
Meaning of the name Alsou. Interpretation of the name


The name Alsou is of Tatar origin. According to the main version, its literal interpretation sounds like “pink color”. But in society it is customary to interpret this name in simpler words, for example, “rose water” or “rosy-cheeked.” In a figurative sense, the name Alsou means a “beautiful” girl.

The female name Alsou is often found today in many countries, and is especially popular in countries with a Russian-speaking population. It has good significance and an interesting origin story. Endows the girl named by him with unique features and excellent compatibility with male names...

Popularity: Unfortunately, the female name Alsou does not even fall into the top hundred popular Russian female names and is considered one of the rarest.

Conversational options: Alya

Modern English analogues: Not available

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Alsou has very strong energy and is capable of endowing the bearer with a whole bunch of good qualities. Usually, the energy of this name promises such character traits as prudence, balance, the ability to control emotions, curiosity and interest in everything unexplored.

Usually this name belongs to a girl with a developed imagination and excellent imagination, which the bearers of this name can effectively use in everyday life.

Advantages and positive features: The most important advantage of all girls named after Alsou is that they are able to find ways out of hopeless situations and are always ready for new risks and adventures. These girls are not afraid of anything and are always one step ahead of everyone...

Alsou has a bad attitude towards people who are boring and tedious, who do not know how to have fun and simply enjoy life. And the bearers of this name hate stingy and greedy people.

The name Alsou is not very common in Russia and the CIS countries, and became popular only after the appearance of the famous singer of the same name.

Personality of the name Alsou

The character of the name Alsou is fraught with many interesting and important qualities, united in a surprising way in the owner of this name. The main qualities of Alsou’s character can be considered: balance, prudence, curiosity and the ability to control one’s emotions. The owner of this name also has the gift of persuasion, as well as the ability to calculate actions in advance. However, undesirable traits of her character are laziness, vanity and excessive straightforwardness.

Since childhood, the owner of the name Alsou has been a huge success among children and never suffers from a lack of friends. She easily manages to convince her comrades and friends of her own genius. However, a positive atmosphere among friends is important to her. She is a good-natured, selfless and trusting person. She will not leave her friend in trouble, even if he simply decides to take advantage of her naivety. Unfortunately, she will have to endure many betrayals from friends and painful disappointments, but she still will not maintain true friendship with those who are devoted to her.

And in her work activity, the owner of the name Alsou will show hard work, a brilliant mind, planning and perseverance. A job in which communication with people plays an important role is suitable for her. This is where her gift of persuasion comes in handy. For example, she can become an authoritative teacher, administrator, leader, or even a politician.

Early childhood

From an early age, this child demonstrates excellent calm, behind which lies prudence and tranquility. She does every task after she has thoroughly thought through the plan of action. Behind her slowness lies not stupidity, but a talent to do everything with an A+, without mistakes, having carefully considered all the pros and cons.

On the playground, she usually plays the role of a “ringleader,” a person with an amazing mind who knows how to lead a crowd and impose her own ideas on everyone around her. The children are friends with her, and she herself reaps the benefits of popularity with pleasure - she loves flattery, compliments, and being the center of attention.

Parents often set her up as an example for their children, and her mother and father are completely proud of their child. There are only a few “buts” - the first is laziness and inability to show perseverance, and the second is straightforwardness, which sometimes leads to conflicts with peers and “ancestors”.


In adolescence, everything will change a little - she will remain the same smart, systematic, kind and lively, but she will also acquire a hard work ethic, and if her upbringing is correct, she will also lose laziness, as a result of which there will be greater chances of success in school and in the future building a career.

It may seem that she is too calm and ignores everything around her, but no - in fact, tolerance even in difficult situations is a common reluctance to make hasty conclusions and reduce everything to conflict. She tries to get out of any situation peacefully, so that no one gets hurt, not physically, not morally. But on the other hand, any little thing, tiny turmoil can throw her off balance...

Adult woman

In general, he is a sociable and very kind person. She is good-natured and friendly, she will always help and will never betray a person who needs her help. But it’s easy to take advantage of her kindness - she’s too gullible and doesn’t understand when they’re trying to trick her, and when to cash in on her gullibility. Often trusts people who do not deserve it, idealizes everyone, ascribes traits that no one possesses. It will be difficult for her in life; her fate includes many crazy troubles, mistakes, insults and betrayals.

She is interesting in nature and an excellent conversationalist who knows how to maintain a conversation and direct it in the right direction. It's never boring with her, but you can't count on unpredictable fun and pranks either. As for relationships with men, everything is completely simple - she will create an alliance only with someone she truly loves, and it doesn’t matter to her whether that gentleman loves her.

Interaction of Alsou's character with the seasons

Spring - a girl named Alsou, born under the auspices of the spring season, has many good qualities. Friendliness, good nature, determination, perseverance, impetuosity. The only negative is that he does not compromise even in previously lost situations and disputes. She acts only at her own discretion, does not learn from mistakes and acts exclusively as her intuition tells her.

