
Age features of the eye briefly. Age features of the organ of vision in children

The lymphatic drainage procedure is a physiotherapeutic method of restoring venous circulation and normalizing lymph outflow, which involves the removal of excess fluid with metabolic products dissolved in it from the intercellular space. Doctors began to study the lymph and lymph flow only in the thirties of the last century.

If you notice local or general swelling on your body, then lymphatic drainage is vital for you. The most delicate parts of the body are the hands and face, they swell first. The purpose of lymphatic drainage is to speed up normal lymph flow, which has been slowed down for one reason or another. A more even distribution of fluid throughout the body with its partial removal literally transforms the body before our eyes. Therefore, lymphatic drainage refers not only to health, but also to cosmetic procedures.

Types of procedure

According to the depth of impact of the lymphatic drainage procedure, there are three main types:

  1. Surface. Such manipulations affect the surface of the skin, including receptors that conduct impulses from the skin into the body.
  2. Such a deep impact directly affects the microscopic vessels. This type of procedure causes various muscles to contract, which significantly speeds up the fluid exchange in the body and contributes to the normalization of the state of deep vessels.
  3. Interior. This is a special technique of acupressure in the groin and popliteal areas.

According to the methods of exposure, lymphatic drainage procedures are classified as follows:

A facelift takes place, in terms of efficiency it is almost equivalent to plastic corrections. Manual (manual) massage of the lymphatic drainage type on the face can be carried out simultaneously with the application of masks. If you prefer salon procedures, it doesn’t hurt to add a little money and order simultaneous facial lymphatic drainage along with a mask.

Home procedure lymphatic drainage of the face requires compliance with certain rules. You need to massage cleansed, steamed and heated skin. First massage the forehead. Fingertips with light pressure should be carried out from the center to the temples. Near the eyes, you need to work very carefully, because the skin there is sensitive and delicate.

In the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples along the lower edge of the eye socket, you need to gently draw with the pads of your fingers. Exactly the same movements need to be processed upper part eye sockets in the direction from the inner corner of the eye along the eyebrows to their tips. The cheeks are massaged in the direction from the corners of the mouth to the temples. On the cheeks, the movements need to be strengthened and the massage should be carried out with pressing touches. In the zone of nasolabial folds, the treatment consists in light pressure and finger strokes. The chin should be massaged with slight pressure from the center point of the chin towards the ears.

Body lymphatic drainage

If you decide to do health and weight loss, then you need to start with lymphatic drainage of the body. This procedure will allow you to correct the contours of the figure, improve the condition of the skin, up to smoothing stretch marks and scars, heal the veins, saturate the body with oxygen. If you keep to this time healthy eating, then the problem areas will begin to melt literally before our eyes, you will gradually get rid of cellulite.

Many women have foot problems. This is due to the ratio of uncomfortable shoes and work on your feet. As a result, there are many vascular diseases, which are accompanied by malaise and pain, and the legs do not look at all aesthetically pleasing. Lymphatic drainage of the legs helps to cope with these problems. The cosmetic effect is to eliminate cellulite and tighten the skin. Pain, swelling and heaviness are reduced in the legs. Inflammatory processes removed, vascular system gradually recovers. To do this, it is enough to carry out manual lymphatic drainage at home. But professional procedures in clinics will provide a much more powerful effect.

In general, the procedure for lymphatic drainage of the body, including the legs, is carried out by actively rubbing anti-cellulite products and cosmetic oils. Massage necessarily includes techniques such as pinching and light strokes. The legs are massaged with a fairly significant pressure on the skin and muscles.

Thus, if you provide your body and face care with regular lymphatic drainage massage, while not forgetting about the normal daily routine and full balanced diet, then in the very near future you will be able to achieve stunning success in improving your internal condition and appearance!

About the author: Ekaterina Nosova

Certified specialist in the field of reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. Extensive experience, leading specialist in Moscow in the field of thread lifting, blepharoplasty and breast arthroplasty, has performed more than 11,000 operations. More about me in the Doctors-Authors section.

Before you figure out why you need drainage of the lymphatic system, and what the Lymphatic Drainage product is, let's remember why lymph is needed in the human body. is a wide network of blood vessels located throughout the body. Every day, from the blood to the tissues of the body enters a large number of liquids. The lymphatic vessels collect this fluid and keep the tissues from swelling.

