
Veroshpiron - indications for use and important features of a diuretic. Veroshpiron how to take, what helps, analogues Veroshpiron hormonal

If the doctor prescribed Veroshpiron tablets, instructions for use for them, as a rule, are inside the drug package. If for some reason it was not there, then it will be useful to read the following information, which describes the indications and contraindications for the use of Veroshpiron, side effects and drug analogues.

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    What is a medicine?

    Veroshpiron is a tablet of 25 mg, they are 9 mm in diameter. Outwardly, these are white round preparations with markings. Sometimes there is a drug in capsules of 50 mg. The capsules are made up of a powder-like mixture white color with a characteristic odor of mercaptan. There are also 100 mg capsules, as well as gelatin variants of an opaque yellow color. The drug is rapidly absorbed into gastrointestinal tract and output naturally. As a rule, the diuretic effect of the drug appears already on the second day of taking the medicine.

    The drug is produced in blisters of 20 tablets, capsules of 50 and 100 mg are produced in blisters of 10 pieces. The drug is dispensed in pharmacies only by prescription.

    Information about the composition

    chief active substance in this medicinal product is spironolactone, which is respectively contained in tablets of 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg. Additionally, the composition of the product includes such excipients:

    • silicon dioxide colloidal anhydrous;
    • magnesium stearate;
    • talc;
    • corn starch;
    • lactose monohydrate.

    Thanks to all of the above components, Veroshpiron has a good diuretic effect.

    Indications and contraindications for use

    You can take the medicine, as the instructions say, in the following cases:

    • at high blood pressure;
    • with primary hyperaldosteronism (a large amount of the hormone aldosterone);
    • with edema;
    • with fluid retention in the body;
    • with diseases of the kidneys and liver;
    • with a lack of potassium in the body.

    In addition to indications for use, like any other drug, Veroshpiron has contraindications, among which one can note the hypersensitivity of the body and personal intolerance to one of the components that make up the drug. Do not take it for severe violations of the kidneys and kidney failure.

    The drug should be used with caution in people with hepatitis and severe liver disease, in violation of the acid-base balance in the body and the presence of diabetes.

    It is strictly forbidden to use the medicine during pregnancy, lactation and children under 6 years of age. Taking into account the fact that the drug helps to increase the amount of potassium in the patient's body, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage during treatment. Otherwise, an uncontrolled increase in potassium in the blood will negatively affect work. of cardio-vascular system and will cause a number of side effects.

    Side effects

    If the dosage of the drug has been violated, patients may experience an increase heart rate, decreased sex drive, male breast enlargement, erectile dysfunction, and inability to conceive. Women experience nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and menstrual cycle. Common symptom confusion, decreased blood pressure, lethargy, decreased performance and hemoglobin values, exacerbation chronic diseases.In rare cases, it may develop:

    • muscle paralysis;
    • excessive hair growth in women on the body;
    • inflammation of the blood vessels;
    • inflammation of the liver;
    • itching, urticaria;
    • fever, fever;
    • change in voice timbre in women;
    • baldness in men;
    • diarrhea;
    • intestinal colic;
    • gastritis;
    • lethargy, drowsiness;
    • eczema and other skin reactions;
    • kidney failure.

    The likelihood of developing the above side effects is only 1%, and most of them disappear as soon as the patient stops taking the medicine. If you have any health changes that are not listed above, tell your doctor. He is in without fail change the diuretic or reduce the dosage of the drug. In case of drug overdose, immediate gastric lavage is required.

    Interaction with other medicines

    If you have used or are using other medical preparations, you also need to warn the doctor about this, because when Veroshpiron is prescribed and its dosage is developed, the doctor must take into account all the characteristics of the patient's body. A patient can get a negative reaction if he uses the following drugs at the same time as Veroshpiron:

    • Cholestyramine;
    • Acetylsalicylic acid;
    • Mefenamic acid;
    • Digoxin;
    • Carbenoxolone;
    • Triptorelin;
    • Gonadorelin;
    • Cyclosporine.

    It is important to note that the drug can affect concentration, so it is not recommended to administer vehicles during the use of the remedy.

    Each tablet of Veroshpiron contains a certain amount milk sugar. If a person has lactose intolerance, it is possible allergic reaction for the drug.

    How to take a diuretic

    The daily dose of the drug should be indicated by the doctor, depending on the severity of the disease. As a rule, the first dose of the drug should be taken in the morning before meals. You can drink the drug with a small amount of water or juice, but in no case, not coffee.

    In the treatment of high blood pressure, the drug is used 2 times a day along with other antihypertensive drugs. Veroshpiron is a diuretic and is used as adjunctive therapy. In the treatment of edema caused by diseases of the kidneys and liver, the doctor prescribes large doses of the drug. Very often this diuretic drug is used in gynecology and urology, in preparing a person for surgical intervention. In the treatment of children, the dosage is selected depending on the weight and age of the patient.

    If it happens that you forgot to take the medicine at the right time, in no case do not take a double dose at once, just try to follow the method of administration in the future. Do not use the drug after the expiry date which is stated on the package and do not drink tablets from a damaged package.

    international generic name drug Spironolactone, although they sell it in pharmacies under the name Veroshpiron. INN is used, as a rule, in medical practice, while pharmacologists sell the drug and its analogues under proprietary names. Among the analogues of the drug, the following drugs can be noted:

    • Inspra;
    • Decriz;
    • Renial;
    • Eridanus;
    • Eplepres;
    • Espiro.

    Each of the above medicines can be purchased at a pharmacy at an affordable cost, but only with a doctor's prescription. Before using the drug, in any case, read the instructions and follow the storage conditions for the drug, which are indicated on the package.

