
The Day of Persons with Disabilities was celebrated at the New Jerusalem Museum. Exhibitions of Elets municipal libraries for the International Day of Disabled Persons North-Eastern Administrative Okrug

“No matter how life flies - ddon’t feel sorry for yours,

Do a good deedfor the happiness of people.

So that the heart burns, anddidn't smolder in the darkness

Do a good deed - tWe live on earth.”

A. Lesnykh

There are more than one billion people with disabilities in the world. There are 12 million 314 thousand disabled people living in the Russian Federation, among them 628 thousand are disabled children. The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees to everyone in need social Security in case of disability (Article 39). In the alternative report of the Commissioner for Human Rights in Russian Federation within the framework of the 19th session of the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (February 26 - 28, 2018) talks about the goals of state policy in the field of social protection disabled people - providing them with equal opportunities with other citizens in the implementation of civil, political and other rights and freedoms, as well as measures social support to overcome and replace life limitations ( Social policy and social partnership, 2018, No. 4).

Why today medical rehabilitation not accessible to people with disabilities? What needs to be done to develop it? Y. Alexandrov answers these and other questions in the article “Disability is not a sentence” (Social Protection, 2015, No. 6). According to the law, large enterprises with average number more than 100 people are obliged to create jobs for people with disabilities. At the same time, many strive not to “burden down” the company with disabled people due to the need to provide many benefits and guarantees, as well as the need to equip workplaces. How legal this can be and what is the position of government agencies on this issue - in the publication by N. Plastinina “Disabled People. A look from the outside and from the inside” (Labor Law, 2013, No. 10).

The development of civil society presupposes the fullest possible participation of all people in the life of society, but the potential of the majority of disabled people remains unclaimed today. To effectively analyze and solve disability problems, author E.K. Naberushkina, candidate of sociological sciences in the article “Disability and the right to independent life"(Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. 18, Sociology and Political Science, 2009, No. 4) reviews such main points as: accessibility of information and the environment for people with disabilities, the degree of respect for their rights and freedoms in the field of medical and social services, integration of disabled people into the structure of employment and education.

These days government agencies disabled people are created relatively favorable conditions. The only question is whether society is ready to accept this category of the population as its equal members . Doctor of Philosophy N. A. Orekhovskaya in the publication “The Possibility of Achieving Social Equality for People with Disabilities” (Social and Humanitarian Knowledge, 2018, No. 2) analyzes the causes of social inequality in relation to people with disabilities, based on data obtained from sociological surveys. The author considers inclusion and its implementation in the education system as the main way to overcome social inequality.

At least 1.4 million people in Russia are forced to resort to assistance wheelchairs. The exoskeleton created as part of the ExoAtlet project will give many patients the opportunity to quickly overcome their illness, and for others it will be a chance to straighten up to their full height. About this in the section “Bureau of Scientific and Technical Information” and (Science and Life, 2016, No. 9), where the reader learns about how to return people who have lost mobility due to injuries and serious illnesses. Do children with congenital pathologies acquire complex motor skills?

The name of Ivan Leonov is inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records: he is the only pilot of World War II who flew a combat aircraft with a prosthetic arm instead, made 110 combat missions and shot down 8 enemy aircraft . “One right hand” is the title of an article by Ivan Volonikhin (Ogonyok, 2018, No. 16). This is an inspiring, emotional story about an amazing pilot who overcame difficulties, despair, and believed in himself.

The exhibition will be useful not only social workers and people with disabilities, but also everyone who wants to take part in the lives of people with disabilities.

We invite everyone to get acquainted with the exhibition materials during library opening hours.

Inquiries by phone: 61 - 60 - 30 (sector of current periodicals and new arrivals).

List of used literature:

Alexandrov, Yu. Disability is not a death sentence / Yuri Alexandrov // Social protection. - 2015. - No. 6 (276). - P.30-33. - (Round table).

Alternative report of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation within the framework of the 19th session of the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (February 26-28, 2018) // Social policy and social partnership. - 2018. - No. 4. - P.58-69. - (Relevant).

Baranova, T. V. Rehabilitation of young disabled people / Baranova T. V., Shevchenko E. A., Khramchenko E. N. // Social work. - 2008. - N 6. - P.28-29. - (Experience on the map of Primorsky Krai).

