
Summary of a lesson on literature on the topic: "The originality of V.V. Mayakovsky's love lyrics." The originality of Mayakovsky's love lyrics

Love lyrics by Vladimir Mayakovsky


1. Introduction

2.To whom did he dedicate his poems?

3.Features love lyrics Mayakovsky

4. Conclusion


Vladimir Mayakovsky is one of the most outstanding and extravagant poets of the 20th century. Starting out as a futurist, he created his own and unique literary style that cannot be confused with any other.

Despite his great popularity in society, Vladimir’s life was not easy. He went through many difficulties and mental anguish. He especially got it from the fair sex - women. They were the medicine and poison for the Lighthouse.

They caused him a lot of pain, but without them the world would not have seen a number of beautiful works of art. It is the love lyrics of this poet that will be discussed.

To whom did Mayakovsky dedicate his poems?

Vladimir had an extremely unusual appearance. To put it bluntly, he was a tall man with rough features. However, behind the stern appearance hid a vulnerable and sensitive heart. This is precisely why he attracted women, to whom he dedicated his poems. The poet did not fall in love often. Unlike Yesenin, he was extremely selective. We can name only four chosen ones who were able to conquer “”.

The first was Maria Denisova-Schadenko, a famous sculptor in the USSR. They met in Odessa in 1914 and a long romance began. The poet dedicated more than one poem to her. “It Was in Odessa” is considered one of the best. However, they could not be together for a long time. Miscellaneous social status, social mores - all this quickly separated this unusual couple. As a result, Maria married someone else.

The theme of separation and a broken heart is reflected in the poet’s first major work, “A Cloud in Pants.” All wounds heal sooner or later. Mayakovsky survived the breakup and immediately found his main muse -. The relationship between these people was passionate, crazy, but beautiful. Lily was an unusual woman who always strived for freedom. Vladimir liked this kind of free-thinking, but he suffered from it.

There is no doubt that Mayak was head over heels in love. Easy enough to read best work poet “Lilichka! Instead of a letter." The poet simultaneously enjoyed and suffered from this relationship. He repeatedly discussed the essence of love in his poems (“I Love”, “About This”, and so on). Often the author comes to the conclusion that true love is closely associated with suffering. After all, a truly lover is ready to do anything for the sake of the object of his adoration.

The relationship with Lily was too unstable, so the couple broke up. For a long time the poet wandered in splendid isolation. However, in 1928, he met Tatyana Yakovleva, who became Mayakovsky’s new maid of honor. They were perfect couple. As the poet himself wrote in “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva,” this was the only girl to match him. Unfortunately, Tatyana married another man. Another relationship story ended tragically for our “bull”. Vladimir's last relationship was with. Many believe that they were just good friends. However, the beautiful poem “Unfinished” was dedicated specifically to her.

Features of love lyrics

The poet dedicated the same wonderful poems to these beautiful ladies. Main them distinctive feature is sincerity and sincerity. The poet was not shy about his feelings, so he put all of himself into them. Each piece is a true ode to a beloved. All of these works are filled with incredibly powerful metaphors. Just look at the phrase “I’ll take you in different ways someday - alone or together with Paris.” Poems about love have an unusual and complex rhythm. The author never strived for poetry in its classical style. He was always experimenting with sounds. That is why all love lyrics have short but catchy stanzas.


Love is an amazing feeling. She brought a lot of pain to Vladimir Mayakovsky, but she also forced him to create. If not for all these women, no one would ever have known about the rich inner world of this good-natured giant of a man.

“Love is the heart of everything.”
V.V. Mayakovsky

Lesson Objectives:

  • get acquainted with the recipients of Mayakovsky’s love lyrics;
  • reveal the originality and depth of his poems about love;
  • make sure that love in the life of V.V. Mayakovsky played a decisive role, that Mayakovsky is not so much a singer of the revolution as a living person with a sensitive soul, who knows how to suffer, suffer and love. (slide 3)

Equipment: presentation, collections of poems by V.V. Mayakovsky

During the classes

Hey you!
Hats off!
I'm coming!
the universe is sleeping,
putting it on your paw
with pincers of stars a huge ear.

These are the final lines of the poem “Cloud in Pants”, which V.V. In July 1915, Mayakovsky read in the Petrograd apartment of Lily Yuryevna and Osip Maksimovich Brikov on Zhukovsky Street.

Mayakovsky called this day “the most joyful date”: love for Lile Yuryevne Brik, which determined the poet’s entire life.

Slide 4: portrait of Lily Brik

Lilya Yuryevna herself also recalled this day as the greatest event.

“He thought about it. Then he looked around the room, like a huge audience, read the prologue and asked - not in poetry, but in prose - in a quiet, since then unforgettable voice

Do you think it's malaria that's raving? It was. It was in Odessa.

We raised our heads and did not take our eyes off the unprecedented miracle until the end.

Mayakovsky never changed his position. He didn't look at anyone. He complained, was indignant, mocked, demanded, became hysterical, pausing between parts.”

Mayakovsky fell madly in love. The poem “Cloud in Pants” was immediately dedicated to Lilya Brik, and many years later, in 1928, Mayakovsky wrote her name on the first volume of his collected works - thus dedicating to her everything that he had created.

From the first days of their acquaintance, the Brikov family became Mayakovsky’s family for life.

Slide 5: portrait of Mayakovsky with the Briks.

He always felt at home in the Brikovs' apartment; it became a real center of modern literary life. Burliuk, Khlebnikov, Aseev, Pasternak, Kuzmin were here.

Mayakovsky's relationship with Lilya, of course, from the very beginning was not just a relationship between a talented poet and a sensitive listener. Mayakovsky was in love with all the strength of his temperament - i.e. with truly immeasurable power.

In the autumn of 1915, a poem was written “Spine Flute” stunning with the intensity of love experiences and the poetic power with which they are embodied.

Let's turn to the text of the poem and find the lines that convey the strength of the poet's feelings.

Everything he wrote at this time was imbued with love.

On May 26, 1916, the poem “ Lilichka! Instead of a letter”, which was not published during Mayakovsky’s lifetime.

Reading a poem by a student.

What epithets and metaphors of this poem amaze with their depth and accuracy of conveying the author’s feelings?

Pay attention to the final lines, which can rightfully be considered masterpieces of love poetry:

Give me at least
cover with the last tenderness
your leaving step.