    This publication is for informational purposes only and is not a call for self-medication or the purchase of the above drugs. The dosage should be prescribed only by a doctor!

The main action of spironolactone (spironolactone), known under the trade names Veroshpiron, Aldakton, Vero-Spironolacton, Veroshpilakton, is diuretic and antihypertensive. The drug is effective in edema and high blood pressure associated with hypersecretion of aldosterone (hormone of the adrenal cortex), as it competes with it for binding sites on mineralocorticoid receptors.

The effect in the treatment of hirsutism was found, surprisingly, in men: many of them developed reversible gynecomastia. Laboratory research showed that spironolactone affects the concentration of androgens in the blood in several ways:

  1. Competes for a place on androgen receptors. Spironolactone is a weak androgen receptor agonist, and therefore activates them much less effectively than DHT or testosterone.
  2. Suppresses metabolism involving cytochrome P450 (enzymes 17α-hydroxylase and 17,20-desmolase), which is necessary for the biosynthesis of sex hormones. Therefore, the synthesis of androgens is reduced both in the adrenal glands and in the ovaries, but the suppression of metabolism is relatively weak.
  3. Inhibits the enzyme 5α-reductase, which is involved in the conversion of free testosterone to the physiologically active dihydrotestosterone. However, there are alternative data that even in vitro at horse doses, spironolactone does not affect prostate tissue 5α-reductase. The study of markers of the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone in the blood of women has led to two opposite results.
  4. Accelerates the metabolism of testosterone, increasing the rate of its conversion to estradiol in peripheral tissues. (In addition, spironolactone reduces the conversion of estradiol to less effective estriol, helps estradiol move from bound to free (that is, physiologically active) form. Thus, spironolactone increases the concentration of estrogen. Spironolactone is also a progesterone receptor agonist, that is, it acts like progesterone.)

As a result of estrogen and progesterone activity, almost half of women experience disruptions in the menstrual cycle. From here arose two regimens of taking the drug:

  • From the 4th to the 22nd day of the cycle, 150-200 mg. The hirsutism score on the Ferriman-Galloway scale decreased by 30% after six months of taking 100 mg twice a day. Compare with the drug's worst-performing rate: 13% reduction in hirsutism.
  • Every day, regardless of the cycle, at a minimum dose of 50-75 mg (taking less does not make sense).

The hormonal effects of spironolactone were discovered in the mid-70s - then Veroshpiron began to be prescribed as additional remedy in the treatment of hirsutism in women at a dose of 50-200 mg per day. It was usual PCOS treatment in the 80s, but already in the early 90s, they began to gradually abandon it in favor of finasteride and cyproterone. Spironolactone is now prescribed with oral contraceptives when they themselves or other medicines were powerless.

The drug has a long list of side effects, but not fatal and reversible effects. This is perhaps not so bad, given the side effects or. For fertile women, contraception is necessary, since taking Veroshpiron during pregnancy can lead to abnormalities in the development of the reproductive system of the fetus.

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  6. Serafini, PC et al. The effect of spironolactone on genital skin 5 alpha-reductase activity / Serafini PC, Catalino J, Lobo RA // Journal of Steroid Biochemistry. 1985 Aug. 23(2): 191–4.
  7. Miles, R.A. et al. Cutaneous application of an androstenedione gel as an in vivo test of 5 alpha-reductase activity in women/ Miles RA, Cassidenti DL, Carmina E, Gentzschein E, Stanczyk FZ, Lobo RA // Fertil Steril. 1992 Oct;58(4):708–12.
  8. Erenus, M et al. Comparison of finasteride versus spironolactone in the treatment of idiopathic hirsutism / Erenus M, Yücelten D, Durmuşoğlu F, Gürbüz O. // Fertil Steril. 1997 Dec;68(6):1000-3.
  9. Barth, JH et al. Spironolactone is an effective and well tolerated systemic antiandrogen therapy for Hirsute women / Barth JH, Cherry CA, Wojnarowska F, Dawber RP // J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1989 May;68(5):966-70.
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Many diuretic drugs provoke the development of an undesirable reaction - the appearance of hypokalemia. This disruption leads to complications and negative effects from the whole body.

Therefore, many specialists try to prescribe potassium-sparing diuretics to their patients, and Veroshpiron is the most popular of them. This remedy not only removes excess fluid from the body, but also reduces pressure and makes patients with heart disease feel better.

Veroshpiron was created in the middle of the last century and is still very popular, because, compared with other diuretic drugs, it has a minimal effect on the water and electrolyte balance.

medicinal group

Veroshpiron is the trade name for a drug related to pharmacological group potassium-sparing diuretics. Throughout the world, this drug is known by its International Nonproprietary Name - Spironolactone.

Drugs based on spironolactone and produced under various trade names are actively used in almost all countries of the world to reduce pressure and rid the patient of excess fluid in the body.

The drug in medicine is mainly used to lower blood pressure and eliminate edema in heart failure. Also, its use is necessary for potassium deficiency caused by taking medicines. It is especially popular with bodybuilders - professional athletes take the drug to reduce weight before competitions and improve muscle relief.

Forms of release and cost

Veroshpiron can be found at any pharmacy and purchased at a very low price. The drug is available in two forms and three dosages, the average cost of which can be seen in the table (Table 1).

Table 1 - Cost

The drug under the trade name Veroshpiron is produced only by the Hungarian company GEDEON RICHTER. But based on spironolactone, other drugs with a similar effect are also produced.


The active component of Veroshpiron, which affects the properties of the drug - spironolactone - is a substance that acts similarly to aldosterone, but leads to the opposite result.

