
February lunar calendar what moon. Get a haircut, dream, get acquainted - we make a list of things that must be done during the waxing moon

The astrological forecast and the lunar calendar for February 2018 promise a restless month filled with unrest. Anxious experiences are directly dependent on the "behavior" of the satellite of the planet. It is known that it is the Moon that has the most powerful effect on the Earth and its inhabitants. Its influence extends throughout wildlife and, of course, does not bypass the person. Knowing how to behave on a particular lunar day, taking a little time to properly plan work and leisure, you can get the most out of lunar impulses and avoid many troubles.

Table of lunar phases for the second month of 2018:

Number, day of the week, synodal ( lunar day) Waning / waxing moon (its phase on a particular day) Active zodiac sign Energy of the day
February 1, 2018


16 - 17 synodal day

Moon in waning stateLocated in the sign LeoModerately auspicious day
February 2, 2018


17 - 18 synodal days

waningMoves in the constellation VirgoFavorable start to the day
February 3, 2018


18 - 19 synodal knocks

waningLocated in Deva
February 4, 2018


19 - 20 synodal knocks

waningMoving into the sign of Libra
February 5, 2018


20 and 21 synodal days

DecreasesIn the sign of Libra
February 6, 2018


DecreasesMoved into ScorpioAuspicious, strong day
February 7, 2018

21 - 22 synodal days

waningIn the sign of ScorpioThe day is positive, the energy is favorable
February 8, 2018


22 - 23 synodal day

DecreasesIn the constellation Scorpio
February 9, 2018


23 - 24 synodal days

waningMoved into SagittariusModerately auspicious day
February 10, 2018


24 - 25 synodal days

waningIn the sign of Sagittarius
February 11, 2018


25 - 26 lunar days

waningMoves into the constellation Capricorn
February 12, 2018


26 - 27 moon knocks

DescendingMoon in Capricorn
February 13, 2018

27 - 28 synodal knocks

waningMoved into AquariusA day with strong favorable energy
February 14, 2018

28 - 29 synodal knocks

descendingLocated in Aquarius
February 15, 2018


29 - 30 synodal day

Last waning phaseIn the zodiac sign "Aquarius"The day is soft, positive, auspicious
February 16, 2018


Synodal day: 30, 1, 2

New moonMoved into Pisces
February 17, 2018


Growth stageMoon in Pisces
February 18, 2018


3 - 4 synodal day

Growing, gaining strengthMoves in Pisces
February 19, 2018


4 - 5 synodal day

GrowingMoon in the constellation Aries
February 20, 2018


5 - 6 synodal day

GrowingIn the zodiac sign "Aries"
February 21, 2018

6 - 7 synodal days

In growthMoved into TaurusStrong, auspicious day
February 22, 2018


7th and 8th synodal day

Is in growthIn the constellation TaurusModerately positive, favorable
February 23, 2018


8 - 9 synodal knocks

Quarter First GrowthMoves to Gemini
February 24, 2018


9-10 synodal day

Gaining strength, growingin Gemini
February 25, 2018


10 and 11 days

GrowingMoves in Cancer
February 26, 2018


11 and 12 synodal days

In the growth phaseLocated in Cancer
February 27, 2018


12 - 13 synodal days

GrowingMoves into the constellation "Leo"
February 28, 2018

13 - 14 days

GrowingIn Leomoderately positive day

Days with positive lunar energy in February

Auspicious days in February lunar calendar, are more restrained than, for example, the positive days of January. Moderate intensity of good energy is associated with the astrological beginning of the year Earth Dog, which is "on the heels" of the year of the Rooster. There may be some imbalance at the beginning of this shift.

In order for the transition from one year to another to be smooth, devoid of abrupt changes, caution and restraint must be exercised. You can not succumb to bouts of irritation, which are possible at the beginning of the second week of February due to energy flows from space.

The first days of the month promise calmness and peace of mind, but subject to compliance in disputes, the absence of nit-picking others. Only in this way, by slightly infringing on one's own "I", it will be possible to maintain peace in the family and stable friendliness at work. You should try not to criticize acquaintances, not to interfere in other people's squabbles.