Relations with Brick were difficult. Short periods of happiness (Lilya even declared her love for Mayakovsky to her husband) were followed by the poet’s painful experiences.

The happy time in his relationship with Lilya gave Mayakovsky enormous creative energy.

In 1922, the poem “ I love” is the brightest of all his hymns to women.

- How is love shown in this work?

Teacher: But the breakdown in the relationship was not long in coming. Along with the poem “ About it"- with a poem about love, despair, loneliness, Mayakovsky in 1923 wrote a letter-diary addressed to Lila Yuryevna. She found this letter only after the poet's death. The letter gives an idea of ​​what happened in Mayakovsky’s soul during the 2 months of separation from Lilya.

“...Now there is no simple past, no long past for me, but there is one indivisible horror that continues to this day. Horror is not a word, Lilichka, but a state - I would now describe all types of human grief with meat and blood.

There is one benefit from all this: the following lines, which seemed to me like fortune-telling until yesterday, have become firm and unshakable.

Is it even possible to live like this? It is possible, but only for a short time. Anyone who lives at least these 39 days can safely receive a certificate of immortality. Therefore, I cannot make any ideas about the organization of my future life based on this experience. I will never repeat any of these 39 days in my life.

Again about my love. About the notorious activity. Does love exhaust everything for me? Everything, but only differently. Love is life, this is the main thing. Poems and deeds and everything else unfold from it. Love is the heart of everything. If it stops working, everything else dies off, becomes superfluous, unnecessary. But if the heart works, it cannot manifest itself in everything. Without you (not without you “away”, but internally without you) I stop. This has always been the case, and this is the case now. But if there is no “activity”, I am dead

Do you love me? This must be a strange question for you - of course you love. But do you love me? Do you love so much that I constantly feel it? No. You don’t have love for me, you have love for everything in general.

What kind of life can we have, what kind of life do I agree to as a result? All kinds. For every kind. I miss you terribly and I want to see you terribly.”

The parting lasted long and painfully - however, the final break never happened. Right up until Mayakovsky’s death, Lilya kept a vigilant eye on his hobbies – fleeting and serious, making sure that these relationships did not go beyond just hobbies.

Her influence on Mayakovsky was enormous. When in 1927 she heard rumors that Vladimir Vladimirovich was going to marry Natalia Bryukhanenko,

Photo of Bryukhanenko, whom he met at Gosizdat and traveled around Crimea, Lilya Yuryevna wrote to him: “Volodya, don’t do this...”. The wedding did not take place.

Teacher: While abroad, in New York, Mayakovsky met with Ellie Jones(Elizaveta Petrovna Siebert), an American of Russian origin. She recalled:

Slide 7: photo by Jones

Student: “He was 32 years old, I was 20, we were both young and knew that our relationship had to fit into a short period of time. It was like a clot, a time capsule.”

Teacher: Apparently, Mayakovsky’s feelings for Ellie Jones were not particularly deep. But this did not affect his behavior in any way.

Student: “Having seen him off to the ship and returning home, I wanted to throw myself on the bed and cry - for him, for Russia - but I couldn’t: the whole bed was strewn with forget-me-nots. He had so little money, but it was his style! Where did he get the forget-me-nots at the end of October in New York? Must have ordered it long before.”

Teacher: Ellie Jones gave birth to Mayakovsky’s daughter, Helen-Patricia, who still lives in America.

Slide 8: photo of Mayakovsky’s daughter

Teacher: In 1928, Mayakovsky met in Paris with Tatyana Alekseevna Yakovleva.

Slide 9: photo of Yakovleva

The poems “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva” and “Letter to Comrade Kostrov about the essence of love” are dedicated to her (Kostrov was the editor-in-chief of Komsomolskaya Pravda, in which Mayakovsky published these poems).

Tatyana Yakovleva was 21 years old in 1928. This woman had everything: beauty, intelligence, tact.

Mayakovsky fell in love with her instantly, judging by the poems, at first sight:

they come up in a murmur.
will be able to
Can you?

Prove from the poems dedicated to Tatyana Yakovleva that Mayakovsky felt very much for her strong feeling.

Please quote.

(“Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”, “Letter to Comrade Kostrov about the essence of love”

Teacher: Probably for the first time Mayakovsky did not feel fear in the woman he loved before the strength of his feelings.

Student: “I was perfectly aware that everything in his life had changed. I felt it immediately. Everything was so tender, so careful. At the first meeting - it was cold - he took off his coat in a taxi and wrapped my legs - such, for example, a little thing... The man was absolutely extraordinary wit and charm. I didn’t “like” him, I loved him.”

There was probably no inconsistency of feelings this time. There was another obstacle - an insurmountable one... It turned out that it was much easier to invite the Eiffel Tower to Moscow than Tatyana Yakovleva. Mayakovsky could not help but understand that such a change of fate was impossible for her, that this woman could only be “taken” together with Paris,” and this, in turn, was impossible for him. And yet, Vladimir Vladimirovich called her - he called her with letters and telegrams.

In 1929, during Mayakovsky’s last visit to Paris, Tatyana Alekseevna promised him to make a final decision regarding her return or non-return to Moscow the next time Vladimir Vladimirovich came.

But Mayakovsky’s next visit never happened: he never received another foreign visa.

Here they talk about the participation of Lily Brik. She was jealous of Tatyana Yakovleva - mainly as the inspiration for the poems that the poet had so far dedicated only to Lila.

Mayakovsky never came to Paris again. And he probably realized that he had to forget about Yakovleva, and tried his best to do so.

Soon Mayakovsky began to court Veronica Polonskaya.

Slide 10: photo of Polonskaya

The acquaintance with Polonskaya took place on May 13, 1929. At that time, many heard from Vladimir Vladimirovich the words: only the real one can save me, great love. He was looking for such love and probably hoped to find it in Nora Polonskaya, an actress at the Moscow Art Theater who had just turned 20 and was married to the famous actor Mikhail Yashin.

Veronica Polonskaya wrote detailed memoirs about the last year of Mayakovsky's life.

An intelligent and subtle person, she accuses herself of not understanding the severe mental crisis that Vladimir Vladimirovich was experiencing then. Veronica Vitoldovna writes about her inexperience in life, about her passion for the theater, about the inability to consult with anyone, about the ambiguity of her position in relation to her husband... All this made the relationship with Mayakovsky very difficult and tense.

