors in the prescribed manner, the assessment of the work * is set.

* The first mark is given for the content and speech. Before it, the number of errors in the content and the number of speech defects are recorded.

Before the second mark - for literacy - the number of spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors is indicated. In general, the entry will look like this: 0-2 "4" 3-3-1 "3".

4.5. All tests are graded by the teacher and the grades are entered in the classroom.
magazine. For diagnostic and educational work, grades "2" and "3" can be given
at the discretion of the teacher.

Class and home written works in the Russian language are evaluated; grades in the journal can be set for the most significant work at the discretion of the teacher.

When evaluating the written work of students, teachers are guided by the relevant standards for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

      After checking the written work, students are given the task of correcting the error.
      side or performing exercises that prevent the repetition of similar

Evaluation of students' oral responses

    Oral questioning is one of the main ways to take into account students' knowledge of the Russian language. A student's detailed answer should be a coherent, logically consistent message on a given topic, showing his ability to apply definitions, rules in specific cases.

    When evaluating a student's response, one should be guided by the following criteria, take into account:

    completeness and correctness of the answer;

    the degree of awareness, understanding of the studied;

    response language.

2.1. Mark "5" is placed if the student:

    fully presents the studied material, gives the correct definition of language concepts;

    discovers an understanding of the material, can substantiate his judgments, apply knowledge in practice, give the necessary examples not only from the textbook, but also independently compiled;

    presents the material consistently and correctly from the point of view of the norms of the literary language.

    The mark "4" is given if the student gives an answer that meets the same requirements as for the mark "5", but makes 1-2 mistakes, which he corrects himself, and 1-2 shortcomings in the sequence and language of the presentation.

    The mark "3" is given if the student shows knowledge and understanding of the main provisions of this topic, but:

Presents the material incompletely and allows inaccuracies in the definition of concepts or
the formulation of the rules;

    does not know how to sufficiently deeply and convincingly substantiate his judgments and give his own examples;

    presents the material inconsistently and makes mistakes in the language of the presentation.

    The mark "2" is given if the student reveals ignorance of most of the relevant section of the material being studied, makes mistakes in the formulation of definitions and rules that distort their meaning, randomly and uncertainly presents the material. A score of "2" indicates such shortcomings in the preparation of the student, which are a serious obstacle to the successful mastery of subsequent material.

    Mark "1" is not set.

3. The mark ("5", "4", "3") can be put not only for a one-time answer (when a certain time is allotted to check the student's preparation), but also for a dispersed one in time, i.e. for the sum of the answers given by the student during the lesson (a lesson score is displayed), provided that during the lesson not only the student’s answers were heard, but also his ability to apply knowledge in practice was tested

Evaluation of dictations

1. Dictation is one of the main forms of spelling and punctuation checking.

1.2. For dictations, it is advisable to use coherent texts that must meet the standards of the modern literary language, be accessible in content to students in this class.

    The volume of the dictation is set: for the 5th grade - 90-100 words, for the 6th grade -100-110, for the 7th grade - 110-120, for the 8th grade - 120-150, for the 9th grade - 150- 170, 10-11th grades -170-200. (When counting words, both independent and auxiliary words are taken into account.)

    The control vocabulary dictation checks the assimilation of words with unverifiable and hard-to-verify spellings. It can consist of the following number of words: for grade 5 - 15, for grade 6 - 20, for grade 7 - 25, for grades 8-9 - 30, grades 10-11 - 30- 40 words.

    The dictation, which aims to test the preparation of students on a particular topic, should include the main spelling or punctograms of this topic, as well as ensure the identification of the strength of previously acquired skills. The final dictations, held at the end of the quarter and year, check the preparation of students, as a rule, on all topics studied.

Until the end of the first quarter (and in the 5th grade - until the end of the 1st half of the year), the amount of text recommended for the previous grade is preserved.

5. When evaluating the dictation, spelling and punctuation are corrected, but not taken into account
tional errors:

1) rules that are not included in the school curriculum;

    on yet unlearned rules;

    in words with unchecked spellings, on which special work has not been carried out;

    Corrected, but not taken into account are typos, incorrect spellings that distort the sound image of the word, for example: "rapotaet" (instead of works),"dulpo" (instead of hollow),) "memlya" (instead of Earth).

