
Is it possible to sleep with lenses on? Is it possible to sleep in lenses? There is another story, with a positive outcome

In the modern rhythm of life, every second person suffers poor eyesight, and wearing lenses is no longer news today. There are quite common cases when correction means remain in front of the eyes not only for quite some time. long time, but also accompany tired eyes during the day and during sleep. Everyone should know why you can’t sleep in lenses or wear them for several days in a row, what the consequences may be.

Today, wearing corrective products will not surprise anyone, because it is an excellent alternative to glasses. For the convenience of patients, ophthalmologist scientists have invented special one-day correction products. There is no need for any manipulation anymore, just put them on in the morning and throw them away in the evening. But the possibility of wearing products for several days in a row should be excluded, because the special technology for their production provides a high level of hydration throughout the day, and protein deposits simply do not have time to form on the lenses, which is why the quality of the product decreases.

Still, many people wonder whether they can be worn for several days. If you wear them longer than expected, there will be severe discomfort in your eyes, and it is also possible that your eyes will become inflamed. But the advantages of one-day products are quite high:

Owners of contact correction products are often interested in what will happen if they fall asleep with their lenses on. The answer to this question is quite ambiguous; some experts assure that nothing bad will happen. It will just become more difficult to blink, but this problem can be solved by using special drops. Others, on the contrary, claim that sleeping in such corrective products is contraindicated. Still, there are a number of reasons why you should not sleep in lenses:

Thus, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to sleep in lenses at night is obvious: such a dream will not bring health.

Features of daytime sleep

It would be useful to figure out whether it is possible to sleep in lenses during the day. Falling asleep during the day is a fairly common situation, and no serious consequences should occur if the sleep lasts for a short time. But there are rules that must be followed:

  • nap should be no longer than 2-3 hours;
  • It is not recommended to sleep in the products often;
  • Even after a few hours of sleep, dryness may occur in the eyes, which can be eliminated with moisturizing drops;
  • If you experience severe discomfort, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

When purchasing ophthalmic products, do not forget about consulting an ophthalmologist. Based on your vision parameters, he will give you information on your wearing regimen and tell you how much you can sleep during the day in one-day products with corrective properties.

The duration of wearing corrective products is indicated on the packaging. If necessary instructions is absent, you should consult an ophthalmologist. Every evening it is necessary to carry out the cleaning procedure, because a considerable amount of dust and bacteria accumulates on the surface of the product. Exceptions include specialized lenses that do not need to be removed for a long period of time; such products can be worn even for several days. But before purchasing such products, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist, because doctors are quite skeptical about them.

The period of wearing correction products must be taken seriously. There are cases when the lenses are not removed for not just weeks, but even months, and therefore irreversible changes begin in the eyes. Thus, a Taiwanese student was diagnosed with acanthamoeba keratitis. This disease can occur without a trace for several years, and it is possible to learn about the disease only when nothing can be corrected. The girl did not remove her lenses for six months; during wearing, quite a lot of a large number of bacteria. For six months they ate her eyes, the girl went blind.

There are situations when you have to spend the night outside the house, and you don’t always have a container with a multi-purpose solution at hand. The actions should be as follows:

  1. Correction products must be removed at night. When the opportunity arises, you need to put the products in a glass filled with water, and before putting them on again, you need to clean the lenses with a solution. If the night in the lenses was still inevitable and the eyes became red and dry, it is necessary to drop a solution or eye drops onto the lens itself, after which the softened lens can be removed. With an unsoftened lens, you can injure or even tear off the cornea when removing it.
  2. If your vision deteriorates, you need to wait a while: as a rule, after two hours, it is restored.

If, after spending the night outside your home, your vision is not restored, you should urgently consult a doctor. The ophthalmologist will check everything necessary examinations and prescribe treatment.

Human eye- it is a very sensitive and delicate organ, which must be treated with utmost care. Sometimes thoughtless and frivolous actions can lead to disastrous consequences.

Attention, TODAY only!

Colored contact lenses are optical products that are very popular among users all over the world. Using this type of optics, you can not only change the color of your eyes, but also, if necessary, correct your vision. This is especially important for users. Decorative optics today are presented in a wide range.

Optical products have certain wearing modes. There are four in total:

  • daytime (worn during the day, removed at night);
  • flexible (can be worn for 1-2 days);
  • prolonged (can be left on for a week);
  • continuous (wearing for 30 days).

