
What is the sign according to the eastern calendar? Love predictions, family relationships

January is still far away, but people are already interested in the question - whose year will 2018 be? eastern calendar, what can be expected from him.

The twelve animals that replace each other in the Chinese calendar are complemented by the alternation of the dominant elements. These elements are wood ( green), fire (red), earth (yellow), metal (white), water (black). The symbols of 2018 are a dog and earth, and yellow one.

Why is the land yellow and the water black in China? For the Chinese, the land is mostly sand and loam, it is not black, like in Kuban. And the water in the river flowing under the trees seems dark; After all, there are a lot of Black Rivers in Russia.

So, as we celebrate the New Year 2018 according to the eastern calendar, we must greet the yellow earthen dog. Maybe it would be more correct to call the dog an earth dog? This also sounds awkward, although the earth or earth dog is clearly a more phlegmatic and peaceful animal than the fiery rooster - the symbol of 2017. By the way, in Russia the handsome fiery rooster is a rather negative symbol, meaning fire. Fans of dark humor may note that after a fire it is logical to dig a dugout...

In the traditional Chinese calendar, cycles correspond to the phases of the moon. For the Chinese, it is important not only which animal’s year is 2018 according to the eastern calendar, but also the time of its occurrence: it will happen on the new moon, February 16, 2018. It is on this day that we should congratulate the Yellow Dog on the beginning of her year. But it just so happened that in the countries of European culture the arrival of the Year of the Dog will be celebrated on the night of January 1, 2018.

Dog figurines will be on the festive table, cute dogs greeting cards and advertising booklets will be decorated, and ladies will wear dresses close in color to the symbol of the year: yellow, orange, terracotta, beige. By the way, astrologers recommend wearing diamonds and diamonds as jewelry. If you don't happen to buy matching diamond– you can compromise and wear jewelry with cute glass pieces.

What will the year 2018 be like according to the Eastern calendar?

Astrologers and fortune tellers will tell each person in detail what the coming year means for him, how to achieve success and happiness, and what to be wary of.

Well, what awaits all of us, according to traditional predictions? The symbolism of the Year of the Dog is opposite in emotional intensity to the Year of the Fire Rooster. A dog, in the understanding of Chinese sages, is a respectable animal, faithful to principles and rules. The character is conservative, balanced. The dog guards existing property and does not go on a raid. She is pragmatic, prefers real values ​​and true friends. Does not like innovations and radical changes.

Will 2018, whose patron is the Yellow Dog, be as stable as the Chinese calendar promises? Let's wait and see... The previous years, the symbol of which was this cute animal - 1958 and 1898. They are distant in time from world upheavals and disasters, and are associated with peaceful life and prosperity.

Talismans, amulets in the year of the Yellow Dog

It has been noticed that in different countries dogs bark at different languages. In any case, people express dog barking in different words. A Russian dog says “woof-woof”, and a Chinese dog says “wan-wan”. Traditional images differ.

Dog figurines made in the Feng Shui tradition are not at all similar to dog figurines made in Russia. Chinese dogs, made of gold or its imitation, are fantastic beasts with large heads, flattened muzzles, menacingly bulging eyes and many decorative ornaments. These are formidable guards guarding treasures. Their eyes are made of sapphire (in cheap imitation, they are made of rhinestones), their mouth is too large and grinning. There is not a drop of sentimentality in these figurines; these dogs are categorically serious.

It is appropriate to purchase a Chinese figurine to celebrate 2018 according to the Eastern calendar. By the way, in China such figurines are placed at doors to protect the home from evil spirits. But a more pleasant symbol of the year for us will be a porcelain or copper dog made in the European tradition. A dog with an attentive expression on its cute muzzle. A friend of the person you want to pet.

Zodiac Signs and Year of the Dog

Europe accepts Eastern culture “all at once,” combining symbols and being carried away by their external, decorative side. For most of us, this is a game into which we are increasingly drawn. For residents of China and India, the zodiac signs and the Chinese calendar are incompatible, this different worlds. But in European culture they combine remarkably well. Astrologers have found a place for all signs of the Zodiac in the years of the dog, rooster, sheep and other Chinese animals.

