
How to adopt a disabled child. Database Search

02/08/2019 The Ministry of Education will submit a bill on changing the procedure for the adoption of minors to the Government .

February 8 in the Public Chamber Russian Federation Hearings were held on the bill “On Amendments to Certain legislative acts Russian Federation on the protection of children's rights." The event was attended by Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation T. Yu. Sinyugina.

During her speech, T. Yu. Sinyugina said that the department is ready to submit a bill to change the procedure for the adoption of minors to the Government.

We have met with you several times over the course of six months. And the reason for our meetings was an interested and caring conversation and work on a bill, which today is ready for us to submit to the Government,” said T. Yu. Sinyugina.

For information

In December 2018, members of the Interdepartmental working group The Ministry of Education of Russia has prepared a bill “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Children’s Rights.” The bill was posted on the federal portal of draft regulations for wide public discussion.

The bill contains new approaches to the transfer of orphans to families that will develop the institution of guardianship and improve the conditions for training people who want to take an orphan into their family.

For the first time, the bill proposes to introduce the concept of “escort” into federal legislation. It is planned that this authority will be vested in authorized regional authorities and organizations, including non-profit organizations.

The document pays special attention to the adoption procedure; a provision has been added on the procedure for reinstating adoptive parents in the responsibilities of parents if they were previously deprived of this opportunity.


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On November 21-22, 2019, the Center for Civil Analysis and Independent Research “GRANI” Foundation (GRANI Center), with the participation of the National Fund for the Protection of Children from Cruelty, conducts methodological seminar for methodologists of schools of adoptive parents on issues of financial literacy of adoptive parents.

Unfortunately, this is true. You are either not reading carefully, or you are interpreting everything in your own way.
Because The bottom topic has gone far down, I’ll quote a statement from your previous message:

the problems that Lyusya described apply not only to disabled people, but to everyone living in Russia, so it is not clear why this is called the problems of raising a disabled person; Is it only disabled people who suffer from rudeness and lack of money? It’s not possible to go there and there with wheelchairs, but is it possible with regular wheelchairs? there are still pensioners living whose pensions are two thousand; and society there discriminates not only against people with disabilities, but against all those who are not rich-famous-great; I think it’s not me who needs to become special children, but you who need to read Russian newspapers more and go there more often; That’s why I asked, since society is like this and that, now everyone who lives in Russia should lie down and die?
and in general, I think that the author meant specific aspects of howling people with disabilities, and not a story about rudeness around and lack of money.>>

I would like to point out to you that I have never written anywhere about the SHORTAGE of money, and especially the rudeness AROUND. I wrote that you need a LOT of money. And rudeness is in INSTITUTIONS, and not around. There are just a lot more good and sympathetic people around. And as a practically healthy person and not being rich-famous-great, I almost never encounter rudeness while living in Russia, and unlike you, I don’t need to read for this. newspapers to understand the specifics of life in this country.
But a sick child/adult becomes very vulnerable and dependent on the tyranny of institutions (medical and social).

We need to make an appointment with a doctor at the hospital we are assigned to. It’s impossible to get through by phone; none of the mothers I know have been able to do so yet. This means you have to travel through the whole of Moscow, back and forth for 3 hours. For healthy people this is not a problem. And for mothers, if she is alone and the child is not walking. This means traveling with a child, carrying him or hiring someone. Admission to working hours es-but. So my husband went. When he arrived, he was told that the appointment was only for May. He says okay, sign it up for May. They: “For May there is an entry from tomorrow. Come tomorrow." That's it, the conversation is over. And this is the case almost everywhere in institutions.

