
Correct leg deformities. How to treat X-shaped legs in children

Despite the fact that such a defect is usually noticeable to the naked eye, only an orthopedic doctor can diagnose leg deformity.

Distinguish between true and false curvature of the legs

Curvature lower limbs there are the following types:

  • True O-shape. The legs diverge at the hip or knee, resembling two arches. Standing nearby, they form the shape of the letter "O".
  • True X-shaped. With this curvature, the legs close tightly at the knees and do not touch at the shins, resembling the letter “X” in shape.
  • False. In this case, there is no contact only in the calves, but in the knees and feet the limbs close together. With false curvature bone apparatus a person is normal, and the effect of curvature is explained by the incorrect distribution of muscle and fat tissue.

True forms of deformation are most often the result of metabolic disorders, bone damage, rickets suffered in childhood and other bone diseases. Another common cause of O-shaped and X-shaped curvature is heredity.

How to correct bowed legs?

True curvature, which implies an incorrect skeletal structure, can only be corrected surgically, but if the curvature is false, independent correction is possible. In this case, measures such as increasing calf muscles, losing weight in the thighs and tightening the outer surface of the legs will help.

Considering that false curvature of the legs in adults is caused by improper muscle development, the main way to solve the problem is physical exercise. You can correct the shape of your limbs with the following training:

  • stretching the muscles and ligaments of the legs;
  • free weight calf raises;
  • presses in a foot machine;
  • walking on toes on stairs;
  • straight leg raises while lying on your side;
  • weighted squats and lunges;
  • ice skating and skiing;
  • yoga classes.

These and other exercises aimed at developing the muscles, ligaments and joints of the legs can correct false curvature in just a few months.

Irregular leg shape is a defect that can be eliminated. Even in cases where the curvature of the limbs is true and requires surgical intervention, regular physical exercise can improve appearance legs and tone your muscles.

Many girls worry about the shape of their legs, considering them hopelessly crooked. But it turns out that the shape of the legs is determined for various reasons and often through exercise.

Congenital severe curvature, fortunately, is rare. Usually, the curvature of the legs is acquired in childhood and in adolescence. While the skeleton has not yet formed, any irregularity in gait can affect the shape of the legs. You can say that your mother has the same bow legs as you. But, most likely, you just have the same incorrect gait and posture as your mother!

What causes the curvature of the legs?

Many different factors. For example, longitudinal and transverse flat feet, which entails the habit of walking incorrectly. Children and teenagers clubbing, shuffling with their soles, standing with their weight on one leg - all this only aggravates irregular shape feet and introduces dissonance into the formation of bones and

Have you noticed that stooped people who move their pelvis forward always have flat buttocks, as if their back was simply divided into two legs? At the same time, the set of muscles and bones in all people is the same. It’s just that with catastrophically incorrect posture, the gluteal muscles are not involved in gait, do not receive the necessary load and remain completely undeveloped.

Something similar happens during the formation of the skeleton and muscles of our legs: if posture, gait and foot placement are physiologically correct, then the muscles and bones receive the correct load and develop in the right direction. Very often, there is a reason for slight curvature of the legs, which an orthopedic doctor can remove.

Another reason for uneven feet can be uncomfortable, tight high-heeled shoes or the costs of a profession in which the feet are unevenly loaded. Moreover, this will not necessarily be an athlete who always uses one leg as a push leg when jumping, or a driver with an automatic transmission. A salesperson leaning on the counter, transferring his entire body weight on one leg, or an office worker who has earned scoliosis from sitting incorrectly... There are also many options here.

Excess weight is one of the most common causes of crooked legs, especially noticeable with age. The weight of a well-fed body puts pressure on the legs both from above and at angles, which leads to displacement and deformation of the joints.

The straightest legs are those who walk a lot in open shoes or barefoot. This ensures mobility and strength to the joints, and the absence allows the legs to form correctly.

What does plastic surgery offer?

Plastic surgery performs manipulations with fat - liposuction and lipomodeling, when in some problem areas (from the abdomen or hips) it is added to correct the shape of the legs. The operation will last about an hour, and recovery will take two weeks.

Another option for calf correction with a completely unpredictable result is installation silicone implants, when an incision is made under the knee and an implant is inserted between the muscles of the lower leg. The implant may move freely and will have to be removed, but most importantly: with foreign bodies You will never be able to play sports with your calves on! It is unlikely that such operations are popular.

What will the orthopedist offer?

