
Why type the letters of prayer in a dream. Dream Interpretation: why dream of Praying

according to Miller's dream book

Praying in a dream or seeing how others do it means that you are in danger of failure, and only at the cost of great effort can you prevent it. This is a sign that in order to overcome difficulties, you should ask your friends for help.

Why dream about prayer

according to Vanga's dream book

Hearing the words of a prayer in a dream - some of your friends are even worse than you. He needs help, but is ashamed to ask for it. Show sympathy and attention to the suffering person, and your affairs will go smoothly. If you pray in a dream in a church, it means that soon you will feel relief, fate will decide that you will rejoice more than suffer.

See in a dream communication with God

according to Loff's dream book

During sleep, we enter a level of being free from consciousness and devoid of the preconceived control of the ego, which opens the way to wider perspectives and other horizons of reality. In other words, the most the best time for divine revelation, the time when we least try to look like ourselves. All religions - Judaism, Christianity, Taoism and Islam - value sleep as a time for the penetration of Divine reality into human consciousness. However, different world religions have their own vision and ways of communicating God with the human race. The only thing worth mentioning here is that dreams marked by the presence of God give both objective and subjective providence, that is, a vision based on your own values. In other words, don't worry about the means by which the Divine message is conveyed, be it an object or a person, let the message itself guide you.

Why is the Mother of God dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

happy event. It is better to see an icon with an image than live. The Lord or the Mother of God in an unusual form or place, not looking the same as in tradition, is not good and deceitful.

What is the dream of the chapel

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

unexpected death, separation, loss.

Dreamed of a chapel

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a chapel in a dream means strife in secular circles and unresolved business problems. Being in the chapel promises disappointment and a change in business. For young people to see themselves entering the chapel means false love. A failed marriage can be a trap for both of them.

Dreamed of a cathedral

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing huge in a dream Cathedral with domes rising high into the sky, means that your jealous nature and unfortunate desire for the unattainable, both spiritually and physically, will bring you nothing but grief. But if you enter the cathedral, then you will achieve a lot in life and there will be wise and learned people in your environment.

What is the dream of the cathedral

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

mother, fatherland, well-being, happiness, (for a woman) an offer.

Why is the priest dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

well-being, messenger.

Dreamed of a priest

according to Miller's dream book

A priest in a dream is a harbinger of illness. If in a dream you see him busy with service, it means that illness and anxiety await you. If a woman dreams that she is in love with a priest, then she should be wary of deceiving her dishonest lover. If a priest seeks her love in a dream, it means that she will be reproached for her excessive addiction to entertainment. Confessing to a priest in a dream is a sign of impending humiliation and sadness. This dream means that you have done or will do something that will cause concern to you and your family in the future. The priest or preacher is your spiritual guide, and any dream in which they appear before you serves as a reminder of your own vices and weaknesses so that you are stricter in your actions. A dream in which you see a priest, but do not talk to him, warns you against someone's enslavement. If you do not take this dream as a warning, complete submission to someone else's will awaits you. A conversation with a priest in a dream promises you high honors in the future. A dream in which the priest looks sad and tired warns you of possible evil.

Why dream about a priest

according to Vanga's dream book

To dream of a majestic priest reading a prayer is a sign that the time has come to turn to God and repent before him for all your sins. If a priest blesses you in a dream, then soon you will receive the support of an influential person. Sometimes such a dream prophesies success in all endeavors. The dream in which you saw yourself in the dignity of a priest means that you are called to Earth in order to bring good to people. You are destined for the fate of a minister of the church. If you dreamed of a Catholic priest, then changes await you in the near future. You may need to make a difficult choice or make a difficult decision. If in a dream a priest crowns you, then in real life A happy, peaceful life awaits you with your loved one. Confessing to a priest in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that soon you will find yourself in a very difficult situation. You can get out of it only if you resort to the services of your influential acquaintance, who, before giving you all possible help, will require an explanation of what is happening, which you will keep silent about for a long time.

