
Victory parade on Red Square from the inside. From the parade on Red Square... The parade box on Red Square how many people

The rhythmic beat of the drums forces even passers-by to adapt to their rhythm. And few people pass by without capturing on camera the column of young sailors striding along Petrovskaya Embankment. Students of the St. Petersburg Nakhimov Naval School are preparing for the Victory Parade in Moscow.

PHOTO by Alexander DROZDOV

In total, seven marching exercises for Nakhimovites are planned for this month on Petrovskaya Embankment. Four have already taken place, the rest will take place on February 16, 18 and 25. The time is the same: from 16.00 to 18.00. Naturally, during these hours, car traffic is blocked on the section of Petrovskaya and Petrogradskaya embankments - from Michurinskaya to Penkova streets.

Of course, this is not easy - for an hour and a half, marching at full speed from the building of your native school to the House of Peter the Great, then a short changeover and a return passage. You need to keep alignment in the line, pull your chin to the required level, maintain a marching step with strict parameters - the leg is straight, the height is 15 - 20 centimeters. And the weather is not very favorable - it’s not summer after all.

The classes, of course, are not easy, but I still really want to participate in the Victory Parade,” says Nakhimov resident Artur Saldakeev, this time called upon to provide sound accompaniment and beat the drum. - Last year I already walked through Red Square, the impressions were unforgettable. And this year is an anniversary year, and the parade will be cooler!

The tradition of participation of Nakhimov residents on May 9 in the parade on Red Square dates back the same seven decades as the parade itself. Since 1945, students of the Nakhimov School marched solemnly in columns of military personnel, printing steps on the paving stones along the walls of the Kremlin. For this purpose, they were brought in special wagons by rail from Leningrad. It was only in the mid-1990s and early 2000s that this tradition was broken. And then, by order of the then Minister of Defense Serdyukov, they did not include Suvorov soldiers in the parade squad. However, one of the first orders of the current Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, who took office in the fall of 2012, was the order to return students of the Suvorov and Nakhimov military schools to the columns of the Victory Parade. Since 2013, the boys have again become full participants in the great holiday.

There will be 120 people in the front box - 10 ranks of 12 people each, plus a banner group,” said Vladimir Pyatnitsyn, deputy head of the school for educational work. - We started preparing in the second quarter - on the school’s parade ground, and in February we went to the embankment, there is more space here.

Current training does not always take place in full force. I counted about a hundred people in the column marching along the embankment. The Nakhimovites are lined up strictly according to height: from tall guys in the first ranks to very short ones in the last. This is understandable, the guys are of different ages: out of 500 students, those who study in high school - from 8th to 10th grade - will go to Moscow. They promise to provide younger Nakhimov residents with the opportunity to participate in Victory parades in the near future.

The box is still incomplete, because, as Pyatnitsyn explained, some of the students are taking exams, and they are given time to prepare for them - this is important. Yes, and there is still time. At the end of March, Nakhimovites - participants in the Victory Parade - will go to Moscow, where they will continue training together with other parade participants - military units of the Russian Army and Navy, cadets of higher military schools, and academies officers. Last year, these classes were held at a training ground in Alabino, near Moscow, three times a week for four hours. The rest of the time the guys will continue to study.

On Petrovskaya Embankment, Nakhimovites march in casual, albeit insulated, uniforms, and on Victory Day they will go to Red Square in ceremonial uniforms.

This will be a new, specially tailored dress uniform,” noted officer-educator Alexander Bliznyuk.

Not last year? - I clarified, remembering the words of Nakhimov’s Saldakeev. - After all, many of the students took part in 2014.

So the boys have grown up! - Bliznyuk smiled.

The Nakhimovites' training is going on as usual, and on May 9 their parents will be glued to their TV screens with hope that suddenly the operator will snatch a familiar figure from the parade formation, printing a marching step. The column will be headed by the head of the school, followed by a banner group of six officers and senior students with daggers. Next is a strict, even box of 120 future officers of the Russian Navy.

