
How to understand how your eyes are set. Eye shapes: types and techniques of makeup

Appearance largely depends on how the eyes look. It is classically considered beautiful when the eyes are large, and mysterious when the eyes are cat-shaped. Many women, mostly of Asian appearance, undergo surgery to typically narrow cut make the eyes European.

They even guess based on the type of eyes. Cosmetic surgery helps change appearance, but the character remains the same.

What types of eye shape are there?

The types of eye shape depend on the axis on which the eyes are directly located.

  1. Classic cut– internal and external corners are located at the same height.
  2. If upper eyelid heavy and covers the eye right up to the iris, then such eyes are called almond-shaped. These eyes are usually brown or black.
  3. European cut– internal corners are higher than external ones.
  4. Eastern section– the outer corners are located higher. Asian look - if the angle of inclination is 10-12º. Such eyes usually taper towards the outer corners and are called slanted.
  5. It is very rare to find eyes with a lobular cut, when the inner corners are 10-12º higher than the outer ones.

Ah, this look!

The depth of the gaze depends not only on the type of eye shape, but also on their setting.

Large eyes are most often bulging, voluminous, with eyelids protruding above the surface of the face. It is difficult to hide from such a gaze; it seems that you are constantly being watched.

People whose eyes are deeply hidden in the eye sockets always seem gloomy or dissatisfied with something. Eyebrows hang over the eyes, and if they are thick, they add additional severity to the appearance.

Women's lives are ruined by the crease of the eyelid if it floats into the eye.

It is difficult to correct the cut of such an eye using makeup.

Eye reshaping surgery

Those dissatisfied with their appearance take drastic measures - cosmetic surgery. During surgery, the shape of the eyes is changed, the shape is increased, the overhanging eyelid is reduced, and it is lifted. Asian eyes can be turned into European ones and vice versa. This operation is called canthopexy. It does not remove crow's feet.

  • Most surgeries are performed on women who seek plastic surgery to slow down age-related changes. With age, the face “flows”, the corners of the eyelids droop, the skin gathers in folds.
  • The method of changing the incision and cut of the skin fold on the eyelid is selected by the doctor individually in each case.
  • Most often, an incision of up to 1 cm in size is made along the line of the upper eyelid in a natural skin fold, and in this limited area, the incision is simultaneously “closed” and the fold is tightened.
  • Due to the natural location of the seam, it is practically invisible, and the risk postoperative complications is shrinking. Penetration of the tendon - in order to fix it on the bone tissue of the outer corner - also occurs through a section.
  • Operations are performed under general anesthesia or using local anesthesia– the decision is made by the surgeon depending on the complexity of the work and the patient’s condition.

After a surgical intervention of this type, a rehabilitation period is necessary, as after any operation:

When undergoing surgery to increase the size of the eyes, the difference before and after surgery will be visible as soon as the marks of the stitches disappear. However, after 7-8 years the correction will have to be done again - the eyelids may lose their shape, the tone will weaken, and the eyes will begin to return to the place intended by nature.

Character by the eyes

You can accurately recognize your character “by your eyes” only at the age of 42 to 45 years. It is at this time that a person is considered to be fully formed.

What eye shape, color and shape is impossible to say right away. The muscles of the eyelids are so mobile that the gaze escapes. Only the iris is visible - the pupil is not fixed. Such a person is dangerous - it is better to stay away from him.

Even if you treat this information without humor, you should not agree to surgical intervention just to hide your character.

Like every surgery, cosmetic surgery can cause discomfort side effects, and not always due to medical error.

There is a risk of infection postoperative scar, its compaction. The stitch does not always heal quickly. As an individual reaction to surgery, a colloidal scar may occur. In addition, new appearance does not always meet the patient's expectations.

Therefore, before deciding on such a delicate operation, you should think about the consequences and choose a trusted clinic.

The eyes are the first thing people pay attention to when looking at a person: this has been proven by research. They represent the internal energy of a person, being the “windows of the soul.” Character is easily determined by the eyes, because even without knowledge of the basics of physiognomy, it is clear from just one glance kind person or angry.

Knowing how to determine character by the eyes, you can learn a lot of interesting things about a person. In this case, everything is important: the shape of the eyes, their size, location relative to each other, the color of the iris and whites, even the structure of the eyelashes!

Eye shape and character

In physiognomy, great importance is attached to the characteristics of the eyes, because the shape of the eyes and character are related to each other.