See God in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

AT recent times two notable images of God have been born in pop culture. The first was created by George Burns assisting John Denver in Oh God! and the second by James Earl Jones giving special orders to Roma Downey and Dell Reese in the television show Touched by an Angel. In the first case, God is presented as accessible and blessing; in the second, He becomes more edifying and powerful. The image of God manifests itself in dreams in different ways. Often God appears not in the form of a man, but as something endowed with a divine principle, for example, in the form of religious icons, the Bible, and so on. In the end, sometimes in a dream there is simply a feeling of a divine presence. The appearance of such a divine element in our dreams opens the way to Providence and suggests a solution to the problem that we encountered in a dream. It happens that a divine symbol, as if warning against mistakes, stops us. This is especially true when we have a choice open to us leading to a forbidden act or relationship. In such dreams, it is important to evaluate the content of the revelation received. The very fact of the appearance of divine symbolism deserves close attention. In the waking state, our ego denies the supernatural power of God. But during sleep we are more open and disposed to communicate with the Almighty. Try to decipher the information contained in this spiritual message. Does the deity that appeared in a dream correspond to the ideas about it that you adhere to in reality? In military affairs, there is a kind of identification code that helps to determine how conscientiously the orders of the officers are carried out. Perhaps you should resort to the use of such an identification method before determining for sure that you were visited in a dream by a Supreme Being. Before you follow what has been revealed to you, check its content against the character and nature of God. Did the divine symbol frighten you, did it threaten you? Try to find reasons for your feelings. Did the Midnight Guest try to tell you something? Review problematic aspects of your life before determining if the dream was prophetic.

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

Why dream of Prayer:

Prayer, pray - To see that you prayed to God - then you can cleanse your soul of sins.

See also: why dream of sin, why dream of an icon in a church, why dream of God.

T. Lagutina's pocket dream book

Why Prayer is dreaming, how to understand a dream:

Prayer - To see that you were praying, then you will need to use all your willpower to solve difficult problems.

To see that you were praying for someone - close friends will help you in a difficult moment.

If in a dream you saw someone else praying, then your friend may find himself in a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation of A. Vasiliev

What is prayer for?

Prayer - A prayer was dreamed - then the people who worked for you will not succeed.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

What is the dream of Prayer according to the dream book:

Prayer - Seeing that they were praying in the church - then your life will soon get better.

If you prayed in a dream in front of the icons, then you will receive support in a difficult moment.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

What is the dream of Prayer, what does it mean:

Prayer - A dream that you are going on a pilgrimage in a stream of people predicts that the upcoming important conversation will end in your favor, that is, with an excellent result.

Worldly dream book

To see Prayer in a dream:

Prayer, pray - Hearing or seeing a prayer in a dream is a sign that gives hope. To see that you saw or heard the words of a prayer uttered by another person means that in real life, among your loved ones there is a person who desperately needs help, but cannot ask for this help.

If you manage to recognize this person and provide him with the necessary support, help, then in the future he will certainly repay you a hundredfold. I dreamed of a prayer that you do in church, which means that you urgently need calm and forgiveness.

It is quite possible that in the recent past you accidentally or intentionally committed an unseemly act and now it worries you - go to church in reality and you will feel that it has become easier for you.

It would also be useful to try to correct what you have done, or at least ask for forgiveness from the victims. To see that a priest is reading a prayer, and you are standing and listening, listen good advice which will give you close person in reality.

At the same time, it may not even be about advice, but about a warning, in any case, disobedience can lead to serious and sad consequences.

Dream interpretation of G. Rasputin

Prayer in a dream book:

Prayer - To see that you cannot remember the words of prayer, but feel an urgent need for it - your calmness may be disturbed by internal experiences caused by memories of the past. Stand in a dream with a prayer in front of the icon - your willpower and confidence will help you overcome difficult life circumstances. Hearing someone's prayer in a dream is a favorable sign, indicating that serious troubles will bypass you in life.

Dream Interpretation of Emperor Peter I

Why dream Prayer in a dream:

Prayer, pray - The dream in which you pray to God portends spiritual cleansing, grace. If you hear a prayer in a dream, this is a harbinger that you will turn to someone for help, but your request will most likely be refused. Seeing yourself praying in a dream means that in reality you will have a pleasant trip.

