
Help ITU for the pension fund. ITU help - what is it and how to get it? ITU Help: Filling Features and Sample

Strength and health are far from eternal values. However, with the departure of youth, life does not end. Retirement for disability is associated with paperwork, and the rapid and successful completion of a medical examination depends on your knowledge. This article will consider the ITU help. What it is will become clearer.

ITU certification

This medical examination the state of a person, the definition of working capacity and the degree of limitation of his capabilities. In other words, the commission determines whether a person is disabled and to what extent he needs social support from the state. The definition of the category "disabled child" is also within the competence of the ITU. The study of the causes of disability and the identification of factors affecting the degree of disability are also within the competence of medical social expertise.

disability commission

What is the ITU certificate for, what is it? These questions are of interest to many. More on that below.

ITU bureaus are divided into territorial, federal or main. A citizen can undergo an examination in any. Referral to ITU can be issued:

  • the municipality;
  • clinic or hospital where the candidate received therapy in Lately;
  • By the tribunal's decision;
  • it may be the individual's own decision.

The commission must provide certificates and conclusions that confirm the loss of ability to work. The citizen himself or an authorized person (having a power of attorney certified by a notary) submits an application and finds out the time of the ITU meeting.

The documents

In addition to the application, the following documents are required:

  • direction according to the established form No. 188-u;
  • outpatient card of the patient;
  • analyzes, x-rays, references;
  • conclusion of the sending institution, medical commission;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • or original;
  • the conclusion of departmental expertise;
  • an act in the form of H-1 (on an accident at the workplace);
  • diploma of education (or other document);
  • power of attorney, if the documents are not submitted in person.

Only after the commission has been passed, a certificate of disability of the VTEK ITU is issued.

It is possible to call a commission to the house of a patient who is unable to arrive on his own, upon providing a doctor's opinion that the person does not move independently.

Is it possible to pass VTEK without registration?

Sick leave ITU bureau can issue to a person who is not recognized as disabled, and who will still return to duty. In this case, the sick leave is issued with an extension period of at least 30 days or until the next examination.

While waiting for an expert examination, you should not be nervous. The state does everything to help citizens live, not exist. But you should not remain indifferent, if you have questions or doubts, contact the specialists, they will check the completion of the ITU certificate.

    Appendix N 1. Form of a certificate confirming the fact of establishing a disability, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social expertise Appendix N 2. Form of an extract from the certificate of examination of a citizen recognized as disabled, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social expertise confirming the fact of the establishment of disability, and an extract from the certificate of examination of a citizen recognized as disabled, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social expertise

Order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation of November 24, 2010 N 1031n
"On the forms of a certificate confirming the fact of the establishment of disability, and an extract from the certificate of examination of a citizen recognized as disabled, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social expertise, and the procedure for their preparation"

With changes and additions from:

a form of an extract from the certificate of examination of a citizen recognized as disabled, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social expertise, in accordance with Appendix No. 2;

the procedure for compiling forms of a certificate confirming the fact of establishing a disability, and an extract from the certificate of examination of a citizen recognized as disabled, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social expertise, in accordance with Appendix N 3.

2. Establish that the form of a certificate confirming the fact of the establishment of disability, and the form of an extract from the certificate of examination of a citizen recognized as disabled, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social expertise, approved by this order, belong to the protected printing products of level "B".

3. Recognize as invalid:

Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development Russian Federation dated March 30, 2004 N 41 "On approval of the forms of a certificate confirming the fact of establishing a disability, an extract from the certificate of examination of a citizen recognized as disabled, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social expertise, and recommendations on the procedure for filling them out" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation April 19, 2004 N 5758);

order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 29, 2005 N 543 "On Amendments to the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2004 N 41" On approval of the forms of a certificate confirming the fact of establishing disability, extract from certificate of examination of a citizen recognized as disabled, issued by institutions public service medical and social expertise, and recommendations on how to fill them out" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 14, 2005 N 7004);

order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of May 22, 2009 N 263n "On Amendments to the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2004 N 41" On approval of the forms of a certificate confirming the fact of establishing disability, extract from certificate of examination of a citizen recognized as disabled, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social expertise, and recommendations on the procedure for filling them out "(registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 29, 2009 N 14158).