Polonskaya believed that the lines about “mutual pain, troubles and insults” from Mayakovsky’s last poem were addressed to her: these words, in her opinion, accurately characterized their relationship.

- Let's listen to this poem performed by N. Noskov to the music of D. Tukhmanov - a true masterpiece of love lyrics. (Appendix 1)

Vladimir Vladimirovich demanded that Polonskaya divorce her husband, marry him, and leave the theater. But Veronica Vitoldovna could not decide on a sharp change in fate.

Relations with Polonskaya did not become the saving straw that Mayakovsky wanted to grab onto.

Veronica Polonskaya witnessed the last minutes of Mayakovsky's life. She wrote about them in her memoirs with protocol precision.

Scene: student (Polonskaya) and student (Mayakovsky) Slide 12: Mayakovsky and Polonskaya

(Mayakovsky quickly walked around the room. Almost ran)

So, will you go to rehearsal?

Yes I am going.

And will you see Yanshin?

Ah well! Well then leave, leave immediately, this very minute.

(Vladimir Vladimirovich opened the drawer, slammed it and ran around the room again)

Why don't you even see me off?


No, girl, go alone... Be calm for me.


I'll call. Do you have money for a taxi?

(Gave 20 rubles)

So will you call?

(Polonskaya went out the door, walked a few steps, a shot rang out (Appendix 1), returned)

What have you done? What have you done?

Let's summarize the topic of the lesson: what is unique about Mayakovsky's love lyrics?

Students summarize the results and write them down in their notebooks. slide 13.

Despite all the efforts of the authorities to “bury the poet” and label him “iron Soviet,” we hear his powerful voice years later. He teaches us to live and love.

And I hope that you will not remain indifferent to this amazing, contradictory, brilliant, dreaming of the impossible, right and wrong, a powerful poet with a defenseless soul.

Because “love is the heart of everything.”

Slide 14: epigraph.

Homework: prepare an expressive memorization of the poems “Lilichka” and “Unfinished” (optional). (slide 15)

  1. Mayakovsky V.V. Poems. Poems. Plays.- M.: Bustard: Veche, 2002. 320 p.
  2. Compilation, introductory article, comments by T.A. Sotnikova.

Literature lesson summary. In 11th grade

Lesson topic: The originality of V. V. Mayakovsky’s love lyrics. Its evolution in the poet’s work. (Poems “Lilichka!”, “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love”, “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”, “Unfinished”)

Epigraph to the lesson: “Love is the heart of everything...” (V. Mayakovsky)

Educational goal of the lesson: to identify how the theme of love developed in the work of V. Mayakovsky, determining the pattern that the love theme in early work V. Mayakovsky is romanticized, and in the post-revolutionary period it takes on a social meaning.

Lesson objectives:

to reveal the poet’s “huge love”, to show what a subtle and soulful lyricist he was, how deeply he knew how to feel;

Having analyzed in detail V. Mayakovsky’s program poem “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love”, to identify Mayakovsky’s views on love lyrics in general, which, according to the poet, solving moral and ethical problems of great importance, has enormous social meaning.

Educational goal: to help children understand that in feelings, even the most intimate, one must be high and pure.

Developmental goals: strengthening the skills of analyzing a poetic text, the ability to read, reread and comprehend a literary text; practicing expressive reading of lyrical works; development of logical, figurative and associative thinking.

Homework for this lesson:

1. Read the poems of V. Mayakovsky“Lilichka!”, “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love”, “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”, “Unfinished”, bring texts to class.

2. Prepare to analyze poems“Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love”, “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”.

Individual tasks:

1. Learn by heart V. Mayakovsky’s poem “Lilychka!”, prepare for its expressive reading in class.

2. Analyze the poems by V. Mayakovsky “Lilichka! Instead of a letter."

3. Learn by heart a poem by V. Mayakovsky"Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva"prepare for his expressive reading in class.

Lesson plan.

I.introduction teachers Announcement of the topic, setting goals and objectives of the lesson.3 minutes .

1.. Reading to students by heart the poem “Lilichka!3 minutes .

2.Implementation homework. Analysis of the poem “Lilichka! . If students are not ready for independent analysis, it is carried out in the form of a conversation.4 minutes .

3. The teacher’s word, preceding the study of the poem “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love.”1 minute .

Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love."5 minutes .

4. Analysis of the poem “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love” during the conversation.15 – 20 minutes .

5.Reading to students by heart the poem “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva.”3 minutes .

6. Analysis of the poem “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva.” Teacher comment or conversation.3 minutes .

7. Final word teachers on the topic of the lesson.2 minutes 1 minute . Summarizing. Grading.1 minute .

Homework.1 minute .

During the classes.

I. Teacher's opening speech. Announcement of the topic, setting goals and objectives of the lesson.

Good morning, Guys.

We continue to study the lyrics of Vladimir Mayakovsky.

An idea of ​​Mayakovsky's lyrics will be incomplete without characterizing his poems and poems about love. Perhaps nowhere has the innovative character of the poet’s lyrics manifested itself with such certainty as in the formulation and interpretation of this “eternal” theme of poetry.

Write down the topic of today's lesson: “Love lyrics by V. Mayakovsky. Its evolution in the poet’s work.”

We have already talked to you about the fact that love was one of the leading themes in the pre-October work of V. Mayakovsky. The theme of love, staged in “A Cloud in Pants” and becoming central in “Spine Flute,” was heard in the poem “Man” and in many of the young poet's early poems. Mayakovsky, as we know, always gravitated towards social understanding of this intimate topic. The depiction of unrequited love, characteristic of the vast majority of Mayakovsky's pre-revolutionary poems, allowed the poet to reveal the tragedy of man in the world of capitalism, where everything - including love - is subordinated to monetary purity. The formula “money - love - passion”, sounded in “A Cloud in Pants”, determined, as you know, the tragedy of the love conflict in all of Mayakovsky’s pre-revolutionary poetry.

True, in the first post-revolutionary years, Mayakovsky seemed to move away from the theme of love, but then it again powerfully attracted the poet to itself. In 1922 he wrote the poem “I Love”, in 1923 - “About This”, and later, in 1926-1930, he created a number of beautiful lyric poems. It is these verses, the list of which is given on the board, that we will talk about in today’s lesson. Please write down their names and the date of writing in your notebook:

“Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love” (1928).

“Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva” (1928).

