
Detailed characteristics of the dog according to the eastern calendar. Dog - description and characteristics

The person of the Year of the Dog does everything possible for others, her devotion extends to the point of self-denial. People deservedly respect her. A philosopher and moralist, the Dog is not at all interested in money, he is generous and selfless.

When is the Year of the Dog?

Years of the Dog: 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006.

The dog is considered a guard socially significant values; it symbolizes the principle of interaction and mutual assistance that connects the best kingdoms of nature.

The character of people of the Year of the Dog bizarrely combines devotion and selfishness, honesty and obstinacy, stubbornness and nobility.

These people always know well what and how to fight for. They independently make their way to their goal, and this makes others not only respect, but also fear the “dogs,” especially since “dogs” are almost never shy in their expressions and are very sharp-tongued.

In the Year of the Dog, although you will have to defend yourself, do not be so pessimistic: there is a lot of idealism and nobility around.

Good year for Rats, Dragons, Dogs and Pigs; bad for Bulls, Snakes, Goats and Roosters; neutral for Tigers, Rabbits, Horses and Monkeys.

Dog according to the horoscope: what kind of person is she?

The dog is the most faithful, honest and devoted sign in the eastern horoscope.

The Person of the Year of the Dog knows how to keep secrets, is an excellent listener, and has a very developed sense of duty. At the same time, the Dog is a little withdrawn, does not like to confess and almost never shows his true feelings.

The Man of the Year Dog is a skeptic by nature, but his critical and deep mind, sense of humor and undeniable greatness of spirit save him from pettiness.

Doesn't like gatherings or crowds. In the area of ​​feelings it seems cold, but this impression is deceptive. Despite all these shortcomings, all the noble traits of human nature are merged in her.

Regardless of whether this Dog lives on the street or in luxury, the intellectual principle predominates in him and he does without material comfort. But if she really needs money, she will be able to provide herself with it better than others.

The three phases of the Dog's life will be marked by impermanence. Troubled childhood, difficult youth, adulthood with a touch of skepticism from failures in work, old age full of regrets about what was not accomplished...

A dog born during the day is more calm than a dog born at night. Born at night always barks, always on guard.

The Dog will make a good leader. She can make a career in areas such as industry, social activity, pedagogy. She will also make a good clergyman.

She has excellent ability to manage people, no one has such ability to work and straightforwardness as the Dog, so she is very much appreciated.

In love, the Man of the Year of the Dog is very honest and reasonable. However, he faces some difficulties, mainly caused by his eternal anxiety.

Light the fuse and step back because you're about to see some real fireworks!

In reality, everything may turn out to be completely different, especially if the Dog is tired, suffers from self-doubt or is depressed in some way. However, when her engine is running at full throttle, best lover you won't find it.

Part of the reason for the increased sexual demand for the Dog is his naturally developed imagination. We should also not forget that thanks to the influence of the stars, she is capable of being an expert in any mechanism.

Combine these two qualities together, and you'll love the recipe - as long as you realize that while the Dog is the most courteous partner you can imagine, he may not actually be with you at all.

Character of the Dog according to the horoscope

Most dogs are kind, attentive, affectionate and incredibly generous.

Of course, they are always on the move, and therefore it can sometimes be difficult to put a collar on them, and since they have such a vivid imagination, it is sometimes not so easy to understand their way of thinking.

People born in the year of the Dog can still be very indecisive and therefore hate making choices. This can lead to the dog, without the slightest desire, causing scratches, wounds and the ensuing chaos.

It is generally believed that the Dog, despite being one of the most pleasant types, does not have moral fortitude.

This is quite an exaggeration, as Dogs can be very faithful and maintain the integrity of relationships, but only if they live with a suitable partner.

Nevertheless, Dogs are prone to flirting and even intimate relationships on the side, so any potential partner should keep their ears to the ground.

Their imagination is second to none, they are usually smart and always cheerful. Those born in the year of the Dog are good workers, but only as long as their interests are taken into account. They love to travel, enjoy life and play with children on weekends.

All this is a good basis for success, which is possible as long as you are able to spend more than five minutes alone with your dog! The decision is yours, but life next to her will never be boring.

