
Prokopenko sea depths.

The world's oceans... The last resting place for sunken ships filled with treasures, and a training ground for secret military operations. The planet’s storehouse with countless minerals and, of course, a refuge for mysterious sea inhabitants about which sailors make up legends. The new book by the famous TV presenter Igor Prokopenko contains the most shocking clues to the main secret of the Creator:

Can it live in the depths of the ocean? unknown to science civilization?

Deep Sea Monsters - ancient creatures on the planet or the result of genetic experiments?

Mysterious signals from the depths... What does the abyss hide?

What sinister secrets does the Bermuda Triangle hold?

Unexpected finds of archaeologists - has the key to the death of Atlantis been found?

Where did the pyramids and objects that look like flying saucers come from on the ocean floor?

From whom did man actually come?

As always, Igor Prokopenko’s books make us take a fresh look at the world in which we live. According to the theory of evolution, the oldest human ancestor left the ocean and crawled onto land. What did he leave at the bottom? You will find the answer in this book.

The work belongs to the genre of Educational Literature. It was published in 2017 by Eksmo Publishing House. The book is part of the series “The most shocking hypotheses with Igor Prokopenko”. On our website you can download the book “Secrets of the Underwater World” in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 3.78 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper form.

© Prokopenko I., 2017

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2017

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Recently declassified archives indicate that a secret experiment was conducted in the fifties to crossbreed a man and a shark. The military set an ambitious goal: by mixing shark genes, try to improve human nature. Make him more durable, increase his resistance to radiation and, who knows, teach him to breathe underwater.

The archives are silent about how these experiments ended. Who knows, maybe shark children have been among us for a long time. Or maybe, on the contrary, they went into the ocean away from earthly problems. After all, the World Ocean is one big mystery. And, God knows, who is really muddying the waters there.

Official science claims that the World Ocean is the cradle of life. However, for an inexplicable reason, it is the ocean that remains the most hostile environment for humans. Look what's happening around? Giant waves wash away entire continents. Underwater objects unknown to science are interfering in our lives in a masterly manner. And almost every day the oceans collect their deadly toll human lives, leaving no chance to explain why such great sacrifices were made.

Most people are sure that the remote corners of the underwater world are deserted and only flounder flattened by deep-sea pressure scares its eternal peace. However, even a small part of the declassified archives indicates that our ideas about the World Ocean do not correspond to reality.

And this is what the book you are holding in your hands is about. This is the result of the colossal work of the team of authors of the television program “The Most Shocking Hypotheses,” which airs on the REN-TV channel. This means that a lot of interesting, varied and little-known information awaits you, from which each reader has the right to draw conclusions for himself.

Chapter 1. Lost place

In the beginning there was the sea! Salty...Thick and warm, like cooling soup. It is in it, as scientists believe, that life originated. From single-celled organisms, after millions of years, needle worms hatched, from worms, blind-sighted mollusks were formed, and from all this together - prehistoric fish. And then, for a reason unknown to science, the ancient ocean suddenly began to shallow, and land appeared.

It was then that the smartest of the ancient fish, leaning on its fins, crawled onto land. And she crawled where her eyes were looking. Therefore, if you believe in the theory of evolution, then man did not descend from a monkey, but from this fish with large fins.

But what was left at the bottom of the ocean when the most ancient human ancestor left it?

American Greenpeace employees planned to take deep-sea samples in the Bering Sea to check the extent of its pollution. However, this was not possible - during the dive, the underwater explorers were attacked by a creature of enormous size.

It rushed at the underwater vehicle and at the researchers with obvious aggression, attacking the bathyscaphe, it was not even afraid bright light spotlights. But until recently it was believed that huge squids attacking ships and boats were just sailor stories!

In the Gulf of Mexico in 2004, during an underwater expedition of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, scientists managed to photograph another monstrous squid that swam close to the ship. But sometimes giant squids are not limited to simply approaching, but attempt an attack, which the sailors have difficulty repelling.

The appearance of such creatures makes your blood run cold. Scientists called this monster the hellish vampire squid - it has a bright bloody color, huge tentacles are connected by membranes that are covered with small spines; transparent bulging eyes change color from red to poisonous blue. According to scientists, these creatures are of enormous size - they can reach several hundred meters in length and are capable of dragging almost an entire ship to the bottom!

For some reason, it is in New Zealand that sailors and ordinary researchers most often encounter monstrous sea inhabitants. The remains of one such creature washed ashore on Pukehina Beach in New Zealand. The 10-meter mutilated carcass of the sea monster resembles a prehistoric lizard, its jaw is studded with numerous sharp fangs. Most likely it is a predator. But the most shocking thing is that the monster’s carcass was badly damaged, probably from an attack by an even larger creature. Are there really predators in the abyss of the sea that are many times larger than such a monster? And if this is true, then do such monsters pose a threat to us humans?

New Zealand, Oporua Bay. Under the water, an oblong creature was clearly visible, around which waves appeared as it moved. To create such a wave underwater, you need to be truly impressive in size! According to the most conservative estimates, the length of the monster is 12 meters and its weight is several tons. Some researchers believe that such monsters may be involved in many underwater accidents.

