
Deadlift for girls: what types are there, how to do it correctly and why? What is the most effective deadlift for girls?

Girls in the gym and deadlift...Are they compatible? Many female newcomers will have doubts, but there are no options here. The answer is an undeniable yes. Often representatives of the fair sex avoid this exercise, considering it too difficult. However, this exercise is necessary. It brings obvious benefits. Which one exactly?

The first misconception of the female half is that this exercise is aimed mainly at working the back muscles.

In fact, the deadlift and its variants use the muscles of the lower body no less than those same back muscles.

Also, by changing the execution technique, you can give your legs more load.

However, there are contraindications!

If you have problems with the spine, then performing deadlifts can lead to complications. Consult your doctor and trainer before adding this exercise to your training regimen.

Deadlift for girls. Options.

  • Classic deadlift
  • Romanian deadlift
  • Deadlift with dumbbells
  • Sumo deadlift

Classic Deadlift


  • keep your back straight, with a natural arch in the lower back, the entire time you perform the exercise;
  • if in the initial position the back is parallel to the floor, then the back muscles will receive more load; the exercise begins with bringing the back to a vertical position and then straightening the legs;
  • if in the initial position the thighs are parallel to the floor, then the legs and buttocks will receive more load, the exercise begins with straightening the legs and then bringing the back to a vertical position;
  • the barbell does not need to be pulled by hands, they act as cables;
  • in the final position, the shoulder blades should be retracted, chest forward;
  • lowering the barbell begins with bending the knees, moving the buttocks back and simultaneously lowering the straight back forward;
  • the bar should move along a vertical trajectory, passing as close as possible to the shins and hips;
  • It is important to ensure that the back does not round, to keep it straight using the abdominal muscles and erector spinae, as well as the flattened shoulder blades.

Straight-legged deadlift (Romanian deadlift)

The Romanian Deadlift works well on the glutes and back of the thighs.


  • take the barbell with a grip slightly wider than shoulder width;
  • keep your back straight, bring your shoulder blades together;
  • the movement begins with simultaneous tilting of the straight back forward and moving the buttocks back;
  • legs slightly bent at the knees;
  • the bar slides along the thighs and the front of the shin;
  • the bar does not fall to the floor, the bar reaches approximately the middle of the shin;
  • there is no need to lower and raise the bar suddenly - the movement should be controlled, and the muscles should be tense throughout the exercise.

Deadlift with dumbbells

Instead of a barbell, you can use dumbbells for deadlifts. Moreover, this applies to both Classical and Romanian deadlifts. In this case, you can hold dumbbells both in front of you (just like a barbell) and on the sides.

This option will be convenient for those who have injured wrists or forearms.

Romanian single leg deadlift


  • hold on to the support with your left hand;
  • V right hand hold the dumbbell, it will slide along the thigh and lower leg as you lower it down;
  • standing on your right leg, slowly lower yourself down, move the thigh of your left leg back and up to a position almost parallel to the floor;
  • do not round your back, keep it straight;
  • Concentrate on tensing your gluteal muscles during the exercise.

Sumo deadlift

When performing a sumo deadlift, the muscles of the legs and buttocks are more involved in the work. This allows you to lift more weight than in the classic one.


  • place your feet much wider than your shoulders, spread your toes at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • straight grip slightly wider than shoulder width;
  • at the lowest point, the thighs will be parallel to the floor, the shin will be at an angle of 90 degrees, the back will be straight and slightly leaning forward;
  • shoulder blades retracted, chest forward, back straight;
  • The lifting of the barbell from the floor begins with a push with the hips.

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  • Drying the body
  • Increased Strength
  • Muscle gain
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  • If there is no growth

The cutting training program is primarily offered to bodybuilders. This program gained the greatest popularity after the release of the film “300 Spartans”. And many men in gyms began to achieve increased definition. I want to tell you more about this program.

Today, more and more often, girls who have just come to the gym and are beginning to gradually master the technique of performing each exercise are wondering: What is the difference between the classic deadlift and the Romanian one? Today I decided to devote an entire article to this topic and finally find out difference between the Romanian deadlift and the classic deadlift, and first you need to understand these two definitions. So what is it Romanian deadlift, and what is it classic deadlift?

Differences between the Romanian deadlift and the classical one

Classic deadlift performed by lowering the pelvis as low as possible to the floor line, with the bar lowering to the very floor with each repetition.

In the classic version of the deadlift, the barbell must be lifted off the floor with a completely straight back.

Direction of movement: from bottom to top.

Romanian deadlift performed on straight legs or slightly bent knees, with a straight back; when performing it, the bar (barbell, dumbbells) is lowered to the middle of the shin.