The most common operating mode is daytime; most products, including one-day ones, have it. It is the most hygienic, since the lenses are regularly disinfected universal solution. More long periods are used in situations where this is necessary: ​​for example, during a long trip, when it is not always possible to care for the lenses, or during an irregular work schedule. Such optics have high level oxygen permeability to avoid the risk of hypoxia.

Only long-term lenses can be left in overnight: flexible, extended-wear, continuous. They have a high level of oxygen permeability, they have a very smooth surface that is resistant to the adhesion of contaminants. And doctors advise not to wear even such models often, unless absolutely necessary.

What about decorative optics? What happens if you leave colored lenses in overnight? Let's answer this question as well.

Why can't you sleep in colored lenses?

Decorative optics are divided into several categories:

  • carnival (crazy lenses);
  • scleral (a type of carnival).

The first two categories - tint and colored lenses - are practically no different from ordinary transparent ones. They have the same replacement periods and are designed to enhance the natural shade of the eyes or complete change. Models for vision correction with diopters, or so-called “zero” diopters, are also produced, without optical power, used only for decorative purposes. But the wearing mode for this type of optics is only daytime. Why?

The fact is that the coloring pigment, which in modern decorative optical products is embedded directly inside the polymer, creates an additional obstacle to the passage of oxygen, so color optics, as a rule, have average values ​​of the DCL level, as well as moisture content. These parameters are quite enough to ensure completely comfortable daytime wear, but at night, when the eyelids are closed, the lenses are an additional obstacle. The cornea does not receive enough air, which can cause hypoxia (lack of oxygen). In addition, an unwashed lens serves as a source of inflammatory diseases due to the accumulation on the surface of various microorganisms and microbes formed during wear.

In colored lenses, a daytime nap (1-2 hours) is acceptable, after which it is better to use moisturizers.

It is not so critical if for some reason you accidentally did not take off your optical products at night. A one-time incident will not cause harm. But constant violation of the rules of hygiene and operation is fraught negative consequences: development of blepharitis, conjunctivitis and other inflammatory diseases, hypoxia, irritation of the mucous membrane, which will lead to deterioration in the quality of vision and problems with eye health.

Is it possible to sleep in carnival lenses at night?

Ophthalmologists answer this question unequivocally and categorically - “No.” Optics in this category are not intended for long-term wear at all. The maximum recommended period for keeping such lenses on the eyes is 5 hours, which is even less than the standard daily use regimen. The fact is that these contact lenses have a dense color layer and very average DCL and moisture content parameters. They cannot correct visual impairments; they are used only for external effect: as an element in a themed costume at a party or for going to a disco (some glow under the influence of ultraviolet light).

After the event, they must be removed and under no circumstances should the lenses be left on overnight.

Moreover, wearing scleral models for a long time is prohibitive. They completely cover the entire surface of the eye, and oxygen reaches the mucous membrane and cornea in a small volume. The maximum recommended period of use for such optics is 2-3 hours; they are usually used for photo shoots or cosplay on short period time.

We tried to answer the question of why you can’t sleep in lenses at night. The only model that can be used for long periods of time and therefore can be left on the eyes overnight are Air Optix Colors contact lenses from Alcon. These are the only silicone hydrogel products with a Dk/t level of 138 units. Lotrafilcon B polymer is very resistant to external deposits and remains clean for a long time. The manufacturer allows, in addition to daytime, also flexible and prolonged modes. The color palette includes three rich and three natural shades that will make your eyes bright and attractive. A dark limbal ring around the iris will visually enlarge them and add expressiveness to the look.

The catalog of our online store contains models of decorative lenses from well-known manufacturers. You can ask our consultants a question about the products, they will help you place an order. We wish you pleasant shopping!

Of course, those who go to contact lenses, we heard that falling asleep in them is harmful. It happens that after have a hard day There is no strength left at all, even to remove them. Or there are situations when you have to spend the night away from home, but you don’t have a container or liquid for lenses with you.

But ophthalmologists remain adamant: leaving contact lenses on all night is dangerous.

Modern manufacturers produce lenses for long-term wear. They have the ability to allow air to pass through and do not cause inconvenience. Despite this, they can greatly harm vision and eye health.