1. Large, bulging eyes

Those with large, expressive eyes are sincere, artistic, intelligent, sociable, and natural in expressing emotions. The beauty of such eyes is undeniable, which can cause failures in your personal life: they are too attractive to the opposite sex!

2. Protruding eyes

These are the eyes of a person who is gambling, energetic, ambitious, decisive, risky and intuitively senses the possibility of a successful transaction. Women with such eyes are distinguished by sociability, impulsive behavior, a desire for dominance, a love of risk and a tendency to reckless actions when literally everything is at stake.

3. Small eyes

Eyes of this type indicate punctuality, moral stability, strong life principles, devotion in friendship and love. However, the owners of such eyes are jealous, subconsciously feeling their imperfection. It is easy for women to visually increase the size of their eyes with the help of makeup, and men should develop self-confidence.

4. Deep-set eyes

Owners of eyes of this type are characterized by such natural qualities as daydreaming, conservative views, gullibility, vulnerability, and a calm disposition. Thanks to their natural abilities, they are well versed in financial matters, but do not like to take risks, so they have stability and success in relation to money.

5. Slanted eyes

Owners of slanted eyes are characterized by such character traits as optimism, courage, determination, and self-confidence. However, their tendency towards adventurism and carelessness can lead them to rash actions, recklessness and risk. However, the unshakable self-confidence of these people, as a rule, contributes to success and good luck.

6. Eyes with drooping outer corners

If the outer corners of the eyes are located below the inner corners, then the person has a sad expression on his face. People with this eye shape tend to care about the welfare of others more than about themselves. Their immeasurable kindness can play a cruel joke on them: they will have to endlessly solve the problems of other people, forgetting about themselves and their interests due to weak will. Women can visually change the contours of their eyes with the help of makeup, and men will have to work on themselves in order to increase self-esteem, develop strong will and desire to win.

7. Big eyes with small irises

The eyes of this type look wide, as if from approaching danger. In such eyes, the whites are visible not only on the sides, but also below - in the form of a white stripe between the iris and the lower eyelid. Their owners have a stormy temperament and feeling constant worry, therefore, are not prone to long-term commitments. It is worth considering a job with frequent business trips and a partner from whom separation for a short period of time is possible. Insight, cunning, generosity - strengths their nature.

Character by the eyes: the influence of various signs

1. Eye placement

The position of the eyes relative to each other is of great importance for the harmonization of facial features. Ideally, the distance between them should be equal to the length of one eye, which indicates good relations person with family and society as a whole.

Close-set eyes indicate a weak will and excessive influence of parents on a person’s life. On the contrary, eyes disproportionately distant from each other indicate a strong personality who does not experience parental influence and care, perhaps being on cool terms with them.

2. Color of the iris and whites

The dark brown color of the iris indicates the vital energy of a person. Blue eyes indicate the kindness of their owners, green eyes indicate mystery and high intelligence, a yellowish tint indicates temperament, and violet indicates the charm of nature.

White and clear whites of the eyes are a sign of health. Redness and yellowness of proteins indicate problems with the internal state of the human body. The bluish tint of the proteins speaks of the mysteriousness of nature: it occurs in people with brown eyes from birth.

3. Too visible whites

Sometimes the eyes have whites that surround the iris on all sides. People with an indomitable character who have no control over their condition have such eyes. They get angry easily, so it's best not to mess with them.

4. Eyelashes and character

Thin and sparse eyelashes usually have insufficient active people. Short and thick eyelashes are characteristic of energetic, strong individuals with a fairly aggressive character. Long eyelashes are a sign of the kindness and kindness of a person’s nature.

5. Wrinkles around the eyes

The presence of wrinkles near the outer corners of the eyes, similar to “ crow's feet", talks about human sexuality. Directed upward, these wrinkles indicate the perseverance of the character of their owners, which allows them to always achieve their goals. If lowered, they may indicate a possible divorce.

6. Heavy eyelids

Heavy eyelids indicate the decisive character of a person who also has sufficient sensuality.

Determining character by the eyes allows you to recognize many personality traits already at the stage of acquaintance, which can only appear later. long time. As they say, “forewarned is forearmed”!

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Our ancestors also believed that a person’s character can be recognized by his eyes. To do this, you just need to look at them and pay attention to every detail, color, size.

It has long been believed that eyes that are set deep indicate that their owner is a very brave person. Slightly bulging eyes forward indicate that their owner loves to dominate the people around him.

