
The best lovers according to zodiac signs! The best male lovers by zodiac sign: how they achieve and what they love.

Unexpected turn! The honorable last place is occupied by Pisces, which should rightfully be given first place: there is no other sign in the zodiac that can surrender so completely to sensual pleasures. And it is precisely this quality that plays a cruel joke with Pisces. More precisely, not with the Pisces, but with their lovers. Which must first provide Rybka with an ideal mood. And for the ideal mood, Rybka needs a long, tender date, pink petals on silk sheets and an athletic, blue-eyed brunette as a partner. And let him also be an outstanding lover, and let him smell like an elf - fresh morning dew and nectar. Then maybe Rybka will show him his class. If she decides that she has fallen in love. If not, let him do everything himself and be grateful to the end of his life for access to Rybka’s divine body.

11th place - Virgo

There are two main rules for sex with a Virgo. First: It’s easier to kill a Virgo than to satisfy her. Second: if Virgo is not satisfied, she will force her partner to have sex with her until she reaches climax. And there is absolutely nothing to be happy about here. Because Virgo never gives a second chance to a partner who does not reach her high level. That's it, the train has left. Therefore, sex will not be what you thought, but cerebral. This is the one in the brain. “Run, Uncle Mitya!” What else can you say...


10th place - Capricorn

Capricorns, as many people think, are generally indifferent to sex. The Capricorn young lady will also write love joys into her daily planner: “19:00 - dinner. 20:00 - feat. 22:00 - sex." Well, how is that possible, huh? Let's talk. In fact, the Capricorn young lady focuses only and exclusively on her own desires and will not step over herself for the sake of her partner. But she knows herself very well and knows exactly what she wants and when exactly she wants. So if there is a “Sex” item in her diary, you need to give her this sex. Because if a Capricorn young lady is in the mood, it’s fire! And if not, don’t interfere with your caresses. Capricorn can even raise his horns for this. Seriously.

9th place - Cancer

Sex with Cancer can be completely described in three words: long, expensive, awesome. Long - in the sense that Cancers really love long and gentle sex, but, in general, it will take a long time to achieve it. At this stage, the impatient ones are eliminated. Expensive - because sex with Cancer is expensive, but, sorry, you have to pay. Cancer does not accept money or gifts, only with his hand and heart. At this stage, those who are afraid of losing their freedom are eliminated. Well, the heroes who complete this quest will get awesome sex. May be. Sometimes. If Cancer is in the mood. If not, swim, uncle, to the starting position: first it’s a long, long time, then it’s expensive...

8th place - Taurus

If you want to ruin sex with a Taurus young lady, start showing youthful playfulness, supposedly unbridled passion, or offer her a choice of acrobatic sketches. And you will go, scorched by the sun, to far away (no, not at all to where you dreamed of going). Taurus don't like to complicate matters. They like everything to be simple and without pretense. With feeling, with sense, with arrangement. And no, it's not boring. It's a long time. The Taurus young lady is a technical marathon runner, and expects the same from her partner. And by the way, Buddha forbid you turn to the wall and snore after five hours of sex! After sex, you need to talk, otherwise the Taurus young lady will feel that she was blatantly deceived and used. And he will take revenge. Oh yeah.

7th place - Leo

The lioness definitely needs to make a one-woman theater out of the upcoming bed pleasures. She starts playing long before hour X. You definitely need to start seducing your partner in public - so that not only your partner, but also all random witnesses would like it. Unfortunately, a significant part of the energy is wasted on this, and sometimes pitiful crumbs are left for sex itself. Well, how pathetic: if you have ever tried to wrap yourself in a blanket wild cat- then you understand what we mean. If not, surprise!

6th place - Aquarius

An honorable central place in the horoscope is occupied by Aquarians, who never want sex. And they want, firstly, great and pure love, and secondly (and most importantly), to be wanted. This is how it works: first, Aquarius notices genuine male interest in his beautiful person, and then fantasizes about what kind of enchanting sex they will have. In a bathtub with pink petals, on silk sheets, on the kitchen table or in the vestibule of the Moscow-Novy Urengoy train. Now, in order to get the best sex of his life, a man needs to guess which option Aquarius has come up with for himself. Did you guess it? Your sky will be filled with diamonds. Didn't guess right? You - weak link. Farewell.

5th place - Aries

The top five “best mistresses” opens with Aries, a young lady who firmly believes that she should be in first place. And this would be absolutely true if they came up with a rating “The most temperamental young lady in the world.” As a matter of fact, it’s all about temperament: sometimes Aries act so quickly that their partner doesn’t have time to understand anything at all: he just tried to get this beauty together in a bar, when - hop! - fell, woke up, cast. In the sense that he fell and lies in only his socks, and Aries has already finished, lit a cigarette and is impatiently looking at her watch.

