
Pregnancy test during menstruation. How to explain the arrival of menstruation if the pregnancy test is positive The test showed positive and then menstruation began

The delay in menstruation is the most characteristic, universal and common. In the vast majority of all cases, women begin to suspect that conception has occurred precisely because of the absence of the next menstruation on time. But the opposite cases also often happen: when a woman who is practically sure of the onset of pregnancy suddenly begins menstruation. Is it possible to check the real picture, and will a pregnancy test show a true result during menstruation?

Can I take a pregnancy test during my period?

Let's start with the most important and exciting: you can do a test during menstruation. Moreover, menstrual bleeding does not affect its credibility. As you know, a pregnancy test responds to the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin hormone), which first rises in the blood, and then begins to rise in the urine. In this regard, the most informative early dates pregnancy is considered a blood test for the level of hCG.

If you resort to a home test, then remember that the probability true result the higher the gestational age, besides, different tests have different sensitivity. Therefore, if the test showed a negative result, then it makes sense to verify its veracity by conducting another test a week later.

Also, keep in mind that a pregnancy test is also false negative: many different factors affect such “mistakes”. And, by the way, menstruation can also affect the result if the test is carried out in violation of the rules of sterility. But the very fact of the onset of menstruation does not change the test result.

So, in order for a pregnancy test to be true, it is necessary to carry it out after a delay in menstruation (and in our case, after they start) in the morning, using the first portion of urine. Try not to drink a lot of liquid at night so that the concentration of hCG is quite high. And be sure, when doing a pregnancy test during menstruation, go to the toilet of the genitals and insert a tampon into the vagina to avoid blood entering the vessel with urine (which must also be sterile clean).

But it's best to wait until your period is over to test, or repeat the pregnancy test after your period.

Pregnancy or premenstrual syndrome?

And now let's try to figure out why during your period you have suspicions of pregnancy?

Undoubtedly, in some cases, a woman has more than good reasons to suspect pregnancy. But very often unrest arises completely unfounded. Premenstrual syndrome leads us astray. The chest fills up, hurts and becomes overly sensitive to irritation. The mood becomes quite changeable: we either cry over trifles, or we laugh for no reason. Often the head hurts, drowsiness, fatigue, weakness appear ... Changes in appetite and taste preferences even more incline to the thought of pregnancy. But suddenly menstruation begins - and we do not know what to think already. Of course, I want to find out the state of things as soon as possible, but just do not rush to conclusions. Early signs of pregnancy can be symptoms of premenstrual syndrome - many of them are exactly the same.

Can menstruation go during pregnancy?

However, menstruation during pregnancy is also possible. Doctors call this phenomenon fetal washing or colored pregnancy, and there is a lot of rather conflicting information on this subject. But it is absolutely certain that in the first months of pregnancy, menstruation-like symptoms can be observed. bloody issues on the days when the woman had her period before. True, doctors assure that these discharges are somewhat different from menstrual ones: they are not so plentiful. Women often do not see any differences.

Be that as it may, if during your period you have the idea of ​​​​pregnancy, then in no case do not rush to conclusions. Nobody forbids you to take a pregnancy test during your period. But, to make sure of the result, be sure to repeat it in a week, and for greater reliability, visit a gynecologist.

If you were sure of pregnancy, but suddenly bleeding or spotting began, then go to the hospital without delay: we can talk about a probable miscarriage. May everything be fine with you!

Specially forElena Kichak

As you know, when a woman becomes pregnant, menstruation stops. However, it also happens that a positive test and menstruation has come, which causes panic among many of the fair sex.

For most women, pregnancy is that long-awaited period that turns their whole life upside down. Many look forward to this magical time, but it is so sad when events occur that negatively affect pregnancy.

There are many ways for a woman to find out about her pregnancy. Some use pharmacy tests, others run for a consultation with a doctor, and someone trusts folk methods and various signs. It does not matter how exactly a woman finds out about pregnancy. Much more important is how these 9 months will pass. For most of the fair sex, confirmation that the conception was successful is one of the most important events in life. After that future mom should seriously take care of their physical and emotional state. Now you need to carefully monitor your mood, avoid negativity, bad news and any other experiences. Even from watching scary movies, it is better to refuse, especially in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, when the risk of miscarriage is quite high. Concerning physical activity, then you can’t completely abandon it, but you shouldn’t overwork it either.