June 26, 1983 in Saranaya Bay underwater nuclear boat"K-429" sank at a depth of 42 meters. The submarine was conducting exercises and suddenly sank. This has never happened anywhere and never: more than a hundred people immediately surfaced from a sunken submarine through a 45-meter ocean layer. All of them survived, except for those who died in the first minutes of the accident. The official version: during the dive, the commander of the nuclear submarine missile carrier forgot to batten down the upper deck hatch, and the boat collapsed to the ground. However, there was an unofficial version - the boat simply lost in a fight with an underwater monster.

Nuclear submarine "K-429"

This version seems incredible, but another Russian military submersible also sank not far from the site of its death in 2005. The submersible was at a depth of 190 meters when control was lost. Then the military did not find what to say, they simply admitted that the cause of the tragedy could have been contact with an unknown underwater object. But then an addition was made: for example, with a cable. But could the bathyscaphe get caught on some kind of underwater cable and therefore fail? To many, this version seems implausible. Moreover, before diving the underwater vehicle, the bottom was examined using hydroacoustics and television cameras, but nothing was found. Then where did the ill-fated cable come from? These and other numerous accidents and catastrophes with underwater deep-sea vehicles lead researchers to believe that some underwater creatures unknown to science inhabit the depths of the World Ocean.

Surprisingly, almost all human attempts to penetrate the black abyss meet desperate resistance. Perhaps the filming of James Cameron, who visited the Mariana Trench. However, the films from the famous director’s dive to monstrous depths have not yet been fully made public.

But Cameron filmed his underwater expedition for more than 6 hours! The world saw only a few minutes from this recording, but even in these skillfully edited frames you can see unknown people modern science inhabitants of the underwater depths: a “cosmic” creature with a poisonous color, clearly a predator, a powerful electric discharge passes through each of its cells. Or is the unknown creature swimming past the camera a giant tentacle or the tail of an octopus-like creature?

And meetings with unknown creatures could remain behind the scenes. Perhaps they were the ones who attacked our submarines. This version, of course, seems fantastic, but only at first glance.

In March 1963 in the water area Pacific Ocean near Catalina Island in California, an unknown object emerged from the water and hovered in the air. In the morning next day All American newspapers wrote about the Californian incident, as it was called in the press. Different versions of what happened have been put forward. Some suggested that unidentified object belongs to a civilization unknown to us, which is based on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Others explained the photographs taken as a mirage that arose as a result of the curvature of space and time. The New York tabloids outdid everyone, who, as one, published, as a carbon copy, supposedly secret technical information obtained by the US Navy on the same day. According to these publications, the military recorded an unidentified underwater object with sonar devices, which was moving at a tremendous speed - 280 kilometers per hour! – moved directly under the ships at a depth of 6.5 kilometers. Moreover, the newspapers wrote that a special commission, having studied the materials, was unable to find out which submarine such characteristics could correspond to.

Several years ago, when almost everyone had forgotten about the Californian incident, American researchers released curious documents according to which a strange object spotted in 1963 over the shores of California could be nothing more than a secret development of the Soviet military - a flying submarine!

In the mid 1930s Soviet Union began to create a powerful Navy. It was then that the idea of ​​​​creating a device that would combine the characteristics of a submarine and an aircraft was proposed. In 1934, such a project for a flying submarine was presented by Boris Ushakov, a cadet at the Dzerzhinsky Engineering School.

The flying submarine was shaped like an airplane, but in reality this unique aircraft was supposed to fight in two environments: air and water. It’s hard to believe, but the boat was supposed to dive in just 1.5 minutes and float up in two. This made her fantastically mobile, and therefore practically invulnerable!

Experts believe that such a development would allow the Soviet military to introduce new tactics for naval combat. But the grandiose project existed only in drawings; the LPL was never launched, which means that the strange object spotted over California could not be a secret Soviet development. But then what was it? Still not known!

Some underwater anomalies can really be attributed to testing of the latest secret weapons. But how to explain the incident that occurred in the Gulf of Finland during the Second World War?

In 1944, the Soviet minesweeper T-409 carried out a combat mission - it was supposed to defuse enemy mines. The ship was drifting in complete darkness in order to remain unnoticed, when suddenly a huge luminous circle appeared in front of it. The strange object marked the minesweeper's location for enemy aircraft and began pursuit, making the ship an excellent target. Then the commander decided to stop the ship. As soon as the ship turned off its engines, the mysterious object immediately lost interest in it and disappeared. According to the sailors, during the war many Soviet ships found themselves in a similar situation, so they were quickly discovered by the enemy.

Why luminous circles appeared in the Gulf of Finland during the war and what the nature of their occurrence was is still not clear. Some scientists claim that the mysterious circles of light are nothing more than single-celled living organisms - plankton! It is this that glows under water no worse than phosphorus!

Phytoplankton creates a fairly large electric field, two to three millivolts. Scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences have measured electricity from sea creatures for the first time, this is considered a discovery. If phytoplankton can create an electric field, then, of course, bacteria can too. In general, the biological component in the creation of an electric field in water is very large, that is, there is a bioelectric effect in the ocean.

If the source of the bright glow is indeed organisms living in the water, then how can we explain the stories of Soviet sailors? According to their testimony, the speed of such “plankton” sometimes broke all imaginable records! Moreover, how to explain that primitive microscopic organisms, capable only of resisting the flow of water, synchronously lined up in the correct geometric shapes? To behave this way, invertebrate organisms must have intelligence, which contradicts the data. modern biology. But, despite the contradictions, eyewitnesses often observed such extraordinary underwater intelligence in the waters of Kamchatka.

