
Lesson for City Day in the preparatory group. Lesson outline (preparatory group) on the topic: Lesson in the preparatory school group “My hometown”

Target: Summarize and systematize knowledge about your hometown, develop interest in the modernity of the city.

Integration into educational areas:


Clarify children’s ideas about their hometown;

- maintain interest in social facilities in your hometown.


— Remind children that if they handle fire or electrical appliances carelessly, a fire may occur;

— consolidate knowledge of fire safety warning and prohibition signs;

— Consolidate knowledge first first aid for frostbite and sunburn.

Cognition. FCCM.

— Continue to orient children in the areas of human activity.

Communication. Preparing for literacy.

Strengthen children’s ability to identify the first sound in a word;

Strengthen the ability to compose a sentence according to a given scheme.

Develop long-term memory, analysis and synthesis of thinking, attention.

Cultivate a love for your hometown, cultivate a desire to work together, together.

Preliminary result : children will systematize their knowledge about some social objects of the city, and will have a desire to visit other objects of interest to them together with their parents.

Materials and equipment: ball, 3 metallophones, fire-hazardous and safe objects, 2 hoops, cards with fire safety signs, cards for making words, cards with sentence diagrams, 2 easels, cards with an algorithm of actions for frostbite and burns, glasses, book ,2 boxes, cards with images of products.

Preliminary work: Excursions to the “City Museum of Local Lore”, “Pizzeria”, cafe “Gourmand”, “Pochta”, “Fire Station”, visit to the gym in LG No. 27, meeting with nurse, didactic game “Streets of my city”, Didactic games “Add a word”, “Come up with a sentence according to the diagram”.

1.Organizational point:

Ball game "Tell me about your city."

2. Introductory part:

Vosp.: Guys, this year we made a whole trip around our city. We visited many interesting places and learned a lot of new things. Do you want to play now in the educational ring” to remember the places we visited? To do this, we will divide into two teams: “Bears” and “Bunnies”, and the captains of your teams will be the mothers of our children. In such a game you cannot do without a jury; they will also be your parents. After completing the task, commands will be given sound signal using a metallophone. For a correct and quick answer you are awarded two chips, for a correct answer - one chip.

So, let's start the “cognitive ring”. (Children sit at tables)

Main part:

In the fall, we visited the Fire Station.

"If suddenly something bad happens,

Somewhere, something will light up

There's a fireman needed urgently

It will pay off, that’s for sure!”

Guys, tell me, who is a fireman?

Who in Rus' was called a fireman?

Now I will ask one member from each team to come to me to complete a special task that can bring your teams an extra chip.

Assignment to these participants: “From large quantity put flammable objects into the hoop.”

Assignment to the teams: Look at the fire safety signs and say what they mean.”

(Children completing the task individually evaluate each other, and the teams are evaluated by the jury.)

Play: the next task awaits us.

Guess the riddle:

“It contains amazing pictures,

Objects rare and delightful,

But they won't allow you to buy them.

Not because they cost a lot, because this is the treasure of my country,

This is not a store here, but... (a museum).

— Is there a museum in our city?

- what is it called?

And we visited it on an excursion. What did you see in the museum?

Task: From the first letters of the pictures, create a word denoting the name of the animal, fish, plant you saw on an excursion to the museum. Don’t forget to give a sound signal after all team members complete the task.

(Children complete the task, the jury evaluates the results).

Now it’s time for the teams to take a musical break.

Guys, where did the children of our group prepare for the relay? (In the gym LG No. 27). Yes, our children are friends with sports, and I suggest

"Musical physical education minute."

Physical education lesson “Exercise” V. Onshin.

(Children stand at easels)

The mother of one girl came to visit us and talked about her profession. What is her profession you will remember after guessing my riddle.

(Riddle about the nurse).

Assignment: On the easel you need to lay out the order of actions:

Command "Bears" for frostbite;

Team "Bunnies" for sunburn.

Don't forget about the sound signal when completing a task.

(Children complete the task, the jury evaluates the result).

(Children sit at tables)

"Pig in a poke" task.

Now I will give the team captains riddles, the answers are in closed boxes. Try to guess what is in the boxes. You can't open them. The jury is waiting for your signal.