Summer - meaning Summer bestows a strange character, to which characteristics such as infantility, naivety, eccentricity, and poise can be attributed. The main disadvantage is timidity and unwillingness to take responsibility for decisions made. Because of this, she is deprived of any chance of success in her career and professional growth.

Autumn – and an autumn girl’s soul origin will be simple and light. Kindness, optimism, indecisiveness, sincerity, honesty, cheerfulness, integrity and assertiveness are the main identifying parameters of her nature. She happily gives out advice left and right, but she herself does not listen to strangers. She is self-confident and narcissistic, largely relying only on intuition.

Winter is a romantic person with a well-developed imagination, open and honest, hating falsehood and flattery. He knows how to present himself to society, is always in the center of attention and hates monotonous life. Variety, fun, unpredictability, new impressions and emotions - these are her weaknesses. For a long time I am not ready to part with my independence and freedom, I am not created for motherhood.

The fate of the name Alsou

The fate of the name Alsou promises its owner a rather interesting line of relationships with men, both in love and in marriage. Alsou is a very strong-willed lady and is used to deciding who she should be with, so she is not chosen, but she herself chooses her future husband. She is ready to marry only a man whom she loves truly deeply and sincerely. The owner of this name does not hide her desire to control her chosen one, but she will have to slow down somewhat in order to maintain peace and happiness in the family.

Alsou is prone to fairly frequent mood changes, which cannot but affect her communication with her husband. He must have a lot of patience to withstand her impulsiveness of character, and not cause scandals. But she always looks like a supermodel, does not forget to please her husband and appreciates him, and she herself maintains marital fidelity. By the way, Alsou’s husband must remember that betrayal is the only thing that she will never be able to forgive him.

The owner of the name Alsou approaches the performance of her duties as a housewife with special zeal. Shine, chic, gloss, order and cleanliness are the daily norm for her. She strictly makes sure that the household members themselves maintain this beauty, and do not clutter everything with garbage, dirty dishes or scattered things while she is not at home. In addition, Alsou values ​​successful and wealthy men, so she will not marry a guy who is not financially secure.

Love and marriage

Alsou is a woman with a rather tough character, which is why in her relationships with male representatives, things do not always work out as smoothly as she would like. She aims to marry only the man whom she loves with all her soul, idealizing their relationship. She is too demanding of the object of her love, trying to lead the lives of not only her children, but also her husband. As a rule, in order to preserve the family, she has to learn to respect the wishes and opinions of her household members in order to avoid conflicts or even painful separation.

Alsou's behavior in relations with her husband greatly depends on her changeable mood, so it is difficult to say how she will manifest herself now, and how, for example, in the evening. Her husband must have a lot of patience to get used to his wife’s temperament. However, she tries to look like an exemplary wife, supporting her husband in all his endeavors. Alsou is a supporter of highly moral principles of marriage; not only will she not be able to forgive her husband’s betrayal, but she herself will never cheat.

Also, as a rule, manages to cope with the duties of a housewife very well. Her house is always tidy and clean, and her refrigerator is stocked with her delicious and healthy meals. In addition, she skillfully shows hospitality and cordiality when guests come to them. By the way, the financial situation of her husband is also important for her, since she expects that her husband will be able to adequately support both her and her children and will be a real support and support for her in all her endeavors.

Alsou as Mother

Alsou, as a rule, is in no hurry to have children, since it is extremely important for her to realize her own ambitions in her career. Usually she decides to become a mother due to numerous requests from her husband and relatives. However, having experienced the joy of motherhood once, she categorically changes her views on this concept. It would not be surprising if she eventually becomes a mother of many children.

Usually Alsou becomes a very good mother. She is capable of showing hyperprotection towards children, although this is also not always good. Her efforts to protect children from all troubles and adversities, from falling off a bicycle or from a common cold, do not allow children to learn from their own mistakes, gaining life experience. Soon Alsou realizes this and somewhat slows down his care of his children. She entrusts the sports education of her children to the father of the family, although she also keeps fit

She devotes a lot of time to her children, diligently educates them and takes every possible care of their development. Alsou may be interested in creative trends or work in this field, so he actively instills in children a craving and interest in art. It is important for her to help children grow up to be highly moral and well-mannered people.

Horoscope named Alsou


Aries - the meaning of Aries will give a girl named Alsou the character of a successful lady, a hard worker, worthy of the best. She is purposeful, hardworking, persistent, achieves her goals one hundred percent of the time and can be aggressive in the process of self-development.


Taurus is too susceptible and becomes depressed when any, even the weakest, criticism is expressed towards her. Stubborn and uncompromising, but selfish, and can give in in a dispute for the sake of profit. She has no sense of humor, is callous and boring, lives monotonously and in constant dullness.


Gemini - in this case, named Alsou, is a pleasant girl, gentle, charming, charming, cheerful, good-natured and optimistic. Loves attention and compliments, keeps flatterers nearby. She will become an ideal wife and mother, but for a long time she will not be able to forget about freedom, which she greatly values.