By contacting a specialist in all kinds of predictions and interpretations, you can find out how the calm energy of the Yellow Earth Dog will affect Leo or Aquarius. Which union will be favorable in 2018 for Unicorn or Aquarius? Will the Year of the Dog bring success in business to Gemini? Looking through the vague astrological forecasts, you can find all sorts of answers, often contradictory. Choose the best predictions and let them come true!

Here you will learn everything about 2018 - what animal according to the horoscope chose as its symbol according to the Eastern and Slavic calendar, what to celebrate the holiday in, what to serve on the table.

2018 - what animal according to the horoscope according to the Eastern, Slavic calendar

You can determine the animal of each year according to 2 calendars - Slavic and Eastern. Note that they do not coincide and the symbol can be 2 animals at once. I found myself in the same situation 2018, what animal choose as your symbol - decide for yourself!
However, let us clarify that most people determine the next year according to the Eastern calendar. This calendar was invented in China, where they divided life cycle at 60-year intervals, correlating them with animals, flowers and elements. Therefore, in the name of the year it is correct to use not only the name of the animal, but also the color and the element. So, it’s the year of the yellow earthen dog.
Animal cycles repeat every 12 years. The last time the year of the dog was in 2006, and then it will be in 2030. Here is the complete cycle of the year of the dog over the past century and a half.

Let us remind you what to meet New Year According to the eastern calendar, it is necessary not January 1, but February 16. The year of the yellow earthen dog will end at the end of January 2019.
For Slavic calendar A 16-year-old yearbook is used. According to him, 2018 is the year of the curled up hedgehog.

What to wear to celebrate 2018 - the year of the yellow earthen dog

Have you already found out who represents 2018, what animal chose the Slavic symbol and chinese calendars. All that remains is to decide what to wear to celebrate the holiday.
This information will be relevant for those who pay great attention horoscopes. It is better to choose a combination of bright and dark colors for the holiday. The following colors are perfect:
pale red;
all shades of brown or yellow.
If these options are unpleasant to you, then white will be the solution.

This year, girls and women are advised to avoid short and open dresses with a neckline in the front and back. Although this will be very difficult to do, especially for fashionistas. Sequined clothing is also not recommended.

Confucius said: “In order to predict the future, you need to carefully study the past.” The opportunity to follow the eastern calendar gives us such a chance - to be prepared in advance for what the coming year has in store for us. Knowing which animal year 2018 will be, we will be able to greet it correctly, put on the table those treats that the totem of the year likes, decorate the house so that it will give us access to achieving new heights in career, love and health.

What does the Year of the Dog have in store for us...

If you believe the Chinese (Oriental) calendar, then 2018 (Earth Dog) year will be more than favorable for a person, because the Dog will become his totem. What other animal's year could be friendlier for us? It was the dog that many centuries ago became our best assistant in hunting, in protecting our home and in many other aspects of life. This is also confirmed by the previous milestones of the dog’s “reign”. Here are just a few examples that affected the development of the world as a whole:

The symbol of 2018 is an attentive, compliant and obedient animal, but not without cunning, enterprise and the ability to create an impressive reserve.

Character of the Yellow Earth Dog

According to the eastern calendar, 2018 belongs to the Yellow Earth Dog. Color and belonging to the most unshakable element indicate to us that the year will be simple, understandable for everyone, without surprises and cardinal changes. But such peace is not prepared for everyone, but only for those who have certain qualities of character. In order for the Dog to be happy, you need to show it that you are a person:

  • patient,
  • reliable,
  • conservative,
  • able to keep his word
  • careful,
  • secretive,
  • not greedy
  • not aggressive.

Opposite qualities will only anger the totem of the year and direct its aggression against you. Neither word nor deed should diverge from the promises made on the eve of the New Year, even if they were given to oneself (to break up with bad habits, get along with relatives, repay a debt, etc.). Ignorance of which animal’s year is coming does not justify bad actions, because the Dog is very attentive and unusually pedantic.