“Project 1906” - submariners still talk about the deep sea exploration program with this code name only in a whisper. Documents that indicate the existence of the Soviet underwater deep-sea vehicle “Poisk-6” are still kept under the heading “Secret”. Only a few know that the Poisk-6 submersible explored the waters of Kamchatka in the 1980s. In August 1986, a submersible with a crew on board made its first dive into the Kamchatka fault region to a depth of 6035 meters, where it suffered serious damage to the hull.

In July 1987, another attempt at a deep-sea expedition was organized, but even then something went wrong. From a depth of 5600 meters, the submersible rose with a heavily dented bow. After two mysterious incidents, the project was closed. But the most mysterious thing is the fact that all the dive parameters recorded on photographic film and magnetic tape disappeared without a trace. What exactly do these missing records hide and what really happened to Poisk-6 during the dive? Researchers claim: the existence secret project today they try not to remember, and all information is carefully hidden, because the bathyscaphe was attacked twice by an unknown creature.

You can believe in such a version or not, but on the territory of the Kola Peninsula and Kamchatka legends about the relict animal have been preserved. The indigenous Sami people called it “yalpin uy”, the Russians called it “snake”, and the Mari called it “shem kishke”. An animal of enormous size lived in water and was very aggressive, according to legends. These same legends claim that the monster looked like a giant snake with a disproportionate head and a shark-like jaw. Surprisingly, a creature similar to what the legends described may have actually existed. And, perhaps, it was precisely this that attacked Soviet ships and bathyscaphes, because there are a lot of cases of mysterious incidents. It is known, for example, that in 1946, the Brunswick tanker with a displacement of 15 thousand tons and a length of 150 meters was attacked by a giant sea monster between the Hawaiian Islands and Samoa. The ship's captain, Arne Grönningseter, reported that a huge cephalopod suddenly emerged from the depths and overtook the ship, which was traveling at a speed of 12 knots. The octopus either appeared on the surface of the ocean, then walked behind the ship, quickly overtook the ship, swam on a parallel course for some time, and suddenly quickly rushed to attack.

Chet Van Duzer, an American cartographer, shares his opinion:

“Monsters exist, there is no doubt about it. Some are hybrids - they are a combination of the head of one creature with the tail or body of another. Some medieval authors made a distinction between fish and sea monsters - there are entire scientific categories. I'm trying to remember earlier examples. Even in encyclopedias there are facts when a creature resembling an octopus attacked ships. And this monster was so strong that it could drag sailors off ships. There was a case in the 19th century, it is documented - when a giant fish, similar to a huge whale, rammed a boat and the submarine sank. There is a mention of a sea monster called "ramora". This underwater monster attached itself to the bottom of ships and slowed down their movement. There are known cases when the ship was moving slowly, and the sailors thought it was a ramora, but then a sea creature attacked the boat and pulled it to the bottom of the ocean. These creatures are very aggressive."

Ancient authors reported on the attacks of giant octopuses on ships. In one of the works of the ancient Roman writer Pliny, there is a description of an ancient monster, the “polyps” of which, that is, tentacles, reached 10 meters in length. At the end of the 19th century, the American zoologist Verrill examined a squid found on the coast of the island of Newfoundland; its length reached 18 meters. However, there are also reports of 30-meter monsters.

In early May 1874, a tragedy occurred in the Indian Ocean, caused by an attack by an unknown sea creature. The story of the surviving sailors even appeared on the pages of London newspapers. According to the published material, a monster with the body of a shark and a bumpy growth on its head attacked the ship when the sea was calmer than ever. The monster hit the schooner on the starboard side, it capsized and sank.

Incredibly, the description of this sea monster accurately resembles in detail a creature that was recently caught by fishermen in the Black Sea, off the coast of Crimea. Compare: a predatory fish with the mouth of a dinosaur and a large ugly growth on its head. This creature, while on deck, rushed at the sailors, trying to bite them. The fishermen handed over the carcass of the monster to Sevastopol biologists, and they announced a scientific sensation. According to oceanologists, this creature resembles a very ancient species of sharks that have not been found in nature for a long time, and the ugly growth on their head has been preserved since the time of dinosaurs. There is only one known case of such a shark being caught at the end of the 19th century. It is not clear how the ancient monster got into the Black Sea.

Anatoly Tavrichesky, oceanologist, says:

“All over the World Ocean, sailors have encountered these giant snakes, but the most reliable and most frequent sighting is in the Black Sea. Previously, this was observed very rarely, now the object appears every year from the Karadag region to Sevastopol, to Cape Fiolent. After all, the Black Sea is a closed basin 2200 meters deep. At a depth of 400 meters, some large object passed. What was that? It is unknown, but this is a hydrogen sulfide zone. In the oxygen zone we see our Black Sea snake Bleki constantly, every year.”

Researchers say that because of the monsters that inhabit the depths of the ocean, ships and their crews may indeed disappear without a trace. However, according to scientists, these scary stories about monsters living in the abyss is nothing compared to the real secrets that the World Ocean hides.

In the summer of 2001, French archaeologist Frank Gaudiot discovered at the bottom of the Gulf of Abukir, near Egypt, the ruins of a city that had been underwater for at least 2,000 years. Despite such a long period, many city buildings are well preserved: piers, temples, statues of gods, fragments of residential buildings. The ancient statues that once adorned this city are well preserved.