This is the result of a medical examination, indicating the degree of working capacity and limited capabilities of a person. Simply put, it is established whether a citizen is disabled or not and how much he needs social support. This also includes such a thing as the category of "disabled child".

Also, medical and social expertise studies the causes of disability, the prevalence of the latter, as well as the factors under the influence of which it may occur.

Where can I get a disability check?

The examination takes place in one of the ITU bureaus - territorial, federal or main. For this it should be:

  • a referral from the municipality, also from the clinic or hospital where the candidate has recently received treatment;
  • the court's decision;
  • the citizen's own decision.

The last point means that a person can apply to the branch of the bureau on his own initiative. There is only one condition - you must have all the medical papers and conclusions confirming the permanent loss of working capacity. To do this, you need to write an application.

A citizen writes it himself, or he can entrust this procedure to an authorized person (a notarized power of attorney is required).

In addition to the actual statement, we need a trace. :

An examination can also be taken at home - if there is a doctor's opinion that a person cannot visit the institution on his own.

Is it possible to go through VTEK not at the place of registration?

Medical and labor expert commission determines the degree of a person's ability to work and his further suitability after an illness for his previous work. It is created on the basis of the district medical institution and adopts in the order of a collegiate meeting.

You can pass it not only at the place of permanent registration, but in any city where a person lives (Government Decree No. 95 of February 20, 2006).

How is MSEC going?

The first thing to do is to submit an application for examination to the ITU office, which is located at the place of your stay. It is written by the citizen himself or his authorized person on the basis of a notarized power of attorney.

What will be included in the application:

  • name of the bureau, surname and initials of the head;
  • passport information of the candidate, his address of residence;
  • request for an examination; its purpose;
  • your consent to receive and process your personal information;
  • passport details of your authorized representative (if you act through him);
  • through which channel they preferred to keep in touch with you (telephone, e-mail, mail);
  • date, signature.

The next step in the vtek, how the commission goes, is the preparation of your package of documents. All analyzes and medical papers must bear the seal of the institution, not only the personal seal of the attending physician. If you have x-rays and sick leave, attach them, they will be needed. Please remember that the "shelf life" of certificates is a maximum of one month.

If, for some reason, there is a lack of documents, do not be discouraged, submit only an application - there are still ten days to bring the missing "papers".

The application is submitted to the office of the bureau where you apply and is registered in the register. Now wait. Within five days will be invited for examination. Receive an invitation with the exact address, time and number of the office where you should come. And with the expectation that you had to wait at the office for no more than half an hour.

It can be carried out in absentia or in a hospital - if the citizen confirms that he is unable to reach the institution.

You should take a clean sheet with you to the examination, as well as a book or a tablet computer - so that you don’t get bored waiting in the corridor.

You may be assigned an additional examination (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 295n. But you can refuse it, this is your right.

Then the decision to assign a disability (or lack thereof) is made on the basis of the data that doctors have in their hands.

The results of the meeting are communicated to the candidate immediately, without delay. If the examination was carried out without your presence, then the results will be sent to the link indicated in the application.

If there are good reasons to disagree with the conclusions of the luminaries - do not agree. It depends on how you live. But don’t immediately rush into objections simply because you read what you were most afraid to see.

If you are going to challenge, you should not immediately rush to court, this is the last resort. You can appeal either to the same bureau where you were examined, or to the Main or Federal. The main thing for this is to indicate what the essence of the claims is, on what they are based.

If, however, the federal authorities remain deaf to the arguments, then an independent examination is appointed and an application is submitted to the court. One month is allotted for appealing the decision.

The result of the commission's decision will be reflected in a special act. Certificate will be handed out, and to the institution social protection(or to the pension) will send an extract from the certificate of examination.

