
Love horoscope for the Aquarius sign for September. How to treat drug allergies Accurate horoscope for September Aquarius woman

In September 2016, Aquarius will have to act independently and, although he can count on support if he falls, he still needs to pay attention so as not to take a wrong turn. Because Aquarius will receive help only in the most extreme cases, and even then, probably only partially.

The horoscope for 2016 Aquarius says that the opportunities that appeared in September will not be new, although they may seem so at first. It’s just that, at one time, Aquarius didn’t use them for some reason, maybe they seemed uninteresting to him. In September 2016, Aquarius can do whatever he deems necessary; he will have enough time to complete it.

Aquarius may change their tastes or preferences. And what previously delighted him may suddenly become boring. In September 2016, Aquarius will be attracted to novelty, and he may even try something that he previously did not trust. At the same time, Aquarius can get seriously carried away, sometimes reaching the point of fanaticism.

Favorable numbers for September are 3, 10, 12, 18, 20, 30.

Unfavorable numbers for September are 4, 7, 17, 19, 24, 29.

Love horoscope for September 2016 Aquarius

In September 2016, Aquarius will make a new acquaintance, which will develop into a serious relationship. Although at first Aquarius may perceive this only as light flirting. In September 2016, it is better for Aquarius not to make any loud statements, otherwise they will be ashamed of them later. The horoscope for 2016 for Aquarius says that this will not be love at first sight, moreover, at first Aquarius may not like the future partner at all. Or he won’t remember that he once communicated and talked with him.

For Aquarius who is in a long-term relationship, this month may not be easy. In September 2016, Aquarius will be able to maintain a relationship in them only due to his rich experience. He will be able to predict in advance the reaction and actions of his other half.

In September 2016, Aquarius will need to take care of maintaining his authority with the child. And if Aquarius is not immediately able to find the necessary words, he can come back a little later and do everything right. By the way, this is a good lesson for the baby too.

Finance and career horoscope for September 2016 Aquarius

In September 2016, Aquarius will show good organizational skills and will be able to rally people around him. Such qualities will be very useful in various business endeavors. It’s even better if Aquarius does this in the first two weeks of September. The 2016 horoscope for Aquarius says that in September you can count on career growth and obtaining a more significant position. Aquarius may be appointed to the newly created position, although the promotion may have been discussed earlier. This will create certain difficulties in terms of reorganization and it will take some time to fine-tune the process.

In September 2016, Aquarius will be ready for criticism. She can make him angry, and Aquarius will be able to solve the most difficult problems. At the same time, compliments can backfire, as Aquarius will simply calm down and relax.

If in September 2016 Aquarius needs to sign some agreements, then it is better for him to first secure the authoritative support of a person who has influence on his interlocutor.

Health horoscope for September 2016 Aquarius

In September 2016, Aquarius may encounter some unexpected diseases, so they should not be treated with disdain. If adequate treatment is not started, Aquarius simply will not have time to recover in time.

Horoscope for 2016 Aquarius advises now to pay attention to your eyes. In September, they may become inflamed or some kind of invisible infection will appear.

An Aquarius with a predisposition to heart disease should undergo a routine examination in the first two weeks of September.

In September 2016, the chances of meeting a calm, balanced Aquarius are equal to the chances of finding a large diamond on the sidewalk. In the soul of this zodiac sign at the beginning of autumn, thunderstorms will rumble, storms will rage and tornadoes will spin, and emotional bad weather will definitely break out sooner or later. Aquarius' partners should come to terms with the idea in advance that a person cannot be bright, smiling and optimistic 24 hours a day, from birth to death. Love is not only compliments in the ear and gifts for Valentine's Day, but also patience, self-sacrifice and forgiveness. This month you will torment your family and friends so much with grumbling that they will begin to catch themselves in a bloodthirsty desire to pour poison into one specific plate. In general, in September the horoscope advises not to provoke Aquarius into an outburst of emotions and not to try to adjust their mood. The evil representative of this zodiac sign looks like an angry Godzilla, who trods heavily on the ground. Normal, adequate passers-by, at the sight of an evil monster, run away in different directions with screams of horror. It’s hard to imagine a person who, in such a situation, would grab a piece of sausage and start waving it in front of the lizard’s nose, shouting: “Chick-chick-chick, good boy, go to daddy!” We hope that you understand the advice of our horoscope regarding Aquarius, who is in a bad mood, and in case of danger you will have time to run to your neighbors or barricade yourself in the toilet. You should not think that in September 2016 the excessive reactions of Air children will be exclusively negative. They will begin to rejoice at happy events with no less fervor: a major purchase, a vacation trip, a winning lottery ticket. The problem is that troubles (being late for work, rudeness in the minibus, turning off the hot water) happen in our lives much more often than winning the lottery, so in September it will seem to people that Aquarius is constantly in a bad mood.