Direction of movement: from top to bottom.

Now you know What is the difference between the classic deadlift and the Romanian one? purely visually, and now let's move on to the differences in execution technique and the work of muscle groups.

Classic deadlift It is more popular among men, and there is a logical explanation for this. When performing a classic deadlift, all the muscles of the legs and back are used; the weights chosen here are very large, since the exercise is aimed exclusively at increasing muscle mass and developing the strength of the leg muscles. A Romanian deadlift- This is a lightweight version of the classic deadlift, so girls in the gym like to do this exercise more (although men also have their fans). But the point is not only in the easier version of the execution, but also in the muscles that are involved in this exercise. Romanian deadlift puts emphasis on the buttocks and hamstrings, the back is minimally involved in this exercise (with the correct technique, of course), whereas in the classics, constantly returning the barbell to the floor greatly overloads the lower back, which makes this exercise dangerous for injury.

Therefore, if your goal is to increase muscle mass buttocks and thighs, tighten and tone the adductor muscles of the thigh, create a spherical shape for the buttocks, visually separate the buttocks from the biceps of the thigh, then Romanian deadlift for you.

Technique for performing classic deadlifts

Starting position:

The barbell is on the floor, the hands have an average grip, the back is straight, the legs are slightly bent at the knees and are as close as possible to the barbell.

Performing the exercise:

When lifting the barbell, the body straightens and the legs are fully extended. At the top point, the body does not go back; it is important to leave the body straight, slightly tilted forward, without bending in the lower back.

Technique for performing the Romanian deadlift

Starting position:

Feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing forward, knees slightly bent. The back is straight.

Performing the exercise:

The bar with your working weight is as close as possible to the shin, we clasp the bar with our hands with a medium grip and begin to lower the body with a straight back, while moving the pelvis as far back as possible and feeling the tension in the buttocks and the stretch in the hamstrings. The knees remain in the same slightly bent position as at the beginning of the exercise, do not do a squat! The main thing here is to move the pelvis back, but not to lower it down, as with classic deadlift. At the bottom point of the exercise, do not round your back and then again smoothly, without sudden movements, rise up, straightening your body.

So let's summarize everything we learned today about Romanian deadlift and classic deadlift.

The most important differences between the Romanian deadlift and the classical one- This:

  1. Trajectory of movement

Based on the above, we can conclude that classic deadlift More suitable for men or women who want to develop leg muscle strength and build muscle mass. A Romanian deadlift Suitable for those who want to create a beautiful buttock shape and sculpted thigh biceps. This option is suitable for all girls without exception. Now you're aware What is the difference between the Romanian deadlift and the classical one?, and you can safely choose the deadlift option that suits you personally, taking into account your goals.

If you have any questions about this topic, ask me in the comments or send me an email.

Your coach, Janelia Skripnik, was with you!

This type of exercise can be classified as a complex but highly effective type of training.

Those who have mastered this type of load always include it in their training complexes. This method of muscle training can be used wherever it is convenient for you - both in the gym and at home.

The use of dumbbells allows you to increase the efficiency of working the target muscles several times. Therefore, if you are faced with the task of properly pumping up and strengthening the main muscle groups, you can successfully use the deadlift exercise with dumbbells for girls.

What muscles work?

The main load falls on the muscles - hip flexors, gluteus maximus and back extensors. The additional muscles involved are the teres major, rhomboids, and trapezius, and many other muscle groups that help stabilize the body during the dumbbell forward bend exercise.

When executing various types traction the load on muscle groups is distributed as follows:

  • High – lower back, buttocks, ;
  • Middle - arms, forearms.
  • Other muscle groups and muscles are also involved, but to a lesser extent.

Having become familiar with this load distribution, you can clearly direct your efforts to the target muscle groups that need to be worked out. The load is distributed differently when using different types of exercise, although the same muscles are involved.

Standing on straight legs

The so-called deadlift with dumbbells for girls is suitable for those who want to pump up the gluteus maximus muscle, as well as strengthen the torso muscles and give them definition. Gym instructors note that this type of exercise is recommended for men at the beginning of training, when it is contraindicated to use heavy weights at once.

Be careful, this movement is quite dangerous, If you are a beginner, we recommend starting to work on your back extensors and gluteal muscles with. It is performed with your own weight, and therefore the risk of injury is much less.