Slant eyes, otherwise called “almond-shaped,” are considered especially attractive and bewitching. That is why eastern girls have always been more attractive to men, since it is the eastern peoples who are the bearers of this form of eye shape. However, in other nationalities, almond-shaped eyes are also found.

Let's look at slanted eyes in this article: what they are, what makeup is best for them, and whether such an eye shape is an anomaly.

About slanted eyes

Such eyes are called slanted, outer corner which are slightly elevated relative to the inner one.

It is no coincidence that such eyes are called almond-shaped. The shape of the eye resembles this nut because it has an elongated shape and tapers towards the corners. This shape of the eye shape requires a careful approach to applying makeup, since makeup must be selected individually for each eye, as well as for each oval of the face.

The correctness of the chosen makeup depends not only on its application, depending on the shape. You also need to pay attention to the colors present in cosmetics. Most often, the style and color of makeup are selected depending on the color of the iris, so that these shades look harmonious with each other, and also emphasize the girl’s individuality.

Based on the well-known rules for choosing makeup, it is necessary to select cosmetics individually for each girl. But also in makeup there are several separate rules for owners of slanted eyes.

Based on ancient art, we can say that almond-shaped slanted eyes were considered the most attractive at that time. Also, this eye shape is ideal, since their owners can be described as cheerful, brave, positive people. Such people are easy to find common language with others and can get out of even the most difficult situations.

Physiognomy about this eye shape

Physiognomy is a science that studies the location of a person’s facial features and compares them with his character traits. This science says about almond-shaped eyes that their owners are open, emotional people. But excessive emotionality can greatly interfere with the lives of such people, since their mood can change very often: in one second they can go from a state of calm or joy to a state of anger. This behavior of people sometimes repels others and sometimes even frightens them. That is why, despite their outward openness to communication, people with almond-shaped eyes are very often unhappy in love, and also do not have close friendships if they have large quantity acquaintances

Women with almond-shaped eyes very often have problems in their personal lives. As a rule, their chosen ones cannot withstand frequent mood swings and constant scandals. And such women are also a little naive and driven, so they often succumb to the influence of some people.

Video: How to determine character by eyes?

Anomalies in the shape of the eyes

The shape of a person's eye can be determined by mentally drawing a line from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner. People of Asian descent have eyes that are different and easily distinguishable from others. Their main difference is the presence near inner corner vertical fold eyes - epicanthus, which is a continuation of the upper eyelid.

For people of Asian descent, slanted eyes and epicanthus are absolutely normal occurrence, while in people of other races, the presence of such a fold may indicate a defect in the development of the eye or some kind of disorder at the genetic level.

One of the diseases in which people develop a mongoloid fold is Down syndrome. Such people often have slanted eyes.

Why do eye development abnormalities occur?

An abnormal tilt of the angle of the eye cannot be the cause of any congenital pathology organ of vision, but there are a number of diseases that cause the development of abnormal eye tilt:

  • Down syndrome;
  • disorders at the genetic level;
  • the development of various structural anomalies when the mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy (fetal alcohol syndrome).

If a child has an abnormal eye shape that is not typical for its origin, it is necessary to immediately show it to a specialist, especially if this is accompanied by other facial defects. Reasons to see a doctor:

  • the child has abnormalities in the facial structure;
  • the newborn does not move his gaze, looks ahead;
  • the baby does not close his eyelids completely or does not close them at all;
  • the presence of any abnormalities in the organ of vision. This could be discharge from the eyes, any protruding parts, the presence unusual color irises.

Diagnosis and treatment

If you suspect the presence of abnormalities in the development of the eyes, which may be a symptom of any serious disease, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the patient. First, the specialist needs to collect an anamnesis of the child’s life and illness - to do this, he needs to ask a few questions to the patient’s parents.

A newborn baby who has eye development abnormalities will usually have a number of other symptoms. These symptoms should be identified by asking parents about their family, chronic and genetic diseases, as well as by examining the child himself or obtaining test results.

First, it is necessary to conduct research at the chromosomal level to identify possible genetic defects and diseases. After this, it is necessary to take tests for enzymes, as well as conduct the necessary metabolic studies.


Based on the diagnosis given to the child, the doctor is obliged to prescribe complex treatment. To correct abnormally tilted eyes, they sometimes resort to surgical intervention. Moreover, the operation is not only an aesthetic improvement of the face, but also prevention various diseases eyes, which in the future may be caused by such a structure of the incision.

