
From which city will World War 3 begin? World War III: how it could be

Humanity is on the threshold of the Third World War. Watch doomsday shows two minutes to midnight. Never before in history have people been so close to using weapons of mass destruction.

North Korea once again successfully launches a missile. President of Russia Vladimir Putin talks about a new weapon that can turn the world into radioactive ash. And on the website of the Russia 24 channel there is an article about what to take with you to a bomb shelter. Coincidence? We don't think so! If not today, then tomorrow the butterfly will flap its wings, and the world will plunge into the chaos of the Third World War.

What do intellectuals think about the prospects of World War III? Will it happen? What will lead to it? What fate awaits Belarus?

Writer Viktor Martinovich: There will be no place left for Belarus in the new world

What worries me is the concentration of hatred that is in the air. I just don't understand this global rage and hatred.

The world is successfully sliding towards World War III. The presence of Donald Trump as US President and Vladimir Putin as Russian President is just a wonderful situation that leads to war. It doesn’t matter where it “bombs”: in Syria, North Korea or somewhere else. With the accumulation of weapons that is now happening on both sides, sooner or later this will happen.

I just returned from Istanbul. The city, which has always been a relaxed, secular, cultural capital, is now blocked off by patrols, with police vans with water cannons stationed every 500 meters. And it's perfect new situation for Istanbul, which I don't remember.

When the “rubilovo” begins, which is what is going on, the regions, continents, and land will be divided into pieces. What kind of Belarus is this? As a result of each world war, the world was redivided. And this is what I fear most. I am afraid that in this new world there will be no place for Belarus. But this, unfortunately, will be the smallest problem that will bother me and you at that moment.

Political scientist Evgeny Preygerman: Nuclear weapons are holding the world back from World War III

I don't have the feeling that we are on the verge of World War III. But there is a feeling that the world is going a little crazy. This is a typical phenomenon for conflicts that are just beginning. For the last twenty years we have had a stable system of international relations, and now we see that those rules and systemic things that gave us a sense of stability and predictability no longer work.

The factor of nuclear weapons is the guaranteed murder of all humanity. That's what kept the world going during " cold war" from turning her into a "hot one".

Man has a habit of getting out of the habit of certain things. Previously, the memory of a world war gave us reason to say: “Never again,” and historical processes were fundamentally changed because of this. But time passes, and some things begin to be forgotten.

I would like to hope that the evolution of humanity also affects some of our humanistic ideas. And, at least, a feeling of points or lines is formed that you cannot pass through.

Philosopher Maxim Goryunov: Russians do not rule out war, they take it into account. Russian culture is ready for war

We all live in the illusion that “this won’t happen again.” The report by Steven Pinker, the books of Douglas North and other sociological authors say that the level of violence in the world is decreasing. And we believe in it. We believe that global war is something of the past. This is a beautiful, kind and pleasant illusion that we are interested in believing. But man is an aggressive creature. I think war might happen.

It seems to me that Russian culture is absolutely military. The rallies in Volokolamsk are very indicative in this sense. Speeches at these rallies ordinary people, tribunes, that of the people. The metaphors they used were entirely based on war cinema. They have no other metaphors in their heads. These people were in critical stressful situation, this may be the first or second rally in their entire lives. They are worried. And when a person is worried, he speaks the language of “basic education”, a vision of the world. And in this situation, most of them used the metaphor of war. They came to the rally, and they regarded it as a war.

The metaphor of war is part of the modern Russian worldview. Outside St. Petersburg and Moscow, Soviet and imperial inertia regarding the war are still at work. In all of Russia, except for these two cities, they are ready for war. This manifests itself at the level of life planning. People do not rule out war, they take it into account, they are ready for it. War would be close to the hearts of the Russian people. Russian culture is ready for war.

Belarusians, as far as I understand them, have a different perception of the war. First of all, for them it is a punitive action. First Soviet, then Nazi, then Soviet again. The Belarusian idea of ​​war is not so much about the front line and battles, but about how to escape from punitive forces, how to hide from them so that you don’t get caught, some kind of unobtrusive collaboration is possible, just to save the family. Unlike Russia, where people talk about war as a victory, for Belarus war is grief. It's like a plague, cruel and terrible. And what to do when it comes" Black Death"? We need to save ourselves.