Other components of the drug have an auxiliary effect. In addition to spironolactone, the tablets contain: magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, milk sugar, talc and starch. Additional substances in capsules are: sodium lauryl sulfate, magnesium stearate, starch and lactose monohydrate.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The action of the drug is based on the competitive ability of spironolactone to bind to receptors in the nephrons, before aldosterone, which is one of the main hormones synthesized in the cortical region of the kidneys. Its main function is the retention of fluid and sodium ions in the human body.

Spironolactone has the opposite effect - it promotes the removal of fluid and sodium, but at the same time retains potassium and, to a lesser extent, magnesium and urea, increasing their content in the blood.

As a result of taking the medicine, diuresis improves, urine acidity decreases and high pressure and also normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system. The drug maintains electrolyte balance, which is especially important for patients with pathologies of the heart and kidneys.

Veroshpiron has a mild effect, and diuretic effect manifests itself on the 2-5th day of taking the drug. But the hypotonic effect is manifested already in the first day after the start of treatment.

The drug is quickly and almost completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, and the absorption rate is higher if the drug is taken simultaneously with food intake. After a single dose, the maximum plasma concentration of the active substance is reached no later than 6 hours later. If you take the drug daily for 15 days, then the concentration of the drug will reach 80 ng / ml.

Spironolactone is metabolized in the liver and excreted in the urine, and only not a large number of metabolites are excreted through the intestines. One of the metabolites, carenone, is excreted in two steps. The first half-life lasts about 3 hours, the second - from 12 to 96 hours. The half-life is increased in patients with heart failure and cirrhosis.

Is it diuretic or not?

Veroshpiron belongs to diuretic drugs, but its purpose is not only to remove excess fluid but also in reducing high blood pressure. Therefore, the drug is mainly prescribed for hypertension, renal hypertension and heart disease, accompanied by edema.

Indications and contraindications

The main purpose of Veroshpiron is to reduce pressure, mainly of the essential form. The drug is also indicated for other forms of hypertension, not only to reduce blood pressure, but also to prevent the development of complications from the heart and blood vessels.

Veroshpiron is part of mono- and combination therapy for pathologically increased aldosterone synthesis - hyperaldosteronism. This condition often develops with nephrotic syndrome and other kidney diseases, accompanied by swelling, ascites, cancer and prolonged starvation.

Long-term therapy is possible only with secondary hyperaldosteronism, and with the primary form of the disease, Veroshpiron is prescribed for short period before preparing for surgery.

The drug is used for potassium and magnesium deficiency caused by other diuretics and in cases where it is not possible to restore the electrolyte balance with other drugs.

Veroshpiron is also prescribed for heart failure. chronic form accompanied by edema. It can be used as the only drug for treatment, and be part of complex therapy.

Contraindications for admission:

Caution is required if the patient has AV blockade, diabetes mellitus and nephropathy on its background, metabolic acidosis, cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure and excess calcium in the body. It is also prescribed with extreme caution to elderly patients, women with menstrual irregularities, with an increase in the mammary glands and the need to use general and local anesthesia.

General instruction

The use of Veroshpiron requires extreme caution, because an overdose can lead to undesirable consequences. Therefore, the calculation of the dosage is possible only according to the instructions or recommendation of the doctor.

How to take: before or after meals?

Maximum therapeutic effect It is achieved if the drug is taken during a meal or immediately after a meal. This method of application allows tablets and capsules to dissolve and be absorbed into the bloodstream faster and achieve the maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood in a short period of time.

It is best to take the medicine during breakfast, and with a double dose and during lunch. Drink Veroshpiron in evening time undesirable, as an improvement in diuresis will disrupt sleep patterns.

The use of tablets

The dosage depends on the disease, so it is best if the patient consults a doctor so that he selects the most appropriate treatment regimen. The annotation indicates the following dosages:

The drug can also be used in diagnostics. With a short test, the course of administration is 4 days, and with a long test, 3-4 weeks. At the same time, it is prescribed to take 400 mg per day, dividing the dosage into several doses.

AT childhood dosage is selected based on body weight. Initially, appoint 1-3.3 mg / kg per day, divided into several doses. If necessary, the dosage is gradually increased, but not more than three times.

How to take capsules?

Capsules are taken in the same way as tablets. The only thing is that they can be taken if the daily dosage is at least 50 mg, since there are no capsules with an active ingredient content of 25 mg. If you need less than what is contained in the capsules, then it is recommended to purchase tablets rather than split the capsule, as it will not be possible to accurately calculate the dosage.

How long does therapy last?

Long-term therapy for each patient is selected individually. Usually the main course of treatment is 14 days, after which the dosage is gradually reduced, and the doctor decides whether to stop taking it or prescribe maintenance therapy in minimal doses. Veroshpiron can also be taken for a long time, as it acts very gently, but regularly monitors the level of electrolytes in the blood.

But the doctor, based on the patient's condition, may prescribe a longer treatment, add other drugs to the therapy regimen, increase or decrease the dosage and frequency of administration. Self-cancellation of the drug, an increase or decrease in dosage is unacceptable, since self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences, up to the death of the patient.

At what pressure and how to take?

The diuretic effect of Veroshpiron can reduce high blood pressure, so this drug is often included in the treatment regimens for hypertensive conditions.

With arterial hypertension

Veroshpiron is not considered mandatory when arterial hypertension, but it is often prescribed when standard treatment regimens for hypertension do not positive result. Excess aldosterone is often the cause of the ineffectiveness of conventional treatments, and this can be found out using urine and blood tests for the amount of the hormone.