Another side of the character of the 2018 symbol is extraordinary loyalty and kindness to everyone around him. She cannot and does not know how to judge strictly and remember evil for a long time. Justifying your bad thoughts, deeds and actions will not be easy, but it is possible. One mistake will need to be “justified” by a dozen good deeds, then the punishment will not be terrible and severe.

Work, love, health - what to expect from a Dog

Totem next year– it’s not just this or that animal. It is important to understand that the eastern horoscope gives them belonging to one of the elements and a color that symbolizes their character.

  • The Earth Dog of 2018 belongs to the element of earth, which indicates the stability and stability of this period of time. In addition, it is called Metallic - resistant to unexpected changes, recessions and distortions in any direction, be it family relationships, business or any other.
  • A lot depends on what color the totem animal is. Yellow color, according to Eastern wisdom, indicates the attractiveness of the totem of the year for success in any direction. The Yellow Dog is holistic, goes in the intended direction, without deviating from the path, without deviating from an already drawn up, planned scheme of actions.
  • In 2018, everyone will have a chance to achieve high performance in everything. But apparent stability will have to be maintained own strength will and determination. You shouldn’t expect the totem of the year to do anything and decide for you.
  • If it is necessary to make a decision, then the leadership should not be momentary impulses and impulses, but endurance and tact. The habit of stepping over something, not taking into account one’s desires, the opinions of relatives and friends, the habit of going against someone else’s or one’s own honor will lead to collapse and failure even in small things.
  • Another “don’t” from the Yellow Earth Dog is that you shouldn’t let unfamiliar, insincere people into your life and, moreover, establish close contacts and relationships with them. This year, married couples are advised to very carefully choose those who will enter their home. It is possible that new people will cause collapse family hearth. Well, those who are in search of a loved one should be doubly careful - casual relationships will be very dangerous.
  • The Yellow Earth Dog is not as simple as it seems - it will repeatedly test your strength and endurance, confront you with unusual characters, whose task in our lives is to teach us to recognize good and evil even under a mask. You need to carefully study new acquaintances and learn as much as possible about them before letting them into your world and your life, but you also shouldn’t push them away right away.
  • Track correct life positions in our life, the Dog will be even in our gastronomic preferences - it does not like copious intake of sweets, alcohol, fatty foods and, surprisingly, meat.

You shouldn’t be afraid of the huge number of rules and requirements of the 2018 totem. The main character trait of the Earth Dog is patience with everything and everyone, but we will also have to learn to show this trait.

The Eastern calendar helps to learn about some time periods even before they come into force. The Chinese associated each year of the sixty-year cycle with animals, elements and colors. Thus, they have practically subjugated time - based on this, there is an opportunity to find out what awaits all of us in the coming 2018, what kind of character those born in this period, as well as some of its features that you should know about in advance.

What animal's year will be 2018 according to the horoscope?

According to eastern horoscope, symbol of 2018 will become a yellow earthen dog. First of all, the Dog is famous for its devotion and obedience. But not all people born under the symbol of this animal will be so resigned as not to be aware of the fact that someone will dare to take advantage of their good side. Dogs sense betrayal very well and are able to break off relations with anyone, even if it hurts themselves. Such people know how to choose their friends, maintain relationships throughout their lives, and always come to the rescue.

Dogs make wonderful husbands or wives. They are monogamous and strive to create as much as possible. cozy nest. As a rule, such people love children and dream of having as many babies as possible.

Color, element and characteristics of 2018

The yellow color of the year gives the Dog's character wisdom and prudence. At the same time, she also acquires a desire to teach everyone, but does not always give it free rein, which is why among her acquaintances such people are famous for their sound outlook on life.

In this article we will look at the year of which animal according to the horoscope is 2018, what color it is, what to wear to celebrate this new year and what is important to know about the upcoming period...

Read also:

  • 2018 is the year of which animal according to the horoscope: what to wear...
  • Who's year?

    According to the eastern calendar, 2018 is considered to be the year of the yellow dog. The animal is extremely friendly. The year dedicated to the dog promises to be affectionate and supportive of the inhabitants of the earth.