Seeing other people praying is a manifestation of the devotion of your friends. Being present at a prayer in a church means that a pleasant life awaits you, full of bright, joyful minutes. Seeing your loved ones praying is a sign that your friends will always be ready to help you.

Pray fervently in a dream - to well-being and success in business. Hearing a voice in a dream pronouncing the words of a prayer and repeating after it - faith will give you strength to deal with difficulties. Praying in front of a cross or a figure of a saint on the street is a sign that you will experience fear for your own existence.

To see how someone interferes with your prayer - you will experience remorse. To see that you are reading a prayer book, comfort awaits you in sorrows. If in a dream you are given a prayer book, then fate will be favorable to you, and only good people will surround you.

The loss of a prayer book in a dream means a loss faithful man in reality. To see that you are throwing away a prayer book, then in reality you will get into trouble through your own fault. Pray in a dream for all of humanity - this dream warns: do not cope with grief alone, turn to friends for help.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

Prayer to see in a dream:

Prayer, pray - Why dream of seeing yourself praying or seeing how another person does it, then such a dream means that failure is approaching you, and you can only prevent it at the cost of great efforts and loss of spiritual comfort. Such a dream may be a sign that you should ask your friends for help to overcome difficulties.

Praying in a dream means that you will be able to find a way out in a difficult situation. Perhaps in the near future you will have to face unexpected problems and hardships, but Higher Forces and positive people will come to your aid.

Dream interpretation: pray in a dream

The dream book about this symbol says that a person goes beyond his consciousness and connects to the collective mind, which allows him to find the right solutions in difficult life situations.

If you read “Our Father” in a dream, it means that big obstacles and barriers will arise on your way, overcoming which you will receive happiness and harmony in your life.

Seeing those praying in a dream means that you have hidden enemies and ill-wishers in your close circle that can cause harm, so you should be more careful and hide your true plans and goals.

Praying in a church in a dream is a very complex and controversial sign. This means the inevitability of the influence of Rock, a new round in your destiny, global changes, a reassessment of values ​​by overcoming difficulties. It is important to be careful and avoid risky business, because this sign in a dream is a warning of danger.

Praying in front of an icon in a dream means that a patron, a spiritual teacher will appear in your life, who you should trust and listen to all the instructions.

Reading “Our Father” in a dream and being baptized indicates that you should pay attention to spiritual world and not change your moral principles in the fight for your goal. You must not succumb to temptations and despondency, otherwise you will turn off your true Path, which will bring serious losses and a fall.

It is not always easy to understand why a prayer is dreamed of in a dream. The interpretation of this sign depends largely on what you focus on in your life. If you are destroyed by depressive thoughts and fears, you are tired of fighting problems, such a dream signals helplessness and the continuation of life's difficulties and destructive processes until you change spiritually and begin to act differently. If you have overestimated your principles and foundations, strengthened your spirit, solve problems and do not despair, then such a dream indicates that your life will change and you will receive a reward and a gift from Fate.

If a person is in danger or hung over him difficult situation He always turns to prayer. It gives faith in the best, a chance for help and support. Through prayer, humanity turns to God for protection. If, experiencing anxiety and worries, I had a chance to pray in a dream, then there is some ritual meaning in this. In order to correctly understand and interpret it, it is necessary to delve into the details of the dream.

General interpretations

Prayer can be called a sacred process, from time immemorial accompanying people. And it doesn't matter what religion a person adheres to. Turning to God has always given support, comfort, faith in a better future and firm hope. Many commentators claim that pray to God in a dream- a symbol of the purification of the soul, the acceptance of the ongoing reality and repentance for committed misconduct.

Most of the dreams a person forgets. But there are also dreams that get stuck in memory. This can be provoked by deep emotions experienced in dreams or an interesting plot. Often dreams in which one had to pray are remembered due to unusual content. They can be designated as a kind of sign with which higher power can point the dreamer to something very important hint at more meaningful things.

Infrequently and not everyone dreams of prayers and other sacred rites. It is unlikely that such a dream can be called ordinary. Any vision related to worship, creed and religion, is special. It makes it possible to approach a higher awareness and understanding of spiritual concepts.

Before proceeding with the interpretation of an unusual dream, you need to decide on all the details and nuances that accompanied the dream.