To aesthetically change the patient's face, they resort to not only surgical intervention. Often the patient is given injections hyaluronic acid, which are most often placed in the upper eyelid area to achieve the effect of proportional eyes.

The same procedures are very often performed on older patients. This is done due to the fact that with age, the skin of the lower and upper eyelids becomes very thin, since in these places it already has a very thin and delicate structure, and also does not have a fat layer underneath.

Pay attention! Hyaluronic acid is also often injected into the area near the outer corner of the eye. Most often, this procedure is also performed at an older age, since due to the thinning of the upper and lower eyelids, the corner of the eye drops down, making a person’s look tired. Injections will help restore the shape of the eyes to their previous appearance, as well as generally make the face look younger.

Injections are also given in the temple or eyebrow area. This procedure will help make a person’s gaze more open.

Hyaluronic acid injections are sometimes placed in the outer corner of the eyebrow. This procedure will help keep the eyebrow from falling down due to age-related thinning of the skin and weakening of the facial muscles.

It is worth noting that, of course, slanted eyes are often an ornament, and not a symptom of any pathology. Therefore, there is no need to sound the alarm!

Makeup for almond-shaped eyes

Owners of slanted eyes are naturally very attractive even without the use of makeup, which is why such eyes are completely impossible to spoil with cosmetics. This form is standard, which is why With eyes like these, you can experiment with different types of makeup. But at the same time, it is necessary to remember that makeup still needs to be thought out so as not to overdo it with cosmetics and not look too vulgar. Makeup must be selected for the place or establishment in which the girl will go. And it is important that the makeup should match the girl’s outfit and hairstyle.

Having carefully thought through your image, you can begin applying makeup. It is very important that simple daytime makeup must begin with eye shadow. Various soft, pale shades of eyeshadow, such as beige or gray, work well for this. To begin with, they are applied to the crease of the upper eyelid. At the same time, you need to pay special attention subeyebrow area. For a more open look, shadows should be applied from the crease of the upper eyelid to the eyebrow. After this you need to go to lower eyelid, drawing a line of shadows from the inner corner to the center.

After this, you need to choose darker shadows that will look harmonious with the previous ones. Most often at this stage, many people choose brown colors. This shade of shadow is applied to the outer corner of the eye in the crease, starting from the center of the eyelid. You need to make sure that there is no sharp transition between the two colors. The color should be well shaded in the middle and smoothly transition from one to another.

If you follow these simple rules, your makeup should turn out light and pleasant to look at, and also emphasize the beauty of slanted eyes.

If you need to turn daytime makeup into evening makeup, you must add to all the previous stages of creating makeup the application of a dark arrow along the lash line to the upper eyelid. The arrow can be applied with a pencil or special eyeliner. In order for the arrow to look harmonious on the girl’s face, it is necessary to choose the right shade of pencil with which it will be drawn. Choose a pencil shade based on the color of your eyes and hair. If the girl doing makeup has blond or brown hair, then a pencil in gray shades will suit her. Girls with dark eyes should choose black to apply eyeliner, while girls with green eyes should use brown shades of pencil. It must be remembered that the shades of the pencil or eyeliner should be harmoniously combined with the color of the previously selected shadows.

Evening and holiday makeup

Evening makeup, which was applied according to all the rules, will allow a girl with almond-shaped eyes to emphasize their beauty and make others pay attention to her.

The evening makeup scheme will be slightly different from the daytime makeup scheme for slanted eyes.

First you need to choose a pencil of a light shade and draw a line over it upper eyelashes and under the lower ones. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that this pencil should not be sharpened too much, since this light line should be wide and noticeable.

After this, you need to move on to applying shadows. Evening makeup is good because in its application you can experiment with bright colors that cannot be present in everyday makeup. When choosing colors, you should remember the same rules as in daytime makeup: the color of the shadows should be combined with each other and smoothly transition from one to another. The most important thing is that their shade should match the color of the girl’s outfit.

For evening makeup, many girls use eyeshadow colors that match the color of their eyes. In this case, makeup will emphasize the natural beauty of the girl’s eyes. Representatives of the fair sex are afraid to experiment with different bright colors, for fear of choosing the wrong tones and ending up looking stupid. In this case, a good solution is to select shadows based on the color of your iris.

For such a celebration as a birthday or corporate event, this shade may be suitable heavenly color, pale blue or dark blue. At such events, you are allowed to experiment with different shades, but it is better not to use acid-bright colors, especially bright green and light green shades, as well as red and crimson.

