
Social psychology where you can work. Where Can a Psychologist Work?

Hello! I have a very difficult situation in my life, please help me. I have a secondary pharmaceutical education, but I really don't like being a salesperson. Even at school, I always had problems with mathematics, but on the advice of my mother, I went to study to be a pharmacist. Although I really liked literature, I wrote compositions very well. My parents told me that I could become a teacher of Russian language and literature. But I did not want to be a teacher, to which I was told that there were no other professions related to literature. Of course they exist, they just didn't know about it. For this I cannot forgive them. And I had to learn to be a pharmacist. But, I must say that I really like to rotate with drugs, I'm interested in new drugs. But I often do not understand how to break up with a person if I have nothing to give change and other cash transactions are incomprehensible to me. It turns out that I seem to have a profession, but I can’t work.

Recently, I have been wondering where a pharmacist can work, except for a pharmacy, given that I don’t want to be a chemist either. If you could help me answer this question, I would be happy. And they won't hire me for a job related to literature without education, right?

I really hope that you can help me. I will wait for an answer.

Answers (1)


Irina, changing the field of activity is not easy, but possible. I did not quite understand what "work related to literature" means. If this includes writing texts, then you can become a copywriter, editor, or journalist. Professions are common, there is a lot of training in this area. If you set yourself a task, then you can start a new “literary” job in 3-4 months.

If the concept of "work related to literature" includes writing, poetry and other classical literature, then it will be difficult to earn money. It's more of a hobby.

For example, Stephen King tried to write from childhood, during his university years and after them he wrote a lot and with dedication, but novels were not bought from him for a long time. So he worked as a packer in a weaving factory. His business went uphill, but it might not go. Another person in a similar situation may still work as a packer and write novels. Anything happens.

As for the pharmacist, it is up to you whether to remain in the profession or not. It is likely that in your field there is something interesting besides pharmacy and chemistry. Any research, training of medical staff, etc. You should know more about these things than me. Communicate with colleagues, ask them tons of questions, study your market.

Many of those who are thinking about becoming a psychologist have little idea of ​​what they can do. Various areas of application of psychological knowledge are often confused in the head. Agree, the work of a psychologist in a kindergarten is fundamentally different from the work of providing emergency psychological assistance in emergency situations.

Therefore, even at the stage of obtaining a psychological education, it is worth deciding on the desired direction of activity and learning better about what a psychologist can do and where he can work. Many psychologists have to try a variety of professions before they find exactly what they would like to do.. Someone goes through work at school, in kindergarten or on a helpline before realizing that they would like to do psychological training. Someone finds his calling in working with orphans and psychological rehabilitation of families. Someone from the very beginning knows that his path is a private psychological practice, with his own office. Someone chooses a research direction.

All these areas are very different. Each of them requires different skills, abilities, experience. Even within the same field of activity, you can do a variety of things. For example, a psychologist in private practice may work with children, with families, or with specific problems. A psychologist at school can work with parents, children and teachers, conduct classes, engage in psychological diagnostics.

If the direction of future professional activity is known in advance, it is possible already at the stage of training to focus on a particular topic and field of activity, to acquire additional skills and knowledge necessary for this particular direction. However, if it is very difficult to decide, attempts to find yourself in different directions are unlikely to bring harm - they, rather, will allow you to broaden your horizons, better understand yourself, decide what exactly you would like to do.

Psychologists are those who want to work with people, help or have power over them. And someone simply considers this profession fashionable, popular and prestigious. Psychological education in modern conditions is becoming an important factor in achieving success in various fields (personnel, trade, services, management). Specialists who understand the principles of human behavior and are able to communicate are in demand everywhere and always.

After graduating, a young specialist can work:

    psychologist-consultant in the system of education and preschool education in the social sphere; in the service of psychological counseling (family, individual, coaching);
    in hospitals and clinics;
    teach psychology in universities, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, schools;
    in the personnel service (assistant director, recruiter, manager or director of personnel);
    in trade (from a seller in an elite boutique, an administrator and supervisor to a corporate trainer).

Getting a degree in psychology is just the beginning. You need to choose the sphere of application of forces, patiently accumulate experience and "study, study and study again." A good psychologist will not be left without a job.
A psychologist with an education but no work experience can count on working in schools, kindergartens, a state psychological center, etc.
A psychologist-specialist with at least three years of experience can continue to improve professionally or, by changing the field of activity, can take up personnel work, administration, sales, starting from the lower or middle level.
A professional psychologist with at least five years of experience can work in a specialized psychological service, engage in private counseling, get a job as a business coach, become a human resources director or general director.