Doctor: “You must go to our hospital every 4 months for rehabilitation.” Going to their hospital means collecting a bunch of tests and going through all the doctors, including the dentist. Place the child in the stroller and forward over the snowdrifts and boulders. I am silent that we still have the 5th floor without an elevator. A blood test from a vein in our clinic - only 5 tubes per week for everyone. And they won’t admit you to the hospital if you signed on some certificate incorrectly or in a different ink. Those. either make a scandal or take a bribe. Plus, this means I will have to be in the hospital almost all day, washing floors, caring for other children... I ask: “What does rehabilitation consist of?” He: “Electrophoresis, exercise therapy, magnetic therapy and massage.” I told him: “We can do all this on an outpatient basis.” He, almost throwing the card in my face: “Then we relieve ourselves of all responsibility for your treatment, how will the nurses in the clinic do electrophoresis, I don’t know, but I’m sure of my own !
We were in their hospital once. Every day there is a round and examination of the child. On the third (!) day of the round, the doctor noticed a scar after the operation and asked “What is this?” I told her that there was an operation and what kind. Those. She didn’t even look at the child’s chart! And the child has been undergoing the procedures she prescribed for three days now!
In the card for disability rehabilitation we have written about going to this particular medical institution. And we decided not to go there anymore. And I don’t know what they will tell us at the next medical examination on disability, because... we avoid undergoing treatment at an attached institution and undergo rehabilitation abroad every 4 months (yeah, money again).

This is just a small piece from our life. Yes, and between all this we must manage to earn money. Would there be such problems if the child was healthy?! It seems to me - no. 04/09/2009 11:19:57,

If I take a disabled foster child into my family, am I entitled to receive compensation payments in connection with caring for him?

Current regulatory legal acts provide the right to monthly compensation payment unemployed able-bodied caregivers disabled citizens, including disabled children under 18 years of age.

To establish compensation payment, the caregiver must not work or engage in entrepreneurial activity, which is confirmed work book, certificate tax authority on cancellation of a previously issued certificate of state registration or a court decision on recognition individual entrepreneur bankrupt.

Foster parents caring for a disabled child do not have the right to a compensation payment, since the foster family raises the child on the basis of an agreement on the transfer of the child (children) to be raised in a family, which is a contract for the provision of paid services, and their work is paid.

If the adopted child has not reached the age of three, is sick, or is a child with disabilities health, or a disabled child, additional payment is made to the adoptive parents based on the above.

In this regard, you will not have the right to compensation payments established only for non-working able-bodied persons.

Basic benefits for adoptive parents and children

  • Salary in the amount of 3 minimum wages for each child;
  • The time spent raising an adopted child is taken into account when determining the length of service;
  • An adopted child can count on the same benefits as a ward child;
  • A very significant benefit - an adopted child at the age of 18 is provided with separate housing;
  • Preservation of the child’s rights to all benefits and payments due by law: pensions (loss of a breadwinner, disability), alimony, benefits for children without parental care and orphans;
  • The right of ownership of residential premises or the right to use residential premises, and in its absence - for mandatory provision;
  • Purchasing food products at preferential prices at specialized bases.

It is expected that very soon the amount of the benefit for an adopted child, which families will be able to receive at a time, will be 100,000 rubles. In fact, the right of foster families raising three or more children, among whom there may be both their own and adopted ones, has already been established to benefits similar to those granted to families with many children.

Title of the manual Size Terms
Monthly allowance for the maintenance of adopted children. 40% of the average salary of the adoptive parent for the last year. The following documents are required:
  • application for benefits;
  • a copy of the court decision on adoption that has entered into legal force or an extract from the decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority on the establishment of guardianship (trusteeship) over the child, including under a foster family agreement;
  • copies of one of the following documents:
    • certificate of parents' detention or stay in prison;
    • a court decision to establish the fact of lack of parental care over the child (including in connection with the illness of the parents) or to exclude information about the parent or parents from the child’s birth certificate;
    • a certificate from the internal affairs bodies about the failure to establish the whereabouts of the wanted parents;
    • an act of leaving a child by the mother in a medical institution after childbirth.