It’s hard to blame a dog for anything, and yet, if you look hard enough, you’ll certainly find a few faults.

Although the Dog according to the horoscope is kind, attentive, friendly and flexible, she constantly rushes back and forth, is unable to make a decision and is ready to do almost anything for the sake of a quiet life.

But in this case, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages to such an extent that it is difficult to find a nicer person in the world.

It is so easy to forgive a dog for any wrongdoing, but this is unlikely to help him, and as a result, he will make the same mistakes again and again.

According to the horoscope, a dog always wants to please everyone, which is hardly possible. She is smart, capable, and loves to read. Dogs often make good writers.

They are witty, gentle and very affectionate. And when things get really tough, they have your back. This is truly a “sign for all seasons.”

Years of the Dog and their elements

Time of domination

Yang or yin

Dog element Fire

  • This dog is much more active than other representatives of this breed. She has a strong character and charm and loves to talk. It's usually a pleasure to spend time with her.
  • Your life will not be boring at all when such a person is next to you. interesting person, and you can be sure that most of the promises made to you will be kept.
  • The Fire Dog has extremely developed imagination, which few Chinese animal signs can compare with.
  • Like all dogs, she can become intellectually retarded if she constantly interacts with people who are not accustomed to using the gray cells of their brain.
  • Life can leave big scars on a fire dog's soul, and if you want to be close to him, you will have to deal with them.
  • At times she can seem ridiculous, there is always conflict in her life, although, as a rule, she manages to keep problems at a distance.
  • She may even be accused of being inclined to blame others for her own personal troubles. Of course, she does not do this with malicious intent, she is simply unable to understand how important her words can be for others.
  • When we're talking about When it comes to making waves, the Fire Dog is a true specialist. But then she steps aside and may be genuinely surprised when she is told that it was her doing.
  • Still, a fire dog has much more positive than negative qualities. Many consider her to be the perfect lover who is always fun to be around.
  • If you want to get a partner, lover, interlocutor and deeply devoted friend in one person, then look for a fire dog. Remember that she has not one, but several characters.

Dog element Metal

  • This passionate personality is usually quite good and is universally loved. Dogs are very sociable, but some people consider them narrow-minded. All dogs are born diplomats, and life with a metal dog will always be very interesting.
  • The Metal Dog is designed to live a busy life, and relationships are only a minor part of the overall scenario.
  • If you are bothered by the fact that your dog is not giving you his full attention, then you have chosen the wrong type of person.
  • Loyalty for a dog is a relative value, although a Dog of the Metal element will be more loyal than other representatives of its breed. The relationship with the dog should be based on physical, mental and spiritual contact, then it will be happy.
  • Her demands will seem unfair to you at times, especially since she herself is not ready for such a high level of devotion as she demands.
  • However, life with her will be worth the effort, because she is quite unusual, has a good sense of humor, loves the absurd and has an extremely developed imagination, especially in sex.
  • However, don't expect your life to be easy and be prepared to be attacked at any moment, probably without the slightest warning. The Metal Dog is a good worker if its work regularly undergoes changes.
  • Otherwise, boredom soon takes over, and the desire to engage in routine duties disappears.
  • Fun and games should accompany her everywhere, you don’t have to look for a partner for Sunday walks, because next to you is a wonderful lover, a talented cabaret actor and a good, devoted friend all rolled into one.

Dog element Earth

  • He is the idealist of the dog family and probably its most noble representative. Earth Dog has a deeply sensitive character, understands better than others what makes others nervous.
  • She is more likely than other dogs to think things through.
  • Both men and women born this year are very caring and are always ready to listen to the problems of the whole world and sort them out with the help of an innate sense of justice.
  • Is the dog of the Earth element, in this case, the embodiment of all virtues? Unfortunately no; it, like all combinations of signs and elements, has both positive and negative sides.
  • Difficulties rise to the surface when the earth dog is overcome by shame or self-doubt.
  • It may be hard to believe, but your dog will definitely feel unhappy if you are not willing to take on the role of leader in the relationship.
  • She thinks that you have the same revolutionary desire to change this world as she does, and she will not understand your desire to retreat from difficulties.
  • For most mere mortals, being around her is not easy, and this difficulty will no doubt often manifest itself in the relationship scene. But don't worry. With experience comes the understanding that life may not be as simple as it seems.
  • If this realization looks like healthy cynicism, then you will understand that the earth dog is very easy to deal with, and you will admire those aspects of its character that are unique to it.
  • The Earth Dog loves family life, will admire you and will never truly grow up. If you too can stay forever young, then that is a recipe for eventual success.