4th place - Gemini

Just shy of the top three are Gemini, who, oddly enough, are very reluctant to embark on bed adventures. That is, to take off from work to a rock festival in the Moscow region, and wake up in the morning in St. Petersburg at the foot of the Anichkov Bridge - this is always the case. But the story “Sex is not a reason for dating” is not about Gemini at all. They keep hypothetical partners for bed pleasures at a pioneering distance for a long time and carefully check them. For strength of spirit and body. Because sex with a Gemini is a marathon that needs to be run at sprint speed. Wearing flippers and wrapped in a hammock. In the sense that not every bird will reach the end of the next sexual experiment that Gemini decides to try.

3rd place - Sagittarius

Sagittarius ladies always make love with sincere joy. Because no one else knows how to value carnal pleasures so much. Eating deliciously, having a soulful drink, making love with passion - the perfect evening! Even if the Sagittarius young lady is hungry like a dog, tired like a miner, and irritated like a local therapist at the end of her shift, she will not refuse sex. Because good sex The best way recharge Sagittarius' internal batteries. And you thought she had inexhaustible resources, right? In fact, she has a lot of sex in her life. Envy silently, yeah.

2nd place - Scorpio

Sex guru. Knows everything. He can do everything. It’s useless to offer her something new, she tried it back when you were walking under the table, you brat. That is, this is truly the best mistress that, in principle, one can imagine. If not for one thing: in bed, Scorpio thinks first of all about himself. And whoever doesn’t fit in is not a horseman.

1st place - Libra

Ta-damm! The honorable first place, gold medal and title of “Best Mistress” in the horoscope goes to Libra. Along with our fervent wish to at least slightly reduce the level of your piety. Because Libra chooses partners very carefully and changes extremely rarely. And this means that few people will be lucky enough to know what it’s like to make love with a woman who feels her partner as subtly as she feels herself. Although this is probably why Libra rarely changes partners. No, because it’s foolish to miss such happiness!

Are you good in bed? With what kind of person will the intimate side of love be especially pleasant? We'll tell you who the best lovers are by zodiac sign. We present our rating.

1. Taurus

Taurus are true connoisseurs of everything that gives pleasure to their senses. Intimacy is one of those areas of life that they consider most important to themselves. They are exquisite, savoring every minute. They do not focus on physical release; for them, the act of love begins long before the couple ends up in bed. These are looks, smells, delicate touches - excitement is formed gradually. Taurus are very creative and care about the feelings of their partners. For them, quick sex is fast food, but they are gourmets, and therefore top the rating of lovers by zodiac sign.

2. Pisces

People born under the sign of Pisces are very sensitive, emotional and sensual. This also affects their intimate life. In bed, they are full of fantasy, but at the same time sensitive, very concerned about the needs of their partners. Foreplay plays for them huge role. Sometimes even the act itself is not so important - the speech more goes about intimacy, warmth, emotions. Caresses become an integral part of them. In bed with Pisces, you can expect anything: from tears and confessions to “edgy” scenes from the corresponding films.

3. Leo

Leo people like to think of themselves as great lovers. They are very brave, open to experiments, and have no inhibitions. They are happy to listen to what dreams their partner has and boldly fulfill them. Without hesitation, they visit the relevant stores and try all sorts of new products. They love to talk about “this” and perceive such conversations as an element of the introductory game. They skillfully warm up the atmosphere and know how to ignite the imagination of their partners.

However, these best lovers by zodiac sign, who are among the top three champions of the rating, are also not without shortcomings. Sometimes it happens that Leos do not fully indulge in pleasure, but focus on looking perfect and making a great impression. They have a tendency to dominate, which not everyone likes.

4. Virgo

Virgos are reserved people who have difficulty opening up and can give the impression of being modest and not very sophisticated. However, everything changes when such a person meets someone with whom he feels fully himself, comfortable, when he understands that a kinship of souls has appeared. Then the Virgo mask falls off, and it turns out that in bed she is very bold, sophisticated and very, very sensual.

Looking at the reserved Virgo, no one would suspect her of such virtuosity and ability to take a place at the top of the rankings best lovers, but representatives of this zodiac sign are definitely “artists” of this matter. They know how to perfectly balance the ratio between conversations, foreplay and the act itself. Their partner always feels in seventh heaven.