Consequences of prolonged sleep in lenses:

  • Eye hypoxia. Absolutely all lenses, even the most expensive ones, prevent you from receiving a sufficient amount of oxygen. Lack of oxygen contributes to decreased immunity and protective functions, which can lead to infection.
  • Dry eye syndrome. No matter what material the lenses are made of or what their cost is, the maximum time spent in the lenses cannot be more than 10 hours. During wakefulness, the cornea of ​​the eye is constantly moistened by blinking. At night, natural wetting stops, as a result of which in the morning you may experience redness of the eyes and a feeling of dryness. People's reactions to wearing lenses while sleeping vary, and some may experience short periods of discomfort, and for some only an ophthalmologist can help.
  • Bacterial infections. The eye's ability to clean itself is impaired, which leads to the formation of deposits on the lenses. If you don't clean them for more than a day, they can cause illness.
  • Ulcerative keratitis. The likelihood of corneal inflammation in people sleeping in lenses increases almost 10 times. People who follow the rules for using lenses, systematically change them and use only high-quality solutions are less susceptible to such diseases.
  • Decreased visual acuity. Due to the fact that the normal outflow is disrupted carbon dioxide, the cornea turns out to be more susceptible to the effects of viruses and microbes that trigger inflammatory diseases. This may have a negative effect on your vision.

Is it possible to lie down for a short nap while wearing lenses? Why can't you sleep in lenses?

IN best case scenario prolonged sleep can cause discomfort, in the worst case, cause dangerous infections and lead to irreversible consequences. Sleeping less than 3 hours does not pose such a danger.

However, the mucous membranes dry out during sleep, and a person who wakes up after a short nap will experience discomfort. If possible, you should give your eyes a break and put the lenses in a container with a special solution.

There are terrible cases where, due to long-term wearing of lenses, irreparable harm to the health of the eyes was caused. This happened to a student from Taiwan, Lian Kao, who did not remove her lenses for more than six months, after which she became completely blind.

There is another story, with a positive outcome.

One UK woman wore contact lenses for more than 30 years without visiting an ophthalmologist. Over time, her vision began to deteriorate, as she thought, from age, and she was diagnosed with cataracts.

Treatment required surgery, during which 27 stuck contact lenses were found in the patient’s eye.

After removing the lenses, the woman began to see much better, and the discomfort disappeared. She was very lucky, because foreign objects left in her eyes could cause an infection that would lead to fatal consequences.

You shouldn't play with fate; it's better to spend a little time before going to bed to remove your lenses. And if you happen to fall asleep in them, then you need to put eye drops in after sleep. And it is important to undergo regular examination by an ophthalmologist. I think your question has been answered, why can’t you sleep in lenses?

Why you shouldn't sleep in contact lenses

10 04 2015 &thinsp&thinsp 0 &thinsp&thinsp 11145

Surely each of you (people who wear contact lenses) has fallen asleep in them at least once. I guarantee that there are those among you who are not at all afraid to sleep regularly without removing their lenses, but this does not mean that such an activity is safe. Sleeping in contact lenses is strictly prohibited! Of course, there are products (and you may have read about them) that can be worn for several days without taking them off, but we are talking about soft comfort-class models here. And even then, ophthalmologists do not recommend sleeping in them. What can we say about ordinary models...

Why you shouldn't sleep in lenses

There are a number of reasons why this is strictly prohibited. Let's get to know them.

  1. Regardless of the cost or quality of the material, contact lenses can be worn for no more than ten hours, since the eyes need rest. During the day, as you know, the cornea is constantly wetted by blinking, but at night, when the eyelids are closed all the time, it no longer does this. The next morning, the eyes turn red and dry (“as if sand had been poured in”), but this is not the worst.

The maximum wearing time should not exceed 10 hours

Note! If you still manage to fall asleep with your lenses on, and in the morning you do not have the opportunity to remove them, then at least drip your eyes with a multi-purpose solution intended for storage. This will eliminate dry eyes, albeit partially.

  1. The next reason is a lack of oxygen, which can cause eye diseases. And this applies not only to sleep, but also to wearing for several days. Remember: oxygen starvation is a sure way to infection!
  2. The third argument can be considered the inability of the eyes to effectively clean themselves at night. Protein (and other) deposits form on the lenses, which can cause disease.
  3. People who sleep in lenses have a 9(!) times higher risk of developing ulcerative keratitis than conscientious lens wearers.
  4. Finally, due to the devices, a complete outflow of carbon dioxide is impossible. Consequently, the cornea becomes more vulnerable to various types of microbes.