Those who are planning long-distance travel need to exercise caution when traveling. Nervous excitement that occurs for several synodal days in a row can be controlled by taking sedatives. herbal preparations. Ultimately, all experiences will be exaggerated, but peace of mind may suffer. Travel is best compiled according to the satellite phase table, focusing on auspicious days.

Moon in February and the signs of the 4 elements

The year 2018 is notable for the absence of a full moon in February. This introduces some disharmony. A month should be lived calmly, without violent emotions, without radical changes in life. In general, it is favorable for building a home. For those who want to improve the atmosphere in the family, it is enough to show tolerance for the shortcomings of loved ones. Just a little attention, and your family will respond to the warmth and benevolence emanating from you.

February phases of the Moon for the signs of the 4 Elements:

  • Fire - you can not make rash, spontaneous decisions;
  • Water - this month your plans and decisions will be mostly successful;
  • Earth - the main task for representatives of the elements - to keep the peace in the house;
  • Air - calmness and measuredness will be the key to success.

The moon has a strong influence on water, and a person, as you know, largely consists of water. Any fluctuation of impulses from space is given by waves of emotions in the souls of people. With age, such sensations become more pronounced, however, young people may also have an innate sensitivity to lunar influence.

To develop the ability to feel the influence of the Moon and “feed off” from its energy, observation of one’s own experiences will help. Synodal days are different from ordinary days, so you should focus on them. With just a little practice, and thanks to the phase table, it will be possible to change your life for the better, relying on the clues of the Moon and the power emanating from it.

Watch a video on how the lunar calendar works for a gardener:

Moon phases in February 2018

  • New moon- February 16, 2018 at 00 hours 05 minutes 08 seconds.
  • Full moon- No.
  • First quarter- February 23, 2018 at 11:09:00.
  • Last quarter– February 07, 2018 at 18 hours 53 minutes 51 seconds.
  • Waxing Crescent- from 17 to 28 February 2018.
  • Waning moon- from 1 to 15 February 2018.
  • Solar eclipse: February 15, 2018 at 23:52.
  • Moon at its apogee: February 11 at 14:17.
  • Moon at perigee: February 27 at 14:50.
  • Auspicious days: February 2, 4, 8, 20, 22, 27, 28.
  • bad days: 6, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 26 February.

What is the moon now: growing or waning in February 2018.

The moon will be capricious throughout February, so it is recommended to carefully weigh and think over each step - after all, even the simplest decisions will depend on a lot. In February 2018, do not rush to conclusions, be more attentive to your well-being and mental state. It is especially important to do this on the New Moon (February 16).

In relationships with loved ones, the Lunar calendar for February 2018 recommends being careful and patient - any rash act or recklessly thrown word can lead to disagreements and quarrels.

February 2018 will be a good month financially. The influence of the Moon in February 2018 is also favorable for resolving legal issues.

Detailed lunar calendar for every day of February 2018

February 1, 2018 Thursday
16 lunar day waning moon
Moon in Leo

Do not force yourself to do something by force today, if there is no great need for it. . Today it is better to do what the soul is drawn to - creative activities will be especially good.

February 2, 2018 Friday
17 lunar day waning moon
Moon in Virgo

The day requires decisive action - your luck for today depends on your mood. Throw aside laziness and be as strict and demanding as possible to yourself. Remember to rely on your intuition.

February 3, 2018 Saturday
18 lunar day waning moon
Moon in Virgo

Like the previous one, this day will require you to take responsibility. The saying “Measure seven times, cut one” very eloquently characterizes today. Do not give in to provocations and avoid conflicts today.

February 4, 2018 Sunday
19 lunar day waning moon
Moon in Libra

What is the moon today? The one that favors learning - all the knowledge that you learn today can be very useful in the future. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to engage in self-development, then be sure to use it. . Meetings, negotiations and just communication with people will also be good today - good connections can be made, you can count on success in concluding agreements.

