
The magic of the winter solstice. Folk signs on the winter solstice

We found out how and when to celebrate this holiday, what you should definitely do on this day, and what, on the contrary, you shouldn’t do.

What is the winter solstice?

This astronomical phenomenon occurs when the tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation in the direction from the Sun takes its greatest value. This phenomenon occurs annually on December 21st. This date shifts only in leap years, then the winter solstice shifts to December 22.

At this moment, the maximum angle of inclination of the earth's axis relative to the Sun is 23° 26". The Sun, moving along the ecliptic, at this moment will reach its most distant position from the celestial equator towards the South Pole of the world. Astronomical winter will begin in the Northern Hemisphere of the planet, and in the Southern Hemisphere - summer.

Winter Solstice Holidays

The days of the winter solstice are celebrated in almost all world cultures. In Christian Churches that have switched to Gregorian calendar, these days the Nativity of Christ is celebrated. It should be noted that Orthodoxy uses Julian calendar, according to which the date of Christmas coincided with the winter solstice 2 thousand years ago, but has now shifted later by half a month. The Slavs celebrated the winter solstice folk holiday Kolyada, among the Germanic peoples - Yule, among the Romans until the 3rd century - Sol Invictus.

On this day, rituals were carried out aimed at obtaining a good harvest next year. Thus, the pagans placed bread and pies on the branches of old trees, and left drinks as offerings to the gods.

At sunset, ritual bonfires were lit over which prayers were read so that the “new” Sun would quickly gain strength.

Among the Celts, who called this holiday Yule, it was customary to decorate the home with fir branches. They were hung above the entrance, windows, and in every corner of the house.

On this day the Slavs celebrated Kolyada, who in their mythology was the god of the new Sun. On this day, celebrations were held with songs and dances, and gifts were given. For the Slavs, this holiday was the beginning of the new year.

Winter equinox rituals

On the longest night of the year, it was customary to tell fortunes about the future. In addition, this day is great for making wishes. The day is favorable for meditation, making plans for the future, general cleaning of the house, parting with everything old and unnecessary that is in life.

It is believed that at this time it is good:

  • engage in spiritual practices, meditate - a powerful flow of energy that comes from heaven to Earth greatly enhances the influence of meditation;
  • starting new businesses - they will be doomed to success;
  • boldly throw away old things, clear your thoughts and consciousness, and pray. On this day you can say goodbye to the past and open the way to a happy future;
  • make wishes - they will definitely come true;
  • fortune telling on cards - on this day they will tell the honest truth;
  • carry out rituals to improve your life.

Folk signs

It is believed that the weather on the day of the winter solstice indicates what the weather will be like in New Year.

A clear, sunny day means frost in the New Year, and if the day is cloudy, then in 10 days there will be a thaw.

If it rains on this day, then spring will be wet.

A calm day promises a rich fruit harvest next year.

If frost appears on the ground or trees, you can expect a good grain harvest next year; if the wind blows, there will be a lot of apples and pears, and the rain promises a warm but rainy spring.

The Slavs considered this holiday magical and directly related to the renewal and birth of the Sun. This astronomical phenomenon occurs when the tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation away from the Sun is greatest.

Depending on the calendar shift in the Northern Hemisphere, the winter solstice occurs on December 21 or 22. This year it falls on December 21st.

Traditions, signs

In different cultures, the interpretation of this event was perceived differently, but among most peoples it was regarded as a revival, and holidays, rituals and other celebrations were held at this time.

The Slavs considered this holiday a time of renewal and birth of the Sun, and with it all living things, a time of spiritual transformation, something that contributes to both good material and spiritual changes. The onset of a long night was associated with the will of Karachun - the cruel lord of darkness, frost and eternal cold.

During the winter solstice, the Slavs celebrated the pagan New Year, which was identified with the deity Kolyada. The main subject of the celebration was a large bonfire, invoking and depicting the Sun, which, after one of the longest nights of the year, rises ever higher into the heavenly heights. They also made sure to bake ritual New Year's pies, round in shape and reminiscent of a celestial body.