To be successful, a psychologist must be: a personally mature person (authentic), have life experience, high intelligence, erudition, emotional stability and competence, sense of humor and charm.

Let's imagine that you decide to work in the field of psychology, in the field of education, business, culture, social sphere. Do you know what kind of specialists are needed in these areas, and what exactly they do? Here is an incomplete list of them:
Organizational psychologist- solves the problem of optimizing the use of human resources in institutions, firms, public associations. This is, first of all, all types of personnel work - from the selection of personnel to the development of the personnel policy of the company, assistance to managers, ensuring external relations of the organization with the public.
legal psychologist works in the field of legal relations, most often in close contact with lawyers of various profiles. This may be work with law enforcement personnel, including special units, in penitentiary institutions. A legal psychologist can become an indispensable assistant to lawyers, participating in litigation both on the part of the plaintiff and the defendant.
Clinical (medical) psychologist is a specialist who takes responsibility for organizing a special process during which the client acquires the ability to solve his life's difficulties. Traditionally, a clinical psychologist is engaged in psychodiagnostics (for example, during a medical and social examination), counseling (non-medical psychotherapy) and rehabilitation (restoration of lost mental and physical capabilities). Recently, such modern areas of work of a clinical psychologist as neuropsychology, psychopharmacology have been increasingly developed.

Where can a clinical psychologist work?

First of all, this is the healthcare sector, various medical institutions of a general somatic and psychoneurological profile in inpatient and outpatient settings for adults and children.
Another important area of ​​application of forces is the field of education, where clinical psychologists can work as psychologists in educational institutions of various levels, as psychology teachers in secondary, special and higher educational institutions of any profile.
The third important area is the work in the subdivisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This is work with diverse manifestations in adults and children of post-traumatic stress disorders that arose as a result of emergency events: disasters, terrorist attacks, death of loved ones and relatives, etc.
Another important area and a very popular field of activity of a clinical psychologist is the penitentiary system, which is actively developing a psychological service and is in dire need of highly qualified clinical psychologists.
Finally, this is the most extensive area of ​​social work in all its diversity.
In addition, clinical psychologists can work as human resources managers, management, business and public relations consultants.

It should be noted that the broadest and fundamental professional training that ensures the performance of diagnostic, corrective, consultative, expert, preventive, rehabilitation, research and educational activities by clinical psychologists makes them quite competitive and in demand as specialists in a variety of and sometimes unexpected areas.

Who do practical psychologists work for? Mostly clinical psychologists in general hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, neuropsychiatric and narcological dispensaries, children's rehabilitation and rehabilitation centers, a speech pathology center, as well as in enterprises in personnel management departments.

Psychologist in the education system conducts work in an educational institution aimed at ensuring the mental health and development of the personality of children and adolescents. Identifies conditions that impede the formation of the child's personality and through psychoprophylaxis, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, counseling and rehabilitation. Provides assistance to children, teachers and parents (persons replacing them) in solving personal professional and other specific problems. Forms the psychological culture of children, teachers and parents (persons replacing them), including the culture of sexual education.

Advises managers and employees of an educational institution on the development of this institution, the practical application of psychology focused on improving the socio-psychological competence of children, teachers, parents (persons replacing them).

Practical psychologist- a specialist with the appropriate education and skill level, providing psychological assistance (psychological services) to the population, including a full or partial range of areas provided for by the relevant job responsibilities, determined by the relevant "Regulations on the psychological service" and a specific situation requiring psychological intervention or the use of special psychological knowledge and technologies.

The main activities of a practical psychologist in the establishment of the education system, provided for by the "Regulations on the psychological service of education" are:

Psychologist-consultant. Understanding counseling as "helping people to help themselves".