Dog element Tree

  • She is so attractive that it is simply impossible not to fall in love with her. It should be noted that in this case you will get exactly what you see in front of you.
  • After you get to know her better, you will no longer be surprised by anything except the little things that happen every day, because the Wood Dog does not like routine and will change its usual routines as often as possible.
  • Her soul is a real mystery. This dog is likely to be quite athletic and enjoys living life to the fullest. You won't have to persuade her to get out of bed in the morning.
  • Disputes will be rare, of course, unless you decide to start them yourself. The Dog of the element Tree of Good has virtually no restrictions; she wants to see only the best in everyone. Usually, when necessary, she has all the trump cards in her hands, and it is easy for her to overcome any circumstances.
  • Words of love come easily to her, so the dog will leave you in no doubt about her own feelings.
  • However, any coin always has two sides, so it should also be said that the dog experiences really great difficulties when making decisions.
  • And since she wants everyone around her to be happy, temporary confusion is almost inevitable.
  • The Wood Dog gets upset if someone doesn't like something, and as a result may allow others to take advantage of him.
  • Your job is to get rid of wooden dog from countless difficulties and provide her emotional help in those moments when life treats her unfairly.
  • You'll probably be happy to ease her pain because you're the same type of person yourself!

Dog element Water

  • What a cutie she is, how easy it is to succumb to the magical charm of one of the most charming signs of the zodiac!
  • You probably won't be able to refuse a water dog anything, and if that suits you, you'll be in good company because the whole world is ready to fall at its feet. And she seems to have enough charm to charm everyone.
  • The Water element dog is a born diplomat, she is often busy smoothing out disheveled fur or helping representatives of other signs come to a more reasonable point of view.
  • The Water Dog needs love, which few can offer. She extremely lacks self-confidence, so she often hesitates and yet does not lose her extraordinary charm.
  • However, next to her you will always know where you are, because she is also quite practical in Everyday life. She manages to achieve a certain degree of success in almost any situation.
  • The Water Dog loves to travel, usually prefers to live an active social life, she may have many friends, but it is unlikely that all of them will be close.
  • Here we have before us a man who is difficult to fully know, although he himself will probably claim that he is not hiding anything. Don't believe a single word.
  • The character of the water dog is very complex, it is capable of very deep thoughts. In love, she is poetic, deep and sincere at almost any moment.
  • If you fell in love with water dog, then no matter whether you know her strengths and weak sides, no one can dissuade you from being with her. Just enjoy what you have.

People born in the year of the Dog

Mother Teresa, Sir Winston Churchill, Andre Agassi, Gerard Philip, Elvis Presley, Alice Freundlich, Sophia Loren, Anatoly Papanov, Victor Hugo, Louis Armstrong, Yitzhak Rabin, Pierre Cardin, Carl Sagan, Prince William, Zhou Enlai, Voltaire, Alexander Suvorov , Sylvester Stallone, Claude Debussy, Max Plan, Brigitte Bardot, Alexandre Dumas - father, Cher, Bill Clinton, Madonna, Pierre Richard, Alexander Nevzorov, Norman Mailer, Golda Meir, Kurt Vonnegut.

Born 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994 and 2006

Chinese name for Dog: Gou
Eleventh sign of the Chinese Zodiac
Time of day under the control of the Dog: 19:00 -21:00
Corresponding Western Zodiac sign:
Element: Metal
Polarity: Positive

Positive traits:
Dog - loyal, generous, honest and efficient.

Negative qualities:
Dog - restless, pessimistic and slightly absent-minded.