There was also a fragment of a giant stele, which most likely was located at the front gate. For a long time researchers could not understand what kind of ancient city it was and why it was under water. Everything fell into place when they discovered a huge slab hidden under a thick layer of silt. When it was cleared, the incredible was revealed: the inscriptions said that the ancient city was Heraklion, the legendary Egyptian metropolis where Cleopatra was crowned. For a long time, this city was considered mythical, because no evidence or artifacts existed, except for mentions in ancient Greek myths and legends.

Ancient Heraklion was considered the gates of Egypt and was the main seaport of that time. Its berths were crowded with ships from Cyprus, Sicily and the Aegean islands. This port city had the best trading stores of that time - with jewelry, incense, and household utensils. Some of these objects now rest on the seabed. And in the harbor of Heraklion there are now the wrecks of at least 10 ships, piled in a heap. And what’s surprising is that the masts of all these schooners are tilted in one direction. This find led researchers to believe that all these ships were sunk by a huge tsunami - a multi-kilometer wave that in an instant wiped out the largest port city of the Ancient World.

But how powerful would the wave have to be to flood an entire city? And how did this tsunami form? In search of answers, American scientists studied the geology of this area and found out something sensational. It turned out that a whole series of earthquakes in the Mediterranean zone, which lasted for 50 years in the 13th century BC, led to the flooding of many legendary cities, known to us only from the works of ancient geographers and historians. Troy, Jericho and almost 50 other ancient city-states, one after another, disappeared into the depths of the sea.

Scientists believe that the discovery of Heraklion suggests that the mythical Atlantis is not a fiction either. And although today it is believed that the story about the ancient island-state is just a fairy tale for people with a rich imagination, it is quite possible that underwater archaeologists will find Atlantis on the ocean floor under a layer of sand and silt, just as they found the mythical Heraklion. In the meantime, we can only guess where exactly Atlantis was and why it ended up on the seabed. According to one version, by the way, the legendary island was located not far from Heraklion on the Santorini archipelago.

This is one of the most beautiful places on the globe. The archipelago is located in the Aegean Sea, 200 kilometers from the coast of Greece, and consists of several islands that form a surprisingly regular circle with a clear lagoon in the center. Few people know, but the archipelago did not always look like this. It's hard to believe that Santorini was once a single piece of land, however, it stood right on an active supervolcano!! Three and a half thousand years ago it exploded. Powerful eruption almost completely destroyed the middle of Santorini, and it went under water. Only five small islands remained on the surface. Incredibly, these are nothing more than parts of a giant crater!

The ancient city of Akrotiri was discovered in 1967 on the island of Thira, which is part of the Santorini archipelago. The settlement is more than four thousand years old, but it is perfectly preserved. Not only two- and three-story houses survived, even the unique frescoes practically did not fade. However, the preservation of the complex is not at all connected with the incredible construction technologies of the ancient masters. The city of Akrotiri looks like this for only one reason: for almost three and a half thousand years it was completely buried under a layer of volcanic ash.

The catastrophic volcanic eruption on Santorini occurred in 1640 BC, but it is still considered one of the most powerful in the history of mankind. Violent eruption lasted several days. During this time, the volcano released a huge mass of ash into the atmosphere, which plunged the planet into darkness for years and changed the climate thousands of kilometers from the epicenter. Santorini itself suffered the most - the island was covered with a layer of hot ash 30 meters high. But the worst thing happened when the crater of the volcano suddenly collapsed! In its place, a huge crater with an area of ​​40 square kilometers and a depth of 400 meters formed, which immediately began to fill sea ​​water. The hot crater of the volcano turned into a huge seething cauldron. Water, combining with lava, caused powerful explosion. It caused a tsunami in the Aegean Sea. Waves reaching a height of almost 20 meters hit the island of Crete and completely destroyed the most ancient, highly developed Minoan civilization in Europe.

Map of the Greek island of Santorini

It is believed that an even earlier volcanic eruption on Santorini could have destroyed Atlantis, which was located somewhere in the archipelago area. And although the existence of this legendary land has not yet been proven by scientists, archaeologists have found many artifacts that indicate that ancient humanity was not at all as primitive as we used to think.

Thus, more than 500 places with remains of man-made structures were discovered under water. Many of them indicate that prehistoric humanity reached high degree technological progress. There is evidence that ancient people used much more advanced technologies than we can imagine.

But that's not all. Many underwater artifacts, according to researchers, suggest that they ended up on the seabed not as a result of a flood or global cataclysm, but were built there! So, quite recently, in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Sicily, scientists discovered a giant monolith, a kind of underwater Stonehenge.

The stone really looks like the famous megalithic structure, which is located in the British county of Wiltshire. The height of this underwater monolith is 12 meters, and the weight is simply colossal - 15 tons. Moreover, scientists have no doubt that this block of stone, like the slabs of Stonehenge, was hewn by human hands. But that’s not even surprising. Research by scientists has shown that around the unique underwater artifact there are no structures or ruins of an ancient city that would indicate that the underwater monolith was once part of them and then plunged into the water abyss, for example, as a result of a global flood. On the contrary, scientists say: everything indicates that the unique stone artifact has always been on the seabed. Moreover, according to scientists, this monolith is nothing more than the foundation of one of the buildings of the future underwater city, the construction of which never took place.