Upon the assignment of disability, it is also appointed individual program rehabilitation.

Making an expert decision

Specialists conduct a survey of a citizen, they also study his social and living conditions, what kind of work he worked, how harmful it was. All will be scrutinized medical documents and on the basis of this, a conclusion is drawn whether a person will recover from the disease or not, and also how much he will need social support.

Not a pleasant moment.- may be recognized as disabled if they find at least one item from the following list:

  • the subject needs to apply to the social protection authorities;
  • there are serious violations of body functions, health is significantly undermined;
  • permanent disability.

ITU Help - what is it and where can I get it?

It is issued to a citizen on the fact of passing the examination. It indicates which institution he went there and on what basis. Next is the verdict of the doctors. It doesn't matter, recognize you face with handicapped, or not.

In the first case, it is indicated which group was assigned, in the second - the decision with which you were released home. It also indicates the degree of ability to work and the need for transfer to an easier job (and if transferred, then by how much).

Sick leave and act

Based on the results of the examination, a certificate with an application in the form of an extract from the act will be issued.

The act of examination in the bureau of medical and social expertise itself is a document that will contain:

  • passport data;
  • information about education, qualifications;
  • information about living conditions;
  • psychological characteristics;
  • degree of loss of health;
  • forecast;
  • data on work - the degree of harmfulness, compliance with sanitary criteria, the frequency of business trips, etc.
  • sources of income of the subject;
  • the patient will recover from the disease completely or he needs support in this;
  • the level of endurance, including emotional;
  • Is it easy for a person to get along with people?
  • what hobbies he has, how he behaves in society.

The ITU certificate of disability is handed over to the subject, and the extract is sent to the social protection authority or a division of the PFR.

As for sick leave, it plays a role here whether you need a new sick leave or want to extend the existing one.

The fact is that the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise itself does not extend them. It can issue a document stating that you are not disabled, or that rehabilitation has not been completed. The sick leave will be extended by the clinic from where they came to the ITU.

The ITU Bureau, where the examination took place, can issue a certificate of incapacity for work to those who were not recognized as disabled and who were considered unsuitable for “write-off”, that is, the person will still return to work. In this case, the institution issues sick leave, the extension period of which will be at least thirty days. Or - until the date of the next re-examination.

If you have the prospect of an expert examination - do not be nervous and do not curse fate. The state will do everything to help you live, not exist. The main thing for this is not to interfere with those who are engaged in healing. But do not be indifferent to determining your fate, refer to other specialists in case of questions or doubts.

The disability certificate is the most important document, thanks to which people with disabilities physical abilities cash benefits, as well as benefits. Those individuals who have recently become disabled often do not know how to document this status. I belonged to their number.

As it turned out, it was necessary to undergo a special examination, after which the disability group was determined. In this article, I just want to tell you what stages the procedure consists of, as a result of which a certificate of disability is issued.

I will also explain how this document should look like and what information should be present in it. This will help individuals to easily figure out right on the spot whether any errors have been made in the certificate. In case of detection of shortcomings, the document can be reissued right on the spot and avoid wasting time and effort.

Certificate of disability

It is possible to confirm the fact that a certain individual belongs to the category of disabled people only with the help of a special certificate. In order to become the owner of this document, you must pass the ITU. The referral for this procedure is issued by a medical institution. Also, the Pension Fund or the social protection authority can send a disabled person for examination.

Next, the individual who will undergo this procedure needs to prepare all necessary documentation. You will also need to draw up a statement that will express a request for passing ITU. After that, the actual examination takes place. Upon completion, disability status is determined and approved. Also, an individual is assigned a pension benefit and, if necessary, a course of rehabilitation treatment.

People who suffer from serious disorders of one or more functions of the body that have arisen as a result of diseases or injuries are sent to the ITU. Individuals with limited vital abilities (for example, the inability to be responsible for their actions or move around) also undergo an examination.