Ideal habitat for microorganisms

Speaking of microbes. I wouldn’t like to scare you, but some people won’t get it any other way. It’s a joke, of course, but if you haven’t heard the story about Taiwanese student Lian Kao, then I advise you to carefully read the material below. If you know this story, feel free to skip the next section.

The Horrible Story of Lian Kao

Lian Kao (23, Taiwan) paid dearly for keeping her contact lenses in for six months. During her carelessness, single-celled Acanthamoeba bacteria, which are common in almost all countries of the world, accumulated on the inner surface. It took them six months to… eat the girl’s eyeballs!

A shot of poor Lian Kao's eyeball

Personally, I have a hard time believing that a person is generally capable of wearing lenses for so long without removing them, but this information has been published in many publications. Therefore you have to believe. I don’t know, maybe Lian had never heard of the wearing rules or was simply lazy, but as a result, the bacteria had an irreparable impact on the girl’s health. They literally ate her eyes and the student went blind. This disease is called acanthamoeba keratitis - it is different in that it can develop for several years and the patient learns about the disease when nothing can be corrected.

Video – Lenses devoured a girl’s eyes

This is such an unpleasant and sad story. Well, let's move on.

A hopeless situation, or We are not sleeping at home

If you plan to spend the night away from home, it is advisable to take a container and multi-purpose solution with you. But there are emergency situations, when it’s time to go to bed, but the person is not at home and has neither a container nor a solution. What to do? Firstly, the devices must still be removed. If you manage to get home the next morning without them, then place the products in a glass of water.

If you plan not to spend the night at home, take the solution with you in a container

Note! Afterwards, be sure to clean them thoroughly with the solution before wearing them again!

As a last resort, place the lenses in a glass of water

If you sleep in lenses, your eyes will become red and dry, which will make it quite difficult to remove the polymer “helpers” from the cornea. In this case, do not make sudden movements, otherwise you will injure your eye or, in the worst case, tear off the cornea. The human eye is an extremely delicate and sensitive organ. It is necessary to drop a little solution or ordinary eye drops, after which the lenses will soften and be easily removed.

To soften your eyes, apply a multi-purpose solution to your eyes.

Secondly, your vision may deteriorate (at least it will seem to you). But this is temporary, everything will be restored soon.

If you happen to have such a “fun” night, then the next day see an ophthalmologist who will check to see if your eyes are damaged. It is also recommended to wear glasses for a while.

Let the ophthalmologist check comprehensive diagnostics eye

What lenses can you sleep in?

Modern silicone hydrogel models of comfort class perfectly allow oxygen to pass through, which is why they are the best option for sleep (of course, if there is no other choice). And even then, ophthalmologists do not advise doing this - a maximum of a few hours of short-term sleep or one full night followed by a pause in wearing. Moreover, all this should be supervised by a doctor. According to manufacturers of lenses such as Pure Vision or Focus Niqht&Day. Then the continuous wearing time ranges from 10 to 30 days.

Note! This period depends on individual characteristics the body, and more specifically from the “tear state” (protein concentration in tears). In addition, the duration of wearing should be increased gradually, according to a schedule drawn up by the doctor.

Video - Silicone hydrogel lenses

But now you know why you can’t sleep in lenses. I sincerely believe that none of you will do this (even if you have done it before), because the consequences, as you have seen, can be the most tragic. Take care of your eyes!

News on the site

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Functioning of the visual system

What happens if you fall asleep with your lenses on?

I once fell asleep in the lenses - I woke up with conjunctivitis in one eye, it looked terrible, the eye was swollen, red, watery, and they skipped me to the ophthalmologist without a queue. Everything was fine with the second eye. I also had a friend who constantly slept in lenses, a couple of times a week for sure, in the most ordinary ones that need to be removed - and everything was fine with her. So it depends.

Yes, nothing special happens, nothing at all severe consequences. But it depends on what lenses and how you feel in them. For example, they don’t bother me at all. And sometimes I forget to take them off or I’m lazy because I have to get up in a couple of hours. The consequences for me are redness of the eyes, dryness. After the drops everything is back to normal. Of course, this is not very good for the eyes and can even cause decreased vision.