Main features of the Dog:

Dogs are considered pessimists who are always worried about something, although the source of their torment is rarely known. But Dog- a faithful human companion, an affectionate pet and even plays important role as a symbol of social status. Life of a Dog, as the ancient Chinese say, was often unstable except in childhood (though only if her parents could protect her). Her youth was often marred by torment due to love affairs, which rarely leave her with good memories. In her mature years, she is often visited by nightmares, and old age is overshadowed by regrets about missed opportunities. But fortunately there are different kinds Dogs- For some, life is easier, for others it is full of difficulties and worries. They say that Dog A woman born during daylight hours is happier than one born at night. Daytime Dog it is not necessary to be on guard all the time, whereas The dog is nocturnal must be on guard at all times.

Dog Women more ambitious and more striving for material security. You are a gifted and creative woman, but you lack perseverance a little, and it happens that you leave things unfinished. You are attractive, impatient and, being more outgoing than your counterpart, Mr. Dog, love heartfelt conversations. You feel happiest when surrounded by friends, children and pets - whether in a palace, a suburban home or a city apartment. Your only drawback is your tendency to be somewhat narrow-minded, your inability to appreciate what is not directly part of your world.

You are reliable and loyal, but tend to be overly cautious and pessimistic. It would be wiser not to worry in advance, because you will successfully cope with whatever happens.

Fate (Luck)
You are either very rich or you don't have a penny. Various Dogs Different fates await you, but most of you are positive and go through life with great faith in success.

You have a talent for handling money and it would be good for you to go into business. If you follow your intuition, you have a chance to go far.

You are a reliable worker and can reach the top, since you are also a good administrator. It doesn't take long for you to become a boss.

Social life
You can be very reserved and cautious, but you thrive in the company of people you know well.

You manage your projects well and stick to schedules, but sometimes you have to fight for yourself a little. Stand firmly on the ground and don't give up without a fight.

It takes you a long time to find someone you can love, because you are very demanding and detailed. But once you find the right person, and you will enjoy a caring and romantic relationship.

Your parents either love you very much or consider you a rebel who is constantly fighting. And, of course, you have to reckon with this state of affairs.

Brothers and sisters
You take care of your sisters and brothers, especially if you are the eldest in the family, in which case you will have big influence for their adult life.

As a parent, you are difficult and strict, but in reality you are deeply interested in your children and love them to bits.

Travel is something that truly excites you. You always try to find as much as possible the best place to spend a wonderful holiday with your loved ones.

You enjoy good health and rarely get sick. You can be very tense at times and if you are not careful, you may experience some mental problems.

You can make good money in real estate and brokerage because you have a good sense of money.

You are generous and trustworthy. You could be a good leader of a large corporation. You are a computer networking expert and probably know how to make a profit.

If you stop complaining and have faith in your abilities, you can go far.

Most of the world lives according to the Eastern Chinese calendar. As you know, there are 12 different animals - symbols of the year. Many people want to know what character traits the year of birth gives them and what fate has in store for them as a person born in the year of the Dog? Every year has a characteristic, and each one has its own. In this article we will look at the personality traits of people who were born in the year of the Dog.

When was and will be the Year of the Dog?

According to chronology, there is a 60-year cycle, divided into 5 parts of 12 years. Each year is assigned one animal in the following order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar. In addition, each year corresponds to a specific element: Earth, Water, Fire, Wood and Metal, also divided by color: blue, red, yellow, white, black.

As already mentioned, there are 12 varieties of symbolic affiliation of the year, that is, each of them will be repeated again after 12 years. The Year of the Dog was or will only begin in:

  • 1958;
  • 1970;
  • 1982;
  • 1994;
  • 2006;
  • 2018.

As you can see, the calculations are very basic, and determining which animal year you were born in is not difficult.

Born in the year of the Dog: characteristics

The Eastern horoscope characterizes the Dog as the most positive of all characters, but not everything is perfect for her. Let's consider the positive and negative aspects of people born in the year of the dog.

Positive features

The dog is generous, kind, and cares about the well-being of others. When someone needs help, the choice of people becomes obvious - everyone will go to the Dog for advice or support, since those born this year feel others, are capable of empathy and especially feel sorry for those who have been unfairly offended by someone.

Only those born in the year of the Dog react to any injustice as sharply as if it affected them personally. The characteristics of this year's people say that they can be... true friends. They will always support you in difficult times, will not remain indifferent to someone else’s misfortune, and will fulfill their promise.