5. Scorpio

Well, Scorpios are the real gods and goddesses of sex! Their main driving force is desire, and, interestingly, Scorpios know all its guises - from slowly emerging passion to dark obsession. Everything they do is carefully planned and thought out. These are masters of manipulation. They creatively seduce the person of their choice, seize control of the relationship and lead them straight to the bedroom where they work their magic. Why did the rating of lovers by zodiac sign give them a place somewhere in the middle, and not in the first positions?

Physical love with them is very bold and often even cruel. Scorpios are dominant people and strive to satisfy their desires. It happens that they are not at all considered the feelings and needs of the other party. If we are talking about technology, then they are masters, but in the matter “ emotional support» Bed pleasures are different.

6. Cancer

Cancers are delicate, gentle, sensitive and romantic. Not very expansive, they rarely take control and a dominant role in relationships with the opposite sex. Aggressive sexuality frightens and repels them. They feel bad trying to act out roles from 50 Shades of Gray. To open up, they need a feeling of security and comfort - then they bloom like a beautiful flower. They give everything or all of themselves, and suddenly they begin to shine with extraordinary brilliance. Very focused on the partner. If he is satisfied, then Cancer will be very happy about it.

7. Aries

People of the Aries sign are decisive, courageous, expansive, and easily give free rein to their feelings. They are born conquerors and are happy to get involved in the next love adventure. They are inventive in bed matters and love to experiment. However, they rather adhere to certain social roles. In particular, men do not feel very comfortable when a woman takes on the dominant role. In physical love, they rely on the quantity and intensity of experiences and do not fool themselves with all sorts of calf tenderness. Prelude? What other foreplay?!

8. Capricorn

People of the Capricorn sign are cautious and distrustful. It is not easy for them to open up to another person. They consider each lover or mistress as a potential life partner and rarely decide on one-night stands.

In bed matters, Capricorns seem conservative and devoid of imagination. Nothing could be further from the truth! When these men and women feel safe, they easily allow their partner to persuade them to experiment. But this won't happen if they don't feel comfortable. Only then will Capricorns be able to shine with the powerful light of sensuality.

9. Aquarius

For Aquarius, intimate relationships are associated with unity with a partner. They should feel some kind of spiritual connection, closeness of souls. Therefore, they rarely decide to seduce a random person in a nightclub. In their execution, the process of temptation lasts a long time and is very intense, even if it is later completed by only one common night. For Aquarius, intimate contacts are part of something larger.

In technical matters, they are not particularly imaginative and do not feel the need for experiments. But their passion... They invest everything or all of themselves into the act of love. The image of their ecstatic faces may be a classic example of ecstasy. Sometimes it feels like they're playing the perfect Oscar-winning role in their own movie.

10. Libra

A representative of this zodiac sign is a balanced, warm and very pleasant person to talk to. In relationships with the opposite sex, he places emphasis on partnership and caring for the needs of both parties. Libras are wonderful friends and acquaintances, so they often find it difficult to find themselves in the role of passionate lovers. And, frankly, these people do not always feel too good in this role. Their own outbursts of passion surprise their partners, and themselves too. In bed, they prefer proven, traditional positions and, as a rule, avoid experiments. They're like a comfortable family car: reliable and safe, but a little boring.

11. Gemini

People born under the sign of Gemini are unpredictable, changeable and impulsive. Therefore, their relationship is a sudden outbreak of passion that quickly loses its temperature. Geminis are fickle in their feelings and easily become enthusiastic about their next potential partner. In bed, as lovers, they are unusually inventive. Sometimes they want to play out complex positions and plots seen in films and magazines so much that they forget that intimacy should be pleasure. They deprive themselves of the opportunity to experience real pleasure, but they look great and “present” themselves.

12. Sagittarius

People born under the sign of Sagittarius look like real sex bombs. Their movements are sensual, seductive, and their looks are attractive. There is nothing to indicate that this is just a deceptive appearance. Sagittarians do not create this effect intentionally: it is simply an innate feature of them, like the color of their eyes or hair. Unfortunately, in bed nothing remains of their original charm, so the ranking of the best and worst lovers by zodiac sign has given them the unenviable position of bringing up the rear. Why?

They lack imagination, endurance and technology, although they love fashionable new items. Sagittarians quickly lose interest and lack patience. Therefore, people of this zodiac sign try to quickly deal with foreplay and quickly reach the pinnacle of pleasure. And only sometimes do they remember that the partner also has his own needs, emotions and fantasies. With this approach, you will agree, it is difficult to occupy the top of the ranking of lovers of different zodiac signs.

Let's find out who's in first place!


She's damn pretty, incredibly attractive and terribly smart. Moreover, it is believed that this is why the Scorpio woman is the worst wife in the world. A man who falls into her network finds himself in real slavery. Of course, it is an honor and pleasure to serve such a precious young lady, but until you get used to her complex nature, you will have time to get a bald spot, erectile dysfunction and lose the authority of your friends.