Cancer is shy, timid, unsure of herself, fearful and suspicious, does not take responsibility in important matters, does not want to be a boss or leader, prefers to be in the shadow of leaders and follow orders rather than build her own destiny. Infantile.

a lion

Leo is a lioness, a person with a unique inner world, combining several contradictory parameters at once. She is self-centered and proud, confident in her own actions and does not doubt that she is right, but she can give in to a man in any dispute, but only because of love.


Virgo - here the name Alsou and the zodiac in a pair give rise to a whiny nature. She is vulnerable and sentimental, sensitive and emotional, a seeker of adventure and new experiences. She has excellent compatibility with all zodiacs and name forms, but she will choose an exceptionally strong, honest, obsessive and assertive man as her wife.


Libra - this sign, in alliance with the origin of the name Alsou, will bestow such traits as responsiveness, openness, delicacy, tact, and constancy. The big problem is gullibility. She will play a cruel joke on her, she will not be able to avoid betrayal and lies, and will never make really true friends.


Scorpio is a unique personality with a unique set of characteristics. Acts solely according to his conscience and adheres to moral principles, does not deceive and does not seek benefits in communication. Can radiate firmness and toughness, but only towards those who deserve it.


Sagittarius is a cheerful, kind-hearted lady, ready at any moment to help anyone in need. He will not refuse advice, he will listen and understand, and will help in any way he can. She needs a protective spouse, someone who can withstand her whims and never betray her. Values ​​straightforwardness.


Capricorn - and born under the influence of the Capricorn zodiac sign and given the name Alsou, she is completely positive in all directions. She does not know how to lie or flatter, she considers herself correct and the most positive among all her loved ones, she is hardworking and devoid of laziness. This kind of person will definitely achieve success in everything she undertakes.


Aquarius - has enviable self-control, never loses her temper, is restrained and constant, but longs to become ordinary, like everyone else, unpredictable and cheerful. She is diligent, obligatory and diligent, always finishes things to the end, does not give up and does not give in at the sight of obstacles, purposeful.


Pisces is romantic, dreamy, lives in an exclusively ideal world imagined by the imagination. She is gullible and naive, believes in any promises and does not even learn from personal mistakes. She needs as a husband a representative of the male half of humanity, a brave, persistent and decisive realist.

Compatibility with male names

The most ideal is the compatibility of the name Alsou with such male names as Maxim, Roman, Georgy, Grigory, David, Vadim and Victor. There is every chance of building a happy and truly lasting marriage.

With Artemy, Pavel, Danila, Vyacheslav and Veniamin, unfortunately, there is only a chance of creating strong, but not long-lasting relationships. There is passion, feelings, understanding, but there is no love and fidelity.

And it’s better not to get involved with Venedikt, Vilen, Demyan, Luka, Marat, Pankrat and Joseph at all, because here nothing will work except jealousy, disagreements and eternal quarrels.

Alsou is one of the most common female Tatar names. Its owners have different personalities, social status, live in different regions of the planet, but at the same time have many common features. What is she like, Alsou? This article will tell you about this.

Origin of the name

The female name Alsou is of Tatar origin. It is mentioned in ancient sources dating back to the fifteenth century. The simple sound of the word has been making the name popular not only in the countries of the Muslim world, but also in all other parts of the planet for several centuries. For those who like to use diminutive forms of words, this name is not very suitable. You will have to show imagination and invention to form a new word. But sometimes such forms as Alsunka, Alsushenka, Alunya, Asulya take root successfully. You can also find an abbreviated form. Then the name begins to sound like Alya, Su, Alu, As.

Translation and meaning of the name

Rosy-cheeked, rose water. This is the meaning of the name Alsou in Tatar. To be more precise, this is a free translation. Pink color is a more strict and accurate translation of the name Alsou. The meaning of a name depends on many factors. There are several figurative interpretations of the name. Some of them sound like “beautiful”, “the most charming”, “a girl with rosy cheeks”.

Today the name is found not only in Tatar, but also in English, Greek, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, French and many other languages ​​of the world.


The meaning of the name Alsou for a girl, her family and friends is very attractive. She is an obedient, attentive and punctual child. The creative abilities that Alsou possesses attract many friends and acquaintances to her circle. From an early age, a girl can acquire a group of fans. Music and vocals are areas where a child will definitely try himself and achieve good results.

There are often cases when at some point a child’s second self awakens. Alsou becomes somewhat uncontrollable - she is very active, noisy, and capable of all sorts of tricks. At these moments, a manifestation of stubbornness and lust for power occurs.
However, as a child she is very attractive in appearance, and her family and friends are ready to forgive the girl all her negative qualities.

The meaning of the name Alsou and her character

The attitude of the people around her towards the adult Alsou is ambiguous. The meaning of the name, the character and fate of a woman are tightly intertwined.

Some believe that Alsou is very fickle.