The first signs of pregnancy

It is believed that the most successful method in order to determine the presence of pregnancy from the first days is to measure basal body temperature. But such measurements must be carried out not one menstrual cycle, but several. Only in this way will a woman be able to understand the readings of the graph and establish the fact of a successful conception. Therefore, this method is available only to those who began to prepare for such an important process as bearing a child, long before pregnancy. In other cases, it is better for a woman to buy a pharmacy test. Nowadays, manufacturers offer options that give correct readings even at 1 week of delay.


However, there are other ways to determine conception. Folk methods are often very accurate. First of all, this concerns changes in the hormonal background. A woman can identify such a phenomenon by signs such as sudden mood swings, while aggression and the inability to control her emotions often frighten not only those around her, but also the fair sex herself. As a rule, something similar is noted before the onset of menstruation, but at the beginning of pregnancy, the symptom is much more pronounced.

Second clear sign pregnancy is a change in taste preferences. For example, some foods may seem tasteless, others spicy, and still others are too rich. The woman begins to pull on various gastronomic experiments. Especially often pulls to eat something salty. In addition to taste, a similar situation can be observed in relation to odors. In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother often begins to tolerate aromas that she might have liked very much before. may appear in the mouth metallic taste which is almost impossible to get rid of.

From external signs an increase in the mammary glands can be noted. At the same time, the breast fills up very quickly, so it is simply impossible not to notice such a symptom of pregnancy. Early signs pregnancy in the initial stages are drowsiness, fatigue and toxicosis.

But all these signs are conditional and may be absent if the characteristics of the female body affect this. But what should not be during pregnancy is menstruation. Doctors allow situations where a positive test is possible during menstruation, but such a situation must be taken seriously, since in most cases, discharge indicates a risk of miscarriage.

Can menstruation occur during childbearing?

Ideally after successful conception and before graduation breastfeeding if it lasts less than six months, menstruation should not go. However, experts do not exclude such situations in which menstruation can go, and this will not be considered a pathology. A similar phenomenon can be observed only one menstrual cycle, and not two or more. A pregnant woman who sees blood, which should not be, is obliged to observe one important rule- do not panic. Excessive anxiety can play a cruel joke and lead to complications even if they were not there initially. Therefore, with the appearance of suspicious discharge with a positive test, you should not panic. You need to calmly go to the doctor's office and undergo an examination. Only in this case can you install true reason what is happening.

The probability of occurrence of critical days after the test is positive is very small. However, in medical practice there were cases when menstruation at 1 month of pregnancy still appeared. Undoubtedly, critical days passed with a small release of blood, but still she was present. This did not affect the development of the child in any way.

The reason for this anomaly is idiosyncrasy conception. This should be in a single case. If a bleeding appeared a second time, this indicates the presence of problems and the threat of miscarriage. In such a situation, you must consult a doctor. With the right approach, you can eliminate the negative factors that create barriers to the normal course of pregnancy.

Why can menstruation occur during pregnancy?

As mentioned above, the likelihood of such a development of events, when the test showed 2 strips and menstruation began, is extremely small. Most often, after a successful conception and until the end of breastfeeding, menstruation does not come.

At 1 month of pregnancy, menstruation may come in those pregnant women who suffer from hormonal disorders. During the bearing of a child, the body of the fair sex undergoes serious changes. They concern both appearance and hormones, the main of which is progesterone. If it is not enough, bleeding may occur at 1 month, and the test will show positive result. This can be dangerous for the child, so you need to see a doctor and get the appropriate treatment. A course is assigned to eliminate troubles medicines containing artificial progesterone.

Another hormone that can cause menstruation during pregnancy is androgen. This is a male substance, the content of which can increase in the female body instead of the prescribed progesterone. This phenomenon is dangerous, but causes spontaneous abortion. If you consult a doctor in time, you can solve the problem with the help of medications. Until the end of pregnancy, a woman will be on a special account, since the risk of repeated hormonal imbalance will still remain.