Astrologers say that marrying a Fish is like having a kitten, because there is no more benefit from her. Pisces are creatures not of this world, although they are very attractive. There is zero practicality, even less common sense, but emotions are over the edge. At the same time, she will not tear a man’s brains out, but rather will quietly cry on the sidelines. For some mysterious reason, representatives of the stronger sex become truly dependent on Pisces women. And having broken off relations with these ladies with their head in the clouds, for a long time They believe that life without them is decay.

10th PLACE - LEO

Only the bravest men are able to decide on such an alliance. The Leo wife is luxury, pathos, praises, and everything is only in superlatives. The best cars, jewelry, cars - her appetites are not very modest. Theoretically, it is possible to divorce such a predator, but practically after a divorce from the Lioness, all women seem to be pale copies of her.


The wife-Satan, the woman-fire - it is she who stops the galloping horse and enters the burning hut. Next to her, a rare man feels superior - this volcano sweeps away any obstacles in its path. Besides, the Sagittarius woman is always right. And one more thing: in this family, whatever the wife says, so it will be.


The most dangerous kind of wife. The most insidious. She is so insightful that she sees right through people. And she knows who her husband really is. Don’t even try to hide anything from her or have even hints of secrets - this agent 007 is cooler than any security officer. Only the most desperate men decide to marry such women.


A femme fatale, a poet's dream. An Aries woman is the best thing that could happen to a man. At least that's what she thinks herself. She will fight to the last, but she will re-educate her husband. Any tools are used, and she is sure that it will benefit him!


Smart, beautiful, a skilled cook, an excellent lover - yes, this is a Libra wife. It is Libra who is called the dream of every man. However, there is one “but” - all this awaits a man only on those days when Her Majesty is favorable to kindness and tenderness. The rest of the chosen one’s free time awaits sophisticated brainwashing and complex hysterics.


The Virgo wife is your best friend, companion and ally. She is so fiercely in favor of partnership in marriage that she chooses the right angle for both in a couple - and it is useless to resist her pressure. And even if a man has illusions that he is in charge, sooner or later he will realize who is boss. However, Virgo does not do anything head-on - her virtuosity in creating the illusion of anything can be envied.


You need to marry such a woman without hesitation, especially if you are a very cheerful and not very rich goofball. She is strong, smart, pretty, but most importantly, her strong-willed nature will not give up until she grows her chosen one into a successful man. If you're ready to accept her methods - for example, a service flying at your head - and you think it's fun, then go for it!


The ideal man should be a husband ideal woman- this is how this lady thinks, who knows how to count, think rationally and is not at all susceptible to emotions. When choosing a partner, Capricorn women are also guided solely by profit, believing that falling in love is promiscuity. And if she has already chosen her man, then a long and full of dedication life awaits him, where you will not be spoiled.


Almost the leaders of our rating, Aquarius women are just a balm on the heart of almost every man. Eternally young, positive, light, laughing, she is all so airy and slightly contradictory, but she never blows her mind and creates an atmosphere of drive. However, if you give her ultimatums or simply try to come to an agreement, then you can run into a reinforced concrete wall of misunderstanding. The flexibility of Aquarius is a mirage, and she puts her freedom above all else.


Ta-dam! Here she is - main character our rating of the best wives, brides and girlfriends. Family is above all for Cancer, and home is the very rear that helps representatives of this sign receive energy and conquer the world. The Cancer woman is an ideal mother, an excellent housewife, a witty conversationalist, she adores her husband and even his relatives. In short, a woman without flaws. Petty female blackmail and hysterics don’t count!

To our sex life many factors influence, and not just the way of thinking and family upbringing, as some people think. This is the position of the Moon and the Sun in relation to other planets, and moon calendar, and energy flows. It is very important for a woman to fully study her partner: his characteristics, weaknesses and strengths, preferences, in order to avoid unnecessary disappointments and insults in the future. When a relationship is just beginning, you want to know as much as possible about your partner. A horoscope, of course, is not a guide to intimate life, but General characteristics gives relatively accurate zodiac signs. It is not for nothing that for many centuries both royalty and ordinary mortals have turned to astrologers for help.