Science fiction writer Alexey Shein: We are not New Zealand or Switzerland, we are on the divide between two civilizations

I see two main lines along which the world can split. This is a line of political confrontation and new technologies. And as for politics, it seems to me that there are three clear points: the issue of the Middle East, around Israel and the countries around it; the situation around North Korea; the situation around Russia and its closest neighbors, Russia's desire to return parts of the former Soviet Union or Russian Empire. As for technology, the issue of artificial intelligence is very ambiguous. We don't know what its development may lead to. I agree with those futurists and researchers who say this technology can be dangerous.

In the English-language Wikipedia there are hundreds of versions of why the Third World War will begin and how it will take place. One of the most popular is that Russia will begin the conquest of Ukraine, NATO will strike Russia. The option looks fantastic, but in 1981, in the office of the Englishwoman Thatcher, they also prepared a plan for the Third World War, when the USSR would launch an invasion of Germany and the West would strike nuclear bomb across Eastern Europe.

One can be extremely skeptical about the anxious expectations and neurosis of negative futurologists, but every time, decades later, it turns out that their picture of the future is a pitiful imitation of what is drawn in the General Staffs of the leading powers. For example, this is exactly what happened with the colorful description of the British General Staff of how the Third World War would take place. But more about this plan below, but for now - about the most popular version of the causes and course of the Third World War, described in the English-language Wiki.

“Former KGB agent Vladimir Putin, who became the president of Russia, dreamed of returning Russia to the status of a world power. The first time he began creating an anti-American coalition was in 2003, together with his allies, the leaders of Germany and France, Schröder and Chirac. Nothing worked out with this coalition, and he decided to recreate the USSR in the form of the Eurasian Union, and even expand it to include states from the “axis of evil.”

Domestically, Putin also began rebuilding the USSR by cracking down on leftists, Sunni Muslims, and homosexuals.

At first, Obama decided to make peace with Russia, arguing that the former foreign policy was Bush's mistake. However, the Arab Spring showed that America does not intend to abandon its aggressive policy towards countries that do not follow the path of neoliberalism. Putin was afraid that the Americans would do the same to Russia as they did to Libya or Egypt. Putin decided to prevent the West from attacking his country.

And now a brief chronology of the development of the Third World War:

February 7-23: Winter Olympic Games will take place in Sochi. During this event, the world gets a complete picture of Putin's Russia.

March 13: Belarus declares joining Russia. Many are shocked by this step. Russia and Belarus were close allies and tried to form a "Union State", but almost no one expected a full-scale annexation.

May 20: Vladimir Putin threatens to launch a second invasion of Georgia if it opposes referendums in South Ossetia and Abkhazia on their status.

May 28: Barack Obama declares Putin's threats unacceptable and threatens military retaliation if Putin invades Georgia.

September 12: Putin threatens Georgia again, this time giving a deadline of October 1 for a referendum.

September 13: Obama picks up the red phone in the Oval Office and calls on Putin to come to his senses. He asks to convene a conference in St. Petersburg to discuss the crisis in the Caucasus. Putin accepts the offer.

September 22-30: Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron, French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei meet with Putin in St. Petersburg to discuss the crisis. In the end, they all agree to hold a referendum in South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

November 4: US midterm elections. Republicans have a supermajority in the House of Representatives and a slim majority in the Senate.

November 7: Russian Ambassador to Poland Vladimir Grinin is killed by an activist protesting violations of gay rights in Russia. On the same day, there is an assassination attempt on Putin, and he barely survives. The murder of Ambassador Grinin and the assassination attempt on Putin provoke mass unrest in Moscow, inspired by the radical opposition. Riots are also occurring in other Russian cities.

November 8-10: Riots continue. No one has seen or heard of Putin these days, which gives rise to a wave of rumors about his death. In the end, the riots were suppressed, during their dispersal, 873 people died, more than 90 thousand people were arrested.

November 11: Putin makes his first public speaking after the assassination attempt. He declares martial law, bans leftist and liberal parties in order to “preserve the unity of the country and security. He argues that "the unrest is actually the work of the West, and Russia won this war against it."

December 6: Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski tells Russian Foreign Minister Alexander Yakovenko that Poland recognizes East Asia as Russia's exclusive sphere of influence.


January 1: The Eurasian Union is formed. It included Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Western media give it the name “New Soviet Union”.

January 23: A leak appears in the US that Russia planned to invade Latvia in February 2015. This information leads to a significant change in US policy towards Russia.

February 6: President Obama reminds Putin that under Article V of the NATO Charter, if Russia tries to expand its influence into Eastern Europe, the United States will be forced to use military force.

February 26: Presidential elections are held in Ukraine. Neither candidate receives an absolute majority of the vote, and Viktor Yanukovych and anti-Russian opposition candidate Vitali Klitschko advance to the second round.