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24 marshals, 249 generals, 2,536 officers, 31,116 sergeants and privates took part in the Victory Day Parade on June 24, 1945. The march of parade “boxes” of troops across Red Square lasted about thirty minutes. During the four years of the war, the losses of our army on the fronts and in German concentration camps amounted to about nine million dead. And each of them, who gave their life to their Motherland, deserves to march in that parade formation across Red Square.

If all the dead were put in ceremonial formation, then these “boxes” would walk through Red Square for nineteen days...

The front “boxes” are ten people wide and twenty deep. One hundred and twenty steps per minute. In windings and boots, overcoats, pea coats, overalls, medical gowns and padded jackets, in partisan clothing with red ribbons on hats, caps, earflaps, "budennovkas", helmets, peakless caps, caps.

For nineteen days and nights this continuous stream of fallen battalions, regiments, divisions, and armies would have walked through Red Square. It would be a parade of heroes who bore on their shoulders all the burdens and horrors of that cruel war... A parade of winners.

Nine million dead soldiers and officers would have walked along Red Square for 19 days and nights, and if this figure is multiplied by three, we get twenty-seven million - this is the total number of our citizens who died during that terrible war. They would walk along Red Square for 57 days and nights continuously. Almost two months of movement of huge ceremonial “boxes” of two hundred people each. And if you imagine them walking in one row, as it was at the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin, then this mournful chain of dead people would walk along Red Square for 570 days and nights. Almost two years...

But it is impossible to imagine women, children and old people walking across the square at a speed of two steps per second. Precisely, this tempo of the march presupposes a solemn march. Ordinary people move at an average speed of one step per second. We receive ONE THOUSAND HUNDRED AND FORTY days and nights. Three and a half years of continuous march of people... To the next world.

MOSCOW, May 9 – RIA Novosti. The parade units on foot completed their solemn march across Red Square in Moscow, a RIA Novosti correspondent reports.

According to the Russian military department, more than 10 thousand people, 135 units of military equipment, and 71 aircraft are participating in the military parade to commemorate the 71st anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 in Moscow. The military parade is commanded by the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces (AF) of the Russian Federation, Colonel General Oleg Salyukov, and the parade is hosted by Russian Defense Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu.

The march of 26 foot parade units was started by the drummers of the Moscow Military Music School and banner groups, accompanied by the Guard of Honor of three branches of the Russian Armed Forces. Then, students of the Moscow and Tver Suvorov Military Schools, the combined crew of the Nakhimov Naval School and the Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps marched in front of the stands in a solemn march.

For the first time at the Moscow parade, a female combined squad of military personnel from the Military University of the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Volsky branch of the Military Academy of Logistics (MTO) named after Army General A.V. was presented. Khruleva.

Behind them marched students and cadets of the Combined Arms Academy of the RF Armed Forces, the Military University, and the Military Academy of MTO.

For the first time, representatives of the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS), which were formed in August 2015 and have already demonstrated striking power during the military operation in Syria, walked along the paving stones near the Kremlin in parade formation. The Russian Aerospace Forces presented calculations to the Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin and the A.F. Military Space Academy Mozhaisky.

They were followed by parade crews of the Russian Navy - cadets of the Kaliningrad branch of the Naval Academy and the "black berets" of the 336th separate guards marine brigade of the Baltic Fleet.

The ceremonial “boxes” of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) of Russia are students of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great and cadets of its Serpukhov branch.

Paratroopers walked behind the rocket launchers - cadets of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School and guardsmen of the Kostroma 331st Parachute Regiment.

The Radiation Chemical and Biological Defense Troops (RKhBZ) were represented by military personnel of the RKhBZ Military Academy named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Tymoshenko. Railway troops are the parade squad of the 38th separate railway brigade, stationed in Yaroslavl.

Spectators of the parade saw the newly formed National Guard Troops (Rosgvardia) in the faces of the military personnel of the separate operational division (ODON) named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky. At the Victory Parade of 1945, soldiers of this particular formation threw captured banners of the defeated Nazi army onto the stones of Red Square.

The National Guardsmen were followed by parade squads from the Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Moscow Border Institute of the FSB of Russia.