    Definitely worth getting yourself pet, if you dreamed about it, but never dared to acquire a cute creature.

    The Year of the Dog promises to be not only favorable. For many people, the year of the dog 2018 will present financial well-being as a gift.

    Now, having figured out what the year 2018 will be like, what animal according to the horoscope, let’s take a closer look true friend person.

    Loyalty and friendliness forces dogs to do, without exception, everything permissible in order to maintain relationships with their own family - provide assistance, protect from minor trifles, rush to support comrades, share everything (including the last bone), often excluding the presence of their own hobbies.

    But these qualities of character of a “comrade human” do not at all mean that people within the time frame of 2018 will begin to possess the above qualities. Absolutely everyone has their own characteristics...

    Since this is the year of the yellow dog, it is necessary to note that yellow is the tone of joy, clear illumination of the year, fun, uniqueness, independence, conviction. In combination with the disposition of the owner of the holiday, a bright, exciting time awaits us ahead.

    Let us recall that the above describes the characteristics of a dog, an animal whose name symbolizes the year 2018 according to the horoscope according to the Eastern calendar.

    What color will be in fashion in 2018?

    So, we have consistently come to another important problem: what kind of costume should you find to welcome 2018? First of all, let’s take a look at the colors in general.

    Of course, the main accent will be the color YELLOW and all its shades.

    Just do not forget that for people with certain body features, the color yellow may not only not give beautiful shapes, but also highlight flaws.

    Of course, yellow often makes you look old. For this reason, concentrate your interest in other Christmas colors yellow: chestnut, sandy, yellowish brown, bright orange.

    With such a variety of colors, choosing a Christmas dress is not at all difficult. If you are concentrating on the yellow color, then take note that the most beautiful outfits in this shade look in the style of multi-layers and weightless sundresses. Constantly important, expensive looking - noble metal.

    Since 2018 is the year of the dog, a chestnut tone will be very useful for men. This color is perfect for men's Christmas suits.

    If you are not a fan of colorful clothes, the dog allows you to wear a dark chestnut dress and choose elegant amber accessories that are close in shade to wood. The choice of dress model can be different, the main requirement is practicality and convenience.

    Jewelry is welcome, preference should be given to gilding, amber, yellow sapphire, wood tones. It is possible to create a dull look for going out on New Year's Eve. A traditional jacket, weightless soft colors (flesh, yellow-red), or a dark chestnut coat will look proportionate when combined with a colorful image.

    What to wear on Christmas Eve? Just as it was established by the owner of the future, a four-legged dog that runs throughout its life on its paws, special holiday shoes, like a Christmas costume, must be comfortable to wear!

    If you chose heels when choosing shoes, they should be extremely comfortable for you, so that the pain caused by new shoes does not interfere with joyful dancing. This year, shoes with an open toe should be given an advantage.

    Which animal costume should children transform into?

    Looking for a New Year's outfit for New Year's holidays at school or kindergarten? The first thought that comes to mind when thinking about a costume for the year of the dog is the costume itself for the representative of the celebration.

    The dog is the only one of the most famous figures in 2018. A more complete dog outfit can be purchased in infant shopping center. However, if you buy a dog costume, there is a risk that the children’s parents will agree on a New Year’s costume for their child. Therefore, a children's party in kindergarten can turn into a “pack of doggies.”

    Photo: children's dog costume for New Year 2018

    To avoid this kind of problem, it is advised to order a suit from a tailor, making the look unique and inimitable. For example, as a template you can use the image of your favorite dog character from cartoons, comics or movies. Bring to mind as many images of dogs from cartoons, fairy tales, and other works as possible.

    Look at illustrations for children's books, remember Soviet children's films. Since the dog is a friend of man, it often appears in cartoon productions. Take ideas from the works of different generations, ask your parents for help. Through joint family efforts you will create your own unique design.

    Combine elements of dog characters from different cartoons to create something of your own. Probably, this small list of tips is enough to come up with a look. Use your imagination as much as possible, because childhood lasts relatively short. You may not even notice how your baby will stop being interested in cute little children's costumes and stop believing in magic and Santa Claus.