Most of the interpretations do not carry a negative meaning. The prayer "Our Father" helps to get rid of anxiety and fear, not only in real life, but also in the world of dreams. Therefore, in a dream, it will act as a powerful positive sign that portends only good things.

If in a dream a person had to pray, and in the morning he woke up in a cheerful and good mood, then in real life only pleasant and joyful moments will await him.

Dreams with prayers can be different depending on the situation:

  • read ordinary prayers in a dream, such as “Our Father” or “Virgin Mary, rejoice”, etc.
  • perform a prayer service before the face of the icon in the church;
  • be in the temple in the service;
  • be present at the funeral;
  • participate in a memorial service;
  • hear church singing in a dream;
  • come to confession to the priest;
  • pray alone in front of the icons;
  • lead a service in the church;
  • to be baptized, to overshadow oneself with the sign of the cross in a dream.

Interpretations and interpretations similar dreams ideas can provide dream books and explanations of psychologists.

Prayers and services

It has already been said earlier that praying in a dream is a good sign.

The interpretation should be based on the emotions experienced in a dream:

Dreams with prayers prophesy a harmonious life, the restoration of good old ties and relationships on which a person has already given up. This is a serious step for a person, the development of his spiritual beginning.

Prayer for Fear

This is one of the few negative meanings of such dreams. Saying prayers in dreams from strong fear in reality can mean serious difficulties and difficulties. It can also symbolize the impossibility of implementing certain plans without the help of other people.

In addition, there may be the following values:

Dreams are ambiguous in which prayer took place in front of the faces of the saints.

Both in real life and in the world of dreams, the icon symbolizes the spiritual environment of a person, his holiness and good deeds.

And here, too, interpretations will differ:

Prayer in the temple

The interpretations of such dreams are contradictory and do not have the same meanings. Like some previous interpretations, such dreams can mean a strong sense of guilt and remorse.

In addition, there are other interpretations:

If the dreamer woke up cheerful, calm in his soul, happy and peaceful, then there is no reason for concern.

He expects not only emotional peace, but also the achievement of all the goals set, the implementation of the plans, even those that seemed absolutely unattainable.

Dream Interpretations and Oracles

Slavic dream book focuses on the fact that prophetic dreams come on Friday night and some religious holidays. The oracle interprets all other dreams as unnecessary anxieties and experiences, which act as a processing of the subconscious of images familiar to a person. This is a visualization of thoughts, unrealized actions, fears. All this is projected into dreams.

Not every interpretation assumes obligatory worship of religious rites. More what matters is how the individual relates to his inner world, the subconscious, how seriously he takes the signs and symbols that are transmitted in dreams.

Miller's dream book interprets dreams with prayers not as rosy as previous interpreters. Such dreams, according to the explanations of the famous psychologist, promise inevitable difficulties, which will be impossible to overcome alone - only with the help of relatives and friends.

Velesov dream book explains such dreams by the quick acquisition of the desired happiness and emotional peace, the disappearance of ill-wishers and financial difficulties from life. From all worries, difficulties and sorrows there will be no trace. The prayer "Our Father" is interpreted as appeasement and protection. Although the symbol has many meanings, the main message is light and kind.

Attention, only TODAY!

For the help of your friends.

Collection of dream books

Prayer- you have to apologize to someone

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Prayer- for good, love, happiness.

Chinese dream book

To dream of the midday prayer being performed while he is due to perform the afternoon prayer- means the repayment of the former debt.

If someone sees in a dream what he is doing evening prayer - this means that he is zealous in the execution of those cases that are associated with the problems of his offspring.

If someone sees in a dream that he is praying the first third of the night- this means that he treats his children in such a way that brings a sense of joy into their souls. In turn, the children voluntarily entrust their spiritual thoughts to him.

Who saw a dream in which he performs the morning prayer- characterizes the desire to engage in a business that is closely related to change living conditions both himself and his children.

The one who sees in a dream that kneeling- performs midday or afternoon or evening prayer, he will have a journey.

If a woman sees such a dream- this portends the onset of her period of menstruation. Anyone who sees that he is praying in a sitting position, without any reasonable grounds for this, the work will not be accepted.