A rare occurrence, but still possible, is the presence of 2 eggs, one of which is normally fertilized, and 2 comes out in the form of menstruation on time.

An unsuccessful fixation of the egg is also considered a dangerous phenomenon. This can lead to poor blood supply to the fetal egg and insufficient intake of nutrients. As a result, the pregnancy ends on its own.


If menstruation has begun, and the test shows a positive result for pregnancy, this may indicate adverse processes occurring in the female body. Therefore, you need to see a doctor and get tested. Some pathologies that manifest themselves in this way can be dangerous not only for the unborn child, but also for the mother. For example, with a frozen or ectopic pregnancy, a fatal outcome is not excluded. Therefore, you need not to miss the time and turn to the gynecologist in time.

The period of pregnancy for each woman proceeds individually. If suspicious symptoms appear, you should not panic, but you need to visit a doctor.

In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman may experience spotting. Therefore, even if you have a positive test and menstruation has come, pregnancy should not be ruled out. Is such a situation dangerous, what should be done and how to protect the baby?

Can menstruation start during pregnancy?

Despite the rapid development of technology and healthcare, humanity still cannot fully explain the processes that occur in a woman's body during pregnancy. Even now it is almost impossible to predict how the pregnancy will proceed, because this process is individual for each woman. Sometimes the development of pregnancy can be so unusual that only specialists can recognize the birth of a new life.

The first signs of pregnancy:

  • toxicosis;
  • sudden mood changes;
  • irritability.

When these signs appear, it is worth doing a special test, and it is best to consult a doctor.

The most reliable evidence of pregnancy is the testimony of a special test and the cessation of menstruation, but sometimes these two signs can contradict each other.

Why do periods come during pregnancy? Immediately after the development of the embryo begins in the uterus, the woman's body produces a special complex of hormones. In particular, the amount of progesterone produced is greatly increased, this hormone regulates the growth of the inner uterine membrane and practically paralyzes the muscles of the uterus in order to exclude the possibility of accidental rejection of the fetus.

Menstruation is a process in which the old egg is excreted from the body along with part inner shell uterus, therefore, with an increased content of progesterone, menstruation is almost impossible.

If the test is positive and menstruation has come, then most often there is no reason to worry about the health of the child. Menstruation can come 5-14 days after conception, and there is nothing strange in this. The fact is that until the fertilized egg has reached the uterus, all processes in the woman's body occur as usual, and the movement of the embryo can take up to two weeks. Therefore, if conception occurred in the middle of the menstrual cycle, then in the first month of pregnancy, a delay in menstruation may not be observed. But if menstruation does not stop for two months, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, as the consequences can be unpredictable.

Reasons for the continuation of menstruation during pregnancy

Possible reasons for the lack of delay during pregnancy may be as follows:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • superovulation;
  • hyperandrogenism;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • frozen pregnancy.

A delay in menstruation is a sign that the girl will soon become a mother. But not for all women, this news is joyful. Any of them goes to the pharmacy and buys a pregnancy test. If you follow the instructions, the test shows the result exactly one hundred percent. There are times when we see a positive test and menstruation goes on. Is it possible to trust such a check or still go to the doctor?

When is the right time to take a pregnancy test?

We all know that any test is checked using urine. The urine contains a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin. If fertilization has occurred, this hormone is taken to be produced. Day after day, the concentration of the hormone is gaining strength several times, and over time we can see a positive result on the test. This will mean that the girl is pregnant and will soon become a mother.

There are times when the test shows two strips, and menstruation goes on as before. No need to be surprised, since this happens very often in medical activities. This is due to the fact that the hormonal process is disturbed, which provokes a slight bleeding in the form of menstruation. Of course, this is not considered normal, so it is better to go to the gynecologist.

In order to achieve an accurate result, when you do the test, you should carefully approach this. First, carefully read the instructions. If you are having your period, and the symptoms are like those of a pregnant woman, it’s okay, they don’t like, they won’t affect its result.