So it’s better not to risk your health and remove your lenses before going to bed.

My mother, for example, is not at all comfortable wearing lenses; she can feel even the thinnest ones. There is no question of sleeping here.

And I kept thinking about how to give birth - with contacts or glasses. Not so comfortable with glasses. I consulted with a specialist - an ophthalmologist. She said that it’s better to wear glasses, but if I want, no one will stop me from wearing lenses. As a result, I gave birth wearing lenses. Vision was not affected in any way.

It happened that I fell asleep in the lenses when there was no way to put them away for storage or I simply forgot about it. In the morning I barely opened my eyes, eyeball it was inflamed, everything was terribly dry, my eyes were very painful and it felt like sand had been poured under my eyelids. I soaked the lenses directly in my eyes with the solution and only then took them off, otherwise it was impossible to remove them, they stuck tightly.

Since then, I don’t take risks; I take the container and solution with me on any trip, otherwise I might end up without eyes at all, as this risks damaging the cornea. Then you will need expensive treatment and specialized lenses. In general, I advise you to choose the most comfortable breathable lenses and use special moisturizing drops to minimize discomfort when wearing contact lenses.

It all depends on the reaction of your eyes. In general, it is clear that it is better not to do this, but we all know that cases are different and sleep sometimes creeps up unnoticed, especially while reading or due to fatigue. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and develop a rule for yourself in the evening to read only with glasses and other similar nuances to determine for yourself.

The reaction of your eyes to the fact that you fall asleep with your lenses on can be different. It happens that your eyes itch after this, sometimes the irritation goes away, or maybe after one time nothing happens, but you don’t have to think that it will happen like this every time. In any case, lenses, no matter what they are, are annoying external factor, which is not good for our little eyes.

I have never removed my lenses, I always sleep in them and my vision has not deteriorated because of this.

The fact is that there are lenses in which you can accidentally fall asleep, and there are those in which you absolutely cannot do this. I always asked for those in which I could play around a little, explaining that I often travel and it is extremely inconvenient to remove lenses on the road, and I need to sleep. That’s how I learned that there are lenses that are not forbidden to sleep in.

I liked these lenses so much that now I only use them, although they are much more expensive than regular ones.

Because the lenses are not intended to be used for sleeping, they must be taken out at night.

And it may happen that nothing will happen one night, but another person will develop an eye inflammation.

Conjunctivitis may appear, your eyes may hurt, and it will feel as if sand was poured into your eyes.

Your eyes won't have enough oxygen to reach your corneas when you don't remove your lenses at night.

Therefore, do not take risks and take care of your eyes in any case, otherwise you will have to undergo treatment later.

If you didn’t wear the lenses for long before going to bed and you also fell asleep for a short time, most likely nothing will happen. There is also the matter of what kind of lenses they are (how oxygen permeable and their type, new ones or those that are time to be changed) and what sensitivity the person has, his state of health. There was once that I woke up at night, remembered that I hadn’t taken off my lenses, and ran to take them off - why do I need additional problems with my eyes?

Acuvue One Day TruEye daily contact lenses (30 lenses) - reviews


(26.02.2016 17:58:55)

I ordered for the first time and was very pleased. Delivery is fast, everything is packaged flawlessly. The lenses are good, and the eyes feel comfortable in them, thin, soft, and very easy to put on. The only thing I had was that the lens was spinning on my eye and jumped out twice) but the next day everything was ok. maybe some kind of defect) Thank you!

Obviously, the recommended period for planned replacement does not take into account the individual characteristics of the patient. It can contract when the composition of the tear changes, which occurs when various diseases eyes and body, the use of certain medicines, change climatic conditions, deterioration of the environmental situation (dry air-conditioned, dusty air), as well as non-compliance with the rules for caring for contact lenses.

How many hours can you wear contact lenses?

Tolerance of contact lenses is always individual. Your eyes wearing contact lenses should not become red, sore or tired. New generations of silicone hydrogel contact lenses can be worn up to 15 hours a day and, if necessary, sometimes left on at night. This should be done in exceptional cases when there is really a need for such wearing. You can allow yourself to fall asleep in the lenses for 1-2 hours, for example, on a long journey to work, on the subway or train. Hydrogel lenses and rigid gas permeable lenses should not be worn more than 10-12 hours a day and should not be left in the eye while sleeping.