Traditional participants in military parades on Red Square are guardsmen of the 2nd Taman Motorized Rifle Division named after M.I. Kalinin and the 4th Kantemirovskaya Tank Division named after Yu.V. Andropov - the stands pleased with his excellent drill performance. They were followed by motorized riflemen of the 27th separate Sevastopol brigade.

The “Kremlin cadets”—the parade squad of the Moscow Military Institute of the Combined Arms Academy of the Russian Armed Forces—completed the march on foot to the music of the song “Victory Day.”

This year, noticeably less equipment passed under the walls of the Kremlin than last year, but the parade itself became 15 minutes longer, and a record number of soldiers took part in it - almost twice as many as last time.

The start of the military parade on the main square of the country at 10:00 Moscow time was announced by the trumpets of the orchestra, which began the parade with Alexandrov’s composition “The Holy War.” First, according to the plan, a parade formation passed through the square, then the equipment. The current parade lasted just over an hour.

On the central podium are the President of Russia, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, other leaders of the country, as well as war veterans, representatives of public organizations, numerous foreign guests, including representatives of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition and the CIS.

The parade was commanded by the first deputy chief of the General Staff, Colonel General Valery Gerasimov. The parade was hosted by Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov. The open cars of Serdyukov and Gerasimov met in the very center of Red Square and began to detour the troops. The servicemen in ceremonial boxes greeted the head of the Ministry of Defense with the words: “We wish you good health, Comrade Minister of Defense!”

Then Minister Serdyukov went to the presidential podium and reported on the readiness of the troops for the parade. Dmitry Medvedev addressed congratulatory remarks to all those present and watching the parade on television.

Speaking at a military parade on Red Square, the head of state said: “We thank you for giving us freedom!”

“You knew for sure what you fought for and what your comrades gave their lives for,” the president emphasized. “The freedom of people, the dignity of the country and the peace of their home is dear to everyone and makes us a united and strong nation.”

“The people defended their native land and liberated the world from Nazism, and the further these years are from us, the deeper the awareness of the feat of the military generation,” Medvedev said. “Veterans showed devotion to their Fatherland, and it is our duty to remember this and cherish the peace achieved as a result Great Victory."

“Today Russia firmly defends the principles of peaceful cooperation and consistently advocates an indivisible security system,” the president noted. “Our Armed Forces effectively participate in peacekeeping missions - the Russian army and navy reliably protect the country and its citizens.”

After the speech of the President of Russia, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, a military orchestra performed the anthem of the Russian Federation. After the sound of the fanfare, the command was sounded: “Parade! Attention! To the solemn march, battalion by battalion, one linear distance!”

The movement of the parade squads of ten ranks of 20 people, according to tradition, was opened by linemen, followed by a company of drummers. She set the pace for all the ranks: 120 steps per minute. The drummers, to the sounds of “Farewell of the Slavic Woman,” were followed by banner groups with the State Flag of the Russian Federation, the Victory Banner, the banner of the Russian Armed Forces, a banner company and an honor guard of three branches of the Armed Forces.

The combined regiments of the Ground Forces, Air Force, Navy, Strategic Missile Forces, Space Forces, Airborne Forces, as well as radiation, chemical and biological defense troops and engineering troops marched along the paving stones of the main square. The parade squads included battalions of the Railway Troops, operational divisions of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and other law enforcement ministries and departments.

In the parade formation, servicemen from a number of formations of the Western Military District, including the Taman Motorized Rifle and Kantemirovskaya Tank Brigades, and the Moscow Higher Military Command School demonstrated good bearing.

The parade participants wore a new style of dress uniform.

After the walking part of the military parade, military equipment entered Red Square. Since 2008, Russia has revived the tradition of military vehicles participating in military parades in honor of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. 106 units of military equipment walked along the paving stones of the country's main square.

Each missile technology group was headed by an armored personnel carrier BTR-80. Tiger vehicles, T-90 tanks, tractors, and Msta-S self-propelled artillery units - 8-10 units in each group - marched across Red Square. The mechanized column included Topol-M mobile missile systems, eight launchers of the S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile system, eight of the latest Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile and gun systems, launchers of the Iskander-M missile system, Smerch multiple launch rocket systems, Buk-M2 anti-aircraft missile systems and other best examples of military equipment.