(children guess riddles, together with the presenter they find answers: “Glasses” and

"book", the jury evaluates the answers).

Playback: What is the name of the building where they sell glasses?

What is the name for storing and reading books?

The following riddle awaits us:

You can leave a letter here,

Send a telegram

Call your mom on the phone while on a business trip.

You can buy an envelope here

Send a parcel urgently,

Say hello to everyone,

After all, this building... (mail).

Task: Compose a telegram according to the diagram.

(children complete the task, the jury evaluates the results).

We also made sweet excursions to the Pizzeria and cafe


Tell me, what is the name of the profession of a person who bakes cakes and pastries?

What is the name of the profession of a person who makes pizza?

To complete the next task, I invite you to the easels.

Assignment: The Mishki team will become culinary specialists and from all the products they will choose those that are necessary to prepare the cake.

The Bunnies team will become pizza makers and select ingredients for making pizza. Don't forget about the signal.

(Children complete the task, the jury evaluates the results).

Our “Educational ring is coming to an end.” While the jury is summing up the results, the children will read poems about their hometown.

I love my city early in the morning,

When all its streets are deserted.

And my soul is filled

The tranquility of a charming picture.

And in the evening, when the lights are burning,

The streets and bright shop windows are shining,

The city and I will be left alone,

So that the two of us can love his paintings.

I love my city and on a bright day,

And in cold, and in heat, and in bad weather,

I love every corner and house in it,

I love unique nature.

I love my city with all my soul since childhood,

Without demanding mutual love in return.

For what? But this city is mine

And for me he is the most wonderful thing in my life!

And now the jury will announce the winners of our game and award prizes.


Did you enjoy playing Cognitive Ring? What task was the easiest for you? The most difficult? Would you like to play this game again, but on a different topic? Which task from today's game will you ask your parents to complete?

MBDOU No. 85 "Malinovka", the city of Severodvinsk, Arhangelsk region, Russia.

  • learn to convey in speech and drawing a feeling of admiration for the beauty of one’s hometown;
  • continue to expand children’s knowledge about the sights of their hometown;
  • to educate children to have a caring, caring attitude towards their city.

Equipment: globe, illustrations of city sights, audio recording: “Song about Astrakhan” music. Ponomarenko, lyrics by Yur. Selensky, paints, pencils, paper, flannelgraph, music by P. Tchaikovsky “Autumn” from the cycle “Seasons”.

Preliminary work: excursions, conversations about their hometown, looking at illustrations.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher: Guys, good afternoon. I brought you a gift. But to find out what it is, you need to solve the riddle:

Stands on one leg.
Twists, turns his head,
Shows us countries
Rivers, mountains, oceans.
What is this?

Children: Globe.

Teacher: What is a globe?

Children: The globe is a model of planet Earth.

Teacher: That's right, the globe is a model of the planet Earth on which we live. what the hell is on the globe?

Children: The globe depicts seas, rivers, lakes, mountains, forests.

Teacher: Please note that there is more water than land, since there is more of what on the globe?

Children: Blue and light blue.

Teacher: The globe is huge. If we wanted to travel around it, it would take us many months. This is a common home for humanity. Countries are depicted on the globe. Including our country. What is it called?

Children: We live in Russia.

Teacher: And the capital of our country?

Children: The capital of our country is Moscow.

Teacher: What are people called if they live in Russia?

Children: They are Russians.

Teacher: What is the name of our city?

Children: Astrakhan.

Teacher: What do they call the people who live in it?

Children: We are Astrakhan residents.

Teacher: I love my city very much. And you?

Teacher: Children are born, trees are born, life is born on Earth, and with it cities are born. Just like people, cities celebrate their birthdays.

A long time ago, 453 years ago, our city was born with an amazing, beautiful name-... (Astrakhan). If we look at a globe or map, we will see that our city stands on the bank of a river.

Teacher: What is the name of this river?

Children: Volga.

“You flow, caressed by the winds,
Splashes of waves on the shore, crushing...
It’s not for nothing that you’re called the Volga,
Your name is good.”

Lina Kazakova.Good morning.”

– Why do you think the city was built on the banks of the river?

Children: There is fish in the river, you can eat it. You can travel along the river by boats. If the river washes the city on all sides, then it is more difficult for enemies to attack it.

