
The program of the "Olympus" circle in geography. Work program of the "entertaining geography" club

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Municipal educational institution
"Secondary school No. 9"

Director of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 9"
_______________ / Gafurova L.N./
order No. 64/7 of August 30, 2017

Working programm
subject "Geography"
associations additional education
"In the world of geography"
for students of class 9A
for the 2017-2018 academic year
Compiled by:
Polikarpova E.E., geography teacher
highest qualification category.


Explanatory note.
This work program of additional education “In the world of geography” for 9
class is based on the federal component state standard main
general education at a basic level, the author's work was used in the development
program S.V. Rogachev (Programs elective courses. Geography. 9th grade. Profile
training/automatic state S.E. Dyukova. – M.: Bustard, 2007).
This program designed to deepen the knowledge of 9th grade students in geography and
increasing interest in the subject. It systematizes and generalizes students' knowledge. Circle
“In the World of Geography” helps to develop in students mental capacity, expand and
deepen knowledge in the field of geography, form a communicative culture. Material
The program is based on students' knowledge of geography, history, and literature. Content
The course involves working with different sources of information: cartographic
(topographic and geographic maps, globe), profiles, diagrams,
drawings, diagrams, etc.
The result of the activities of the association of additional
education is participation in various olympiads and competitions in the subject.
Program goals: increasing interest in natural sciences through expansion
geographical horizons of students, deepening the content of the main course and its
practical orientation, the formation in adolescents of an “image of individual territories
Russia", development of cognitive activity; formation of positive motivation for
studying geography, geoecology, fostering a caring attitude and love for the environment
peace and homeland.
Main objectives of the program:
development in students of scientific views on the relationship between nature and society, on
spatial features of this relationship;
consolidation of cartographic ideas about the location of the main geographical
objects on the territory of Russia;
in-depth study of the largest country of the Eurasian continent - Russia, its
improving the language of geographical science among students.

development of associative thinking through the formation of a geographical image
the world, its large parts, one’s country and “small homeland”;
development of spatial representation, use geographical knowledge to
practice, in Everyday life;
development of motivation for self-improvement and educational activities.
education of citizenship and patriotism with a broad view of the world, love for
mastering geographic culture, fostering tolerance;
instilling in children a respectful attitude towards nature and historical heritage
native land.
inclusion of students in meaningful socially beneficial activities.
When studying the course in each locality of Russia, its main, most striking ones are revealed -
specific, portrait distinctive features.

During the implementation of the program, students
Must know/understand:
Planned results
 basic concepts of the course;
 basic methods of conducting observations;
- basic geographical concepts and terms;
 differences between plan, globe and geographical maps;
 results of outstanding geographical discoveries and travels;
 geographical phenomena and processes in geospheres, relationships between them, their
changes due to human activity;
- geographical zoning and zonality;
- differences in the economic development of different territories; connection between geographical
position, natural conditions, resources and economy of individual regions;
- specifics geographical location and administrative-territorial
structure of the Russian Federation, features of its nature, population, main sectors of the economy,
natural economic zones and areas;
 natural and anthropogenic causes of geo-ecological problems in
local, regional and global levels; nature conservation measures and
protecting people from natural and man-made disasters;
 human impact on the state of nature and the consequences of the interaction of nature and
Must be able to:
 conduct an independent search for information;
 use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and
Everyday life;
 name and show the main geographical objects (by section topics);
 highlight and describe, using standard plans, the essential features of geographical
- find geographic information from different sources;
- compose brief description different territories;
 give examples using the main sources of geographic information;
 determine distances and directions on the ground and according to the plan;
- find information necessary for studying from different sources
geographical objects and phenomena, different territories of the Earth, their availability
natural and human resources, economic potential, environmental
Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and
everyday life for
 terrain orientation;
 reading local plans and geographical maps;
- conducting observations of processes and phenomena, their changes as a result of
natural and anthropogenic impacts;
 solving practical problems to determine quality environment, her
 conducting independent searches for geographic information from different
sources: cartographic, geoinformation, etc.;
- enhancing one’s own geographic culture.

Methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities:
verbal (story, dialogue), visual (illustrative and demonstration with
involving ICT, various sources of geographic information), practical
(analysis of educational and olympiad assignments), problem-search and research methods
guidance of the teacher and independent work of students.
Forms of classes:
intellectual game, quiz, solving geographical problems, competitions.
heuristic conversation,
Curriculum plan
Section title
Regional characteristics.
Generalization of knowledge and skills, self-analysis.


1.1. Image of the territory
Main content of the program
Introduction (2 hours)
An idea of ​​the image of the territory, what components it consists of and with the help
what means can be expressed. Model of traditional scientific reference
terrain characteristics: inventory. Model of scientific and analytical characteristics
Scientific synthetic model
characteristics of the area: typological portraits. Model of artistic perception
localities: landscape in literature, fine arts and music.
structural and functional diagrams.
The relationship and interaction of scientific (typology) and artistic (literary
or pictorial typification) methods in constructing the image of a territory. Ratio
economic-geographical concept of “territory specialization” and general cultural
the concept of “territory image”. Comparison method. Typology method.
Examples of vivid and succinct characteristics of cities and regions in the works of major
domestic and foreign geographers. Geographical metaphors. Selection problem
main thing in the characteristics of the territory. The problem of the relationship between the “view from the inside” and the “view
from the outside." Examples of “geographical” landscapes in fine arts and literature.
Typical features of people (appearance, behavior, abilities) inhabiting this or that
terrain, in works of art (portrait, collective portrait, psychologism,
sociologism). Images of countries, regions, cities in musical culture.
Local myths (ancient and modern) and reflection of the essence of territories in folklore.
“Signific” events as a manifestation of the essence of the area at critical moments of development.
Expression of local traits in anecdotes and persistent stereotypes. Voice of the area -
toponymy. Peculiarities of behavior and creativity of famous natives as a manifestation
of a local nature. Folk arts and crafts as a component of the image of the area.
Emblems and coats of arms as business cards of localities, hubs of the most important
distinctive features of cities, villages, regions. Geographical and regional studies
component of heraldry. The language of heraldry. Principles for selecting content when
designing a coat of arms. The mechanism of coat of arms creation.
Expression (expressiveness) of a geographical image.
1.2. Figurative map
Spatial ordering of local images, their geographical synthesis and analysis
(dissection) for a new, higher synthesis. New qualities that begin
display images of the area in a single territorial system. Figurative map like