February 5, 2018 Monday
20 lunar day waning moon
Moon in Libra

Before lunch, try to give everything to 100 - this is the most fruitful time. Avoid travel today if possible. The day is also unfavorable for communication and going out. Relationship problems can arise due to jealousy - try to avoid such situations.

February 6, 2018 Tuesday
21 lunar day waning moon
Moon in Scorpio

No time for laziness and passivity. The moon today requires decisive action, supported by sound, cold calculation and prudence. Today, try to abstract from emotions - haste with conclusions and assessments can go sideways for you.

February 7, 2018 Wednesday
21 and 22 lunar days waning moon
Moon in Scorpio

Today, be more careful - the Moon can give you new opportunities, but if you “miss” them or don’t grab them because of fear, you can miss them.

February 8, 2018 Thursday
22 lunar day waning moon
Moon in Scorpio

Great day in everything related to finances and documents. If you plan to negotiate to conclude deals, then today is your finest hour. For those who are far from business and finance, this day can please with an unexpected gift or a meeting with an old friend.

February 9, 2018 Friday
23 lunar day waning moon
Moon in Sagittarius

A great day for any form of communication - mutual understanding and support are guaranteed. If you want to invite your loved one on a date, then take advantage of the favor of the moon today.

February 10, 2018 Saturday
24 lunar day waning moon
Moon in Sagittarius

A difficult day - risks, obstacles and difficulties are everywhere. Be careful and attentive, listen to your intuition.

February 11, 2018 Sunday
25 lunar day waning moon
Moon in Capricorn

Today it is important to avoid overwork. Observe the measure in everything - in work, communication, other activities. However, right now the Moon is favorable for those who want to make peace with people with whom they are in a quarrel. One has only to take the initiative in one's own hands - and you will come to an understanding.

February 12, 2018 Monday
26 lunar day waning moon
Moon in Capricorn

try not to overexert yourself today. After dinner, there is a risk of feeling unwell - especially if yesterday and today you did not feel sorry for yourself and overexerted yourself, or were nervous.

February 13, 2018 Tuesday
27 lunar day waning moon
Moon in Capricorn

Today, be careful with your thoughts and desires, especially if they concern other people. Everything that you wish them today will come back to you like a boomerang. Therefore, all day try to think only about the good! Today it is not recommended to refuse to help people.

February 14, 2018 Wednesday
28 lunar day waning moon
Moon in Aquarius

Today, be very careful about purchases, payments and filling out documents. Attentiveness is very important - otherwise mistakes may occur that will hurt your pocket. In no case do not rush to resolve financial issues and paperwork.

February 15, 2018 Thursday
29 lunar day waning moon
Moon in Aquarius

Stand your ground today, but control your emotions. If you can defend your opinion, you will have good prospects in the future.

February 16, 2018 Friday
30 and 1 lunar day New Moon
Moon in Pisces

The moon does not favor haste now. Whatever the situation, try to soberly and sensibly assess your strengths and chances of success. Block out bad memories and negative emotions.

February 17, 2018 Saturday
2 lunar day Growing moon
Moon in Pisces

The day is difficult in terms of communication. Mutual understanding will be difficult to achieve, so try to keep contact with other people to the minimum necessary. Segonya is not worth believing in words, and especially flattery.

February 18, 2018 Sunday
3 lunar day Growing moon
Moon in Pisces

The negative influence of the Moon on communication continues. To this day, yesterday's recommendations remain valid.

February 19, 2018 Monday
4 lunar day Growing moon
Moon in Aries

February 20, 2018 Tuesday
5 lunar day Growing moon
Moon in Aries

The moon today promises a pleasant day in all respects. Relax and enjoy work, leisure and communication.

February 21, 2018 Wednesday
6 lunar day Growing moon
Moon in Taurus

Today is the perfect day for cheerful company and active recreation. It will be difficult to engage in intellectual work today - the day is unfavorable for this.

February 22, 2018 Thursday
7 lunar day Growing moon
Moon in Taurus

Forgive and forgive - this is what today requires of you. Today is the perfect time to let go and forget all past hurts and negativity. Time to communicate with friends and family, especially if you have not seen them for a long time.