Payments for the maintenance of children in their care and foster family pupils are made monthly in the manner and in the amount established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Compensation until the child reaches three years of age. 50 rub. + regional coefficient.
Allowance for an adopted child when he is placed in a foster family. RUB 16,350.33 Provided to each family upon the arrival of an adopted child.
Benefit for orphans. 24,000 rubles. A child upon reaching 18 years of age, if he was under guardianship or foster care.

The benefit is paid after the end of the guardianship period.

Orphans. 79416 rub. Stands out when applying for a job after school.
Orphans. 20639 rub. When continuing your studies at another educational institution.

From January 1, 2014, monthly payments to families raising adopted children were indexed. Families will receive benefits for adopted children under 12 years old in the amount of 7,200 rubles, over 12 years old - 8,000 rubles. And if you add to this numerous regional benefits and subsidies, you get very good support.

As already indicated in the table, the amount of the monthly benefit should be 40% of the average earnings at the place of work for the last 12 calendar months, while the minimum benefit for caring for the first child should be at least 2908.62 rubles, and for the second and subsequent children - 5817.24 rub. In each region and region, the amount of benefits is different.

This is largely influenced by the level economic development and financial well-being of the region. The experience of Moscow is very interesting in terms of providing benefits. For a child under 12 years of age, the monthly subsidy is 15 thousand rubles, for a child from 12 to 18 years old - 20 thousand rubles. If there are three or more children in a family, then up to 12 years of age, an allowance of 18,000 per month will be allocated for each person, from 12 to 18 years old - 23,000 rubles. If a disabled child is under guardianship, the payment increases - up to 25,000 rubles. per month.

Every child experiences a genuine need for family, parental love and home comfort, even if he is a “refuser” of his biological parents due to his physical inferiority by nature of birth.

For such a child to be adopted is best scenario future life path.

True, it is worth noting that despite all the nobility of the act of adopting a child with a disability, future guardians may encounter a lot of difficulties in the procedure for its implementation. Therefore, I wanted to dwell in more detail on all aspects of this problem.

Those wishing to accept such a child into their family should not forget about some negative aspects that may subsequently affect them:

  1. inadequate reaction of surrounding people, i.e. for the most part, everyone will probably only see the mercantile reasons of the guardians stimulating such an act of adoption;
  2. possible frequent nervous breakdowns a disabled child due to communication problems in society;
  3. a very significant and large item of expenditure in the family budget for medical care, since the adopted baby will constantly need all kinds of treatment ( paid operations, no less expensive postoperative rehabilitation periods, etc.);
  4. financial problems: ensuring a decent and full-fledged life for a disabled child involves significant financial costs;
  5. possible indifference on the part of officials of various government agencies if guardians contact them with a request for help;
  6. a high percentage of the likelihood of losing their favorite job, because adoptive parents will have to often take time off, extraordinary vacations due to possible problems with the baby's health;
  7. the fear of adoption applicants associated with the enormous difficulties in obtaining a decent education for a disabled child, as well as the great difficulty of his further good employment;
  8. difficult relationships of a disabled child with his peers at school, in the yard, and other family members due to his distinctive physical characteristics;
  9. huge problems in obtaining all kinds of rehabilitation means (wheelchairs, special devices and simulators).

Adoption process

First of all, parents who have expressed a desire to take a disabled child into their family will need to communicate with officials from the guardianship service.

It is important to remember that this meeting is the foundation for the success of the future adoption of the baby.

Therefore, it is extremely important for the expectant mother and father to make the most positive impression on these specialists by building a tactically competent conversation.

The next stage of this complex event will be a visit to medical institution for the purpose of mandatory medical examination. After successfully completing the first two stages, make an application to the court, and in case of a positive court decision, contact the local registry office.

Requirements for adoptive parents

Today, there is a certain set of mandatory criteria that future parents of disabled children must meet.