"Unfinished" (1930).

As an epigraph to the lesson, the words of the poet himself are taken from his letter of confession: “Love is the heart of everything...” They help us determine the purpose and objectives of today's lesson. We must find out how the theme of love evolved (i.e. developed) in Mayakovsky’s work, what love is for Mayakovsky at the end of the 20s, what its essence is, according to Mayakovsky, whether he said yours word in highlighting this “eternal” theme of Russian poetry.

We will begin our search for answers to these questions by checking the homework that you completed in groups. One of the most piercing and best poems by early Mayakovsky is “Lilichka! Instead of a letter." Please read it by heart and analyze it based on your homework.

II. Reading to students by heart the poem “Lilichka!”

III. Implementation of homework. Analysis of the poem “Lilychka!” (survey by group). If students are not ready for independent analysis, it is carried out in the form of a conversation.

1. What does the poet oppose to his love? (The poet contrasts the images of a bull and an elephant with his love. They are the embodiment of strength and power, independence. In this way they correlate with the image of the lyrical hero.)

2.. What is unique about these images?

3.. What place does the poet give to love in his life? (For a poet it is only possible happy love. The very existence of unhappy love is evidence of the imperfection of the world and becomes one of the main reasons for the remaking of reality. For the poet, the spiritual aspect of love is presented in inseparable unity with the physical, and therefore he does not have the very idea of ​​so-called platonic, selfless love.)

IV. The teacher’s word, preceding the study of the poem “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love.”

As we see, in V. Mayakovsky’s early work the love theme is romanticized. And what sound does it acquire in the post-revolutionary period already from the mature Mayakovsky? To answer this question, let us turn to two messages of love written in the late autumn of 1928 in Paris, where Mayakovsky met a simple Russian girl, Tatyana Yakovleva.

Here, in Paris, a real, great feeling came to Mayakovsky. He fell in love with a girl, this inspired him to write poems about love, with whom he had already said goodbye in “Yubileiny”. (Remember: “Come on, Mayakovsky! Loom to the south! Torture your heart with rhymes - here comes the boat of love, dear Vladim Vladimych.”)

The first to appear was “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris on the essence of love.” Taras Kostrov, to whom the message is addressed, was a talented journalist who died early, in 1927 - 1928 Chief Editor newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

Reading a poem

VI. Analysis of the poem “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love” during the conversation.

1. What is the theme of the poem and where is it stated?

The theme of the poem is defined in the title. This poem is about the "essence of love."

2. In what aspect is this topic addressed in the poem: aesthetic, philosophical, moral, ethical, ethical?

The title emphasizes both the moral and philosophical aspect of the topic, and partly its ironic perception. Throughout the entire poem, the poet’s completely serious thoughts will coexist with jokes, irony, and often self-irony; the serious will take the form of light humor. This trend was evident from the very first lines:



Comrade Kostrov,

with inherent

spiritual breadth,

that part

on Paris of released stanzas

to the lyrics


I'll squander it.

3. What image of the poet is outlined in the very first stanza of the poem and where does it develop? What is the content of the poem?

The image of the poet outlined in the first stanza, “squandering” poetic lines on love lyrics, develops in the last three stanzas, where the poet, meeting a beauty “decorated in furs and beads” (her prototype is Tatyana Yakovleva), enters into conversation with her (“I He took this beauty and said - did he say it right or wrong?”). At this point, the conversation with Taras Kostrov essentially turns into a conversation with the “beauty”, which determines the content of the poem.

4. What is the “famous” poet in his country talking about, as he himself imagines, in the prime of his creative and vital powers (he is “thirty... with a ponytail”), to his young interlocutor? How serious is the poet?

The beginning of the conversation is clearly frivolous. The poet, addressing the young woman, jokingly admits:

For girls

any poets.

I speak my teeth -


agree to listen.

5. Which lines change the humorous tone of the poem?

Don't catch


on rubbish

on the passerby

a couple of feelings.



wounded by love -

I can barely drag myself.

These lines dramatically change the tone of the conversation. From a joke, the poet moves on to a serious conversation about the “essence of love.” There is no trace left of the appearance of a carefree poet who is “bewitching” girls. Before us is a man enveloped in a feeling of love. “I’m forever wounded by love,” he admits.

6. How is true love measured according to Mayakovsky?

True love cannot be measured by a wedding; it is measured by something incomparably greater and is tested by the whole human life.

To me


not to measure the wedding:

fell out of love -

swam away.

Me, comrade,


don't care

on the domes.

Well, let's go into details,

stop jokes,

I'm beautiful,

not twenty, -


with a ponytail.

7. This is how the first part of the poem ends, playing the role of a kind of introduction to it. What follows are four stanzas that reveal the problem, which, judging by the title, should become the main one in the poem. Read them and determine what is being said here, in the main part of the poem?


not that

to boil faster,

not that

that they burn with coals,

but in that

what rises behind the mountains of breasts


jungle hair.

Be in love -

this means:

deep into the yard

run in

and until the night of the rooks,

shining with an axe,

chopping wood,

by force



Be in love -

it's from the sheets,



break down

jealous of Copernicus,


and not the husband of Marya Ivanna,






not heaven but tabernacles,



buzzing about

what now

put into operation


cold motor.

Here we are talking about Mayakovsky’s understanding love feeling, i.e. about the “essence of love.”

8. Already the first of the four stanzas is aimed at moral and philosophical illumination of the essence of love:


not that

to boil faster,

not that

that they burn with coals,

but in that

what rises behind the mountains of breasts


jungle hair.

Mayakovsky refuses to consider love only as a physiological feeling. For the poet, “what stands behind the mountains of breasts” is incomparably more important, which feelings are born in the human heart by love. So far this question has only just been raised. The answer to this is given in the following verses. Which? Read it.

Be in love -

this means:

deep into the yard

run in

and until the night of the rooks,

shining with an axe,

chopping wood,

by force



Overwhelmed by love, the hero of the poem, “playfully with his strength,” is ready to “chop wood with a shining ax,” compete with Copernicus himself, create, write poetry:

Be in love -

it's from the sheets,



break down

jealous of Copernicus,


and not the husband of Marya Ivanna,




9. Now look at the next stanza and tell me what the meaning of love is for Mayakovsky.

The great meaning of love for Mayakovsky is not that it provides lovers with “paradise and tabernacles,” but that

what now

put into operation


cold motor.

