
Booking tours to sanatoriums of the Russian Federation. Sanatoriums of the Russian Federation for military pensioners - a review of the best in the Moscow region

Discount vouchers to sanatoriums and recreation centers

The military is one of the most difficult professions, which requires full effort and constant tension in the service. It is not surprising that all employees are provided with certain benefits.

In addition to the well-known large pensions and free travel, military personnel have the right to claim discounted vouchers to sanatoriums and recreation centers. Sanatorium-resort holidays are provided to Russian employees under general conditions determined by law.

In today's article we will take a closer look at how to get the required voucher V sanatoriums of the Russian Ministry of Defense for military pensioners and how difficult it is. Interesting? Then be sure to read the material below to the end. We assure you that the information presented will answer all your questions.

Sanatoriums of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military personnel are special bases recreation, which were built on the territory of resort areas for the implementation of sanitary and resort recreation for the Russian military.

At the moment there are about 40 in Russia specialized institutions of a similar plan located in various regions of the country.

Both current and former employees have the right to rest in military sanatoriums. The procedure for its provision is determined several legislative acts of the Russian Federation, the main of which are:

  • Federal Law “On Labor and War Veterans”;
  • Federal Law “On Confirmation of the Status of Former Military Personnel”;
  • numerous orders of the RF Ministry of Defense;
  • laws of specific subjects of Russia.

For military pensioners, the number of possible vacations is not limited, and the possibility of their implementation in sanatoriums of the Moscow Region is assigned by authorized government agencies. Thus, in the presence of diseases of a certain specificity, preferential vouchers to recreation centers can be provided to former employees at least annually.

In the absence of any pathologies, pensioners have the right to count on only one preferential vacation in a certain time period (2–5 years).

As for the possibility of a sanitary resort holiday for active military personnel, the situation here is noticeably more complicated. Military legislation is in constant flux, so if you want to relax in a military sanatorium, current employees must take into account latest orders Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

It is not difficult for real military personnel to find out about the possibility of a sanitary-resort holiday; all you have to do is submit a corresponding request to your superiors. If there is a possibility of organizing recreation, it will be provided. Otherwise you will have to wait.

Note that some groups of military personnel have a preferential right to free recreation in the sanitary resort areas of the Moscow Region.

According to the Federal Law “On Social Support”, these include:

  • WWII veterans;
  • disabled people of any military operations in which participated from the Russian Federation;
  • family members of WWII participants;
  • Leningrad siege survivors;
  • participants in military operations in Afghanistan;
  • pensioners who served in law enforcement agencies in conditions of increased danger and risk.

Sanitary resort vacation for active military personnel

For most of the noted Russians, sanitary leave can be provided annually. As practice shows, military personnel do not particularly enjoy the right to proper rest or even treatment in sanatoriums. On average, this group of people uses their benefits once every 5-10 years. This figure is extremely small and could be many times higher.

By the way, military personnel who do not claim free rest at a given time can also go to the sanatoriums of the Russian Defense Ministry. To do this, they just need to send the corresponding request to the authorized structures and pay for rest during the period free from service. Naturally, prices for vouchers are noticeably lower than for regular sanatoriums, but you will have to pay in any case.

The procedure and features of obtaining preferential vouchers

Registration of a voucher to a sanatorium is a simple procedure, the essence of which lies in the gradual implementation of certain actions.

In general, the procedure for obtaining rest at recreation centers of the RF Ministry of Defense is as follows:

  1. First, active or former military personnel must obtain a special referral from a general practitioner. To do this, you should take a medical certificate, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and go to the hospital at your place of residence. If there are certain indications and there are no contraindications, a referral is issued to the military man for an appointment with specialists at a military sanatorium. Otherwise, you will have to refuse a trip to the Moscow Region recreation centers. The doctors' actions can be appealed in court.
  2. After receiving the referral, you will need to submit this document to the representative office of the Ministry of Defense at your place of residence. This can be done either by personal visit or through a representative. In addition to the doctor’s referral, you can’t do without:
  • passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • military ID;
  • certificates of a military pensioner or active employee;
  • applications requesting rest in a military health resort.

The collected list of documents is sent to the representative offices of the RF Ministry of Defense.