spatial picture, a means of cognitive, aesthetic and emotional
development of the territory. Zoning and zoning of images. Establishment of spatial
relationships between images: cause-and-effect, functional, correlation.
Geographical direction of images on the map.
The relationship between traditional cards and figurative cards. The relationship between heraldic
figures and cartographic symbols. Scale of figurative map. Technical
techniques for working with a figurative map. Experience in independently drawing up a figurative map.
Computer modeling of a figurative map as a multidimensional space. Problem
collecting information to draw up a figurative map.
2. Regional characteristics (29 hours)
2.1. Western Frontiers (5 hours)
2.1.1. Upper Dnieper and Podesnie region
Smolensk and Bryansk regions
Caspian-Baltic-Black Sea watershed.
Interbasin position.
Borderline, intermediate position. Ethnographic frontier. "Porubezhny"
mentality. A refuge for religious minorities: Old Believers, Hasidic Jews, Baptists.
Western influences in culture and way of thinking.
Front-line situation during the years of recurring intercivilizational conflicts. Military
loss and heroism. Partisan glory.
Forest landscape. Distribution of forest areas, species composition. Special meaning forests on
on the threshold of treelessness. Limited agricultural potential. Diversification of rural production and
activities of rural residents.
Merchant foundations of modern industry: Demidov, Maltsov, Tenishev,
Khludov, merchants and Old Believers. “Front-line” factor in the location of some factories.
Regional mentality. Nonconformism. Independence of thinking.
Bryansk-Smolensk border Russia in art and literature: M. Glinka, M.
Blanter, A.K. Tolstoy, F. Tyutchev, A. Tvardovsky, M. Isakovsky, K. Paustovsky, M.
Prishvin, M. Bulgakov, D. Andreev, N. Rylenkov, B. Vasiliev, artists A. and. S. Tkachevs.
Chudsko-Ilmensky region
Pskov and Novgorod regions
2.1.2. Russian Baltic
Leningrad region and St. Petersburg
Feeling of the Baltic and Scandinavia. Finnish economic palimpsest.
Land connections from the depths of the continent to the “Mediterranean” Baltic Sea: from Varyag to
Greeks, Window to Europe, Mariinsky and Volgobalt, the first Russian railway
Moscow-Petersburg and Tikhvin Rockade.
Front and rear. Wariness, bloodshed and sorrow in the images of advanced Western
frontiers. Busy logistical support for the eastern regions: ships for Peter’s fleet,
energy for a modern city of five million, aluminum for a modern economy.
Forest corners and pulp and paper plant.
Zone of influence of the second capital. Palace, park and fortress agglomeration of St. Petersburg.
Hearths of ancient monasteries and industrial centers of the first five-year plans.
2.1.3. Synthesizing the image of the Russian West
Final work: dissemination of qualities identified through the example of individual parts
region, for the entire region of the Western borders of Russia. Addition and modification
collective image. Selection of portrait features for the formation of a typological bank
characteristics. Separation of typical and unique, continuous and focal, visible with
seen from the outside and seen from the inside. Selection of possible traits for formation
a collective image of all of Russia.
Review of the adjacent territories of the Baltic states and Belarus.

2.2. Russian Center (5 hours)
2.2.1. Moskwarek
Part of the Moscow region and Moscow (without Meshchera)
Basin, unexpressed watersheds. Ancient portages and modern highways. Tributaries
Moscow rivers, reservoirs, canals. Springs.
Moscow-Dnieper watershed forest desert, agricultural areas losing population
periphery, small towns. Unhealed scars of external invasions. Borodino field,
junction Dubosekovo, Petrishchevo.
The capital's trail: airports, monasteries, estates, privileged dachas, research institutes and design bureaus.
Reserve fresh air for Moscow and a filter for Moscow “exhalations”. Communal
infrastructure: water supply and water treatment. First-class architectural monuments.
Construction materials for Moscow. Deployment of "Moscow region" divisions and military
museums. Military space objects. Nearby prominences of the capital's industry:
weapons factories, precision and fine engineering and instrument making, optics. Old
textile towns and revolutionary traditions.
Memorable places in Moscow. Central stores, train stations, leading universities, exhibitions, organs
government authorities, company headquarters, theaters, museums, sports complexes,
famous scientific centers. Intellectual life. Geography of great names. Cemeteries.
Industrial zones and factories of Moscow: growth of the urban services sector.
Mass residential development and areas of individual and experimental development.
Transformation of oak forests into arable lands and village streets, villages and fields into summer cottages, and
all - to urban areas. Forest areas in the city and urban fauna.
2.2.1 Volga-Klyazma interfluve
Parts of Moscow, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Kostroma and Nizhny Novgorod regions,
Ivanovo region
2.2.2. Meshchera
Parts of the Moscow, Ryazan and Vladimir regions
Low and flat terrain: swamps and lakes. Sedimentary rocks and porcelain and earthenware
glass industry, peat energy.
Pine forests. Low fertility of sandy soils. Labor migration from Meshchera
Transit role of Meshchera for Moscow: Vladimirka, Ryazanka, Moskvareka.
Textile industrialization of the 19th - early 20th centuries. and revolutionary traditions.
The role of refuge (refugium): Old Believers, remnants of paganism, the mystery of the Meshchera people.
The role of the support of Moscow: maintenance of urban services (water supply, energy supply,
sewerage), construction of urban transport for Moscow (city buses,
electric trains) and the defense industry. Aerospace specialization: factories,
testing grounds, science.
Regional worldview and innovative role.
Meshchera in the works of K. Paustovsky, A. Kuprin, S. Yesenin, M. Koltsov, B.
Mozhaev and other writers.
Verkhnyaya Oka
Orlovskaya, Tula, Kaluga region and part of Moscow
2.2.3. Synthesizing the image of the Russian Center
According to model 2.1.3. with the addition of a comparison of images of the West and the Center: finding in one
features of the other and fundamental differences (with geographical interpretation). Experience
socio-geographical zoning: the image of a huge city - the image of the nearest
suburbs - the image of the Far Moscow Region.
2.3. Old North (2 hours)
2.3.1. Northern Uvaly