Three holes are drilled in the stone, one of which is through. Initially, scientists decided that these holes were needed to move the giant slab. But drilling such a hole in stone is not so easy! And according to scientists’ calculations, the discovered slab is at least 10,000 years old. This means that the technology that would have made it possible to create such a hole in the stone simply did not exist at that time. But in this case, how did these depressions appear and what were they needed for? Having studied the strange find in more detail, underwater archaeologists made a shocking conclusion: these strange holes have an absolutely direct purpose. Like pieces from a puzzle, similar slabs were attached to these slab holes on the other three sides, from which in the future a whole building or underwater fortification would appear.

This technology, strange at first glance, becomes quite understandable if we assume that the construction was actually carried out under water. In this case, such fastenings were simply necessary, first of all, to prevent underwater currents and water disturbances during a storm from destroying the building. After all, it is here, off the coast of Sicily, that one of the most powerful whirlpools in the World Ocean is formed. Scientists call this rare natural phenomenon a system of two underwater funnels: “Charybdis” and “Scylla”; they were known back in the time of Homer. The reason for such a huge underwater funnel is the collision of tidal currents with each other.

Perhaps it was these currents that forced the underwater builders to change their minds and interrupt the construction that had begun? But if this hypothesis of scientists is correct, then somewhere nearby there should be another underwater city that once belonged to the same civilization. And such an underwater settlement was found! Just 500 kilometers east of Sicily, scientists discovered the ruins of ancient buildings. At 9000 square meters Fragments of buildings, streets, and the ruins of a stone harbor were found.

Scientists believe they have discovered the once prosperous port city of Pavlopetri, which traded with the entire Mediterranean. Now it is located near the shore at a depth of 3–4 meters. However, not everyone agrees with this hypothesis. Some researchers believe that the slabs that were discovered in the foundations of the buildings of this underwater city are very similar to the megalith found off the coast of Sicily. But if this is really the case, then to what civilization do these man-made structures belong?

Scientists wrote the history of mankind from ancient finds and various fossils. Having studied them, they came to the conclusion that the primitive rudiments of culture in primitive society appeared only in the Holocene era, that is, about 12,000 years ago, when the last Ice Age ended. Over the next 7,000 years, human culture hardly developed, remaining in the Stone Age. The first traces of writing appeared only 5,000 years ago, so the entire previous era of the Earth is called the prehistoric period. However, to the surprise of scientists, archaeologists and ordinary researchers are finding more and more prehistoric relics at the bottom of the oceans, which completely overturn the usual ideas about our history. Many of these finds indicate that Earth once existed. ancient civilization, which could live not only on land, but also under water.

Scientists discovered unique underwater artifacts in 2000 off the coast of India. Archaeologists suggest: they came across the ruins of the unique ancient city of Dwarka, which is more than 32,000 years old! Under the water there are ruins of ancient buildings - the foundation of some structure, a perfectly preserved stone staircase - one can only guess where it led, stone arches, the vaults of which are decorated with intricate relief figures, the work of an ancient master. There are also copper dishes, a jug covered with a thick layer of silt and which has lain there for thousands of years.

According to legend, Krishna himself lived in this city. According to legend, the city sank to the seabed immediately after the death of the Indian god. Now Dwarka is under water at a depth of only 40 meters. Divers are still bringing ancient artifacts to the surface, which confirm that this underwater settlement was part of the legendary city in ancient times. This unique find allowed us to take a different look at the myths and legends that reveal to us unknown story many areas of the globe.

The Google Ocean service helps scientists. With its help, you can view images that resemble the outlines of streets. A similar grid of intersecting lines is located on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean 1000 kilometers from the coast of North-West Africa. Historians suspect that this may be an ancient underwater civilization.

The amazing underwater structures of an unknown city were noticed by an aeronautical engineer, who reported the “map” he had found. Perhaps these ancient street lines were actually once created by part of an ancient underwater civilization and disappeared under the water many thousands of years ago. But history knows of finds whose presence in the depths of the World Ocean cannot be explained by a single global flood.

The hypothesis of an underwater civilization does not seem so fantastic after it becomes known that projects of so-called “hydropolises” exist in our time. Few people know that today in Florida anyone can feel like an underwater resident by simply booking a room in the world's first sea hotel. Air, drinking water and electricity in a double hotel, hidden under the water, is supplied via a powerful hose-cable directly from the shore. In case of emergency there is autonomous system life support. Underwater residents will be able to spend at least 5 days on dry rations until evacuation. The hotel opened in the mid-1980s. At first, this underwater base was created for ocean scientists, but then they decided to turn the laboratory into a hotel. The rooms are no different in comfort from those on earth; they have a shower, toilet, air conditioning, refrigerator, microwave, TV, stereo system, DVD player.

Igor Prokopenko

Secrets of the underwater world

© Prokopenko I., 2017

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2017

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Recently declassified archives indicate that a secret experiment was conducted in the fifties to crossbreed a man and a shark. The military set an ambitious goal: by mixing shark genes, try to improve human nature. Make him more durable, increase his resistance to radiation and, who knows, teach him to breathe underwater.

The archives are silent about how these experiments ended. Who knows, maybe shark children have been among us for a long time. Or maybe, on the contrary, they went into the ocean away from earthly problems. After all, the World Ocean is one big mystery. And, God knows, who is really muddying the waters there.

Official science claims that the World Ocean is the cradle of life. However, for an inexplicable reason, it is the ocean that remains the most hostile environment for humans. Look what's happening around? Giant waves wash away entire continents. Underwater objects unknown to science are interfering in our lives in a masterly manner. And almost every day the World Ocean collects its deadly tribute in human lives, leaving no chance to explain why such great sacrifices are made.