    When evaluating dictations, it is also important to take into account the nature of the errors.

    Among the errors, it is necessary to single out those that are not gross, i.e., those that are not significant for the characterization of literacy. When counting errors, two non-rough ones are counted as one.

    Non-serious errors include:

    in exceptions to the rules;

    writing a capital letter in compound proper names;

    cases of continuous and separate spelling of prefixes in adverbs formed from nouns with prepositions, the spelling of which is not regulated by the rules;

    cases of separate and continuous writing not with adjectives and participles acting as a predicate;

    writing s and and after prefixes;

    cases of difficult distinction not and neither (Wherever he turned! Wherever hesaid, no one could give him an answer. Nobody else...; none other than; nothing elsenot...; none other than etc.);

    proper names of non-Russian origin;

    cases where one punctuation mark is replaced by another;

    omission of one of the combined punctuation marks or in violation of their sequence.

8. It is also necessary to take into account the repeatability and uniformity of errors. If error
is repeated in the same word or in the root of cognate words, then it is considered
for one mistake.

Errors per rule are considered to be of the same type if the conditions for choosing the correct spelling are contained in grammatical (in the army, in the building; prick, fight) and phonetic (pie, cricket) features of this word.

Errors for such a rule are not considered to be of the same type, in which, in order to find out the correct spelling of one word, it is required to select another (reference) word or its form (water - water, mouth - mouth, sad - sad, sharp - sharp).

The first three errors of the same type are counted as one, each subsequent similar error \ ka is taken into account as an independent *.

9. The dictation is evaluated with one mark.

Mark "5" is set for error-free work, as well as if it contains 1 non-rough spelling or 1 non-rough punctuation error.

    If two or more errors are made in one word with unchecked spellings, then all of them are considered as one error.

The mark "4" is set if there are 2 spelling and 2 punctuation errors in the dictation, or 1 spelling and 3 punctuation errors, or 4 punctuation errors in the absence of spelling errors.

Mark "4" can be set with 3 spelling errors, if among them there are the same type.

Mark "3" is set for a dictation in which 4 spelling and 4 punctuation errors are made, or 3 spelling and 5 punctuation errors, or 7 punctuation errors in the absence of spelling errors. In the 5th grade, it is allowed to mark "3" for dictation with 5 spelling and 4 punctuation errors.

The mark "3" can also be put in the presence of 6 spelling and 6 punctuation, if among those and others there are the same type and not gross errors.

Mark "2" is set for a dictation in which up to 7 spelling and 7 punctuation errors or 6 spelling and 8 punctuation errors, 5 spelling and 9 punctuation errors, 8 spelling and 6 punctuation errors are made.

    In the control work, consisting of a dictation and an additional (phonetic, lexical, spelling, grammatical, etc.) task, two marks are given (for the dictation and for the additional task).

    When evaluating the performance of additional tasks, it is recommended to be guided by the following:

    The mark "5" is given if the student has completed all the tasks correctly.

    The mark "4" is given if the student has completed at least 3/4 of the tasks correctly.

    The mark "3" is given for the work in which at least half of the tasks are correctly completed.

    Mark "2" is given for work in which more than half of the tasks are not completed *.

12. When evaluating the control vocabulary dictation, it is recommended to be guided by

12.1. Mark "5" is placed for a dictation in which there are no errors.

The mark "4" is placed for the dictation, in which the student made 1-2 mistakes.

The mark "3" is put for the dictation, in which 3-4 mistakes are made.

With more errors, the dictation is rated with a score of "2".

* Spelling and punctuation errors made when completing additional tasks are taken into account at deriving marks for dictation.

Evaluation of essays and presentations

1. Essays and presentations are the main forms of testing skills correctly and consistently
to express thoughts, the level of speech training of students.

Compositions and presentations in grades 5-9 are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the section of the program "Development of coherent speech skills".