Parts of Kostroma, Vologda and Kirov regions
Caspian-White Sea watershed. Volga-Dvina interfluve.
Bear's corner in the literal and figurative sense, the land of unafraid birds, sociocultural
shelter (refugium). The area of ​​peripheral concentration of the Russian national tradition.
Folklore motives. The best traits of the Russian character. Folk art. Orthodox
component of the image. Ancient monasteries and churches. Archaic. "Everyday" literary
inspiration. A. Ostrovsky. S. Maksimov. B. Shergin. S. Pisakhov. N. Rubtsov. Model
ecological and cultural coexistence.
Subtaiga. Lingonberry, cloudberry. Russian tradition and Finno-Ugric inertia. Obsolete
memory of long-standing clashes on the front of Russian colonization. Lack of bread and
grain-growing hearths. Meadows. Dairy farming. Forestry. Timber chemistry.
Pulp and paper production.
Expansion of swamps.
The notability of elevated, dry places and the location of old cities. Wonderful
geographical locations of cities.
Swamps and wet meadows.
Rivers are old transport and settlement axes. Former timber rafting. Dying
shipping. The salt of the earth for Medieval Rus'. Diamond hopes.
Podvinia and Pomorie
Arkhangelsk region and part of Vologda region
2.3.2. Synthesizing the image of the Old North
According to model 2.1.3 with a special discussion of reflection in the images studied earlier
territories of a) natural economic zoning and b) Russian national cultural
2.4. Southern Russia (4 hours)
2.4.1. Central Russian Black Earth Region
Kursk and Belgorod regions
Transition from forest-steppe to steppe. Open spaces and black soil fertility.
Progress of territory development. Clashes with the hostile South and West. Geography
Words about Igor's regiment, geography of the Kursk Bulge. Infestations along Izyumskoye and Muravskoye
way. Belgorod line and the border with Little Russia. Ethnographic side.
Watershed fan.
Grain and livestock. Gardens. Voronezh shield and KMA. Limestones and chalk. Prosperity of Belogorye
on chernozems and ferrous metallurgy.
Geographical position. Screen of the Central Russian Upland, limiting
Moscow metropolitan influence. An area of ​​geographical calm and cultural passivity.
Remnants of serfdom.
Russian-Ukrainian zone
Rural mentality.
A word about Igor's regiment. Prayer of Daniel the Imprisoner. N. Gogol. N. Aseev. T. Shevchenko, N.
Part of Tula and Volgograd, Lipetsk, Voronezh and Rostov region
2.4.2. Volga's last tributaries
Saratov region
Grain pool. The “recent” bottom of the Caspian Sea is “salty” geochemistry. History of salt mining and
settlement of the steppe Trans-Volga region. Zoning: oak groves and gardens of the Right Bank and steppes of the Left Bank
shores. The structuring axis of the Volga. Shikhany of the Volga Upland, Syrty
Lowland Trans-Volga region. Baer's law.
International: Russians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Germans.
Diversified energy.
Marginality of geographical location (“wilderness of Saratov”): dangerous military installations
and actions, refugium of Old Believers, bandit legends, object of irony, natives -
“pre-revolutionary” conservatives (Stolypin, Suslov).

Dignity of the territory. Saratov is Moscow's close associate on the Volga. Saratovsky
university, Radischevsky museum, Saratov art school, Saratov
inventors, Saratov heroes.
K. PetrovVodkin, I. Babel, L. Kassil, K. Skoda, D. Furmanov, B. Pilnyak, P.
Kuznetsov, F. Shekhtel, V. Milashevsky, E. Limonov, A.N. Tolstoy.
2.4.3. Kuban and Russian Transcaucasia
Krasnodar region
The edge of advanced development. A victorious milestone in Russian history. Cossacks. Heroism and
daring combined with conservatism. Loyal sentiments combined with
independence and desire for autonomy. Cossack component of modern
Russian socio-political life. Merits of the Cossacks. At the mountain threshold.
Cultural interactions in the South: Caucasian (mountain) and Ukrainian features in everyday life
southern Russians. Color of Cossack villages. Cossack folklore.
Fertility. Bread, sunflowers, orchards, grapes. Elevators. Poplars.
Ancient heritage of the northern Black Sea coast. Seaside port cities.
Pre-export processing of raw materials. Oil and gas - transit and domestic.
Seasonal resort life and the life of people in resort towns and villages. Recreational
resources. Types of recreation on the Black Sea coast and Kuban.
2.4.4. Synthesizing the image of Southern Russia
According to model 2.1.3 with the addition of special study and interpretation of the emblems of the republics
North Caucasus and Kalmykia, as well as adjacent territories of Ukraine and recognized and
unrecognized republics of Transcaucasia.
Comparison experiments are also being carried out: a) the borders of Russia - western and southern; b) northern
Russians and southern Russians.
2.5. Ural (3 hours)
2.5.1. Prikamye
Perm region
The Kama axis, “building” the edge. Kama basin, feeding of tributaries. Hydronymy. Left
the tributaries of the Kama are rays projecting the Russian matrix onto the screen of the Urals. Russian wedge
settlements that entered between the Finns (Komipermyaks and Udmurts) in the north and west and
Turks (Tatars and Bashkirs) in the south. Russification of the Finns. Two business entities
Prikamye: “taiga - forestry - pulp and paper mill” and “forest-steppe - grain farming”.
Ural threshold. Chusovoy corridor. The role of the Kama region in the development of the Urals and Siberia.
Transit functions. The dead end of the diamond north. South: entrance to a real mining factory
Ural. The domestic tragedy of the closed Kizelovsky coal basin and the oil rush.
D. MaminSibiryak, P. Bazhov, O. Mandelstam, F. Reshetnikov, P. Antokolsky, A. Herzen.
2.5.2. Lake Trans-Urals
Chelyabinsk region
Ural barrier, shielded edge. Main peaks Southern Urals. mountain border
in the west and an unlimited plain in the east. Altitudinal zone: forests in the Urals - in
latitudes of the steppe. Deformation of latitudinal zonality.
Mining workings. Coal mines and problems of closure of mines and open-pit mines of Chelyabinsk
brown coal basin. Ore raw materials: from abundance to scarcity.
Lake District. Lake toponymy. Legends associated with the South Ural lakes.
Deep lakes of the foothills and steppe saucers. Resort and medicinal value of Chelyabinsk
Border with Kazakhstan. Borderliness. Fortresses of the Iset and Uyskaya lines.
Spatial course of development: inversion. Russian settlement that came from Siberia
side, from the northeast. Different surmountability of low Medium and articulated
Southern Urals. Bypassing the Southern Urals and the Bashkirs “from the rear.” Bashkir and Tatar villages and

Gloomy legends and wary toponymy of the mining Urals. Dangerous
production of the military industrial complex and “dirty” metallurgy. Environmental
disasters. The emerging modern mythology of the Urals.
The role of the Urals as a “supporting edge of the power”: the significance of the Ural weapons for the Victory,
the importance of Ural missiles and nuclear weapons for the successful confrontation of the USSR bloc
NATO. The modest heroism of the Urals.
P. Bazhov, L. Tatyanicheva, B. Ruchev, V. Bianchi.
Mining core
Sverdlovsk region
2.5.3. Synthesizing the image of the Urals
According to model 2.1.3 with a special study of the fate of the mining industries
industry and metallurgy on the studied part of the figurative map of the country.
2.6. New North (3 hours)
2.6.1. Kola Peninsula
Murmansk region
Extreme climate. Polar region. Polar nights. Deficiency of plant nutrition for
person. Alternative: fishing, reindeer herding, hunting sea animals. Sami,
Pomors. Murmansk fishing port. Ice-free sea. Winter window of St. Petersburg
windows to Europe (N. Baransky). Land and sea border with NATO, border guards
Arctic. Strategic importance of the Barents Sea. Varangian, Swedish and Norwegian
medieval invasions, Anglo-American intervention 1918-1920, Finnish
revanchism, German front to the Great Patriotic War. Basing strategic
fleet: nuclear submarines, missile-carrying ships. BUT. Glory to the North Sea people. IN.
Pikul. K. Simonov. Fleet maintenance: ship repair, dismantling of decommissioned nuclear submarines.
Danger of radioactive contamination.
Ore and chemical raw materials,
altitude differences for production
hydroelectric power (hydroelectric power station cascades on short rivers).
Republic of Karelia
2.6.2. Ob North
Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugs.
Difficult conditions for human life. Low biomass yield per unit area.
Nomadic lifestyle of the indigenous population. Khanty, Mansi, Nenets. Toponymy, traditions,
folklore applied arts, mythology. Traditional housing - tent. Deer,
fish, beast.
Taiga and tundra: human ecology. Conflicts over land. Fur, forest.
Oil and gas. Massive oil and gas development in the 70s.
Growing environmental consciousness in the Ob North.
2.6.3. Synthesizing the image of the New North
According to model 2.1.3 with a special discussion of life in extreme natural conditions
environment - for further development in section 2.8.
2.7. Transsib zone (4 hours)
2.7.1. Kuzbass
Kemerovo region
The Kuznetsk Basin is a pocket limited by ridges and mountainous countries. Coal
industry. Landscape of mining villages. Mine pile drivers. Terricons. Cuts.
Miner's glory, miner's lifestyle and traditions. Metallurgy, chemistry and energy,
“aimed” at coal.
The grain wealth of the Kuznetsk basin in the taiga mountain frame. Axis Tomi.
Transsib and its approaches.
2.7.2. Amur and Primorye