She is eccentric and curious. He takes a special interest in specific people, constantly giving them advice. However, it is impossible to use them, since they are thoughtless and simply incorrect.
The desire for a leading role in the team remains with Alsou from childhood and throughout his life. She considers her own statements and ideas about life to be the only correct ones. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to convince her otherwise.
Alsou, born in winter, becomes a strong and sometimes domineering woman, capable of controlling a situation of any complexity. She clearly sees the entire path that will lead to achieving her goal, which cannot be said about women with this name born at other times of the year. People around you need to avoid raising their voices when communicating with Alsou. This is perhaps the only thing that can piss her off.
Composure, punctuality, commitment, shyness, emotionality - characteristics of the “autumn” Alsou. The meaning of the name will become more complete if we say that its owners are fair and honest. They are ready to fight for the truth to the last, to protect the weak.
As noted above, the character of Alsou, the meaning of the name largely depends on the time of birth of the girl. It has been noticed that those born in summer are open to communication, carefree, and cheerful. she is beautiful and talented, has many friends whose friendship she values.
“Spring” Alsou has a bright appearance and an ideal figure, which gives her extraordinary attractiveness. She uses this quality to achieve her main goal - to get married and spend her life in entertainment.

Study and work

Alsou often appears among the names of excellent students at school. The meaning of the name obliges her to do this. The overall picture of academic performance can be spoiled by a girl’s penchant for daydreaming, which makes her inattentive when completing school assignments, especially in the exact sciences. But she easily masters several foreign languages ​​at once.

Thanks to her leadership abilities, the girl easily leads a large class or team. However, he prefers to observe a conflict situation that arises among peers from the sidelines.

There is no area where Alsou would not try herself. A sports career is quite accessible to the owner of the name. An active lifestyle, mobility, and perseverance in achieving goals will help her in this. Alsou will make a good teacher, administrator, politician, capable of gathering a strong team around him.

But we must remember that a woman named Alsou devotes herself to her work only as long as it interests her. Gray everyday life, routine, monotony, boredom give her the impetus to change not only her job, but also her destiny. Also is not recommended to engage in commercial activities. Metallurgy will also not bring the desired result.

The meaning of the name Alsou and her fate

A woman never puts family life and relationships with a loved one first. It is for this reason that Alsou often cannot find a soul mate. However, this circumstance does not weigh on her. She gets even more involved in her work and social life and achieves excellent results there.

Alsou's friends and relatives do not always understand her actions. In everyday life, a woman is unpredictable. Suddenly, having left all her business, she may leave somewhere without warning, start renovations that she had not thought about just yesterday, or move to another apartment. It is also typical for a woman to radically change her image, lifestyle, place of residence.
Many of her actions look like whims. But the whole point is that the basic life principle of a woman is contained in the words: “You cannot deny yourself anything!”

Relationships with the opposite sex

Having a bright appearance and an excellent figure, Alsou, while still a teenager, attracts the attention of young men. But relationships during this period are pure and innocent. Men treat the girl with respect, fearing to offend or humiliate her.

At the age of 18-20, when it comes to finding a chosen one, a lady takes the initiative into her own hands. She usually likes short, strong men. Betrayal is the only thing that Alsou will never forgive. She does not restore the relationship with the man who was unfaithful to her.
If a girl gets married at a young age, she lives a family life until the end of her days. Most often she is a one-woman man.
The horoscope recommends taking into account the names of men who can make Alsou happy or, conversely, ruin her life. The list of the most suitable male names includes Artem, Aristarchus, Igor, Veniamin, Konstantin, Timur.
Numerology does not recommend that a girl connect her destiny with Andrey, Victor, Matvey, Gerasim, Semyon.

Astrological forecast

Green color with a sea tint is the most preferred shade, which should be present not only in a woman’s clothes and jewelry, but also in her surroundings. Aquamarine shade is another preferred color option.
A talisman for women and girls can be made of topaz, aquamarine, tourmaline. They need to be given poppies, roses, water lilies.
The owners of the name do not celebrate name days, since the name is not included in the calendar. Only the meaning of the name Alsou in Islam is known.
For girls born under the sign of Libra and Sagittarius, the name Alsou is most suitable.

The name Alsou is of Tatar origin and means “pink color”. But there are also more free interpretations of the name Alsou, closer to the original - “rosy-cheeked”, “rose water”. In a figurative sense, this name means “beautiful.”

Her plans are fickle, as they depend only on curiosity and interests, which can change quickly. It is the people themselves and their lives that are of interest. Alsou loves to analyze, explain and prove what interests her. Alsou is a leader in any dispute, which is explained by her ability to generate interest in the topic of the dispute and provide compelling arguments to prove that she is right. Such a belief in one’s rightness and the correctness of one’s arguments can cause serious problems, since Alsou’s arguments may turn out to be just a fantasy and a beautiful dream. For the same reason, Alsou's advice may be of little use, although she loves to give it.

Alsou often has an attractive appearance, she is kind, modest and tolerant. Alsou avoids conflicts, she is forgiving and not prone to envy and revenge. Her actions are difficult to predict, she is impulsive and can suddenly go on a trip that she had not planned at all. Alsou always sets goals for herself, on the achievement of which her self-esteem depends. Praise and approval are very important to her, but are not an end in themselves. Her life is determined by what interests her.