Barinova, G.V. Disabled people in Russian society: the specifics of contradictions / G.V. Barinova // Pedagogical education and science. - 2014. - No. 4. - P.38-44. - (Philosophy of Education).

Vanshina, O. London: how is it going there? / Olga Vanshina // World of the Museum. - 2018. - No. 2. - P.49: photo, repr. - (Museums - without barriers).

Volonikhin, I. One right / Ivan Volonikhin // Ogonyok. - 2018. - No. 16. - P.26-27: 2 photos. - (Society: fate).

Wolf, L. Guardian of a disabled person since childhood / Laura Wolf // Social protection. - 2009. - N 3 (203). - P.15-17. - (Dialogue with the reader about pensions).

Gagarkin, A. The priority task is to prepare veteran assets: All-Russian conferences / A. Gagarkin // Patriot of the Fatherland. - 2014. - No. 6. - P.38-39. - (My homeland).

Geranicheva, N. It doesn’t get easier for a disabled person / N. Geranicheva // Labor protection and social insurance. - 2015. - No. 3. - P.83-87. - (Consultation).

Gordeeva, E.I. Disabled person is not a compassionate concept / Elena Gordeeva; talked to Eduard Lunev // Social protection. - 2014. - No. 6 (264) - P.60-62.

Dymochka, M. A. Disability due to occupational diseases in the Russian Federation in 2012-2016. / M. A. Dymochka, L. N. Chikinova, N. S. Zaparii // Occupational medicine and industrial ecology. - 2018. - No. 4. - P.10-13: 4 tables.

Efimova, G. Z. Gender dimension of inclusion: Case of universities in Western Siberia / G. Z. Efimova, L. M. Volosnikova, O. V. Ogorodnova // Psychological Science and education. - 2018. - T. 23, No. 2. - P.77-88: 4 tables, 1 figure. - (Development of inclusion in higher education: network approach).

Zubkova, E. Technology to help disabled people / Ekaterina Zubkova // Science and life. - 2016. - No. 9. - P.11-13: 4 photos. - (Bureau of Scientific and Technical Information).

How to arrange your life // Social protection. - 2009. - N 5 (205). - P.28-32. - (Methodology).

Kovaleva, O. Investments in well-being / Oksana Kovaleva // Social protection. - 2008. - N 7 (195). - P.3-7. - (Social policy).

Korneeva, S. Winner / S. Korneeva; photo auto. // Club. - 2013. - No. 5. - P.3-4: photo. color - (Special people).

Leffelbein, N. Military invalids in the politics of the National Socialists / N. Leffelbein // Questions of history. - 2011. - N 5. - P. 162-165. - (People. Events. Facts).

Naberushkina, E.K. Disability and the right to independent life / E.K. Naberushkina // Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. 18, Sociology and political science. - 2009. - N 4. - P. 128-137. - (Socio-political realities of Russian society).

Nagornaya, T.V. Only “Nadezhda” will not leave us... / T.V. Nagornaya // Extracurricular student. - 2013. - No. 3. - P.35-38. - (Extracurricular activities).

Orekhovskaya, N. A. The possibility of achieving social equality for people with disabilities / N. A. Orekhovskaya // Social and humanitarian knowledge. - 2018. - No. 2. - P.136-140. - (Man and society).

Osmuk, L. A. Self-realization of students with disabilities as a basic mechanism of social inclusion / L. A. Osmuk // Psychological Science and Education. - 2018. - T. 23, No. 2. - P.59-67. - (Development of inclusion in higher education: network approach).

Plastinina, N. Disabled people. A look from the outside and from the inside / N. Plastinina // Labor Law. - 2013. - No. 10. - P.21-45. - (Conflict).

Poppel, N. Exposition for everyone / Natalya Poppel, Irina Frolova // Museum World. - 2018. - No. 2. - P.46-49: photo. - (Museums - without barriers).

Stroeva, G. The story of one meeting / G. Stroeva // Club. - 2014. - No. 6. - P.8-9: photo. color - (Memory).

Tsegleev, E. A. “The Committee established by the highest on the 18th day of August 1814” in the Vyatka province / E. A. Tsegleev // Questions of history. - 2014. - No. 2. - P.138-141. - (People. Events. Facts).