Passionate and sexually active zodiac sign. Eternal experimenters and hot lovers. Most often they take the initiative and do not tolerate refusal. Men of this sign always keep everything under control. They are leaders, and you need to be able to obey them. Even if the surge of passion happened in some place that bears little resemblance to the marital bedroom. Agree, you won't regret it. Spontaneity is characteristic of them. Aries are generally inventive in matters of love; a partner who shares an irrepressible temperament and imagination will suit them. And if he doesn’t share, he will find a replacement on the side. You will never get bored with them. A person born under the sign of Aries is open-hearted and uncomplicated, this is reflected in his sexual characteristics. A man of the Aries sign is initially focused only on himself and his feelings and preferences. And he needs to be taught to feel his partner. Moreover, it is better for an Aries man to talk about his feelings directly. Because, although female manipulations have an effect on Aries, if he suspects you of them, he will leave. The Aries man does not like deception. He is attracted to passionate, open, but faithful partners. It is believed that until the age of 30, men of this sign do not show examples of fidelity. But over the years, their ardor gradually fades away, and they no longer look for adventures on the side. If you want to seduce an Aries, be mysterious, unpredictable and passionate. This sign is also a masterful kisser, better than others for sure.


Lovers of this sign will not rush. They enjoy the process itself. They easily transfer the initiative to their partner because they are lazy by nature. They love long games in bed. You also don’t need to expect ingenuity from Taurus, this is not their topic, sex for them is just physiology. They prefer slow, measured sex, seasoned with languid conversations and compliments. Romantics, but do not belong to the most faithful categories of men. The Taurus man is often loving; he will absolutely sincerely love his wife and a couple of mistresses. In appearance, the Taurus man is very reliable, and so it is, they rarely have divorces, and there are many caring husbands and fathers among Taurus. But due to his strong temperament, it happens that one woman is not enough for him, and neither age nor strong feelings to their spouse they often cannot stop Taurus. After all, Taurus is a very down-to-earth and pragmatic sign, therefore, even in a fit of passion, they are fully aware of what is happening, never succumb to feminine tricks, always have contraception, if he does not want love, it will be almost impossible to seduce him.


Gemini's artistry manifests itself in everything, including intimate relationships. And this is literally said - there are many artists and musicians among this sign. They play flirtation and passion. And they expect the same from their partner. Indefatigable lovers, love variety. They are distinguished by extraordinary antics. Very active and talkative during sex. Gemini will be interested in everything about you: both body and soul. Gemini is one of the most sociable signs of the zodiac. Loyalty, too, alas, does not differ. But unlike the Taurus described above, their betrayals are based on throwing feelings, they are noticeable. Ladies' man- this is about Gemini. And all because they are easy to communicate, will adapt to any girl’s mood and will be able to achieve their goal. Creative people! There is no feeling of awkwardness or embarrassment with them; they know how to create the right atmosphere and charm their passion already at the first meeting so that she is thrilled just from one touch. They are gentle, attentive, and approach business creatively and with imagination. And I would already like to say that here he is, the ideal lover, but everyone is spoiled by the excessive boasting of Gemini men. They love to savor the details of love dates with their friends. The Gemini man is not the most reliable spouse, he can become very interested in another woman, believe that this is “the one,” but after a year or two he changes his mind, tries to return or go into a new marriage. If you connect your life with a Gemini, establish strong and warm relationships with his family, so that if your marriage is in danger, they can help you save it.


This sign is famous for its affection for the chosen one. And unlike the talkative Gemini, he will keep the impression of the meeting to himself. It is difficult for him to build new relationships, he is conservative in this regard: he needs a girl who is modest, without experience and shocking. Therefore, as a rule, people get married late and take a long time to choose. They appreciate tenderness and attentiveness. In sex they are consistent and selective. First, they carefully study the partner. Very leisurely. Don't expect them to get passionate and tear off your clothes. Foreplay is important to Cancers. Cancer will be very pleased if, before making love, you close the curtains, light candles, pour him a warm bath, oil massage. All this will always bring somewhere inside the insecure Cancer a feeling of unconditional acceptance. Cancers are made for family life, they are sensitive to the mood of their companion and care about real, sincere feelings for each other. Men of this sign can bring coffee to bed, help around the house, and at night they will do everything for their beloved. By the way, one of the few signs who loves adult toys and actively uses them. Unexpected for such a family-oriented and modest type, right? Cancer is the most motherly sign of the zodiac. And, of course, he will choose a partner who is similar to his mother. Be prepared to periodically be an affectionate and warm mother for him, whisper tenderness in his ear, warm him up after a difficult time. working day. Then your Cancer man will respond to you with care and loyalty. And you will have to make friends with his real mother - without this there is nowhere! In general, if you choose Cancer as your husband, love and tolerate him all your life, he does not forgive insults.