2. The approximate amount of text for a detailed presentation: in the 5th grade - 100-150 words, in
6th grade - 150-200, 7th - 200-250, 8th - 250-300, 9th - 300-350 words.

The volume of texts of the final control detailed presentations in the 8th and 9th grades can be increased by 50 words due to the fact that preparatory work is not carried out at such lessons.

3. When assessing, the following approximate volume of class essays is taken into account: in the 5th |
class - 0.5-1.0, in the 6th grade - 1.0-1.5, in the 7th grade - 1.5-2.0, in the 8th grade - 2.0-3, 0,

in the 9th grade - 3.0-4.0 pages, in the 10-11th grades - 5.0-7.0 *.

4. Any essay and presentation is evaluated by two marks: the first is put for
maintenance and speech design (observance of language norms and rules for choosing a style
ical means), the second - for the observance of spelling and punctuation norms.

Both grades are considered grades in the Russian language, except when work is carried out that tests students' knowledge of literature, when the first grade (for content and speech) is considered a grade in literature.

    compliance of the student's work with the topic and the main idea;

    completeness of the disclosure of the topic;

    the correctness of the factual material;

    presentation sequence.

6. When evaluating the speech design of essays and presentations, the following are taken into account:

    variety of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech;

    stylistic unity and expressiveness of speech;

    the number of language errors and stylistic flaws.

    Spelling and punctuation literacy is assessed by the number of mistakes made by 1 student (see standards for assessing control dictations).

    there are no factual errors;

    the work is distinguished by the richness of the dictionary, the variety of syntactic constructions used, the accuracy of word usage;

    achieved stylistic unity and expressiveness of the text.

* The indicated volume of essays is approximate because the volume of the student's text depends on the style and genre of the essay, the nature of the topic and intention, the pace of the students' writing, their general development, and handwriting.

The work is allowed 1 defect in the content, 1-2 speech defects, 1 grammatical error. Mark "4" is placed if:

    there are minor violations of the sequence in the presentation of thoughts;

    the lexical and grammatical structure of speech is quite diverse;

    the style of work is distinguished by unity and sufficient expressiveness.

No more than 2 flaws in content, no more than 3-4 speech flaws, no more than 2 grammatical errors are allowed in the work.

Mark "3" is placed if:

    significant deviations from the topic were made in the work;

    the work is reliable in the main, but it contains individual violations sequence of presentation;

    the dictionary is poor and the syntactic constructions used are monotonous, incorrect word usage occurs;

    the style of work is not distinguished by unity, speech is not expressive enough.

No more than 4 defects in the content, 5 speech defects, 4 grammatical errors are allowed in the work.

The mark "2" is set if:

    the work does not correspond to the topic;

    there are many factual inaccuracies;

    the sequence of presentation of thoughts in all parts of the work is broken, there is no connection between them, the work does not correspond to the plan;

    the dictionary is extremely poor, the work is written in short sentences of the same type with a weakly expressed connection between them, cases of incorrect word usage are frequent;

    the stylistic unity of the text is broken.

The paper contains more than 6 shortcomings in content, more than 7 speech flaws and more than 7 grammatical errors*.

9. Independent work performed without a previous analysis of possible errors is evaluated according to the standards for control work of the corresponding or similar type.

    When evaluating essays, it is necessary to take into account the independence, originality of the idea of ​​a student essay, the level of its compositional, speech design. The presence of an original idea, its good implementation allow you to increase the first grade for the essay by 1 point.

    If the volume of the essay is one and a half to two times more than specified in these standards, then when evaluating the work, one should proceed from the standards increased for the mark "4" by one, and for the mark "3" by two units. For example, when assessing literacy, "4" is set with 3 spelling, 2 punctuation and 2 grammatical errors or ratios: "4" is put in the ratios: 2-3-2, 2-2-3; "3" is put in the ratios: 6-4-4, 4-6- 4, 4-4-6 When the mark "5" is set, the excess of the volume of the essay is not taken into account.