Video: Makeup for slanted eyes

If the celebration is an event top level, for example, a wedding, then in this case silver and gold shades in makeup are well suited; a small amount of sparkles will look harmonious.

In the table we consider, how to correctly combine colors used in makeup, depending on eye color.

Eye colorMakeup Features
BlueSurprisingly, girls with blue eyes Do not use blue or cyan shadows. This will create an excess of this shade on the face and will not emphasize the expressiveness of the look, but, on the contrary, will hide it. On the contrary, dark blue mascara will look impressive and will focus attention on lighter eyes.
When choosing an eyeliner, it is better to choose a brown shade rather than black. In this case, a contrast of light eyes and a slightly darker eyeliner will be created. It is also worth having a slightly golden pencil - it should be used to highlight the inner contour. This will enlarge the eyes and make them “burning”.
It is not forbidden to use purple shades. They are a real must-have for blue-eyed beauties with slanted eyes. It is worth abandoning too dark shades, since they will attract all the attention to themselves, making blueness invisible.
BrownBrown-eyed girls with slanted eyes are recommended to use dark eyeliner - this will accentuate attention and make the eyes more expressive. However, you can play with contrasts by using green eyeliner.
Regarding the color of the shadows, such girls should give preference to blue shades, as well as ultramarine. Don't be afraid: it will look very impressive.
Don’t forget that cat eye makeup for brown slanted eyes is a win-win option, suitable for both an evening event and everyday wear.
GreenThe first thing a green-eyed girl should have in her makeup bag is eyeliner or a bright pencil. brown. This color perfectly sets off such light eyes, while highlighting them perfectly. Another, perhaps not so obvious, but equally effective solution for green eyes is a gray contour pencil. This is again a game of contrasts, which is very successful.
For evening makeup, you can add golden shadows, which should be used to make a neat line along the growth of the eyelashes. It is girls with green, slanted eyes who are recommended to use dark shades of eyeshadow that can be combined with purple flowers. Of course, the main thing is not to overdo it, but only to place accents.

Small almond-shaped eyes can be visually enlarged with the help of special makeup application. In this case, you need to choose a pencil of a dark shade and draw a line with it above the lower row of eyelashes and under the upper one. After this, you should use a special lengthening mascara.

Video: How to make your eyes look slanted using makeup?

Let's sum it up

Slanted eyes are not a pathology, as many people believe. Girls with such eyes have always been considered incredibly beautiful.. Therefore, owners of such an unusual eye shape should not look for flaws in themselves - it is extremely rare that such “slantness” indicates pathologies. Representatives of the fair sex are recommended to once again emphasize the beauty of their eyes with the help of makeup.

You can study the details in our other article.

The mood now is we just woke up)))))))

Hello Dear Diary! I haven’t written for a long time, so much time has passed under the bridge. To distract myself, I was surfing the internet and came across this article.

Face shape

1. An oblong face is a rectangle. The width of the forehead is approximately the same as the width of the chin. This is an aristocratic type. Indicates intelligence, sensitivity, balance. A person with this face shape can be calculating and reasonable. Sometimes such people have organizational talent and have a strong sense of purpose.

2. Triangular face- a high and wide forehead, prominent cheekbones, a small but bony nose, deep-set eyes, a small chin and slightly protruding forward. There is little flesh in the area between the cheekbones and chin. A person with this face shape has low sensitivity. This is also a sign of high talent. At the same time, the character of such a person is characterized by cunning and quarrelsomeness. Sometimes such people are prone to betrayal. They say that among spies and traitors, most people have a triangular face shape. Such people lack feelings of affection and devotion.

3. Trapezoidal face shape- has a lot in common with triangular. This face is characterized by a wide forehead and a slightly narrowed (but not pointed chin). A person with this face shape is intelligent, sensitive, artistic, but he does not have the spirit of a fighter. Women are optimists. They live happily, creating a pleasant atmosphere for others.

4. Square face shape- usually belongs to a stern, courageous, often heartless person. Such people are intractable, rude, slow-witted, and persistent. In communication they are straightforward and frank. Their most striking feature is determination. These people have an indefatigable thirst for success. They make good performers, although they themselves persistently strive for leadership. Women with this face shape are distinguished by their desire for dominance.

5. Round face shape- associated with good nature, gentleness, peacefulness. Often such people are gourmets. They love comfort, good company and do not strive for fame. At the same time, such people are not alien to ambition. If a person with a round face has a high bridge of the nose, prominent cheekbones, and sparkling eyes, he is purposeful. Such people can become enviable leaders and commanders.