  1. We stand straight, legs slightly apart. You can shift from foot to foot to relax your leg muscles. Place your hands with dumbbells on the sides of your hips, or you can place the dumbbell behind your back
  2. We bend our back at the lower back
  3. We lower the body forward without bending or bending the knees. The center of gravity naturally shifts forward. We compensate for this by moving our buttocks back. Place your hands with dumbbells freely exactly above your feet.
  4. Hands with dumbbells begin to slide down without reaching the floor. Don't forget! We make an effort while exhaling! Next we return to the starting position

For the first time, it is enough to do, on average, ten repetitions at a slow pace, smoothly, slowly, feeling how the buttocks and back of the thigh tighten. In the future, when the muscles become stronger and the stretching is good enough, we increase the number to three to four sets of twelve exercises.

This movement takes place of honor among, second only to, and.

Important information before you begin

Before performing the above movement, Be sure to read this information:

  • Load displacement. The peculiarity of this type of exercise is that when you bend your legs strongly, you will work out your gluteal muscles perfectly. If you straighten your legs more strongly, the load will go to the back of your thighs. Depending on your goal, you can shift the emphasis of the load on the muscles you are interested in in this way and achieve excellent training results.
  • Main mistake. A mistake when performing the Romanian deadlift is to fully extend the legs, as this can threaten to strain the tendons.
  • Useful advice. When performing a “deadlift”, do not forget that the main load will fall on the lower back muscles, so before performing this exercise you need to do good stretches. Warm muscles work much more efficiently, and the risk of injury becomes minimal.
  • Is it possible to perform the movement after injury? You can resume exercises during the recovery period after any injuries using the smallest weights and only after consulting a doctor.
Carefully! If you came to gym recently, then don’t immediately chase after heavy loads– increase the weight of dumbbells and the number of repetitions of exercises gradually. Major injuries occur precisely for these reasons and discourage training with dumbbells in the future.

On bent legs

This exercise is also called the Romanian dumbbell deadlift for girls. Why is it needed? The fact is that with poor stretching and insufficient flexibility, this movement with straight legs is very difficult to perform, so in such cases this variation is performed. The gluteal muscles receive the greatest load, followed by the thigh muscles.

Before training we do a warm-up, including exercises for target muscles.

How to do this movement correctly:

  1. We stand straight, knees slightly bent. Place your hands with dumbbells loosely on the sides of your hips.
  2. We bend our back at the lower back, so as not to disrupt the natural curve of the spine.
  3. We lower the body forward while bending your knees a little more. Hands with dumbbells slide freely along the front of the thighs, to the feet. We make an effort while exhaling!

Watch the video for more details:

Carefully! Some perform this exercise by squatting and almost touching the floor with their buttocks. This is not correct. By doing so, you put a lot of stress on your knee joints, putting them at risk of injury. Position your thighs parallel to the floor, then knee joint a right angle is formed! When performed correctly, the load is distributed evenly, which helps to work out the gluteal muscle group and hips.

Romanian single leg deadlift with dumbbells

This exercise is included in many training programs for the reason that it is capable of excellent exercise, which is not available for most other types of loads. Deadlifts on one leg with dumbbells are also aimed at developing the vestibular apparatus. With regular use they eliminate disharmony in the development of muscle groups.

Before you begin the exercise, you need to do a good warm-up, which is definitely recommended to include lunges.

  1. Grab dumbbells from a low bench.
  2. Stand straight, legs slightly bent at the knees.
  3. Begin to lower your body parallel to the floor while raising your leg.
  4. Hands with dumbbells are perpendicular to the floor.
  5. At the end point of the lift, the leg and body should be on a straight line.
  6. We begin to return to the starting position. We perform the exercise very slowly, don't make sudden movements, since it is easier to maintain balance.
  7. We make the movement, alternating legs.

The amount for beginners is seven to eight repetitions for 3-4 approaches. It is necessary to gradually increase the amount only when you have perfectly learned to keep your balance.

This option is suitable for physically fit people. Those who have recently started training can start with easier options performing this type of training. This type of physical activity perfectly trains the sense of balance, perfectly loads the gluteal muscles, tightens the butt and makes the hips slender.

The exercise is difficult in terms of maintaining balance, but if you do it regularly, you will learn to do it automatically. Performing this type of movement does not involve the use of large weights. Remember that the load must be strictly dosed.

Carefully! You make a common mistake if you don't lift your leg high enough, as required by the technique. There is little benefit from performing this exercise, since the target muscles will not work.