Teacher: Tell me, how does a river serve a person?

Children: The river gives people food. You can swim in the river. You can use it to get to other cities.

Teacher: Guys, do you like to travel? Let's now go on a trip to Astrakhan. There are many beautiful and beloved places in our city. And you know them. How can you go on a trip?

Children: By plane, train, bicycle, car, bus.

Teacher: We will go with you on this magic bus.

The model of the bus is made of cardboard, the seats are children's chairs.

Teacher: We will choose who will be the driver using a counting rhyme. I will be his assistant. Everyone take your seats. Let's hit the road.

The audio recording sounds: “Song about Astrakhan” music. Ponomarenko, lyrics. Legal Selensky.

Teacher: Where have we come?

Children: To the Kremlin.

Teacher: That's right, to the Kremlin. Look what a beautiful monument. What is the Kremlin?

Children: There used to be a city here.

Teacher: Why was the city surrounded by a wall?

Children: It was a fortress. The wall protected our city from enemies.

Teacher : Who do you think lived in these buildings?

Children : Rich people lived here.

Teacher: And other people, where did they live?

Children: Behind the Kremlin wall, on the banks of the river.

Teacher: Tell me, has the Kremlin always been made of stone?

Children: No. Previously it was wooden.

Teacher : Why is it now made of stone?

Children: A stone wall better protects the city.

Teacher: The White Kremlin used to be washed by the wide Volga. And this could not but delight everyone who came to our city. Our Astrakhan Kremlin is a symbol of the strength and power of the Russian state. People from different cities of Russia come to admire our Kremlin.

“The old Kremlin sleeps on a hillock,
It was like stepping out of an ancient fairy tale.
Shaded by the sun and chalk,
Painted green and white.”

- Guys, let's make up stories about the Kremlin.

Children's stories

Artyom: “Previously, the entire city was located in the White City. People lived and traded here. And the Volga also approached the walls of the Kremlin. Other people came to us along the Volga.”

Diana: “People lived in the Kremlin. They were rich. There is a church here. When they ran out of space, they began to live outside the walls of the Kremlin. And the main people of the city lived in the Kremlin. Previously, the Kremlin was made of wood. It was a border fortress.”

– Now, I suggest you build a modern Kremlin on flannelgraph.

Game “Construction of the Kremlin”

Children are divided into two teams, they are given pictures with fragments of the Kremlin - on the reverse side there are numbers. The same numbers are on the flannelgraph.

Children walk in a circle and say the words:
In an even circle one after another
We walk - one, two, three,
And now, we are building the Kremlin
Together, let's run together.

After the signal, the children run to the flannelgraph and look for the corresponding number. The team that completes the picture first wins.

Teacher: Now we are going with you to Swan Lake. Where is it located?

Children: Not far from the Kremlin.

Teacher: How can you get to it?

Children: Take the bus. Take a walk.

Teacher: The lake is nearby. Let's take a walk.

Transition from the group to the activity room. Children approach tables or easels.

Teacher: So you and I came to Swan Lake. Swan Lake is a small island of nature in the center of the city. Look how beautiful the birds are. Here you can sit down, relax, admire the swans and willows. Do you want to play?

Game “Find a Landmark”

One of the children is given cards that show color spots(blue, red, yellow...), others - illustrations with the sights of the city: the Kremlin, Swan Lake, River Embankment, nature reserve. At a signal, children unite into groups. (What colors can you use to paint this illustration).

Teacher: Now, let's play game “Proposal - comparison”.

Teacher: Each team comes up with a proposal for its illustration.

(The lotus is a pink flower, like the dawn over the city; The domes shine over the Kremlin, like the sun shines in the blue sky...).

Teacher: There are many beautiful places in our city, and every Astrakhan resident has his own favorite. Do you have any favorite places? Do you want to draw them?

Teacher: Choose what you would like to draw with. Lena, what will you draw with?

Child: Pencils.

Teacher: And you, Lera?

Child: First with wax crayons, and then with paints...

While drawing, the music of P. Tchaikovsky “Autumn” from the cycle “The Seasons” sounds.

Teacher: Let's arrange an exhibition of your works. (Look at the children’s drawings.)

Teacher: Guys, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Yes, our city is beautiful. But the main beauty of the city is its people.