The feature of this liquid connective tissue in the fact that it moves through the lymphatic vessels in only one direction - from the bottom up and passes through the lymph nodes in the process of movement. These nodes contain many cells that filter the interstitial fluid, removing the pathogens of any infection. About three liters of lymph are drained and cleaned daily, which in a purified form returns to the subclavian vein through the subclavian vein.

Do not think that the drainage of the lymphatic system is important only for, leading to an increase excess weight and cellulite. Human immunity primarily depends on the state of the system. The lymphatic system is not only vessels, but also a complex of organs immune system- The lymph nodes, Bone marrow, appendix, adenoids, tonsils, thymus. Observed vicious circle: a malfunction of the lymphatic system reduces immunity, and a decrease in immunity, in turn, indicates a violation in the lymphatic system.

Just imagine what would happen to our health if the purification of the liquid from toxins, toxins and all this muck through the blood vessels were delivered to various tissues and organs? Definitely: metabolism, cell regeneration is disturbed, the body is poisoned. This leads not only to premature aging, the development of chronic diseases, but also death.

It is very important to prevent the emergence and development pathological processes, interfering with both the movement of lymph and the provision of hydrostatic equilibrium between tissue and blood. For this purpose, NSP specialists have created a new product called Lymphatic Drainage. The product contains red clover flower extract, stillingia root, aerial parts of tenacious bedstraw, zanthoxylum bark.

What is so special about these medicinal plants, which allows to ensure the drainage of the lymphatic system, prevent lymph stagnation, improve the absorption of nutrients, increase the protective properties of the immune system? AT chemical composition tenacious bedstraw iridoids, saponins, vitamin C and K, flavonoids, which allows you to strengthen immunity, restore beneficial intestinal microflora, increase hemoglobin levels, tone up the lymphatic system, slow down growth cancer cells, including tumors lymph nodes.

Red clover flower extract contains phytoestrogens, vitamins C, P, B vitamins, folic acid, carotene, protein, essential oils, salicylic acid. has long been used in folk medicine to improve blood circulation. In addition, it dissolves cholesterol plaques, strengthens blood vessels, restoring their structure and elasticity.

The medicinal properties of the stillingia root are ensured by the presence of stillingin alkaloid, resins, tannin, essential and fatty oils in the composition of the plant. Due to this, it not only exhibits a selective effect on lymphoid tissue and is used for lymphadenitis, but is also indicated for chronic cystitis, laryngitis, gastritis, hepatitis, bronchitis, bone inflammation and osteomyelitis.

Stimulates the work of the lymphatic and circulatory systems organism of the bark of zanthoxylum. Another name for the plant is yellow tree. It grows in the southern part of the United States of America. Zanthoxylum bark extract contains a large amount of bioflavonoids, resins, tannins, alkaloids, essential oils and other components. In addition to strengthening the vascular wall of blood vessels and activating microcirculation, the extract has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Improves the functioning of the digestive organs by increasing secretion gastric juice strengthens the heart, reduces blood pressure, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.

When should I drain the lymphatic system using Lymphatic Drainage NSP? The product is indicated if the lymph nodes are enlarged, there are edema, hypertension, various skin manifestations in the form of neoplasms, psoriasis, dermatitis, allergies, bad smell body and mouth. When there is increased or decreased salivation, there are diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder. It is useful to take Lymphatic Drainage if the immune system is weakened, they are worried frequent colds. Support for the body is necessary for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, have overweight suffers from chronic constipation. Syrup is taken ¼ teaspoon in a glass of water twice a day.

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Women have always strived for the beauty of the skin. Various procedures were used for this.

But all these methods gave little effect. Now appeared modern ways for weight loss and rejuvenation.

One of them is the method lymphatic drainage massage. What is it, what is the principle of operation of hardware lymphatic drainage massage of the face and body, what indications and contraindications does this procedure have, as well as the duration and average prices, you will find out further.

Lymph is a type of connective tissue, it looks like a viscous transparent liquid. Its function is that it carries molecules of proteins, organic derivatives, toxic substances and various metabolites from muscle tissue into the blood.