On December 1, the New Jerusalem Museum hosted a celebration dedicated to the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which aims to draw attention to the problems of people with disabilities, protect their dignity, rights and well-being, and to attract the attention of society to the benefits that it receives from the participation of people with disabilities in political, social, economic and cultural life.

More than three hundred people with disabilities arrived in Istra from different parts of the Moscow region at the invitation of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Moscow Region. This event is taking place at the New Jerusalem Museum for the second year in a row. And it always becomes a joyful and bright event, very important for people with disabilities. After all, they are pleased with the fact that those around them admire their extraordinary fortitude, determination, and ability to achieve success even in the most difficult situations. difficult situations. Such manifestations of love for life - real example for all of us.

And this time the guests of the holiday had fun: they happily took pictures with the “living statues” to the melodic music of the instrumental ensemble “Singing Strings”, took part in interesting master classes on making greeting cards, carving, handicrafts, and gingerbread painting. Some of them were able to visit the exhibitions of the museum complex, and most importantly - communicate with each other and make new friends.

The concert program was also eventful and rich in surprises. It began with a bright performance by the majorette ensemble “Istra” and the opening first speech Deputy Ministry of Social Development of the region Nadezhda Uskova. She thanked the leadership of the Istra district for attentive attitude to the problems of people with disabilities and noticed that the development of social and rehabilitation programs for people with special needs, this does not stand still.

“Last year alone, ten mini-centers for disabled children were created, this year - nine more, and we will continue to create such centers within walking distance, where our children with disabilities can undergo a rehabilitation course and receive all kinds of help from specialists “,” said Nadezhda Evgenievna and clarified how exactly the well-known program “ Accessible environment", aimed at improving transport infrastructure in order to ensure access for people with disabilities to rehabilitation institutions.

“In the Istra urban district there are about nine thousand people with disabilities,” emphasized the Head of the Istra urban district, Alexander Georgievich Skvortsov, “Every person must remember that next to him there are veterans and disabled people, adults and children with serious illnesses - these are people with amazing willpower who, despite illness, retain the joy of life. “We are very grateful to them for their perseverance and for the example they set for us.”

Also, words of support and gratitude to people with disabilities were expressed by Deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma and Vice-President of the All-Russian Society of the Blind Vladimir Sergeevich Vshivtsev, Deputy Head of the Administration of the Istra City District Irina Borisovna Yulyntseva andassistant to the dean of the Istra district, Archpriest Anatoly Ignashov.

The applause in the hall did not stop for a minute and there was warmth from the sincere smiles of the heroes of the occasion. Young talented performers of the pop vocal studio “Astra” of the Istra House of Culture sang cheerful songs about friendship, girls and boys fromfolk dance ensemble "Boyaryshnya".

And, of course, everyone present was captivated by the band’s incendiary performance.Russian song ensemble "Yarilo". The musicians and performers presented the audience with such youthful enthusiasm that some guests began to dance with them. At the end of the concert, a young singer from the city of Pushchino - Marat Urazov proved with his performance that creativity has no boundaries, and people with disabilities can also achieve great success. The holiday was a great success; the guests that day received not only a great mood and pleasant memories, but also gifts.

From December 1 to 3, the City Library hosted the annual exhibition of creativity of disabled people, “Open your heart for good.” This event has already become traditional. This year 15 disabled people took part in it. The youngest participant is 8 years old, the oldest participant is 84 years old. Among the exhibition participants are representatives of the local branch of the Society for the Disabled, the All-Russian Society of the Blind, as well as the Integrated Center for Social Services for the Population at Home. Craftsmen presented more than 50 works to the exhibition in 3 categories: “Fine Arts”, “Decorative and Applied Arts” and “Handicraft”. The exhibition amazes with its great diversity. There are paintings, embroidery, knitting, soft toys, photography. All crafts are made with love and great skill.

And what kind of people... Everyone is so smiling, bright, friendly, and you can’t tell that they are disabled people, exhausted by illnesses. And the works are the same - bright, colorful, radiating warmth and kindness. You linger for a long time near each work, admire, be surprised and admire the talent of these people.