If someone sees in a dream that he is performing a prayer- he is destined for well-being. The one who sees himself in a dream, performing a prayer, sitting on horseback, will be seized by an indescribable fright.

To see a dream in which the imam will pray among the people, sitting, like they were on horseback during the period of hostilities, means the undoubted victory of those praying.

Seeing himself in a dream praying on arable land- will be able to pay part of the debt with the help of Allah. Anyone who sees himself in a dream praying in a latrine will commit some kind of sin. It is said that he can even seduce a little boy.

Whoever sees in a dream that the time for the prescribed prayer has passed, but he has not been able to find a place appropriate for its performance- he cannot hope for luck to get something that he would like to receive.

If someone sees in a dream that he is performing a collective prayer, in which the rows of worshipers are equal, and they all repeatedly say praise to Allah, this will correspond to the saying of the Almighty: “Verily, we stand in rows, and we do say praise.”

If someone sees in a dream that he stops the obligatory prayer ahead of time- this means that such a person neglects some of the unshakable precepts of faith. Bows in a dream testify to the triumph of faith, and repentance for sins indicates success in property matters, long life and salvation from dangers. The one who sits and pronounces the words of the confession of faith in a dream will be freed from worries, and his needs will be satisfied.

If someone sees in a dream how he gives a greeting after the complete completion of the prayer ritual- this means that all worries will leave him.

If someone dreams that he is leading a group of women in prayer- he will be the patron of the weak and infirm.

Seeing himself in a dream leading people in prayer, but at the same time not being able to read the Koran well- in real life, he seeks what he cannot find.

Make a known request in a dream- means the obligation to observe the prescribed prayer, and making a prayer without mentioning the name of Allah is the same as performing a prayer hypocritically.

Seeing in a dream, as if he were making a personal request- will receive a son according to the statement of the Almighty: "Here he called to the Lord with his secret voice." If someone sees in a dream that he is turning to his Lord, being subjected to oppression, he will be saved according to the words of the Almighty: “Behold, they cried out in darkness.”

If someone sees that he is doing a prayer and at the same time his face is not turned to the "kibla" ("kibla" - the side that Muslims turn to during prayer - to Mecca)- will perform Hajj.

If, while making a prayer, he will face the qibla- satisfy your needs in an impeccable way.

Women's dream book

Pray in a dream or see how others do it- portends failure, and only at the cost of great efforts can you prevent it. In order to overcome these difficulties, you will need the help of your friends.

If you pray in a dream in a church- this means that soon you will feel relief. Fate will dispose so that you will rejoice more than suffer.

Hear the words of a prayer in a dream- means that one of your friends is even worse than you. He needs help but is ashamed to ask. Show sympathy and attention to the people around you, and your affairs will go smoothly.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Our Father Prayer- leave all worries.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

See yourself praying in the temple- such a dream portends improvements in life and the acquisition of long-awaited peace of mind.

Pray at home in front of images with lit candles- kind and warm-hearted people will help you in a difficult situation both financially and with a word of spiritual support.

See others praying in a dream- in need you will find reliable friends, and in luxury your current friends will turn away from you.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

See yourself in prayer- pleasant life; see others- to have cordial friends.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Eastern female dream book

The dream in which you pray- predicts: soon you will face the problem of choice. Think it over carefully so you don't have to regret it later.

Modern combined dream book

If you dream that you are praying or see others praying- this predicts that you are in danger of failure. To take her away. You will have to put in a lot of effort.

Dream about someone praying- means that you are in reality God-fearing, if you pray in church- you will experience remorse, prayer in front of a cross or a figure of a saint on the street- a sign that you are afraid for the creature

New family dream book

If in a dream you prayed or saw others pray- You will have to make considerable efforts to prevent failure. To overcome difficulties, you should ask your friends for help.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Prayer- in order to overcome troubles, it will be necessary to gather strength and call on your courage.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Hear a prayer in a dream or pray yourself- sign of extreme nervous tension. It seems that you are on the verge of despair and therefore you will not be able to cope with some problem on your own.

If praying in a dream makes you feel relieved- such a dream encourages you not to lose hope in difficult moment hinting that everything will end well in the end.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.