Acting as a barrier lymphatic system is part of the immune system, preventing the penetration of germs and viruses. In case of malfunctions in the work of the lymph, the work of the whole organism is disrupted. This is expressed in swelling, general weakness, flabbiness of the skin and other unattractive phenomena.

Lymphatic drainage activates the lymph system, thus eliminating all negative manifestations. This method has found the widest application in the field of cosmetology due to its painlessness and effectiveness. This method can affect the skin of the face, legs, hips, back, etc.


There are three types of hardware lymphatic drainage effects:

  1. Process therapy. This is massaging specific areas of the body with compressed air. This massage technique is very effective for reducing body fat and treating cellulite. For this type of procedure, a special apparatus for lymphatic drainage is used. The essence of the method lies in the fact that the patient is placed in a special suit that resembles a huge bandage for measuring pressure. After that, the session of lymphatic drainage treatment begins.
  2. Microcurrent drainage. This method is based on the technique when pulsed currents pass through special electrodes to certain parts of the body. This procedure is absolutely safe and does not create discomfort.
  3. Vacuum apparatus massage. According to the principle of its action, it is very similar to vacuum anti-cellulite massage. In the process, special vessels are attached to the body, under which reduced pressure is created. As a result, all excess liquid itself comes to the surface.

How is the procedure of microcurrent lymphatic drainage massage of the face, we offer you to look at the video:

Indications and what gives this technique

The main indications for lymphatic drainage procedures:

  • flabbiness and sagging of the skin and muscles;
  • overweight;
  • fatigue and swelling in the legs;
  • edema, cellulite, the presence of excess fluid in the body;
  • general weakening of the immune system;
  • poor skin condition, wrinkles and poor complexion;
  • poor circulation;
  • disruption of the internal organs.

Useful properties of lymphatic drainage massage:

  • weight loss;
  • removal of toxins and toxins;
  • effective treatment of cellulite;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • normalization of blood supply;
  • actively removes excess fluid from the body;
  • improves the condition of muscle tissue;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • lymphatic drainage massage significantly improves cell nutrition;
  • the condition of the skin improves;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • pressure normalization.

and how does this technique replace hyaluronic acid injections?

What kind of skin care is required after electrolysis, how long does it take to recover and much more you will learn.

Read about the differences between epilation and depilation. This will come in handy when choosing the right method.


There are contraindications to this procedure:

  • decompensation of the right parts of the heart;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • kidney failure;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • allergic diseases;
  • bacterial and viral infections;
  • fungal lesions of the skin: psoriasis, eczema and neurodermatitis;
  • oncological diseases and malignant tumors;
  • pain in the intestines and liver of unknown origin;
  • increased body temperature;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

Impact zones

Lymphatic drainage facial massage is inherently somewhat similar to massage in its classic form. There is no kneading preparation and there are no vibrating manipulations (for example, tapping the area that needs to be affected), since they can be easily replaced by stroking and light pressure on the point key areas of the face.

This type of massage is characterized by a rather high complexity. It cannot be carried out without special knowledge and training. Lymphatic drainage massage for facial skin should be performed by a competent, qualified master cosmetologist in specialized clinic. The doctor will carefully study the diagnosis and select the optimally suitable set of procedures.

Such massage treatments help to improve skin color, activate blood circulation in the facial areas, perfectly relax and give freshness and tone.

The result is also visible due to the reduction, and in some cases the complete disappearance of age-related mimic wrinkles, and the depth of the nasolabial fold decreases. Lymphatic drainage facial massage should not be performed if there is acute inflammation, with exacerbation various infections, skin diseases, allergic reactions, oncological diseases any degree and violations of the skin of the face, including the effects of insect bites and injuries.

The basis of hardware massage of body zones is the principle of using electric impulses. The effect of currents on body fat actively stimulates withdrawal excess fluid and promotes weight loss. Such procedures are performed by a special apparatus that is capable of providing a wide amplitude of oscillations, frequencies and voltages of electrical impulses.

A slightly different result, but not inferior in its effectiveness, is brought by the method of hardware vacuum lymphatic drainage treatment. Here, special "banks" are usually used, which are attached to the body, in these "banks" then air pulsation begins to occur. It is in this pulsation that the whole point of vacuum hardware massage lies. This method activates the movement of lymph and contributes to the speedy release of excess fluid from the body.