Combat vehicles in two columns passed to the right of the Historical Museum building and, having passed Red Square, went out onto Vasilievsky Spusk and then turned right along the Moskva River embankment to return to Khodynskoye Field. As last year, the parade was covered, among other things, with the help of video cameras installed on military equipment.

The celebration was made especially spectacular by the participation in the parade of five Mi-8 transport and combat helicopters, which carried the flags of the Russian Federation, the Armed Forces, and the branches of the Russian Armed Forces: the Ground Forces, the Air Force and the Navy.

The flight of the helicopter group was carried out in the formation of a “column of pairs of helicopters at shortened distances” at a speed of about 90 km per hour at intervals and distances of about 50 meters between the blades. Each helicopter carried a cargo on an external sling - a flag with a weighting material - weighing about 1.8 tons. The work of the group on army aviation helicopters in the air was supervised by the deputy head of the Torzhok center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel, pilot 1st class, Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Nerusin.

In terms of the number of equipment, the parade will be the most modest in the last three years. Last year, more than 10 thousand military personnel, 71 aircraft and helicopters and 135 units of ground equipment took part in the celebration. The largest parade since 1991 was in 2015 - in honor of the 70th anniversary of Victory Day. Then 193 combat vehicles went to Red Square, and 16 thousand military personnel representing nine countries took part in the walking part. 143 planes and helicopters appeared in the skies over the capital, including the newest Su-35 fighter.

The reduction in the number of armored vehicles is due to savings, explained Viktor Murakhovsky, editor-in-chief of Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine. According to him, ground equipment is always presented at parades very selectively. If you demonstrate all the samples, you will have to increase the broadcast time of the parade by five to six times and spend additional money on fuel. “What guides the choice? I think so that it looks beautiful and menacing,” said Murakhovsky.

Moscow authorities have announced nine tenders for holding fireworks displays in parks with a total cost of 5 million rubles. For example, fireworks in Gorky Park will cost 550 thousand rubles. Festive events are also planned for the May holidays in the capital. Tenders for their holding were awarded by the State Budgetary Institution “Moscow Directorate of Mass Events”. On Victory Day, a concert will take place on Poklonnaya Hill, at which one folk group and four popular groups are scheduled to perform Soviet songs. The Victory Parade and people in a moment of silence will be broadcast on the screens. On the eve of Victory Day, an equestrian performance “Traditions of Russia” will take place on Poklonnaya Hill. The cost of organizing two events will be 19.2 million rubles.

Another 10.2 million rubles. Moscow authorities will spend on events near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. They will last four hours and will include “a performance by a group in the classical crossover style” (Sarah Brightman, Victor Zinchuk, Andrea Bocelli perform in this style), the performance of Soviet songs, a screening of the historical parade of 1945, a broadcast of the modern parade on Red Square and minutes of silence. The tender documentation states that the organizer must “receive the highest blessing from the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' to hold the festive program.”

More than 10 million rubles. will be spent on technical support for the “Immortal Regiment” event on Tverskaya Street. About 17.5 million rubles. Moscow authorities allocated for festive events on Pushkinskaya, Triumfalnaya and Teatralnaya squares. Soviet and Russian films about the war will be shown at Pushkinskaya on May 8 and 9, and “meetings and discussions” will take place after the screenings. Poetry readings, song performances, and performances by theater groups are planned on Triumfalnaya Square. Near the Bolshoi Theater, the “Date with Victory” program will be dedicated to the traditional meeting of veterans. Another 5.3 million rubles. will spend on a show in Tsaritsyno Park with the participation of acrobats.

Participants in the “Immortal Regiment” memorial campaign (Photo: Sergey Fadeichev / TASS)

A year ago, tenders were announced for the organization of the Victory Parade for a total amount of 209 million rubles, RBC. However, congratulations, fireworks and concerts in Moscow were not included in last year's calculations. Transportation of military personnel was also the most expensive: it cost the Ministry of Defense 158 million rubles. - more expensive than this year. Dispersing the clouds cost less - 86 million rubles, as did last year's dubbing of the parade, which cost 3.6 million rubles.