Our ancestors on this day special attention they monitored the weather and associated folk signs with it. If there is frost on the trees, it means a bountiful wheat harvest. It's raining - a wet spring. The sun is clear, radiant - the New Year is frosty, cloudy and frost on the trees - on New Year's Eve it is cloudy, with a thaw. Quiet windless day - good harvest fruit trees.

Advice from astrologers

The winter solstice is one of the main solar points of the year in astrology, along with the days of the spring and autumn equinox, and the summer solstice. This is a great day for new things and projects.

It is believed that if you seriously conceive some new business on this day, you will be able to complete it with ease. For those who have a cherished wish, it’s time to make it, because this day is suitable like no other.

On this day, wish for healing, prosperity, strength or wisdom. Especially if you bring home some dry leaves, nuts and fruits. To aromatize the air, it is good to use juniper, cedar, pine and rosemary oils.

On this day, it is recommended to pay off all debts, remembering even the smallest three kopecks, and thank those people who became support and support this year. Ideally, it’s better to thank someone with a small gift. Even on the day of the solstice, it is good to do a general cleaning in the house, in the car, in places where you spend a lot of time, for example, on your desk. You can take things apart and give what you don’t need to someone who might find it useful, or simply throw it in the trash.

It is better to celebrate the holiday itself in the company of people with whom you share common ideas, interests and endeavors. The presence of forests and living fire, for example in the form of candles lit at home, is favorable. The table should be modest, almost ascetic. You can dream out loud, and without hesitation, about what you would like in 2017, attracting a fairy tale into your life

The winter solstice is not just another astrological event. This night is filled with powerful strength and energetic properties. By learning to apply the knowledge gained, you can attract prosperity and happiness into your life.

With the advent of the Christian faith, this day was added to the celebration of Christmas and New Year's Eve. At this time they also began to sing carols and organize large celebrations. Among other things, the girls wondered about the future. Since the upcoming night turned out to be the longest of the year, all predictions were considered more accurate.

Fortune telling for love on the night of the winter solstice

Before you go to bed, take an arbitrary number of small pieces of paper and write one on each male name which you like the most. If you know the candidates for your person, be sure to indicate them, but you can also write names that are simply attractive to you. Then mix the leaves thoroughly and place them under the pillow you sleep on overnight. Next, whisper the following words:

“Whoever loves, dream about it. Darling, appear in my dreams. I’m waiting for you all the time, I’ll treat you to pies.”

In the morning, before getting out of bed, choose one of the pieces of paper at random. Whatever name appears on the piece of paper will determine your destiny next year. In this fortune telling, it is very important to fulfill what you promised. When this person appears on your doorstep, be sure to treat him to any bakery product, otherwise he won't stay with you long. This condition is associated with the ancient ritual of giving to a lover.

During the longest night, you can not only tell fortunes, but also engage in spiritual practices, meditate, make wishes and develop your magical abilities. And to enhance energy and speed up the results of rituals, many turn to the help of stones and metals. A talisman in the form of a ring or pendant with a stone, charged on this night moonlight, will be much more effective and powerful than those that were activated in another period.

Fortune telling in carols on the night of December 22

December 22, in Kolyada, all the key points next year have already been outlined, and it’s time to learn about them in order to have a constructive impact on your life. From this point of view, there is no need to be afraid of bad forecasts. On the contrary, we recognize what is bad or questionable in order to consciously prevent it. Kolyada is a particularly bright, especially auspicious day!

On the 22nd, after sunset, you need to take incense, a crystal bowl or glass filled to the brim with water, two candles, as well as a photograph - yours or another person for whom you are going to tell fortunes. If you are planning to tell fortunes about marriage, the woman needs to take wedding ring mothers or grandmothers, and if for wealth - a ten-ruble coin.

To perform fortune telling, turn your face to the east.

The photo should be placed under a bowl or glass, and a ring or coin should be thrown into the water.

Lighted candles should be placed on both sides of the bowl, at a distance of about a meter from each other, so that the crystal bowl is well lit.

Light some incense, fumigate yourself right hand from the top of the head to the feet in a clockwise direction.