Astrakhan is a city of sailors, shipbuilders, chemists, fishermen, teachers, doctors. All of them, through their deeds, make our city more beautiful, cleaner, richer. And you children, when you become adults, I hope, will work for the good of our city - our little Motherland.

Our journey has now ended. It was a pleasure for me to travel with you, and you?

Teacher: Then until new travels.

Literature: Aleshina N.V.. “Patriotic education of preschool children.” Moscow, 2005.

  • “White City” (a collection of scripts dedicated to the 440th anniversary of Astrakhan). Astrakhan, 1998.
  • “Where the Volga shot an arrow...” IAPI, 1995.
  • “Golden Key-97”. Astrakhan, 1998.
  • Kondrykinskaya L.A.. “Where does the Motherland begin?” M., 2003.
  • Summary of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group “Favorite city of St. Petersburg”

    Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
    Description: This summary will be interesting preschool teachers, teachers additional education and parents. Designed for older children preschool age.

    Target: To develop in children a love and interest in the city in which we live.
    - To consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about St. Petersburg, its sights and history;
    - Improve monologue and dialogue speech;
    - Expand lexicon;
    - Cultivate love for your hometown.
    Visual material: photographs depicting monuments of St. Petersburg, reproductions of paintings with views of St. Petersburg.
    Preliminary work: Looking at a photo album of the city, talking about St. Petersburg, learning poems about their hometown, riddles, targeted walks (walks around the city for children with their parents).

    Progress of the lesson.
    Educator: Guys, tell me your full address, where do you live?
    Educator: There is an amazing city, and in it,
    Residents walk at night as during the day.
    White Nights! Very bright!
    Who wants to miss this miracle?

    Educator: About what city we're talking about?
    Educator: What miracle are we talking about? How do you think this city is different from others?
    Educator: There is a miracle in St. Petersburg - a garden,
    Decorated with lace fences.
    There is a palace in it of Tsar Peter,
    And statues like deities.
    In the shade of the alleys, near the fences,
    Tell me, what kind of garden is this?

    Children's answers.
    Educator: That's right guys. I hope you guessed what we will talk about today?
    Educator: Of course about St. Petersburg. I'm sure you are a lot interesting information know about our city, you often walked with your parents around your native and beloved city. You probably know a lot of sights?
    Children answer in order.

    Educator: Guys, why do you think a monument to Peter was erected in St. Petersburg?

    Educator: Yes, he is the founder of St. Petersburg. Peter loved St. Petersburg very much. Do you know that they even dedicated a poem to Peter?
    Child: A long time ago there lived a tsar in Russia,
    A very smart sir.
    He did not sit on the throne -
    I did a hundred things a day.
    Won a lot of victories
    He was an experienced sailor
    He is both a carpenter and a blacksmith
    Peter the Tsar was great!
    Educator: You and I read the history of the city, learned poetry and looked at a lot of illustrations. Illustrations of the city's sights are hung on easels in front of you. And you don’t have cut-out pictures on your tables. You need to assemble to get the whole picture. There should be 2 paintings on each table, and 4 people sitting at each table.
    Game exercise: “Collect a picture.”
    Educator: I suggest you relax a little and take a virtual walk around the city. I show you a picture, and you have to tell me what kind of monument or place it is.
    Children guess.
    Educator: I invite you to warm up,
    And I suggest a warm-up.

    Quickly stand up, smile,
    Stretch higher, higher.
    Well, straighten your shoulders,
    Raise, lower.
    Turned left, right,
    Hands touched knees.
    They sat down and stood up, they sat down and stood up,
    And they ran on the spot.
    Educator: Guys, you will soon go to school, you are already graduates of kindergarten. At the end of May, a holiday is held for all graduates (schools) in our city. Who knows what holiday this is? Maybe you can tell me what it's called?
    Educator: This holiday is celebrated when the white nights begin. Tell me, do any other cities have white nights?
    Educator: White nights last almost a month, from late May to late June. A lot of guests from other countries come to see and walk around the city at night. Watch the bridges open and enjoy the view of the Neva.
    Child: St. Petersburg May is the harbinger of summer.
    May is friends with white nights.
    Like fluorescent light bulbs
    They turned it on above ground by accident.
    A transparent ridge hits the granite of the water.
    And without waiting for the darkness,
    Like arms raised to the sky
    Bridges are being built over the Neva.
    Under the bridge there are spread vaults,
    From midnight until the morning.
    Smoky steamships pass by,
    Hard workers are rushing - boats.
    You don’t want to sleep at all on a white night.
    The city outside the window does not calm down,
    Because it is possible on a white night,
    Do everything as if it were daytime.
    (Nadezhda Polyakova)

    Educator: This year the Scarlet Sails festival took place on May 25. This is a very beautiful musical performance. The holiday takes place on the square, but who knows what it is called?