February 23, 2018 Friday
8 lunar day First quarter
Moon in Gemini

Show maximum discretion and attention - the Moon is now quite insidious and makes you very susceptible to other people's influence. Do not take risks today, do not make important decisions.

February 24, 2018 Saturday
9 lunar day Growing moon
Moon in Gemini

The afternoon will be an auspicious time for making decisions and active action. If you want to achieve any goal with a guarantee, start acting today after lunch.

February 25, 2018 Sunday
10 lunar day Growing moon
Moon in Cancer

Today is not meant for action. Better start planning for the future . Don't expect any major changes.

February 26, 2018 Monday
11 lunar day Growing moon
Moon in Cancer

Do not take on new cases, but old ones can be confidently completed today.

February 27, 2018 Tuesday
12 lunar day Growing moon
Moon in Leo

Follow the development of events more closely - today you may have good chances and opportunities - do not miss them. You should not hesitate to make decisions either - today you need a strong and tenacious grip.

February 28, 2018 Wednesday
13 lunar day Growing moon
Moon in Leo

Caution and sanity will come in handy today. If you are careful and attentive, the day will go well. Today is the perfect time to change your personal life - whether it's a new meeting or the end of an old relationship.

"What is the moon now: waxing or waning for February 2018"

The moon is the nearest space object, a satellite of our planet Earth and a mysterious luminary of the night sky. Lunar rhythms have a significant impact on all life on our vast planet.

A detailed accurate lunar calendar for February 2019 will help you live in peace and harmony with yourself and with the world around you. Now you can find out exactly when the next new moon and full moon will be (date, date, exact Moscow time), Lunar eclipse, and also help you correctly determine the phase of the moon, what lunar day, determine how long it lasts and when the waxing moon or waning moon begins, young month when there will be favorable days or bad days in February, what time does the first lunar day begin.

The time of revolution of the Moon around the Earth is a little more than 28 calendar days, that is, about a month. Half of this time the moon is waxing and then waning. At the beginning of each lunar month there are so-called days of Hekate - when the moon is not visible in the sky. Then a thin crescent appears, and the moon begins to grow. This continues until the full moon, after which the moon is waning.

In astrology, each of the 30 lunar days has its own meaning and description. But among these days there are more and less favorable ones. What do you want to pay attention to? Firstly, as you know, a new business must be started on the growing moon, but not in the days of Hecate, and this is approximately from the 3rd lunar day, which is just favorable for starting new business.

Lunar cycle or month is 4 lunar phases from 29 - 30 days. If there are 29 days in a lunar month, the month is considered less favorable.

When will be favorable days in February 2019:

From February 6 to February 18 - the growing moon, a young new month (new, young, rising, rising moon)

These are the days of the growing moon, after the new moon, and the days of the waning moon, after the full moon.

When will there be unfavorable days in February 2019:

The detailed lunar calendar February 2019 shows Moscow time. Always consider the time zone to determine your local time. The month begins with a new moon, with phase 1.

A lunar day (lunar day) begins with the rising of the moon on a given day. The lunar calendar also indicates the transit of the Moon in the zodiac sign and the exact time of entry into this zodiac sign.

Lunar calendar for February 2019, when there will be a full moon, a new moon

the date moon day sunrise time Zodiac sign Entrance sign Moon phase
1 27 06:09 Capricorn 03:48 waning
2 28 07:02 Capricorn Moon
3 29 07:45 Aquarius 16:04
4 30 08:20 Aquarius
5 1/2 08:47 Aquarius New moon
6 3 09:05 Fish 05:03 Growing
7 4 09:28 Fish Moon
8 5 09:44 Aries 17:35
9 6 09:59 Aries
10 7 10:14 Aries
11 8 10:31 Taurus 04:27
12 9 10:50 Taurus
13 10 11:13 Twins 12:33
14 11 11:42 Twins
15 12 12:22 Cancer 17:04
16 13 13:16 Cancer
17 14 14:26 a lion 18:22
18 15 15:48 a lion
19 16 17:17 Virgo 17:48 Full moon
20 17 18:49 Virgo waning
21 18 20:18 Scales 17:18 Moon
22 19 21:45 Scales
23 20 23:09 Scorpion 18:57
24 20 Scorpion
25 21 00:30 Scorpion
26 22 01:47 Sagittarius 00:21
27 23 02:59 Sagittarius
28 24 04:04 Capricorn 09:49