March 14: Russia unites the territories of North Ossetia and South Ossetia to form a puppet state called simply "Ossetia". The system in Ossetia is defined as an “Orthodox theocracy,” and there they immediately move on to the fight against gays, Sunni Muslims and communists. The US refuses to recognize Ossetia.

March 15: Russia occupies Georgia in violation of the Treaty of St. Petersburg. Georgia becomes a puppet state of Russia.

March 17: President Obama holds an emergency joint session of Congress and declares that the United States will now pursue a zero-tolerance policy toward Russian aggression.

March 18: Russia and Turkey are effectively at war when Turkish warships open fire on Russian warships in the Black Sea. Turkey says it was forced to take this step by intercepting a signal from Russian ships that they had received orders to begin a blockade of the Eastern Mediterranean to prevent the supply of American weapons to Syrian militants.

March 19: The second round of elections in Ukraine takes place and Klitschko is declared the winner. Russia refuses to accept the results.

March 20: Russia announces that if Klitschko is sworn in, Russia will be forced to lay claim to the Tuzla Spit in the Kerch Strait and Sarych. An emergency NATO summit begins in Brussels. At Turkey's request to provide it with military assistance NATO refused against Russia. This was the beginning of the gap between Turkey and NATO.

March 21: Putin convenes a special session of the Duma. He repeats his claims against Tuzla and Sarych, and also announces that if Klitschko is sworn in, Russia will withdraw from the Russian-Ukrainian agreement on the naval base in Sevastopol, from the 2010 gas agreement and from the 1997 Peace and Friendship Treaty of the year.

March 23: Russia and Egypt signed a military treaty on the alliance of the two countries. President Putin sternly warns Egypt's enemies and says an attack on Egypt will be considered an attack on Russia.

March 25: Ossetian forces attack Kurdish Muslim refugees arriving in Azerbaijan. Al-Qaeda declares war on Ossetia.

March 27: A coup is carried out in Pakistan. The pro-Western Imran Khan comes to power, he announces the deradicalization of the country and improvement of relations with the West. It also disrupts al-Qaeda's operations in Russia.

April 2: Syrian Civil War ends in victory for the rebels. The new government is breaking all ties with Russia.

May 6: Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, who emigrated after the riots last November, says at a meeting with President Obama at the White House that the Russian and Turkish governments are secretly beginning a rapprochement to divide Eastern Europe between them.

May 17: Finland, Japan and Lebanon reject Russian proposals for non-aggression pacts.

July 10: An extraordinary meeting of NATO countries is held in Brussels. NATO passes a resolution promising to protect Ukraine from any Russian attack. On the same day, the EU adopts a similar resolution.

August 23: Russia and Turkey sign a non-aggression pact, which orders an end to Turkish interference in Russian interests in Ukraine.

August 25: Putin delays a military offensive against Ukraine for a week in response to Iranian threats to withdraw from the CSTO if Russia attacks Ukraine.

September 1: Russia attacks Tuzla in the Kerch Strait and Sarych and Sevastopol. Fighting soon begins in eastern Ukraine, and a full-scale invasion of Ukraine is launched.

As a result, the Third World War will take the lives of 250 million people and lead to the defeat of Russia and its bloc. The world will be thrown back a century. What did not happen in 1917 due to the weakness of the Entente will happen in 2016 - the Western world will occupy Russia and establish democracy and the values ​​of civilized humanity there.

(In a separate chapter, the American Wiki editors briefly describe that China took the side of Russia. From American satellites, major Chinese cities were destroyed, and China quickly exited the war, suffering losses of 150 million people. The remaining 100 million killed were in Ukraine, Russia, Turkey and countries former USSR. No nuclear weapons were used, the main fighting were due to the destruction of enemy infrastructure - cities, power plants, hydroelectric power stations, ports, railway junctions, etc.).

Well, now about another scenario of the Third World War, prescribed by the British General Staff back in 1981.

The entire plan is still classified as “secret” in the National Archives of England. But 30 years later, in 2011, part of it was declassified.

This plan was called the "War Book", and it served as a guide to action not only for the government of the United Kingdom, but also for governors and mayors of cities.

The military book had a volume of 250 pages. Prime Minister of England Margaret Thatcher was directly involved in the compilation of the War Book.

The script begins in early March 1981. It was indeed a time of deepening international tension, following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the election of Ronald Reagan as US President, and the rise of Solidarity in Poland.

In Britain, Thatcher decided to deploy cruise missiles at the American base on Greenham Common, to the fury of left-wing activists and trade unions.