Since Alsou is a born leader, a dreamer and a lover of giving advice, she will be suitable for a job where she can show her interest and achieve leadership at the same time. She loves working with people and will be a good administrator, teacher, politician and leader.

Usually at school these girls are very talented and do well academically, but are often inattentive and absent-minded. They are very active and love sports. From an early age, a penchant for creativity, especially vocals, is visible. Having a wonderful memory, they are able to master several languages ​​at once.

Girls with this name, born in winter, love power and can provoke disagreements among their peers without personally participating in conflicts. Their actions are thoughtless. Girls who are brave in childhood, think very carefully about their decisions and actions in adulthood. They are not touchy, are always calm in an argument and know what to do. The only thing you should avoid when talking to them is raising your tone - this can easily make them angry.

Alsou, born in autumn, is distinguished by her concentration, attentiveness and perseverance in the pursuit of her goal. She is very punctual and expects this from others. Her innate shyness does not prevent her from having many friends, since she is always ready to help out in difficult times. Sometimes Alsou can be very emotional. Justice is very important to them. Such women are acutely aware of their failures. They behave thoroughly at work, always have their own opinion on everything and are calm about long-distance business trips.

Alsou treats family, everyday life and money as the norm of life - without much enthusiasm, so her family can be replaced by friends and work. Alsou's temperament can change dramatically to the complete opposite - sometimes she is cold as ice, sometimes she is in the grip of unbridled passion. This can cause problems in finding a husband, since the spiritual world of a person is very important to her, but not everyone is able to calmly take her inconstancy.

Numerology of the female name Alsou

The number of the name Alsou is nine, almost infinity, which at the same time carries thoroughness. She stands firmly on her feet, relying on her own strength. Her judgments are somewhat categorical, but always sincere. In general, honesty for her is not an empty phrase, it is a life principle, a vector that guides. Alsou expects sincerity from others, but does not always receive it... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is available.

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The name Alsou came to us from the Tatar language. The original translation is presented in two versions: “pink color” and “scarlet water”. But there are also less accurate interpretations like “rosy-cheeked.” A common translation with a figurative meaning is “beautiful.”

Young ladies who bear this name are bright and unconventional personalities, not lacking in talent. They are not afraid of popularity and have huge success with the public.

Astrology of the name Alsou

From the first years it becomes clear that Alsou is growing up as a curious child who loves life very much. She is interested in absolutely everything that is going on around her. One of the ways for a girl to understand the world around her is through argument.

She argues on any occasion, but this is not a thoughtless shaking of the air. The child knows how to make arguments and listen to others. By the way, the baby always agrees with someone else’s position if it ultimately turns out to be correct.

Alsou never sits in one place. She is very mobile, active, spends a lot of time with friends, and loves team sports. Therefore, it will not be possible to force or encourage a girl to sit for hours on her homework - she will quickly complete it and run outside for a walk.

In adolescence, he is characterized by inconstancy and emotionality. This is often pointed out to her, which is why over time the girl begins to struggle with her nature. It should be noted that Alsou does this with great enthusiasm.

She pushes herself into strict boundaries, develops a daily routine, tries to be disciplined, and spends a lot of time thinking about every decision she makes. All this looks promising, but does not give the desired results. As a result, a girl may inadvertently lead herself to a nervous breakdown.

Under no circumstances should she break herself or turn her life upside down. As soon as Alsou understands this, all serious problems in life will end.

Alsou, who allowed herself to be real, is not always a convenient person for society, friends and relatives. But over time, they all begin to accept her for who she is, because they understand perfectly well: it will not be possible to change this proud woman by force.

The owner of this name comes into harmony with herself, achieves success in her work, builds a family, and finds wonderful friends. After this, he begins to live with full confidence that he has the right to his own opinion.

But this does not mean that a woman will be stubborn in any position. She is still friendly, open to people, and ready to compromise. Alsou respects others and will never try to manipulate.

The meaning of the name Alsou, origin, character and fate of the name Alsou
View a description of the name “Alsu”, its meaning and origin. Find out the fate and character of a person with the name “Alsu”.


Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Alsou

The name Alsou has a clear, well-traced origin. It belongs to the Turkic-Tatar language group and is translated as “pink color”. In some free interpretations, the meaning of the name sounds like “rosy-cheeked”, “rose water”, “scarlet water”. In a figurative sense, it means “beautiful.”

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Aries
  • Patron planet: Mars, Jupiter
  • Talisman stone: tektite
  • Color: red
  • Tree: lilac
  • Plant: gladiolus
  • Animal: crab
  • Favorable day: Tuesday

Character traits

The meaning of the name Alsou gives its owner charming, soft beauty and femininity, which clearly does not correspond to her character - strong, purposeful, prone to analysis and logical constructions. She needs praise like air, although, being a born leader, the approval of others is not an end in itself for her.

The characteristic of the name Alsou is a description of a capable, even talented person who is simply obliged to develop her potential. She loves to advise, but does not accept recommendations from others, and is guided solely by her own opinion.