Then all that remains is to wait for the submitted papers to be reviewed and receive a decision from the authorized structures. If the vacation is approved, the permit is issued to the applicant; otherwise, a corresponding refusal is sent to his address. According to the Federal Law, the representative office of the Moscow Region is given 20 days to make this decision.

Violation of these terms is not allowed. Verdicts of government agencies are appealed either through the prosecutor's office or in court. Naturally, one should resort to challenge if the applicant’s rights are violated. Under other circumstances, an appeal is just a waste of time.

Note! A military man who receives a vacation voucher to a Moscow Region sanatorium has the right to go there with close family members (children, wife).

Free holiday in a military sanatorium

To do this, the previously noted list of documents should be supplemented with a doctor’s referral addressed to family members, identification documents and their names should be included in the completed application. As a rule, subject to all rules and the possibility of providing vouchers they are given to both the military man and his family members without any problems.

Do not forget that it is not always possible to get a free holiday in a military sanatorium. If a preferential stay in a sanitary resort zone is not possible for a particular military man, you can go there only on a paid basis. The cost of the trip can be easily found out directly at the representative office of the RF Ministry of Defense where the collected documents are submitted.

By the way, if you want to relax with your family, you will have to buy trips for its members (regardless of the status of the military man).

List of popular sanatoriums and holidays in them

Recreation centers of the Russian Defense Ministry

As noted above, the sanitary resort zones of the RF Ministry of Defense have about 40 different variations on the territory of our country. Military personnel have the right to determine a place of rest only if they rest on a paid basis. In other circumstances, sanatoriums are selected by the representative office of the Moscow Region.

The specific recreation center where the beneficiary will be sent is determined taking into account the characteristics of his destination. If you want to rest in a specific place, the military man should indicate this in submitted to the plenipotentiary government agency statement, it is possible that its representatives will take the wishes of the beneficiary into account in the process of selecting a sanatorium.

The most popular and in demand recreation centers of the Russian Defense Ministry are located:

  1. In the Volga region there are Chebarkul, Volzhsky and Yeltsovsky sanatoriums.
  2. In the west of the Russian Federation there are Priozersky and Tarkhovsky sanatoriums.
  3. In the North Caucasian Federal District there are resort cities: Kislovodsk, Essentuki and Pyatigorsk.
  4. In the south of Russia - Anapa and Sochi.
  5. On the Crimean peninsula.
  6. On Far East(Khabarovsk).

Visitors to the marked sanatorium-resort areas are offered wide range relaxing and medical procedures. Basically, they are all aimed at implementing:

  • therapy of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • treatment of systematic diseases of the body;
  • relieving nervous tension;
  • good rest in an environmentally friendly environment;
  • entertainment activities for vacationers.

Many sanatoriums of the Russian Defense Ministry have integrated approach to organize recreation for its visitors. Thus, most of them provide military personnel and their relatives with:

  • mud treatments;
  • therapeutic intake of mineral waters;
  • walks in the fresh air;
  • taking healing baths of various forms;
  • relaxation on the beaches.

In addition, active employees and military personnel are provided with a wide range of entertainment services. In most military sanatoriums it is possible:

  • organize various types of sports (from running and cycling to playing football);
  • swim in the pool daily and without restrictions;
  • work out in the gym;
  • have fun playing tennis or billiards;
  • take a steam bath or visit a wonderful sauna.

Naturally, the benefits noted above are only pleasant additions to the military’s recreation. The main advantages of visiting sanatoriums of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are constant therapeutic and preventive procedures, qualitative distance from the bustle of the city and proper, tasty food.

In general, the considered sanatorium-resort areas can definitely be recommended for visiting. Recreation within their boundaries will not only be good for health, but also very interesting and varied.

Cost of vouchers and travel to sanatoriums

At the end of today’s article, our resource decided to answer questions that often arise among active employees and military retirees when they want to relax in sanatoriums of the Russian Defense Ministry. The first of them concerns the cost of trips and sounds like this: “How much will you have to pay for your vacation?” On average, 15–25,000 rubles, but much depends on the location of the sanatorium and the person going there.