10. But “Letter to Comrade Kostrov...” is not limited to just stating love as a stimulus that makes the “frozen engine of the heart” work. In it - and in this one of the most important features works - Mayakovsky goes further, showing the connection between the feeling of love and the creative process. Mayakovsky shows how the transformation of love feelings into poetry occurs. The last part of the poem is devoted to reproducing this process. Read the next stanza.


to Moscow

the thread was broken.

Years –


As if

you should


is this a condition?

11. Addressing his interlocutor, the poet wants to explain to him “this state” - the process of the birth of a poetic word. How does this happen? Read it.

On the ground

lights up to the sky...

In the blue sky

stars -

to hell.

If I

was not a poet

I would



12. So, the poet “wounded by love” walks through the streets of the city, and everything is perceived by him through the prism of his excited state. And the city is noisy around. We read:

Raises the area noise,

the crews are moving,

I go,

I write poems

in a notebook.

They're rushing


on the street,

but not knocked to the ground.


smart girls:

Human -

in ecstasy.

A host of visions

and ideas


to the lid.

There would be

and among bears

wings would grow.

Of course, there is a joke and self-irony here too (cars don’t run over someone who doesn’t follow the rules traffic poet, because they understand: “a man is in ecstasy,” etc.), but, as we have already seen, Mayakovsky was also able to in a humorous way express serious thoughts. A poetic word born of love matures in the poet’s soul. And when “it has boiled”, it appears - the great word of poetry. And it “simmers” - and this is especially characteristic of Mayakovsky - not in the silence of offices, not in solitude from people, but in the very thick of life, among the city noise, bustle, traffic, in the “penny canteen” where the poet went. However, Mayakovsky himself said it best. Read these lines:

And so

with some

penny dining room,


it's boiled over

from the throat

to the stars

the word soars

golden comet.

Spread out


heaven by a third,


and his plumage burns...

13. It is noteworthy that Mayakovsky, as a rule, avoided lofty, “poetic” words, turns and expressions, here, in describing how a poetic word is born, he turns precisely to lofty vocabulary. Name these words.

The “boiled” word “soars” like a “golden-born comet” “from the mouth of the stars”, the tail of the word-comet is “spread out to the skies by a third”, the “plumage” of the comet “glitters”, “burns”.

14. If we remember that quite recently in the same poem we encountered such reduced, colloquial vocabulary as “I’m talking my teeth”, “I don’t care about the domes”, “Stop the jokes”, “To hell”, “I’m writing poems” etc., then it will become clear that Mayakovsky’s favorite technique is also evident in this poem. Name this technique.

This is a technique of contrast.

15. But the message to Taras Kostrov does not end there. Having spoken about how a poetic word is born caused by a feeling of love, Mayakovsky raises the question of to whom this word is addressed. So, who?

The poet claims that a “boiling” word is needed in order to -

so that two lovers

look at the stars

from theirs

lilac gazebos.

To lift

and lead

and attract

who have weakened their eyes.

So that the enemy


cut off the shoulders


shining saber.

16. The idea expressed in these lines is extremely important for understanding not only the poem being analyzed, but also Mayakovsky’s views on love lyrics in general: poems about love, born of the most intimate feeling, are needed not only by lovers “looking at the stars.” Solving moral and ethical problems of great importance, love lyrics have enormous social meaning.

In one of the poems of 1927, sharply criticizing the love lyrics of the poet Ivan Molchanov, Mayakovsky wrote:


about personal happiness

not simple.


for the republic

thugs are climbing,

Personal happiness -



our republic

wealth and power.

In an atmosphere of ideological struggle between two social systems love poetry for Mayakovsky cannot remain neutral. “Or is there no threat from the enemy behind the love whim?” – the poet asked the same Molchanov.

So what should love lyrics be like, according to Mayakovsky? Did he answer this question in his poem?

In “Letter to Comrade Kostrov...” Mayakovsky essentially gave an answer to the question of what love lyrics should be like. With his poem, he argued that the purpose of poetry - “to lift, and lead, and attract” - also applies to love lyrics. And poems about love should help those who have “weak eyes.” The “tailed, shining saber” of lyric poetry is called upon to “cut off” the “enemy’s heads” from the shoulders.

The idea of ​​the unity of personal and social in a person of a socialist society, which emerged in the works of Mayakovsky in the early 20s, was posed with renewed vigor in the poems of 1928. Perhaps nowhere did she find such a vivid expression as in the “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva,” written immediately after the “Letter to Comrade Kostrov...”. Remember?

In a kiss hands,


in body trembling

those close to me



my republics




17. What does the poet say at the end of the poem?

In the finale of “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris on the Essence of Love,” the poet, listening to his heart, in which all-consuming love is about to “hum,” declares:


until the last knock in the chest,

like on a date,


I listen:

love will hum -



18. This is how the poem affirms the essence of the community - love for a woman, for people, for life, for creativity, for struggle. Simple, human feelings. But this simplicity is only apparent, for it combines three huge elements:




they come up in a murmur.


will he be able to cope?

Can you?


The same struggle of passions is reflected in the poem “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva.” Let's read it.

VIII. Analysis of the poem “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva.” Teacher comment or conversation.

1. What lines in this poem can touch the soul? Why?

2. What is rejected in this poem from the point of view of humanity?

3. Why did Mayakovsky consider unity of thoughts and positions to be an indispensable condition for love, so that

in the kiss of hands,


in body trembling

those close to me



my republics



blaze ? Or maybe the poet was being a hypocrite?

This is a sincere, unconditional idea of ​​state power. And he himself, without realizing it, becomes a herald of violence and demagoguery. This is the tragedy. The tragedy of conformism and faith, ideals and great state deception.

Possible teacher comment:

And here, from the very first lines, the social imperative of love is exposed: “Whether in the kiss of hands, lips, in the trembling bodies of those close to me, the red color of my republics should also glow.” And here it is - not love at all, love To her .

You are the only one for me

height level,

stand next to me

With eyebrow eyebrow,


about this

important evening



From these verses one can guess: love arose at first sight and struck the poet in the very heart. He even records this hour: “Five o’clock, and from now on the dense forest of people has fallen silent, the inhabited city has died out...” At some point, deafness to the rest of the world, except for one’s chosen one, is accompanied by the phenomenon of love. And jealousy - this insidious companion-tempter of hers - now surpasses all comparisons from “Letter to Comrade Kostrov...”, where jealousy of Copernicus seemed to be the highest degree of its manifestation. Nowadays it corresponds to a cosmic scale.