In the USSR, by March 1981, Brezhnev was eliminated as a result of a military coup, and the KGB junta came to power.

As in the First World War, the Balkans became a powder keg, Yugoslavia - a nominally communist country that was moving towards the West.

England and the United States sent additional troops to West Germany at the beginning of 1981. At this time, the USSR is probing the West, sinking and detaining Norwegian fishing vessels.

With the money of the KGB in England, the “fifth column” is activated - leftists, feminist organizations, trade unions, as well as various kinds of minorities - from sexual to national and religious.

Organizations such as the Violet World, supported by communists and the Welsh separatist Cewri Cymru - the "Welsh Giants" - organize arson attacks on public buildings in England. Irish terrorists join them with KGB money. Big cities Britain is gradually descending into chaos.

The Ministry of Defense begins an operation to return 100 thousand wives and children of military personnel from West Germany. Panic is sweeping England - the population is actively buying canned food, sugar, flour and gasoline. Mass demonstrations are taking place across England. In Leeds and Sheffield, thousands of students are marching against the government. In Dartmoor prison, 24 Irish terrorist prisoners escape with the help of leftists.

By the evening of March 11, it becomes known that the USSR began to gather troops to the border with Turkey and in Bulgaria on the border with Yugoslavia. At the same time, NATO is trying to strengthen its troops in West Germany and Scandinavia.

On March 13, Soviet troops enter Yugoslavia. On the same day, Iraq attacked eastern Turkey. The Norwegian military says there is a huge military build-up along its northeastern border.

The British government is currently focusing all its attention on the deteriorating food situation. In many parts of the country, stores have run out of coal, gasoline, batteries and candles, as well as sugar and flour, and pharmacies have run out of medicines. Looting begins in some areas of large cities.

Leftists and trade unions, on orders from Moscow, are carrying out acts of sabotage. For example, oil refineries with all their fuel reserves were destroyed by bomb explosions. Terrorist attacks are also carried out at naval bases.

The next morning, Saturday March 14, queues form at banks, people rush to withdraw their deposits. The Thatcher government asks the Irish government to host internment camps for left-wing, student and trade union activists from England.

On the same day, a massive anti-war rally begins in Trafalgar Square, led by prominent deputies from the Labor Party, trade union activists, sports and show business figures. It ends in a violent confrontation with the police. The government is forced to arrest the rioters, Labor leader Michael Foot and Archbishop of Canterbury Robert Runcie.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs bans all marches and processions for a month. On the same day, 16 people die as a result of terrorist attacks.

On March 16, 1981, more than 100 Soviet bombers raid England. They strike air defense and radar installations throughout the country.

Half an hour after the raid began, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington, and Defense Secretary John Nott hastily held a meeting. That same morning, Soviet troops landed on the Danish island of Bornholm.

Thatcher appears on television and radio, calling on the people to remain calm. There is only one TV channel, the BBC. Exits from major cities of the country are blocked by thousands of cars. Police say 50,000 people have already been evacuated from Manchester and 20,000 from Liverpool.

A few hours later, Whitehall is rocked by a car bomb, followed by an explosion at Green Park tube station, killing 8 people. England declares war on the USSR.

The next day, Tuesday 17 March, marks one of the darkest days in England's history. More than 400 Soviet bombers raid the country. Hundreds of dead in Glasgow, Plymouth, Liverpool and other cities. At the same time, the “fifth column” organizes several powerful explosions at airports and railway stations, including London Victoria Station.

In Parliament, Thatcher invites Labor to unite in common struggle, but they reject this proposal.

Panic begins in English cities. Robberies and looting flourish in the streets, rural areas farmers shoot people who encroach on their property.

Soviet troops use chemical weapon in Yugoslavia. The invasion begins Soviet troops and to Norway. For the first time, the British cabinet is thinking about launching a nuclear strike on the Soviet bloc.

The next day, Soviet bloc troops enter Greece, Turkey and land troops in northern Italy. NATO's position is becoming critical.

On March 20, another massive air raid on England takes place. On the same day, the troops of the Soviet bloc attack West Germany and in the first hours penetrate 40 km into its territory.

England insists that NATO launch a nuclear strike on the Soviet bloc. But in order not to make the USSR feel that it now has nowhere to retreat, it is proposed to drop 29 low-power atomic bombs on the Warsaw Pact countries - on Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Bulgaria.

