
Leash for running with a dog. The effect of running on the physical and emotional state of a dog

Some breeds, such as huskies or greyhounds, are simply designed for running. Also, for most working breeds, running is a natural activity. However, soft-nosed dogs such as pugs and bulldogs will not be able to run on long distances due to overheating.

So, if you want to go for long runs in the snow or train on rough terrain, some breeds have advantages over others.

The life hacker provides advice from experts: professional dog trainers JT Clough and Bryan Barrera, certified animal psychologist Karen London, as well as members of the American Kennel Club.


Suitable for: long, measured runs, fast running, training on rough terrain.

Weimaraners have a medium build with well-developed muscles, making them excellent running partners.

“Dogs of this breed need a lot of physical and mental exercise,” says JT Clough. “The Weimaraner loves to be close to its owner, so it makes a good running companion.”

Kurzhaar (German Pointer)

Suitable for: long, measured runs, fast running, training on rough terrain.

With impressive energy, this intelligent hunting dog can handle any run.

“They are fast and resilient runners. At top speed, they run very quickly, and their body structure allows them to withstand long distances,” says Brian Barrera, founder of D.C.Dog Runner.

Hungarian Vizsla

Suitable for: long, steady runs, fast runs, runs in the heat, off-road runs.

Clough claims that representatives of this breed are simply bundles of energy that need to be trained without less than an hour every day.

"I would say that this best dog for any type of running,” Barrera adds. - They are simply universal. Due to their long strides and the ability to run for a long time “on autopilot,” these dogs can cover enormous distances.”

Parson Russell Terrier

Suitable for: long, measured run.

These small dogs, also known as Jack Russell Terriers, are very playful, lively and energetic. "This hunting dogs, so during training, make sure that the dog runs next to you, and does not prowl around, tracking down prey,” advises Clough.


Suitable for:

Greyhounds are known for their speed on the race track, but in everyday life they are independent and gentle pets. They love to run with their owner, but not for long distances.

"Greyhounds are truly sprinters, so don't force a dog like this to travel long distances with you," says Karen London.


Suitable for: fast run on short distances.

Pitbull is common name for breeds such as the American Staffordshire Terrier and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

They are intelligent and often underrated dogs that can be very enjoyable to run with once your Pitbull learns not to pull on your leash while you jog.

“They don't rise much above the ground and are excellent short-distance runners,” says Barrera. “One of the few dogs that shows that they are trying just as hard as you when they run.”

English Setter

Suitable for: fast running over short distances.

The American Kennel Club calls the English Setter “a harmonious hunting breed that combines strength and endurance.” Setters are also very active and love to play.

Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever

Suitable for: fast short distance running and long, slow running.

Yes, they are different breeds, but they have similar running abilities. These friendly dogs tend to get along with everyone, and their large bodies allow them to cover considerable distances.

"Them, they are very faithful companions. The retriever will be an excellent partner at any distance,” says Clough.


Suitable for: fast running over short distances.

Such dogs are more inclined to sprint than slow jogs. They are very active, fast and need exercise.

“If such a dog has a hunting nature, it will be able to run longer,” says London.


Suitable for:

London says Dalmatians are ideal for long-distance running and love physical activity.

"Because of their large sizes Dalmatians can hurt their legs when running on road surfaces, so it is better to choose soft paths for jogging,” advises Barrera.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Suitable for: jogging in the heat, long, measured runs.

A strong breed that requires physical exercise.

“The breed can handle heat well, so the Rhodesian Ridgeback can be an excellent running partner in warm climates,” says Clough.

Barrera adds that these dogs have a natural movement pattern and "internal drive" that allows them to run longer.

Fox terrier

Suitable for: running in the heat.

They are friendly, lively and energetic dogs. The American Kennel Club advises that you start training your fox terrier early because the dog will readily run off in search of adventure if you let it off leash.


Suitable for: running in cold weather.

The Malamute's stocky build and thick fur make it an ideal runner in cold weather. Bred for harness racing, Malamutes love exercise.

German shepherd

Suitable for: running in cold weather.

Barrera trained with three German Shepherds: They were different in character, but they all loved to run.

“The breed's enthusiasm, intelligence and need for exercise make it a great choice for jogging together,” adds Clough.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

Suitable for: running in cold weather.

The large and calm Mountain Dog is a great family dog. This breed was bred to work on the farm, so they enjoy exercise in the form of short runs.