Thus, a number of citizens are provided with the following:

  • free trip for absolute beneficiaries and children and grandchildren of military pensioners under 3 years of age;
  • 75% discount for ordinary military pensioners and heroes of the USSR, Russia, holders of the Orders of Glory, Labor Glory or Socialist Labor;
  • 70% discount for children and grandchildren of military pensioners aged from 3 to 6 years;
  • 50% discount for children and grandchildren of military pensioners aged 6—18 years old (up to 23 years old for full-time students);
  • 50% discount for spouses of military retirees.

The remaining persons, represented by active military personnel, their relatives and others, will have to pay the entire cost of the vacation in any sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In any case, holidays in such sanatorium-resort areas are profitable, since they cost significantly less than in similar private recreation centers.

On average, the cost differs by 20–40 percent downwards if you relax in the sanatorium-resort areas of Moscow Region.

The second question concerns the cost of travel to the military sanatorium. At the moment, representative offices of the Ministry of Defense can also compensate for it, but only in relation to beneficiaries. They have the following privileges:

  • full payment for train tickets in a reserved seat carriage;
  • partial payment for a flight in economy class;
  • partial payment for travel on sea or river vessels when using cabins of groups 3, 4 and 5.

To receive compensation, you must submit to the representative office of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation that issued the voucher to the sanatorium, a certificate of stay in one and a check for the corresponding application (details must be indicated). Having examined these documents 20 days after their submission, representatives of the Ministry of Defense will send compensation funds to the details specified in the application.

This concludes the most important points on the topic of today’s article. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in obtaining vacation vouchers in the sanatorium-resort areas of the Moscow Region. We hope that the material presented was useful to you and provided answers to your questions. Have a good time in military sanatoriums!

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Military people performing special duties important function for the state, in addition to their own salary, they also have a number of benefits. For example, every military serviceman or military retiree, as well as their families, have the right to spend a vacation in a certain sanatorium at special discounted prices. How to proceed and what is needed in order to become the owner of such a long-awaited ticket?

Changes in legislation for obtaining a voucher to a military sanatorium

A new procedure for sanatorium and resort provision for military families was introduced back in 2011 (Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 333). If until this time the distribution of vouchers was handled by special commissions in the army, which operated in all large garrisons and consisted mainly of senior officers, now a single department is responsible for organizing recreation. And if earlier it was almost impossible for an ordinary warrant officer or lieutenant to “reach out” to the local commission, because in the summer all the places in prestigious health resorts went to the authorities, today the situation is completely different.

Now only the department for sanatorium and resort provision is accepting applications from people planning to relax in a military sanatorium. You can contact the department directly or send an application by mail, fax or electronically. The department has not only simplified the procedure for obtaining vouchers, it also collects all the information from 40 military health resorts about their readiness to accept people. Moreover, not only the availability of free places is taken into account, but also the living conditions of people.

This fact greatly influenced the rise in the level of customer service and the maximum improvement of the buildings themselves. All health resorts, without exception, can offer their visitors beautifully renovated rooms: with high-quality finishes and an updated modern interior. Most of the buildings have Veka Swingline windows, which, compared to their counterparts, have the highest level of noise and heat insulation today. Separately, it is worth noting the medical facilities of military health resorts: the latest equipment and highly qualified specialists. In addition, from the moment of joining Russian Federation new regions - the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, the number of military health resorts has increased significantly. This means that we can say that military personnel and military pensioners received an additional 1.5 thousand places for year-round recreation and treatment in comfortable conditions and in the healing Crimean climate. Of particular note is the Saki Military Clinical Sanatorium named after Pirogov of the Russian Defense Ministry.

Sanatoriums for military pensioners

Every military serviceman who has retired due to length of service or health status has the right to receive free vouchers to a military sanatorium. In Article 6.1 of the Federal Law “On State social assistance» No. 178-FZ dated July 17, 1999 lists the categories of pensioners entitled to sanatorium treatment:

  • disabled people and WWII participants;
  • military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the penitentiary system (including citizens who are in the reserve or retired) who took part in combat international and local conflicts;
  • military personnel of automobile troops and battalions who took part in hostilities in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989;
  • family members of deceased and deceased veterans, disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, as well as combat veterans;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad (if they have the appropriate badge and certificate);
  • disabled people (including disabled children).