But Thatcher suggests starting with three atomic bombs, making it clear that this is just the beginning. A leak was organized to Soviet spies in the British Ministry of Defense that on March 22 NATO would launch nuclear strikes on Soviet satellites. On the evening of March 21, the USSR offers the West a truce, but with the condition that Yugoslavia and Greece are part of the Soviet bloc. The West agrees to this. But NATO is developing a plan to activate the “fifth column” in the USSR, as well as redirect Iran to fight the USSR. “The USSR must explode itself, and not as a result of our war with it,” says Thatcher.

That’s what happened later, the USSR exploded itself. One of the plans for fighting World War III was partially accurate in predicting the results.

The third world war refers to a theoretically possible large-scale military confrontation. In the twentieth century there was supposed to be a war between Soviet Union and the United States of America. In the twenty-first - the global fight against terrorism.

Relations between countries today are varied. Some are connected by partnerships, others by debt obligations, others by historically established neighborly relations. There are also warring countries. But in any case, the current situation in the world is tense. These include wars, terrorism, and the struggle for spheres of influence. At the same time, internal tension among citizens is growing in states. The USA stands out the most, of course.

Their policies alarm many. First, they support many wars both financially and morally. They do this, of course, for their own benefit. But, on the other hand, America has a large foreign debt. Secondly, there is an opinion that the United States is the creators of the Islamic State. Their goal is to destabilize the situation in the Middle East.

Ukraine became another dangerous place. The President and his citizens were not found common language regarding the country's accession to the European Union. Large-scale shelling of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics could well have become the beginning of the Third World War.

Prophecies about World War III

  • Vanga spoke about some global changes and war after the fall of Syria.
  • Nostradamus prophesied the inevitability of the Third World War, and the culprits would be Muslims. According to his predictions, the war will last twenty-seven years.
  • Vasily Nemchin, an astrologer of the sixteenth century, argued that a world war would begin after a “black man” came to power in one of the overseas countries.
  • Greek Bishop Anthony said that terrible events would begin in Syria.
  • In 1815, the English prophetess Joanna Southcott predicted the end after the war in the East.

When will World War III start? Predictions say that very soon. Can we say that we are on the threshold of the Third World War?

Who can initiate a war?

  • People's Republic of China. Why not? And a huge population, and good military equipment, and patriotic citizens.
  • USA. Their involvement in all armed unrest is becoming alarming.
  • Eastern countries professing Islam. Their “fascination” with terrorism can become a threat to the whole world.
  • In addition, there is evidence that the cause may be...nature! There is repeated talk about possible climate change, which will lead to crop failures and famine. There may also be a disadvantage fresh water, energy. All this will become a prerequisite for war.

Some experts believe that the US will be the instigator of the war. They plan to fight with China. The latter has achieved and continues to achieve industrial success. America is the leader in the military sphere. It is quite possible that in a couple of decades China will build a powerful fleet quite comparable to the US Navy. This will be the result of the fall of the United States. Another reason for the war will be America's huge debt to China.

What could be the consequences?

  • A large number of deaths as a result of the use of nuclear weapons. It is planned to reduce the number of inhabitants to fifty million.
  • Increase in background radiation in the atmosphere and soil: twelve times in Europe and North Africa; at fifteen - in North America; at eighteen - in East Asia; at seven - in South Asia. This can cause the death of many plants and animals, as well as people.
  • Destruction of a colossal number of economic, cultural, political and other objects.
  • Change climatic conditions: Significant decrease in temperature in many regions of the world.
  • The disappearance of many countries, the transformation of some states into desert.
  • No one will win the war, but everyone will suffer.
  • Humanity will again live in caves.
  • Integration of all social groups, confessions, languages ​​into a single civilization.

A feature of the Third World War may be a new generation of weapons: beam and neutron. However, not all countries have it, which means that a division into “strong” and “weak” will immediately be established.

Possible periodization of a future war

  1. Working on creating the latest weapons. Moreover, the main leaders in the arms race will most likely be Russia, Germany and the United States. It is these powers that have all the conditions for this.
  2. First stage war.
  3. The period of the height of hostilities and the spread of terrorism.
  4. Mass destruction of world structures and objects.
  5. Planetary genocide.

Thus, the possibility of World War III exists. Even possible initiators and reasons are known. But, of course, the consequences will be the most terrible. This is due to new destructive weapons. Albert Einstein once said that “if the Third World War will be with atomic bombs, then the Fourth will be with sticks and stones.” This once again confirms that the possible upcoming war will leave no one untouched.

Repeatedly, people who can see into the future have warned us about the threat looming over humanity. Unfortunately, we rarely seriously consider such prophecies, believing that it is impossible to accurately predict the fate of not an individual person, but the entire planet. I will try to prove that the psychics are right, and today with our eyes closed we approached a cliff, from which we are separated by a tiny step from falling.