Once again to the question “is it possible to sleep in contact lenses?

Doctors do not recommend showering or bathing with contact lenses. It is better not to allow them to come into contact with water. Organisms found in various types of dirty water (water in a swimming pool, sauna, shower, tap water), although rare, can cause eye complications in the form of keratitis.

In addition, shampoo or soap may get into the eye, which is easily absorbed by the lens. If for any reason you have to shower with your lenses in, it is recommended that you close your eyes tightly.

If accidental contact with water occurs, remove contact lenses with clean, dry hands, then clean and disinfect them or throw away if they are daily use.

If water gets on the lenses that you wear without taking them off at night, you can sleep in them only after preliminary cleaning and disinfection.

Is it possible to swim with contact lenses?

It depends on the quality of the lens material. Lenses can be left on during short (up to two hours) sleep. Or for one night, with the expectation that after that there will be a break in wearing lenses (at least during the day).

Can lenses be stored in water?

No, you can't, it could damage the lenses. Special solutions must be used to store lenses. If it is not possible to quickly purchase these products, the lenses can be left in boiled cooled water for a short period. But after this, do not put it on immediately, but leave it in a special solution for at least 4 hours.

Is it possible to wear contact lenses if you have a cold?

This is not recommended. At the first signs of illness, it is better to remove the lenses. Colds cause a deficiency of ocular fluid. Microbes that get between the lens and the eye multiply very quickly and lead to the development inflammatory processes. According to statistics, every second person who forgets to take off their lenses during a cold suffers from this.

Is it possible to wear lenses if you have conjunctivitis?

The latest achievement of the developers of silicone hydrogel contact lenses is Acuvue Oasis with Hydraclear Plus." A so-called moisturizing agent is added to their composition. It prevents the eyes from drying out and, accordingly, increases the comfort of the lenses.

“Moisturizing and breathable” lenses can be worn without removing them for seven days, after which they go in the trash. None of the previously released silicone hydrogel lenses contain moisturizing agents, so the appearance of a new product will most likely force other manufacturers to also come up with something similar.

When there is no agreement among comrades

Daria Novikova, correspondent:

– The procedure is not pleasant, but with each subsequent time it becomes easier and easier. Note to girls: make-up should be applied only after you have put on your contact lenses. Otherwise, particles of cosmetics will get into the eye and cause irritation and discomfort. And all the beauty will be ruined by the red eye effect.

Another question: what if you don’t take off your one-day ones for 24-36 hours? (you can sometimes forget and fall asleep, or on a long trip)

I have one-day ones, but I wear them often in the summer (I love good Sunglasses), and in winter only in the pool or somewhere where glasses can get in the way. I fell asleep wearing the lenses, nothing bad happened. The eyes do not turn red or hurt. I buy 1-Day Acuvue Moist

I keep two pairs of glasses - one for the car and the other for the computer. The ophthalmologist said that this was correct, but the idea was originally mine. I had my vision checked at a simple clinic and prescribed prescriptions there. “Point of View” also looked at it, but said that they couldn’t have made a better choice than our ophthalmologist.

Is it possible to sleep in daily contact lenses? At night it is prohibited, but a short nap during the day is allowed. True, those who have already been lucky enough to test the “one-day” ones complain that even after a short rest they feel discomfort in their eyes. And this happens because the mucous membrane dries out. Almost always, after sleeping in such lenses - no matter how long it lasts - the eyes become very red, begin to itch and water.

Sasha R
(06.01.2012 01:24:41)

I really liked these lenses, I bought them for a vacation to the south. Before them I used Oases. I thought it would be better, but only so much.))) in positive side Of course, sometimes I even forgot to take off my lenses. Once, and then a couple more, I tried, having forgotten to take them off, to put one on top of the other - the feeling was so comfortable for the eyes. There were no problems removing the lenses. In general, I have been using lenses for less than a year.

1 2 3 4 next >>

Daily contact lenses

I'm interested in the question: what will happen if you fall asleep in daily contact lenses and only take them off in the morning, after sleeping for 8-10 hours with them on? Of course, ophthalmologists will unanimously say - it will be bad. But I read reviews on the Internet, and some people manage to wear daily lenses for two days without any consequences.