Chita and Amur regions, Jewish Autonomous Okrug, Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories
Amur basin, tributaries. Valleys and hills. Trajectory of the Trans-Siberian Railway and branches. Bridges over the Amur,
crossings. Hydroelectric power station in the Amur basin.
The originality of fauna and flora. Ussuri tiger, ginseng, etc. Collision
continental and Pacific worlds. Glory to the Far East. Decembrists.
Civil war and foreign intervention in the Far East. Partisans of Primorye.
Far Eastern taiga. Forestry. Not grain farming. Soy. Gold. Uranus.
Non-ferrous metals. BAM - paths to new mineral resources. Strategic importance
BAM. Heating for the Far East. Crisis of progressive industries.
Pacific Coast. Commercial sea ports. Fishing. Naval bases.
Small nations and their culture. Local legends. Environmental consciousness.
2.7.3. Sakhalin and Kuril Islands
Sakhalin region
Doubtful southernness and illusory eastness. Difficult climate: monsoons, exhausting
winds, cloudiness. Northern allowances at the latitude of Odessa.
At the turn of Asian civilization. Centuries-old confrontation with Japan. Moving frontier.
The situation with the Southern Kuril Islands. Korean community.
Coexistence of “Russian” and “Japanese” plants and animals on the island.
Island position and its manifestations. Features of the emerging Sakhalin
mentality - the mentality of the islander. Ferry connection between Sakhalin railways and
branch from Transsib.
Sakhalin hills and valleys. Relationship between relief and placement of people. Seismicity and
volcanism. Tsunami 1952 in the Kuril Islands.
Vysokotoravye (“gigantism” of Sakhalin grasses) and unfavourable conditions for grain
production and for the life of ungulates. The Bears - characters Sakhalin life.
Forestry. Japanese pulp predation and modern predation
Russian exporters. Spruce and northern larch. Weedy bamboo plants.
Old Sakhalin coal and the young predator - oil. Sakhalin shelf - agreements on
product section.
A. Chekhov, V. Azhaev, A. Chakovsky, T. Nemova, E. Mashukova.
2.7.4. Synthesizing the image of Trans-Siberian Russia
According to model 2.1.3 with a special discussion of the Russian scale, problems
overcoming distances and territorial disunity of people. Reflection of Russian
beyond the scope of national identity. "The Islander Complex"
2.8. Extreme Northeast (2 hours)
2.8.1. Lena
Part of the Irkutsk region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Yakut culture and ethnic history. Relocation of people. Animal husbandry. Yakutskaya
horse as an element of economy and culture. Deer. Agricultural centers in Velikaya Lena
bend. Yakut folklore. Evenks, Evens, Chukchi, Dolgans, Yukaghirs in Yakutia. Old
Russian penetration (Pomors and Cossacks) and the spread of Orthodoxy.
Yakut polar region. Highlands and basins. Pole of cold. The special importance of energy.
Permafrost. Fossil fauna.
Raw materials for development: furs, diamonds, gold, non-ferrous metals.
Kimberlite pipes. Dredge prey. The role of rivers and basic river ports in development
territories. The special role of aviation. Winter roads. The role of BAM.
Magadan region
2.8.2. Synthesizing the image of the Far Northeast
According to model 2.1.3 with a special discussion of the specific features of the peoples living here.

3. Generalization of knowledge and skills (5 hours)
3.1. Zoning, regionalization and spatial and semantic structuring
images throughout Russia (3 hours)
3.1.1. Natural cultural zones and territorial clusters of areas of activity
Russia is forested and treeless, flat and mountainous, favorable for life and extreme.
Russia with bread and Russia without bread.
Where and why are fruit, fish, oilseed, and flaxseeds concentrated?
Russia is Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, pagan. Areas religiously
indifferent images.
3.1.2. Main structuring lines, boundaries and spatial processes
Volga axis. Volga and tributaries. Watershed boundaries.
Radial ray highways emanating from Moscow.
Trans-Siberian corridor.
Ural barrier.
Frontiers: sea and land, articulated and invisible, active and sluggish,
stable and unstable. Burnt and scalding.
Center-peripheral relations, diffusion, implementation, revealed on the figurative map,
Spatial barriers and channels of increased
spatial inversions.
permeability of space.
3.2. Experiencing and evaluating space and oneself, developing attitudes and intentions
Students’ reflection on the topic: how knowledge of geography, history, literature, chemistry,
MHC and musical culture in the image of Russia and its regions. What knowledge and skills are acquired?
observing and analyzing enriches life, which helps you understand what to pay more attention to
take a closer look, what to be interested in.
Do you have a desire to learn more about this or that place, to visit certain places,
live in one place or another. Have your favorite places appeared on the map?
Have you developed an attitude towards different territories of Russia? Has it formed
the idea of ​​the country as a unity of diverse regions. Did the thought arise this way or
otherwise (to the best of your ability and as you grow older) influence the policy of society in relation to certain
other areas.
List of educational and methodological support for the educational process.
For students:
1. Zapartovich B.B. With love for nature. – Moscow: Pedagogy, 1976.
2. Kashinskaya E.A. Everything about everything. M., 1999
3. Lyakhov P.R. Encyclopedia “I explore the world. Geography" M: LLC "AST Publishing House",
4. Lyakhov P.R. Encyclopedia “I explore the world of Animals.” M: AST Publishing House LLC,
5. Molodtsova Z.V. Interesting geography. – Novosibirsk: NIPC and PRO, 1997.
6. Pivovarova N.N. Behind the pages of a geography textbook - M: Education, 1997.
7. Selishchev E.N. “Geography for the curious or what you won’t learn about in class
Geography", Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, 2006.
1. Barinova I.I. “Extracurricular work in geography” Moscow, Education, 1988.
2. Geography: Everything for a geography teacher. Website:
For the teacher:

3. Geography: Encyclopedic Library. Website:
4. Geography:\"Early childhood development\" Geography for children. Website:
5. Gladilina I.P., Grishakina O.P., Obruchnikova A.A., Popov D.V. "Basics
LLC "Center"
research activities schoolchildren",
printing services "Rainbow", 2010.
6. Klepinina.A. Secrets of the surrounding world. Moscow, Yuventa Publishing House, 2005.
7. Klyushnikova N. M. “ Extracurricular activities in geography, “Corypheus”, Volgograd, 2000.
8. Litvinenko L.S. “Moral and environmental education of schoolchildren”, Moscow, “5
for knowledge", 2005.
9. Lugich M.V. Walking with children in nature. Moscow, 2006
10. Handbook for a geography teacher. / Compiled by N.N. Petrova, V.I. Sirotin. M.:
Astrel Publishing House LLC, 2002302 p.
11. Naumov A.S. “Based on materials from the National Geographic and All-Russian Olympiads
Olympiad", Moscow, Ast-Astrel, 2007
12. Nizovtsev V.A. "Geography. School Olympiads", Moscow, Iris - Press, 2006
13. Rogachev S.V. Upper Dnieper and Podesenie/Imaginary map of Russia. Release
ninth // Geography. - 2005. - No. 16. - P. 1-47.
14. Rogachev S.V. The last tributaries of the Volga and Uzen/Imaginative map of Russia. Release
sixth//Geography. - 2004. - No. 15. - P. 1-32. - No. 21. - P. 9-24.
15. Rogachev S.V.
Kola Peninsula/Figurative map of Russia.
first//Geography. - 2003. - No. 40. - P. 1-31.
16. Rogachev S.V. Meshchera/Shaped map of Russia. Issue four//Geography. - 2004.
- No. 5, 6, 7. - P. 15-18. - No. 8. - P. 1-31.
17. Rogachev S.V. Ob North/Imaginative map of Russia. Fifth issue//Geography. -
2004. - No. 11. - P. 1-32.
18. Rogachev S.V. Lake Trans-Urals/Imaginative map of Russia. Issue eight // Geography. -
2005. - No. 5. - P. 1-47.
19. Rogachev S.V. Prikamye. Basin of the Upper and Middle Kama/Imaginary map of Russia.
Third issue//Geography. - 2004. - No. 4. - P. 1-32.
20. Rogachev S.V. Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands/Imaginative map of Russia. Issue seven // Geography.
- 2004. - No. 40. - P. 1-32.
21. Rogachev S.V. Central Russian Chernozem region. Dnieper and Donetsk slopes with
overview of the adjacent strip of Ukraine/Figurative map of Russia. Release
second // Geography. - 2003. - No. 44. - P. 1-32.
22. Rosich Yu.
23. Sergeev I.S. “How to organize student project activities”, Moscow,
"Arkti", 2005.
24. Tyaglova E. V. “Research and project activities of students in geography”,
Moscow, Globus, 2008.
List of logistics: geographical maps, atlases,
collections, handouts, tables, additional teaching materials,
teaching aids, computer, multimedia projector, screen. ( full list listed in
office passport).

Calendar-thematic plan
mug "In the world of geography"
for 9th grade
for the 2017-2018 academic year
Lesson topic
Introduction (2 hours)
given dates
Image of the territory.
Figurative map.
Topic 1. Section I. Regional characteristics (29 hours)
Topic 1. Western frontiers (5 hours)
Caspian-Baltic-Black Sea
Bryansk-Smolensk border Russia.
Leningrad region.
Lesson number
In chapter,
in order

St. Petersburg.
Synthesizing the image of the Russian West.
Topic 2. Russian Center (5 hours)
Unexpressed watersheds.
Memorable places in Moscow.
Transit role of Meshchera for Moscow.
Artistic traditions of Meshchera.
Synthesizing the image of the Russian Center.
Topic 3 Old North (2 hours)
Northern Uvaly. Pomorie.
Synthesizing the image of the Old North.
Topic 4. Southern Russia (5 hours)
Central Russian Chernozem region.
Volga's last tributaries.
Kuban and Russian Transcaucasia.
Synthesizing the image of Southern Russia.
Topic 5. Ural (3 hours)
Lake Trans-Urals.
Synthesizing the image of the Urals.
Topic 6. New North (3 hours)
Kola Peninsula.
Karelia. Ob North.
Synthesizing the image of the New North.
Topic 7. Transsib zone (4 hours)
Amur and Primorye.
Sakhalin and Kuril Islands.
Synthesizing the image of the Trans-Siberian
Topic 8. Extreme Northeast (2 hours)
Lena River, Kolyma.
Synthesizing the image of the Far North
Section II Generalization of knowledge and skills, self-analysis (3 hours)
Topic 1. Zoning, regionalization and spatial and semantic structuring
images throughout Russia (2 hours)


Natural cultural

The main structuring lines, boundaries and
spatial processes.

Topic 2. Experience and assessment of space and oneself (1 hour)
Experience and evaluation of space and oneself.

Deputy Director of HR ______ /Moskotelnikova N.V./
"___" August 2017
AGREED at the ShMO meeting, recommended for approval
Protocol No. 1 dated “__” August 2017
Head of ShMO ________ / Sodonova O.A./

Verbatim geography translated as land description. This science was known even before our era. The thing is that representatives of ancient civilizations needed spatial orientation, the discovery and development of new lands, and identification of themselves in the world. Humanity knows a lot of outstanding geographers and daring, revolutionary, daring geographical discoveries. The “golden ages” of this science occurred in the 15th-17th centuries. This time was called the Age of Great Geographical Discoveries.

Geography is inextricably linked with travel and travelers, thanks to this we know the names of Columbus, Cook, Afanasy Nikitin, Marco Polo and many others. Romance and a thirst for new knowledge also attracts the children living in our city. Specialized clubs, clubs and studios have opened their doors for them, where they can learn a lot about geography, their region, and tourism. Theoretical classes are often combined with “field” ones, which only benefits the children.

Perhaps geography is one of the most fascinating sciences in the natural cycle. It allows you to gain not only knowledge in its “pure” form - for example, the names of capitals, the area and population of states, but also practical skills - free navigation, tourist skills and much more. It is modern, exciting and relevant for all representatives of the new generation.

Despite the fact that the school subject “Geography” does not appear in children until the 5th grade, parents can introduce children to this science at an early age. Of course, it is wrong to “stuff” boys and girls with dry facts and demand that they memorize the names of capitals, rivers, and seas. It is important to interest the child and conduct classes in game form. For example, while reading the tales of Carlson and Cippolino, you can simultaneously use a map or globe and find Sweden and Italy, telling a little about the location and history of the countries. During a walk, kids can be introduced to the cardinal directions using a compass. Songs and poems that contain geographical names will also help you learn and remember a lot of new things.

The main thing about the geographical atlas

The study of geography is primarily associated with geographical maps. In essence, the maps represent continents and countries in miniature. They reflect the characteristics of the relief and climate, the national composition of countries, and the economic situation. The atlas is a complex of geographical maps united by a specific theme. For example, the well-known Atlas of Russia contains the most complete information about our country. In it you can see a map by region, and get acquainted with all the states bordering the Russian Federation, and find individual cities and even roads. Different editions of the Atlas of Russia provide different information. But all maps of any atlas must be united by the same symbols, approximately equal scale, common features registration The compiler of the world's first atlas was the ancient Greek astronomer, mathematician and geographer Claudius Ptolemy. He prepared a collection of maps back in the second century AD.