People of the Year of the Dog are, as a rule, highly intelligent, honest and always say what they think. Straightforwardness is their hallmark. If such a person works on something, you can be sure that the work will be completed to the highest standard and on time.

In general, the characteristics of those born in the year are very positive, but dogs also have some behavior.

Negative traits

People of this year are born psychologically old, but become younger over the years. This is not just a set of words, but strange fact: in the youngest years of their lives, Dogs take everything extremely seriously, behaving like old grandmothers: they complain about everyone and everything, but with age, people born in the year of the Dog stop paying such attention to the imperfections of the world. The characteristic of the year makes them great dreamers and idealists.

It becomes quite clear why pessimism can be traced in the character of Dogs. The dog will give up and lose self-control when he decides that it is not in his power to change the situation. The desire for perfectionism in everything sometimes makes her life more difficult; she worries not only about present, but also about future problems that await not only her, but also those close to her. It is imperative for the Dog to get rid of any excessive worry about the future in order to learn to live calmly and rejoice.

This is an unusual characteristic for those born in the year of the Dog. This year's woman is devoted to her family and husband. Any betrayal hurts her painfully and can even seriously affect her health. Being infinitely faithful to her partner, she quite reasonably has the right to demand the same from him in relation to herself. Dog women need to develop restraint and the ability to make compromise decisions - this will save nerves and strength for future new victories.

Compatibility of the dog with representatives of other symbols of the year

Only the Tiger, Horse and Rabbit will be able to withstand the strict level of the Dog. Only such people will not cause the Dog frustration and disappointment, and will help her reconcile with the world around her.

Believe it or not the characteristic of the year

To believe depending on the year of birth or not is everyone’s business. In general, astrology is interesting science(for some, it’s not science at all, but a pseudo-scientific discipline or simply heresy). However, studying the description of the symbol of your year of birth will be a very exciting and interesting activity, allowing you to broaden your horizons and take your mind off everyday affairs.

Some will find multiple similarities in the description with themselves personally, while others will not notice anything like that. After all, in the end, the year a person was born is only a small grain of what influences his worldview and character. A person's personality is influenced by a large number of factors that are often not amenable to assessment and analysis, so there is no need to rely only on the characteristics of the year of birth in drawing up an idea of ​​\u200b\u200boneself and others.

  • From 02/10/1910 to 01/29/1911 - Year of the Metal (White) Dog;
  • From 01/28/1922 to 02/15/1923 - Year of the Water (Black) Dog;
  • From 02/14/1934 to 02/03/1935 - Year of the Wooden (Blue) Dog;
  • From 02.02.1946 to 21.01.1947 - Year of the Fire (Red) Dog;
  • From 02/18/1958 to 02/07/1959 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Dog;
  • From 02/06/1970 to 01/26/1971 - Year of the Metal (White) Dog;
  • From 01/25/1982 to 02/12/1983 - Year of the Water (Black) Dog;
  • From 02/10/1994 to 01/30/1995 - Year of the Wooden (Blue) Dog;
  • From 01/29/2006 to 02/17/2007 - Year of the Fire (Red) Dog;
  • From 02/16/2018 to 02/04/2019 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Dog;
  • From 03.02. 2030 to 01/22/2031 - Year of the Metal (White) Dog.

The corresponding zodiac sign is Aquarius.

Character Strengths

A person born in the year of the Dog is self-critical and strives for perfection. If he takes on something, he will not leave what he started halfway and will pay attention to every detail. The Dog is one of the most responsible signs of the eastern horoscope, which never makes false promises and knows how to calculate its capabilities in advance so as not to let other people down. In addition, she has a heightened sense of justice, so the Dog tries to behave decently in any situation and knows how to defend her own rightness.

You can rely on this person, because he will never leave loved ones without support in difficult times, and will find a way to help them, even to the detriment of his own interests. For the sake of someone who is dear to her, the Dog is capable of any sacrifice. However, we are talking only about the closest people, and not about recently appeared friends or charming romantics. This person knows how to clearly distinguish between those who will always be nearby and “temporary passengers”.