Spending on equipment

The state will spend at least 14 million rubles on fuel that will be used during the demonstration of aviation and ground equipment at the Moscow Victory Parade. At least another 45 million was spent on sewing dress uniforms for the holiday, RBC calculated.

In particular, refueling ground equipment will cost, according to RBC calculations, about 350 thousand rubles.

How was the cost of fuel for combat vehicles calculated?

The calculation did not take into account the fuel consumed to warm up the equipment and the journey from Moscow to the test site in Alabino and back (about 100 km). Wheeled vehicles “travelled under their own power,” while tracked vehicles were delivered by train: it is almost impossible to calculate how much it costs to transport one tank, the Ministry of Defense explained. In order to find out the total cost of diesel fuel consumed during the movement of military vehicles in Moscow, the following formula was used: the capacity of the tanks is divided by the power reserve, multiplied by the length of the route, the price per liter and the number of vehicles. According to calculations made through the Yandex.Maps application, the length of the ground route along which the convoy of equipment will follow on May 9 is 83 km. The average price for diesel fuel in the country this year was 37 rubles. per liter So, according to the formula, the T-34-85 tank will spend 181 liters of diesel fuel, or 7 thousand rubles, to complete a given route. (545 l: 250 km x 83 km x 37 rubles x 1 unit = 7 thousand).

According to RBC estimates, about 13.74 million rubles will be spent on aviation flights.

All Russian planes and helicopters with jet engines are refueled with TS-1 or RT aviation kerosene, the head of the flight test complex LII told RBC. Gromov, Honored Pilot of Russia Boris Barsukov. According to him, this fuel is of approximately the same quality and does not differ much in price. Eight airfields will be used for aviation flights over the capital on May 9: in the Moscow, Tver, Bryansk, Saratov, Kaluga, Voronezh, Lipetsk, and Nizhny Novgorod regions. However, where this or that plane or helicopter will take off from and where it will land, as well as whether it will perform maneuvers, the military will determine the day before, the Ministry of Defense told RBC: everything will depend on weather conditions, the department clarified.

The approximate cost of a flight of two Tu-160 bombers is 706 thousand rubles.

How was the cost of aviation fuel calculated?

For the calculations, a schematic route length was used, derived from the arithmetic average: the distance from Red Square to each of the indicated airfields was added up, the result was divided by eight (the number of airfields) and multiplied by two (round trip flight). Thus, the approximate flight route of an airplane or helicopter was 900 km. Calculation formula: the volume of tanks is divided by the flight range, multiplied by the length of the route, the price per liter of RT brand aviation kerosene and the number of pieces of equipment. RT brand aviation kerosene with an average price of 32 rubles was taken as fuel. per liter (171,000 l: 13,950 km x 900 km x 32 rubles x 2 units = 706,064 rubles).

To participate in the Moscow parade, 11 thousand sets of uniforms were also sewn, the Ministry of Defense reported. RBC was able to find out only a partial cost of the order; it amounted to about 45 million rubles.

Of these, 1,500 sets (women's white dress uniform) were provided by Voentorg, the rest by the BTK Group enterprise, the Ministry of Defense reported. The 43rd Central Experimental Sewing Plant, subordinate to Voentorg, refused to name the cost of the contract with the Ministry of Defense, but reported that the average cost of a women's set of full dress military uniform is about 30 thousand rubles. BTK declined to comment on the order. The Ministry of Defense could not promptly clarify the cost of the contract.​

In total, the approximate expenditures of the state on holding celebrations dedicated to the Victory in Moscow, determined from open sources, amounted to 509.1 million rubles. (150 million + 98 million + 4.5 million + 515 thousand + 69.4 million + 7.4 million + 5 million + 19.2 million + 10.2 million + 10 million + 17.5 million + 5.3 million + 350 thousand + 13.74 million + 45 million + 53.1 million).