    Educator: That's right, Dvortsovaya. The embankments are filled with people, fireworks sparkle in the sky, and artists sing on stage. A beautiful and romantic event. Who are the main guests of the holiday?
    Educator: Of course, they are graduates. The most unforgettable thing is the appearance on the Neva of a frigate under scarlet sails. Such an event will never be forgotten. Can anyone tell me about this celebration? Someone probably visited, and someone else watched the performance on TV.
    Children talk.

    Educator: I’m sure you also remember the gorgeous fireworks display in the city. I would like to invite you to do some work, draw a picture on a topic or make an application. You and I will divide into teams, discuss our work and begin to complete it. What do you think can be drawn?
    Educator: Let's stretch our hands and start drawing.
    - They are friends in our group, - fingers join
    Girls and boys - to the castle (several times)
    We'll make friends with you
    Little fingers.
    One, two, three, four, five fingers from the little finger alternately
    We begin to count. connect with each other
    One two three four five
    We've finished counting (Hands down, shake hands)
    Educator: There are materials on the tables, when you decide what the team will do, take the materials and get to work.
    I turn on the music: the words of Oleg Kvasha’s song “St. Petersburg”.
    Children's work.

    Municipal preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of activities for the cognitive and speech development of children No. 121

    Abstract of GCD

    " My city"

    in the preparatory group

    educational field "Cognition"


    Antonova Tatyana Borisovna


    Kasyanova Irina Pavlovna





    Strengthening children's ideas about the city.


    Summarize and consolidate children’s ideas about their hometown (its past, present) through completing tasks;

    Promote the development of memory, attention, logical thinking, constructive skills;

    Promote development dialogical speech- “free” dialogue - in the process of jointly completing tasks, the ability to justify your answer;

    Continue to develop skills in working in subgroups and endurance.



      tables for working in subgroups;

      Kinder surprise containers for each child with numbers embedded inside for dividing into groups;

      envelopes with tasks for each group;

      "gifts" to replenish the storage envelope on the topics of "Znayka".

      musical accompaniment;

      number plates on tables.

      green signs to determine the child’s readiness to answer.

    Preliminary work:

      Conversations: “Me and my family”, “My city”;

      Examination of illustrations about the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, maps of the city, examination of the state symbols of the city, creation of the album "My City";

      "Museum gatherings" - meetings with representatives of the city local history museum with a story about the history of the city;

      “Guests” - a meeting with the parents of the group working at various enterprises in the city;

      Replenishment of attributes to role-playing games on the topic "Professions".

      Excursions to memorable places of the city;

    Technologies used

      socio-game (team organization - work in subgroups);

      health-saving (physical training);

      games (d/i “Make a whole”, “Decipher the word”, “City experts”, word game “What is my city?”, “What’s extra”, “Constructors”)


    1. Aleshina N.V. Introducing preschoolers to their hometown: Lesson notes, - M.: Sphere shopping center, 1999.

    2. . Introduce your child to your hometown: consultation for educators [Email. resource]. – Access mode:

    3. Yakusheva T.A. Nurturing civic and patriotic feelings in a child of senior preschool age. Preschool pedagogy, 2006, №6.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Introductory part.

    Educator: Good morning, guys. How are you? Excellent! Just great! Let's greet each other.(greetings "Greetings with the eyes") . An exciting activity awaits you today! You will find out what we are going to do today if you decipher the word on the board.

    The teacher draws the children's attention to the encrypted word - the game "Decipher the Word"

    G D O O R

    1 5 2 4 3

    Children, as they “decipher”, raise green tablets, and when the last child “deciphers” a word, everyone pronounces this word together.