Experienced specialists do not prescribe Veroshpiron for initial stage hypertension. First, they try to cope with safer drugs.

Most often, Veroshpiron is prescribed for malignant or essential hypertension, when the pressure is kept above 140/90 and does not drop when taking other medications, or even rises even higher. In this case, it is added to an already used treatment regimen or prescribed as the only medication.

Depending on the indicators of blood pressure and the patient's condition, the doctor selects the required dosage. But the initial dose should not be less than 100 mg per day. The hypotensive effect is achieved 5 days after the start of treatment, but a stable result appears no earlier than 2 weeks later, in some patients later.

After the appearance sustainable result, patients are prescribed maintenance treatment - 25 mg per day. This dosage can be taken for a long time if it causes adverse reactions of the body. During the period of therapy, it is necessary to measure the pressure twice a day in order to monitor whether there is a positive effect from Veroshpiron or not.

With intracranial pressure

Veroshpiron is rarely prescribed for intracranial pressure, since its diuretic effect practically does not affect the level of fluid in the cranium. The use of the drug is justified only in combination with other drugs that affect the cause of the disease.

Usually, with intracranial pressure, it is prescribed in small dosages of 25-100 mg per day. After 5-10 days, the frequency of administration is reduced - it is recommended to take 25 mg every other day. With good results, the doctor may prescribe 25 mg every 3-4 days.

Despite the instructions limiting the use of the drug by children under 3 years old, Veroshpiron is prescribed even for infants suffering from intracranial pressure. But its application in infancy should be under the supervision of a physician and with regular blood tests.

With edema

Veroshpiron is very often prescribed to relieve swelling caused by diseases of the liver, kidneys and cardiac disorders. But, despite the benefits of the drug, its use is possible only as prescribed by the attending physician, since uncontrolled intake can lead to the development of side effects, life threatening patient.

The drug acts gently, and when used in therapeutic doses does not disrupt the functioning of the renal tubules and the work of the whole organism as a whole. Unlike most diuretics, Veroshpiron retains potassium, magnesium and urea, but removes sodium, chlorine and excess fluid.

The diuretic effect begins from the first day of admission, but the anti-edematous effect is observed after 5 days of treatment. As a result of the removal of edema, blood circulation normalizes, the increased load from the body is removed and pressure decreases.

But it is important to take the medicine in strictly prescribed dosages. Usually prescribed from 100 mg per day, and this dosage is recommended to be divided into 2 doses. With cirrhosis and the ratio of potassium and magnesium< 1,0 дозировка может быть увеличена до 400 мг в сутки, но оптимальной дозой считается 200-300 мг. Прием продолжается до наступления положительного результата, затем дозировку снижают и еще некоторое время принимают по 25 мг в день.

With chronic heart failure, the treatment course lasts 5 days, during which you need to drink 100-200 mg of the drug. Then prescribe maintenance therapy of 25 mg per day.

It is very important to follow some rules, especially when long-term use Veroshpiron - daily monitor blood pressure and regularly take tests for electrolyte levels. In case of deviations or the development of side effects, you should immediately contact your doctor.

When treating edema at the same time as taking Veroshpiron, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet - limit the use of foods containing a large amount of potassium so as not to cause its excess content in the body. Be sure to weigh yourself regularly - rapid weight loss can lead to a deterioration in general condition.

Veroshpiron for weight loss

By ridding the body of excess fluid, weight loss occurs, so many women often use Veroshpiron for weight loss. It is necessary to find out whether the drug really helps to reset excess weight and read reviews.

Does it really help, and what are the possible consequences?

The method of losing weight with the help of diuretics, including Veroshpiron, has both supporters and opponents. Indeed, getting rid of excess fluid helps not only reduce weight, but also reduce volume. But it should be remembered that the drug does not affect body fat, and the weight returns immediately after stopping the pills.

Therefore, this method is suitable only for those who urgently need to lose a few kilograms, for example, athletes drink Veroshpiron to get into the required weight category and improve muscle definition. Women take the drug before important events so that their favorite dress looks better on the figure.

To reduce weight, Veroshpiron can only be taken in small doses, not exceeding 50 mg per day. This dose can be taken in full in the morning or divided into 2 doses. The result appears on the 4th-5th day of admission, but the course of administration should be short - no more than 10-14 days.

To achieve the best result, you need to eat right: include more vegetables and fruits, protein products in the diet and reduce the amount of fat consumed.

Be sure to read the instructions and make sure that there are no contraindications to the drug. It can cause negative reactions that affect the work of the whole organism. Violations of the water and electrolyte balance lead to the development of diseases from the side of the cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, nervous systems, impaired hematopoiesis, malfunctions in digestion and urination, as well as problems with muscles and the musculoskeletal system.


Reviews of patients taking Veroshpiron in order to lose weight say that the drug is ineffective and gives only a temporary result.

Elizabeth: “I drank Veroshpiron to get rid of edema and noticed that the weight began to decrease rapidly. Now I take pills for 1-2 weeks when I need to lose weight urgently. But the weight comes back very quickly, so for a long-term result, you need to completely change your lifestyle.

Olga: “I tried to drink Veroshpiron to get rid of extra pounds, but apart from the diuretic effect, I didn’t notice any other result.”

Mikhail: “I take diuretics when I urgently need to lose weight before the competition. Most of all I liked the result from Veroshpiron - it works gently, but effectively.

But doctors remind that the drug can harm health, so it should not be taken regularly, unless there is a medical indication for this.

Veroshpiron in gynecology and dermatology

Veroshpiron is sometimes used to treat diseases that are not listed in the instructions for use. So, Veroshpiron has found its application in gynecology. But it is used in combination with other medications that act directly on the cause of diseases.