Most people are sure that the remote corners of the underwater world are deserted and only flounder flattened by deep-sea pressure scares its eternal peace. However, even a small part of the declassified archives indicates that our ideas about the World Ocean do not correspond to reality.

And this is what the book you are holding in your hands is about. This is the result of the colossal work of the team of authors of the television program “The Most Shocking Hypotheses,” which airs on the REN-TV channel. This means that a lot of interesting, varied and little-known information awaits you, from which each reader has the right to draw conclusions for himself.

Chapter 1. Lost place

In the beginning there was the sea! Salty...Thick and warm, like cooling soup. It is in it, as scientists believe, that life originated. From single-celled organisms, after millions of years, needle worms hatched, from worms, blind-sighted mollusks were formed, and from all this together - prehistoric fish. And then, for a reason unknown to science, the ancient ocean suddenly began to shallow, and land appeared.

It was then that the smartest of the ancient fish, leaning on its fins, crawled onto land. And she crawled where her eyes were looking. Therefore, if you believe in the theory of evolution, then man did not descend from a monkey, but from this fish with large fins.

But what was left at the bottom of the ocean when the most ancient human ancestor left it?

American Greenpeace employees planned to take deep-sea samples in the Bering Sea to check the extent of its pollution. However, this was not possible - during the dive, the underwater explorers were attacked by a creature of enormous size.

It rushed at the underwater vehicle and at the researchers with obvious aggression, attacking the bathyscaphe, even the bright light of the searchlight did not frighten it. But until recently it was believed that huge squids attacking ships and boats were just sailor stories!

In the Gulf of Mexico in 2004, during an underwater expedition of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, scientists managed to photograph another monstrous squid that swam close to the ship. But sometimes giant squids are not limited to simply approaching, but attempt an attack, which the sailors have difficulty repelling.

The appearance of such creatures makes your blood run cold. Scientists called this monster the hellish vampire squid - it has a bright bloody color, huge tentacles are connected by membranes that are covered with small spines; transparent bulging eyes change color from red to poisonous blue. According to scientists, these creatures are of enormous size - they can reach several hundred meters in length and are capable of dragging almost an entire ship to the bottom!

For some reason, it is in New Zealand that sailors and ordinary researchers most often encounter monstrous sea inhabitants. The remains of one such creature washed ashore on Pukehina Beach in New Zealand. The 10-meter mutilated carcass of the sea monster resembles a prehistoric lizard, its jaw is studded with numerous sharp fangs. Most likely it is a predator. But the most shocking thing is that the monster’s carcass was badly damaged, probably from an attack by an even larger creature. Are there really predators in the abyss of the sea that are many times larger than such a monster? And if this is true, then do such monsters pose a threat to us humans?

New Zealand, Oporua Bay. Under the water, an oblong creature was clearly visible, around which waves appeared as it moved. To create such a wave underwater, you need to be truly impressive in size! According to the most conservative estimates, the length of the monster is 12 meters and its weight is several tons. Some researchers believe that such monsters may be involved in many underwater accidents.

On June 26, 1983, in Saranaya Bay, the nuclear submarine K-429 sank at a depth of 42 meters. The submarine was conducting exercises and suddenly sank. This has never happened anywhere and never: more than a hundred people immediately surfaced from a sunken submarine through a 45-meter ocean layer. All of them survived, except for those who died in the first minutes of the accident. The official version: during the dive, the commander of the nuclear submarine missile carrier forgot to batten down the upper deck hatch, and the boat collapsed to the ground. However, there was an unofficial version - the boat simply lost in a fight with an underwater monster.

Nuclear submarine "K-429"

This version seems incredible, but another Russian military submersible also sank not far from the site of its death in 2005. The submersible was at a depth of 190 meters when control was lost. Then the military did not find what to say, they simply admitted that the cause of the tragedy could have been contact with an unknown underwater object. But then an addition was made: for example, with a cable. But could the bathyscaphe get caught on some kind of underwater cable and therefore fail? To many, this version seems implausible. Moreover, before diving the underwater vehicle, the bottom was examined using hydroacoustics and television cameras, but nothing was found. Then where did the ill-fated cable come from? These and other numerous accidents and catastrophes with underwater deep-sea vehicles lead researchers to believe that some underwater creatures unknown to science inhabit the depths of the World Ocean.

Surprisingly, almost all human attempts to penetrate the black abyss meet desperate resistance. Perhaps the filming of James Cameron, who visited the Mariana Trench several years ago, could reveal the secret. However, the films from the famous director’s dive to monstrous depths have not yet been fully made public.

But Cameron filmed his underwater expedition for more than 6 hours! The world saw only a few minutes from this recording, but even in these skillfully edited frames one can see inhabitants of the underwater depths unknown to modern science: a “cosmic” creature with a poisonous color, clearly a predator, with a powerful electric discharge passing through each of its cells. Or is the unknown creature swimming past the camera a giant tentacle or the tail of an octopus-like creature?

And meetings with unknown creatures could remain behind the scenes. Perhaps they were the ones who attacked our submarines. This version, of course, seems fantastic, but only at first glance.