Introductory Help

The upper right corner of the certificate should contain information about the form according to which it was drawn up. In this case, this is form number 1031n, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, which entered into force on November 24, 2010. Further at the top of the certificate, but already across the entire line, the bodies that are obliged to comply with the decision of the employees of the bureau of medical and social expertise should be listed.

First of all, these are public authorities. The same applies to local governments. In addition, some other organizations, regardless of their form of ownership and legal norms, must follow the decision displayed in the certificate. In other words, if the document states that a certain individual is a disabled person of the first group, then the Pension Fund, in accordance with the current legislation, cannot refuse to accrue benefits to him.

Then, in the introductory part of the document, reference should be made to the federal law at number 181, dedicated to the topic social protection Russian disabled people. In particular, reference should be made to the eighth article of this legislative act which entered into force on 24 November 1994.

The category is then displayed. medical institution who carried out the examination. There are three main types - district or city bureaus, general bureaus, and federal bureaus. In addition, the number of the branch is indicated, as well as its name (for example, neuropsychiatric).

What should be included in the document

After the inscription of the name of the document (help), its series is displayed, as well as the number. Next, the surname, name and patronymic are written individual. It is very important that no errors are made in personal data. The information reflected in the certificate must fully correspond to the information contained in the identity document. The certificate must then include the following information:

  • Place of residence of the disabled person. The document must contain the address of residence of the individual in whose name the this certificate. If the disabled person is in Russia on a temporary or permanent basis, then the coordinates of his place of residence are prescribed. It may also be that the disabled immigrated outside the Russian Federation. In this case, information is displayed about the place located on the territory of Russia, in which the pension file is located, opened in the name of the disabled person. Addresses are entered according to standard rules. First of all, the postal code is displayed, then the name of the region and city, and then the name of the street with house and apartment numbers. In the same line of the certificate, the date of birth of an individual is also written.

  • Disability data. Also, in the certificate, the bureau employee must emphasize whether disability is established for the first time or repeatedly. Further, the date is entered in digital format when the individual was officially awarded the status of a disabled person. After that, a disability group is prescribed. I draw your attention to the fact that the group should not be written in numbers, but in words. After that, it is necessary to display in the certificate what caused the disability. For example, a work injury or a traffic accident.
  • Additional details. Further, the document indicates for what time period the disability is established. The end date of the validity of this conclusion is prescribed. For example, if disability was set for a period of two years, then this interval must be counted from the date the certificate was issued. If the date of submission of the document to a disabled person is September 23, 2019, then the end date of the disability is September 23, 2020. Also in the reference sample, several lines are provided for additional conclusion. The doctor who performed the medical and social examination should fill out this section only if there are any additional comments.

Also, the document must contain information about the basis on which this certificate was issued. The act of examination acts as such a basis. In addition, the place where the certification took place is also displayed (for example, a federal organization of a state type for the implementation of ITU). The number of the act is also indicated, as well as the day / month and year when it was issued.

After that, the date of issuance of the certificate is entered. Then there must be mandatory details, without the presence of which the document will be recognized as illegal. First of all, this is a wet stamp of a certain ITU branch. Also, the seal of the federal bureau must appear at the top of the document. The signature of the individual acting as the head of the ITU bureau is also required. To the right of the signature, you must indicate the owner's surname, as well as the first letters of his name and patronymic.

In the certificate blots and corrections are strictly unacceptable. Therefore, if you see that the doctor, having made a mistake, did not want to reissue the document, but simply corrected it, then do not leave this matter unattended. Otherwise, the document is not recognized as having legal force.

A person recognized as disabled, based on the results of a medical and social examination (MSE), by the federal state institutions of the ITU (hereinafter referred to as the ITU Bureau), is issued a certificate confirming the fact of the establishment of disability. In case of loss of this certificate, you can get a duplicate of it (clause 119 of the Administrative Regulations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated January 29, 2014 N 59n; clause 9 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated November 24, 2010 N 1031n).

In order to obtain a duplicate certificate of disability, we recommend that you follow the following algorithm.