From an early age Alsou adheres to high ideals and tries not to act basely and basely. She is not vindictive, not envious, not vindictive. But at the same time, her actions cannot be predicted, since she is characterized by spontaneous, impulsive actions. Since childhood, she has not tolerated shouting and scandals, so she tries to avoid this model of behavior in her family as much as possible.

The secret of the name Alsou hides a strict nature that places high demands on itself and strives to pacify its egoism. Her negative qualities include pride, bordering on arrogance, and arrogance. She is flighty, often changes preferences, tastes, and hobbies, so you should always be on guard with her, expecting a catch.

The winter representative named Alsou is domineering, conflict-ridden and impulsive. Autumn is capable, persistent, emotional and tends to take failures extremely hard. Born in spring and summer, she is an egoist with a capricious disposition and radical conceit.

Interests and hobbies

Alsou has good vocal abilities and is often seriously interested in singing. She likes active sports games, yoga, fitness, so the girl usually has a good figure. Her excellent memory allows her to easily learn foreign languages; she enjoys attending various language courses and centers.

Profession and business

A name like Alsou is categorically contraindicated for the daughters of career officers, who may see them as the successor of the officer dynasty. Also, she should not try her hand at the metallurgical industry and business. But she can be a great inventor and artist, creative designer and musician.

For a long time, Alsou cannot figure out which profession to use his talents in. True, psychologists advise her to make her choice in her youth. She knows how and loves to argue, not inferior to her opponent either in argumentation or in the brightness of the verbal battle. Therefore, she can make an excellent lawyer or prosecutor, a persuasive realtor, or a leader of a social support group. The makings of a leader allow her to realize herself in politics, management, administration, and pedagogy.

In general, Alsou is a real workaholic, who, of course, can take advantage of connections when finding a job. But she achieves everything else herself. She loves long travels and business trips.

Alsou has good health, which the girl has been accustomed to taking care of since childhood. She is one of those patients who goes for regular checkups, trying to prevent the occurrence of diseases. Its weak points are the stomach, kidneys, and genitourinary system.

Sex and love

Alsou's sexuality manifests itself at an early age - her striking beauty attracts representatives of the stronger sex to her, and she begins to be interested in her own eroticism. But in her youth, the owner of this name for men is more likely to be a gentle Lolita than a vamp woman. And at the age of 20-25, the roles change - she already chooses a gentleman herself, giving preference to experienced ones, because for her, love and sex are connected into one whole.

Despite strict morality, Alsu opens up alone with a man, taking away all the strength from her partner, since there are no prohibitions for her. In bed she is unbridled and depraved, tireless to the point of madness and inexhaustible, like the sea. Despite this, such a woman does not tolerate betrayal: a young man who betrays her even once is erased from life forever, both as a friend and as a lover.

The female name Alsou is often found today in many countries, and is especially popular in countries with a Russian-speaking population. It has good significance and an interesting origin story. Endows the baby he named with unique features and excellent compatibility with male names...

History and origin of the name

The topic of the origin of the name Alsou was once raised by many researchers, who also studied the meaning, and as a result, the most persistent ones declared one single official version...

This version testifies to belonging to Tatar culture and education back in the fifteenth century. Translated from the native language, it means “rose water”. Although there are other translation options, for example, “the most charming”, “beauty” and “girl with rosy cheeks”.

The root is the Parni word “alsu” - “rosy-cheeked”.

It is also known that it endows the girl named by him with a unique and rather complex character, the essence of which we will discuss below...

Meaning of the name Alsou

This name has Tatar roots and translates as “rose water”. The question of the meaning of the name Alsou was also raised at one time by many specialists who studied names for newborn children and their “secret”, and in many ways they all relied solely on origin, which is true. Now it is absolutely known that it endows the character of the girl he named with such qualities as prudence, balance, the ability to control emotions, curiosity and interest in everything unexplored. Although, everything changes depending on the age stage and upbringing.

From an early age, this child demonstrates excellent calm, behind which lies prudence and tranquility. She does every task after she has thoroughly thought through the plan of action. Behind her slowness lies not stupidity, but a talent to do everything with an A+, without mistakes, having carefully considered all the pros and cons. On the playground, she usually plays the role of a “ringleader,” a person with an amazing mind who knows how to lead a crowd and impose her own ideas on everyone around her. The children are friends with her, and she herself reaps the benefits of popularity with pleasure - she loves flattery, compliments, and being the center of attention. Parents often set her up as an example for their children, and her mother and father are completely proud of their child. There are only a few “buts” - the first is laziness and inability to show persistence, and the second is straightforwardness, which sometimes leads to conflicts with peers and “ancestors”.

In adolescence, everything will change a little - she will remain the same smart, systematic, kind and lively, but she will also acquire a hard work ethic, and if her upbringing is correct, she will also lose laziness, as a result of which there will be greater chances of success in school and in the future building a career. It may seem that she is too calm and ignores everything around her, but no - in fact, tolerance even in difficult situations is a common reluctance to make hasty conclusions and reduce everything to conflict. She tries to get out of any situation peacefully, so that no one gets hurt, not physically, not morally. But on the other hand, any little thing, tiny turmoil can throw her off balance...