With polycystic ovaries

Veroshpiron is used to treat polycystic ovaries, due to its properties to reduce the level of androgenic hormones in the body. With polycystic disease, the production of female hormones decreases and the synthesis of androgens increases. This leads to an increase in body weight, excessive hairiness, skin problems, a change in the timbre of the voice, the absence of menstruation and other unpleasant symptoms.

Veroshpiron inhibits the synthesis of androgens, helps to normalize hormones, reduce the symptoms of hirsutism and reduce body weight. To achieve a result, the drug must be taken for at least six months. Initially prescribed to take 100 mg 2-4 times a day. After achieving a stable result, the dosage is reduced and for some time it is prescribed to take 25 mg per day to maintain the result.

With mastopathy

Veroshpiron with mastopathy is prescribed to reduce swelling of the limbs and pain in the mammary glands, especially during the menstrual cycle. Any diuretics, including herbal ones, can be prescribed, but recent studies have shown that Veroshpiron is the most effective.

Clinical trials have shown that in addition to the diuretic effect, Veroshpiron has an immunosuppressive, antifibrotic, anti-inflammatory effect. It is these properties that allow the use of the drug in the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy.

Taking the drug allows you to reverse the development of the cyst, restore the epithelium and lead to normal condition milk ducts. The dosage and duration of treatment is prescribed by the attending physician on an individual basis, as well as a combination of other drugs in the treatment regimen.

For acne

An increase in androgenic hormones in women leads to skin problems. It becomes oily, pores enlarge, acne appears. That is why gynecologists often advise their patients with hormonal disorders take veroshpiron.

This drug does not contain hormones, but blocks the synthesis of androgens. Therefore, if there are no contraindications to taking Veroshpiron, it will help to quickly get rid of skin rashes. The attending physician, who has studied the tests and knows everything about the condition, should select the dosage hormonal background women.

Reviews of women about the use of the drug

Many women doubt the effectiveness of Veroshpiron for acne and gynecological diseases. In most cases, this is due to the expectation quick results, although the drug must be taken in long courses. Here are the patient testimonials:

Marina: “Problems with the hormonal background began and the first sign was acne on the face. The endocrinologist prescribed Veroshpiron and Iodomarin. The result appeared only after 2 months - acne began to gradually disappear. I retaken the tests after 4 months - almost all the indicators were normal.

Anna: “I have been taking Veroshpiron for almost two months now, my hair and skin have become less greasy, but so far it has not helped with hirsutism. The doctor said that you need to take a few more months for the result to appear. ”

Women who use Veroshpiron for 1-2 months and do not notice the result stop treatment and begin to talk about the ineffectiveness of the drug. But this is the wrong decision - in order to normalize the hormonal background, a longer intake of the drug is necessary.

Admission during pregnancy and childhood

The annotation states that taking Veroshpiron during pregnancy is unacceptable, but some experts still prescribe it to expectant mothers. When drugs are prescribed that are prohibited for pregnant women, it is recommended to visit another specialist and if it turns out that it is impossible to replace the drug with a safer remedy, treatment can be started.

There are a lot of drugs with an action similar to Veroshpiron, so it is rarely possible to choose drugs that have a less negative effect on the fetus. Therefore, Veroshpiron is prescribed if other drugs do not give the desired result or the woman has an increased sensitivity to them.

It should be understood that Veroshpiron is contraindicated in pregnant women only because of the insufficient number of studies. In clinical practice, there have not yet been cases where the drug had a negative effect on the course of pregnancy or fetal development. Therefore, if you need to drink Veroshpiron during pregnancy, then you must follow the doctor's recommendations.

Veroshpiron gained great popularity in the treatment of gynecological diseases accompanied by infertility. The drug, acting on androgen receptors, brings the hormonal background back to normal and gives a woman the opportunity to become pregnant and bear a child.

The drug is also used to treat children. The instruction indicates that the drug is prohibited for children under 3 years old, but in practice the drug is used even to treat newborns, including premature babies. Such treatment should only take place under the supervision of specialists with regular blood tests.

For children who cannot swallow tablets, the drug is crushed and mixed with water or milk. Capsules are prescribed no earlier than the child is 5-6 years old, due to swallowing difficulties in children early age. The dosage is selected individually, based on the body weight of the child and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Possible harm and precautions

Veroshpiron should be taken with extreme caution, as it can cause adverse reactions and overdose symptoms, especially if used incorrectly.

Side effects

Adverse reactions:

With prolonged use, gynecomastia develops in men, but disappears some time after the drug is discontinued. Veroshpiron can lead to decreased libido and impotence.

Negative reactions in women

Most common consequence from taking Veroshpiron in women is a violation of the menstrual cycle, up to amenorrhea. During menstruation, severe pain and cramps in the lower abdomen may appear, accompanied by nausea, migraines and general deterioration states.

Other reactions are postmenopausal metrorrhagia, increased body hair growth, discomfort and pain in the mammary glands. At the moment, studies are underway on the relationship between Veroshpiron and the development of breast carcinoma, but the connection has not yet been established.


Overdose symptoms occur due to electrolyte imbalance. They are expressed:

  • headaches;
  • a decrease in pressure;
  • drowsiness.

Additionally develop muscle pain, dry mouth, gastrointestinal upset, arrhythmia, and a skin rash may appear. In case of an overdose, urgent restoration of water and electrolyte balance is necessary, and in severe situations - hemodialysis.

Alcohol compatibility

It is not recommended to combine Veroshpiron and alcohol, since alcoholic beverages negatively affect the functioning of the heart and increase the load on the kidneys. This combination can lead to both temporary reactions of the body, and completely worsen the state of health.