What did Vanga predict?

Vanga's predictions about the likelihood of World War III in 2015. Today these prophecies are more relevant than ever.

According to Vanga, known as an unusually powerful psychic, by the beginning of the Third World War, countries will literally be mired in envy, murder, and lies. Humanity will have nothing to drink. Environmental conditions will become such that trees will stop growing, and the harvest will be very poor.

A similar picture is observed all over the world. Air and water pollution no longer surprises anyone; wars do not stop. New conflicts break out almost every day. I turn on the TV and hear the news confirming the increase in aggression. It seems that humanity has fallen into amnesia and forgotten the lessons of history.

The reason why a new one must break out terrible war was obvious to Vanga. Humanity has long been divided into several hostile camps, according to religion. People worship different Gods, often turning away from the forces of Light and selling their souls to Darkness. It's funny, most religions teach kindness and compassion, but in reality we strive to subjugate those who are weaker. Nowadays, sincere, pure actions have become so rare that they are written about in surprise in the media.

Vanga's predictions about the fate of the world directly speak of impending dramatic changes in human consciousness. Now the only real value is money. They are the ones who bring honor and a calm old age, power and the right to dictate their will.

Vanga was sure that disaster would break out when Syria fell. Now we are watching Syria gradually being wiped off the face of the earth. The shelling of this state by the United States and ISIS is the very “bells” warning about the possible outbreak of a third world war in the Middle East. But fortunately, Syria is still standing and the trees continue to grow. Therefore, there remains hope that people will come to their senses and peace will be maintained in this territory, and tragedy will be avoided.

What is the future for Russia and the world?

While reading predictions about the future, real for humanity, I found a prophecy made by a psychic from Serbia. Like Vanga, he warned about the threat of something new that could destroy the planet.

It is unknown what tests are being carried out today in secret laboratories, but the only weapon with sufficient power is the “peaceful” atom. The number of countries possessing this incredible, destructive power is gradually growing. Of course, nuclear weapons have largely become the preserve of Russia, China and the United States. But developments are already underway in India and North Korea.

It is unknown what consequences the military buildup will have. The United States has already demonstrated to the world once that it is ready to light the fuse. The bombing of Japanese cities was not only meant to end the resistance of a people unwilling to accept defeat, it was an object lesson in strength.

However, natural disasters pose no less danger. By disturbing the fragile ecological balance, humanity deliberately provokes disasters, the scale of which is difficult to assess. Their consequences have yet to be fully felt by our descendants. I was horrified to learn that the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico had changed the temperature of the Gulf Stream, which determines the climate of much of the planet.

The situation in Ukraine today is dangerous. The desire of the United States to emphasize its power and put uncontrolled countries in their place, the need to search for raw material appendages for European countries led to a military conflict. As is customary, they blamed it on a third-party state, Russia. I have always respected the Ukrainian people, but now it seems that there has been a massive zombification of the country’s population.

The introduction of sanctions on Russia, open threats, and unfounded accusations caused a natural response. The United States, due to its limited mentality, is not able to understand that the Russian people have repeatedly proven that they know how to unite in the face of danger. It’s funny to scare people who have survived a series of endless defaults with rising prices.

The Third World War will become the Apocalypse that Nostradamus warned about. However, in many ways the fate of the world is determined by Russia, and this has been repeatedly emphasized by great psychics, for example, Casey.

Who will be the new US President

The future of the world also depends on the new American president. The fight between Hirrari and Trump is very serious. Many psychics predict that Clinton's policies will negatively affect Russia and the residents of the United States. Nevertheless, when answering the question, many psychics foretell Hillary’s victory.

Will Russia survive the confrontation with the West?

Vanga, Grigory Rasputin, Casey - it is difficult to list all the predictors who assured that our country is the last guarantor of peace. Even without resorting to esoteric revelations, one can understand that psychics are right.

Today Russia is the deterrent that prevents the United States from realizing its threats. Why, shaking its fists, does America not risk open attack?

The United States has almost never allowed military operations to take place on its own territory. Our countries are separated by the narrow Bering Strait, and the puppet masters running Obama are well aware of how fragile this line is. The American people are not ready for large-scale hostilities.

This was the reason for the intensification of the conflict in Ukraine. It is much easier to carry coals from the stove with someone else’s hands. Now the precarious balance in the world directly depends on the caution and wisdom of our government. Perhaps it is Russia that will have to play the role of the new Messiah, capable of eliminating the nuclear threat.