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 9"

Working programm

subject "Geography"

association of additional education

"In the world of geography"

for students of grade 9-A

for the 2017-2018 academic year

Compiled by:

Polikarpova E.E., geography teacher

highest qualification category.


Explanatory note.

This work program for additional education “In the World of Geography” for grade 9 is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of basic general education at the basic level; the author’s work program by Arvan E. Yu was used in its development.

This program is designed to deepen the knowledge of 9th grade students in geography and increase interest in the subject. It systematizes and generalizes students' knowledge. The “In the World of Geography” club helps develop students’ mental abilities, expand and deepen knowledge in the field of geography, and form a communicative culture. The program material is based on students' knowledge of geography, history, and literature. The content of the course involves working with various sources of information: cartographic (topographic and geographic maps, globe), profiles, diagrams, drawings, diagrams, etc. The result of the activities of the association of additional education is participation in various olympiads and competitions in the subject.

Program Goals: increasing interest in the natural sciences based on expanding the geographical horizons of students, deepening the content of the main course and its practical orientation, developing cognitive activity; formation of positive motivation for studying geography, geoecology, nurturing a caring attitude and love for the surrounding world and the Motherland.

Main objectives of the program:


    development in students of scientific views on the relationship between nature and society, on the spatial features of this relationship;

    consolidation of cartographic ideas about the location of the main geographical objects on the territory of Russia;

    in-depth study of the largest country of the Eurasian continent - Russia, our homeland;

    improving the language of geographical science among students.


    development of spatial understanding, use of geographical knowledge in practice, in everyday life;

    development of motivation for self-improvement and educational activities.


    education of citizenship and patriotism with a broad view of the world, love of nature;

    mastering geographic culture, fostering tolerance;

    instilling in children a caring attitude towards nature and the historical heritage of their native land.

    inclusion of students in meaningful socially useful activities.

The program lasts 34 hours (1 hour per week, 34 school weeks).

Planned results

During the implementation of the program, students

Must know/understand:

    basic concepts of the course;

    basic observation techniques;

    basic geographical concepts and terms;

    differences between plan, globe and geographical maps;

    results of outstanding geographical discoveries and travels;

    geographical phenomena and processes in geospheres, relationships between them, their changes as a result of human activity;

    geographical zoning and zonation;

    differences in the economic development of different territories; the connection between the geographical location, natural conditions, resources and economy of individual regions;

    the specifics of the geographical location and administrative-territorial structure of the Russian Federation, features of its nature, population, main sectors of the economy, natural economic zones and regions;

    natural and anthropogenic causes of geo-ecological problems at the local, regional and global levels; measures to preserve nature and protect people from natural and man-made disasters;

    human impact on the state of nature and the consequences of interaction between nature and man.

Must be able to:

    conduct an independent search for information;

    use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life;

    name and show the main geographical objects (by section topics);

    identify and describe, using standard plans, the essential features of geographical objects;

    find geographic information from different sources;

    make a brief description of different territories;

    give examples using major sources of geographic information;

    determine distances and directions on the ground and according to the plan;

    find in different sources the information necessary for studying geographical objects and phenomena, different territories of the Earth, their provision with natural and human resources, economic potential, and environmental problems.

Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life for

      terrain orientation;

      reading site plans and geographic maps;

      conducting observations of processes and phenomena, their changes as a result of natural and anthropogenic influences;

      solving practical problems in determining the quality of the environment and its use;

      conducting an independent search for geographic information from various sources: cartographic, geoinformation, etc.;

    enhancing one’s own geographic culture.

Methods organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activities:

verbal (story, dialogue), visual (illustrative and demonstration with the use of ICT, various sources of geographic information), practical (analysis of educational and olympiad tasks), problem-search and research under the guidance of a teacher and independent work of students.

Forms of classes: lecture, heuristic conversation, workshop, research, intellectual game, quiz, solving geographical problems, competitions.

Educational and thematic plan

Section title


Fundamentals of the theory and practice of physical geography.

Economical geography. Population and economy of Russia.

Main content of the program

Introduction – 1 hour.

The importance of geography in human life. Introduction to the activities of the circle, planning.

Section I. Fundamentals of the theory and practice of physical geography. – 28 hours

Topic 1. Sources of geographic information – 6 hours

Main sources of geographic information. Types of images of the Earth. Area plan, geographical map, globe. Map projections. Degree network. Geographical coordinates. Determining directions and measuring distances on a plan and map. Scale. Conventional signs. Reading a site plan and a geographical map. Solving Olympiad tasks: “Plan and Map.”

Topic 2.

Prerequisites for the Great Geographical Discoveries. Four expeditions of Columbus. Vasco da Gama and the discovery of the sea route to India. Discovery of South America by Columbus's rivals. Amerigo Vespucci and the origin of the name "America". Magellan and the first circumnavigation of the world. Cortes and the conquest of Mexico. The origin of the legend of Eldorado. Discovery of the Amazon and the La Plata Basin. Spanish and French discoveries in North America in the 20s - 40s of the 16th century. Dutch expansion in Asia, discovery of Australia and the islands of Oceania. Stages and methods of studying the territory of Russia. The campaign of Ermak Timofeevich and his death. Discovery of Central and Eastern Siberia by Russians. Interactive quiz: “Researchers of Russia.”

Geological past of the planet. Lithosphere. Structure of the Earth. Geological history of the Earth. Internal structure of the Earth. The earth's crust and its structure. Rocks. Platforms and pleated belts. Relief as a result of the interaction of internal and external forces of the Earth. Basic landforms. Mineral resources.

Atmosphere. The meaning of atmosphere, composition and structure. Atmospheric circulation. Constant winds. Air masses. Weather and climate. Scientific explanation of the diversity of Earth's climates. Climate-forming factors. Problems of climate change and, as a consequence, the nature of the planet. The importance of Antarctica and the oceans in the Earth's climate.

Hydrosphere. Parts of the hydrosphere. The world ocean and its parts. Sources of fresh water on Earth. Rivers. River system. Regime and nutrition of rivers.

Biosphere. Diversity of natural zones and complexes of the Earth. Features of the distribution of living organisms on Earth. Boundaries of the biosphere. Soil as a special natural formation. Variety of soils. Natural complex. Natural areas. Latitudinal zonality and altitudinal zonation. Geographical envelope of the Earth. Latitudinal zonality and altitudinal zonality, cyclicity and rhythmicity of processes. Territorial complexes: natural, natural-economic. Student reports, presentations, collages.