Say the appeal: “In the name of the Almighty Lord, the Creator of everything, the Guardian of good, the Destroyer of evil, on the sacred day of the beginning of the year, I ask you, the spiritual forces of the Universe, holy, good and powerful (then you should express your request in your own words - what do you want to see or know, or what get help for yourself or a loved one).” Concentrate and look deep into the bowl of water for about 15 minutes. No longer needed. Even if nothing happened, the answer to your questions will come in the near future through dreams, signs, omens, words of casual acquaintances, and so on.

The ritual ends with the words: “Thank you, the forces of the universe, for your help and support on my life path; May there be peace between you and me forever. So be it!”

After fortune telling, the water must be poured into a clean place - in a park, on the ground (not into the sewer).

Even if you see something negative, do not be alarmed - this is most likely a warning of danger that you can deflect. If you are very scared or confused, do not forget to contact a specialist for deciphering what you saw and help.

If you see something favorable, before January 2 you need to consolidate what you saw on a material level. For example, if you saw a white horse, buy a picture or figurine with a white horse, and when buying, say: “I dedicate this talisman to acquiring good luck, prosperity, wealth for me and my family. So be it!”

The winter solstice in 2019 falls on December 22. The winter solstice begins on December 22, 2019 at 07:19 Moscow time, when the Sun enters the zodiac sign of Capricorn.

This is the shortest day and longest night of the year. The winter solstice is one of the main solar points of the year in astrology, along with the days of the spring and autumn equinox, summer solstice.

Winter Solstice Traditions

Traditionally, in former times, the rebirth of the Sun was celebrated at the winter solstice; it was celebrated at night, before sunrise. The holidays of Kolyada among the Slavs and Yule among the Germanic peoples are associated with this day. To give strength to the Sun, which, according to legend, should be reborn on this day, there was a custom of lighting a ritual fire. Often the logs for the fire were oak, because oak was believed to be a cosmic tree. Sometimes they took a pine tree, which symbolized the dying sun god. The logs were decorated with carvings and corresponding symbols. To perform the ritual of reviving the Sun, they took 13 red and green candles with the Sun and other magical symbols carved on them.

Old pagan customs of the winter solstice included the tradition of placing bread or cakes on the branches of old trees and pouring sweet drinks on the trees as a gift to the forest gods. This was done in the hope that, in gratitude, the people would be given a good harvest in the coming seasons.

With the advent of Christianity, the ancient holiday of the winter solstice was timed to coincide with Christmas and the beginning of the winter holidays. According to custom, on the longest night of the year they caroled and told fortunes about the future.

Magical rituals of the winter solstice

This is a great day to do a meditation to commemorate new beginnings and projects. If you are planning something new, take time on this day, because winter solstice meditations are especially powerful.

The winter solstice is a good day for those who are engaged in spiritual self-development; it inspires the opening of spiritual spaces and reveals past lives.

The day is suitable for rituals to fulfill desires. If you have a cherished wish, make it on the day of the rebirth of the Sun.

They perform rituals of healing, prosperity, gaining strength and wisdom.

Winter solstice divination gives accurate results; Three Card Tarot divination, Tarot divination for love and Oracle are well suited.

The room where the ritual or meditation is performed is decorated with dry leaves, nuts and fruits. 13 candles decorated with symbols of the Sun are placed in the center of the ritual altar. To aromatize the air, it is good to use juniper, cedar, pine and rosemary oils.

Herbs, stones and metals of the winter solstice

To help perform rituals and meditations, use herbs, stones and metals appropriate for this day:

Herbs: anise, elderberry, verbena, cloves, ginger, coriander, cinnamon, jasmine, lavender, bay, juniper, lemon balm, moss, rosemary, rue, sloe, thistle.

Stones: aventurine, turquoise, moonstone, ruby, sapphire, tiger's eye, black tourmaline.

Metals: gold, silver, brass, steel.

As treats for the festive table on the winter solstice, you can offer: pork and lamb dishes, pies, fruits (apples, pears, bananas, etc.), nuts, juices, ginger tea.