The future of Russia is directly related to the political situation throughout the world. The introduction of sanctions showed that not all countries are ready to unconditionally obey orders coming from Washington. By their actions, China, India, Kazakhstan, and Latin American countries once again emphasized that they do not need US advice and are not afraid of its threats. I hope the show of support will curb aggressive ambitions and the psychic predictions about World War III will become a psychic mistake.

In contact with

Many people ask themselves the question: when will the third world war begin, and is this really a real prospect, and not the fiction of science fiction writers? To answer this question we need to look at history.

The reasons that led the world to two world wars and the current situation in the world

To understand whether a third world war is possible, we need to analyze the reasons that led to the outbreak of the first two world wars.

  • The First World War was fought over spheres of influence in Europe and for colonies, which were not enough for everyone;
  • The Second World War was a continuation of the First and began as a consequence of the policies of Hitler, who came to power by skillfully playing on the thirst for revenge of the losing German people, adding here his theory of the exclusivity of the Aryan race.

The results of the war are the same in all cases:

  1. Famine and destruction;
  2. Epidemics and unsanitary conditions;
  3. Tens of millions of killed and maimed soldiers and civilians;
  4. Civil conflicts;
  5. Looting and banditry.

As a result, post-war devastation sets nations back decades in development.

The “pendulum” theory in the light of recent events and the crusades

Based on the theory of the pendulum, one can make disappointing predictions about the Third World War. In the Middle Ages, immigrants from African countries (the so-called “Moors”) captured Spain, from where long years carried out devastating raids on European countries. The pendulum swung, and the Moors left Europe, and the Europeans made a deposit out of Africa useful resources, completely unconcerned with the needs of the common population.

If we turn to history, we can see the analogy of the crusaders with modern “peacekeepers,” who again strive for Africa, ostensibly in the name of high ideals, although the real goal is oil.

Does this mean that World War III is inevitable? Most likely not. Major world powers with nuclear potential are a kind of guarantor of peace on earth. Only a madman, knowing what nuclear weapons are capable of, is capable of unleashing a global conflict that will lead to the disappearance of at least 90 percent of the world's population. Disasters at nuclear power plants clearly demonstrated what the atom is capable of.

Since wars have plagued humanity throughout the history of its existence, military conflicts in the “hot spots” of the planet are inevitable. Their main goal has always been and will be the benefit that politicians and corporations can derive from it. But since after the third world war there will be practically no people left on earth, the economy will be completely destroyed and money will lose its value, “ the mighty of the world this” will not allow this.

Predictions about World War III

The likelihood of war, according to modern forecasters, is not at all insignificant. Every year another “prophet” appears, who not only draws the scenario of the Third World War, but also names the exact date of its beginning. Creepy visions are voiced in which fire pours onto the ground and water turns into poison. The start date of the terrible conflict is constantly being postponed, so even the most superstitious citizens have stopped believing in these “prophecies.”

The schemers' predictions are so vague that almost any conflict in the world can be associated with the beginning of the 3rd World War. With the escalation of the conflict in Baghdad, when oil was burning and American tanks were rushing into battle, the number of scammers wanting to make money on people's superstitions increased exponentially.

However, in all the predictions one can trace the same idea: humanity will have a choice, and it will depend on this whether complete destruction or a happy future awaits us.

The Third World War, prophecies of soothsayers of the past and present

The predictions of famous soothsayers of the past and present about what the new world war will be like differ from each other in dates and possible options development of further events. Internet with various quotes that can be interpreted in any way you like. Recent events in the Donbass and the escalation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine have provoked rumors that the third world war is already beginning, and there are fierce debates on the Internet about who will win it. The predictions of Vanga, Nostradamus and other similar “soothsayers” have become more popular than ever.

Vanga's warnings frighten us with a large-scale global conflict on religious grounds, which should develop into a massive internecine war. Events in the East can be interpreted as the beginning of this conflict, although this region has never been stable and similar conflicts were constantly fought there. Vanga also pointed out that natural disasters around the world will become more frequent, and the consequences of this war will be felt by its children, that is, our generation. Despite a large number of coincidences in Vanga’s predictions, you should not unconditionally believe in them.

Matrona of Moscow's predictions about whether there will be a Third World War are unclear. The saint claimed that there would be no battle, and the number of dead would be enormous. Some interpret this prediction as a possible strike from space or a terrible global epidemic of an unknown disease. This prediction predicts salvation and revival for Russia.