Orthopedic doctors know that curvature of the legs gradually harms the entire body: the joints, the spine, and even nervous system. Moreover, the cause and effect here can change: just as damage to the joints can lead to deformation of the shape of the legs, the curvature itself becomes the cause of arthrosis and other joint diseases.

Orthopedics treats joint pathologies and flat feet. For this purpose, there are bandages, orthoses and insoles that have to be worn for a year until the symptoms disappear. Insoles are the simplest and affordable option, but they only help until the age of 18, that is, until the time when the arch of the foot is completely formed. So it is better not to delay with this type of treatment. To everyone who is late with insoles

What fitness will give

With O-shaped curvature of the legs, it is better to ski, and skating, ice skating, body ballet and swimming. With an X-shaped curvature, you need to ride a bicycle a lot, master horse riding and swim, mainly with breaststroke. Such sports help correct muscle imbalances and stabilize joints. They also tone the leg muscles and improve gait.

Leg exercises
If the reason for the curvature of the legs lies in flat feet, they are offered to correct the shape of the feet.

For O-shaped curvature, they help:

  • bringing your legs together and spreading them (in the absence of a special simulator, you can use towels: stand on them and move apart);
  • swings, standing sideways to a support or lying down;
  • squeezing the legs of a chair with your knees and ankles;
  • all exercises done while sitting, with your hands supporting you behind you (lifting your legs, for example);
  • abdominal exercises with fixation of an isotonic ring between the legs;
  • squats in ballet inversion positions and walking with toes apart.

For X-shaped deformity, try:

  • when the legs are shoulder-width apart, the feet are parallel, and the knees are above the feet;
  • exercises in the “Butterfly” position, when the knees are spread apart and the soles are connected, or sitting in an oriental position;
  • walking with emphasis on the outer arch of the foot.

Yoga “Smooth Legs”

There is also such a direction in yoga. There will be no result in a couple of sessions, but if you work out thoroughly, not forgetting to do the exercises at home, the effect will be noticeable. Iyengar yoga deals with correct body posture leading to anatomical perfection. Thanks to long-term practice, even bones can change, because the cells of the body are constantly renewed, which means that a new form can be formed.

Iyengar adds emphasis on leg alignment to the usual asanas. Here loads and tighten them with belts. And they will also teach you how to hold the arch of your foot correctly, so that everyday life walk and stand anatomically correct.

Exercises for curvature of legs

First, do the warm-up that is common for O-legs and X-legs - the muscles and ligaments should be well warmed up. All exercises are repeated 10-20 times.

  1. Stand straight, feet parallel, shoulder-width apart. Raise your toes without lifting your feet from the floor, while straining as much as possible all the leg muscles that are involved in this movement.
  2. Now, in the same position, tuck your toes under your feet, again with maximum muscle tension.
  3. Heels together, toes apart. Slowly rise onto your toes, tensing the muscles of your legs, feet and thighs and spreading your heels out to the sides and bringing them together.
  4. Now sit on a chair with your legs slightly apart, place your heels on the floor and lift your feet towards you. Turn your feet to the sides until you feel slight pain.
  5. In the same starting position, extend your fingers, resting them on the floor. Slowly bring your heels together and apart.
  6. Slightly spread your knees while sitting on a chair, and press your feet together, resting the outer sides on the floor. Now, tensing your muscles, roll your feet from heels to toes and back.
  7. Lying on the mat, “ride a bicycle”, working hard with your feet for a minute.

Exercises for O-legs

  1. Lying on your back, perform vigorous horizontal and then vertical scissors, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.
  2. , bringing your knees together and stretching your arms forward. The back is straight, the squat is as deep as possible, and is performed slowly.
  3. Get on your knees (knees together, toes pointed, feet out to the sides, hands on your waist). Slowly sit down on the floor and return to the starting position, tensing all the muscles of the buttocks and legs.
  4. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Without lifting your feet from the floor, bring your knees together and spread them apart.
  5. Be like inside stop.

Exercises for X legs

  1. Holding onto a window sill or the back of a chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart and try, helping yourself with your hand, to raise your knee higher and turn it back. Do the same with the other knee.
  2. Sit cross-legged and press on the inner surface of your knees with your palms, trying to touch outside knees of the floor.
  3. Now sit with your feet together in front of you in the “Butterfly” pose and again press hard on your knees, pressing them to the floor.
  4. Lie on your stomach in the frog pose, bringing your feet together as in Butterfly, with your knees apart. Lie in this position for 3 to 15 minutes.
  5. Again the same “frog”, but on your back: tense your leg muscles and try to touch the floor with the outside of your knees.
  6. Sitting in the “Butterfly”, take several “steps” with your hands on the floor in front of you, tilting your body forward, then just as slowly “step” back.
  7. Walk on the outside of your feet.