a lion

Get ready for the show. On stage he is the most charming and attractive, he awaits attention and admiration. And besides a glance, words are needed - compliments, Leo expects this from everyone and from his beloved, or rather from the girl who is in love with him, first of all. Passionate lovers who begin foreplay long before the X moment. In bed they value praise and admiration. Not the most affectionate and attentive lovers, they are often fixated on themselves. With a Leo man, use two recommendations. 1. Always praise him. Even to the point of absurdity, praise. You won't be able to overdo it with Leo, don't worry. 2. Manipulate! While you could tell an Aries man directly what you like and what you don’t, this is not the case with a Leo man. He may be offended and go looking for fame and praise on the side. Therefore, it is better to convey information about your sexual preferences to them in a roundabout way: by talking about your friends who... by watching movies. And then, when your Leo does everything the way you like, be sure to praise him. He is really charming, really good looking (he devotes a lot of time to self-care and expects this from his chosen one) and good in bed. Everyone loves him. Leo knows what passion is and how to make everyday life a holiday. He is generous and does not skimp on gifts. But in sex you need to follow him in everything he comes up with, and he can come up with a lot. Leo is not the best sure sign zodiac, unfortunately. Leos, of course, are ardent lovers, they court beautifully and romantically, but at this time they can calmly “accidentally” spend the evening on the side in order to impress their new chosen one. But his lioness will be the one who surpasses everyone in praise and manipulation. For a Leo man, his mother is also very important; he usually competes with his father, but his mother! If you want to live happily ever after with your Leo, enlist the support of his mother.


The sexuality of a Virgo man greatly depends on the beginning of his sex life. The first experience for him is a kind of initiation. As a result, an understanding comes that this is how it should be, and this is the only way! Pedantic Virgos will spend a long time preparing for this before inviting their chosen one home. So long that they might change their minds. Therefore, most often the initiative in this couple comes from the lady. Men behave the same way in family life; intimate relationships are not in the first place. Virgos are romantics and idealists and expect something extraordinary from a date. They are demanding of themselves and suspicious. In bed, Virgo will try her best, delay with foreplay - be patient. And most importantly, you need to exclude all external interference: put away the phone, turn off the TV, because Virgo can easily lose the romantic mood and be puzzled by more important problems. What to do if your Virgo man is timid in bed, cowardly, and unsure? Play a game with him. Replay this his first time! He will happily agree to the experiment; for him it will be part of the psychotherapy of that painful incident that affects his entire sexual life. In return you will receive a faithful and gentle man who will appreciate you for the rest of your life! They value intelligence and humor, so you don’t have to worry about cellulite, they won’t pay attention to it.


A man of this sign is surprisingly attractive to the opposite sex. He has something that doesn’t need to be demonstrated in words: charisma, masculinity, seriousness and natural sexuality. As a rule, they are well built. These are the wards of Venus, and love for them is the meaning of life. Libra men are manipulators. Playing with a partner, as well as her mind and soul, is important to them. They choose smart, extraordinary, deep women. Lovers of foreplay and long love games. They love to study their partner. They value beauty and aesthetics. Ready to experiment, but within the limits of what is permitted. They sincerely love, have a hard time with the breakup and plunge headlong into the relationship again. They are not monogamous at all - there can be many novels, marriages too. They do not like boredom and monotony; If you offer them something new, they will respond with pleasure. They say that this sign is guilty of exhibitionism. What they don’t tolerate is ambiguity and lies, so Libra doesn’t need to fool their head, everything should be simple and clear. Often a Libra man chooses a woman for whom he will suffer: a married woman, a bitch, in love with another, one who will wipe her feet on him. But as soon as a woman is conquered, she can leave without discovering the depth and mystery. They will remain close to the one they will get to know all their lives. If you try to tie a Libra man yourself, he will leave.


Who doesn't know what this is sexy sign horoscope? The main seducer and seducer. One of the hottest signs of the zodiac. Passionate, fiery, fatal. Those born under the sign of Scorpio are considered natural magicians; they are sensitive and know their partner not only with their mind and heart, but also in their own magical ways, unique to them. It comes under pressure and it’s hard to resist. But some people like such insatiability, eternal desire and animal passion, while others need a calmer relationship. So that you don’t have to spend all your nights doing acrobatic exercises, but you can also sleep quietly. If you are going to throw in your lot with a Scorpio man, get ready for a stormy intimate life. And no headaches or small children. Everything is as scheduled. If you refuse, they will look elsewhere. He can change partners until he meets his only love. After that, he does everything to keep her by his side. He conquers by using any means, and then lives with her until his death. A perfect monogamous man. By the way, this sign loves exotic things more than others. Sadists and masochists - that's all of them. And they are not distinguished by tact; if they notice a defect, they will say it without mincing words. And this despite the fact that their mistresses usually already have a luxurious body, but the despotic Scorpio, who himself is not Apollo at all, will be sarcastic and will not notice.