Mandatory rules for checking the test:

  • The test is best done in the morning. Since the hormone that is responsible for conception has a high concentration in the morning urine;
  • so that the result is accurate, do not drink a lot of liquid the day before the test;
  • it is not necessary to use a sterile container, it just needs to be clean, without various traces of liquid;
  • to make an analysis, twenty to thirty milliliters of urine is enough. The test must be lowered into the urine to the prescribed level, for about twenty seconds. After the time has elapsed, pull it out and put it horizontally on a dry and clean surface;
  • wait two minutes and then watch the result. You do not need to wait any longer, as the test may show incorrectly.

Nowadays, there are a lot of tests for recognizing pregnancy, and various kinds. The accuracy of their answer can vary greatly. It depends on the quality and manufacturer. Therefore, it is better to purchase several pieces at once, and make them at the same time.

After the whole procedure, you will be able to see whether you are pregnant or not. If the test showed one strip, it means that there is no pregnancy. When the test showed two stripes, this is a sign that the test is positive and you will have a baby soon. It happens that the test did not show anything at all or showed, but very weak strips, it is better to wait a few days and carry out the procedure again.

If the test is positive, and menstruation does not stop, you should visit a gynecologist as soon as possible. Since this may mean that a woman has an ectopic or normal pregnancy, but there is a possibility of a miscarriage.

Is it possible to have periods during pregnancy

In order to understand whether there can be menstruation during pregnancy, you need to know some of the nuances of the female body. Menstrual cycle has several stages. One of which is the maturation of the egg. At this point, she is ready to conceive. When conception does not happen, the egg begins to die, and as a result, we see the arrival of menstruation. If conception happened, there should be no menstruation.

When a small life begins in the female body, the level of hormones increases greatly. Progesterone is responsible for the embryo, which grows and gets bigger every month. Also, progesterone prevents muscle contraction in the uterus, which begins to protect the fetus from possible rejection. Therefore, if a girl is carrying a child, menstruation is almost never when, they do not go.

But still, how to explain that there are two strips on the test, but menstruation has gone? Doctors insist that if menstruation occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, then there is no reason to panic. This may mean that the conception happened in the very center of the cycle, and the body simply did not have time to rebuild. Since the fetal egg takes time to rebuild and gain a foothold in the uterus. This time can be from five days to several weeks and almost always new periods do not begin.

If the critical days began in the next month, then you should go to the doctor and figure out what is wrong with your body.

Critical days and pregnancy - is it dangerous?

Bloody discharge during pregnancy can be due to several reasons. They are most dangerous in the first four to five months. It depends on the personality of the organism. This should be taken with care, as such discharge causes a miscarriage.

It may also be ectopic. Therefore, there may be not only spotting, but also severe pain lower abdomen. In the second trimester, periods are most dangerous. Women may have placental abruption. Such a problem can lead to severe blood loss in a woman, as well as the death of a child.

Reasons for menstruation during pregnancy

Very often, women do not even think that they are already pregnant at the moment. Because they do not feel, not any sensations in the body. Why is this happening?

Reasons for menstruation during pregnancy:

  • hormonal disruptions. Pregnancy is a powerful change in the body of every girl. If during menstruation the test shows that there is a pregnancy, this may be due to hormonal failure. As we have already said, the hormone progesterone is responsible for pregnancy. If critical days have begun, then there is very little progesterone in the body, and it does not produce the required amount of hormones. In order to fix hormonal background, doctors prescribe a number of special drugs;
  • two eggs. Such problems appear very rarely. At conception, they are fertilized in parallel, but only one is fertilized, and the second dies and comes out in the form of menstruation. This problem is solved, the woman is prescribed special preparations that you need to drink a certain time;
  • the egg is located in a bad place. When the egg is distributed in a bad place, it complicates the work of the development of the embryo, and rejection occurs;
  • frozen pregnancy. This reason is very serious, since doctors will have to terminate the pregnancy anyway. In order to prevent this from happening, after conception, the girl is placed in the hospital. Doctors monitor her condition and give her special medications. Gynecologists recommend to be examined and tested before conception. This is necessary to prevent such a problem;
  • ectopic pregnancy. When she comes, the woman feels all her signs, and the test also shows two strips. To see an ectopic pregnancy is possible only for specialists. Therefore, it is worth going to the clinic in the coming days.

Statistics say that those women who visit a gynecologist every month have a wonderful pregnancy and give birth to healthy babies.