In general, he is a sociable and very kind person. She is good-natured and friendly, she will always help and will never betray a person who needs her help. But it’s easy to take advantage of her kindness - she’s too gullible and doesn’t understand when they’re trying to trick her, and when to cash in on her gullibility. Often trusts people who do not deserve it, idealizes everyone, ascribes traits that no one possesses. It will be difficult for her in life; her fate includes many crazy troubles, mistakes, insults and betrayals.

She is interesting in nature and an excellent conversationalist who knows how to maintain a conversation and direct it in the right direction. It's never boring with her, but you can't count on unpredictable fun and pranks either. As for relationships with men, everything is completely simple - she will create an alliance only with someone she truly loves, and it doesn’t matter to her whether that gentleman loves her.

However, many things may not look as described, and much depends on the impact of the season on fate and the inner world...

Astrological symbolism

  • Talisman stone – Tektite.
  • Patron planet - Mars.
  • The patronizing element is Fire.
  • The animal symbol of the bearer of the name Alsou is Crab.
  • Plant symbol – Lilac.
  • The best zodiac is Aries.
  • Lucky day - Tuesday.
  • The ideal season is Spring.

Famous people

Alsou Abramova - Russian pop singer, Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan (2000)

Alsou Gazimyanova - psychic, participant in the “Battle of Psychics” program

Added: 2016-08-23 10:57, Last modified: 2017-02-10 00:51

The meaning of the name Alsou, history and fate
Russian name Alsou, meaning, origin and horoscope of the zodiacs according to the compatibility of the female name, date and secret, fate of the child and characteristics of the girl Alsou


The meaning of the singing name Alsou is fate, character and family

The female name Alsou has several meanings from the Tatar language: “red water”, “rosy-cheeked”, “beautiful”. The latter meaning more accurately defines the owner of the name Alsou.

Diminutive form of the name: Alsushka, Alya, Alushka, Alsechka, Alsunchik, Su, Alu.

There is no Alsou day in the Orthodox calendar; girls are baptized under a different name.

  • Depends on the time of year Alsou was born:
  • Winter - Strong, powerful. Knows what he wants from life and how to achieve it.
  • Spring - Spectacular, sophisticated. Her goal in life is to get married successfully.
  • Summer - Cheerful, beautiful. Always surrounded by close friends.
  • Autumn - Shy, collected, punctual. He fights for the truth to the last.

Since childhood, Alsou has been distinguished by his refined beauty, kindness, modesty, and calm behavior. She has many good qualities, has high self-esteem, and is not arrogant. She is always surrounded by friends with whom she spends time and plays active games. Friends always choose her as a leader, although Alsou does not strive for this. She cannot stand loneliness; she should have a friend or relative with her. Alsou knows how to make friends and will always come to the aid of friends.

Alsou name meaning, character and fate | What does the name Alsou mean?

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Alsou, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

What does the name Alsou mean?: “scarlet water”, “pink color” (name of Tatar origin). But there are also more free interpretations of the name Alsou, closer to the original - “rosy-cheeked”, “rose water”. In a figurative sense, this name means “beautiful.”

Short meaning of the name Alsou: Alya.

  • Zodiac Alsou – Scorpio
  • Planet – Pluto
  • The color of the name Alsou is yellow
  • Auspicious tree – chestnut
  • Alsou's treasured plant is carnation.
  • The patron of the name Alsou is the tit
  • Alsou talisman stone – coral
  • Alsou's lucky day: Tuesday
  • Alsou's lucky season: autumn

Personality of the name Alsou: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Alsou? Her plans are fickle, as they depend only on curiosity and interests, which can change quickly. It is the people themselves and their lives that are of interest. Alsou loves to analyze, explain and prove what interests her. The name Alsou is a leader in any dispute, which is explained by her ability to generate interest in the topic of the dispute and provide compelling arguments to prove that she is right. Such a belief in one’s rightness and the correctness of one’s arguments can cause serious problems, since Alsou’s arguments may turn out to be just a fantasy and a beautiful dream. For the same reason, Alsou's advice may be of little use, although she loves to give it.

Alsou often has an attractive appearance, she is kind, modest and tolerant. Alsou avoids conflicts, she is forgiving and not prone to envy and revenge. Her actions are difficult to predict, she is impulsive and can suddenly go on a trip that she had not planned at all. A girl named Alsou always sets goals for herself, on the achievement of which her self-esteem depends. Praise and approval are very important to her, but are not an end in themselves. Her life is determined by what interests her.

Since Alsou is a born leader, a dreamer and a lover of giving advice, she will be suitable for a job where she can show her interest and achieve leadership at the same time. Alsou loves to work with people and will be a good administrator, teacher, politician and leader.

Usually at school these girls are very talented and do well academically, but are often inattentive and absent-minded. They are very active and love sports. From an early age, Alsou showed a penchant for creativity, especially vocals. Having a wonderful memory, they are able to master several languages ​​at once.