1.Eyebrows. Wide, long eyebrows are considered ideal. Proportional development of eyebrows (shape, color, thickness) indicates a balance of emotions, mind and character. Stiff, bristly eyebrows indicate the opposite. Eyebrows reflect your relationship with others. A pleasant eyebrow shape means that their owner gets along with others. When thick eyebrows rise up with their outer ends, they say that this is a sign of generosity of soul and courage. Such a person is considered born for success. Drooping outer ends indicate shyness. When the structure and color of such eyebrows seem lifeless, it is believed that this is due to depletion of internal energy. If a man has smooth and long eyebrows that protrude against the background of pleasant skin, then he is known as an intellectual. A woman with such eyebrows is considered a coquette, and you can expect any tricks from her. Short eyebrows always mean the opposite. Short but thick eyebrows indicate an explosive nature. If the eyebrows are thick and bristly, then their owner is a person with a “devilish” nature. Stubbled eyebrows always indicate obstinacy, stubbornness, and uncompromisingness. Thick, heavy, connecting eyebrows signify an irresistible desire for dominance. A woman with such eyebrows has a strong character and is not suitable for the role of a housewife. High eyebrows indicate determination. Eyebrows sitting too low mean the opposite. If a woman has eyebrows with a corner in the middle, this is a sign of independence and mystery.

2.Eyes are the windows of the soul. A person with beautiful, attractive eyes has health, will, intelligence, and temperament. Such eyes emit light and warmth, are well protected by eyelids, and have an expressive iris. Big eyes speak of sensitivity of the soul, courage, and sometimes the desire for leadership. Small eyes belong to gloomy, withdrawn, intractable people. Often such people are distinguished by amazing constancy. A large iris is a sign of softness and calmness, a small one indicates an imbalance in internal processes, which adversely affects relationships with others.

Iris color: Black, brown, green - energy; blue sensitivity; light brown - shyness; gray - fidelity.

Eye planting. Both eyes on the same horizontal line is a favorable sign. Eyes slanted downwards: For men - determination; in women - indiscretion. If the upper eyelid is slightly drooping, this is a sign of maturity; a severely drooping upper eyelid in men is a sign of depletion of energy. A large lower eyelid is a sign of a hectic life. A too sagging lower eyelid indicates uncontrollability of desires. Swollen both eyelids - fatigue from life. If the outer corners of the eye are buried in a network of diverging wrinkles, this is a sign of insight.

Types of eyes

1. The dragon's eyes are large with a lively sparkle. A person in power is endowed with such eyes.

2. Long, almond-shaped eyes, sometimes with rims curved upward - the eyes of a phoenix. This is a refined nature.

3.Big eyes with folds on the eyelids- eyes of a lion. Leaders are endowed with them.

4.The eyes of an elephant are narrow, elongated with double or even triple eyelids. Typical for obese people. Such people are calm in nature.

5. The tiger's eyes are round with a yellowish shine. Belong to brave natures.

6.The eyes of a sheep are narrow, small, with a black and yellow iris.

7.Large eyes with a triangular cut and sagging eyelids- horse eyes.

8.Eyes with a fractured upper eyelid and dull iris- eyes of a boar.

9.Eyes with overly large irises- eyes of a wolf.

The best information is read from the eyes of a person over 40. The slightly different shaped eyes belong to a passionate person.

3.Nose. The ideal nose has a rounded tip and shaped wings. Too large nostrils are personality defects. A person with an ideal nose becomes a strong personality. A long nose is a sign of a pronounced individuality. A long nose, well balanced with the eyes, mouth and chin, indicates a strong nature; a short nose indicates “openness of soul” and optimism; a bony long nose is an indicator of pride and arrogance, quarrelsomeness; a bony, long nose with a pronounced hump often belongs to a gloomy person. A high and even bridge of the nose is considered ideal; such a bridge occurs in healthy people. A person with a nose tip that resembles a “suspended drop” is usually cheerful and therefore prosperous; if the tip of the nose resembles the beak of an eagle, then such a person is insightful, cunning and often vindictive. A full, large, bulbous tip of the nose is a sign of cordiality and warmth. A raised nose with protruding nostrils denotes self-will, intemperance, and licentiousness. The forked tip of the nose is evidence of timidity. Too small nostrils - compliance; wide wings of the nose - conceit; red nose - dishonesty. Dark spots on the nose is a sign of physical distress. A nose that stands out sharply on a woman’s face means a dysfunctional life in her youth. A small hump on a straight nose with narrow nostrils indicates predatory behavior. A nose with flaring nostrils means inability to control oneself.