Alcohol retains fluid in the body, and the drug can not cope with its withdrawal, resulting in edema. Pressure begins to rise, blood vessels suffer, brain receptors are irritated. As a complication, an acute cerebral circulatory disorder or myocardial infarction develops.

But, according to the observations of many patients, you can cope with a hangover if you drink plenty of water, as well as a Veroshpiron tablet. This method helps to remove from the body excess water and toxic breakdown products of alcohol. Men can take pills no earlier than 14 hours after drinking alcohol, and women only after 20 hours.


Among the analogues of Veroshpiron, one can name both structural ones that have the same effect and have similar limitations, and drugs based on other active components with a similar effect. You should consider which of the analogues is better and cheaper.


The active substance of Veroshpiron is spironolactone. On its basis, other diuretic drugs have been created, but produced under various trade names.

List of analogues and prices:

But doctors note that Veroshpiron is the most effective and less likely to cause negative phenomena than his structural analogues. It is possible that this is due to a higher degree of purification.

Drugs with a similar effect

Among other drugs, the most popular drugs with a similar effect should be noted (Table 2).

Table 2 - Non-structural analogues of Veroshpiron

Name Active ingredient, group Main indications average price
Myocardial infarction, CHF, hypertension. 540-900 rub.

(similar to Eridanus)

Eplerenone, a potassium-sparing diuretic. Myocardial infarction, CHF, left ventricular dysfunction. 300-500 UAH (Sold mainly in Poland and Ukraine)
Hydrochlorothiazide, a thiazide diuretic. Hypertension, puffiness, prevention of urolithiasis. 35-130 rub.
Indapamide, diuretic, antihypertensive agent. Arterial hypertension, including renal origin. 24-400 rub.

Which drug is better is hard to say. Each drug has its own characteristics, contraindications and indications, so the choice of treatment depends on the attending physician. But the undoubted advantage of such diuretics is that they affect the electrolyte balance to a lesser extent.

The drug is a competitive antagonist of the mineralocorticoid aldesterone. The drug is prescribed for cirrhosis of the liver, for heart failure, for pressure, for acne, for hyperandrogenism, for increased testosterone and other ailments. The dosage depends on the nature of the disease and is prescribed individually. Instructions for use detail how to take the pills and what they help. Wikipedia defines the drug as a potassium-sparing diuretic. international name mn- Spironolactone (in Latin). Acts as a diuretic.

What is prescribed, indications for use

The purpose of the drug is determined by its diuretic effect. The remedy has the following indications: adrenal adenoma, primary hyperaldosteronism, edema during pregnancy, hirsutism during polycystic disease, liver damage, nephrotic syndrome. The remedy is widely used for edema. Women take pills for menstruation and for weight loss.


The active substance of the drug is spironolactone. In addition, the composition includes magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, corn starch, lactose monohydrate. The capsules contain sodium lauryl sulfate. The gelatin capsule consists of quinoline dye, gelatin and titanium dioxide.

How long can I take Veroshpiron?

The duration of the drug depends on the diagnosis. So, with essential hypertension, the medicine should be taken for at least two weeks, while the daily dosage should be from 50 to 100 mg. For the treatment of primary hyperaldosteronism, tablets should be taken for four days at 400 mg per day. During long diagnostic tests, the medicine is taken for three to four weeks.

Analogues, synonyms

The pharmacological group contains other analogues of the drug. Widely used agents such as furosemide, indapamide, diuver, verospilactone, prolactin, triampur and others. Funds are available in Ukraine, in Perm, St. Petersburg, Omsk and other cities of the Russian Federation.

Veroshpiron or Furosemide which is better?

In this matter, everything depends on the goals pursued by the patient. Furosemide is a cheaper analogue of veroshpiron. It helps to remove fluid from the body, but only veroshpiron has a potassium-sparing mechanism. Therefore, questions about the choice should be decided individually.

Veroshpiron or Diuver which is better?

According to cardiologists, the first drug is better to take to prevent heart failure. Diuver is preferable to take for the direct treatment of this pathology. In any case, before replacing one medicine with another, consult your doctor, as the difference from taking them can be significant.

Instructions for use Veroshpiron

When establishing a diagnosis of hyperaldosteronism, the drug is recommended at a dosage of 100 to 400 mg per day, one to four times a day. In other cases, the medicine is taken orally at 0.05 - 0.3 grams per day. The dose is usually divided into two to four doses. If the patient's condition has improved, then the dose is reduced to 0.025 g per day. People suffering from Parkinson's syndrome are prescribed twenty-day courses with breaks of five months. With hypertension, the drug is prescribed at 0.025 g. four times a day.

Adolescents can receive and drink medication in any form of release only by prescription.

For edema, dosage

During edema that occurs with nephrotic syndrome, adult dose ranges from 100 to 200 mg per day. Edema syndromes in heart failure are treated with doses of one hundred to two hundred mg per day for five days. Edema in cirrhosis of the liver is removed with a daily dosage of 100 mg. To relieve edema in children, the dose is from 1 to 3.3 mg per kilogram of the child's weight. After 5 days, the dosage is adjusted.

During pregnancy, when planning

When planning pregnancy and during the period of fetal development, taking the drug is contraindicated. In addition, the medicine should not be taken during lactation and while breastfeeding. If therapy with veroshpiron is necessary, then breastfeeding should be discontinued.

In gynecology

The drug in gynecology is indicated to reduce androgens in women suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome. The medicine can provoke bleeding and bring down the menstrual cycle. Tablets are best taken with contraceptives.