Free vouchers to a military sanatorium can only be received by non-working pensioners who fall into one or more of the specified categories. For military pensioners, benefits for vouchers to sanatoriums and other health resorts are also established in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Defense “On the procedure for sanatorium and resort provision in the armed forces of the Russian Federation” No. 333 dated March 15, 2011.

By virtue of Article 7 of this document, military pensioners can receive a trip to a sanatorium not only for preferential terms(free), but not more than once a year for 25% of its cost. Their family members can purchase a ticket for 50% of the cost.

All of the above changes were reflected in the number of people wishing to spend their holidays in a sanatorium with treatment and comfortable rest. Let's consider what is needed to get a ticket?

Necessary documents and procedure for obtaining a trip

In order to get a ticket to a military sanatorium, you will need:

  1. Military ID.
  2. Medical certificate.
  3. Passport.
  4. Vacation ticket.
  5. Money to pay the cost of the trip.

If you are eligible for benefits and would like to receive a discounted voucher for recreation or treatment in a military sanatorium, you must complete the following steps:

Step 1. Availability of relevant medical indications, confirmed by a certificate medical commission according to form No. 070/у-04. This document must be issued by a general practitioner at the clinic at your place of registration, after passing the commission.

Step 2. Contact the department (you can use the Internet) for sanatorium support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. You can also find out its coordinates in your region in your military unit.

Step 3. Application. Using a certain sample, you can draw up an application in which you can indicate your spouse and children; the law gives you every right to do this. Submit the application and medical certificate to the employees of this organization.

Step 4. After the application is approved by the department, you must also receive a resolution on issuing a voucher, which will need to be personally submitted to the sanatorium. There you will also need to provide a military and vacation ticket. For pensioners, you will also need a pension certificate. For wives and children, you should take medical certificates and certificates confirming relationship.

Step 5. Obtaining a voucher. This is only possible in the sanatorium itself after presenting all documents. You can use the voucher strictly during the period indicated on it. The cost of the trip is also paid here.

Please note, that in accordance with the order of the head of the Main Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 161/2/3/937 dated November 09, 2015. New application forms for obtaining a voucher to a military sanatorium and applications for refusing such a voucher were introduced. In addition, the application for a voucher must be accompanied by medical certificate(form 070/u), in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 15, 2014 No. 834n. Without a new type of certificate, issuing notifications for receiving sanatorium and resort vouchers is impossible.

All necessary documents can be sent both to the territorial reception offices of the sanatorium-resort complexes of the Russian Ministry of Defense, and directly to the sanatorium of the Russian Ministry of Defense chosen for recreation. Also documents for the trip can be sent to the State Military Medical University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation by mail at the address 191160, Moscow, st. Znamenka, 19.

Exists Possibility of submitting an application for a trip electronically. Such applications submitted in the form of an electronic document are considered on the same basis as paper applications, in accordance with the procedure for considering citizens’ appeals, established by law RF. Consideration of an application for a voucher should take no more than 30 days. After which, the applicant must receive a notification that he has been granted a voucher to a military sanatorium via his email address, which must be indicated in the voucher order form.

So, comrade military personnel, now you know all the nuances of military resort optimization, which means you can independently book and issue a discounted voucher for yourself. However, keep in mind that the number of such vouchers is almost 30 times less than the number of persons entitled to receive them. So plan your vacation in advance.

They pay significant attention to sanatorium and resort provision for military pensioners. Vouchers are distributed by pre-booking.

To improve their health, there are specialized sanatoriums of the Russian Ministry of Defense for military pensioners.

Conditions for purchasing a voucher

Referral to sanatoriums of the Russian Ministry of Defense for military pensioners is carried out subject to three main conditions:

  • Medical indications.
  • No contraindications.
  • The voucher can be obtained once a year.

Procedure for obtaining a voucher

The application must be submitted 60 calendar days before the start of your stay in the institution.

In addition to the application, the military pensioner must also medical organization where he ends up medical support, obtain a certificate (form No. 070/у-04).

The decision to satisfy or deny the request is made within 20 working days from the date of submission of the application and documents.

If the decision is positive under Russian law, the citizen will be sent a corresponding notification by mail.

Receipt of the voucher is carried out in the order of priority.