    The first assessment (for content and speech) cannot be positive if the topic of the statement is not disclosed, although the essay is written satisfactorily for other indicators.

    norms estimates knowledge, skills and skills students on Russian language". Mark "5" ... and generalizations, or from general provisions, not based on text; ...

  1. Norms for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities of students; norms for assessments in elementary school. Russian language


    NORM ASSESSMENTS KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS And SKILLS STUDENTS Norms ratings in primary school. Russian language. Dictation. "5" - is set if there are no errors and ... the fallacy of its main provisions. Norms ratings in the main and high school. Evaluation criteria on chemistry and...

  2. Work program in the Russian language for the 7th grade teacher of the first qualification category

    Working programm

    And grammatical. Norms estimates knowledge, skills and skills students on Russian language Grade essays and presentations Ratings Main criteria estimates Content and speech ... is set if the student discovers knowledge major provisions this thread, but...

  3. Educational and thematic planning in the Russian language Classes

    Educational and thematic planning

    Spelling, punctuation and grammar. Norms estimates knowledge, skills and skills students on Russian language Ratings Main criteria estimates Content and speech Literacy "5" ... if the student detects knowledge major provisions this thread, but...

Final tests

Requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the Russian language for the 5th grade course

1. Students must know
2. Students must

  • Parse words phonetically, by composition and morphologically, and sentences - syntactically.
  • By spelling. Find learned spellings. Correctly write words with studied spelling

List of spellings studied in grade 5:

  1. Unstressed checked vowels at the root of a word
  2. Unchecked vowels and consonants.
  3. Checked consonants in the root of the word.
  4. Unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word.
  5. Letters and, y, and after hissing.
  6. Separating b and b.
  7. Separate writing of prepositions with other words.
  8. The use of ь at the end of nouns after sibilants.
  9. The use of b to indicate the softness of consonants.
  10. Vowels and consonants in prefixes.
  11. Letters z and s at the end of prefixes.
  12. The letters o –a at the root –lag- - -false-
  13. The letters o -a at the root at the root -rast - -ros-
  14. The letters ё - o after hissing at the root of the word
  15. letters and - s after c.
  16. Capital letter and quotation marks in proper names.
  17. The letters e and and in the endings of nouns.
  18. O and E after hissing and c in the endings of nouns.
  19. Unstressed vowels in the endings of adjectives.
  20. Short adjectives with a sibilant stem.
  21. Not with verbs.
  22. Soft sign after sizzling in indefinite form verbs and in the 2nd person.
  23. Ty and -tsya in verbs.
  24. The letters e and and in the roots with alternation.
  25. The letters e and and in the endings of verbs.

Requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the Russian language for the course of the 6th grade

1. Students must know definitions of the main linguistic phenomena studied in the 5th grade, spelling and punctuation rules.

2. Students must master the following skills and abilities:

  • Perform word-formation analysis of words, morphological analysis parts of speech studied in grade 6
  • Make simple and complex sentences
  • Explain the meaning of known words and use them correctly; use dictionaries
  • Observe the pronunciation norms of the literary language
  • By spelling. Find studied spellings, be able to justify their choice, correctly write words with studied spellings
  • By punctuation. Correctly place punctuation marks in a sentence in accordance with the studied sentences, justify the choice of punctuation marks.
  • Connected speech. Determine the theme and main idea of ​​the text, its style. Write narrative texts in detail and concisely. Write a simple text plan.

List of spellings studied in grade 6:

1. The letters o and a at the root -kos - -kas-

2. The letters o and a at the root - mountain- - -gar-

3. Letters s and and after prefixes.

4. Vowels in prefixes pre-and pre-

5. Connecting o and e in compound words.

6. The letter e in the suffix –en nouns on - me

7. Not with nouns.

8. The letters u and h in the suffix -chik and -schik

9. Vowels in noun suffixes -ek and -ik

10. Vowels o and e after nouns hissing in suffixes.

11. Not with adjectives.

12. Letters o and e after hissing and c in adjective suffixes.

13. One and two letters n in adjective suffixes.

14. Distinguishing in writing the suffixes of adjectives -k and -sk.

15. Hyphen in complex adjectives.

16. Soft sign in the middle of numerals.

17. Letter and in the endings of cardinal numbers.

18. Not in indefinite pronouns.

19. Hyphen in indefinite pronouns.

20. Distinguishing prefixes non- and ni- in negative pronouns.

21. Consolidated and separate spelling of non- and non- in negative pronouns.

22. Soft sign in imperative verbs.

23. Vowels in the suffixes of the verbs –ova- (-eva-) and –yva- (-iva-)

List of punctuation rules:

1. Period, interrogative and Exclamation point and at the end of the sentence.

2.Comma with homogeneous members.