In the black sky

lightning step,



in the heavenly drama, -

not a thunderstorm

and this


Jealousy moves mountains.

One cannot help but feel how a young romantic is making his way through the years in Mayakovsky, just about ready to come into conflict with all the heavenly forces that could interfere with his love. But this love has a social background, and you can’t escape it. Beloved left Soviet Russia and does not want to return there, jealousy is associated with the mention of “offspring of the nobility.” On this basis, the poet covers it with the name of his homeland. (“It’s not me, but I am jealous for Soviet Russia.”) This means that the beloved poet did not remain deaf to the rest of the world.

His jealousy remained his own, but the lines about how there, in Russia, “hundreds of millions felt bad” sound sincere and strong, and after them, at the end of the poem, the love theme outgrows itself, it seems to flow, intertwine with the theme of personal dignity, closely connected with the dignity of his country, homeland.

Don't think

just squinting

from under straightened arcs.

Come here,

go to the crossroads

my big ones

and clumsy hands.

Do not want?

Stay and winter

and this


We'll reduce it to the general account.

I'm all different


someday I'll take it -


or together with Paris.

So, before Mayakovsky, no one wrote about love. Nobody wrote after that. Everything here is too big, too unconventional.

IX. The teacher's final word on the topic of the lesson.

So, finding out in today's lesson what the “essence of love” is for Vladimir Mayakovsky, we came to the understanding that for the poet love and the revolutionary transformation of life are inseparable. This is especially clearly expressed in the poem “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”:

Is it in the kiss of hands,


in body trembling

those close to me



my republics




This is not just a love confession. The all-burning flame of “inconceivable love” for a woman and for the revolution is embodied here in a single image.

We are convinced that in his late lyrics Mayakovsky blurs the lines between the poet’s intimate and civil feelings.

The merging of the personal experiences of the lyrical hero with the infinity of the world is most accurately reflected in Mayakovsky’s last masterpiece, “Unfinished.”

...the love boat crashed into everyday life.

We are even with you - and there is no need for a list

mutual pains, troubles and insults.

Look how quiet the world is!

The night covered the sky with starry tribute;

at hours like these you get up and talk

centuries, history and the universe

The poet Vladimir Mayakovsky did not say much to the centuries, history and the universe, “...he did not live up to his earthly things, he did not love his things on earth,” but the main thing, I think, he managed to say.

X. Recording conclusions in student notebooks.

The “eternal” theme of the lyrics – love – runs through Mayakovsky’s entire work, from his early poems to his last poem “Unfinished”. But if in early work the love theme is romanticized, then in post-revolutionary work it acquires a social resonance, the lines between the poet’s intimate and civil feelings are erased.

XI. . Summarizing. Grading.

XII. Homework.

1. Answer the question in writing: “How does the lyrical hero of the late Mayakovsky imagine the ideal of true love (“Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love”, “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”, etc.)? What is close to you and what is not close to you in the poet’s love lyrics?”

2. Learn by heart one of the poems discussed in class: “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love”, “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva” (optional)


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Lesson 44
The originality of Mayakovsky's love lyrics

Goals : note the originality of Mayakovsky’s love lyrics; trace the evolution of the theme in the poet’s work; develop skills in analyzing poetic text.

During the classes

And God will cry over my book!

Not words - convulsions stuck together in a lump;

and will run across the sky with my poems under


V. Mayakovsky

I. Opening remarks.

Teacher . In my memories artist Yuri Annenkov wrote about Mayakovsky: “He was huge, muscular and broad-shouldered. He either cut his hair bald, or grew it out to such an extent that it no longer obeyed either a comb or a brush and stubbornly stared in disarray - today in one direction, tomorrow in another. Lower jaw jutted forward carnivorously.<...>To this expression of unfriendliness, he liked to add arrogant, caustic flashes of his eyes...” And then the artist quotes the words of director Vsevolod Meyerhold: “Mayakovsky’s rudeness was infinitely fragile.”

But not everyone discovered this fragility and tenderness hidden in “such a block.” The poet reveals himself in a new way in his poems about love. Among the works on this topic (“I Love!”, “About This” and others), “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love” and “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva” especially stand out. The poetic duology created by the poet in October - November 1928 belongs to the author’s pinnacle works. Both poems, written in a relatively short period of time, differ high degree autobiographical.

II. Working with poem texts.

1. Prepared students present the material (it was previously distributed on cards).

A) It is known that the place where the poems were written is Paris.

The chronology of the foreign trip is as follows. On October 8, 1928, Mayakovsky left Moscow for Berlin. On October 15 he is in Paris. On December 3, he left Paris for Berlin, and on December 9, 1928, he returned to Moscow. In France, from October 20 to 25, the poet visited Nice. Upon returning from Nice to Paris, on October 25 or 26, 1928, Mayakovsky first met and became acquainted with T. A. Yakovleva (1906–1991), young milliner, recently (in 1925) at the request of her uncle, a Parisian artist, moved from Soviet Russia to live in France. This meeting also received a poetic reflection: Tatyana Yakovleva became the addressee of one of the poems in the lyrical dilogy.

B) Research by literary scholars shows that Mayakovsky’s “Parisian” love lyrics are connected not only with Tatyana Yakovleva.

The poet also had another (for him – very important) love and existential conflict, which was reflected in the texts of the “Letters”.

The specifics of the issue became possible to clarify only in the 1990s, when Mayakovsky’s daughter, Helen-Patricia (Elena Vladimirovna) Thompson, openly declared herself in the United States, whose “virtual” existence was known only to a narrow circle of people. In the summer of 1925, Mayakovsky visited the United States of America. Here he met and fell in love with Ellie Jones (Elizaveta Petrovna Siebert, 1904–1985), one of the Russian Germans who left Russia in the first years after the revolution. They were together throughout Mayakovsky's stay in America. Their separation was not easy; Elizabeth and Vladimir already knew that they would soon have a child.