Topic 4. The nature of continents.Records of the planet. - 6 hours

Travel across continents and oceans. Origin of continents and ocean basins. Geographical location, area of ​​continents. Features of relief and climate. Main natural and economic objects. History of development. Diversity of nature. Typical landscapes. Population of the Earth. The size of the Earth's population. Human races, ethnic groups. Making diagrams. Entertaining material by continent (Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica and Australia). Records of each continent in the category “the most, the most, the most.” Drawing up business cards of the continents. Making presentations: “Records of the continents.”

Topic 5. Nature of Russia - 6 hours

Space of Russia. Features of the physical and geographical position of Russia. Borders of Russia. Russia on time zone map. Time zones. Solving problems to determine the time difference of individual territories.

Administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation. Geological structure, relief and minerals, and their relationship. Assessment of the country's natural resource potential.

Factors determining the climate of Russia. Types of Russian climate, climate zones. Inland waters of Russia. Baikal is the pearl of Russia. Main river systems. Distribution of the main soil types in Russia.

Flora and fauna of Russia. Natural and economic zones of Russia. Ecological problems. Reserved Russia. Natural monuments.

Working on a map. Test classes. Solving practical problems.

Section II. Economical geography. Population and economy of Russia. - 5 o'clock

Administrative-territorial division as one of the types of zoning. Working on a map. Population of Russia. Number, features of population reproduction. Sex, age, ethnic and religious composition of the population. Features of settlement. Rural and urban population, urbanization. Directions and types of migrations. Labor resources.

Economy of Russia. The structure of the economy and its features. Primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy: composition, characteristics of industries, role and significance. Economic regions of Russia. Geographical location of the area, composition of the territory. Natural features and natural resource potential. Population, major cities. Geographical features of economic regions of Russia. The economy of the regions, their specialization and large production centers. Problems of economic regions. Determination of subjects of the Russian Federation by geographical description. Classes on tests and slogans. Solving practical problems.

Final testing of students. Self-analysis of students on elective work. Protection of creative works.

List of educational and methodological support for the educational process.

For students:

    Zapartovich B.B. With love for nature. – Moscow: Pedagogy, 1976.

    Kashinskaya E.A. Everything about everything. M., 1999

    Lyakhov P.R. Encyclopedia “I explore the world. Geography" - M: LLC "AST Publishing House", 2002.

    Lyakhov P.R. Encyclopedia “I explore the world of Animals.” - M: LLC Publishing House AST, 2002.

    Markin V.A. I explore the world. Moscow, 2000

    Molodtsova Z.V. Interesting geography. – Novosibirsk: NIPC and PRO, 1997.

    Pivovarova N.N. Behind the pages of a geography textbook - M: Education, 1997.

    Selishchev E.N. “Geography for the curious or what you won’t learn about in geography lessons”, Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, 2006.

For the teacher:

    “Educational and research activities of schoolchildren” conducted by A.P. Tryapitsyna, St. Petersburg, Karo, 2005.

    The ABC of Nature, Reader's Digest Publishing House, 2003.

    Andreeva V.N. Geography subject week at school Series: Teacher's Library.

    Barinova I.I. “Extracurricular work in geography” Moscow, Education, 1988.

    V.A. Nizovtsev “Geography. School Olympiads", Moscow, Iris - Press, 2006

    Voitkevich G.V. “Fundamentals of the doctrine of the biosphere” “Enlightenment”, Moscow, 1989.

    Geography: Encyclopedic Library. Website:

    Geography:\"Early childhood development\" - Geography for children. Website:

    Gladilina I.P., Grishakina O.P., Obruchnikova A.A., Popov D.V. “Fundamentals of research activities for schoolchildren”, Moscow, LLC “Center for Printing Services “Raduga”, 2010.

    Klepinina.A. Secrets of the surrounding world. Moscow, Yuventa Publishing House, 2005.

    Klyushnikova N. M. “Extracurricular work in geography,” “Corypheus,” Volgograd, 2000.

    Kulkevich S.V. “Not quite an ordinary lesson”, Voronezh, “Teacher”, 2001.

    Litvinenko L.S. “Moral and environmental education of schoolchildren”, Moscow, “5 for knowledge”, 2005.

    Lugich M.V. Walking with children in nature. Moscow, 2006

    Geography teacher's handbook. / Compiled by N.N. Petrova, V.I. Sirotin. M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC, 2002-302 p.

    Naumov A.S. “Based on materials from the National Geographic and All-Russian Olympiads,” Moscow, Ast-Astrel, 2007

    Pleshakov A.A. Ecology for junior schoolchildren. Moscow, publishing house "Drofa", 2000

    Sergeev I.S. “How to organize project activities of students”, Moscow, “Arkti”, 2005.

    Tyaglova E. V. “Research and project activities of students in geography”, Moscow, “Globe”, 2008.

List of logistics: geographical maps, atlases, collections, handouts, tables, additional teaching materials, teaching aids, computer, multimedia projector, screen. (the full list is indicated in the office passport).

Calendar-thematic plan

mug "In the world of geography"

for 9-A class

for the 2017-2018 academic year

Lesson numbers

in order


in section, topic

Lesson topic

Planned dates studying educational material

Adjusted timing for studying educational material

Introduction – 1 hour

The importance of geography in human life. Specifics of occupations and general requirements.

Section I. Fundamentals of the theory and practice of physical geography - 28 hours

Topic 1. Sources of geographic information - 6 hours

Sources of geographical information and methods of geographical research

Area plan. Scale. Problem solving.

Geographic map, globe. Map projections.

Solving problems to determine geographic coordinates.

Reading a site plan and a geographical map.

Solving Olympiad tasks: “Plan and Map.”

Topic 2.Great geographical discoveries – 5 hours

Prerequisites for the Great Geographical Discoveries.

Outstanding geographical exploration, discovery and travel.

Great geographical discoveries and expansion of their ecumene.

Stages and methods of studying the territory of Russia.

Interactive quiz: “Researchers of Russia.”

Topic 3. The amazing diversity of the Earth’s nature – 5 hours

Geological past of the planet.

Atmosphere. Scientific explanation of the diversity of Earth's climates.

Problems of climate change and, as a consequence, the nature of the planet. The importance of Antarctica and the oceans in the Earth's climate.

Hydrosphere and its parts. Making a collage: “The World Ocean.”

Diversity of natural zones and complexes of the Earth.

Topic 4. The nature of continents.Records of the planet. - 6 hours

Origin of continents and ocean basins.

Population of the Earth. Population

Earth. Human races, ethnic groups. Making diagrams.

The main features of the nature of Africa and Australia. Making a business card.

The main features of the nature of Antarctica and South America. Making a business card.

The main features of the nature of North America and Eurasia. Making a business card.

Presentation competition: “Records of the continents.”

Topic 5. Nature of Russia – 6 hours

Space of Russia. Boundaries. Features of the geographical location

Time zones. Solving problems to determine the time difference of individual territories.

Relief and subsoil of Russia. Assessment of the country's natural resource potential.

Climate. Inland waters. Baikal is the pearl of Russia.

Soils, natural zones of Russia. Making collages.

Reserved Russia. Natural monuments.

Section II. Economical geography. Population and economy of Russia - 5 hours

Administrative-territorial division as one of the types of zoning. Working on a map. Features of the Russian population.