At the beginning of autumn, the horoscope advises Aquarius to please their family and loved ones more often. If you do not understand what this advice is about, then read the previous paragraph again. This month will not be easy for those around you, so they need to periodically inject positive emotions and love fluids. Those nerve cells that ingloriously died in the fight against your mood should be replaced with new ones as soon as possible, and how to do this is up to you. Aquarians will definitely find an approach to the hearts of the oppressed family masses, giving the offended bread, circuses and rich borscht, coupled with clean socks. The main thing is for household members to show flexibility and gratefully accept the material and emotional gifts of the children of Air, because they come from the heart.

In September 2016, Aquarius will want self-realization, as a result of which many representatives of this zodiac sign at work will begin to behave like a capricious child at the table. You are ready to sit for hours, looking at the list of future projects and choosing the tastier and sweeter pieces for yourself. According to the firm conviction of Aquarius, work should bring not only wages, but also moral satisfaction. Rare children of Air in the coming period will be able, through an effort of will, to force themselves to do boring, monotonous work, but if the task is interesting, unusual and new, then they will die to complete it quickly and efficiently. The horoscope warns that such a fastidious approach to job responsibilities will not be to the taste of the work collective of this zodiac sign. If in childhood our parents resignedly finished our tasteless food, then in adulthood no one will do this. Imagine how your colleagues feel who have to pore over a mountain of papers while you implement another innovative and global project? It is quite understandable that they are consumed by envy and discontent, and if at the next department meeting you also try to delegate your routine responsibilities to someone else, then people will simply pounce on you and bite you. In September, don’t pull the work blanket over yourself, otherwise angry employees will completely push you out of bed!

Attention, the Aquarius horoscope for the month of September 2016 has been published in an abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming 2016, the Red Monkey should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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The first month of autumn promises Aquarius many pleasant meetings and acquaintances. This is a good period for those who are looking for new love or want to strengthen existing relationships. September 2016 will help Aquarius set themselves up for the development of serious relationships or even go further - create a new family. A positive attitude and self-confidence will make your wildest dreams possible.

In September 2016, the planet of love Venus is located in the ninth house of Aquarius - your house of travel and adventure. Moreover, Jupiter, the planet of luck, is also located here. Love will open new horizons for you, show you new perspectives or invite you on a journey. A relationship between love and distance will appear, for example, a love affair with someone from afar may begin, a long-distance relationship may begin, or you will meet love on a trip. If you already have a loved one by your side, it would be a good idea to go on a romantic trip. There are many opportunities for romance, so don't miss them and be sure to take advantage of the lucky chances that the stars offer you.

Until September 22, 2016, Mercury, the ruler of the house of love of Aquarius, is moving in the opposite direction, offering to remember the past and work on mistakes. Mercury retrograde will help you analyze love relationships, draw conclusions based on this, and make personal plans for the future. You are going through a stage of life when all the inconsistencies require close attention and success can only be achieved if you resolve them. Many representatives of your zodiac sign will receive a clear understanding that the only way to solve the issues facing them now is to change their attitude towards the situation itself. It is important to clearly define goals and outline ways to achieve them. Otherwise, Aquarians run the risk of wasting vital energy and precious time on small tasks, ignoring their true needs for love.

Aquarius career horoscope for September 2016

If you take active action in September 2016, you can go far. The period is quite favorable for Aquarius; it offers many opportunities for career growth. There are good chances to earn recognition from management, defend your interests, find a new job or attract investment for further business development. The desire for self-improvement and analysis of one’s actions will create the basis for confident advancement up the career ladder.

September 9, 2016 Jupiter, the planet of “great happiness,” moves into the ninth house of Aquarius, where it will remain until October 2017. New prospects open up for you in work and business. Research, education, travel, legal matters, relationships with business partners in other cities and countries will be successful. The professional skills and knowledge gained through years of study and work will support you more than ever. Your creative ideas can find support and come true.

Aquarius finance horoscope for September 2016

Finance will become one of the priorities, because there are two eclipses in the financial houses of your sign. The solar eclipse on September 1, 2016 will be in the eighth house of Aquarius, associated with joint finances, debts, loans, taxes. You may have to deal with some of this. This is a good time to pay off your debts or get the money you are owed. If you are thinking about taking out a loan, make sure that you really need it, and not just to show off. The eclipse also puts an emphasis on money and material possessions, which you can earn and share with other people (spouse, business partners, etc.).