All of the above, after a few months of exercise, will make your legs visually (and actually) straighter, and, perhaps, completely get rid of slight bow legs.

Is it a trifle or a tragedy to have someone who is not very attractive? Can false curvature of the legs affect our quality of life? It would seem that there is no point in concentrating attention on this problem, since most people on earth are very far from perfect. Stars such as Christina Aguilera, Paris Hilton, Demi Moore, Angelina Jolie are bright representatives of a leg shape that can only be described as “figurative curvature.”

Only for any representative of the fair sex to be the owner beautiful legs- this means owning men’s hearts, being self-confident, and arousing the envious glances of friends.

A person, and especially a woman, is designed in such a way that, in addition to her desire, she will concentrate on her flaw, which may seem insignificant or invisible to others.

Therefore, if you strive to overcome your complexes and achieve psychological comfort, then you certainly need to correct or correct such a defect as false curvature of the legs. Know that this can be done and is quite possible. First, let's figure out what types of leg deformities exist.

Types of leg curvature

Deformation or curvature of the lower leg can be true or false. True curvature of the legs is a curvature of the bone tissue of the lower leg (skeleton).

It can be X-shaped or O-shaped.

  • The O-shape is the most common. Such legs will diverge in different directions, resembling arcs. The discrepancy will begin at the hip level for someone else, and at the knees for another, but still, in the end, the shape of the legs will resemble the letter “O”;
  • The X-shaped deformity is characterized by the fact that the feet and legs will not touch in any way, but the knees, on the contrary, fit tightly to each other. The shape of the legs will resemble the letter "X".

True deformation most often occurs as a result of diseases suffered in childhood, such as rickets and metabolic disorders.

Crooked legs can also be inherited according to the laws of genetics.

False curvature of the legs - occurs due to deformation of soft tissues such as calves. In this case, there is no curvature of the shin bones.

False curvature of the legs is not a pathology. She is not capable of harming your physical health, representing only an aesthetic flaw.

There are two ways to correct the unsightly shape of your legs:

  • Surgical intervention is more often used for true curvature of the leg, and only when there are health indications (arthritis, arthrosis, etc.). For false curvature of the legs, surgery is performed extremely rarely;
  • Physical activity and exercise is a way that can correct false curvature of the legs by pumping up the calf muscles.

If you want to get closer to an example of perfection, then you need to clearly understand and realize what this example is. To do this, you need to understand what the ideal looks like.

What is the ideal leg shape?

  • Legs are considered beautiful if they are of sufficient length, that is, they make up 51-55% of your body;
  • The proportionality of the volume of the hips and ankles is also a sign of the beauty of the legs. If the height is 161-167 cm, the volume of one hip should be 56 cm, and the ankles 34 cm. If the height is 168-175 cm, the hip volume should be 57 cm, and the ankles 35 cm, etc., according to the progression;
  • Rule of a straight line: if you draw a straight line through your leg from the middle of the thigh through the kneecap to the ankle, and the ankles, shins and knees themselves touch the inner surfaces, then such legs are close to ideal.
  • It is forbidden to frequently sleep on your stomach. It is advisable to avoid this habit altogether. Firstly, it is harmful to the spine, which does not rest in this way. Secondly, it promotes the development of different leg lengths. All people have a difference in leg length, but it is often quite insignificant. If you constantly sleep on your stomach, then in the end this difference can increase significantly from millimeters to centimeters. By the way, the habit of wearing a bag on the same shoulder can create the same effect;
  • The habit of crossing your legs, both sitting and standing, does not improve their shape;
  • Try not to wear high heels often. Uncomfortable shoes make you calf muscles be in a constantly tense state. This impairs blood circulation and lymph flow in the legs and calves. Which leads not only to pain and swelling, but can contribute to the development varicose veins veins and cellulite.

So, now that you and I have established the ideal and determined our capabilities, we can understand what the curvature needs to correct it - this physical activity and exercises.

How you can correct false curvature of your legs yourself by pumping up your calves

Building up your calf muscles is difficult, but possible. Exercises can be done not only in the gym, but also at home.