In the practical work of a consultant, especially if he uses systemic changes as a method of assistance, his assistance can take on a very different nature: from family counseling and psychotherapy (in the case of working with the family as a microsystem) to organizational and political counseling. However, despite such a wide range that psychological assistance can have, it should be borne in mind a set of specific possible outcomes or outcomes that are typical of care practice :

    improved understanding (problems, self, others, etc.);
    a change in the emotional state (this may be a discharge of emotional stress, an exploration of one's feelings, acceptance of some of one's feelings, etc.);
    ability to make a decision;
    the ability to implement the decision;
    confirmation of their thoughts, feelings, decisions;
    getting support;
    adaptation to a situation that cannot be changed;
    search and study of alternatives;
    receiving practical help through direct action (assistant and other professionals attracted by the assistant);
    development of existing skills and abilities, acquisition of new ones;
    receiving the information;
    response to the actions of other people and the situation.

Counseling is a process in which a person achieves a higher level of personal (personal) competence.
Just as a psychologist can work in various professional “roles” depending on the goals, objectives and place of work (for example, as a researcher, theorist, expert, psychotherapist, consultant, psychologist-trainer, teacher, etc.), so can a consultant, depending Depending on the goals, objectives and place of work, he or she may, to varying degrees, preferentially use one or another method of providing assistance.
Of course, no matter how many types of assistance we single out, each of them cannot be free from theoretical principles and values.

Every year, a huge number of universities around the world graduate young specialists in various fields. Each country has its own conditions for hiring, as well as certain features of the probationary period and prospects.

The question for today's youth is:
“Where can you get work experience in your specialty, if for the most part you need specialists with seniority?”

It is with this question, as well as with requests for internships, that young psychologists turn to. Many of them are afraid to immediately start working directly with a client, realizing that they lack practical experience to be confident in themselves as a specialist.

  • In the first part of the material, we will discuss: where can the path of a certified, inexperienced psychologist begin?
  • The second part will be devoted to the analysis of areas of activity that are not directly related to psychological counseling, but which may be useful.
  • In conclusion, we indicate the stages leading to practical activity.

The beginning of the path largely depends on the direction in which a person is determined to work in psychology. Unfortunately, this understanding is not formed in all students during the period of obtaining knowledge at the university. In this regard, during the training it is worth considering a number of opportunities for the chosen profession.

  1. A psychologist after graduation can stay to work at the Department of Psychology. Studying in the magistracy, get carried away with science, thus combining two areas: teaching and scientific development. In the future, there may be a defense of dissertations, and as a result, the path from a student to a university professor will be passed.
  2. Psychological and pedagogical direction. The work of a psychologist in a preschool educational institution, as well as in schools. Teaching the subject "Psychology" in colleges and other educational institutions.
  3. The field of practical psychology is quite extensive - from a psychologist at an enterprise to private psychological practice.

It is possible that during the course of study, interests related to the areas of activity of a psychologist may change. It will help to more subtly understand one's true purpose and enrich oneself with knowledge related to practice, regular additional training from psychologists-practitioners at seminars and trainings.

You can often hear the expressions of desperate young professionals: “I can’t find a job! Did I imagine this while studying at the university?

Consider the types of activities for a young professional that can lead to the profession of a psychologist.

1. Organizer of training programs.

He can work in a psychological or training center. This activity provides tremendous experience and a great store of knowledge. If a team of professionals works, they will definitely train a specialist in the following areas:

  • conducting telephone conversations with potential clients;
  • technique for presenting the curriculum;
  • conducting business negotiations;
  • organization of the event itself.

As a result, experience in working with people will be accumulated and communication skills will be honed. A special bonus may be the opportunity to take training programs either at a discount or for free.

2. Administrator in the psychological center.

This activity is narrower. The specialist usually takes notes, but must be able to competently conduct telephone conversations. Accordingly, to have information about which specialists work in the center and in what areas. It can also be considered as a launch pad. Usually people waiting for their turn share their problems with administrators. This work assumes a small experience of communication. You can engage in this activity for up to one year, not forgetting about regular additional training and self-development.

The place of a psychologist in this center may be a perspective, but it depends on various factors:

  • performance indicator in work;
  • management requirements;
  • available open position.

3. Psychologist at the enterprise.

No matter how striving modern companies to keep up with the times, there are still either no or very few staff positions for a psychologist in an organization. For this reason, the position of an HR manager can be considered. About what will be written in the next paragraph.

4. HR manager(Human - human, resources - resources).

In organizations, there are not only units of personnel managers or HR managers, but also departments that deal with the following areas:

  • recruitment;
  • conducting interviews with applicants;
  • organization of personnel training;
  • certification of employees;
  • staff motivation;
  • corporate culture.