For newborns

This drug is officially prohibited for newborns and children under three years of age. However, in some cases, the attending physician may prescribe a medicine in a hospital setting.

Reviews, overdose, contraindications for women

In professional circles and among patients, reviews of the drug are positive character. Contraindications for women: hypersensitivity, renal failure and diabetic nephropathy. Compatibility with alcohol is negative.

Veroshpiron is a diuretic drug designed to increase diuresis in the treatment of many diseases, which also has a potassium-sparing property that is rare for diuretics. The effect of taking veroshpiron lasts up to several days, and the medicine itself is well tolerated by most patients.

Composition and forms of release

The drug Veroshpiron has a pronounced diuretic effect due to spironolactone, an analogue of the hormone produced by the adrenal cortex. Spironolactone in turn suppresses the hormone aldosterone, preventing the retention of water and sodium in the renal tubules. At the same time, Veroshpiron does not impair renal circulation, reduces the acidity of urine and reduces the leaching of potassium from the body.

The last property of the drug is very valuable and rare for diuretics, so Veroshpiron is also prescribed in cases where the patient is prone to hypokalemia.

When using Veroshpiron:

  • the acidity of urine decreases;
  • the amount of potassium and urea excreted with urine decreases:
  • excess sodium, chlorine and water are excreted from the body;
  • prevents the synthesis of the permease enzyme responsible for sodium reabsorption.

Veroshpiron is produced by the Hungarian company Gedeon Richter exclusively in the form of tablets or capsules. The tablet form is available in blisters of 20 pieces of 25 mg, and capsules in blisters of 20 pieces of 50 mg and in blisters of 10 pieces of 100 mg. Tablets have a chamfer and the inscription VEROSPIRON, and capsules are enclosed in a two-color gelatin body.

The international non-proprietary name (INN) of the diuretic is spironolactone, by the name of the active substance.

The price of the drug and its analogues is approximately the same and is currently at the level of 100-250 rubles per pack of 20 tablets or capsules.

Mechanism of action and indications for use

When taking the drug, it is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, and this process is not affected by food intake and Veroshpiron can be taken both before and after meals.

Although the bioavailability of the drug is almost 100%, the maximum effect of the drug develops on the 2nd or 3rd day of administration and lasts up to 3 days after its withdrawal. During the biotransformation of spironolactone in the liver, metabolites containing sulfur are formed: alpha-thiomethylspironolactone and canrenone. The decay products are excreted in the urine, partly in the feces.

The main purpose of Veroshpiron as a diuretic is to reduce the level of fluid in arterial hypertension (high blood pressure), but in addition, the drug is used for:

  • edematous syndrome (with heart failure);
  • hyperaldosteronism (Conn's syndrome);
  • nephrotic pathologies accompanied by edema;
  • hypokalemia (or hypomagnesemia);
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • gynecological diseases(in particular, polycystic ovaries).

You can not combine Veroshpiron with taking a number of other drugs:

  • coagulants (heparin, coumarin, etc.);
  • cardiac glycosides (eg, glycoside);
  • potassium-containing drugs;
  • PPVA (anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs- painkillers).

Spironolactone also enhances the effectiveness of other diuretic and antihypertensive drugs.

In most cases, Veroshpiron is used in combination with other medicines, but sometimes monotherapy is also prescribed, especially as a diuretic.

Veroshpiron for gynecological diseases

The main purpose of the drug is a diuretic. However, due to the multiple properties of spironolactone this medicine also used to treat other diseases.

Drug Beroshpiron along with a purely diuretic effect hasantiandrogynousproperties and therefore is successfully used as part of the complex therapy of gynecological pathologies.

The drug acts in the organs that produce male hormones (including follicles, sebaceous and gonads), reduces hair growth skin with hyperandrogenism and, ultimately, helps to increase female fertility.

It is important that the treatment of women with Veroshpiron does not cause adverse symptoms from the endocrine system.

The drug Veroshpiron is prescribed in gynecology most often for the following diseases:


A pathology in which an active production of androgen occurs in the body of a woman, which in more considered masculine. The increased production of this hormone by the female body leads to a violation of the hormonal background and the synthesis of the hormone tarragon, which is responsible for libido. This pathology occurs often - about 5% of women are prone to it.

The treatment is carried out with glucocorticosteroids, or non-steroidal antiandrogens (flutamide) drugs, with the appointment of an additional nootropic drugs and Veroshpiron. With hyperandrogenism, Veroshpiron works not only as a diuretic, but also as a testosterone suppressor, converting it into estradiol, and normalizing the condition of the skin. The treatment of this pathology is long, at least 3-6 months, while spironolactone is prescribed according to the scheme (according to the menstrual cycle), at a dosage of 100 mg / day, increasing the intake of tablets, if necessary, up to 400 mg / day.

polycystic ovary syndrome

Pathology of the ovaries, which is associated with a violation of their functioning, arising from nerve exchange disorders. In other words, this is a disease in which multiple cysts form on the surface of the organ itself - the ovary. This syndrome often leads to infertility.

Veroshpiron in the treatment of polycystic is prescribed to block male sex hormones, 100 mg 2-4 times a day, for up to six months. Therapy for polycystic disease should be comprehensive, since Veroshpiron only eliminates the external manifestations of the disease (oily skin, hairiness, etc.).

Interestingly, the symptoms of the disease disappear in women along with the normalization of weight, if it is increased or excessive.

Menstrual irregularities

One of the indicators of changes in the functioning of both the genital organs and the entire female body. In general, the violation of the cycle of menstruation is one of the most common problems with which women of reproductive age turn to a gynecologist. Violation can be caused different reasons, which can only be determined by the attending physician. If he deems it necessary to add Veroshpiron to therapy, then the drug is prescribed in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, at a dosage of 50 mg / day. Spironolactone is combined with oral contraceptives (not for the purpose of contraception, but to normalize the hormonal background of the body).