In the gym, you can use a special machine, which will allow you to work out the necessary muscle groups in more isolation.

At home, you can pump up your calves by correcting false curvature of your legs using a simple set of exercises.

Knowing these facts will help you pump up your calves as effectively as possible.

The calf consists of the triceps muscle. One of them is internal, the second is external - they are superficial. The third, lying in the depths, is called the soleus.

The internal soleus muscle creates the bulk of the calf.

  • The muscle, which is located superficially, is pumped in a standing position, and the soleus in a sitting position;
  • It is necessary to approach classes wisely, avoiding overload. To do this, you should do exercises not every day, but every other day, allowing the muscles to recover;
  • Before training, you need to warm up your calves well, which will protect you from injury. You can warm them up with simple self-massage and rubbing;
  • After training, it is necessary to do stretching, as it will restore blood circulation and relieve fatigue;
  • When pumping up your calves, you need to turn your socks outward and keep your heels together, which will allow you to perform the exercises correctly and effectively.

A set of exercises to correct false curvature of the legs at home

  1. Starting position: sit on the floor or bed, but so that you can straighten your legs in front of you, support yourself behind you. Pull the sock away from you, as if you were a ballerina, as far as possible. Then, pull the toe towards you, while keeping the calf muscles as tense as possible. Do this exercise first with your right and then with your left leg, alternately. Do 10 repetitions with each leg;
  2. Starting position: stand up, keep your back straight. Slowly rise on your toes as high as possible, then lower yourself. Remember to keep your toes pointing out and your heels together. Do 10 times, three approaches. You can do this exercise with weights in the form of dumbbells;
  3. Starting position – stand on your toes, keep your back straight. Start walking on your toes, keep your knees pressed tightly together, try not to bend them. This will allow you to give maximum load. Walk for 2-3 minutes. Then take a break, you can do some stretching. Repeat walking on your toes for a few minutes;
  4. Starting position – stand at the support. If you have good balance, you can do without it. Bend your right leg at the knee, and on your left, begin to slowly rise onto your toes, then lower yourself so that your foot completely touches the floor. We perform slow lifts on each leg 20 times. Rest a little, then do the second set. Only now we do the climbs as intensely as possible. Each leg 25 times;
  5. Starting position - standing, bring your heels together, toes apart, take dumbbells in your hands. Do squats on your toes – 20 times. Heels should not touch the floor;
  6. The most accessible exercise is walking up the stairs. The advantage of the exercise is that in addition to the calves, you will also pump up the gluteal muscle.

So, dear ladies, everything is possible. Going towards your goal is always more pleasant with beautiful and slender legs.

With an X-shaped curvature, a person can close their legs at the hips and knees, but they do not close at the ankles.

Leg straightening without surgery or doctors is possible

To fix the problem, do the following charge.

  • Stand up straight, turn your toes slightly to the sides, bend your knees. With one hand, lift your bent leg and with a strong movement, rotate your knee back as far as possible. Repeat with the other leg.
  • Sit on the floor and place your feet together. Use your hands to press your hips so that they actively reach toward the floor.
  • In the same position, lower yourself onto your back and continue to push your hips towards the floor.
  • Lie on your stomach, open your knees to the sides, close your heels. Lie in this position for at least 1-3 minutes.
  • Stand up straight, place your feet on the outer surface. In this position, walk a few steps forward and backward.

Over time, you will notice that your legs converge more and more easily at the ankles, and the hated cross disappears.

Gymnastics for straightening the legs: O-shaped curvature

With O-shaped curvature, the legs close at the ankles and at the crotch, but do not close in the center. This is the case about which people say: legs are like wheels. Here are exercises to eliminate the defect.

  • Lie on your back, raise your straightened legs to a height of 15 cm from the floor. Perform cross movements with your legs.
  • In the same position, begin to lift your legs up one by one. The lower leg should not touch the floor, and raise the upper leg as high as possible.
  • Get on your knees. Turn your heels out to the sides, bring your knees together. Sit down slowly, lowering your hips between your feet, and rise up just as slowly.
  • Place your feet straight, shoulder-width apart. Without lifting your feet from the floor, pull your knees towards each other and spread them again.
  • Stand on the inside of your foot. In this position, walk a few steps forward and backward.

With regular exercise, your legs will begin to close at the knees.

Regardless of what type of curvature you need to correct, be patient. Doctors agree that to correct your legs you need to do exercises regularly for six months. But if you endure this period, you will be able to enjoy your smooth and beautiful legs.