(17.08.2014 13:04:56)

My eyes themselves are very sensitive. And after suffering two severe keratitis, I was completely banned from wearing lenses. Occasionally and on the way out. But I didn't like the doctor. Another said that it is possible, just be careful and attentive to your eyes.
Dry eye syndrome. The eyes will become watery. The lenses dry out.
The only ones that were suitable were two-week oases.
Not just one-day ones. Sometimes they dry, sometimes they become sandy, sometimes they prick. Dalyse took it for testing. It's eerie. But the work is great.
Someone advised me, she said that this is the same as oases, but for one day. And yes, it's true))
So for very sensitive and “dehydrated” eyes I can only recommend these and oases. Personally, nothing suits me anymore.

Not bad

Most frequently asked question patients “Can I sleep in contact lenses?” - has been a constant subject of heated debate among experts for many years. This is due to the fact that many patients find it more convenient not to remove the lenses from their eyes before going to bed, without thinking at all that for the same reason it would be more convenient to sleep in clothes and shoes, not wash their face in the morning and not take a shower. The only thing that can be considered more serious is the desire of a person with reduced vision to “wake up sighted.” Thus, there is a desire to have such lenses, which means there is a demand. Demand, as we know, always gives rise to supply. That is why almost all contact lens manufacturers are constantly developing and launching newer and “harmless” contact lenses for sleep on the market.

These lenses, which are always sold with powerful and colorful advertising, are happily purchased and used by patients, which increases the number of complications by almost 25 times compared to the same lenses used in the daytime.

· This best lenses for daytime wear,

It is not recommended to use contact lenses while swimming. Soft contact lenses absorb water and any chemical substances, located in it. Certain forms of bacteria found in river or sea ​​water, can attach to the lens and create a risk of eye infection.

If you plan to swim with contact lenses, you should use tight-fitting swimming goggles or a mask that prevents water from penetrating your eyes. The downside of wearing these sealed goggles or masks is the limited amount of oxygen inside. It is not enough for a long time.

If you swim in such goggles for a long time, the cornea will not receive the necessary oxygen and will not be able to “breathe.” It is better to use special swimming goggles with diopters.

Can pregnant women wear contact lenses?

No. Even if on initial stage disease, the person does not experience discomfort, the lenses need to be removed. Wearing them can not only aggravate the disease, but also cause a secondary infection. After removal, the lenses must be treated with a disinfectant solution for lenses to prevent re-infection.

Can I wear lenses if I have astigmatism?

Yes, you can. But for this, special toric lenses are used, which help provide higher visual acuity.

Can I wear daily lenses longer?

It is possible if silicone hydrogel is used for their manufacture. But you shouldn't abuse it. If there is such a need, you can use the lenses without removing them for two days, but after that you need to give your eyes a rest.

Is it possible to wear contact lenses in the cold?

Unfortunately, despite all the new products and inventions, there is still no complete unanimity between contact lens manufacturers and ophthalmologists.

Judge for yourself. Advertising information from some manufacturers: silicone hydrogel lenses can be worn without removal for 30 days. Yes, certifying organizations give permission for such long-term wearing, but doctors are categorically against it! The latest models – the already mentioned “Acuvue Oasys with Hydraclear Plus” and the comparable “O2optix”, which appeared a little earlier, are intended for continuous wear only for 6-7 days. Do you feel the difference?

Make no mistake - by definition, lenses of the previous generation cannot provide the patient with more convenience and safety than newer ones!

Redness and conjunctivitis can be caused by sleeping in lenses.

And I don’t want to bother constantly with solutions and other things.

Personally, it takes me 2 minutes maximum to put on and remove lenses, taking into account simple manipulations with the solution.

I spent two years using night lenses (Paragon), this pleasure is expensive, but the effect is amazing, you put it on before bed and take it off in the morning. As a result, for two or three days you have 100% vision, when your vision drops you put it back on at night.

By the way, the doctor suggested lenses with a similar effect, but I was skeptical. Is it really true that after night vision is 100% for two or three days? I have -1.25 in both eyes.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, immediately after sleeping in daily lenses, you should use special moisturizing drops. By the best means are considered:

There will be nothing terrible; daily lenses are quite suitable for sleeping in them.