Most women know that every month, around the middle of the cycle, there are days when conception is most likely. Some are waiting for them with apprehension, others with hope. Most women are sure that if menstruation came on time - there is no delay - then there is no pregnancy.

Someone sighs with relief and puts a new mark on the calendar about the beginning of the next cycle. Someone, on the contrary, is upset because of something that did not happen. desired pregnancy. But in nature, events do not always develop the way you are used to.

Features of the female cycle

A woman's cycle is the interval from the first day of her period to next moment their start. Its average duration is one lunar month or 28 days. But this is on average. In practice, there can be both very short, 21 days, and longer, up to 37 days, cycles.

Any cycle can be conditionally divided into two phases, the first of which ends with ovulation, which lasts about a day or two. The second, starting after it, is the actual menstrual bleeding, the duration of which can vary from three to seven days.

Everything is regulated by two hormones: follicle-stimulating and luteinizing, which are produced by the pituitary gland. The cycle itself is divided into three main phases:

  • The follicular or menstrual phase begins on the first day of the cycle, that is, from the moment the next menstruation has gone and continues until about its middle. During this time, under the influence of the hormone that actually gave the name to this phase, one of the follicles matures in the ovaries, which becomes dominant and in the future will give rise to a new egg.
  • The ovulatory phase begins with the rupture of the membrane of the dominant follicle and the release of an egg ready for fertilization. This phase can last from 12 hours to two days.
  • Luteal - the third and last phase of the cycle, which is controlled by the luteinizing hormone. It begins after ovulation, from the moment of formation in the body corpus luteum- temporary endocrine gland, which produces hormones designed to maintain pregnancy. Of course, in the event that conception occurred in the second phase of the cycle. If this does not happen, then the corpus luteum simply stops working. The decreasing level of hormones, mainly progesterone, leads to rejection of the uterine mucosa, menstruation begins and a new cycle begins.

With the onset of pregnancy, the corpus luteum is preserved until the formation of the placenta, which takes over its function. The level of hormones rises and menstruation does not occur.

How does a pregnancy test work?

However, events do not always develop according to this scenario. There are cases when the expected delay in the onset of pregnancy does not occur, menstruation came strictly on schedule, and a pregnancy test shows a positive result. Although this seems to be impossible. To understand the reason for this, you first need to figure out what exactly he is reacting to.

Approximately on the fifth or seventh day from the moment of fertilization, the egg enters the uterus, where it is fixed on one of its walls. The outer shell formed by this time - the chorion, has many blood vessels and not only provides good nutrition embryo, but also produces special hormone designed to keep the pregnancy going.

It is the presence of this hormone, which, thanks to the shell, got its name, determines the pregnancy test.

If the test is positive

Normally, chorionic gonadotropin is not formed in the body of a non-pregnant woman, and the most sensitive test is able to determine it when minimum concentration in urine 25 mU/ml. However, it happens that menstruation came on time, and after them the test unexpectedly showed two strips. This happens in two cases:

  • If the pregnancy did occur, but at the same time, the menstruation came exactly on time.
  • If there is no pregnancy, menstruation has gone, but the test determines the presence of gonadotropin in the urine.

In addition to confirming pregnancy, gonadotropin serves as an indicator of its normal course and helps to determine various deviations.

That is why the analysis for hCG is one of the main ones and is given throughout the entire period of bearing a child.

Menstruation during pregnancy

Quite often, the signs of an onset of pregnancy in the early stages are similar in PMS. A woman experiences nausea in the morning, which she blames on dietary errors. He suffers from insomnia and irritability, which he blames on the peculiarities of the cycle, hormones, or troubles at work.

But the menstruation came on time, without delay, and this makes her finally convinced that there is no pregnancy. However, this is not always the case.


Menstruation in the early stages of pregnancy is a phenomenon, although rare, but still occurring. Not always their presence indicates the development of pathology, quite often menstruation is a kind of norm. There may be several such situations.

An oocyte that failed to implant

It happens that a fertilized egg does not have time to leave fallopian tube and attach to the uterine cavity. In this case, it does not provoke the production of hormones aimed at preserving the embryo.