And finally, we’ll give you 6 practical tips:

  1. If you experience discomfort or pain in the lumbar region, knee or hip joints, the training must be stopped. In the future, you need to consult a doctor about the advisability of performing this type of exercise.
  2. Needed with treat with caution to perform this type of physical activity for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, varicose veins, chronic fatigue and other diseases.
  3. Lumbar region when performing various deadlifts with weights, it is subjected to the most serious load. Do not violate the recommended exercise technique. And if you have lower back pain, performing this movement is generally contraindicated. In this case, we recommend that you see Dr. Antipko.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to breathing. Tension - exhale, relaxation - inhale. To perform it correctly, the breathing technique must be brought to automaticity.
  5. If you learn to perform these exercises correctly, this will be an indicator of excellent movement coordination, as well as good development gluteal muscles and thighs.
  6. Any variety of deadlifts are, to one degree or another, traumatic, so strictly follow the execution technique. In some cases, to be on the safe side, you can wear a belt. If you are not suited to physical activity, start by doing exercises without weights.

Regular training, motivation and clearly defined goals give amazing results - slim figure, sculpted muscles and a good mood!

Some girls, in pursuit of an ideal body, train mainly only the most obvious and noticeable parts of the body - the butt and legs. Meanwhile, deadlifts are extremely useful for girls, although they mostly pump up the back muscles. For the health of the whole organism and a proportionally developed body, you should not miss a single muscle group. Moreover, a trained back gives girls grace; no one forces you to sway to the size of a closet. If girls want to do deadlifts, you can slightly change the technique - then this exercise will also pump up the gluteal muscles.

All types of deadlifts work more than just your back, just like any other free weight exercise. Deadlifting has an extremely positive effect on the leg muscles - pay attention to how girls perform deadlifts with a barbell, and how their hips are tensed. However, not everyone can do this exercise. If you have had a back injury or have any medical condition, consult a trainer or doctor. For girls with a sore spine, deadlifting will not bring any benefit, but will most likely cause harm. Will have to replace this effective exercise to more gentle options.

Classic deadlift

Classic deadlift is one of the most common variations of the exercise. To be able to do a deadlift correctly, girls need to first strengthen the muscles of their legs and back. If you haven't already done this, introduce squats with your own weight or with weights, pull-ups and lunges into your training program. When you feel ready, start performing deadlifts for girls using this technique:

  • The back should be completely straight, the lower back arched throughout the exercise.
  • Don't pull the barbell towards you with your hands, they should just hold it. The legs and back will do all the work.
  • As you rise up with the barbell, make sure your shoulder blades come together and your chest sticks out forward.
  • Raise the barbell in a vertical line, letting it pass as close to your hips as possible.
  • Never round your back, as this can lead to injury. Tighten your abs and watch your shoulder blades.

This exercise is also called the Romanian deadlift and it will certainly appeal to many girls. The Romanian deadlift perfectly works the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, while, like any deadlift, it pumps up the back. To do deadlifts correctly, girls will have to prepare thoroughly. Depending on the trainer’s recommendations, introduce hyperextension into the program or pump your legs on simulators. Only when the muscles are ready for a more serious load, move on to the Romanian deadlift for girls:

  • Make sure your hands are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • The back should be straight, the shoulder blades touch each other.
  • Lean forward, pushing your buttocks back.
  • If the stretch is not sufficient, bend your legs slightly.
  • Lower the barbell below your knees and rise up - you don't need to put it all the way down.
  • Move smoothly, feel the muscles working.

On paper, the technique looks quite simple, but in order for girls to do deadlifts, they will have to sweat and prepare thoroughly. Always focus on how tense your muscles are. If you do the exercise in jerks, you won't get half the benefit, and you'll probably end up with a sprain.

More and more attention is being paid to lately women's fitness and even strength exercises. Deadlift for girls is one of the basic universal exercises that can work significant amount muscle groups.

At the same time, to complete it you will need a minimum of sports equipment. It is mainly performed to pump up the buttocks, legs and back, but also the arms and shoulders.

If in the male version, as a rule, only barbells are used, then for girls, exercises with dumbbells will also be a good help. To perform the exercise on straight legs, some preparation and a good warm-up are required, since deadlifting is a traumatic activity.

It is enough to acquire dumbbells with a weight of 12 to 15 kilograms in order to perfectly load your own muscles and see results in the near future.

Deadlift Basics

Let's start by looking at the technique of performing deadlifts with a barbell on straight legs.

Following the key principles of this exercise will benefit your muscles rather than injure them:

  • the most important thing is correct posture. Throughout the entire exercise, your back should remain perfectly straight. For convenience, you can imagine that instead of a spine you have a metal rod that cannot be straightened;
  • despite the fact that the name of the exercise contains the phrase “on straight legs”, the execution technique precisely involves legs slightly bent at the knees, which straighten only at the very end;
  • one more important principle“Looking forward” should be the rule. Thanks to this, the girl with dumbbells trains herself to keep her back straight, and this is the key to performing the exercise correctly;
  • It is very important to select the weight with dumbbells and barbells in such a way that you can feel the work of your muscles. Focus on your sensations in the muscles of your legs and buttocks, feel how they contract. This allows you to perform the exercise more efficiently.