  1. reduction retirement age guardian for 5 years, if the age of the disabled person did not exceed 8 years at the time of registration of the adoption procedure;
  2. discounts on utilities;
  3. free travel on public transport;
  4. monthly 4 paid additional days off, but only for one parent;
  5. free meals for a disabled child at school or a discount on it;
  6. discounted vouchers to camps, health resorts and health resorts;
  7. preferential government programs on lending and mortgages;
  8. increased ratio of preferential payments in the corresponding climate zone;
  9. preferential tax deduction according to Article 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  10. obtaining land plots.

With these benefits, the state is trying in every possible way to stimulate citizens who have taken disabled children into their families.

Adoption of HIV-infected children

A special place in the discussion of adoption of disabled children is occupied by the topic of adoption of a child diagnosed with HIV.

HIV-infected children, according to the law, have the same legal status as children of other disability groups.

It is worth noting, however, that just 10 years ago there were much fewer people willing to adopt a child with this diagnosis than a child with any other type of disability.

This phenomenon occurs due to an incorrect stereotype of perception of the disease. Medical scientists have already proven that children with a positive HIV indicator are able to live a full, long and happy life, give birth to healthy children, engage in almost any type of professional activity, of course, provided that they comply with constant therapy for their incurable illness.

For a child diagnosed as HIV-infected, the law provides free treatment and regular distribution of special medications therapeutic action in regional prevention centers.

Differences in adaptation

The rules for the adoption of an HIV-infected child were absolutely identical to the criteria for the adoption of a child of any other category of disability until the adoption of some amendments dated July 2, 2013 to the relevant law.

Healthy citizens do not have the right to adopt an HIV-sick child if there are still sick people living in their registered living space.

In particular, an adoptive parent who previously took custody of an HIV-infected child will not be able to adopt another child, regardless of whether he is sick or completely healthy person. With the adoption of this dubious amendment to domestic legislation, the algorithm itself for the procedure for adopting HIV-infected children has become seriously complicated, i.e. adoptive parents will need to prove that their living space is not inhabited by citizens who are carriers dangerous diseases, forcing all family members to undergo additional lengthy medical examinations.

The absurdity of the new law is further confirmed by the categorical prohibition for a child with HIV infection to live together in the same territory with a person suffering from the same disease.

The ban on an adult is difficult to explain logically. HIV-infected person(potentially not threatening the health of society), who has self-realized in life, take a child with a similar diagnosis as a member of his family.

Why adopt a child? How do children who have been abandoned by their adoptive parents feel? Who adopts disabled children? Interview with a specialist from the service for training and support of foster families.

Tatyana Dorofeeva, specialist in the service for training and support of foster families. Photo from the site

There are only 4 schools of foster parents in St. Petersburg, but experts say that this is already good, since there are relatively few specialists in this field. The leading specialist of the service for training and support of foster families of the North-Western charitable foundation for helping children without parental care, “Children are Waiting,” talks about how specialists work with the motivations of candidates for adoptive parents and other nuances. Tatiana Dorofeeva.

– The less time spent training foster parents, the more varied the results can be. Committee on social policy St. Petersburg determines the maximum period of study, as well as the period from the moment a person submits an application to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, during which he must apply to the school of foster parents.

But from the moment a foster parent contacts a school, it may take a year before a person takes the child. It's like being pregnant. The candidate preparation period ranges from six months to 9 months. No matter how much a person wants to adopt a foster child, he must create a space where this child can fit - both emotionally and socially.

For example, people need to think about how they will work - after all, a child will greatly change their lifestyle. Emotional state Adoptive parents should also not interfere with the child’s adaptation. So the school for foster parents is a process of learning about themselves for them.

We provide psychological counseling. If a candidate needs psychotherapeutic work, then that is carried out. This applies to people experiencing loss - either the death of relatives, or a change of place of residence, and people who have other serious psychological disorders, for example, abnormal age-related crises. But for psychotherapy there must be a request - a person must be ready for it. If in progress psychological counseling family, a person with some difficulties is identified who is ready to work, then psychotherapy is possible.