Siberian Husky

Suitable for: running in cold weather.

These working dogs are fast and light on their feet and enjoy any activity.

“Very athletic dogs that perform best in cold weather, but also do well in the fall and spring,” Barrera says.

Border Collie

Suitable for: long, measured runs, jogging in cold weather (but not in snowfall).

These are very mobile and active dogs. Running with a well-trained collie is a real pleasure.

Their thick coat helps them withstand the cold well, but snow can get stuck in the fur, which can cause the collie to freeze.

Belgian Shepherd

Suitable for: fast, short runs.

Dogs of this breed have a lot of energy, which can be spent on different types of jogging.

“They are well-trained dogs, but at first they can bite - this side effect their pastoral purpose,” says Clough.

Pharaoh Hound

Suitable for: fast, short runs.

Although dogs of this breed do not need to travel several kilometers a day, they still need some exercise, and running is fine.

"They're great," London says. “I can’t even let them set the pace because they always want to run faster.”

This is a hunting breed, so be careful: untrained dogs can chase small animals.

Portuguese water dog

Marcia O'Connor/

Suitable for: cross-country running; long, measured runs.

The American Kennel Club reports that dogs of this breed are very affectionate, energetic, and adventurous.

“They are working dogs, and they treat running like work: they put their heads down and run long distances,” Barrera says. As the name of the breed suggests, a little dampness under their paws won’t hurt them either.

Australian Shepherd (Aussie)

Marcia O'Connor/

Suitable for: cross-country running.

“The Australian Shepherd I ran with was the fastest and most confident runner I've ever trained with,” Barrera says. These dogs are very energetic and will run around all day if you let them.

Catahoula leopard dog

Suitable for: long, measured runs.

This breed is the official state symbol of Louisiana. If you provide these dogs with enough exercise, they will be fairly calm companions.

Regular Poodle

Suitable for: long, measured runs.

“They are very playful,” says Clough. “If you're bored while jogging, this dog can keep you entertained.”

“Leash training is also necessary, and poodles also do well in rough terrain, such as wading through a shallow stream,” says London.

This completes the list of ideal four-legged running partners. Do you run with your dog?

The dog must receive good nutrition, in some cases with increased protein content. If the goal physical activity- reset overweight, do not put your dog on a diet. The body will experience too much stress from the simultaneous increase in loads and hunger strike, the metabolism will slow down and the dog may subsequently gain even more weight than it had before starting classes.

Dogs, like people, need to warm up and cool down. Never give loads from a “cold” start; first let the dog play or run at a natural pace to warm up the body. You can also manually stretch the muscles of your paws and back. After running, do not stop abruptly, first walk at a walking pace, gradually slowing down. You can give your dog a relaxing massage at home.

Increase the load gradually! Even if you walk 10 km with your dog, this does not mean that it can run continuously over this distance without harm to itself. While walking, the dog constantly changes pace, walks sometimes faster, sometimes slower, and stops to sniff something. During the race she will not have such an opportunity. If you want to run with a dog, start training as if you were running with a human beginner, gradually increasing the distance. A person can learn to run the Olympic mile from scratch in 4 weeks, therefore, he will reach the 10 km mark in a year. To be completely sure that training does not harm your dog, start running with him according to this pattern. Run your full distance without a dog.

Be very attentive to your dog while jogging! If she has a “empty” look, her movements have become mechanical, she is breathing heavily - this is a signal to stop and take a breath. Perhaps the dog’s paws or back hurt, or it hurts in the side. When a dog is tired, but happy with the movement, it does not look painful - it has a cheerful look, its breathing is deep, but not heavy. If you give your dog exercise, always monitor its condition and be prepared to interrupt the training at any time.

You need to take a break of at least one day between workouts. After a run, be sure to examine your dog to see if the paw pads and claws are damaged, if there is muscle soreness, or if there is redness in the eyes. Watch your dog carefully the next day - diarrhea, vomiting or stiffness of movement may also indicate that the load was excessive. After training, be sure to feed your dog food with high content protein to help muscles recover.

Remember that common sense and moderation should be at the forefront when training with a dog, exercises should not cause him discomfort, only in this case they will really be useful and bring joy to both of you!

Based on materials from CaniScience Internet magazine about dogs.