Main intersectoral complexes.

Geographical features of economic regions of Russia.

Determination of subjects of the Russian Federation by geographical description. Classes on tests and slogans.

Final lesson. Protection of creative works.



by program



Deputy Director for HR __________/Moskotelnikova N.V./

"___" August 2017

Head of ShMO _____________ / Sodonova O.A./

Working programm mug "Olympus" for grades 8-9

1. Explanatory note.

1.1. Validity and goals of the academic subject, course

This program is designed for students in grades 8-10.

Basic goals course: deepening knowledge in the school geography course, developing the ability to apply geographical knowledge in practice, in atypical situations, when solving tasks of increased complexity.

Tasks of the Olympus circle:

1.Increase interest in the subject, increase the cognitive activity of students.

2. To develop in schoolchildren a tendency to scientific analysis(the ability to think logically, make your own conclusions and forecasts), creative thinking.

Tasks various levels are formed into blocks on main topics and are resolved after repeating the theoretical material. Olympiad tasks complicate basic knowledge and put it in a more entertaining form. When solving tasks, a non-standard approach to the problem, complexity of thinking, and the ability to draw independent conclusions are developed.

The course is implemented in grades 8-9 with a load of 1 hour per week (34 hours per year).

Program content:

Plan and map. Cards. Map projections. Shape, size and movement of the Earth. Solving Olympiad tasks.

Tectonics and relief of the Earth. Tectonics and relief of the Earth. Solving Olympiad tasks.

Weather and climate. General circulation of the atmosphere. Types of climates of the world. Solving Olympiad tasks.

Hydrosphere. The world's oceans and land waters. Solving Olympiad tasks.

Biosphere. Natural zonation of the world and geographical envelope. Solving Olympiad tasks.

Physico-geographical review of the southern continents. Physiographic overview of the northern continents. Solving Olympiad tasks.

Physiographic overview of Russia.general characteristics nature of Russia. Physiographic characteristics of the regions of the Russian Federation. Solving Olympiad tasks.

Population of Russia. Population of Russia. Solving Olympiad tasks.

Economy of Russia. FEC. Metallurgical complex. Mechanical engineering complex. Chemical forestry complex. APK. Infrastructure complex. Solving Olympiad tasks.

Economy of Russian regions. Central Russia. European North. European South. Volga region. Ural. Eastern macroregion. Solving Olympiad tasks.

Methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities: verbal (story, dialogue), visual (illustrative and demonstration using ICT, various sources of geographic information), practical (analysis of educational and olympiad tasks), problem-search and research under the guidance of a teacher and independent work of students.

1.2. Expected results of completing the course

Subject actions:

Learn to extract information from atlas maps, learn to read a plan

Identify, describe, explain the characteristics of geographical objects and phenomena

Personal actions:

Formation of motivation for educational activities for research activities

Formation of cognitive interest in the subject of research


Take into account different opinions and give reasons for your opinion


Be able to explain relationships, establish cause-and-effect relationships

Be able to analyze, compare, classify, summarize facts

Convert information from one type to another

Solve Olympiad tasks


Plan your actions in accordance with your goal

Independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal, search for and highlight the necessary information

Apply information retrieval methods, including using computer tools

Choose the most effective ways solving educational problems



Lesson planning

Lesson topic

Total hours

Practical part of the program and use of ICT, RK


Plan and map. Cards. Map projections.

Solving problems using maps and plans

Completing Olympiad tasks.


Shape, size and movement of the Earth.

Solving problems on the topic

Completing Olympiad tasks.

Completing Olympiad tasks.


Tectonics and relief of the Earth.


Completing Olympiad tasks


Weather and climate. General circulation of the atmosphere.

RK Repetition and deepening of theoretical knowledge

Types of climates of the world.

Repetition and deepening of theoretical knowledge

Completing Olympiad tasks.

Completing Olympiad tasks.


Hydrosphere. The world ocean and its parts.

RK Repetition and deepening of theoretical knowledge

Completing Olympiad tasks.

Completing Olympiad tasks.


Biosphere. Natural areas of the world and

geographical envelope.

RK Repetition and deepening of theoretical knowledge

Completing Olympiad tasks.

Completing Olympiad tasks.


Physiographic overview of the continents.

Overview of the southern continents.

Repetition and deepening of theoretical knowledge

Overview of the northern continents.

Repetition and deepening of theoretical knowledge

Completing Olympiad tasks.

Completing Olympiad tasks.


Physiographic overview of Russia. General characteristics of nature.

Repetition and deepening of theoretical knowledge

Physiographic characteristics of the regions of the Russian Federation.

RK Repetition and deepening of theoretical knowledge

Completing Olympiad tasks.

RK Completing Olympiad tasks.


Population of Russia.

RK Repetition and deepening of theoretical knowledge

Completing Olympiad tasks.

Completing Olympiad tasks.


Economy of Russia. General characteristics. FEC.

RK Repetition and deepening of theoretical knowledge

Metallurgy of the Russian Federation.

Repetition and deepening of theoretical knowledge

Mechanical engineering complex.

RK Repetition and deepening of theoretical knowledge

Chemical forestry complex.

RK Repetition and deepening of theoretical knowledge


RK Repetition and deepening of theoretical knowledge

Infrastructure complex.

Repetition and deepening of theoretical knowledge

Completing Olympiad tasks.

RK Completing Olympiad tasks.


Economy of the regions of the Russian Federation. Central Russia.

Repetition and deepening of theoretical knowledge

European North.

Repetition and deepening of theoretical knowledge

European South.

Repetition and deepening of theoretical knowledge

Volga region. Ural.

RK Repetition and deepening of theoretical knowledge

Eastern macroregion.

Repetition and deepening of theoretical knowledge

Completing Olympiad tasks.

RK Completing Olympiad tasks.


List of educational and methodological literature:

1. Bolysov S.I., Gladkevich G.I., Zubarevich N.V., Fetisov A.S. A manual on geography for those entering universities. - M.: CheRo, Genius loci? 1995.-159 p.

2. Geography, ecology, environmental management: Republican school Olympiads 2000-2005: Educational and methodological manual. Comp. Kudryavtsev A.F., Malkova I.L. Izhevsk, UdSU, 2006.-132 p.

3. Geography tasks: A manual for teachers, edited by A.S. Naumova.- M.: MIROS, 1993.-192 p.

4. Kurasheva E.M. Geography. 9-10 grades. Tasks for identifying geographical objects. - M.: Bustard, 2011. - 106 p.

5. Geography Olympiads. 6-11 grades: methodological manual/Edited by O.A. Klimanova, A.S. Naumova.- 3rd ed., stereotype.- M.: Bustard, 2004.-205 pp.

6. Parmuzin Yu.P., Karpov G.V. Dictionary of physical geography.-M.: Education, 1994.-367 p.

7. Physical geography: A reference guide for preparatory departments of universities. Edited by K.V. Pashkanga.-M.: Higher. School, 1991.-286 p.