– Is changing your place of residence also a loss?

People sometimes have difficulty adapting to a new place, and adopting a child can be a way to get rid of loneliness. Even if a family moves, it needs a new circle of acquaintances, new activities.

– Is such motivation as trying to survive some kind of loss in this way bad?

Trying to replace someone is not constructive motivation. Substitution is destructive for both the child and the adoptive parent. In this case, the adoptive parent does not have the strength to hear the real needs of a particular child - he hears mainly his own needs. And then he is not an effective parent - absent-minded, inattentive, stressed. He wants to be a very good parent, but he doesn't have the resources to do so.

There is also this myth among candidates for adoptive parents: it is supposedly good when the child is an orphan whose parents died, for example, in a car accident, that in this case he will adapt better to the adoptive family. But these are the most difficult children, because they loved their natural parents very much, and when they end up in a foster family, they don’t need anyone for a long time. There are few such children in orphanages; more often they are taken in by other members of their blood family.

Creative, constructive motivation is when someone wants not to take, but to give, when someone wants to help a child. For example, some mothers stay at home and are ready to raise many children - they like it, they succeed. Or when a husband and wife get along well with each other, but cannot have their own biological children, but want to experience parental feelings and want to raise a child.

We tell parents: “A child is a separate being who does not belong to you completely, he is given to you for a while.” Parents themselves undergo preliminary tests for the intended type of upbringing, and we then discuss the results of this testing with them individually - this is how they understand their weak points.

– There are cases when childless couples come to the school of foster parents and after psychological or psychotherapeutic work they have their own biological children. Do such couples still take in adopted children? Or do they abandon this intention?

Yes, we get pregnant after every training. Because worries are relieved, people begin to think more about their lives. And we support any positive changes. Sometimes in such cases people give up their intention to adopt an adopted child, but this is also a good result - after all, they have their own child.

However, the topic of orphans continues to excite many of them; such couples are very good volunteers, they help children in a targeted, specific manner, without expecting gratitude from the children. Some of them then take in adopted children - a few years later, when their own children are already grown up.

– Do you formulate the main tasks of your school?

The task of our candidates: learn to build long-term, accepting, honest relationships in the family, including with the child. We have principles on which we build our education - how we understand the harmonious upbringing of a child. These principles are based on humanistic approach to personality development.

Firstly, this principle of hope- the fact that a person already contains everything that is wonderful in him. No one can radically change anyone, we can only contribute to the manifestation of certain traits and combine them with our own traits. Every person has something precious. We encourage both parents and children to study themselves and find their strengths and weaknesses, learn to explain to others about their weaknesses, and strengths grow and combine them with the world.

No doctor will point a finger - this is good, this is bad, you will have to study this yourself. You can consult with specialists, but you will have to do the work yourself.

Secondly, this principle of balance in the world. We do not proceed from absolute concepts of good and evil, but from specific family rules, and we say that equal attention should be paid to four aspects of personality: psychological, biological, spiritual and social.

That is, parents must take care of the child’s emotions, his inner world, his communication with other people, his games or other activities, and his health. And they should also pay attention to these aspects of their lives. That is, it is a person-oriented approach.

And thirdly, the principle of family as a system. A family is a dynamic entity that lives its own life, but is influenced by external factors. Some parents have the idea that someday some kind of stability, some kind of peace will come. We debunk this myth - I immediately tell candidates who come to us: “Today you are leaving your comfort zone.” Because in reality there is always dynamics, something is always happening. In general, something always happens to any person.

And healthy predictability appears when there is specificity: on the one hand, something is happening, on the other hand, we have a developed type of behavior. And no matter what happens in the family, everything is subject to consideration, and some useful conclusions can be drawn from everything.

- Do you think that family relationships can’t be viewed through the prism of someone’s guilt?

Yes, we are not looking for those to blame, we are looking at the situation, looking at what everyone can do to correct it or somehow resolve it. Of course, we are trying to understand the reasons for what is happening, but main reason problems: someone did not understand someone, there is a wrong message.