    No matter how much you don’t want to realize it, you still have to come to it. So don't skimp on New Year's costumes, gifts. Do everything possible to ensure that your child remembers New Year 2018, the year of the dog. Give him a lot of new memories. Don't forget to take a camera or phone with a camera to capture the best moments children's party in kindergarten, school.

    What dishes to serve on the holiday table to please the dog?

    After we have figured out the year of which animal in 2018 according to the horoscope, and what to meet, it remains main question: what to cook?

    Photo: salad in the shape of a dog

    Every year before the holidays, many average residents have a desire to decorate, set the table in an unusual way, surprise guests with decor and delicious dishes on the holiday table. After all, every new year I want to start new life, change certain nuances, and for starters, simply decorate your apartment beautifully for the upcoming holiday.

    How to properly, quickly, easily, simply set the table so that the presented dishes and serving please not only the guests, but the four-legged favorite of many - the dog? Let's figure it out, consider what should certainly be present on the festive table, because we found out the year of which animal according to the horoscope in 2018, we now need to please it...

    Dogs are considered relatively not picky animals, so there is no point in thinking through a specific New Year's menu. It is advisable that meat and sausage products should be present on the festive table. Possible ham and bacon.

    The hostess of the New Year does not highlight any special preferences among the varieties of cape: during the pre-New Year purchase at the grocery store, she can safely put any favorite meat of her relatives in the basket.

    In most families, not a single New Year is complete without salads, such as Olivier salad, herring under a fur coat, and vinaigrette. Also, each family has its own traditional salad, invariably prepared annually for Christmas celebrations. The hostess of the coming year will happily accept any salad, be it exotic, prepared in a certain way unique recipe, known to several people, or the most unusual, but incredibly delicious salad.

    You don’t have to worry too much about setting the table either. We can confidently say that the dog will definitely appreciate the presence of minimalist dishes in white/pastel colors on the holiday table. When choosing a tablecloth, pay attention to covers made from natural ingredients such as linen. This tablecloth not only looks very beautiful on the table, but is also much more pleasant to the touch than tablecloths made from artificial materials.

    Characteristics of people born in the year of the dog in 2018

    In this subsection of the article you will find not only a continuation of the description of the dog’s character, but also general characteristics people born in the year of the dog.

    In general, people often correspond quite accurately to the animals in the year in which they were born. The Year of the Dog was no exception. All of the above applies not only to the character of dogs, but also to people born this year.

    Also, people born in the year of the dog are prone to extreme exaggeration. To put it in more picturesque language, they rush from one extreme to another, distinguishing only two stripes in life: white or black. If dogs begin to guard the house, they will either guard it without sparing themselves, to the last drop, or, on the contrary, they will not be trainable and will not react to hostile people.

    So with people born in the year of the dog - they either do everything at once, as efficiently as possible, or do nothing at all. Is this a good trait or not? It's up to you to decide. But many are still inclined to think that excessive perfectionism is a bad quality for career growth, building relationships with people, establishing contacts, achieving goals. But this quality has helped quite a few people in various aspects of life. The main thing is to be able to correctly use this character trait.

    Another characteristic quality of both sides is the ability to keep secrets. This quality, unlike the previous one, will definitely not bring any harm to the owner, but, on the contrary, will leave good memories and thoughts about the person who has this ability.

    After all, you can have a heart-to-heart talk with a person who knows how to keep secrets at any time, without fear that the next day about secret secret everyone you know will know.

    The dogs themselves have been helping people for many years to solve crimes, save people in the mountains, neutralize bandits... Positive qualities Dogs in terms of work can be described for a long time, because the list of their services to humanity is extremely long. Consequently, people born in the year of the dog, like their patroness, are able to work, love to work, and are completely devoted to their favorite work. If excessive perfectionism does not get in the way of hard work, people with such character can make excellent workers...

    Have you found out which animal’s year will be according to the horoscope in 2018 (year Yellow Dog), now it's time to prepare for the New Year celebrations...