Psychological education for HR professionals is welcome.

Perspectives. Starting with hiring and working with resumes of applicants, you can simultaneously learn the techniques and methods of interviewing candidates. Look for ways to attend interviews conducted by experienced managers. Next, you can continue to work in the direction of conducting interviews.

Work in this area gives tremendous experience in terms of knowledge of people's behavior patterns and the specifics of their activities. The accumulated information arsenal will provide an excellent basis for the future activities of a practical psychologist to confidently analyze the topics of clients related to their work.

5. Practical psychologist in private practice.

As is clear from the above, the path to independent activity goes through the following stages:

  • experience in a related field;
  • continuing additional education;
  • constant self-education;
  • undergoing personal therapy with an experienced psychologist;
  • internal understanding of readiness for counseling.

When the chosen profession is due to a high level of interest and further efforts are made to master it, there is every chance to take place in it!

Philology is the science of language. Literally understanding this term, you can reveal its essence as follows: "I love the word." A specialist in the field of literature is called a philologist. If we take into account that the word is a universal means of communication, it becomes clear that a person who has a fine command of the word is a universal specialist, and the scope of his knowledge is quite extensive.

Philologist ─ what kind of profession is this?

You can become a specialist in philology by getting an education in a higher educational institution of a humanitarian orientation. Education takes place at the Faculty of Philology. Specialization is carried out in the following areas of humanitarian knowledge:

  • Teachers.
  • translators.
  • Scientific activity.
  • Publishing activity.

According to the specialization, the functionality of a graduate can be in demand in these areas.

Very often humanitarian competence for career growth and entrepreneurial activity is not enough. And philologists receive additional higher education in the field of exact knowledge - in technical, natural sciences and social sciences.

Teaching activity

Philologist, what kind of profession is this? The most common answer would be - a teacher of Russian language and literature. And this is true.

Russian language and literature is one of the main disciplines and is subject to mandatory certification upon completion of the cycle of incomplete and secondary education. The results are credited upon admission to higher educational institutions.

A teacher of the Russian language and literature can always find a job in secondary educational institutions, in the system of higher and additional education - everywhere the profession of a philologist is needed. The teacher's salary depends on the rate and level of the educational institution, length of service, hourly workload. Corresponds to the average income indicators for a Russian resident, in the range from twenty to forty thousand rubles, depending on the region. Teachers in Moscow have the highest level of income.

Philologist - translator

Philologist in scientific activity

For research in the history of its formation and for the depth of knowledge of phenomena in the ontology of language, a profession is needed - a philologist.

The description of the phenomenology of literature is only one of the facets of scientific research. To a reasonable question, what is the practical significance of research in this area, one can answer that a word is a way of being, imprinted in a word form. Philological studies of the patterns of word formation make discoveries in the ways of historical and modern thinking, which, in turn, helps to better understand a person.


It covers many areas, everything related to the organization, production and distribution of printed materials in any form. It is in this area that the philologist is in full demand. What kind of profession this is becomes clear at each stage of publishing.

  • Authorship of materials. Journalist, copywriter, blogger - producer of author's texts. This is a direct vocation of a person with a philological education.
  • Editing and preparation of materials for publication.
  • Promotion of materials and release.

The profession of a philologist can manifest itself in such a multifaceted way. Features and the degree of its demand lies in the very subject of specialization - in the word. There are other ways of communication and social interactions. But, you must admit that it is language that is the universal way of communication. And if you master these methods perfectly, the demand for the service will manifest itself in any sphere of society.

Notable members of the profession

In order to understand: a philologist - what kind of profession it is, it is enough to recall the names of world-famous figures with a philological education. And everything becomes clear.

Mikhail Bakhtin is a great Russian thinker, philologist, researcher. He gave rise to many schools and scientific directions. It was he who asked the scientific community about the criteria for the truth of humanitarian knowledge. His fundamental work "The Works of François Rabelais and the Medieval Culture of the Renaissance" is a classic of philology and reveals the origins of literature in folk culture. Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev is the personification of a consistent civic position in defending his views. He was able in his professional philological environment to show the power of the word in the struggle for freedom. For him, it was the word that became the strongest weapon in the fight against hypocrisy and official lies.

This series can be continued indefinitely. Due to the power of the word and its significance in the information environment, journalism is often called the fourth power of society.