The body does not yet know about the onset of pregnancy and events develop according to the usual scenario. The mucous layer of the uterus becomes thinner, dries out and is rejected, and menstruation goes without delay. All this time, the embryo is in the cavity of the tube, and then it is fixed on the new endometrial layer.

Especially often this happens with a short - 21 day - cycle.

double ovulation

In the body, two eggs mature simultaneously or with a break of several days. One of them is fertilized, and the one that is unlucky comes out along with the next menstruation, which also goes without delay.

According to statistics, such a repeated surge of hormones, provoking the maturation of another egg, occurs in about 10% of women. The nature of this phenomenon has not yet been studied enough, scientists have not been able to find out exactly what exactly can provoke the maturation of two eggs at once. They are believed to be responsible for this stressful situations, irregular sex life and even some food.

implantation bleeding

This bleeding that occurs after the attachment of the egg to the endometrium of the uterus is often confused with menstruation, especially if it is prolonged and begins on the usual day.

When the embryo is fixed on the wall of the uterus, the vessels are damaged, with which it is rather densely penetrated. Implantation bleeding occurs approximately 10–14 days after conception.

If your cycle is 28 days, then confusing it with the onset of menstruation is quite simple.

Other reasons

In both situations, the expected delay in menstruation is likely to occur in the second month of pregnancy. However, sometimes this does not happen either. The reasons that menstrual bleeding go on the second and even on the third month can be:

  • Hormonal disruptions, especially those associated with insufficient production of progesterone.
  • Hyperandrogenism, in which the body begins to produce the male sex hormone - androgen.
  • Attachment of the egg in an unfavorable place.
  • Inflammatory or infectious diseases.
  • The death of one of the embryos, in the case of multiple pregnancy.
  • Myoma of the uterus.
  • A frozen or ectopic pregnancy that also gives a positive test result.

What should be done?

If menstruation came in the first month of pregnancy, then this is not a reason for panic. This bleeding is usually:

  • It has a weak character.
  • Pink or brown discharge.
  • It does not increase with time, but, on the contrary, passes a maximum of a day or two.

Most likely, it is associated with the implantation of the egg. However, even this should not be ignored.

Any bleeding that occurs during pregnancy, especially if it occurs in the second or third month, requires immediate appeal to the doctor.

Also, there is a danger of bleeding at any time, accompanied by pain, dizziness, pallor, falling blood pressure and palpitations.

Positive result after menstruation

However, it happens that there is no pregnancy, menstruation came on time, but after them the test unexpectedly showed two strips. That is, chorionic gonadotropin is present in the body, and in a fairly large amount.


If you do not take into account the poor quality of the test, marriage, expired suitability or its improper storage, then there can be several reasons for the presence of a hormone in the body:

  • Into the urine sample intimate soap or cream, to which the dye substance reacted.
  • Erroneous use instead of urine, saliva or blood, which may also contain their own hormones that can cause a test reaction.
  • Interrupted naturally, most often due to hormonal disruptions, in the early stages, pregnancy. The probability of such an event remains until the period of 12 weeks, while the delay in menstruation may not happen, and the test result will be positive.
  • HCG preparations that are prescribed to stimulate ovulation or to maintain the function of the ovarian corpus luteum.
  • Tumors of the ovaries or uterus.

However, in order to exclude the first two causes of false positive results, it is sufficient to use sterile urine collection containers or an inkjet test for analysis. It is better to analyze morning time when the concentration of the hormone in the urine is higher.

What should be done?

If you purchased a quality, accurate test, used it correctly, but are sure that it showed an erroneous result, you can repeat the test in two to three days. But in any case, you should not completely rely on home express methods. Regardless of the result, visit a doctor and undergo a complete examination.

Only a specialist will be able to accurately determine the cause of the production of chorionic gonadotropin in the absence of pregnancy and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

female body individual and often unpredictable, especially during pregnancy. Hormones are responsible for many processes in it, the production of which can be influenced even by changing moods and bad weather outside. Therefore, in case of any troubles and changes in your condition, do not delay a visit to a specialist.

If there are no reasons for concern, it will not hurt anyone to make sure of this once again. If the trouble did happen, then the sooner the doctor notices it, the more likely it will be to minimize its consequences.