How to run with a dog correctly

Jogging together with a four-legged pet can become a real hell - if you don’t know the rules of its organization.

Jogging together with a four-legged pet can become a real hell - if you don’t know the rules of its organization. The dog will get underfoot, be distracted by other dogs, and in the end it may even vomit from running for a long time - there is no time for selfies and running records.

Rules and life hacks that will make running with a dog easier are in the material of “Soviet Sport”.

Do not take very young or elderly dogs for a run!

4 legs don"t mean faster!! #ironman #runwithdog #dentist #winter #asicsfrontrunneritaly #asics #asicsfrontrunner #imoveme #triathlontraining #triathlete #dogsofinstagram #dobelover #asics

Publication from Lorenzo Felici(@lorenzofelici) Feb 14, 2018 at 6:43 am PST

The minimum age after which a dog can be taken for a run is 12 months. At this time, the puppy is already physically stronger and will not get very tired. For younger dogs, jogging will be difficult. They will almost certainly not be able to walk the entire distance with you and will sit down halfway (even if you are running small cross-country races of 3-5 km).

The same applies to older dogs. On average, dogs live at home for 12 years. You can determine your dog’s well-being yourself: if he has become less active during games, sleeps more, and doesn’t “get mad” during the day, it’s time to stop jogging together. Dogs suffer from the same diseases as people. Extremely intense exercise will have a bad effect on cardiovascular system dog, can lead to a stroke or heart attack.

Racing - when most people hear this word, they immediately conjure up images of racing horses and the excitement of the stands. But today we will talk about greyhound racing. Believe me, they are no less spectacular.

This time we will learn everything about this sport. We'll look at a few basic questions:

  1. How do four-legged animals prepare for competitions?
  2. How do they go?
  3. Why are dogs forced to start from the boxes?
  4. Why do athletes need a running card?
  5. Why do dogs need a treadmill?

How do dog races work?

In order for dogs to begin training, they must pass a selection process. Not everyone will be allowed to go out on the track by their coach. Not all breeds can participate in racing. Only the fastest - whippets, Russian dogs, Italian greyhounds, greyhounds and other greyhounds.

These speedy dogs have certain requirements:

  1. Compliance with breed standards. The height at the withers is measured.
  2. Age. An athlete can begin a running career no earlier than 9 months and no older than 9 years.

Every “athlete” should have a running card. There is a document - the road to greyhound racing is open.

  • Where are such competitions held?
  • How to make a track yourself?

A movie theater or racing track can be built almost anywhere. The main thing is that it is spacious. Any field with short grass will do.

Once a location has been selected, installation can begin. First, pegs are driven in at equal distances in a circle. A limiter tape is stretched over them (360 meters in total).

But, the distance that athletes must overcome is 400 meters. To do this, the starting boxes are installed slightly to the side of the treadmill. Athletes overcome full game, calling the start, they run another 40 meters to the finish line.

Why are starting boxes needed?

Everything is simple so that the dogs run out onto the track at the same time. There are doors at the back where dogs are allowed in, and at the front there is a grille. The barrier rises, the athletes run out onto the track. To avoid incidents, even at the stage of preparation for competitions, the coach teaches stubborn athletes to work according to the rules.

Where do you start training?

Stage No. 1. Show the dog the treasured bait, what they are running for.

Instead of a hare, use a fluffy washcloth. It must be at least 40 cm long so that the dog can recognize it during the race. The bait is placed inside the box, and the owner pushes his pet towards the compartment.

Stage No. 2. The athlete’s task is simple: walk along the corridor with the doors open. After this, you can start. The bars are lowered, the bait is on the track.

Those dogs that refuse to enter the box during selection are not allowed to compete.

Training for experienced athletes takes place in specialized clubs. There, taking into account the characteristics of the animal, they develop their own training program for each dog. Individual lessons with a trainer - the most effective method preparation for running.

First, the workout takes place on a treadmill. Distinctive Features This track is that it has special sides. They create a tunnel effect to prevent the dog from leaving the distance.

The maximum you can do on the dog track is 10 km. At one o'clock. At the same time, the dog's endurance is trained. After a run, you can’t stop right away, so the final stage is an obstacle course. This concludes the training.

Basic classes for beginners:

  • For greater effectiveness, there should be a gradual increase in physical activity.
  • First, the dog runs half a circle after the bait. And after that, the full distance.
  • The main thing for athletes is to see the goal in front of them and run. The material and size of the bait does not play a special role.