In March 1963, in the Pacific Ocean near Catalina Island in California, an unknown object emerged from the water and hovered in the air. The next morning, all American newspapers wrote about the Californian incident, as it was called in the press. Different versions of what happened have been put forward. Some suggested that the unidentified object belongs to a civilization unknown to us, which is based on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Others explained the photographs taken as a mirage that arose as a result of the curvature of space and time. The New York tabloids outdid everyone, who, as one, published, as a carbon copy, supposedly secret technical information obtained by the US Navy on the same day. According to these publications, the military recorded an unidentified underwater object with sonar devices, which was moving at a tremendous speed - 280 kilometers per hour! – moved directly under the ships at a depth of 6.5 kilometers. Moreover, the newspapers wrote that a special commission, having studied the materials, was unable to find out which submarine such characteristics could correspond to.

Igor Prokopenko

Secrets of the underwater world

© Prokopenko I., 2017

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2017


Recently declassified archives indicate that a secret experiment was conducted in the fifties to crossbreed a man and a shark. The military set an ambitious goal: by mixing shark genes, try to improve human nature. Make him more durable, increase his resistance to radiation and, who knows, teach him to breathe underwater.

The archives are silent about how these experiments ended. Who knows, maybe shark children have been among us for a long time. Or maybe, on the contrary, they went into the ocean away from earthly problems. After all, the World Ocean is one big mystery. And, God knows, who is really muddying the waters there.

Official science claims that the World Ocean is the cradle of life. However, for an inexplicable reason, it is the ocean that remains the most hostile environment for humans. Look what's happening around? Giant waves wash away entire continents. Underwater objects unknown to science are interfering in our lives in a masterly manner. And almost every day the World Ocean collects its deadly tribute in human lives, leaving no chance to explain why such great sacrifices are made.

Most people are sure that the remote corners of the underwater world are deserted and only flounder flattened by deep-sea pressure scares its eternal peace. However, even a small part of the declassified archives indicates that our ideas about the World Ocean do not correspond to reality.

And this is what the book you are holding in your hands is about. This is the result of the colossal work of the team of authors of the television program “The Most Shocking Hypotheses,” which airs on the REN-TV channel. This means that a lot of interesting, varied and little-known information awaits you, from which each reader has the right to draw conclusions for himself.

Chapter 1. Lost place

In the beginning there was the sea! Salty...Thick and warm, like cooling soup. It is in it, as scientists believe, that life originated. From single-celled organisms, after millions of years, needle worms hatched, from worms, blind-sighted mollusks were formed, and from all this together - prehistoric fish. And then, for a reason unknown to science, the ancient ocean suddenly began to shallow, and land appeared.

It was then that the smartest of the ancient fish, leaning on its fins, crawled onto land. And she crawled where her eyes were looking. Therefore, if you believe in the theory of evolution, then man did not descend from a monkey, but from this fish with large fins.

But what was left at the bottom of the ocean when the most ancient human ancestor left it?

American Greenpeace employees planned to take deep-sea samples in the Bering Sea to check the extent of its pollution. However, this was not possible - during the dive, the underwater explorers were attacked by a creature of enormous size.

It rushed at the underwater vehicle and at the researchers with obvious aggression, attacking the bathyscaphe, even the bright light of the searchlight did not frighten it. But until recently it was believed that huge squids attacking ships and boats were just sailor stories!

In the Gulf of Mexico in 2004, during an underwater expedition of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, scientists managed to photograph another monstrous squid that swam close to the ship. But sometimes giant squids are not limited to simply approaching, but attempt an attack, which the sailors have difficulty repelling.

The appearance of such creatures makes your blood run cold. Scientists called this monster the hellish vampire squid - it has a bright bloody color, huge tentacles are connected by membranes that are covered with small spines; transparent bulging eyes change color from red to poisonous blue. According to scientists, these creatures are of enormous size - they can reach several hundred meters in length and are capable of dragging almost an entire ship to the bottom!

For some reason, it is in New Zealand that sailors and ordinary researchers most often encounter monstrous sea inhabitants. The remains of one such creature washed ashore on Pukehina Beach in New Zealand. The 10-meter mutilated carcass of the sea monster resembles a prehistoric lizard, its jaw is studded with numerous sharp fangs. Most likely it is a predator. But the most shocking thing is that the monster’s carcass was badly damaged, probably from an attack by an even larger creature. Are there really predators in the abyss of the sea that are many times larger than such a monster? And if this is true, then do such monsters pose a threat to us humans?

Ancient authors reported on the attacks of giant octopuses on ships. In one of the works of the ancient Roman writer Pliny, there is a description of an ancient monster, the “polyps” of which, that is, tentacles, reached 10 meters in length. At the end of the 19th century, the American zoologist Verrill examined a squid found on the coast of the island of Newfoundland; its length reached 18 meters. However, there are also reports of 30-meter monsters.

In early May 1874, a tragedy occurred in the Indian Ocean, caused by an attack by an unknown sea creature. The story of the surviving sailors even appeared on the pages of London newspapers. According to the published material, a monster with the body of a shark and a bumpy growth on its head attacked the ship when the sea was calmer than ever. The monster hit the schooner on the starboard side, it capsized and sank.

Incredibly, the description of this sea monster accurately resembles in detail a creature that was recently caught by fishermen in the Black Sea, off the coast of Crimea. Compare: a predatory fish with the mouth of a dinosaur and a large ugly growth on its head. This creature, while on deck, rushed at the sailors, trying to bite them. The fishermen handed over the carcass of the monster to Sevastopol biologists, and they announced a scientific sensation. According to oceanologists, this creature resembles a very ancient species of sharks that have not been found in nature for a long time, and the ugly growth on their head has been preserved since the time of dinosaurs. There is only one known case of such a shark being caught at the end of the 19th century. It is not clear how the ancient monster got into the Black Sea.