How not to do the exercise?

Now let's see how deadlifts are performed for girls and what weight to take. We stand straight, keeping our feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and take the barbell in our hands. We bend down, not forgetting about posture so that the projectile is slightly below the level of the knees. We bend our legs slightly at the knees. We bend back to the original position.

When performing deadlifts, girls, like men, can make a number of common mistakes. The main one is called “wrong squat,” when the pelvis goes down more than it should.

It must be remembered that it can only be moved back, but not in any other direction. In a word, it should be an extension of the back. Proper deadlift technique does not allow weight to be transferred from the toes to the heels. This is the second typical mistake. The athlete always rests on his full foot, as if glued to the ground.

If you don’t have a barbell at home, then doing it with dumbbells is no different if you have determined the optimal weight for yourself. The most important thing is regularity of classes. To achieve the desired effect, which is muscle growth. It is best to perform the deadlift 2 or 3 times a week, combining it with other exercises for the legs and buttocks.

Basics of the Romanian Deadlift

Another variety that deserves consideration is the so-called Romanian deadlift for representatives of the weaker half of humanity. They started talking about it in the 90s of the last century, when this technique was noticed at one of the competitions by an athlete from Romania. You should know that an exercise such as a deadlift requires maximum concentration and composure from the athlete.

This exercise with dumbbells has become popular among women, primarily because it perfectly works the hamstrings and pumps up the gluteal muscles. The fundamental point can be called the starting point of the exercise. Correct weight and technique are the main factors for muscle growth, but they also contain main danger getting injured.

Ensure that you are in the correct position to mobilize the muscles of your spine and lower back.

  1. The first and most common mistake is arching your back. It should remain perfectly level during all phases of the exercise.
  2. The barbell is on the floor too far from your feet. It should lie as close to the legs as possible, so much so that the athlete barely touches it with his feet.
  3. You should not lift the weight of the apparatus by bending your elbows. If the strength of the hands and forearms is not enough, then it is better to reduce the burden.

How to lift weights correctly?

The main differences that distinguish the Romanian deadlift from the traditional version are lower weight, shorter amplitude and vertical position of the legs during the entire exercise.

A correctly formulated technique for performing deadlifts in Romanian will look like this:

  • Stage 1.
    We hang the weight we need on the barbell and come close to its bar. Place your feet shoulder-width apart so that your feet are parallel.
  • Stage 2.
    We will grab the bar at a level slightly wider than our shoulders. The grip is normal.
  • Stage 3.
    We bend our arms slightly at the elbows, while keeping the back straight and the shoulder blades together. Bend your knees and move your pelvis forward at the top point to achieve a vertical position of the spine.
  • Stage 4.
    Now we begin to move the pelvis back and, bending over, move the buttocks back. Keep your back arched throughout the entire trajectory of movement. At the very bottom of the movement, we try to feel the tension in the hamstrings. The weight must be lifted using the thigh muscles, not the back. We raise the barbell or dumbbells to a level just above the middle of the thigh. Keep your chin up.
  • Stage 5.
    We strive to lift the barbell almost vertically, as close to the legs as possible. We move the body back. We try to pull the weight by pushing our legs back. At the same time, it feels as if you are rooting your feet into the floor. The Romanian deadlift is performed correctly if the hamstrings tire first, not the back.
  • Stage 6.
    Lower the weight to the floor, keeping your arms slightly bent. The Romanian deadlift is characterized by maintaining vertical shins throughout the entire exercise. We achieve balance by moving the body onto the heels, as well as moving the pelvis back while lowering the projectile.

What do you need to work with weights?

If a girl wants to get the most out of straight-legged dumbbell workouts, they should make sure that their workout shoes are comfortable. It should be selected so that it fits well on the leg. The sole should be flat and wide, and the heel should be no more than a centimeter high.

If the weight of the projectile turns out to be too much for you, you can use the rule of different grips, that is, place the hands of different hands in opposite directions.

On the other hand, this puts additional stress on the spine. In this case, wrist straps will help. One of the phenomena that accompanies deadlifting is tension inside the chest. To relieve this syndrome, take a quick and deep breath, and then exhale in exactly the same way.

In short, the deadlift is one of the best exercises in order to get a pumped up heel and quadriceps. In addition, it works the lumbar muscle group and bottom part back. The Romanian version of the exercise deserves special attention.