Character Weaknesses

The main weakness of the Dog is the tendency to endless doubts, no matter what is discussed. If everything possible was done to achieve the goal, but it did not bring any results, this person will analyze every little detail in detail to find his mistake, even if there is none. Searching for non-existent problems is favorite hobby men and women born in the year of the Dog. They are overly vigilant, but trying to foresee absolutely everything, very often they lose sight of something more important. Most often, this concerns relationships with the immediate environment: if a Dog’s mother is trying, for example, to raise a child to be an excellent student, it is likely that she will not pay attention to his problems in relationships with peers, etc.

A person born in the year of the Dog gives the impression of having an iron character, but in reality this is not the case. The Dog is one of the most insecure signs of the eastern horoscope. This person is so concerned about the impression he makes on other people that he often misses opportunities or hesitates to make acquaintances because of this.

In love

The Dog expects stability from his personal life - he needs a permanent partner, and not a bright but short-term romance. It would seem that such an attitude to life in itself is a guarantee of this person’s fidelity, but in reality everything may be different. Those born in the year of the Dog are prone to betrayal, but not because of the search for adventure, but because of constant doubts.

Living relationships cannot be smooth all the time, and in moments of difficulty, the Dog regrets missed opportunities for happiness with other people, or begins to consider representatives of the opposite sex from his environment as potential partners. After betrayal, as a rule, he does not torment himself with remorse, and if he finds himself in a love triangle, he sincerely suffers from the inability to make a decision and make a choice.

Despite his free attitude towards sex, the representative of this sign is very caring and literally takes care of his loved one. During the period of falling in love, the Dog is ready to give everything he has to the one he loves, even if the reciprocity of feelings is in doubt. Distinctive feature The characteristics of this person lie in his extraordinary generosity and sacrificial nature. The dog will never regret that he did a good deed for someone who did not deserve it, and even more so will not lament material values ​​​​and gifts.

In career

According to the eastern horoscope, a representative of the Dog sign is distinguished by his high ability to work and his zeal to do everything efficiently. Such an employee will never do anything at speed - not a single detail will go unnoticed. A dog can concentrate on a task in any environment and it is almost impossible to distract it. This person is extremely disciplined, so he does not solve personal problems in work time and does not look for a reason to leave work early, but on the contrary, he can stay late of his own free will if the success of the business depends on it.

The Dog’s diligence evokes respect from management, and envy from less hardworking and attentive employees, but behind the efforts of this person there is no intention to climb the career ladder or “sit on” someone else. A representative of this sign may refuse the proposed promotion, since he feels quite comfortable in his workplace. The Dog also does not show any particular interest in raising wages or finding a more profitable job.

Dog Man

A man born in the year of the Dog has high level intelligence and very interesting as an interlocutor. He is always open to communication, but at the same time does not need the general public and noisy companies, preferring secluded places to communicate with his closest friends.

The Dog man has no craving for luxury - material values ​​are almost in last place for him. All his purchases are practical, and when it comes to his wardrobe and home interior, he prefers minimalism. He gets rid of everything unnecessary right away, so there are no unnecessary things in his house.

For family life this man needs a woman without high demands, who will put her husband and children first, and not beautiful life and expensive trinkets. At the same time, the Dog man is not greedy, and if he has money, he does not put it aside for a rainy day, but is happy to spend it on gifts for loved ones.

In general, the characteristics of the Dog man are positive. He cares about his family, and even if he decides to divorce his wife, he will never leave his children to their fate. First of all, he thinks not about how to get the maximum pleasure from life, but about his continuation and what will remain after him.

Dog Woman

The Dog woman is a pleasant person who is easy to talk to, but she herself is in no hurry to get close to people. She has many friends who trust her, but she can count her truly close people on the fingers of one hand. She treats people with sympathy and never thinks badly of those with whom she spends time.

In her youth, the Dog woman may seem overly emotional. She is tolerant of the shortcomings of other people, but if she notices a love of gossip or a tendency to lie in someone, she will not only stop communicating, but will also express to her face everything that she thinks. Thus, she can end a long-term established relationship in a matter of seconds, and not regret it one bit later.

The Dog woman is very sensitive and receptive to other people's opinions. It is important to her how she looks, how she speaks and behaves, what random passers-by or those who are not interesting to her as a person think about her. She is prone to self-examination, and if one of her loved ones is in a bad mood, she will certainly begin to look for the reason for his behavior in herself.