Excess hair growth on the body of women according to the male pattern - female disease associated with disruption of the normal functioning of the endocrine system: manifested through excessive growth hairline on the body or face. Also, coupled with these syndromes, such as menstrual irregularities, anemia, are possible uterine bleeding and infertility.

With hirsutism, Veroshpiron can be taken according to two schemes: either from the 4th to the 22nd day of the cycle, at a dosage of up to 200 mg, or out of connection with the cycle, daily at 75-100 mg. At the same time, after 3-6 months of treatment, the phenomena of hirsutism decrease by an average of 30%, which is a good result.

Swelling of tissues in combination with hypertension

A disease such as hypertension, in itself, is a disease of the cardiovascular system, characterized by a stable increase in pressure, the indicators of which decrease only after taking medication. A common occurrence in this case is swelling of the hands, feet or face, arising from the retention of sodium and water in the body. Spironolactone in this case is used because of its diuretic properties. The dosage and dosage regimen is determined by the doctor, based on the severity of the disease.

Indications for the use of Veroshpiron may be the presence in women of some cosmetic problems caused by an excess of male hormones in the body. Among these problems are:

  • increased oiliness and porosity of the skin;
  • profuse formation of acne (blackheads);
  • hair loss, increased greasiness, etc.

Most of these problems are due to the fact that hair follicles, like sebaceous glands, depend on the normal production of androgen hormones and respond to an increase in the level of their content in female body. It is not recommended to use the drug for weight loss, as this is fraught with dehydration, disorders in the endocrine system and other complications.

Veroshpiron, in the treatment of cosmetic defects, also acts as a blocker of male sex hormones, and oral contraceptives are added to it to normalize the hormonal background of a woman.

Important: Veroshpiron is not used during pregnancy (existing or planned), since in this case there is a high risk of developing fetal abnormalities.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any other medication, the diuretic Veroshpiron has a number of contraindications. These include a number of diseases in which the use of spironolactone is completely prohibited, as well as diseases in which the use of products containing spironolactone is recommended with extreme caution. It is better to replace Veroshpiron with a drug similar to it in action, in the presence of pathologies such as:

  • hyponatremia (low potassium in the blood);
  • hyperkalemia (increased content of potassium in the diet);
  • anuria ( various violations when passing urine);
  • lactase deficiency;
  • lactose intolerance.

A complete list of diseases in which the use of Veroshpiron is not recommended is given in the instructions for use of the drug.

It is important to remember that sAprilen taking diuretics for children under the age of three, as well as for people with hypersensitivity to the components that make up the drug. It is forbidden to take Veroshpiron in case of illnessAddison(chronic insufficiency of the adrenal cortex) and in severe renal insufficiency.

In no case should a diuretic be used during pregnancy or lactation, however, if treatment is necessary and the doctor directs the drug prescribed to eliminate edema, it can be used with caution during pregnancy - in the second and third trimester.

The active substance spironolactone, which is the basis of the drug Veroshpiron, is contraindicated during pregnancy, since it is able to penetrate the placental barrier. In this case, the drug enters directly into the children's circulatory system.

Use Veroshpiron for breastfeeding also not recommended due to high activity the main ingredient, absorbed into all biological fluids of the body, while reaching almost full concentration.

Veroshpiron can also be used with caution in such disorders and diseases as:

  • AV block;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • diabetic nephropathy;
  • metabolic acidosis;
  • menstrual disorders;
  • liver failure;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

Particular attention should be paid to the age of the patient, the presence of diabetes mellitus, as well as recent surgical interventions.

Most of the side effects of the drug Veroshpiron can be attributed to the so-called "traditional":

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • general weakness and drowsiness;
  • confusion;
  • headaches;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • stool disorders.

to more specific side effects usually include such as disorders of the digestive system:

  • colic;
  • vomit;
  • gastritis;
  • intestinal or stomach bleeding;
  • liver dysfunction.
  • Possible disorders from the circulatory system:
  • agranulocytosis;
  • megablastosis;
  • thrombocytopenia.
  • Problems associated with the endocrine organs:
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • hirsutism;
  • mammary cancer;
  • gynecomastia (in men).
  • Complications related to the immune system:
  • allergic reactions;
  • hives;
  • rash.

Disorders in the functioning of the muscular system:

  • muscle spasms;
  • convulsions.

Metabolic disorders such as a decrease in the level of sodium in the blood and the level of urea contained in the blood are also possible, uric acid and creatinine. It is impossible to completely insure against side symptoms during treatment with Veroshpiron, like with any other medicine.

If unpleasant symptoms do not disappear 2-3 days after the start of the medication, the doctor should be informed to decide whether to replace the drug or adjust the dose taken.

Veroshpiron's analogs

If it is not possible to purchase Veroshpiron, you can replace it with tablets with the same active ingredient. Veroshpiron and its analogues act almost the same.

The following drugs can replace Veroshpiron:

  • Vero-Spironolactone (Russia);
  • Veroshpilakton (Russia);
  • Hypothiazid (Russia);
  • Spiriks (Denmark);
  • Aldactone (manufactured in the UK).

The main substance in the listed drugs is also spironolactone, sometimes with a combination of another drug. So, Aldactone retains in the body not only potassium, but also magnesium, and Veroshpilakton combines the properties of Veroshpilakton and Aldactone.

Veroshpiron in gynecological diseases, due to its diuretic and antiandrogynous actions, helps against a wide range pathologies.