4.Mouth. For a woman, a beautiful mouth is small; for a man, it is proportional. A woman with a big mouth is considered masculine, which is not very popular with men. Individuals with small mouths are preoccupied with the struggle for survival and are often endowed with a weak character. A thin line of closed lips indicates a scrupulous character. A man with a large mouth and drooping corners of his lips has strong will, it is difficult to influence him. A constantly twitching mouth (a horse's mouth) is a sign of distrust. A small, arched mouth (the corners of the lips tend to point downwards) belongs to a sensitive nature. Protruding lips are evidence of success. A symmetrical, undistorted opening of the mouth indicates balanced emotions. If facial wrinkles descend to both sides of the mouth from the eyes, this is a sign of a difficult life. If wrinkles go from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips, then this is a sign of deceit. The upper lip sticks out over the lower lip - indecision; the lower lip sticks out - selfishness. A person whose one side of his mouth droops is stubborn. Wrinkles above the lips - aging. A large suction cup on the upper lip is a sign of a past childhood. Wrinkles deeply etched into the lips indicate prosperity in youth and hardship in adulthood. Damaged teeth and tongue are indicators of poor health.

5.Ears. A well-shaped ear speaks of a happy childhood. Shapelessness and pallor indicate the opposite. Ears that are too big are a personality flaw; ears that are too small are a sign of trouble.

Position of the ear on the head: Above the level of the eyebrows - high intelligence at the level from the eyebrows to the eyes - above average intelligence below the level of the eyes - below average intelligence.

An ear without a well-shaped lobe is an imbalance of personality. A long lobe means carelessness. A slightly pronounced lobe is scrupulousness. People with very large lobes are wise men. If the lobe moves forward slightly, it means soulfulness. If the inner rim of the ear is retracted - restraint, if it protrudes - incontinence. Pink ear - health. Moles inside the ear are a sign of trouble.

What teeth does fate have in store for you?

Although teeth are not a major facial feature, they are very important to appearance and are given great importance in the Chinese science of face reading.
1.If you have white, straight teeth of medium size, closely set, without gaps, then this is a sign of intelligence, strong character and prosperity. This also indicates a collected nature.
2.Rounded teeth, well fitted to each other and very white - a special case. They testify to artistry, intelligence, and versatile talent. Very harmonious and interesting people have such teeth.
3.If you have very long teeth, it promises a long life, but you will always have to work hard to get what you want. Life will not be lenient towards you and will require a lot of work from you.
4.If your teeth tilt inwards, you are more likely to be lonely - or enjoy being alone.
5. The owner of crooked teeth cannot be trusted. It is generally accepted that such people are insincere - a very good reason to correct this defect!
6.Very small teeth with overly noticeable gums indicate selfishness. A person with such teeth will think only about his own interests.
7. A gap between the front teeth promises an unhappy old age - the owner of such teeth can sink to the very bottom of society, in addition, he may have problems with his family.
8.Left front tooth denotes devotion to country and society.
9. Right front - filial (daughter) duty and respect for parents.
10If one of the teeth is crooked, this indicates a lack of loyalty either to the state or to the family.

I have already written blog articles several times about what amazing opportunity eyelash extensions have a transformative effect. This procedure can, just as well as makeup, visually change the shape of the eyes and make facial features harmonious. It's all about correctly placed accents.

Extensions using length, thickness and color allow you to draw attention to certain parts of the eye, highlighting them. That’s why there are different extension effects, each of which makes it possible to present the appearance of the eyes and face as a whole in a new way.

You, too, have probably already read about extension effects. All of them are tied to the shape of the eyes: one effect is suitable for oval eyes, another is contraindicated for small ones, the third is optimal for deep-set eyes, etc. Not everyone can easily understand all these nuances.

Of course, you don’t necessarily need to know the numerous intricacies of the eyelash extension procedure and choosing eyelash parameters. The main thing for you is to find a professional master who knows about all these features and can choose for you optimal option. However, if you still want to find out what eye shape you have, today I will tell you more about it.

Appearance is a very subjective matter. And no one will strive to fit everyone into one stencil. All the world's best stylists always emphasize the need to highlight and advantageously present the features of appearance, without erasing, but correctly presenting the individuality of each girl. I also adhere to this principle in my work.