Alsou, born in winter, love power and can provoke disagreements among their peers without personally participating in conflicts. Their actions are thoughtless. Girls who are brave in childhood, think very carefully about their decisions and actions in adulthood. The name Alsou is not touchy, they are always calm in a dispute and know what to do. The only thing you should avoid when talking to them is raising your tone - this can easily make them angry.

Health and talents named after Alsou: What does the name Alsou mean? If we talk about the meaning of the name Alsou from the point of view of numerology, then it corresponds to the number 9. And this means that the name Alsou enjoys authority from an early age, they always adhere to high ideas and goals set for themselves. They are categorically not recommended to be petty, to act basely and recklessly, to demand more from themselves than they can actually do. Very often, Alsou struggles all his life with the desire to pacify himself, overcome excess egoism and moderate the pride that coexists with arrogance. Psychologists recommend Alsou to give up professions related to the military, commercial and metallurgical spheres. At the same time, it is worth deciding on your future profession as early as possible. But in this regard, Alsou has problems, and she must decide what she would like to do. It is worth saying that the name Alsou, as a rule, has enviable abilities and talents that need to be discovered in oneself in a timely manner. This is confirmed by the fact that often great inventors, musicians, etc. are born under the name number 9.

The name Alsou is a name of Tatar origin with several meanings. Most accurate the meaning of the name Alsou is “scarlet water”, because in the Turkic language Al means “scarlet”, and Su means “water.” However, the literal translation does not convey the original meaning. In the Turkic language, spirits were called scarlet water, so you can give this meaning to this name. This happens quite often the meaning of the name Alsou is “rosy-cheeked” or even “beautiful”. This version most accurately conveys the meaning inherent in this name, although it is far from a literal translation.

The meaning of the name Alsou for a girl

If we talk about Alsou’s childhood, then at this age she stands out for her kindness, calmness and modesty. The girl has a large set of positive qualities, but this does not become a reason for her to be narcissistic. She has high self-esteem, but at the same time Alsou is completely devoid of arrogance. Alsou loves to spend active and fun time, and especially active games in nature. She has many comrades and friends with whom she enjoys spending time. Already in childhood, the girl’s leadership inclinations appear. Alsou often becomes the informal leader of the company. But Alsou doesn’t tolerate loneliness well. She definitely needs company for leisure.

Alsou studies well, but this can be said more about the girl’s grades. In fact, she teaches many subjects using the “answer and forget” principle. Alsou is more interested in the humanities, but she doesn’t have much interest in that either. At the same time, the girl is endowed with creative inclinations, which become noticeable even before school. Alsou loves to sing, dance, draw, etc. She is a gifted child and if she is helped to discover her talent, she will achieve great success. It is the extracurricular activities that will allow many of the strengths of her character to reveal themselves. She is very hardworking and persistent, which is almost invisible in her schoolwork.

Alsou’s health cannot be called particularly strong, but it is noticeably above average. She has a high vitality, which persists until old age. She easily tolerates most diseases, but this unfortunately leads to neglect of preventive measures. She should be careful, especially in the autumn-winter period.

Short name Alsou

Diminutive pet names

Name Alsou in English

In English, the name Alsou is written as Alsu, which completely coincides with the transliteration of the name.

Name Alsou for international passport- ALSU.

Church name Alsou(in the Orthodox faith) is not definite, because it is absent from the calendar. This means that at baptism Alsou will receive a name different from the worldly one.

Characteristics of the name Alsou

Having matured, Alsou does not change much in character. She becomes more purposeful and successful, although she remains just as modest. Alsou is endowed with special femininity, and her manners leave the most pleasant impressions. She knows how to make an impression, but uses it extremely rarely. It is worth noting that Alsou is a true friend and will definitely help in difficult times. She also tends to do charity work, but she does not advertise it. She is a very kind and sympathetic person.

Alsou chooses a job first of all so that she likes it. She doesn’t particularly care about the material side, although this does not mean that Alsou will work for free. Particularly important to her is the usefulness of her work to society. She would be happy to work as a doctor or teacher. She also likes to do social work, so she might even get involved in politics.

Alsou can build a family relationship only with a person of high morality and spirit. It is these qualities that are most important when choosing a future husband for Alsou. However, the material well-being of the chosen one is an important factor for Alsou. She needs a man who can become that “stone wall” behind which she will periodically hide. It is worth noting that Alsou’s leadership qualities can create certain problems for her in family life. When choosing a strong man as a life partner, Alsou must understand that he will be the leader of their family, and not vice versa.

The secret of the name Alsou

If we talk about Alsou’s secret, then her secret can be called the ability to stand up for oneself. Many people around, looking at Alsou, think that she is completely defenseless. This is far from true. Alsou just knows how to make other people come to her defense. At the same time, she herself knows how to protect her interests, although she prefers when they do it for her.

Planet- Pluto.

Zodiac sign- Scorpion.

Totem animal- Tit.

Name color- Yellow.

Tree- Chestnut.

Plant- Carnation.

Stone- Coral.