Nostradamus' predictions of the future are the most vague. His poems, called quatrains, can be interpreted very widely. If you set a goal, you can link almost any global event to them. IN Lately many scammers are speculating on the predictions of a famous astrologer of the past, in the hope of making money on the gullibility of the population.

The predictions of modern soothsayers are more optimistic. For example, Pavel Globa argues that being afraid nuclear war not worth it. The main problem of the future will be the economic state of the planet. As a result of the depletion of resource reserves, Europe and the United States will lose their positions on the world stage, and Russia will take a leading position, thanks to the rich raw material base in the country. It is predicted to unite with the CIS countries to create a stronger state.

Malakhat Nazarova, a fortuneteller from Baku, also does not scare with terrible disasters, although she does not exclude the possibility that a third world war could begin. According to her theory, at the end of each century the world plunges into chaos. Although the war may begin, according to the seer's forecasts, it will not lead to the extermination of humanity.

As we can see, the prophecies are quite vague and contradictory. You shouldn't trust them blindly. It is better to listen to the opinions of famous politicians and military leaders.

Forecasts of military and politicians

The possible outbreak of a global conflict worries not only ordinary citizens of the planet, but also the powers that be. In 2014, a publication by political analyst Joachim Hagopian caused a huge resonance, claiming that Russia and the United States were seriously preparing to enter into an open conflict. All major world states will be drawn into this war. The entire European Union will side with the United States, and India and China will support Russia.

The analyst calls the depletion of energy reserves the main cause of the global conflict. According to Hagopian, the US economy is on the verge of bankruptcy, and in order to rise, it needs to seize new raw material bases. According to the expert, this conflict will unleash the Third World War and lead to the complete disappearance of some peoples.

American officer and former NATO chief Richard Shirreff described his point of view in the book “2017: War with Russia.” According to his beliefs, Russia will take over the Baltic countries, which are part of NATO, after which the US government will frivolously go to war with Russia. According to Shirreff, the US Army will suffer a crushing defeat, as government spending on the US Army decreases year after year.

Knowing the real role of Russia on the world stage, its authority and peaceful policy, this development of events looks implausible.

The results of a possible military confrontation between the United States and Russia

In order to assess the possible results of the global conflict between the United States and Russia, you need to try to roughly estimate the combat potential of both sides. British Colonel Ian Shields provides the following data on the size of both armies:

  1. The number of NATO soldiers exceeds 3.5 million, which is more than 4 times the size of the Russian army (according to the same data, it is 800,000 people);
  2. NATO has about 7.5 thousand tanks, which is three times the number of tanks in the Russian army.

Despite this significant superiority in manpower, it will not play a big role in a possible war. Main role will play in this conflict Newest technologies, the use of which can destroy tens of thousands of soldiers in a matter of seconds. Ian Shields believes that there is no need to fear that superpowers will start using nuclear weapons. The destruction in this case can be so enormous that there will be nothing to fight for.

Forecast from Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Vladimir Volfovich believes that the United States will not recklessly enter into a war until it is 100 percent sure of victory. According to Zhirinovsky, America provoked a conflict between Ukraine and Russia in order to weaken the enemy and drag him into a war with Western Europe. After it becomes clear who will win, the United States will finish off the loser and seize his territories.

The opinion of the LDPR leader often tends to come true. The Third World War, according to his forecast, will occur in the time period from 2018 to 2025. Russia will win and immediately make a huge leap in development.

Overpopulation of the planet as the real reason for the outbreak of World War III

It is suggested that by 2050 the world's population will exceed 9 billion, and an amount of food will be needed that the earth cannot provide. All this will lead to people fighting each other for food, which will lead to terrible wars. These are not fantastic forecasts, but calculations of a number of scientists. The only way out From the current situation, it seems possible to introduce the family planning method.

Already, many countries have exhausted their Natural resources and is forced to cut down forests that won’t last long. A huge problem has become the presence of huge waste dumps that are not recycled and spoil the environment. After cutting down all the forests on the planet, global warming will begin, which will force many people of third world countries to make mass migrations to more suitable lands occupied by other peoples.

All this will inevitably provoke a conflict between refugees from third world countries and the population of civilized countries, which can only end in the complete destruction of one of the parties.

Despite the ominous predictions and escalation of conflicts on the world stage, we can hardly expect the outbreak of the third world war from this side. We need to reconsider the consumer attitude towards nature, otherwise our grandchildren will inherit a future roughly familiar to us from post-apocalyptic films and games.

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I am interested in martial arts with weapons and historical fencing. I write about weapons and military equipment because it is interesting and familiar to me. I often learn a lot of new things and want to share these facts with people who are interested in military topics.