Locations for submitting original certificates and applications for vouchers to sanatoriums of the Russian Ministry of Defense for military pensioners

  • Territorial receptions.
  • Main Military Medical Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry. Documents are submitted in accordance with the established procedure by mail.
  • In the sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military pensioners and rest homes by mail.
  • Using the website of the State Military Medical University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation by sending documents by e-mail.

Before applying for a voucher, mandatory It is necessary to check the availability of unreserved places in the selected health facility.


To obtain a voucher you must provide the following documents:

  • Statement.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Certificate of retirement.
  • SNILS.
  • Document confirming the benefit.
  • Certificate of form No. 070/у-04.
  • May also require medical examination. This condition applies to disabled people who may have any contraindications to the treatment methods used in the institution.

How often can you go on vacation on preferential terms?

In accordance with the law “On State Social Assistance,” military pensioners can rest once a year. If there are certain medical indications, a voucher may be provided more often.

Fringe benefits

In addition to the voucher, the state pays for travel to the recreation center in both directions using railway transport.

Disabled people of the first group can go to the sanatorium for free a second time, and also receive a train ticket for the person who will accompany them and provide care during treatment.

Cost of the trip

For military pensioners it is provided preferential treatment payment for vouchers: 25% of the total cost.

Children of military pensioners under the age of 3 can rest for free, 3-6 years without treatment pay 30% of the price, 6-18 years, as well as full-time students up to 23 years without treatment must pay 50% of the cost.

The spouse of a military pensioner also belongs to the preferential category. For them the price will be 50% of the price.

Right to vouchers

  • Heroes Soviet Union and Russia.
  • Full holders of the Order of Glory and Labor Glory.
  • To the heroes of social labor.

Widows of military pensioners who were Heroes and holders of the Orders of Glory and Labor Glory can relax at a price of 25% of the total cost of the tour.

List of sanatoriums

  • Gulf of Finland and Karelian Isthmus: "Zelenogorsk", "Priozersky" and "Tarkhovsky" sanatoriums.

These institutions are located near St. Petersburg. They specialize in diseases of the respiratory, circulatory, musculoskeletal and nervous systems of the body. The main methods of therapy are: climatic, hydro- and physiotherapy, exercise therapy, a special diet, and in the Tarkhovsky sanatorium - mud therapy.

  • Baltics. Svetlogorsk military sanatorium.

Military pensioners with diseases of the nervous, circulatory, endocrine, musculoskeletal systems, respiratory organs, and also if there is gynecological diseases and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The main methods by which treatment is carried out are climatic and peloid therapy, exercise therapy, and a special diet. There are two on site mineral spring. Not far from the sanatorium is the Curonian Spit - a unique natural reserve. The air here is unusually clean thanks to pine forest, which is adjacent to the Baltic Sea and the Curonian freshwater Lagoon.

Moscow region and the center of the European part of Russia

  • Sanatorium "Arkhangelskoe".

Specialization: diseases of the circulatory, respiratory, nervous, endocrine, skeletal systems. There is a department for recovery after a heart attack and severe operations on the heart and other organs.

  • "Borovoye", a recreation center for military personnel, is an excellent place for lovers of excursions and active recreation.
  • Zvenigorod sanatorium, which treats the circulatory system, central nervous system, and breathing.
  • "Cosmodrome", holiday home. Rehabilitation methods: massage, physiotherapy, therapeutic baths.
  • "Marfinsky".

The institution offers the same treatment methods as other sanatoriums of the Russian Ministry of Defense for military pensioners. "Marfinsky" (sanatorium) deals with rehabilitation for diseases of the circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, endocrine and urinary systems, as well as for problems with the spine and skeletal system.

  • Mozhaisk holiday home, where a relaxing holiday is combined with active events.
  • Moscow region, a holiday home, where you can also undergo a treatment course, including physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, massage, speleotherapy and other procedures.
  • Sanatorium "Slobodka", where they treat the circulatory, digestive, respiratory organs, as well as the endocrine, musculoskeletal and nervous systems.
  • Solnechnogorsk military sanatorium.

Indications include diseases of the heart and blood vessels, digestive and nervous systems, and respiratory organs.