    Educator: That's right, the word is "City". Today we will talk to you about our city. Tell me, what is the name of our city?

    Children: Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

    Educator: Amazing! Remember what I said at the beginning of our meeting?

    Children: An interesting thing awaits us.

    Educator: That's right. To do a great job, you need to split into groups. And to make everything fair, I suggest each of you take a container from a common box. When you open it, you will see a number. This number indicates the group number. Then sit down at tables with the same number.

    Children take containers and sit at tables.

    Educator: I see our groups have been decided. Now to the point! I will give you tasks. The whole group participates in completing the tasks: discuss with each other. Butreceive envelope with the task andintroduce Only one person needs the completed task: who - your group decides (you choose a representative through voting, or by counting, etc.).

    The one who will receive the task must tell the whole group what the task is as he understands the setting. You all do it together.

    And most importantly, a certain amount of time will be allotted to complete the task. As soon as the signal sounds, the discussion and selection of the representative who answers ends. Ready?!. Let's start work!

    Main part.

    Educator: I suggest a warm-up. We answer quickly!

    Word game "What's my city?"

    1. In our city there are many monuments to heroes, so what is our city?(heroic)

    2. Our city is decorated for the holiday with balloons and flags, so what is our city?(festive)

    3. There are a lot of trees and bushes in our city, so what is our city like in the summer?(green)

    4. In our city, many flowers are planted in spring.(flowering)

    5. Our city receives many guests from other cities(hospitable)

    6. In our city a lot of people go in for sports.(sports)

    7. We all love our city(Darling)

    8. It’s autumn now, which means our city(autumn)

    9. When night falls, the city becomes (night)

    10. When it rains, what city is it? (rainy)

    11. In winter, when snowing, then what city?(snowy)

    Educator: Just great guys! And now I invite team representatives to receive the first task.

    Children choose a team representative who approaches the teacher.

    Educator (in a quiet voice): This envelope contains part of an image of one of the sights of our city. You need to determine what kind of object it is and talk about it.

    Game "City Experts" (Appendix 1)

    Children return to the teams, there is a discussion, then the children choose who will answer, and answer in turns.

    Educator: Great. Does the other team have any additions? Then let's move on. I ask the team representatives to approach you to receive the next task.

    Educator: You need to identify those city objects thatNo in our city.

    Game "What's extra? (Appendix 2)

    Educator: They did an excellent job. I suggest you get some rest. Everyone can enjoy a walk around the city!

    Physical exercise “My City” is being performed

    I like to walk around the city,

    Clinics, pharmacy,

    Shop, library,

    There are many residential buildings here

    And trees and bushes.

    An excavator digs the earth,

    We have a cinema

    Schools, kindergartens, museums

    The city is for the people.

    Educator: Let's continue! I invite representatives of the groups to receive the next envelope with the task.

    This envelope contains an image of products that are produced at enterprises in our city. You need to assemble this image from parts and say at what enterprise it is produced.

    Game "Make a Whole" (Appendix 3)

    Educator: Amazing. And the last task. I ask for group representatives.

    You need to assemble from the parts of the floor constructor a model of the product that you assembled from the cut-out pictures.

    Construction game "Constructors". From the proposed set of parts of the floor constructor, construct models of an airplane and a ship.

    Educator: Well done! Great job. And by tradition, I ask representatives of the groups to tell us about the joint work of your group - what happened, why they couldn’t agree, etc.

    Children analyze their activities.

    Educator: Let's continue our traditions - today I give you a small puzzle. You will put it in your Znayka storage envelope. After completing the task, you will find out what types of transport there are in our city.(Appendix 4)

    Thank you all very much for the excellent work!

    Annex 1 City experts

    V. A. Sukhomlinsky argued that “childhood is an everyday discovery of the world, and therefore it must be done so that it becomes, first of all, the knowledge of man and the Fatherland, their beauty and greatness.” The basic stage in the formation of love for the Motherland in children is their accumulation of social experience of life in their city, the assimilation of the norms of behavior and relationships accepted in it, and the introduction to the world of its culture.
    Program content:
    1. Clarify and expand children’s knowledge about their hometown.
    2. Cultivate love for one’s hometown, region, the ability to see beauty and be proud of it.
    3. Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about their hometown.
    4. Introduce children to the image of the coat of arms of their hometown.
    Preliminary work: conversations about the city and looking at photographs with views of the city; reading poems about your hometown; didactic games: Find out from the description where the monument is located.
    Equipment and materials: demonstration material (photos of his hometown; image of the coat of arms and flag of Cheboksary; map of Russia for children); recording of the song “Shupashkar”, tape recorder.
    Progress of the lesson
    1. Organizational moment.
    - We will start our lesson with a poem - a riddle.
    Teacher reading a poem.