There is such a common term - “green light”: someone did something, and in our minds “the green light came on,” that is, we came up with an explanation for the other person’s action, which has nothing to do with his motives. Therefore, we try to ensure that people's messages are clear, so that people learn not to think for others.

Any family member can contact me or other specialists at our school with a request to talk - not to give advice, but to talk. Why am I for long-term and sincere relationships? If something happens, I encourage both parents and children to talk about it - how we feel, what we will do with these feelings, how we will show them.

“Isn’t it obvious that we need to talk about this?”

It's not obvious. There are long-term, but insincere family relationships. Most people here do not know how to realize their feelings. There is such a term in psychology - alexithymia. This is when a person feels, but cannot express his feelings in words, and, accordingly, it is difficult for him to understand what the other person is feeling. That is, it is such an obsession with oneself. That’s why there are so many trainings for developing emotional intelligence now.

– But a person who talks about his feelings can also be fixated on himself.

Certainly. And if we find out this about one of our candidates, we draw his attention to this, find out why he talks only about himself and cannot listen to others. But the main problem of children is that they are not aware and cannot express their feelings. And the adult must, firstly, set an example for the child, and secondly, let him understand that he will accept him with any emotions and will help him do something with them.

For example, a child might say, “I’m angry.” The adult tells him: “Let's think about where this anger came from, what to do with it, how to express it so that no one is hurt.”

We do not make a fundamental difference between an ordinary family, where there are parents and their natural children, and a family where there are adopted children. But our candidates receive additional knowledge about the characteristics of adopted children, about how an adopted child will differ from their natural one. And candidates get the opportunity to measure their resources, think about whether they can adapt this child.

An adopted child is much less aware of his emotions and needs. Because of this, his behavior is disturbed, because of this he can put his life in danger, because of this he is scared, because of this he changes the whole life of his family. I myself have an adopted child, and I try to help him. My natural children ask: “Will it be better someday?” I answer: “I don’t know. He can do it any way he can."

– People also come to you who didn’t just want to take some child from orphanage, and who already have a history of relationships with a specific child.

Happens. We are studying the history of this relationship. If conditions permit, I get to know the child and the staff of the institution where he is located. We look at the situation and decide what is best for the child.

If for some reason the adult who contacts us still cannot become the adoptive parent of this child, then he can become his assistant - a tutor, a volunteer... And at the same time, a family will still be found for this child. Everything is very individual, it cannot be said that there are any universal schemes. A lot depends on the personal growth of the candidate, which occurs during classes at the school of foster parents: people are either ready to change a lot in their lives, or they realize that they are not ready and abandon their intention. And we believe that this is also a good result. That is, it is important that the relationship is minimally traumatic for the child and as understandable as possible for the adult.

– What do you do if adoptive parents contact you who want to give up their child?

We invite the whole family, look at the child, find out from the parents what is happening - so that the child can hear. Most often, some positive stories, we turn to this positive and begin to grow it. Most often, this desire is a cry from the heart, and after our work, real refusal may not happen.

Even if a refusal occurs, before that we work with people for three months. If this appeal was simply a consequence of fatigue, then such work brings great benefit the child, because he is not scolded, and a huge benefit to the parents, because they are not scolded either, each family member receives support.

Refusals still happen. Last year there was a case when a couple abandoned their child - for three months we could not find anything to unite them. The child again ended up in an orphanage, but not so traumatized, since he received support while working with us, and the adults realized their true motives and continue to communicate with him.

Yes, it was a painful experience for everyone involved in the situation, but it was not as destructive for them as it could have been. I also work in orphanages and I can say that children after a second refusal are often very lenient towards their failed adoptive parents, saying: “Well, it didn’t work out.” Of course, it is then very difficult for them to go to another family again, but some overcome this story and go, some do not go for some time - and this is understandable.