Black Sea coast

  • South Coast, sanatorium "Yalta" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military pensioners.

Here you can improve your health with diseases of the circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Methods of therapy: climatic, hydro, physiotherapy, mud therapy, special diet, exercise therapy. The Yalta sanatorium of the Russian Ministry of Defense for military pensioners has been particularly popular in recent years due to the unique climate and the unusually beautiful area in which it is located.

  • Anapa: "Paratrooper" and "Gold Coast".

Here they treat diseases of the circulatory, respiratory, nervous systems, and problems with the spine. The Zolotoy Bereg sanatorium also treats patients with gastrointestinal problems. Rehabilitation methods: climatotherapy, mud therapy, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, special diet.

  • Gelendzhik: military rest houses "Barguzin" and "Betta", military sanatorium Divnomorskoye.

In the last special attention focuses on the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, lungs and nervous system. "Barguzin" is located in an incredibly picturesque place: the low chain of mountains surrounding the village of Divnomorsk, in which it is located, provides a unique mild climate. There are many vineyards and orchards here.

  • Sochi sanatoriums of the Russian Ministry of Defense for military pensioners.

"Aurora" is a place with extraordinary nature, where the main methods of treatment are: climatic, hydro and physiotherapy, exercise therapy, proper nutrition, hydrogen sulfide baths.

Sanatorium "Adler" is recognized as one of the best recreation facilities in Moscow Region.

At the Cote d'Azur sanatorium you can take advantage of such procedures as thalasso-, balneo-, hydro-, peloid- and physiotherapy, exercise therapy and proper nutrition.

The Sochi sanatorium of the Russian Ministry of Defense for military pensioners practices, among other things, mud therapy and Matsesta sulfide baths.

The Chemitokvadzhe sanatorium has a pump room for dispensing healthy drinking mineral water provided by the Lazarevsky spring.

The Yantar sanatorium is distinguished by its location in a beautiful park.

In Sochi sanatoriums, attention is paid to the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, respiratory, nervous and skeletal systems. The Sochi sanatorium also provides gynecological and skin diseases. And the specialization of the Aurora sanatorium includes urology. Excursions are regularly held in all of these institutions.

  • Sanatoriums of the Russian Ministry of Defense for military pensioners (Abkhazia): “Gagra”, “Gudauta”, “Sukhum”.

The treatment program of "Gagra" and "Sukhum" involves the treatment of diseases of the circulatory, musculoskeletal, nervous and digestive systems. The Gudauta military sanatorium specializes in diseases of the central nervous system and circulatory system. In the city of Gagra you can admire a subtropical park with many fountains and ponds.

Caucasian mineral waters

  • Kislovodsk sanatorium, dealing with the treatment of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs.

Main methods: climatic, balneo-, hydro-, physiotherapy, exercise therapy.

  • Essentuki and Pyatigorsk central military sanatoriums.

Specialization: diseases of the nervous, endocrine, digestive, musculoskeletal systems, gynecology and urology.

  • Volga region and Ural: "Volga" and Chebarkul sanatorium, which specialize in diseases of the circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems.

Pensioners with spinal diseases, skin, urological and gynecological problems can also improve their health at the Volga sanatorium.


  • "Eltsovka"

The sanatorium is located on the banks of the Ob River. Military retirees with diseases of the spine, heart and blood vessels, respiratory and nervous systems can improve their health here. Rehabilitation is carried out after a heart attack and major operations.

  • Darasunsky and Molokovsky military sanatoriums

The institutions are located in Eastern Siberia and specialize in the treatment of circulatory, respiratory, digestive and endocrine systems, gynecological and skin diseases.

Far East

  • Primorsky region.

The Kuldur sanatorium is located in the valley of the Kuldur River. The mountains are covered with deciduous and coniferous forests. The Ocean Sanatorium is located in a beautifully landscaped park. The area covered with mixed forest, where the Khabarovsk sanatorium is located, has a particularly beneficial effect on health. From the bank of the Amur River there is a beautiful view of the Amur-Ussuri floodplain.

The Shmakovsky sanatorium is surrounded by the Sikhote-Alin ridge.

The Sokol holiday home will be especially interesting for lovers of active recreation. There is a sports complex here, and various excursions are constantly organized.