Before carrying out the procedure with hardware, experts advise warming up the body well with the help of short procedure classic manual massage, and after that a special composition is applied to the surface of the body, somewhat similar to a regular shower gel.

This significantly increases the healing effect of the procedure. The duration of both manual and hardware massage can vary from 30-40 minutes to up to 2 hours, it all depends on the area of ​​the treated skin areas.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the legs brings the greatest effect, since, due to its specificity, it affects the entire body. Hiking is very useful for a person, but increased physical activity on lower part body, including veins and joints, increases many times, which often provokes the appearance of ugly stars on the legs. The legs swell, pain and tingling occur, the shape of the feet worsens. This is especially true in women.

To restore beauty, lightness and give the legs a beautiful shape, doctors recommend taking a course of foot massage procedures for various areas from the feet to the thigh muscles. It is in the area of ​​​​the feet that there are many acupuncture points and acupressure in this area will bring a sustainable healing effect not only for the legs, but for the whole body.

Foot massage is not much different from a general massage for the whole body. The general direction of the movements is identical, the only difference is that circular motions on the hips are carried out faster and more intensively. With extreme caution, it is necessary to treat patients with the presence of thrombophlebitis. If the patient has this disease, then the procedure, instead of a healing effect, can worsen the condition of the veins.

Lymphatic drainage with thrombophlebitis is not recommended.

The hardware and conventional manual method of lymphatic drainage massage of the legs do not have any special differences in their effectiveness.

And in this video, the cosmetologist will show and tell in detail about one of the methods of lymphatic drainage massage - pressotherapy:

Duration, number and average prices of procedures

The course of lymphatic drainage facial massage is approximately 10-12 procedures, each of them lasts from 20 to 40 minutes and costs from 800 rubles.

Body massage can be from 8 to 20 procedures approximately 2-3 times a week for up to 2 hours, the cost of each is about an average of 1000 rubles.

Lymphatic drainage of the legs will last from 6 to 15 sessions at 800-1000 rubles each, 2-3 times a week.

The procedure itself does not require special training and does not have side effects. It can be divided into several stages:

    The preparatory stage includes the application of a massage mixture consisting of oils and specially selected creams, which can be bought at a pharmacy or any salon at the place of the procedure. Experts will advise which cream is best for you.

    In some cases, you can use natural bee honey, which perfectly removes toxic substances from the human body and restores well. skin covering, but this is only possible if normal reaction on honey, we must not forget that it is a strong allergen.

    The next stage is the main one, this is the massage itself. It lasts from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the type, area of ​​​​impact.

    The last stage is rest after the procedure. At the last stage, it is recommended to reduce physical exercise and stay alone for several hours, such a rest will consolidate the positive effect.

about the procedure, the pros and cons and effectiveness - everything is detailed in a separate article.

Cryolipolysis: principle of action, features of the procedure, contraindications and reviews. Details.

And what contraindications exist for the procedure of cryomassage of the face, you find out.

Negative impact external and internal factors can cause lymph stagnation, which provokes metabolic disorders, slows down cell regeneration, causes cellulite, swelling and excess weight. You can cope with the indicated problems with the help of lymphatic drainage - a procedure to stimulate the movement of lymph that does not harm human health.

Operating principle

Few people know that the beauty and health of a person largely depend on the state of his lymphatic system - many thin vessels that penetrate all organs and tissues of the body. The free flow of lymph (liquid connective tissue) ensures the full return of salts, proteins and metabolites from tissues to blood vessels.

Lymphatic drainage effect is carried out different ways, but with one goal - to optimize the movement of the lymph, to eliminate excess fluid from the intercellular space.
The emergence and development of pathological processes is due to a decrease in vascular tone and fluid retention, in which toxins and slags accumulate, poisoning the body. Their presence provokes the occurrence of swelling, inflammation, metabolic disorders and the accumulation of fat cells.

Elimination of stagnation of lymph contributes to:

  • Cleansing the body of decay products.
  • Increased blood circulation, access of oxygen and nutrients to cells.
  • Activation of fibroblasts and an increase in their production of collagen, which is necessary for skin elasticity and youth.
  • Removal of excess fluid.
  • Optimization of metabolism and breakdown of fat cells.