Anatoly Tavrichesky, oceanologist, says:

“All over the World Ocean, sailors have encountered these giant snakes, but the most reliable and most frequent sighting is in the Black Sea. Previously, this was observed very rarely, now the object appears every year from the Karadag region to Sevastopol, to Cape Fiolent. After all, the Black Sea is a closed basin 2200 meters deep. At a depth of 400 meters, some large object passed. What was that? It is unknown, but this is a hydrogen sulfide zone. In the oxygen zone we see our Black Sea snake Bleki constantly, every year.”

Researchers say that because of the monsters that inhabit the depths of the ocean, ships and their crews may indeed disappear without a trace. However, according to scientists, these terrible stories about monsters living in the abyss are nothing compared to the real secrets that the World Ocean hides.

In the summer of 2001, French archaeologist Frank Gaudiot discovered at the bottom of the Gulf of Abukir, near Egypt, the ruins of a city that had been underwater for at least 2,000 years. Despite such a long period, many city buildings are well preserved: piers, temples, statues of gods, fragments of residential buildings. The ancient statues that once adorned this city are well preserved.

There was also a fragment of a giant stele, which most likely was located at the front gate. For a long time, researchers could not understand what kind of ancient city it was and why it ended up under water. Everything fell into place when they discovered a huge slab hidden under a thick layer of silt. When it was cleared, the incredible was revealed: the inscriptions said that the ancient city was Heraklion, the legendary Egyptian metropolis where Cleopatra was crowned. For a long time, this city was considered mythical, because no evidence or artifacts existed, except for mentions in ancient Greek myths and legends.

Ancient Heraklion was considered the gates of Egypt and was the main seaport of that time. Its berths were crowded with ships from Cyprus, Sicily and the Aegean islands. This port city had the best trading stores of that time - with jewelry, incense, and household utensils. Some of these objects now rest on the seabed. And in the harbor of Heraklion there are now the wrecks of at least 10 ships, piled in a heap. And what’s surprising is that the masts of all these schooners are tilted in one direction. This find led researchers to believe that all these ships were sunk by a huge tsunami - a multi-kilometer wave that in an instant wiped out the largest port city of the Ancient World.

But how powerful would the wave have to be to flood an entire city? And how did this tsunami form? In search of answers, American scientists studied the geology of this area and found out something sensational. It turned out that a whole series of earthquakes in the Mediterranean zone, which lasted for 50 years in the 13th century BC, led to the flooding of many legendary cities, known to us only from the works of ancient geographers and historians. Troy, Jericho and almost 50 other ancient city-states, one after another, disappeared into the depths of the sea.

Scientists believe that the discovery of Heraklion suggests that the mythical Atlantis is not a fiction either. And although today it is believed that the story about the ancient island-state is just a fairy tale for people with a rich imagination, it is quite possible that underwater archaeologists will find Atlantis on the ocean floor under a layer of sand and silt, just as they found the mythical Heraklion. In the meantime, we can only guess where exactly Atlantis was and why it ended up on the seabed. According to one version, by the way, the legendary island was located not far from Heraklion on the Santorini archipelago.

This is one of the most beautiful places on the globe. The archipelago is located in the Aegean Sea, 200 kilometers from the coast of Greece, and consists of several islands that form a surprisingly regular circle with a clear lagoon in the center. Few people know, but the archipelago did not always look like this. It's hard to believe that Santorini was once a single piece of land, however, it stood right on an active supervolcano!! Three and a half thousand years ago it exploded. A powerful eruption almost completely destroyed the middle of Santorini, and it went under water. Only five small islands remained on the surface. Incredibly, these are nothing more than parts of a giant crater!

The ancient city of Akrotiri was discovered in 1967 on the island of Thira, which is part of the Santorini archipelago. The settlement is more than four thousand years old, but it is perfectly preserved. Not only two- and three-story houses survived, even the unique frescoes practically did not fade. However, the preservation of the complex is not at all connected with the incredible construction technologies of the ancient masters. The city of Akrotiri looks like this for only one reason: for almost three and a half thousand years it was completely buried under a layer of volcanic ash.

The catastrophic volcanic eruption on Santorini occurred in 1640 BC, but it is still considered one of the most powerful in the history of mankind. The violent eruption continued for several days. During this time, the volcano released a huge mass of ash into the atmosphere, which plunged the planet into darkness for years and changed the climate thousands of kilometers from the epicenter. Santorini itself suffered the most - the island was covered with a layer of hot ash 30 meters high. But the worst thing happened when the crater of the volcano suddenly collapsed! In its place, a huge funnel with an area of ​​40 square kilometers and a depth of 400 meters formed, which immediately began to fill with sea water. The hot crater of the volcano turned into a huge seething cauldron. The water, combining with lava, caused a powerful explosion. It caused a tsunami in the Aegean Sea. Waves reaching a height of almost 20 meters hit the island of Crete and completely destroyed the most ancient, highly developed Minoan civilization in Europe.

Map of the Greek island of Santorini

It is believed that an even earlier volcanic eruption on Santorini could have destroyed Atlantis, which was located somewhere in the archipelago area. And although the existence of this legendary land has not yet been proven by scientists, archaeologists have found many artifacts that indicate that ancient humanity was not at all as primitive as we used to think.