On June 15, 1926, Ellie Jones gave birth to a daughter, Helen-Patricia, in the United States. The correspondence of the parents has been preserved (not completely). A new meeting between Mayakovsky and Ellie Jones took place in 1928, already in Europe. On the 20th of October 1928, the poet saw his daughter for the first time. Mayakovsky, who is “already 30 and at 30 / has begun to break his tail” (“Home!”, 1925, draft manuscript, lines were not included in the final text), experiences a special one - “Hurricane, / fire, / water” (“Letter Comrade Kostrov..." - a flow of emotions and feelings. He became a father! He has a daughter and a family. For the first time since the poems “I Love” and “About This” (1922–1923), the poet returns to love lyrics. In Nice he made the first “blanks” for poems, which soon formed the poetic duology of “Letters” from Paris. The poet's notebook with these first sketches has been preserved.

IN) According to the memoirs of Ellie Jones, having met in Nice, they talked and “cryed” all night. The wide open window of the hotel room looked out at the sleeping city, sea, mountains, and night sky. In the notebook there appear sketches of the most important lines, the key semantic rhymes of the future “Letters” about love: “<море>spots / sleeps, sleeps Nice”; “...jealousy moves mountains”, “eyebrows / level with the eyebrow”; "stargazer / astrologer" and others. All these rhymes, templates, lines were created and recorded before October 25, 1928, even before meeting T. Yakovleva, whose existence Mayakovsky did not even suspect at that time! Obviously, the only “inspiration” and prototype of the heroine of the lyrical work that began to take shape at this stage could only be Ellie Jones, the mother of his daughter.

On October 25 or 26, 1928, Mayakovsky returned from Nice to Paris, in a state of active creative enthusiasm, and wrote a letter to Nice: “Two dear Ellies! I'm already completely bored with you. I dream of coming to you for at least another week. Will you accept? Will you please me? Answer, please (...I’m just afraid that even this would not remain a dream)... I kiss all eight paws of you. Your ox. 26/X. 28."

We must imagine and evaluate the state of Mayakovsky the man these days. Having met “two Ellies”, seeing his own daughter for the first time at the age of 35, he experienced an abundance of new, unusual emotions (“The host of visions / and ideas / is full to the brim...” - “Letter to Comrade Kostrov”).

G) During these same days, Mayakovsky was introduced to Tatyana Yakovleva in Paris. She becomes one of the first listeners, and then, apparently, in some details, and the object - the interlocutor of the created lyrical works, to which the poet soon turned again.

During this period, the prototype of the lyrical heroine of a love poetic duology becomes to some extent bifurcated - “My life is somehow strange...” (from a letter of those days to Moscow). The figurative system of the lyrical narrative includes paintings associated not only with Ellie Jones, but partly with Tatyana Yakovleva. The name of the first is associated with images that are the most emotionally intense, lyrically frenzied, almost hysterical, and metaphorically complicated. With the name of the second - the images are simpler, narrative, but tying the action to Paris. The deepest motives for the appearance of this message, the subtexts remain encrypted, unknown to the reader and in no way deducible directly from the text of the poem. This, obviously, was the poet’s creative task here.

2. Expressive reading poem "Letter to Comrade Kostrov..."

- Which artistic media does the author use to convey his emotional state?

– Most of the poem is devoted to defining the very concept of love as such, its “essence.” Find and read these definitions. /“Love is not that...”, “Loving means...”, “Love is a sheet...”, “For us, love is not heaven and tabernacles...”

Teacher . According to the recollections of those who met the poet in November 1928 in Paris, Mayakovsky repeatedly read this poem to listeners both in a narrow circle of acquaintances and and to wider audiences. As usual with Mayakovsky, in such oral readings the text of the poem was clarified, shortened and supplemented. At the same time, apparently, individual stanzas were also “tested”, a little later included in the second poem of the lyrical duology.

The poet's emotional state, deeply personal, hidden, but very important experiences required resolution. And in November 1928, Mayakovsky “entrusted to paper” the second part of the overall lyrical concept, the second part of the dilogy.

3. Expressive reading of a poem"Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva."

Work with text.

A) Teacher . Most of the memories, impressions, “testimonies of contemporaries” about Mayakovsky’s stay in Paris in 1928, his meetings with Tatyana Yakovleva, his attitude towards Yakovleva are notes made many years after the events, by no means “hot on the heels”. Therefore, the most reliable information about those days should be recognized, apparently, as several surviving letters from Yakovlev’s mother in Penza, written in December 1928 - early 1930, that is, really “hot on the heels” of the events.

In December 1928, shortly after leaving for Moscow, Yakovleva wrote to her mother: "IN. M. (Mayakovsky) returned from Paris... It was very difficult for me when he left. This is the most talented person I have met, and, most importantly, in the most interesting field for me,” Yakovleva also wrote poetry. “I think you will be interested in listening to the poems called “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva” and “Letter about Love...” ... He left me “my” poems in two copies, I am sending them to you. Don’t show it to anyone yet...”

In a letter dated December 24, 1928, Yakovleva again writes about Mayakovsky: “...I saw him every day and became very friendly with him. If I've ever treated my "fans" well, it's him, in larger share because of his talent, but even more because of his amazing and literally touching attitude towards me. In terms of attention and caring (even for me, spoiled) he is absolutely amazing. I still miss him very much... Mayakovsky spurred me on, made me (I was terribly afraid of seeming stupid next to him) improve mentally, and most importantly, sharply remember Russia... I also love his last poems. Before the lyrics He almost didn’t have this kind, but, in my opinion, he does it no worse than anything else. ...His poems captivate even the French with their rhythm and power of recitation. “My” poems were a great success here... It stirred up in me a longing for Russia and for all of you. Literally, I almost came back. He is so colossal both physically and mentally that after him there is literally a desert. This is the first person who managed to leave a mark on my soul...”

B)Partial text analysis.

What, besides female attractiveness, does the author value in a lyrical heroine? (Ability to listen, empathize, mutual understanding):

You are the only one for me

Level in height

Stand next to me

With an eyebrow eyebrow,

Important evening


In a human way.

– What lines, in your opinion, could make Tatyana Yakovleva “poignantly remember Russia”?

Uniting his attitude towards women and his homeland in one word: LOVE, Mayakovsky states:

Is it in the kiss of hands,

In body trembling

Those close to me

of my republics


Mayakovsky calls Tatyana Yakovleva to return to Russia:

For Soviet Russia.

You and us

are needed in Moscow,



III. Creative task.

Write a short discussion on the topic: “Lyrics of love. What is its unconventionality in Mayakovsky?”