Procedures with the effect of lymphatic drainage have a local healing effect, reduce existing cosmetic problems of the skin and soft tissues, and prevent their occurrence in the future. Their implementation is relevant for problem areas of the face and body in the following cases:

  • Cellulite.
  • Flabbiness of the skin, decreased tone and elasticity.
  • Overweight, local fat deposits.
  • Shallow and not chronic scars.
  • Varicose veins (at the initial stage).
  • Venous insufficiency.
  • Edema.
  • inflammatory processes.


Before the procedure, you must make sure that there are no contraindications to it. It is not recommended to carry out lymphatic drainage at home or at the appointment of a specialist with the following features of the patient's health:

  • Acute respiratory diseases.
  • Heart failure, other pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Inflammatory and purulent processes on the skin in problem area.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Oncology.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Exacerbation of chronic pathologies.
  • Violation of blood clotting.
  • Diabetes mellitus, disorders of the endocrine system.

Contraindications may vary slightly depending on the method of the procedure. Thus, a lymphatic drainage apparatus that generates electrical impulses is contraindicated with metal implants and pacemakers, varicose veins veins.

Types of lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage can be performed using one of the many different techniques that differ from each other in the way they are carried out and the depth of exposure. So, in modern cosmetology, the following solutions are practiced.

Manual lymphatic drainage

The purpose of the procedure is the effect on the lymphatic vessels, the removal of excess fluid. Allows for a deeper impact, working out hard-to-reach and delicate areas, has a minimum of contraindications and side effects. The technique is subdivided depending on the depth of exposure into three directions, which are indicated in the table.

Hardware lymphatic drainage

Hardware lymphatic drainage is carried out using special devices, the purpose of the procedure is to activate muscle work and provoke lymph outflow. Allows you to achieve positive changes in a short time, but depending on the type of procedure (see table), it has a large number of contraindications and potential complications.

Procedure name Operating principle Expected results
Microcurrent therapy Impact of low frequency electric current on nerve and muscle fibers. Increased lymph flow and improved blood circulation, general health improvement organism.
Myostimulation Stimulation of the lymph nodes with electric current. Muscle contraction, increased lymph flow.
Vacuum Create negative pressure to treat lymph flow lines. blood flow to soft tissues, increased muscle tone, increased lymph flow.
Pressotherapy Impulse air pressure through a special suit. Devices for lymphatic drainage of this type stimulate the muscles.
Endermology Exposure using a roller-vacuum apparatus. Relaxation and toning, normalization of internal processes, improvement of skin condition.

Lymphatic drainage at home

Lymphatic drainage at home is a good alternative to procedures in the salon, and a great opportunity to save money. It is problematic to obtain the necessary results with independent exposure, but the main thing is to choose the right technique depending on the localization of the problem area, and, if necessary, purchase special devices for the procedure.

For face

The simplest apparatus for lymphatic drainage is medical vacuum cans, most often they are used to work with the face, at the first signs of aging, swelling and bags under the eyes. A set of silicone products is estimated at about 600-1000 rubles, while the procedure in the salon will cost 1500-2000 rubles per session, if necessary, the course is repeated.

Using jars is easy: apply massage oil to your face, spread it evenly and let it absorb slightly, preventing the skin from drying out. Then press on the walls of the jar, pushing out the air, and fix it on the problem area. Gently slide the device along the massage lines, avoiding the eye area. In such a delicate area, the cans must be installed stationary for 5–7 seconds, but not moved.

It's no secret that a good figure can not be achieved by physical exercises alone. Much of the success lies in proper nutrition. But few people know that there are other aspects that need to be paid attention to when working on an ideal body. One of them is competent and effective lymphatic drainage.

What it is

In addition to the well-known circulatory system, there is another equally important system in the human body - the lymphatic system. It, like vessels and capillaries, permeates every millimeter human body. The function of the lymphatic system is to remove the products of their vital activity from the cells, neutralize harmful substances in the liver and remove them from the body through the excretory systems: skin, kidneys, intestines. Unfortunately, classical medicine pays very little attention to this important system. The functions of the lymphatic system and its influence on life processes have not yet been fully studied. At the same time, some scientists are studying this topic in depth and claim that the role of lymph in the body is one of the most important - its condition determines the general well-being of a person, healthy appearance and functioning of all organs and systems. Proper lymphatic drainage is:

  • Getting rid of puffiness;
  • Smooth clear skin;
  • Proper functioning of all organs and systems of the body;
  • Effective removal of harmful substances.