Gambling lovers who love themselves and try to be leaders. This is the most skillful seducer! He is sociable, erudite and with a sense of humor, always in the center of attention. You yourself will not notice how you will enthusiastically chat with him about this and that, and then you will find yourself in the same bed, although before that you were a devoted wife and an ideal mother. It is important for Sagittarius men to conquer a woman, to win her away from another. If you are looking for a relationship with a Sagittarius, do not run after him, do not call him, do not show your interest. Be mocking, independent, but don’t go as far as cynicism, they don’t like that. They intuitively select the key to any lady. And they don’t let a single attractive person pass by. Infidelity is written in them in the stars. In intimate relationships, Sagittarius knows how to create a relaxed atmosphere; with him there is no need to show yourself better than you really are. If he is with you, it means that he has made a choice. And you have a chance to feel like a queen. But this will not last long, because there are many beauties in the world. A passionate and insatiable sign, a lover of diversifying intimacy with virtuoso technique and trying something new. In bed, you need to show that he conquers you. Sagittarius cares about feelings, emotions, and romance. If he thinks you're not in love with him, sex won't happen. And I would recommend that if you are with a Sagittarius man, you do not run ahead of the locomotive: let him decide where, when and under what circumstances. Sagittarius men are unbridled savages who explore new possibilities.


The Capricorn man is always afraid of making mistakes. He is afraid that he will be used, that he will be married without love, that a woman will not live next to him for the sake of money. At the same time, your words are not important; on the contrary, the tenacious mind of Capricorn is more likely to suspect you if you prove your selflessness with words. He approaches everything thoroughly. Capricorn will never exchange for easy relationships or spontaneous sex. Only serious affection for a serious girl, whom he initially courts for a long time. He will always be a little distant, as if in the shadows, but you yourself will understand that the man has already looked after you, you are under his hood. And with mutual desire, a long and happy union can result. Capricorns are loyal and reliable people, they will never seek adventures like Sagittarius or Gemini. Actions matter to Capricorn! Don't ask for gifts, refuse expensive restaurants, don't accept jewelry as a gift. And then your Capricorn will reveal itself to you in all the beauty of its soul! He will become a wonderful sensual lover, gentle and attentive. The Capricorn man easily tunes in to the vibrations of the woman he trusts. In bed, he carefully pleases his beloved, listening to her wishes, and it would seem that this is an idyll, but no, Capricorns have their own secret passions. They love cruel games and they can go far, causing harm to their partner physical pain. But don’t be alarmed, he won’t do anything bad without your consent. Just don’t be shy to immediately set the boundaries of what is permitted for him.


A passionate lover and a naive romantic are not two different people, this is Aquarius. They are decent and intelligent in relationships; they will definitely ask if you have another loved one at the same time. What is most important to an Aquarius man is spiritual intimacy and sincere friendship with his partner. Aquarians generally often begin love relationship with friendship and, alas, have a tendency to confuse them. Subtle and delicate lovers. First, they strive to get to know their chosen one better, and only then begin sexual pleasures. He chooses girls who are creative, well-read, educated and... slender. For Aquarius, a good figure and a well-groomed body are of enormous importance. He himself does not miss jogging and expects such a lifestyle from his chosen one. And in bed matters there is nothing special to tell about Aquarius: he is traditional and predictable. He goes through life with a set of seduction techniques learned in his youth. If you want to win such a man, do not show your intentions, be restrained in your emotions. True, divorces are not common among Aquarians, except that people leave them without finding real warmth and love in marriage. If friendship in marriage is more important to you than strong passions, feel free to choose Aquarius as your partner; most likely, your marriage will be long and strong.


But this sign, on the contrary, is waiting for the first steps from its partner. Pisces are lazy by nature, comfort and a minimum of problems in life are their motto, so they will never pursue someone for a long time and will easily give up love at the first difficulties. But these are extreme cases. Usually Pisces are easy-going and sociable, which is why their partners are the same, without the complexities of their worldview. They love romance. In bed they are partner-oriented. They think little about themselves, which is why they suffer. Secretive and mysterious people. A Pisces man never knows himself. Today he is one, tomorrow he is different. Today he is sure that he needs just such a partner and such a relationship, but tomorrow everything changes. Sexual relations They turn out smooth, without outbursts of emotions and unnecessary passions. But the paraphernalia is important: for example, clothes, dressing and role-playing games. They can quickly get bored with sex in the bedroom with the curtains closed, so get ready to surprise and add variety to the life of Pisces, they are waiting for your initiative. A Pisces man is often accused of lying, but believe me, he is sincere in both cases. It’s just that this man will be learning about himself all his life. Being the partner of a Pisces man is not easy.