Deputy Mayor for Social and Cultural Affairs N.V. Petrova thanked all participants of the exhibition for the submitted works and solemnly presented the winners in each category with letters of gratitude and valuable gifts. Those who did not take prizes were not left without attention; their work was also awarded with letters of gratitude. A tea party was organized for the exhibition participants and winners.

Event plan in honor

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

MBDOU "TsRR - d/s No. 3" Tula.

In all age groups our preschool where there is a child disabled were planned and the following events:

Middle group "G" for children with special needs

1. A book exhibition was organized on the topic "In the name of goodness and mercy"

2. Reading the work of K. Chukovsky "Aibolit"


to form ideas about kindness, good deeds, their meaning in human life;

develop the desire to do good deeds and enjoy it;

3.Role-playing game: "Good Doctor"

Senior group "IN" for children with special needs

1.Conducting a lesson on the topic: "We are different, but we are together"

Target: formation of positive, respectful attitudes of preschoolers towards people with disabilities and awareness of the value of health, understanding that such people live next to us and are full members of society.

Materials and equipment: Presentation of photographs of children with disabilities.


Today, we will talk to you about people with disabilities.

Guys, do you know who children are? disabled people? (children's answers)

Presentation of photographs of children with disabilities.

- Disabled children - who are they?? These are boys and girls, ordinary guys who love to read, draw, and play. They want to run around and play pranks. But from early childhood, due to illness, they are forced to be in a confined space. Such children withdraw into themselves and learn early what loneliness is.

I once read in a magazine about a girl named Yana. In early childhood, she could not move or talk - it was like a death sentence for her. But contrary to all forecasts, she began to move, began to control her limbs (with legs). It was with her feet that Yana began to draw. Her drawings were bright and joyful, full of love and kindness. For the last two years, Yana has been writing poetry; her works have appeared on the pages of newspapers and magazines.

I'll draw with my feet

That I can’t do it with my hands.

I'll draw with my feet

Forget-me-nots and the moon... .

- Disabled children learn to swim, ride horses, study in regular schools and the best universities, become happy parents, athletes, writers, artists, poets.

3 December celebrated all over the world International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Day aspiring and strong in spirit people, people who started life anew, people who understand how precious this life is, no matter what it is.

But every person should have holidays, especially those in whose life there is little joy.

Game "You and I are one family"

Children stand in a circle, holding hands, and the teacher invites everyone to repeat the text and movements to it together.

You and I are one family:

You, we, you and me.

Touch the nose of the neighbor on the right,

Touch the nose of the neighbor on the left,

You and I are friends!

You and I are one family:

You, we, you and me.

Hug the neighbor on the right

Hug the neighbor on the left

We are friends!

You and I are one family:

You, we, you and me.

Kiss the neighbor on the right

Kiss the neighbor on the left

We are friends!


Children, you did a good job today, learned about people with disabilities, let's give our drawings to children who need our help.

Let's hold hands tightly and give each other goodness, smile and bow to everyone and say a magical kind word “Thank you, see you next time!”

2. Conversation about Paralympic athletes

Target: Formation of ideas about the Paralympic movement;

Contribute to the formation of such personality qualities as courage, courage, endurance.

3.View a presentation on a topic:

Preparatory group "B" ZPR (2 days)

1.Conversation on children's drawings on the topic: "On the path of goodness"

2. Reading works of art in the subject "Goodness and Mercy"

3. Game “Emotional lotto – if you are kind!”

4.Conducting a lesson on the topic: "We are different, but we are together"

5. Conversation about Paralympic athletes

6.View a presentation on a topic: “Paralympians. Conquering the peaks"

In the lobby of our preschool educational institution there is an information stand on the topic:

Prepared and carried out: Teacher-psychologist T. S. Chekanova

Publications on the topic:

“May 15th is International Family Day!” (plan) I present to your attention a long-term plan for the day dedicated to Family Day. Work was carried out in all five educational areas. "Family is.

Calendar for the week "International Women's Day" February 27, Monday Theme: “International Women’s Day” Direct educational activities. Speech development: 1 Writing a story.

I believe that it is very important to introduce children to holidays in older preschool age. In this academic year The guys and I tried to get to know each other.

Target: social adaptation children preschool age with disabilities through musical activities. Educational:.

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