Date, exact time of the beginning of the phase of the moon, time of the new moon, full moon in Moscow:

People have known about the influence of the Moon on all life on Earth since ancient times. It is no coincidence that even in ancient times a lunar calendar was created, according to which mankind has been comparing its activities for more than one millennium. If you want to properly plan your life in the winter, then it will not be superfluous to find out which phases of the moon in February 2018 will be favorable for all things.

Our satellite influences the well-being of people in different ways, therefore, in order to properly organize your daily routine and do everything in time, it is very important to know what stages it goes through during the month. Knowing this, one can effectively deal with chronic fatigue and loss of strength, and also not to be disappointed in life.

February moon phase table

New moon 16.02.18
Full moon will not
Departing satellite 01.02.18 – 15.02.18
Growing satellite 17.02.18 – 28.02.18
Epogee 11.02.18
Perigee 27.02.18
young moon 17.02.18

On the different stages The moon has a different energy, which affects the state of man and all of nature. Some days have a beneficial effect on human activity, others, on the contrary, do not contribute to any actions. Given this, you can properly allocate your time and do only what is beneficial.

  • 02/01/18 - the satellite will decrease, and be in the constellation Leo. A great day to get everything in order in your life. To achieve your goal, develop a clear plan of action.
  • 02/02/18 - The moon continues to decrease, but passes into the constellation Virgo. This is a good time to perk up and do something for your goal.
  • 02/03/18 - it's time to descend to Earth and stop building castles in the air. get busy the real deal. Only do things that you are 100% sure of.
  • 02/04/18. - The moon is in Libra and is still waning. On this day, do not give in to feelings. It is better to bring past affairs to an end than to take on new projects.
  • 02/05/18 is a great day for self-development and improvement. You can try to quit bad habits. It is also the perfect time to relax.
  • 02/06/18 - The moon is in the constellation Scorpio and is waning. Aggravation time mental abilities. Can focus on the most important matters. On this day, a way out of any situation is possible.
  • 02/07/18 - on this day you can do the most difficult things. The energy of the body will be on the rise, so it is possible to overcome the biggest obstacles on the way to the goal.
  • 02/08/18 is a good day to start a new business. Scorpio will give you remarkable opportunities for a rapid breakthrough. It is worth considering where to direct your forces.
  • 02/09/18 - The moon passes into the constellation Sagittarius and further decreases. This day can be called "lazy". Everything will be conducive to relaxation. Conflicts with superiors are possible, so it is better to stay away from him.
  • 02/10/18 - time for unfussy chores. It also does not interfere with spiritual cleansing.
  • 02/11/18 - The moon moves into Capricorn and is still decreasing. The best time to clean up. You can go to a hairdresser or beauty salon.
  • February 12, 2018 is a bad day. On this day, you should be careful, because you can lose everything.
  • 02/13/18 - on this day it is better to rely on your intuition. Only the sixth sense will point to the right path.
  • 02/14/18 - a satellite in Aquarius. Great time to discover something new. On this day, you can re-evaluate what is happening.
  • 02/15/18 - exacerbation of old diseases is possible. Depression may also set in. It is worth not to lose heart and keep yourself in hand.
  • 02/16/18 - the New Moon will come, and the satellite will move into the constellation Pisces. An excellent time to start preparing for spring. You can switch to a new diet or learn a new course of physical training.
  • 02/17/18 - The moon begins to grow and stays in Pisces. A great time to get rid of your shortcomings. This is especially true of envy and greed, if these qualities are inherent in you. It is also the time to evaluate your actions. Be open to new acquaintances.
  • 02/18/18 - on this day it is necessary to refrain from conflicts. The danger of quarrels with relatives is also great. Try to be calm and not react to the aggression of other people.
  • 02/19/18 - The moon continues to grow and moves into Aries. This day is characterized by the fact that the probability of absent-mindedness increases, so you should not make serious decisions. You also need to be careful on the roads.
  • 02/20/18 - on this day, hands may drop and disappointment may come. At this time, you should pay attention to your diet.
  • 02/21/18 - the satellite passes into Taurus. A great day for financial investments and cash transactions. You can also do real estate.
  • 02/22/18 - on this day, you can hope for the support of any undertakings from loved ones. Favorable period for new acquaintances. Be careful, right now you can meet a person who will go with you through life.
  • 02/23/18 - The moon moves into Gemini, a very difficult and stressful day. There will be a lot of work that needs to be done urgently. There is a possibility of a quarrel with colleagues at work.
  • 02/24/18 - a great day. Everything will go like clockwork.
  • 02/25/18 - satellite in Cancer. A great time to draw conclusions and make plans for the future. A great period for creative people. This day is easy to remember and digest.
  • 02/26/18 - the satellite will help those who know what they want to achieve in their life to the maximum.
  • 02/27/18 - The moon will continue to grow and move into the constellation Leo. It's time to finish all the previously started cases. Try to figure out what prevented you from doing everything planned before.
  • 02/28/18 - the period of temptations. The most incredible things can happen to you. Be carefull. It is not known how this could all end.