– Do you keep in touch with those who went through your school and have already adopted a foster child?

Yes, we provide full support from the moment candidates first contact us until the child reaches adulthood. We discuss all issues with people - both at the stage of searching for a child, and when people take him from the institution, and during the period of his adaptation. There are difficult periods in life, there are regulatory crises. But many of our parents are understanding people, and they turn to us and say: “We understand what is happening, but we want to check if everything is so.”

Our school has been operating relatively recently - since March 2015, and we already have 24 families who have taken children. And children are very different - from babies to 16-year-old teenagers. And adoptive parents no longer ask us primary questions; they understand the situation well.

– It’s more difficult with teenagers, including because they may still have ties with their biological parents...

We are working with it. I can go to any institution and, after agreeing with the specialists of this institution and with the parents of the teenager, having signed an agreement with them, get to know the young man, the situation and find out from the candidate for adoptive parents whether he is ready to support the child in his communication with blood relatives.

Most often, people are ready for this - they understand that this is a person’s story and treat it with respect. It is very important for a child when his adoptive parents accept his birth parents. And we had no cases of defection from one camp to another.

If a child himself does not want to go to a foster family, explaining that he loves his natural mom and dad, our candidates understand this and do not try to convince him.

– If a candidate comes to you and says that he wants to adopt a child with a disability, what then?

carried out with him individual work. We already have several families who have taken in disabled children. We interact with them regularly and draw up individual plans for each child. rehabilitation programs. And for a candidate who declares a desire to take in a child with a disability, we offer to meet with parents who already have such experience.

These meetings take place in forms that are convenient for people and do not violate their boundaries. But sometimes we go to someone’s home, both to candidates and to established adoptive families. We're talking about possible consequences, look at the available resources. After all, it’s one thing when disabled children are small and they are raised by people who are not yet old, but it’s another thing when these children grow up and their parents are no longer with them. This means that there must be someone in the family who is ready to accompany them further. Therefore, for example, with single women who want to take in disabled children, special measures are taken long work to study their resources.

– And many who wish to take in a disabled child abandon this intention after your trainings?

As a rule, only very reasonable, sober-minded people take in disabled children. Some of them already have relevant experience. For example, we have a woman whose own child is complex, and she also took in an adopted child with the same diagnosis. And they have a large family, the adopted child is doing well. These are also people who have worked or are working in relevant institutions and have a good understanding of the issues.

– Among those who do not have such experience, but who still want to take in a disabled child, how many people have mythologized ideas about certain diagnoses?

No. Still, more often than not, knowledgeable people take on such a complex task. In addition to parents who already have experience raising their disabled children, these are either social workers or psychologists.

Yes, there are people who say: “I want to save...” But in the first or second lesson on motivation, they understand that they can only save themselves by assessing their real capabilities.

We cultivate acceptance, humility and the ability to take time in a person. When raising a disabled child, it is important to understand and accept the situation, understand the pace of his development and respect his boundaries - so that the child understands that if he does this, this and that will happen.

This is important with any child, but with a disabled person this should be expressed especially clearly, because if these boundaries are not established, the disabled person can set back development.

For example, there should be a rule: “You can’t hit your mother.” You should never allow a child to hit his mother, even if he is disabled. Parents should have a certain line of behavior - the clearer the parent’s behavior, the clearer he behaves, the more reliable he is, the easier it is for a disabled child.

In a safe environment, it is easier for any child to develop. In our classes, we even rehearse some moments - I portray different children, candidates for adoptive parents act out their reaction to their behavior. During the game it becomes clear how difficult all this is even in a simulated situation.

A disabled child has a hard time with changes. Therefore, we warn that, after taking a child from an orphanage, parents should stay at home with him for some time and not immediately go south or somewhere else. We try to cover everything that could worsen the child’s adaptation. I always tell parents: “You can ask any question, even if it seems very stupid.” Sometimes a very stupid question leads to a very detailed and important answer.