The modern lifestyle often leads to stagnation of the lymph - a condition when the removal of impurities through different reasons difficult. This can lead to rashes and inflammation in the different parts body - finding no way out, the lymphatic system rids the body of toxins and pollution from all accessible ways, for example, through the skin. Thickening of the lymph is fraught not only with rashes on the skin - first of all, it is dangerous because the body cannot function normally and cleanse itself, which leads to various diseases. Second, aesthetic problem caused by lymph stagnation - the well-known cellulite. In both the first and second cases, lymphatic drainage will help to cope with this condition - a set of measures aimed at thinning and cleansing the lymph, removing toxins from the body. In one way or another, everyone intuitively takes actions from this complex in ordinary life, but here is what it looks like in general.

Part one, physical

Lymphatic drainage is impossible without minimal physical activity. Lymph moves through the vessels from the bottom up, which is why a sedentary lifestyle leads to its stagnation. The easiest option to make the lymph move is to perform the usual “birch tree”, familiar to everyone from physical education lessons. But what about those who do not feel at all inclined towards gymnastic tricks? Do not worry - the usual running, walking, any physical exercise of varying complexity make the lymph move more actively.

It will help to make the lymph more liquid and cold and hot shower. It is not necessary to shock the body with ice water - its temperature should remain comfortable, the main thing is that the difference between “warm” and “cold” is well felt.

Important! Starting to regularly take a contrast shower, you may encounter the unexpected appearance of a runny nose. This is not a cold from cold douches, and it is not necessary to stop the procedures. Such a runny nose is a signal that the lymphatic system has begun to clear, incl. and through the glands located in the nasal passages.

However, that's not all. It is important not only to achieve more active movement of the lymph, but also to help the body get rid of the harmful substances collected by it throughout the body. To do this, you can regularly, for example, once a week, go to the bathhouse - without forgetting about training before that. In the steam room, the body will get rid of toxins, and a cold pool or shower will again create a contrast of heat and cold.

Part two, dietary

One of the reasons why the lymphatic system modern man does not cope with its functions - unhealthy diet. Normally, the lymph is "polluted" by the so-called natural waste products, most of which are the waste products of the cells (in fact, the lymph itself is formed from the waste fluid secreted by the cell). However, now the human body is constantly faced with "unnatural" pollution - particles of synthetics from the surrounding space. medicines, household chemicals, modern food industry - sources of "unnatural" lymph pollution surround a person everywhere. The lymphatic system becomes clogged with such impurities and cannot cope with them, as a result of which lymph stagnation is observed. You need to be extremely careful when choosing products for yourself and your family, try to avoid contact with synthetic substances.

Sugar, salt, trans fats, protein foods, coffee and alcohol are the culprits for thickening the lymph. In order to minimize their effect on the body, it is imperative to carry out alkalizing procedures - drink water with a high pH, ​​grapefruit and other citrus juices.

Important! Before using fresh citrus fruits, it is better to consult a doctor - for some they are completely contraindicated. It is better to drink them not on an empty stomach, but during the day, combining with physical activity. If you are going to arrange a sauna day for yourself, a bottle of fresh grapefruit will perfectly complement traditional herbal teas and enhance lymphatic drainage.

One of the popular ways to cleanse the lymph is to use licorice root. The process is as follows - the use of licorice root actively dilutes the lymph, as a result of which it "throws" harmful substances into the blood for purification in the liver. After that, it is necessary to take enterosgel or any other active sorbent that will help remove all these substances from the body - otherwise, after some time, they will again enter the lymph, because. The liver cannot cope with the high load. The method of lymph cleansing using these drugs is considered one of the most effective in dietetics.

Clean lymph and an actively working lymphatic system are the key to health and well-being. wellness. The issue of losing weight and a good figure, as well as health, must be approached from the very beginning. There is no point in torturing yourself in the gym if you don't make time for lymphatic drainage. Only the totality of all necessary action will lead you to the desired result.

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