Many people are interested in how the bait moves across the field. Let's try to answer this question.

The extraction is driven by a mechanism with a reel. This thing is called a hare machine. It works thanks to a car battery.

Having connected all the equipment, the mechanic unwinds the rope with bait along the route. At each turn, he sets up the rollers by driving several nails into the ground. So, the hare will run along the desired trajectory. The bait is set in motion using a control panel.

During the start, the rope begins to wind around the reel, moving the bait along the route.

The bait should not run too far away from the dogs. But the runners should not be allowed to grab the prey ahead of time. The hare's speed can be adjusted by speeding it up a little or slowing it down a little.

What breeds can compete?

Mostly greyhounds take part in the competition:

  • Whippets;
  • greyhounds;
  • Italian Greyhounds;
  • Russian greyhounds, etc.

During the competition, dogs come from all over the country. Every runner should have a blanket. This is a vest with a number. Moreover, there are requirements for it too.

  • 1 number – red;
  • 2 – blue;
  • 3 – white blanket with a black number;
  • 4 - black with a white number.

Everything is strict at competitions. Before competitions, a veterinarian must examine all athletes. First of all, he looks at the eyes and teeth. Then he checks his pulse. If the mucous membrane is too red and the heart beats very quickly, doping tests are taken. And if cuts and sprains are found, the dog is removed from the race.

How is greyhound racing done?

Registration desks are opening. All four-legged athletes and their owners are patiently waiting for the race. Basenjis take the starting line first. African dogs that don't bark are the dream of all neighbors. Russian greyhounds are next on the track. The latest are whippets.

Each race is closely watched by judges. All results are entered into the athletes’ running cards. The referees also monitor behavior on the track. Each runner is muzzled to prevent possible aggression. If an athlete cannot cope with his emotions, then he is disqualified.

After a tiring race, the most pleasant and long-awaited moment occurs - the awarding of the winners. Each athlete receives well-deserved prizes and diplomas.

Sports running competitions among dogs, also called coursing, are very popular. Many people go to various types of them to not only watch, but also place bets on the supposed winners. Predictions are not difficult to make, you just need to have some knowledge.

That's how wonderful they are. Train your pets and take them to greyhound racing or any kind. Your pet will develop its natural hunting abilities and will also be in good physical shape.

If the information was useful, please share it: Find out more about pets:

Add variety to your training process. For example, change the distance, time and speed of training. If you can't change the terrain, run in the opposite direction.

This track is rightfully considered the most famous and difficult for canicrossers. The unofficial name of the race is the Tour de France of Canicross. This is explained by the fact that the route partially runs along the route of the famous cycling race Le Tour de France.

If you have decided to participate in the Trophee des Montagnes, you have serious preparation ahead of you. The fact is that the length of the route is more than 60 km. Of course, such a route cannot be covered in one day. Therefore, the race takes place in five stages and is divided into ten distances. The race starts at a different location every year. Moreover, each time the start takes place in different places.

Volkswagen Prague Marathon

Where: Prague, Czech Republic.
When: May 4, 2019.
Starting contribution: 10 euro

Compared to the previous tiring course, participating in the Volkswagen Prague Marathon is just a Sunday stroll. The 5-kilometer-long route passes through picturesque areas, including the historical center of Prague. The day before the main marathon, two dog races start in Stromovsky Park. The first one is Walk with dogs - a fun amateur race for adults, children and families. The second is canicross, a more professional competition for trained teams. For a small entry fee, you'll receive an official event T-shirt, entry bibs for you and your dog, and a treat after finishing. A nice bonus is the Prague Music Festival, taking place at the same time.

Pineland Trail Running Festival

Where: New Gloucester, Maine, USA.
When: May 25, 2019.
Entry fee:$29

The annual festival of sports, barbecue and good music has taken place in New Gloucester before Memorial Day since 2006. Canicross races are also held as part of this event. Anyone between the ages of 19 and 70 or more who, with their four-legged partner, can cover a 5-kilometer distance can take part. The route runs through a forested hilly area and is actually an obstacle course. The canicross participation fee includes a T-shirt with the logo of the festival participant, an exclusive water bottle and a souvenir photo. And at the end of the race - a ticket to a free barbecue and two cans of beer (for participants who are 21 years old).