Step 1. Prepare an application for a duplicate ITU certificate and submit it to the ITU Bureau

To obtain a duplicate of the ITU certificate, you (your legal representative) must submit an application drawn up in any form to the ITU bureau at the place of residence (place of stay, actual residence, location of the pension case in case of permanent residence outside the Russian Federation). The application must indicate, in particular, the circumstances of the loss of the certificate and the place of its issue (paragraphs 1, 2, paragraphs

The list of documents required for MSEC when registering a disability

9 of the Order).

Step 2. Get a duplicate ITU certificate

A duplicate of the certificate is issued on the basis of the survey report, in accordance with which the lost certificate was issued. At the same time, without additional examination of you, a new certificate of examination is drawn up in the ITU bureau, in which an entry is made about the issuance of a duplicate certificate to replace the lost one, and a protocol is drawn up.

In case of loss also of the certificate of examination, in accordance with which the lost certificate was issued, its duplicate is issued on the basis of a copy of the extract, the original of which is stored in the FIU (a copy of the extract is issued at the request of the ITU Bureau) (paragraph 3, 5, clause 9 of the Procedure).

Note: Check the deadline for issuing a duplicate certificate at the ITU bureau to which you submitted the application.

A duplicate of the certificate is issued on a certificate form of the established form, valid for the period of its issuance. In the upper right corner of the certificate form on which a duplicate is issued, the entry "Duplicate" is made, below the line "Date of issue of the certificate" the entry "Duplicate issued" is made and the date of issue of the duplicate is indicated. The conclusion on the nature and working conditions, as well as other forms of social protection, entered in the lost certificate, is entered in duplicate in the line “Additional conclusions” (paragraph 6 - 8, clause 9 of the Procedure).

If the lost (damaged) certificate (extract) was issued in the period from 01/01/2004 to 12/31/2009, in a duplicate of the certificate below the line "Cause of disability" an entry is made in words about the previously established degree of limitation of the ability to labor activity(paragraph 9, clause 9 of the Order).

Note.From 01/01/2017 to Federal Register persons with disabilities, information is entered on the established disability, on ongoing rehabilitation or habilitation activities carried out by the disabled person cash payments and on other measures of social protection (Article 5.1 of the Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ; Concept approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2016 N 1506-r).

Sample certificate of disability VTEK

According to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2010 No.

How to restore a lost ITU certificate of disability?

N 1031n "On the forms of a certificate confirming the fact of the establishment of disability, and an extract from the certificate of examination of a citizen recognized as disabled, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social expertise, and the procedure for their preparation" a certificate form confirming the fact of the establishment of disability, and an extract from the certificate of examination of a citizen recognized as disabled, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social expertise, approved by this Order, refer to the protected printing products of level "B".

In case of loss (damage) of the issued certificate (extract), federal state institutions of medical and social expertise at the place of residence of the disabled person (in the absence of a place of residence - at the place of stay, actual residence, at the location of the pension file of the disabled person who left for permanent residence outside the Russian Federation ) issue a duplicate certificate at the request of a disabled person (his legal representative), a family member of a deceased (deceased) disabled person (his legal representative) in cases where the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the provision of measures to the family of the deceased social support(hereinafter referred to as a family member), a duplicate of the statement at the request of the body providing pensions.

The application (request) indicates the circumstances of the loss (damage) of the certificate (extract) and the place of its issue. A family member (his legal representative) attaches to the application a copy of the death certificate of the disabled person and a document confirming family relationship to the deceased (dead) disabled person (a copy of the marriage certificate; copies of birth certificates of children; a copy of a certificate confirming the fact of disability since childhood - for children who have reached the age of 18 who became disabled before reaching this age).

A duplicate certificate is issued on a certificate form (duplicate extract - on an extract form) of the established form, valid for the period of issuance of a duplicate certificate (duplicate extract).

If the lost (damaged) certificate (extract) was issued in the period from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2009, then in the duplicate of the certificate (extract) below the line “Cause of disability”, an entry is made in words about the previously established degree of limitation of the ability to work.