The phase of the waning moon has a beneficial effect on our personal energy. Knowing what you can and cannot do during this period will help you change your life, improve relationships with others, and prevent many problems.

In the third winter month, the Moon will go through a waning phase from the 1st to the 15th. This period is called practice best time to get rid of unnecessary things, unpleasant memories and obsolete connections with other people.

The energy of the waning star contributes to personal renewal, so the first half of the month is perfect for meditation, spiritual purification practices and solving difficult moral situations.

Finances and career during the waning moon

Lunar energy is very close in its essence to the energy of cash flow. That is why site site experts advise strictly adhering to three financial rules from February 1 to February 15:

  • try to repay all debts and fulfill the promises made to loved ones;
  • do not start new financial projects before the New Moon;
  • do not make large purchases without urgent need.

By distributing all possible debts, you can renew and strengthen the energy of the financial channel. If you put in all the effort you can, you can greatly improve your financial position for a short time.

The same applies to given promises and “hanging” work projects: having dealt with them during the waning moon, you will free up an enormous amount of personal energy for new achievements.

Love and relationships from 1 to 15 February

During the waning phase, the relationship with a loved one may “cool down” somewhat. Do not rush to get scared and think that your soulmate has stopped loving you: the fact is that the waning moon contributes to a deeper immersion in yourself and your thoughts. While you think that your partner has cooled off towards you, he can day after day think about how to make you even happier, solve his problems and observe his condition.

For couples who want to better feel each other's mood, astrologers advise to follow three main rules during the waning moon:

  • learn to listen carefully to your partner and respect his wishes;
  • find time for yourself and your affairs;
  • be open about how you feel and encourage your partner to do the same.

To avoid resentment, misunderstanding and scandals, try to give your loved one time for solitude. A new hobby, a few evenings apart, and time for yourself will benefit you and help you understand each other better.

Health and emotions according to the lunar calendar

The period of the waning moon seems to be specially created to renew the energy field of each person. This time is perfect for meditation, cleansing the body and diets. Bioenergetics advise people who want to change their sleep or diet to introduce new habits on the waning moon.

From February 1 to February 15, you can significantly improve your well-being if you stick to three simple rules:

  • do not overeat: if possible, eat only light food and do not abuse alcohol;
  • move: the first half of February is perfect for finding your particular sport;
  • recuperate: try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night and spend more time outdoors.

There is a time in every month that is best for prayer or meditation. The angel watch for February 2018 will help you get what you want and communicate directly with your keeper. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

01.02.2018 02:55

Chakras are located in the body of every person. These are the energy centers on which physical health and...