    The city, my city - avenues, gardens.
    We consider you gray-haired by your years,
    And if we look at the houses from the Volga -
    You look young, like youth itself.

    On a high mountain the green park is rustling,
    I’ll sit on a bench by the path -
    I have good love, like all lovers,
    Linden and oak trees will wish.

    I look into the distance in the evening from the top of the park -
    So many lights over the mountain!
    Is it the stars that shine so brightly?
    Or Cheboksary over the river.

    Wherever the winds carry me
    (We have big cities).
    BUT dearer than this corner of Russia,
    I will never find it in my life.

    (Alexander Lukashin)

    2. Report the topic of the lesson.

    — Guys, today we will talk about our hometown. Who can tell what it's called? (Children's answers).
    — That’s right, our city has a beautiful name, Cheboksary. You and I, its residents, are called Cheboksary residents
    — Let's find our city on the map of Russia.

    3. A story about Cheboksary On the banks of the Volga, in the area of ​​the Cheboksary reservoir, lies the beautiful city of Cheboksary. It is located east of Moscow between Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod. History first mentions the settlement of Cheboksary in written sources in 1469. In Chuvash the name is Shupashkar.

    In 1920, Chuvash Autonomy was created, and the city of Cheboksary became the capital. New districts have appeared: Kalininsky, Leninsky and Moskovsky. The area of ​​the city is 250 square kilometers. The streets bear the names of famous Cheboksary residents and natives of Chuvashia: poets K. V. Ivanov, M. Sespel, the first Chuvash cosmonaut A. Nikolaev, hero civil war V. I. Chapaeva. The city is notable for its architectural monuments, cleanliness, and amenities. No wonder in 2002 it won the competition for the most comfortable city in Russia.

    4. Dynamic pause to the song “Shupashkara kil” (Come to Cheboksary”) by A. Shadrikov (Performing a set of exercises is at the discretion of the teacher).

    5 . Work on the topic.

    — Try to tell us why you love our Cheboksary. (Children's statements).

    — Guys, what streets of our city do you know? What streets do you live on?

    Game “My Home Address”.

    — Do you know what street our kindergarten is on? (Children's answers).
    — Who will tell you why the street on which our kindergarten is located was called Ashmarin Street? (Children's answers).

    Ashmarin Street is named after the linguist Nikolai Ivanovich Ashmarin.

    — What is the name of the main street of the city? (Children's answers).

    - What can we see on the street? Karl Marx and Lenin Avenue?

    (Government House, Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after Yakovlev, Chuvash National Library, monument to the Chuvash educator I. Ya. Yakovlev).

    — Guys, Cheboksary, like all cities, has a coat of arms and a flag. (Demonstration of symbols one by one).

    The state emblem of the Chuvash Republic is a heraldic shield on which we see the “Tree of Life” growing from the Chuvash land. “Tree of Life” is a sign of the long historical path traveled by the Chuvash people.

    Guys. What do you think it means yellow on the coat of arms?

    —Who are tractor builders? (Children's answers).

    One of the largest avenues in our city is named in honor of the tractor builders. On Traktorostroiteley Avenue there is the Cheboksary Industrial Tractor Plant, Mechanical Engineering College, MNTK "Eye Microsurgery", the Tractor Builders' Palace of Culture, the Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia (Monument of History and Culture)

    5. Summing up the lesson:

    — Guys, the city of Cheboksary is our small homeland, the most dear place on Earth. You and I are residents of our hometown. It depends on you and me what our city will be like in the future.

    — While you are still preschoolers, you still have to do great, good deeds. In the meantime, you need to love your city, and to love means to know it.

    Development of Prototype in the Class Notes section and published on June 7th, 2015
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