The lunar eclipse on September 16, 2016 will activate the money sector of Aquarius, which foreshadows changes in the financial sector. You may have opportunities to increase your income, or, on the other hand, a desire to spend money on something important. This is a good time for financial planning for the future.


The month can bring anxiety and stress, so you should pay more attention to your health. The Aquarius house of health is ruled by the Moon, and the lunar eclipse on September 16 can bring unpleasant surprises. Find the opportunity to relax and unwind in a calm and pleasant environment. You will benefit from herbal teas in the evenings and leisurely conversations with loved ones.

Develop a personal financial plan and stick to it!

Intuition, sixth sense - call this phenomenon what you want, but in September 2016 it will become your main adviser. Listen to your inner self, even if you are firmly convinced that these are concepts from the realm of science fiction. Stop for a moment and work with your desires. Remember visualization techniques? However, it is not necessary to draw or glue, but being clear enough about your desires is now a necessary condition for success. And then act on the prompts of your intuition and do not be afraid of anything. After all, breaking up relationships very often turns out to be the optimal and best way out of the situation. So, everything was going that way, why bother? Perhaps something much better awaits you ahead - you should not be afraid of changes, they are for the better.

But this does not mean that at the slightest hint of quarrels you should run to get a divorce. Each person has their own individual situation. And if you are told that you need to listen to the prompts of your heart, this does not mean that you don’t need to use your head at all! If your heart contracts with melancholy and calls for an end to all earthly problems once and for all, you won’t run to the roof! But let's leave the sad comparisons aside. The first month of autumn can bring you a lot of good things and fulfill your main desires, but only under certain conditions: remain honest, first of all, with yourself until the most logical end, until the outcome of the current situation.

Love horoscope

From 1 to 10 September. On September 4, your internal tension will reach its climax due to the feeling that you are in a dependent position. Take this as a lesson in humility before your spiritual strength increases significantly. You will be supported by sincere love, seasoned with sensual experiences and atypical passion.

From September 11 to 20. The Moon’s hostility to Mercury can quite realistically delay wedding prospects. You will need to put your papers in order, sweep away ridiculous rumors and jealousy, and weigh everything again. On September 13-16, a stormy office romance or an affair with an old friend who will finally find the words to explain may begin. From September 17, personal initiative and the naturalness of your coquetry will be able to attract new fans to you.

From September 21 to 30. Your special charm will attract gentlemen to you throughout the decade. Disagreements with your loved one can most effectively be settled with cordiality and the ability to curb your egocentrism. Forgive insults and often remember the excitement of your first dates. Use the power of the word: now it’s easier for you to explain and come to an agreement with the person. From September 26, the need to love and be loved will increase even more.

Family horoscope

There will be at least several important family outings, outings in public. Many contacts will benefit all of you. In September, you will not be able to devote enough time to your loved ones, but everyday household issues will be resolved by inertia in the best possible way throughout the month. The younger generation will help you in many ways. Encourage their enthusiasm financially so that they learn how to form their budget and save for the necessary purchase.

Health horoscope

September 4 - 13 will be a very favorable period for taking care of your health. All types of therapeutic and preventive measures are suitable. Good results can be achieved in the treatment of the digestive tract, liver, and musculoskeletal system.

Horoscope of work and money

Now you are able to achieve a lot in professional areas. However, try not to plan anything important from September 4 to 8, since on these days important information that can greatly change the outcome of affairs will be hidden from you or is still unknown. From September 6 to 13 you can face a choice regarding investing money. Focus on the long term.

Horoscope for September 2016 for Aquarius men

Love. In September, Aquarius will be annoyed that many events in his life occur at the will of other people. Therefore, it is very important not to try to impose your opinion on him, but especially to confront him with a fait accompli. Then both of you will be able to take advantage of the peak of his sensuality and desire to give gifts to his beloved. From September 1 to 12, he will be inclined to take on a greater degree of responsibility for the relationship.

Tone. Difficulties may arise due to overload of the nervous system. He can improve his well-being with an active lifestyle and improved ventilation. If there is no opportunity to “breathe in nature,” then you should do breathing exercises more often.

Finance.Decisive and timely actions will help him strengthen his financial stability and improve his prospects for the future. Non-cash transactions are successful on September 2-12.

Job. The search for a better place or profession by calling has every chance of success. The zeal shown in the service will be appreciated, especially if Aquarius tries to think globally and act proactively.

Friends. Friendship in alliance with business cooperation promises many opportunities and successful achievements. From September 8, many new acquaintances will begin to be made.

Leisure. From September 4 to 8, he needs to shake himself up, get out of the routine of responsibilities and habits. In September, it is better to share your leisure time with your beloved, to indulge in active, dynamic recreation and erotic experiments together.