IV. Lesson summary.

Homework. Learn by heart and analyze (in writing) one of Mayakovsky’s poems (choice): “Could you?”, “Listen.”

There are poets who seem to be open to love, and all their work is literally permeated with this wonderful feeling. These are Pushkin, Akhmatova, Blok, Tsvetaeva and many others. And there are those whom it is difficult to imagine falling in love. And first of all, Vladimir Mayakovsky comes to mind. Poems about love in his work, at first glance, seem completely inappropriate, since he is usually perceived as a singer of the revolution. Let's try to find out if this is so by taking a closer look at the poet.

Mayakovsky - the beginning of his creative journey

The poet's homeland is Georgia. The parents came from a noble family, although the father served as a simple forester. Sudden death the breadwinner forces the family to move to Moscow. There Mayakovsky entered the gymnasium, but two years later he was expelled for non-payment of tuition, and took up revolutionary activities. He was arrested several times and spent almost a year in a cell. This happened in 1909. Then for the first time he began to try to write poetry, absolutely terrible, according to him. However, it was this year that Mayakovsky, whose famous poems were still ahead, considered the beginning of his poetic career.

Poet of the Revolution

It cannot be said that the work of Vladimir Mayakovsky was entirely devoted to the revolution. Everything is far from so clear. The poet unconditionally accepted her, was an active participant in those events, and many of his works were actually dedicated to him. He practically deified her, believed in the ideals that she carried, and defended her. Undoubtedly, he was the mouthpiece of the revolution, and his poems were a kind of propaganda.

Love in the life of Mayakovsky

Deep emotionality is inherent in all creative people. Vladimir Mayakovsky was no exception. The theme runs through all of his work. Outwardly rude, in fact the poet was very vulnerable person, a hero of a rather lyrical nature. And love was not the last place in Mayakovsky’s life and work. He, broad-minded, knew how to instantly fall in love, and not for a short time, but for a long time. long time. But the poet was unlucky in love. All relationships ended tragically, and the last love in his life led to suicide.

Addressees of Mayakovsky's love lyrics

In the poet's life there were four women whom he loved unconditionally and deeply. Mayakovsky's love lyrics are primarily connected with them. Who are they, the poet’s muses, to whom he dedicated his poems?

Maria Denisova is the first person with whom Mayakovsky's love lyrics are associated. He fell in love with her in Odessa in 1914, and dedicated the poem “Cloud in Pants” to the girl. This was also the poet’s first strong feeling. That’s why the poem turned out to be so painfully honest. This is the real cry of a lover who has been waiting for several painful hours for his beloved girl, and she comes only to announce that she is marrying a wealthier man.

Tatyana Alekseevna Yakovleva. The poet met her in October 1928 in Paris. The meeting ended with them instantly falling in love with each other. The young emigrant and the tall Mayakovsky, two meters tall, were a wonderful couple. He dedicated two of his poems to her - “Letter to Comrade Kostrov...” and “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva.”

In December, the poet left for Moscow, but already in February 1929 he returned to France again. His feelings for Yakovleva were so strong and serious that he proposed to her, but received neither refusal nor consent.

The relationship with Tatyana ended tragically. Planning to come again in the fall, Mayakovsky was unable to do so due to problems with his visa. In addition, he suddenly finds out that his love is getting married in Paris. The poet was so shocked by this news that he said that if he never saw Tatyana again, he would shoot himself.

And then the search for that one true love began again. The poet began to seek solace from other women.

Mayakovsky's last love

Veronica Vitoldovna Polonskaya is a theater actress. Mayakovsky met her in 1929 through Osip Brik. This was not done by chance, in the hope that the charming girl would interest the poet and distract him from the tragic events associated with Yakovleva. The calculation turned out to be correct. Mayakovsky became seriously interested in Polonskaya, so much so that he began to demand that she break up with her husband. And she, loving the poet, could not start a conversation with her husband, realizing what a blow it would be for him. And Polonskaya’s husband believed in his wife’s fidelity to the end.

It was painful love for both. Mayakovsky became more and more nervous every day, and she kept putting off the explanation with her husband. On April 14, 1930 they met in last time. Polonskaya claims that there was no conversation about the breakup; the poet once again asked her to leave her husband and leave the theater. A minute after she left, already on the stairs, Polonskaya heard a shot. Returning to the poet's apartment, she found him dying. This is how the last love and life of Vladimir Mayakovsky ended tragically.

Lilya Brik

This woman, without exaggeration, occupied the main place in the poet’s heart. She is his strongest and most “sick” love. Almost all of Mayakovsky's love lyrics after 1915 are dedicated to her.

The meeting with her took place a year after the break in relations with Denisova. Mayakovsky was initially attracted to his younger sister Lily, and at the first meeting he mistook her for his beloved’s governess. Later, Lily officially met the poet. They were amazed by his poems, and he instantly fell in love with this extraordinary woman.

Their relationship was strange and incomprehensible to others. Lily's husband had an affair and did not feel physical attraction to his wife, but in his own way he loved her very much. Lilya adored her husband, and when she was once asked who she would choose, Mayakovsky or Brik, she answered without hesitation that her husband. But the poet was also extremely dear to her. This strange relationship lasted 15 years, until Mayakovsky’s death.

Features of Mayakovsky's love lyrics

The features of the poet’s lyrics are most clearly visible in his poem “I Love,” dedicated to Lilya Brik.

Love for Mayakovsky is deep personal experiences, and not an established opinion about it. Every person has this feeling from birth, but ordinary people who value comfort and prosperity more in life quickly lose love. With them, according to the poet, it “shrinks.”

A feature of the poet's love lyrics is his conviction that if a person loves someone, he must completely follow the chosen one, always and in everything, even if the loved one is wrong. According to Mayakovsky, love is selfless, it is not afraid of disagreements and distance.

The poet is a maximalist in everything, so his love knows no halftones. She knows no peace, and the author writes about this in his last poem “Unfinished”: “...I hope, I believe, shameful prudence will not come to me forever.”

Poems about love

Mayakovsky's love lyrics are represented by a small number of poems. But each of them is a small piece of the poet’s life with its sorrows and joys, despair and pain. “Love”, “Cloud in Pants”, “Unfinished”, “About This”, “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”, “Letter to Comrade Kostrov...”, “Spine Flute”, “Lilichka!” - this is a short list of works by Vladimir Mayakovsky about love.