In family life she is practical and responsible. The marriage of a Dog woman promises to be long-lasting, even if she is not entirely satisfied with her husband. She can compensate for the lack of emotions by flirting on the side, but she decides to cheat if she believes that she has nothing to lose. In any case, she cares about her husband as if she were a loved one, and of course, she tries with all her might to provide a decent future for her children.

The dog is considered one of the animals of the Yin group. By Eastern horoscope the dog is walking at number eleven. Rules the time interval from 19 to 21 hours. The most successful season for people born under this sign is autumn, and the peak of this season is in September. If we draw an analogy with the European Zodiac, then the sign of the Dog will correspond to the sign of Libra. The fixed element is metal. Dark blue and black colors bring happiness and prosperity. If we talk about flowers and plants, then it is worth saying that wild poppy, water lily, and orange blossom can bring good luck to Dogs. Countries favorable for Dog habitat are Luxembourg, Korea, Alta, Angola, Costa Rica, Guiana and Guinea.

Years of the Dog sign in our century

  • 1910 February 10 - element of the year metal
  • 1922 January 28 - element of the year water
  • 1934 February 14 - element of the year tree
  • 1946 February 2 - element of the year fire
  • 1958 February 18 - element of the year earth
  • 1970 February 6 - element of the year metal
  • 1982 January 25 - element of the year water
  • 1994 February 10 - element of the year tree
  • 2006 January 29 - element of the year fire
  • 2018 February 16 - element of the year earth

The following famous people were born in the Year of the Dog:

Jean Anouilh, Brigitte Bardot, Yuri German, Socrates, Elvis Presley, Nikolai Dubov, Jean - Louis Barrault, Tamara Milashkina, Peter Brook, Patriarch Pimen, Aristide Briand, Kate Bush, Grigory Rasputin, Carl Gustav XVI, Alexandre Dumas - father, George Gershwin, Louis XVI, Michael Jackson, Tatyana Samoilova, Anatoly Papanov, Liza Minnelli, Ernest Hemingway, Sylvester Stallone, Gerhard Blücher, Golda Meyer, Lyudmila Pakhomova, Stephen King, Alexander Tvardovsky, Claude Debussy, Marie Francois Voltaire, Stanislav Rostotsky, Robert Louis , Bertolt Brecht, Mother Teresa, Victor Hugo, Robert Stevenson, Jacques Cousteau, Yuri Gagarin, Guy de Maupassant, Nikolai Basov, Gottfried Leibniz, Alphonse Lamartine, Akira Kurosawa, Rene Clair, Benjamin Franklin, Georges Bizet, Olga Bergholz, Sophia Loren , Nikolai Ozerov, Vladimir Serov, Dalida, Madame de Lafayette, Lope de Vega, Saint Louis.

As has been known for quite some time, a dog is a person’s friend who enjoys well-deserved respect and love. Often people simply cannot manage their lives without a dog nearby. For most people, they only evoke sympathy. If you compare such pets as a dog and a cat, the comparison is always not in favor of the cat, which, as you know, is terribly selfish and preoccupied only with itself. The dog, in turn, is selflessly devoted to its owner, to whom it is ready to give all of itself without reserve.

According to Eastern sages, people born under the sign of the Dog are born pessimists, and the state of anxiety and stress is a common and constant value for them. At the same time, Dogs will not be able to say exactly what is eating them and what they are suffering from. Most likely, this is due to the inability to understand their own deep essence, because these animals are accustomed to serving and another state of affairs is alien to them. And life for them is just a transitional stage - a short moment, like a small bridge from one world to another.

According to Eastern legends, the Dog is doomed to eternal wandering between two worlds in gray anxiety, which is designated as the threshold of the dark regions of the soul. She is a watchman who lives to protect. And, as a rule, nothing more is expected from them. And quite often they make an attempt to express their own despair, but the person does not notice this and remains deaf to their silent calls. The dog is forced to live without human understanding, due to the fact that their language is not accessible to us, and therefore they live at our feet, content with the periodic stingy caresses that occasionally fall to their lot.