  • Military sanatorium "Paratunka", Kamchatka.

The main specialization is diseases of the spine and central nervous system, skin and gynecological problems. "Paratunka" is surrounded on all sides by hills. The main healing factor is thermal springs.

Thus, before applying for a vacation, it is imperative to study the proposed list. The sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military pensioners is selected in each specific case based on the availability of places, specialization, methods of therapy and the personal wishes of each patient. Relaxing in picturesque places with a pleasant climate and clean air will help enrich the body vital energy for a whole year, and various therapy options will restore health. In addition, a varied excursion program will help you acquire new knowledge and visit the most beautiful places in Russia. All military sanatoriums provide a specially designed diet, and there are also courses physical therapy, which will help keep your body in shape.

Not every military retiree or one who retired from a military shop has access to military benefits, subsidies, or treatment in a sanatorium at low prices.

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It's fast and FOR FREE!

The Ministry of Defense puts forward quite a lot of requirements in order to provide a citizen with preferential or even free treatment in a sanatorium.

Those who meet all the conditions and also need preferential treatment are very interested in the question of obtaining a voucher through the official websites of sanatoriums of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with prices for 2020.

Required data

A sanatorium is a medical institution that is aimed at taking preventive courses to maintain health.

Preferential places in sanatoriums are in great demand, and not everyone has enough space, so strict rules for obtaining a voucher were introduced, as well as specific requirements for citizens, in this case about military personnel, those who retired from the reserve, war invalids, etc.

Exercise the right to preferential leave in the sanatorium is allowed only once a year. Since different institutions have their own direction for treatment, based on their needs, they have the opportunity to independently choose which institution to undergo therapy.

It is important to consider that if this rule was not used this year, it will not be carried over to the next year.

And yet there are exceptions when it is allowed to undergo rehabilitation two to three times:

  • for disabled people of group 1, it is allowed to undergo treatment twice a year;
  • if, according to medical instructions, there are strict rules for undergoing treatment.

Who is eligible to receive a discounted voucher?

Vacation packages to a sanatorium for military personnel are paid, however, the Ministry has the opportunity to bear some of the costs. Application form is available.

Moreover, some military service workers can receive health treatment free of charge. Free vouchers can be obtained by the following citizens who worked in the military sphere:

  • participants of the Second World War, veterans of the Second World War, as well as disabled people of the Second World War;
  • those liable for military service who have the excellent title of Hero of the Russian Federation, the USSR, or social labor;
  • citizens who are military were awarded special medals of Labor Glory;
  • those who survived Lenin's blockade and have confirmation of this;
  • for those military personnel who took part in the military events of Afghanistan 1979-1989.

It is important to remember that those who are entitled to free holidays in medical sanatoriums are provided with vouchers on a paid basis if a written request was previously submitted to compensate for the holiday with money.

In this case, all expenses are paid by the person wishing to rest. The following categories of citizens can receive preferential vouchers:

  • those who serve under contract;
  • conscripts;
  • cadets;
  • war pensioners;
  • employees of a military institution.

It should be remembered that if a person is related to several groups of benefits, then he has the right to take advantage of benefits only in one category.

But at the same time, the citizen is allowed to independently choose which benefit he can use for treatment. You can choose the most profitable option for the military.

Photo: Application for a voucher for spa treatment

At the same time, those who do not belong to the free category for receiving a voucher pay for the vacation from 25% on their own.

Where to contact a military employee

A military employee should contact the Ministry of Defense, which is located locally and also has the authority to distribute vouchers.

At the same time, a statement is written on behalf of the military servant about the desire to take a preventive course for him and the whole family.

Photo: where you can get a discounted voucher

After submitting the application, it goes to the department of the Ministry of Defense, where the application is reviewed; if the request is approved, an order is issued to prescribe preferential treatment.

The sanatorium, on the basis of an order, issues rights to preferential treatment for a military employee and his family.

The nearest branch of the Ministry of Defense department can be found either on the Ministry’s website, or in your military unit, or you can also call the social service.