3. Comma and exclamation mark when referring.

4. Comma in complex sentences.

5. Punctuation marks in sentences with direct speech.

Requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the Russian language for the course of the 7th grade

1. Students must know definitions of the main language phenomena studied in the 7th grade, spelling and punctuation rules.

2. Students must master the following skills and abilities:

Make a morphological analysis of the parts of speech studied in grade 7, parsing sentences with participial and participial phrases, as well as complex sentences with learned unions. Compose sentences with participial and adverbial phrases.
Observe the norms of the literary language.

By spelling. Find studied spellings in words, justify their choice, correctly write words with studied spellings; find and correct spelling errors.
Correctly write the words studied in the 7th grade with unchecked spelling.
By punctuation. Separate participial and adverbial phrases with commas.
Connected speech. Recognize and create journalistic style texts on available topics. Detailed and concise presentation of narrative texts with elements of description of a person's appearance, labor processes. Describe a person, labor processes; write stories on the proposed plots; write essays-reasoning (on the material life experience students).

List of spellings studied in grade 7:

  1. Spelling suff. -something, -either, -something and adj. something
  2. Vowels in participle suffixes
  3. Н and НН in participle suffixes
  4. Consolidated and separate spelling NOT with participles
  5. NOT with verbs and adverbs
  6. Continuous and separate spelling of adverbs
  7. Hyphenated adverbs
  8. Vowels at the end of adverbs
  9. b after hissing in adverbs
  10. Spelling of derived prepositions
  11. Spelling unions

List of punctuation rules.

  1. Period, question and exclamation marks at the end of a sentence.
  2. Comma with homogeneous members.
  3. Comma and exclamation mark when referring.
  4. Comma in complex sentences.
  5. Punctuation marks in sentences with direct speech.

Requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the Russian language for the course of the 8th grade

1. Students must know definitions of the main linguistic phenomena studied in the 8th grade, punctuation rules, justify your answers, giving the necessary examples
2. Students must master the following skills and abilities:

  • Perform syntactic analysis of phrases, simple two-part and one-part sentences, sentences with direct speech;
  • Compose simple two-part and one-part sentences, complicated by homogeneous and isolated members, introductory words, sentences, appeals;
  • Use syntactic synonyms in accordance with the content and style of speech
  • Observe the norms of the literary language within the studied material
  • By spelling. Find studied spellings, be able to justify their choice, correctly write words with studied spellings. Correctly write the words studied in the 8th grade with unchecked spellings.
  • By punctuation. Correctly place punctuation marks in a sentence in accordance with the studied rules and justify the choice of punctuation marks. Put punctuation marks in simple sentences with homogeneous members, with isolated secondary and clarifying members of a sentence, in sentences with direct and indirect speech, when quoting, when addressing, interjections, introductory words and sentences.
  • Connected speech. Determine the topic and main idea of ​​the text, the type of text and its style. Detailed and concise presentation of narrative texts with elements of description. Write essays-descriptions (comparative characteristics of persons; description of the area, monument of culture or history), essays-reasoning on ethical topics. Improve the presentation and composition in accordance with the theme, main idea and style, find and correct various language errors.

List of punctuation rules.

  1. Punctuation marks for homogeneous members and generalizing words.
  2. Punctuation marks for isolated members of a sentence.
  3. Punctuation marks for clarifying members of a sentence.
  4. Punctuation marks when addressing.
  5. Punctuation marks for introductory constructions.
  6. Punctuation marks in sentences with direct speech.