During the day, these animals rest in peace, and at night they are again and again forced to become guides and companions in the invisible world. Gradually, the Dog got used to bowing under the weight of its past, because it is part of the underworld, a world where shadows and cold reign.

In the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, Dogs accompany the souls of the dead on their journey to afterworld to the Supreme Court of Osiris, which is why in real life these animals howl at the moon and love to take a walk between the graves. They are often made constant companions of the Moon goddess - the goddess of dead people, as well as witches and sorcerers. In a wide variety of magical rituals, the dog must always be near the adept, in order to ward off a magical blow from him if something happens.

You can also find the Dog in the ancient Aztec Zodiac, where it is compared with the constellation Canes Venatici, reminding people of the unchangeable end of life and the afterlife, the underground kingdom. The dog here is a symbol of death, rebirth and initiation.

IN Greek mythology Cerberus guards the gates to the kingdom of Hades. He lets the souls of the dead into kingdom of the dead and does not allow them to return from there back to the human body.

And often you cannot envy Dogs, the person to whom they are devoted to the depths of their souls, not only put them on a chain, but also put on a collar and muzzle. The dog acts as his protector even before the gods and always remains faithful companion its owner. And it is for this reason that the Chinese sages endowed the Dog with all best qualities, which only occur in a person, thereby expressing his admiration. Sometimes, of course, the dog also experiences a feeling of envy - towards the Dragon for his luck, towards the Sheep for his ability to navigate the situation. And that is why we can conclude that Dogs can also be dissatisfied. Luck and luck are a frequent companion of the Dog, but even after becoming rich and famous, and having tasted the sweet fruit of success, the Dog cannot get rid of constant feeling anxiety.


If a Dog is born during the day, constant luck and happiness await him. A dog born at night will be on guard all his life. It is quite difficult for them to relax and abstract themselves from their worries. Often the life of a Dog is very unstable, although this does not concern them childhood when parents act as defenders of their interests.

The Dog's youth is accompanied by unhappy love, and his mature years by a constant fear of loss. Old age is the time when Dogs begin to regret their lives and remember everything they failed to do. The only way that can make them happy is to teach Dogs from childhood to enjoy life here and now, every moment and new day.


As a rule, the appearance of dogs is different from other people, but there is one quality that unites them - they are all terribly restless. They are able to develop vigorous activity in resolving all pressing problems. They are constantly in a hurry, are late, suffer from insomnia, and because of this, they once again fray their nerves. Such people work tirelessly and without respite, demanding the same from their subordinates, which is why they are considered real tyrants. Despite his selfless labor activity, they look at the world and those around them with skepticism.

Having been born, a person under the sign of the Dog already has his own philosophy. They are constantly tormented by feelings of guilt and unsatisfied desires. They bravely and, holding their heads high, walk along life path, trying to find moments for success on it. In order to understand a Dog, you need to look into their subconscious, to find out what their inner world really is like.

It’s difficult to call Dogs particularly sociable, but at the same time they are quite kind-hearted and interesting to others. They look at the world too soberly, while being aware of both their own weaknesses and the weaknesses of those close to them. Their humor seems too dark; they can harshly ridicule those whom they consider upstarts and careerists.

Dogs are trusted, and for good reason. People around them come to them with their problems, since no one can look at the situation from the outside better than them, delve into it and find the right way out. At the same time, they never refuse help to those who really need it. They do not expect rewards for their good deeds, since it is the dogs’ calling to perform them. For the most part, Dogs are selfless and generous. If they believe that it is worth it, then they are ready to give everything and even sacrifice their interests and themselves.

In the year of the Dog, people who are freedom fighters are born. Any injustice and outright lies outrage them. Therefore, they do everything possible to defeat them. Because of their loyalty and nobility, very often they cannot adapt to the harshness of the world around them. They are ready to endure harshness, but live according to wolf laws they themselves refuse. Because of their suspicion of new acquaintances, they seem a little cowardly at first glance, but this is only at first.

A person under the sign of the Dog can always be trusted, but their pessimism can cause the shoots of suspicion towards them. These people cannot stand surprises, impromptu and surprises; they firmly hold on to their past, meeting any changes and initiatives with hostility. One can only envy their perseverance, while they always see a goal ahead that they achieve, no matter what.