Legal basis

In order to have control over the issuance of sanatorium and resort vouchers for those liable for military service, as well as for pensioners who are equated to rank, officials issued several legal acts, the main rules are as follows:

Federal Law No. 5 of June 14, 1994 This law has the basis for regulating the basic legal provisions for veterans, for whom certain support measures and preferential medical care are established
Federal Law No. 76 of May 27, 1998 Has definitions of those liable for military service, their legal rights and obligations, as well as for different categories beneficiaries of this industry, what kind of social assistance is intended
Federal Law No. 178 of July 17, 1999 Has definitions of how it happens state compensation, in the form of holding medical examinations, medical procedures, as well as for other family members of those liable for military service, if they have such rights
Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 333 of June 3, 2014 Has settlements on the issue of sanatorium-resort treatment for military personnel and retirees

Rules for issuing resort and sanatorium packages for Russian citizens

Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 333 specifies the rules for creating a voucher to a sanatorium:

  • be among the preferential category;
  • read the list of services provided in sanatoriums, their specialization, and choose the most best option, do not forget to check availability;
  • undergo a medical examination and receive a certificate 070-/у4;
  • write an application indicating the chosen institution, the dates of the course of treatment, submit a request through the official website of the Moscow Region, or during a personal visit;
  • The application is accepted no less than 30 days before the date of the desired vacation. After submitting the application, wait for the committee's decision;
  • if the answer is positive, then the person interested will receive a notification about this;
  • You must come to the sanatorium, already at a reserved place, but you must remember the list of documents that will be necessary for the reporting of the institution.

A set of documentation for each citizen individually, because it depends on the specific benefit and type of illness.

Characteristics of boarding houses

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are about 30 sanatoriums, 8 holiday homes, 7 resort bases, which are part of the Ministry of Defense.

All sanatoriums are located in different parts of the country. What are the types of sanatorium and resort institutions:

  • some institutions offer a course of treatment with natural sources for those who suffer from balneological manifestations;
  • for those who need special climatic conditions, there are well located preventive institutions in such areas (mountainous areas, or vice versa warm climate, coast, sand);
  • treatment using natural mud;
  • There are sanatoriums where “all inclusive”, that is, all of the listed types of prevention are provided by one institution.

Recreation is provided for those with various abilities, and for active citizens there is special program physical activity - cycling, long walks in the mountains, hiking, river swimming, etc.

But at the same time, each sanatorium has its own direction in treatment, so for example, for those who need help with the musculoskeletal system, recreation centers in the North Caucasus are best suited.

For those with cardiovascular problems suitable for the system recreation centers located in the Moscow region.

The specifics of a particular sanatorium can be clarified on their official websites, or by calling.

Prices for preferential categories

The official website of sanatoriums of the Russian Ministry of Defense with prices will not be able to tell the exact amount that will need to be paid, because an individual decision is made for each patient.

Far Eastern sanatoriums have more loyal prices than, for example, in the Moscow region. For example, it is difficult to get to the shores of the Black Sea; places must be booked immediately from the start of registration.

Because the shores of the Black Sea are especially valued by visitors. An example is given for a holiday during a three-week course of therapy in the Russian Federation:

Photo: cost of vouchers to sanatoriums of the Russian Defense Ministry

It should be remembered that for the preferential category there are certain rules that are established by law. Why does this happen and for what reasons?

Since the vacation is provided at the expense of the state, official confirmation of the grounds for receiving a subsidy is required, a doctor’s certificate, or a lifetime preferential category is provided.

Thus, it is necessary to provide reports if budget funds were used (you can provide a tear-off coupon).

That is, a citizen who has taken advantage of a preferential category and stay in a sanatorium for free or on a preferential basis must provide certificates of presence at the institution for the entire period of validity of the voucher.

Document submission deadline

At the beginning of November of the previous year, an application for a trip next year is being prepared. Since the number of places is limited in all sanatoriums, you need to hurry with submitting applications.

Monitor free places in medical institutions you can directly on their websites, MO or by phone call, in case of unavailability of the Internet.

For example, to the sanatorium “Saki Military Clinical Sanatorium named after. N.I. Pirogov" there are no more places for 2020, places have been reserved since 2017.

Photo: information on the availability of vouchers to the sanatorium for 2020

The main problems faced by many who want to relax under a preferential category are the lack of preferential places, as well as strict requirements for a citizen.