American scientists say that the more a man resembles a monkey, the taller he is. sexual activity. Having studied the relationship between hair structure and sexual behavior, Canadian scientists also concluded: men with thick hair are more active in bed than those with soft and thin hair.

Russian scientists did not conduct special studies, but noted that our women so observant that they themselves can determine a good lover without other people's clues. For example, some of them are sure that the longer and fleshier a man’s nose, the larger the size of his penis, while others claim that if a man’s fingers are long, then the size of his manhood is larger than average.

Some ladies suggest define by the amount of hair on the body, but not on the head. A hairy chest, arms and legs characterize a sexually active man, while the appearance early baldness considered a consequence of high temperament and passion.

German sexologists also did not stand aside. To determine whether a man will be a good lover, they offer to treat him with candy. If a man begins to stretch her wrapper in different directions or quickly tears it off, then you can’t count on quality sex with him. Anyone who puts candy in his pocket and then offers to eat it together will be interesting and inventive in bed.

In fact to a good lover It is not at all necessary to have pumped up muscles and a large penis. Big sizes male organ and a “jock” who constantly disappears in the gym is most often no longer a gift for a woman. An ideal lover is one who can make a woman's life look like a fairy tale. And then, even if he is not at his best sexually, the woman will love her and enjoy the fact that she is desired.

None woman with common sense cannot consider a man an ideal lover, no matter how “sexual giant” he is in bed, if he “looks like a monkey” in the literal sense: sloppy-haired, with dirty hair and nails, the smell of sweat from his armpits and feet, rotten teeth, unkemptly dressed. Women are much more interested in men with pleasant appearance, with a gentle and self-confident look, rather than “males” with a muscular torso and a perfectly functioning genital organ.

If man does not know how to take care of himself, which means he is lazy and will also treat a woman with disrespect. For example, force her to engage in those types of love games that he likes, although they cause pain to the woman, and after the end of sexual intercourse he will immediately turn his back to her and start snoring. He is not interested in how his partner feels.

Of course, call ideal lover No one is going to get a man who treats a woman with respect, but who needs sex once every six months. An ideal lover is able to satisfy a woman, both morally and sexually. He is not selfish, knows how to listen, joke and knows a lot about affection. With such a lover, a woman feels good both in communication and in bed.

Professor of sexology at the University of Hamburg Markus Kurzweiler advises recognizing a good lover based on the following characteristics:

1. Compliments. If a man does not give compliments, then he will be insecure in bed. A confident man is not afraid to find himself in a funny position; during a conversation he often jokes and gives compliments. He knows for sure that he can correct any awkward situation. In bed, he will also behave actively, without being ashamed of his imaginary or real shortcomings.

2. Courtship. A man never listens to your opinion, he chooses where it is best for you to meet and how to spend your time, which means that you are facing a limited male who is only interested in sex, and not your interests and tastes. In bed, he will also strive to impose his will on you, and having received pleasure, he will immediately fall asleep, turning his back to you.

3. Table manners. If a man eats quickly and a lot at the table, then he will not be a gourmet in the intimate sphere. Conversely, the one who eats slowly and tastefully will be inventive and skillful in showing affection in love games.

4. Gait. A man’s imposing or dancing gait reveals a lover who knows a lot about pleasure. If a man walks as if he is in a hurry to get somewhere, then in bed he will behave accordingly.

5. Sight. If a man looks as if he is mentally undressing you, then most likely he is not interested in you as a woman. He wants to get you into bed and have sex to satisfy his needs. He will treat foreplay as a burdensome duty, and not as an important ritual for a woman before sexual intercourse. A good lover looks into your eyes during communication to find out your opinion. In bed, he also tries to take into account the desires and needs of his partner.

6. Stories about yourself. A temperamental man will not talk about his “love victories” and abilities in bed in order to present himself to a woman as a successful “macho” who has found his place in the sun. He will not hint to his mistress that he is constantly in the circle of pretty ladies and has a lot of sexual experience.

Most often they brag with his victories on the love front impotent and weak men who failed to satisfy women in bed. The ideal lover is a model of mystery, accuracy and politeness. He will never allow himself to pretend and deceive when communicating, especially to compare his partner with other women he has had before.

Well, we want to add on our own behalf to understand whether there will be man a good lover, decide for yourself: do you love him or not? After all, sex is just a way to express your feelings, and if there are no feelings, then you shouldn’t expect that you will be satisfied with sexual intercourse with an unloved man.