In my previous posts, I paid quite a lot of attention to such an issue as the distance between the eyes. As you know, eyelash extensions can, in most cases, do an excellent job of correcting too large or, conversely, a small distance between the eyes.

What is considered normal in this case? A normal landing is considered to be one in which the distance between the eyes is approximately equal to the length of one eye. If this distance is greater, they speak of wide-set eyes, if less, they speak of close-set eyes.

How can building up change the situation?

Lengthening eyelashes in the outer corners of the eyes, giving them more dark shade By stretching the shape of the eye, the lash maker visually expands the distance between the eyes. With wide eyes, on the contrary, you need to abandon all of the listed techniques. No fox effect or other eye stretching options. In this case, the emphasis is moved closer to the inner corner of the eyes, length is added in the central part of the eye.

Eyes, first of all, should be proportional to the face. If for someone your parameters would create the impression of being too large or, conversely, small eyes, then in accordance with other facial proportions they may be the most harmonious for you.

Proportions are considered standard when the length of the eye is related to the width as 2:1. That is, if the length of the eye is 2 centimeters, their width will be approximately 1 centimeter, if the length is 3 centimeters, the width will be about 1.5 centimeters, etc.

Small eyes can often be confused with eyes that have drooping eyelids. A drooping eyelid can “steal” top part eyes, visually narrowing it, due to which the eye can be perceived as small without actually being so. In such cases, the fixed eyelid lies on the moving eyelid, partially or completely covering it.

Eyelash extensions- one of the best ways solutions to this problem, the eyes will look visually larger, the gaze will be open. With the help of extensions, you will be able to avoid the sullenness and tired look that drooping eyelids often give to the eyes. In this case, the length and curvature of eyelash extensions are the deciding factors.

If we're talking about It is about small eyes, when the parameters of their length and width need to be increased in order to look proportional to the rest of the facial features, then the task of extensions is to lengthen the eyes and open them, then they will visually look larger. The problem of small eyes can also be solved by bending artificial eyelashes, which are slightly larger than a natural curl. However, the use is too long eyelashes contraindicated, since the size of the eyes and the size of the eyelashes may not be combined with each other, look unnatural, and emphasize small eyes.

How to check eye fit? Close your eye and place your finger vertically there so that it touches your eyebrow. If your eye does not touch your finger, then you have deep-set eyes; if your eye presses too hard on your finger, then you have bulging eyes. The normal position of the eyes is when the eyeball lightly touches the finger during this test.

At deep-set eyes An experienced master is unlikely to use the classic black color of artificial eyelashes when doing extensions. After all, this option will only allow you to “drown” your eyes even deeper.

In this case, alternating dark and light shades helps out; for example, red-haired girls can choose lighter and darker warm shades of brown. Deep-set eyes cannot be artificially narrowed by choosing cat and fox effects.

Convex eyes, on the contrary, are transformed when using the fox effect, when the eye is slightly elongated, its excessive roundness is smoothed out.

Counts, that with a normal eye shape, the inner corner is slightly lower than external. In other words, if you draw a horizontal line from the inner corner of the eye, then the outer corner will be higher than this line.

A lowered outer corner makes the look sad and tired. Therefore, both makeup stylists and lash makers, thanks to extensions, strive to raise the corner by pulling the line conditionally diagonally upward. This allows you to achieve a squirrel extension effect.

The concept of “standard” most closely corresponds to the almond-shaped eye shape, in which any extension effects are suitable depending on the wishes, but most often this shape does not need correction. Of course, additional length, volume and curl of the eyelashes will only transform almond-shaped eyes.

Just because your eyes don't fit the parameters of "normal" doesn't mean they're unattractive. On the contrary, taking into account all the features of your appearance, it may turn out that this particular eye shape is optimal and creates that very “zest” of your appearance.

Why then do the concepts of normal form exist?
size and distance between the eyes?

This standard was created taking into account the most harmonious lines and proportions. This is a variant of the norm, which gives guidelines when creating makeup, as well as when doing eyelash extensions. Practice shows that it is really worth approaching the “ideal” in many cases, but it is the great experience of the master that can tell you when it is better to give it up.

So, these standard parameters are guidelines that will help make your appearance harmonious so that your features combine most successfully with each other.

This is basic information regarding the shape and fit of the eyes, which may influence the choice of eye extension effect. Of course, there are a million more nuances here that an experienced, qualified craftsman knows.