With the advent of contact lenses (CL), life people with vision problems became more comfortable.

Along with progress, people's demands are growing: now the majority want lenses to be worn both day and night. However, the wearing regimen is strictly individual.

Features of contact lenses

Sometimes people who wear contact lenses stop taking them off at night. Some are simply too lazy to do this, while others simply forget. Respectively, the number of eye diseases has increased.

In order not to harm the health of clients and not to lose them, ophthalmology companies began to invent different kinds KL, which can be worn almost without taking off.

Hard daytime ones made of polymethyl methacrylate. Why can't you sleep in them?

They can wear continuously for 12 hours. Sleeping in such lenses is prohibited for several reasons. Firstly, they cause oxygen starvation of the cornea. It is no secret that the eyes breathe, and therefore they need oxygen for normal blood circulation.

If any foreign body(including the lens), oxygen access is significantly reduced, which is not very good. At night, it is even harder for oxygen to enter the eyes, since they are closed. Secondly, products made from polymethyl methacrylate can stick to the surface of the cornea.

Rigid gas permeable

They allow air to pass through well, and therefore oxygen starvation will not occur. At the same time, they, like other rigid CLs, can only be used while awake during the day, but you can’t sleep in them.

Photo 1. A pair of hard contact lenses. This type The optic is intended for daytime wear only.

Silicone hydrogels: is it possible to leave them on for one night?

Silicone hydrogel contact optics are designed for long-term continuous wear ( within 30 days). The material from which the products are made will not lead to oxygen starvation eyes, as it allows air to pass through perfectly.

Many manufacturers assure that you can sleep in silicone hydrogel contact products at night without harm to your health. Despite this, ophthalmologists still advise not to be lazy and take them off at night.

You can only sleep in them for a short time during the day (1-2 hours).

Concerning night sleep, then this can be allowed once, as an exception, for example, after a party or a hard day at work.

Soft hydrogel

Some of the oldest types of CL are, one might say, the ancestors. Only 30% oxygen permeable, and therefore you cannot sleep in them. In addition, when long-term wearing A protein-lipid coating is deposited on the surface of hydrogels, which is a breeding ground for bacteria.

Important! If you have to spend the night and sleep in the lenses, it is better to find a moment in advance and remove them for a short time, placing them in the solution, and then put them back on. You cannot prescribe yourself long-term continuous wearing of silicone hydrogel contact optics - First you need to consult a specialist.


You can and even need to sleep in such products at night. Although they belong to the class of hard ones, but used to temporarily correct myopia, so they should be worn at night. This type of product corrects the thickness and shape of the cornea, and accordingly, its optical power changes.

Photo 2. Diagram of the operating principle of orthokeratological contact lenses. The products correct the shape of the cornea.

Orthokeratological CLs 100% breathable, so the eyes will not experience a lack of oxygen.

Attention! Orthokeratology lenses are selected and manufactured individually. They have contraindications specific features use, therefore Don't try to pick them up yourself- can cause harm.

Is it possible to take a nap during the day wearing contact lenses?

Another important question: is it possible to sleep in contact lenses during the day? For example, take a nap in public transport on the way to work. Experts are unanimous on this issue - If this happens rarely, then nothing bad will happen. However, frequent such incidents can lead to serious consequences. If you sleep in contact products during the day, you should always have moisturizing drops on hand, which should be instilled immediately after waking up.

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What happens if you sleep in colored or regular lenses all the time?

Sleeping in lenses that are not designed for this purpose can be dangerous for you. visual organs. If the eyes constantly lack oxygen, this will lead to corneal edema, which is the first cause of erosion, in which the inside of the eye can get 7 times more bacteria.

To ensure your eyes are fully rested, CL before going to bed you need to remove it and don’t forget to put it in a special container with a solution. Otherwise, by morning they will dry out and you will have to buy a new pair.

Photo 3. Storage of contact optics in a special container with a disinfectant solution. Tweezers are used to remove products.

Even 15 minutes sleep in lenses that are intended only for daytime wear, cause corneal edema. And if you regularly forget to remove or change your optics at night, you should prepare for serious consequences. Gradually, the condition of the visual organs will deteriorate, they will begin to hurt and become irritated. As a result, your eyes will begin to water and then you will have to take a course unpleasant treatment and forget about wearing lenses.